01x12 - Scientists Hollow Fortune

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x12 - Scientists Hollow Fortune

Post by bunniefuu »

announcer: Previously on "Blindspot"...

Mayfair: Assistant Director Carter is missing, presumed dead.



Weller: We should probably talk about last night.

There's a park at the end of my street.

Meet me there at 10:00.

Dr. Borden: We discussed setting clearer boundaries with Agent Weller.

How's that been going?


They're scared of you... and they should be.

I have missions for you.

Jane: We do this on my terms.

These are your terms.

This is all your plan.

And it's time to get started.

So what now?

Now... your first mission.

What is that?

It's an exact replica of Mayfair's pen.

How do you know what Mayfair's pen looks like?

Do you have cameras in there?

No, we... we have another way.

I need you to swap 'em and bring me hers.

So you wipe my memory, you tattoo my entire body, and then you send me to the FBI so I can steal a pen.



You're still... you're still you.

What is it?

A bug? A tracker?

Because I won't betray my team.

It's not a betrayal, it's a pen.

A regular pen.

How do I know that you weren't holding a g*n to my head during that video?

I've never pointed a g*n at you.

I know better.

And if you really thought that, you wouldn't be here.

You'd have sent your team.

But you didn't... because, somehow... you know that you're not one of them, that you're just a cog in their machine.

Welcome while useful, disposable the second you're not.

What about the man at my safe house... with the beard?

Was he with you?

With us?

Bring me that pen and I'll give you more answers.


(pen clatters on table)


It's gonna get soggy by the time he eats it.

You got to put peanut butter on both sides first and jelly in the middle.

Oh, sorry, I had no idea you were such an expert on PB&J.

Well, that I am.

So... do you want me to show you?

By all means.


Give me that, watch and learn.

All right...

So, um, I'm gonna be home late tonight.

What's his name?

How about you tell me who you were meeting with last night?

Okay, I didn't think so.

I'm just, uh, giving you the heads-up 'cause Dad's gonna babysit, in case you wanted to be somewhere else.

We'll be fine.


A bit more.

Is that what they teach you in Quantico?

Now you can make me one, too.

I'm late for work.

(mouthful) Make it yourself.

You are so mean.

Yo, buddy.

man: You okay?

You lost?

You... you work down the base there?

Let me give you a ride.

(latch squeaks)



I want to say sorry about last night.

I should've told you that I wasn't coming.

The two of us...

...it's too complicated.


I was gonna say the same thing.

Okay, I'm glad we're on the same page.

I don't... I don't want things to be awkward.

No, of course not.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I picked up this kid about a half mile back.

He's got an Airborne tat, but, uh, I don't think he's right in the head.

You think you guys could check him out?

Can you step out of the car, please?

What's your name, soldier?

Come on.


No, you can't take me.

It's okay, we're here to help you.

You can't do this to us, stop!

Stay where you are, son!

St... Agh! Oh!

(both grunting)

(tires screeching)

Three of the victims were declared dead, one is in the hospital, and the sh**t is still on the loose.

Do we have an ID?

Army Sergeant Charlie Napier.

Three tours in Iraq, jacket full of medals.

This is usually Military Police jurisdiction.

I know... these are letter fragments that are on the back of Jane's left leg that are divided into quarters and then rotated.

It's like a box of puzzle pieces scattered on a table.

When you fit them together...

We decoded this one already.

But when my team looked into it, it was a dead end.

Did we question him?

We couldn't.

Why not?

Because Charlie Napier died 18 months ago.

k*lled in action, an IED expl*si*n in Iraq.

How's a dead man sh**t up a military base?

And, more importantly, what's he gonna sh**t up next?


What else do we know about this guy?

Army poster child, enlisted straight out of high school, sent every penny home to a single mother to help pay the bills.

Are we sure it's the same guy?

I've run this video through every biometric recognition scan we've got.

Face, voice, ear... it's him.

Ear, really?

Oh, the ear's a treasure trove.

You don't even want to know what I can do with an ear.

Was this a screw-up or a cover-up?

The IED expl*si*n was pretty gruesome, so they weren't able to recover a body.

But they ID'd Charlie off of dental and tissue samples.

So some lab made a terrible mistake.

Or someone really wanted him off the grid.

Hey, what are those?

Patterson: More names.

Four other soldiers, all different att*cks, all KIA, just like Charlie.

So if Charlie's alive, then these other soldiers could be, too.

Charlie said, "You can't do this to us."

He could be a part of a cell.

Which means there could be more att*cks coming.

Why would he turn against his own people like that?

Personal vendetta, institutional grudge, PTSD?

His file didn't list any history of insubordination or mental illness.

Yeah, but his file also listed him as dead.

(alert beeping)

Hang on.

Charlie just used the truck driver's cell phone to call an out-of-service landline.

It's his childhood home.

Does his mother still live there?

No, she moved upstate recently.

Yeah, but if he was off the grid, he wouldn't know that.

You think he was looking for someplace to lay low?

One way to find out.

Let's move.

(police sirens wailing)

Please, please, help! He has a g*n!

All right, ma'am, get behind that car.

You stay there.

(baby crying)

Reade, Zapata, go around the back.

Me and Jane will go through the front.

This is the FBI. Drop the w*apon.

Get down on your knees.

Where's my mom?

What did you do with her?

Drop the w*apon and get down on your knees.


I can't take it anymore.

I can't take it.

If you can't take it, then ring that bell!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

You're gonna have to move faster!

You don't belong here, princess!

Let's go, ring it!

Ring that damn bell and quit!

Charlie, put down the w*apon and get down on your knees.

Please... I can't go back there.

I won't go back.

Go back where?

I just want my mom.


She's here, Charlie.

Your mom's downstairs.

She wants to talk to you, okay?

So just put the g*n down and let's go tell her that you're okay.

Jane: All right?

She's waiting for you, Charlie.

Let's go down there.

It's okay.

Mama! No, no!

Come here, come here.

(handcuffs clinking)

Charlie: No!

I told you, I don't remember.

You don't remember where you've been for the last year and a half?

(groans) No.

What's the last thing you do remember?

A dungeon. Flames.

And where was this dungeon?

Charlie, where were you?

I was in hell... being tortured by the devil.

What did this devil look like?

I'm not talking to you.

You lied to me.

You have to try to remember, Charlie.

Who was there with you?

What did hell look like?

How'd you get out?

I swam across a river.

What river?

The River Styx.

Charlie's tested positive for amphetamines, stimulates, steroids, and anesthetics.

Even in low doses, the combination of these dr*gs is massively debilitating.

And Charlie's levels are off the charts.

Well, that would explain his behavior.

But it's not the volume that caught my eye.

One of the dr*gs used was Zeta Interacting Protein.

Wait, like...

Yes, exactly the same drug that was used to erase your memory.

Charlie's body was overloaded with a very complex cocktail.

And ZIP was part of it?


So there's got to be a connection.

Well, ZIP isn't a rare drug, but until your case, I'd never seen it used in such high doses.

So are the levels similar here?

Well, not quite as high, but close.

So the people that did this to Charlie could be the same people that did this to Jane.

You did this to yourself.

You... did this... to yourself.

Dr. Borden: Maybe, but there's also a possibility this might have nothing to do with her.

Or it could have everything to do with her.

So we got to find these people.

What about these other dr*gs?

Do they have any legitimate medical purpose?

Individually, yes.

But with this combination and quantity, most patients would be comatose.

So why not Charlie?

Well, that's what's been baffling me.

His epinephrine levels are 10 times the normal limit.

His entire sympathetic system is surging.

His heart rate, blood pressure, they're out of control.

Steroids to improve physical performance, ephedrine to sharpen mental acuity, and mood-altering dr*gs to dampen fear.

This guy is in a constant state of fight-or-flight.

Someone's trying to build a better soldier.

Our military has a history with this, using unwitting soldiers to test everything from LSD to chemical weapons.

If they got Charlie, they could have the four other soldiers.

Yeah, but how do we find them?

If it is a military operation, the Pentagon isn't just gonna tell us where they are.

And our witness isn't exactly a font of information.

Charlie's ZIP levels aren't as high as Jane's.

He can start recovering memories within a few weeks.

We can't afford to wait that long.

Familiar sights trigger memories for me.

Charlie wants his mom.

If we could get her here, maybe more memories would come back.

He might remember where he was being held.

Let's track down Charlie's mother.


Oh, my God.

(sobbing) It is you.

They told me you were dead.


Oh... baby...

I... I thought I lost you.

Mom, I-I'm sorry.

I prayed for you every night.

Oh, Charlie... where did you go?

I was in hell, but I got out.

I saw the face of God.

Mom, he told me to go home to you.

Oh, God.


Her son k*lled three people and all she wants to do is hug him.

She got him back.

It's all she cares about.

Why haven't you forgiven your father?

You know, he didn't... that you were wrong about that night.

It's more complicated than that.

You always say that, but...

Why? What's so complicated?

He was a terrible father.

He was distant. He was drunk.

Me being wrong about one night doesn't change any of that.

But he's sick, right?

Any progress on the other soldiers listed on the tattoo?

Uh, nothing yet.

I cross-referenced where they trained, where they served, where they grew up.

Keep digging.

Whoever was experimenting on Charlie is probably doing the same to the other four.

We have to track them down.

(keyboard clacking)

You said you were gonna take a leave of absence after we found David's k*ller.

I know, I was.

But then there was the whole Pan-Asian 921 thing and then this...

Things here just feel more important.

I've been where you are, and I dealt with it in the exact same way.

And it worked for a while.

The longer you run from this, the more it will hurt when it catches you.

And, trust me, it will catch you.

I should get back to work.

Charlie: Uhh! Let me go!

Please, don't let them take me!

What the hell is going on?

They're CID claiming that they have jurisdiction.

Special Agent Ken Thorpe, Army Criminal Investigation Command, and we do have jurisdiction.

We're in the middle of an investigation.

He committed a federal crime.

On Army land.

The victims were Army, he's Army.

You and your team need to stand down.

We have reasons to believe that that man has been subjected to inhumane medical experiments.

After the Army had declared him dead.

So you can understand why we're reluctant to hand him back to you.

I don't know anything about that.

And you'd say if you did, right?

Call your boss.

Call my boss. Hell, call the president.

They'll all tell you the same thing.

This is my case.

Let them go.

You're just gonna let this happen?

Stand down.

Don't let them take me back there... please.

I found something linking all the soldiers on Jane's tattoo.

Did they know each other?

Not while they were alive.

All five were declared dead in IED att*cks.

And in every case, the first responders on the scene were the same private military contractor.



Why'd it take this long to make that connection?

Contractors like this go out of their way to be opaque.

Each of the responders were paid by separate entities.

But Northlake controls all of them?

They make it very hard to uncover, but yes.

It could've taken hours for the military M.E.s to arrive at the attack site.

Northlake would've had access to those bodies the entire time.

So Northlake kidnapped these soldiers, faked their deaths.

They're the ones responsible for running these experiments.

Well, it makes sense.

Private military contractors have the motive to develop these dr*gs for the mercenaries.

Not the most morally scrupulous, either.

Let's move.

(chain clanking)

(tires screeching)


(controller beeps)

Charlie: Leave me alone!

Who are you? What do you want from me?

All the CID agents were dead on the scene.

What about Charlie?

He's missing.

This attack was coordinated, military-style precision, definitely Northlake's M.O.

Do you think they'll k*ll him?


They wanted him alive for a reason.

Our best bet is to track down where they've been conducting these experiments.

Do we know anything yet about where he was being held, outside of "hell"?

That driver that picked up Charlie, where was that?

Down the road from Fort Beck at about 8:00 A.M.

Mayfair: Drop a pin in it.

Didn't Borden's toxicology report narrow down the last time Charlie was drugged?

Yeah, at around 7:30 A.M.

All right, so he's been on the run for half an hour, could've covered four to five miles at most.

Didn't Charlie say he swam across the River Styx after he escaped?

He was drugged out of his mind.

Yeah, but what if he swam across something?

A real river.

Zapata: Well, that helps.

It's still a lot of ground to cover.

Patterson: Hey, here's something.

So the preliminary reports say, one of the gunman who att*cked Charlie's transport left a boot print with oil residue."

Heating oil number six, which New York started phasing out in 2010.

Wherever they held him, they must've had one of those boilers there.

The flames he saw.

How many buildings still use that heating oil?

According to EPA records, in our radius, it's just five.

It's enough to go on.

(hammering and drilling)

(heart monitor beeping)

Charlie, I thought we lost you.


Don't worry, we're leaving here soon.

It'll all be over before you know it.

First of our five buildings should be coming up in half a mile.

How will we know what to look for?

We won't... we have to clear them one by one.

Wait, Charlie said he saw the face of God when he came out.

Hit the voice command button.

(panel beeps)

computer: Please say a command.

Destination, 912 Division Ave.

The face of God is at 912 Division?


Face of God.

Nice work, Tasha.

That's one of our five buildings.

Charlie would've had a view of the church on his way out.

Let's move.

(church bells toll)

(bell ringing)

man: You want to ring that bell, don't you, princess?

We all know you want to quit.

(grunts) No.

We all know you gonna quit.

So quit wasting our time and ring that damn bell!

(bell rings)


This one's dead.

Same here.

Four soldiers. Five beds.

They still have Charlie.

(sirens, indistinct chatter)

Northlake must've figured the heat was on.

They left this place in a hurry.

And destroyed all the evidence behind them.

They didn't destroy everything.

I recovered a partial video file off one of the damaged hard drives.

They thought deleting them would stop them from...

If you want to destroy a hard drive, use a high-powered magnet or...

All right, what'd you find?

Trial 42, subject three, Dr. Sparacino principal examiner.

I'm attempting my latest variant.

Adjusting lorazepam levels to reduce seizures.

Subject four's brain is the only one effectively processing the epinephrine overload.

Mild hallucinations seem to be the only side effect.

Further experimentation is needed

in order to explore this.

Charlie was the only one that it was working on.

That's why they stole him back and k*lled the others.

Weller: What do we know about that doctor?

Doctor Lindsay Sparacino.

Served two decades in the Army's advanced medical research department.

Retired in '05.

Nice, she's been keeping busy.

But get this, the good doctor emptied all her assets into an offshore account.

She's getting ready to run.

She could sell that formula to any t*rror1st cell or rogue nation with an open checkbook.

Reade: And they'd have an army full of engineered super soldiers.

Only if it works.

That video makes it look like Charlie's biology is the key to unlocking the formula.

But we need to get him back before she goes underground.

Let's put out a BOLO at every airport and port within 100 miles.

(alert beeping)

Hang on.

I don't think she's leaving just yet.

Her EZ-Pass just dinged outside Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, going east on the BQE.

She does rent a storage unit about two miles away.

She's probably got a stash of passports and cash.

Or another lab.

Jane's right.

Charlie processed this cocktail differently, and the doctor needs to find out why.

And the answers are probably buried deep in the synapses of his brain.

What is she gonna do to him?

Nothing that Charlie would live through.

(distant sirens)

(man struggling)

Aren't we gonna put him all the way under?

No... I need to monitor his brain activity and conscious responses.

We don't have enough... he'll be dead within 10 minutes.

That's enough time.

We get this serum right, we change the face of modern warfare.

(sirens wailing)

Patterson says the unit is 6-117, sixth floor.

(heart monitor beeping, Charlie straining)

(heart monitor beeping faster)

It's okay, Charlie, it won't hurt for long.

Reade, Zapata, go right.

Jane, with me.


(both grunting)

(distant machine g*n fire)

Jane, on my six!


(cries out)


(glass shatters)


(both grunting)

(both grunt)

(Charlie shouting, muffled)

FBI! Put that down. Put it down!

Walk towards me.

Get over there.

Hands on the wall.

(machine g*n fire)


It's okay, we're gonna get you safe.

Who are you? What do you want with me?

Oh, no. ZIP.

They dosed him again.

He can't remember us.

No... Charlie, no!


Come here, stay against that wall.

Don't move.

They're yours.


Reade: Move.

Turn around.

Charlie, stop!

Charlie, wait.

Get away from me!


I'm gonna put this down.

Please, I don't want to hurt you.

It's okay.


Charlie, please don't.

(both grunting)

Please, stop.

Come on!

Charlie, I don't want to hurt you.

Charlie, stop!

(Jane grunting)



(p*stol cocks)

No, please.





(indistinct chatter)

(siren wails)

You didn't have to...

Yeah, I did.

It could've been you in that body bag.

He was innocent.

He never wanted any of this.

Someone puts my team at risk or you at risk, I don't second guess.

Things can be more complicated than they seem.

In this job there are good guys and there are bad guys.

It's not that complicated.

You took some hits.

Get checked out.

We'll regroup later.

(ambulance sirens wailing)

You have no idea how much that k*lled me to ring that bell.

You played your part well.

Now what?

Now, the real work begins.

Welcome to Orion.

Jane: Who am I, Casey?


(whispers) Orion.

Program's called Orion.

Tell me... what's Orion?

What did you say?

You wanted to see me?

The medics cleared you?

Yeah, just a few bad bruises.

What happened earlier today, you challenging me in front of Army CID, that was unacceptable.

I'm sorry, I... I wasn't...

I wasn't trying to challenge you.

Just don't let it happen again.

I wasn't trying to challenge you, but you shouldn't have let them take Charlie.

That wasn't my call to make and it certainly wasn't yours.

He was scared, helpless.

You should've fought harder to keep him in custody.

Army CID had jurisdiction.

It was out of my hands.

If we hadn't let him go, he might still be alive.

(pen clicks, slams on the table)

In this job, we all have to accept decisions that we don't agree with.

It's called chain of command.

Ma'am, they're ready for you upstairs.

And if you are gonna remain part of this team, you're gonna have to learn to function as part of a unit.

Are we clear?


(door opens)

Oscar: You know that you're not one of them... that you're just a cog in their machine.

(blender whirring)

(blender shuts off)

Looks delicious.

Tastes even better.


Sarah says it's supposed to be good for my platelets or something.

You ask me, it's like trying to stop a t*nk with a BB g*n, but... you know your sister.

Do you want a hand?

(blender whirring)

(blender shuts off)

Do you know anything about this guy Sarah's out with?

Just that she won't tell me his name.

Must be serious.

(glasses clink)


(indistinct chatter)


(chuckling) Hi.


You look amazing.

Thank you.

The waitress's earrings cost more than my car.

Never mind her earrings, I like your car.

It's... it's an antique.


I got you your usual sugar drink.

Thank you.

(glasses clink)


Okay, I'm just gonna come right out and say it.

I missed you.

I saw you two days ago.

I can't miss you after two days?

Well, you sure can, I am pretty "miss-able."

Oh, no, what happened to your face?

Oh, it probably looks worse than what it really is.

I'm... I'm fine.

My brother hit you when you told him, didn't he?

Well, it is from work, but, no, he didn't hit me.

I didn't tell him.

You wimp.

I know, I know.

I-I-I'll speak to your brother.

I just... trying to wait until he's not so stressed.

You know?

Mm-hmm, so never.


Do you want me to do it?

No, no, no, that's... look...

It has to come from me.

I just want to make sure I do it right, you know?

(laughing) Well, three... three days we drove.

I paid a fortune for those tickets.

And the second your sister saw that guy in the... in the Pluto costume, she burst into tears!

Money well spent.



(chuckling continues)

What really happened that night?

The night that Taylor disappeared.

Where were you?

You left that dinner party for three hours.

I volunteered for a booze run.

I'd forgotten that the liquor stores... most of them weren't open on Sundays.

Sundays, yeah, I know.

So you had to drive halfway to Ohio.

Yeah, I...

I don't want the line that you fed everyone for 25 years, Dad.

That's the truth.


Why were your shoes muddy?

You thought I was asleep.

I wasn't.

I saw you hosing off your shoes when you got home.

I didn't...


She's alive, Kurt.

Then why did you lie about where you were?

Because I was trying to k*ll myself!


I was depressed for a long time.

And I had thought about it before and I just couldn't.

And finally, I'd just had enough, and I drove to the Susquehanna, and I walked... I walked in.

And then I just couldn't shake this image.

What image?

You and Sarah... at my funeral.

What... what you'd be wearing... where you'd be sitting.

So I just, uh... got back in the car and drove home.

With muddy shoes.


After all these years... why didn't you tell anyone?

Who was gonna believe me?

Me! Sarah!



I was so ashamed.

I had almost...

(sobbing) And...

Your... and your mother never would've understood me.

Sarah, she never believed what people said anyway.

But you, I wanted you...

I wanted you as far away from me as I could get you.

(whispers) Why?

I was so full of rage.

I was so full of...

And I didn't want you to turn out like me.

(sobbing) I'm so sorry, Kurt.

I'm... I'm... you know...

(sobbing) I'm so sorry, Kurt.


(sobbing) I'm so...


(whispering) Ah, God.

Good work.

How do you know it's hers?

If they were really the same...

I know.

And I know why you gave me this mission.

You do?

It was a test of my loyalty, and I passed.

I held up my end, and now you owe me some answers.

The bearded man...

You can't trust them.

Yes, he was with us.

He told me not to trust "them."

Who did he mean?

The FBI.

Why would... who shot him?

Ask me another question.

I can't tell you that yet.

What about the people who gave ZIP to those dead soldiers?

Were they with us, too?

No. We found out about the research and disapproved of it.

But we saw an application that was useful to us.

What is Orion?

You already got enough answers tonight.

No... this isn't a game to me.

What is Orion?

Orion... is where you died.
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