17x15 - Collateral Damages

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x15 - Collateral Damages

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

[upbeat music playing]

There you go, son... the genuine Teddy "Brown Sugar" left hook.

[camera clicks]


Don't forget to pick up some of my TKO barbecue sauce.

It's bone-sucking good.

Teddy, hi!

Crystal! My favorite Southern belle.

You look lovely as always.

Thank you.

And who's this little lady?

This is my niece, Amber.

Remember I told you about her? Her momma's been sick.

Of course.

You didn't tell me she's a bombshell like her auntie.

OMG, it's really you, Teddy Hawkins.

In the flesh. Go ahead, pinch me.

[laughing] No.

Come on, go ahead.



Teddy is brazen.

This UC know what she's doing? I mean, she looks awfully young.

That's why she's here. She's still in the Academy.

Rollins prepped her and primed him.

Carisi, you got eyes?

Big Teddy's not wasting any time.

Iced teas, Long Island style.

Oh, thank you.

Do I need ID?

Not when you're with Teddy. Drink up.

Amber, it's fine.

When do you get the chance to meet a real life heavyweight champ?


Mmm, it's sweet. I like it.

I like taking care of my ladies.

Well, Amber can use all the help she can get. She's had a rough year this year.

Are those your real belts?


But Teddy can show you the real ones... from all four reigns.

I mean, they're right downstairs in his office.


Aunt Crystal, can we?

If Teddy doesn't mind showing you.

Not at all.

Come on.

Go ahead.

Hey, y'all, you enjoy yourselves.?

Good deal. Hey, guys.

Rollins goes downstairs, I lose sight of them.

Ah, after you, my dear.

Thank you.

Careful on the stairs.


We still have visual on Rollins' cam.

No way.


Wow, Mr. Hawkins.

Call me Teddy, y'hear?

[whispering] My God.




You got the face of an angel and a body for sin.


Come, sit.

How old are you, again?

Almost 16.

So young.

You ever think about modeling? My friend runs an agency.

How about we take some photos for him?

That would be amazing.

All right.

Smile for me.


[camera clicking]

That's it. Beautiful.


Now, uh... stretch a little.

Yeah. [laughing]

[camera clicking]

So pretty.


Maybe... maybe open that blouse a little more?


Oh, that's lovely. [camera shutter clicking]

You got to let Uncle Teddy see more of those.


[camera clicks]

Can you take that top off?

If that's what Teddy wants.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪



Like that?

Oh, yes.

♪ ♪

Why don't you turn around and unhook that thing?

♪ ♪

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

♪ ♪

My goodness.

♪ ♪

Now I'm starting to get other ideas.

♪ ♪

Why don't you get on your knees, little girl?


Why don't you put your hands up in the air?

Hey, now, what is this?

Nothing happened!

Oh, yeah it did, champ.

I know my rights. You can't just burst in here.

Teddy Hawkins, you're under arrest for attempted r*pe.

Attempted r*pe?

Nice work.


You stay in this job long enough, all your heroes die.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

This is harassment. Mr. Hawkins was set up.

I didn't hear him say no.

Right, because when this woman approached me with her foul come-ons, I decided to gather evidence.

Is that why you asked my niece to get on her knees?

I wanted to see how far you'd go before I made a citizen's arrest.


Who is this exemplary human being?

Teddy "Brown Sugar" Hawkins. He's the former boxing champ.

He's the current face for all those shopping mall barbecue joints.

Does he realize how much trouble he's in?

Oh, not yet. He's been doing it so long, he thinks he's bulletproof.

There they are, my two favorite people, and with good news for a change.

Deputy Commissioner Abraham, word travels fast.

You got him on attempted r*pe.

What else? What about child porn?

TARU tossed his home computers.

That's clean, but they did find some bad sites on his restaurant servers.

But we can't prove that he accessed them.

Still, he's a big get.

One-P-P wants him sch-longed... perp-walked, cuffed, his punim on every cable news show in the country.

Well done, Lieutenant.

An attaboy from Hank Abraham.

Cue the Apocalypse.

She told you she wasn't even 16, and you still took photos of her without her top on.

That's child pornography.

That Amber...

That Amber is no child.

This is straight up entrapment.

We entrapped you? Good luck with that.

Might want to get your client camera ready.

It's time for your perp walk.

Slow it down, Lieutenant.

Perp walk? NYPD needs a win.

Teddy, you're about to trend worldwide.

Front entrance. Press is en route.

Hang on a minute there, sweetheart.


All right.

You got Teddy all wrong.

Do I?

Teddy's a hero.

And I'm gonna get you the real bad guys.

My client is prepared to expose an online pedophile ring.


So tell Barba to stop admiring himself in that glass and come in and do his job.

Excuse me, Naomi.

Can you give me a minute with my handsome, single son?

I'll be back.

You're on leave, and you couldn't find the time to return your old man's calls?

I'm doing better, Dad. How are you?

Just had breakfast with the head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Are you thinking about switching gigs?

Not me.

You... the whole department knows about your heroics upstate.


I got shot.

In the line of duty.

Word is you took a b*llet for the rogue female detective from Chicago.

Yeah, and who's spreading that word?

Never mind that. This is your ticket... up and out.


I just got to SVU.

It was always just a stepping stone.

Part of the five-year plan.

You want your lieutenant's bars, go JTTF.

That's where the juice is now.

I'm just getting comfortable.

Never get comfortable.

Soon as your shoulder's better, back on the ladder.

Teddy wants to do the right thing.


People offer me videos all the time.

I can help you take those guys down.

Now, my client doesn't view this material.

He just knows people who do.

You're saying your client doesn't download child pornography, yet the people who do so trust him implicitly?

Exactly right.

And since you have less than a flawless case...


Undercovers drinking, stripping their clothes off?

The smart move is go after the real creeps, the distributors, in the act of uploading.


The charges aren't going away, Mr. Hawkins.

But the more you cooperate, the more generous I'll be with my sentencing recommendation.

And you need to hold off on the arraignment.

It's better if the people he's reaching out to don't know he's been arrested.

Also, these guys... not that I'm in touch with them... but they don't post the new, juicy stuff till after midnight.

NYPD! Hands in the air!

Whoa, what's going on?

Get up, get up!

Turn around.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

NYPD? You can't just...

Shut up.

♪ ♪

Aw, jeez.

♪ ♪

No, not good.

Pullman's in custody, crying like a bitch.

Okay, that is two out of three.

Okay, uh, Rollins, Carisi's on his way to you.

Should've saved him the trip.

It's almost 1:00 a.m.

Maybe "Babybanger" took the night off, huh?

Eh, he's 80. He's probably asleep.

Nothing yet?

Maybe he got spooked.

Listen, Lieutenant, it's late. It's cold.

Maybe we should just call it a night.

I hear you.

Look, we already got two.

So let's, uh, let's start again in the morning.

Oh, hold up.

Hold up.

Look at that, he just logged on.

Bad luck for him.

Another minute, we would've been out of here.

♪ ♪

NYPD. Where's your computer?

I don't have a computer.

We have a search warrant.

Warrant? For what?

For distributing child pornography from your IP address.

IP? What... what is this?

Kitchen's clear.

No desktop, no laptop.

Mr. Markowicz, where's your modem?

My who?

Your... your modem.


Hey. This right here, Mr. Markowicz.

Where's the computer for this? That?

My neighbor put that in for my cable.

Your neighbor, huh?

This has the signal going next door.

Who lives there?

A nice family. Two kids.

♪ ♪


I thought I heard something.

Is Mr. Markowicz okay?

Counselor... uh... can we come in?

Our cells are down.

You don't happen to have a computer we could use?

Yeah, of course.

Um, my husbands still up.

He's in his office. I'm sure he won't mind.

♪ ♪

He has his own home office?

Needs it.

You know him, always working.

This is a police matter.

Deputy Commissioner Abraham...

What are you doing here?

We're about to ask you the same question.

Step away from the computer.


♪ ♪

Thanks, Lieutenant. See you soon.

What's going on?

It's nothing, Pippa. It's departmental business.

Just stay out of this.

I'm assuming Lieutenant Benson told you to walk out of here.

Actually, she's on her way.

For an innocent mistake? I clicked too many buttons.

We caught you in the act of distributing child pornography.

I have a secure modem from the NYPD.

Which is why you cadged wi-fi from your 80-year-old neighbor.

Oh, this gets crazier and crazier.

You know what?

I'm gonna go outside and wait for Liv.


I don't want to put the two of you in a bad position.

I know you're just the messengers, but this could go wrong in a lot of ways.

I hope that's not a threat, Deputy Commissioner.


Sergeant, turn off those lights, please.

So I was halfway home when I got Rollins' call.

I figured you could use some backup.

Thanks. They're still in the apartment.

Computer crimes here yet?


Gives me time to get Pippa and the kids out.


I know you live to make my life miserable, but J.C., Mary, and Joseph... this?

Look, you didn't have to wake the commissioner up in the middle of the night to tell him that his trusted PR chief is busted for child porn.

Between you and me, I never liked the guy anyway.

No one does. He's an angry prick.

But you're sure it's him?

My squad knows what they're doing.

His wife is that redheaded D.A.?

Pippa Cox.

She's a lawyer for social services.

She protects kids.

This keeps getting worse.

Oh, yes it does.

They have two of their own.

Rollins, we're sure, right?

Every I dotted, every T crossed?

We tracked the wi-fi to his computer.

We caught him actively uploading.

We took a digital snapshot of his entire system.

I mean, everything was by the book.

I'm sure it was. It's just that...

Look, Tucker just wants to make sure that we hand IAB an airtight case.


If he wasn't your initial target, you're gonna need an updated warrant.

Almost here.

In the meantime, bring Abraham in?

Yeah, just... don't cuff him in front of his family.

And get him out of here before the press show up.

What are you people doing?

Squad cars in front of my building, police lights on?

I'm chairman of the co-op.

We are taking you into the station, Hank.

Turn around, please.

Lieutenant said we don't have to do that.

I wouldn't count on too many more favors.

Whenever you're ready.

It's okay, sweetheart.


What is going on? Talk to me.

It's a misunderstanding.

Just keep calling Roger Kressler.

I've left messages. And tell him to meet me at SVU.

Dad, where are you going?

Police business, Jordy.

It's gonna be all right. Don't worry.

Sorry, folks, we've got to get going, all right?

Come on.

Why do you have to go, Daddy?


It's okay, baby, come on.

All right, come on.

Come here, okay?

Let's go.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You really have to do it like this in the middle of the night?

Just following protocol, Hank.

Tucker, who called IAB?

You're not a cop, thank God, but you're still a departmental employee.

Yeah, with a hell of a lot more juice than you.

Okay, Rollins, take the deputy commissioner down now, please.

Let's go.

All right, let's do this.


Just give me five minutes.

♪ ♪

Is there someone after us?


No, no. Nothing like that.

Jordan, it's all gonna be okay.


Olivia, thank God.

No one will give me a straight answer.

We need to search your apartment.

What? This is impossible.

It's actually not impossible.

CCS is outside, and they need to start their search now.

It's 2:00 in the morning.

Yes, and we're gonna help you with a hotel.

I'm stalling CCS as it is.

You need to pack your bags. What?

And you need to get your kids dressed, and we need to go now.

Come on.


Let's go. Come on, guys, we got to go.


I'm so sorry.

But we got to go. All right, let's go, come on.

♪ ♪

[police radio chatter]


I'm sorry, you can't play with the dog right now.

Okay, Lia. It's all a bad dream.

♪ ♪

Let's go.

Come on.


Do everything by the book. Under the couches, cushions.

All electronics. Check under the carpet.

[tense music]

Get... get under those cushions.

Check under that couch.

Make sure you check under that couch.

Anybody get this piano?

This whole area in here, guys, please.

Bag here.

Here you go.

♪ ♪

Liv, dog found something.

♪ ♪

You rolling?

Go ahead.

♪ ♪

We got flash drives.

Taped on the bottom of the underwear drawer.

And those aren't vacation photos.

Separate Faraday bags.

Make sure every procedure is by the book.

I want a clear chain of custody on this.

You got it.

♪ ♪
His lawyer, Kressler, got here at 6:00 a.m.

He's been in there for over an hour.

I don't know what their strategy is.

CCS processed the flash drives.

Hardcore pornographic images, videos.

Girls, boys... all pre-pubescent.

Uh, I don't even know what to say.

We get the images to NCMEC?

They're running facial recognition.

Just so I'm clear, in addition to these flash drives, he was also cadging a wi-fi signal from the old man next door?

Rollins and Carisi entered Hank Abraham's den and caught him file-sharing at his laptop.

Who else had access to the den?

His wife, their two kids.

He has a daughter, Lia, who's four, and a son, Jordan, who's 11.

What about a cleaning lady, sitter... anyone?

We dusted his computer for prints.

Hank Abraham's were the only ones on it.

And the password he used for the Cradlerobberz chat room?

Same one he uses for the NYPD server.

Where's his family?

They spent the night at a hotel.

We had unis monitoring them.

Pippa's on her way here now with those kids for their interview.

She's corporation counsel for children family services, and her job is to protect abused children, and she had no idea?

I really don't think so.

She walked Rollins and Carisi straight into that den when he was online.

[knocking, opening door]

Abraham's lawyer says they're ready.


One of you want to join me, or am I on my own?

Hank, what in God's name... Yeah, it's not what you think.

Uh, Hank, Hank... let me be very clear, gentlemen.

The deputy commissioner does not have to speak to you, so not only is he here as a courtesy, but he's also here to sense what it is you think is going on.

We're pretty clear on what's going on.

Yeah, so am I. This is a political takedown.

Barba and the D.A.'s office are trying to get their pound of flesh!

Now, just...


I'm trying to get up to speed on this.

Can you walk me through how and why you burst through the deputy commissioner's door in the middle of the night without a warrant?

[knocking on door]

I assure you everything went through the appropriate channels.

Pippa's here with Jordan and Lia.


Where do you want them?

Uh, put them in interview.

I just want to keep them away from this.


[door opens]


Did you kids get any sleep?

You mean after you kicked them out of their home at 2:00 in the morning?

What is this?

Tea and sympathy?

Softening up the victim... or the suspect?

You're not a suspect.

Then why am I here with my children?

You know the protocol.

When... when a father is facing these kind of charges... caught with this kind of evidence...


You know how many people are in and out of our apartment... Hank's den?

Housekeepers, maintenance guys, deliverymen... or people from Hank's office.

Uh, we've been having work done.


Then we will be looking into all of that.

And you know Hank makes enemies.

How hard would it be for someone to hack into his system remotely?

How many colleagues do you think are dancing on my grave right now?

No one's doing that.

Oh, please.

Let's take a step back from what you think you have.

It was a neighbor's modem that uploaded these images.

There's 100 explanations for how those signals can get crossed.

My modem was down.

I might have tried his by mistake.

Go on.

It was late. I was tired.

An image popped up, and I tried to close it.

Then all these other images started popping up.

I couldn't close any of them.

And that must have sent me into a wormhole.

And that's when the detectives burst in.

So this only happened one time?


Let's call this what it is, gentlemen.

It's a one-time mistake for which the deputy commissioner is extremely embarrassed.

You have his word. It'll never happen again.

No reason to persecute a good man.

A good man.

Thing is, CCS tracked usage on the same account, same username and password, the night before.

Over an hour.

19 hours in the past week.

[dramatic music]

I don't know anything about that.

Maybe that was someone else in the building going through my wi-fi.

Do you have any explanation for the flash drives we found taped on the bottom of your underwear drawer, each containing thousands of images and videos of child pornography?

♪ ♪

Counselor, do you need a little more time with your client?

♪ ♪

Pippa, we have enough evidence to make the possession and distribution charges stick.

Believe me.

♪ ♪

My husband is not a criminal.

And I have nothing more to say to you.

That's your right, but we do need to speak with your children.

Not without me present.

You know the rules.

Hank is a good father.

Is he?

He would never do anything to hurt Jordan or Lia.

There's a lot that you may not... be aware of.

What if, God forbid, there was something that your children weren't telling you?

There isn't.

But you know better than anyone that if there was, they wouldn't say it in front of you.

So let us do our jobs.

I need to be sure that you're right.

♪ ♪

And so do you.

♪ ♪

As their mother and their lawyer, I watch through the glass.



How big is he?

Real big.


Lia, you know the difference between what's true and what's not true?

Yes, not true's when you make up a pretend story.

That's exactly right.

So I'm gonna ask you some questions about your family, and you're gonna tell me what's true, okay?

Like, your mom, your dad, your older brother... do they ever do anything that... you don't like?

Sometimes Jordan doesn't let me play with him.

Well, that's not very nice.

Older brothers can be like that though, huh?

Anyone else?

My dad, sometimes.

What does he do that you don't like?

One time, we were sitting on the couch.

He was gonna read me a story, but then...

Then what happened?

He fell asleep and he was snoring.

Lucas Duda. Hey, that's his rookie card.

That's nice.

Yeah, my dad got it for me.

Your dad got it for you, huh? So about your dad, um...

Do you know why you're here?

He says it's police business.

At NYPD, it's really 24/7.

It is.

Well, I got... I got some questions for you.

Is that okay?

Jordan, has anybody ever talked to you about the difference between good touching and bad touching?

Stranger danger?


Has anybody ever touched you in, um... well, a private place, and then told you not to talk about it?


This could be a teacher.

It could be a family friend.

No, no one.

It could even be your dad.

It's okay.

It's okay, you can tell me.

There is something that he does.

Really bothers me.


I wish he didn't have to work so much.

But don't tell him that.

I won't.

Can I take them home now?

Of course.

♪ ♪

What about Hank?

He's still in there, isn't he? What's he saying?

Pippa, you know I can't tell you that.

♪ ♪

Hank likes to keep our professional and personal lives separate.

A lot of people we work with don't even know we're married.

♪ ♪

So, gentlemen, where are we?

After further discussion with my client, we've decided not to continue with these conversations.

This isn't just going away.

You stop talking, I have to arraign you.

There's no need to rush to that.

You know how the press will react.

So how about your client agrees to a plea, and you and I work out a deal?

But I'm not guilty.

It would be better for your family if this gets settled quickly and quietly.

There's nothing quiet about a charge like this.

You know that. That's why you're doing this.

Hank, you've been handling other peoples' crises your whole life.

I want you to think about what you would advise a client in your position to do.

♪ ♪

The people request bail be set at $50,000.

There's also the possibility of federal charges, Your Honor.

My client has no record.

He was a successful political consultant who made a mid-career change to public service.

We request R.O.R.

Given the severity of the charges, I'm setting bail at $30,000.

The defendant will be released to home detention, required to wear a GPS monitoring ankle bracelet, relinquish his passport, and refrain from any and all computer and cell phone usage.

♪ ♪

[gavel slams]

[indistinct shouting]

[camera shutters clicking]

Is your husband a pedophile?


Did you know?

Did you have any idea?

[indistinct shouting]

Okay, back off, people.

Stop here.

Please stop.

God, they're like a pack of wild dogs.

I'm so sorry.

You're sorry?

This is your fault.

There were 100 ways you could've handled this.

You didn't have to destroy us.

Look, nobody is trying to destroy you, believe me.

I got an email today from my boss.

I'm on leave, pending transfer to a position that doesn't involve contact with juveniles, sex offenders, or as*ault victims!

Take a breath...

No, just leave us... don't!

Pippa, just take a breath.

You... you okay?

No, I'm not okay! I am not all right!


My kids are not okay. Hank is not all right.

[sniffling, breathing]

This is about payback, isn't it?


Who got you to do this?

Nobody. It's not, I swear to you.

I swear that it's not.

It is!

What else can it be?

[whispering] Pippa...

[poignant music]

Are you telling me Hank did this?

♪ ♪

[whispering] I'm sorry.

♪ ♪



It's okay. Sit down, sit down.


♪ ♪


You don't have to talk to me.

Hank's lawyer asked me to come up here and talk to him.

I know. That's why I'm leaving.

I can't be here.

The kids?

At my parents'... Pennsylvania.

Thank you for asking.

I want to thank you.

Excuse me?

This arrest, though I still object to the tactics...

I see it now as the wake-up call I needed.

My life was out of control. I was an addict, trying to fight it.

But I was too ashamed.

We're past that now.

Hank has been speaking to a rehabilitation center with an impressive success rate where he can get the help that he needs.

Good, I... it's just... it's not that simple anymore.

I understand I have a lot of work to do.

These are deep-seated issues.

And I know I'm facing serious charges, but if you could put them on hold, it would give me the chance to save my life and my family.


Even if I look the other way, the Feds won't.

The Feds?

You're a high-profile NYPD official.

They've been calling almost hourly trying to get their hooks into you.

And unlike us, they charge each image as a mandatory five-year bid.

You'll get the maximum... 20 to 30.

Is he bluffing?

No, Hank.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

How'd you get on to me?

Someone turned me in to save his own ass, right?

Basically, yes.

Was it Teddy Hawkins?

You know I can't answer that.

So how about I make a deal like Teddy did?

It's too late for that.

Your rat got all that cheese.

If you want to help us find the people who produce these images, these videos...

Producers? You think I'm in contact with people like that?

If I knew anyone who was doing this to a child, my God... I'd have called the Feds on them in an instant.

You do realize that these kids you're watching... these "digital images"... they're crime scene photos of real children being r*ped.

I never touched a child.

I was never in a room with a child.

I don't... I don't know anyone who has.

I'm a parent!

For God's sake!


I don't know why you asked me here.

This really isn't going away. I don't see a deal to be had.

Don't give me that crap. There's always a deal.

You need to focus on what's going on.

Your friends are going to desert you if they haven't already.

All you've got left is your family.

Don't abandon them.

Oh, I get it. Mr. Nice Guy.

Here to help, are you?

Hank, this isn't getting us anywhere.

Whose side are you on?

There's no conspiracy here.

Plead guilty. Serve your sentence.

Spare your family any more pain.

♪ ♪

You know what?

Uh... just... leave me alone.


Both of you... get out.

♪ ♪

Just get out.

♪ ♪

So your rehab's going well?

I'm glad.


I heard about the Abraham thing.

That's a tough one.

I'm sorry I wasn't there to support.

You're lucky you missed it.

Yeah, that's what my dad said.

I took a b*llet and ended up dodging one.

Your father does have a way with words.


Also, he thinks I should use this leave of absence as a "transition point" to explore other opportunities.


And what might they be?

If I go to Joint Terrorism, it's a higher profile.

Might give me a leg up.

Well, that's probably true.

I'm just not sure that's what I want to do.

You know, I like it here.

Well, then you have a decision to make.

Just remember, it's your decision, not your father's.

I know.

It's just, uh... he's not gonna accept that.

Thank you for meeting me.

Of course.

I don't have a lot of... people I can talk to.

I'm staying in a hotel.

I miss my kids. I want them with me.

Selfish, right?

No, it's... it's probably best that they're out of town right now.

Lia's back to sucking her thumb.

Jordan's silent.


With time, and therapy, it can...

My father...

Aside from wanting to k*ll Hank, wants me to... wants me to change their last name.

Says anyone who Googles them for the rest of their lives will know their father is a pedophile.

I'm so sorry.

My mother, she's blaming me.

"How could you not suspect him?

You do this for a living."

Pippa... men who do this have to hide it.

They get very good at compartmentalizing.

[tense music]

I married him.

♪ ♪

I slept with him for 12 years.

♪ ♪

I didn't know he was sick.

♪ ♪

No radar went off.

♪ ♪

I... how blind am I... how stupid?

♪ ♪

[glass clinking] Thanks.


Sounds like Pippa's starting to accept this is really happening.

What about Hank?

[sighs] In and out of denial.

Thinks he can make a deal, somehow get away with it.

Refuses to go on the registry.

If I can't get him to plead, the Feds are gonna take over.

How many people have we put away for this?

Not once have I ever had sympathy for any of them.

That's not our problem.

It is our problem.

[cell phone buzzes]

Yeah, Carmen, I said no calls.




Thank you.


Hank Abraham just slashed his wrists.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


How's he doing?

Uh, he lost blood, but he'll make it.

I found him on the floor of the bathroom.

I...I... only stopped by the apartment to pick up some things for the kids.

If I hadn't...

But you did.

You saved his life.

I just reacted.

I didn't want to lose him.

[indistinct P.A. announcement]


Does this ever stop getting worse?


Not until your husband accepts where he is.

Although Mr. Hawkins was unaware of the age of the victim, when he offered her an alcoholic drink, he is pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count of unlawfully dealing with a child.

He has also established a $1 million fund to deal with victims of alcohol and drug addiction and sex abuse. He's very eager...

That's, what, six months at most?

Teddy skates while Abraham's probably looking at hard time.

Yeah, I heard he tried to k*ll himself.

That poor, dumb bastard. Meanwhile, I spoke to Ryan at the Task Force.

He says he still hasn't heard from you.

Dad, I appreciate the opportunity.

But for now, I want to stay at SVU.

There are very few bright, shining paths in life, son.

You've got one laid out in front of you right now.

And if you don't take it, somebody else will.

Mr. Abraham.

On the multiple charges of possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child, how do you plead?

Guilty, Your Honor.

I've hurt my family, my friends, and the department.

Whatever led me down this road, there is no excuse for my crimes.

I'm sorry.

Also, Your Honor, it should be noted that Mr. Abraham has begun a rigorous addiction treatment program.

Mr. Barba?

Given the defendant's cooperation with our ongoing investigation and commitment to treatment, the People believe that justice will best be served if four year sentences on each count run concurrently.

So ordered.

The defendant will serve his sentence in protective custody.

And he will remain on the sex offenders' registry for a minimum of 20 years.

[raps gavel]

♪ ♪

That's the best we could ask for.

Thank you, Counselor.

♪ ♪

He's still my husband.

We have two children.

I get it.

I get it.

♪ ♪

Abraham's family... how do they start over after this?

I can't even think about it.

Still up for that nightcap?


I could really use a drink.

Uh, you know what? Not here.


Wherever you want to go.

You tell me.

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