01x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wanted". Aired: February 2016 to October 2018.*
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"Wanted" follows two strangers, who intervene in a fatal carjacking and are subsequently chased by the authorities across Australia in a vehicle filled with cash.
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01x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, it's OK. We're gonna get you some help, alright?

Just... just...




You're gonna drive and you're gonna sit in the back seat.

Um, is it a manual?

But if you... Just get in!

Just walk away. The cops don't need to know anything.

The guy you just shot, he was a cop.

Just make sure you take care of those two women as well, alright?

Oh, God. Oh, we've got to get out!


Oh, shi...

Shouldn't we wait for the police?

The police are already here.

But they can't all be bad!

Hey, Chelsea, it's gonna be OK.

If we just stay here tonight, we can call someone tomorrow and get some help, yeah?


G'day, Lola.


Where are we going?


To where?

I don't know yet.


♪ Well, I'm so tired of crying ♪
♪ But I'm out on the road again ♪
♪ I'm on the road again ♪
♪ Well, I'm so tired of crying ♪
♪ But I'm out on the road again... ♪



Where are we?

Crossed the border into Queensland about an hour ago.


What are we doing in Queensland?

Just driving.

It's all going to OK, isn't it?

We're alive.

And right now, we're safe.


And it's a beautiful morning.

I need a coffee.

I need to floss my teeth.

That bathroom is a serious health hazard.

I had to line the toilet seat with, like, a whole roll of toilet paper.

How did you pay for this?

(WHISPERS) Did you use the money?

Nah, I robbed a bank.

We don't have a choice. Just eat.

Is that gluten-free?

I have a non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, so I can't.

Of course you do.

Look, I've been thinking, I think we should call...


I think we should call the police.

Oh, yeah, 'cause that worked out so well last time.

Look, there has to be one nice, decent police person in this entire state.

Not from my experience.

What experience?

The words 'cop k*ller' when it comes to other cops? Red rag, bull.

Yes, but it was an accident!

You didn't... (WHISPERS)

..you didn't mean to sh**t him.

Did you?

Why is that even a question?

He was gonna k*ll you.

Exactly! So we just explain that.

I need to go to the loo.

Be careful. Don't touch anything.


Man: (ON RECORDING) Yeah, this is David. Leave a message.


Hey, it's me.

Uh... you're not gonna get this for a few days, but, um... when you get back you might hear a few things about me, and... I just don't want you to judge me until you speak to me.

Let's go.


Let's go, Chelsea.

I think we should talk to him.

He looks really nice.

So did the coffee.

I'm going to talk to him.

Chelsea, no.

Chelsea, what are you doing? No. No!

Please don't. Please don't.

Why? Let me go.


We need to talk to somebody!

Please, get in the car.

Let me go!

Get in the car.

Let me go!




Hey, where are you off to?

Early business meeting.

You're on school run.

No, but I've got to get to the office...

It was in the diary, Ray.

Karen, I've got to get to the office! I...

I thought you were on leave.

I was.

That was quick.


How are you going, chief?


G'day, kids.

That's all I need.

Thank you very much, indeed.

No, I'm doing it now, alright?

When you get a sec.

Is this up-to-date?

Yes, it is.

Last time I got this from upstairs it was Sunday.

See you, buddy. Have a good day.


Come here, sweetie. Give me a kiss.

Bye, Dad.

Love you. Bye. See you.

Alright, listen up.

Three dead - Victor Maric, James Ryder... Keith Jones.

One of our own. Drug squad cop and a bloody good bloke.

Shot dead in a drug bust gone wrong.

It wasn't Maric there, but intel on the streets tells us he was working alone.

Our chief suspects are Yuri Dryagin and Glen Burko.

I want these b*stards found.

They'll have gone to ground somewhere in Sydney, so you start knocking on doors, talking to witnesses, answering the phone.

Alright? Let's go to work.


That triple-0 call from the woman who said she'd been kidnapped at the Backman Wrecker's Yard?

Yeah, what about it?

Anyone looking into it?

What do you think?

Have you written that report yet?

Not yet. I thought it could wait till...

Just write the report, Levine.

Can you shut the door?


Woman: Hello, messaging service.

What's the number please?


And what's your message?

Call Uncle Barry.

Call Uncle Barry?



Well, that's it, then.


What are you doing?

Lola, you have to pull over.

You can't outrun a police car.


Lola, please stop! Please stop!


Are you part of this?

Am I what?

I saw you at the roadhouse.

You... you didn't go to the toilet, you were on the telephone.

Who were you calling?

None of your business.

Maybe it's not such a huge coincidence that all of this happened at our bus stop.

What? What are you saying?

I don't know you.

I don't know what kind of person you are.

You... you could be a criminal for all that I know.

Do I look like a criminal?

Well, you have a tattoo.


I don't want to be a part of this anymore.


Argh! Argh!


(CRIES) Oh, God!

Thank you.

Uh... (SNIFFS) ..do you smell that?


Uh, you got cow shit on your shoe.


Here, give it here.

Thank you.

Listen, none of this has got anything to do with me.

(SIGHS) I'm sorry.

I'm an accountant.

I specialise in compliance.

Running from the police is not in my nature.

Yeah, you're right, it's crazy.

When we get to the next town, we'll... we'll go to the police station and tell them everything.


Yeah, really.

Is this the evidence from the bus stop?

Yeah. No touching.

I haven't got to it yet.

Yeah, no. Yeah, sure.

What have you got there?

Lane Mart.

Who the hell's Lola?

Is this about those parking fines?

Jeremy, these need to go straight out. Aisle six.

Does Lola...

Price check 'em first, please.

Does Lola drive to work?

No, she catches the bus.

It'd be the 583, right?

The Bella Vista line?


Thank you.

How... how would you describe Lola?

What kind of person is she?

Uh... uncooperative, disrespectful to management, general pain in the arse.

She keeps herself neat.

Yeah, she owes me two months' rent, so it wouldn't surprise me if she's done a runner.

And it looks like it's been turned over.

Oh, nah, it's always like this.

She knows how to fill up the recycling.


Check this out.

Lola Buckley. She caught the 583 every weekday.

But we spoke to her boss.

He said she's a loose cannon, frequently absent...

Now she's missing.

We found this map in her apartment.

Jakarta, Makassar, Daru, Cairns.

It's a well-established drug route.

You think a checkout chick m*rder*d a highly experienced cop and a professional crim?


It's definitely worth a look.

Alright. Leave it with me.

I'd like to pursue it, boss.

Well, I'd like you to finish that report.

Yeah, but that's my lead.

I found the name tag.

You did a good job bringing this here but a task force is a team.

You'll get your shot.

I'll take it from here.

Chelsea: So we're really gonna do this, yeah?

Lola: Yeah. That's what you want.


First, there's something I've got to do, OK?

I need a drink.


It's not even midday.

Have a seat. I'm going to get a vodka. What do you want?

I'll just get a soda water, thanks.

Oh, come on, Chelsea, live a little.

I'll get a twist of lemon with it, please.

(SIGHS) Sit down.

Oh, um...

Uh, excuse me?

I'm looking for someone.

(MUTTERS) Oh, shit.

Do you have a phone?

Yeah, in the next room.

I just need to call work.


To call in sick.

Can I have some money for the phone?

Thank you.

Sorry. Um, anyway, this guy, he lived around here about 20 years ago.

Laurie Metcalf?

Oh, yeah, old Laurie.

What do you want with him?

Oh, he, uh, he just... he helped me out once. I'm hoping he can again.

So you know where I can find him?

Yeah. Jail. Went down for some fake ID scam a few years back.


Arman and Bromley.

Jemima Parkmore speaking.

Jemima, it's Chelsea.

My God. Chelsea, where are you?

Oh... I'm sick.


I'm not coming in today.

What have you done?

The auditors are here.

They've impounded your computer.

They're going through everything.

They're saying you embezzled us, Chelsea.

You stole money.

Max! Max, it's her. It's Chelsea.

Listen, I need you to give me a couple of hours to get clear and then... then go to the police, OK?

What? What do you mean?

I'm not going with you.

Well, where are you going?

Don't worry about me, I'll...

Look, you didn't sh**t anyone, OK?

You haven't broken any laws.

You'll be fine.

Newsreader: (ON TV)

Now to the Bus Stop Murders, a story that shocked the nation and rattled the police force.

I'm coming with you.


It was my fault too.


I'm coming with you.

An hour ago, all you wanted to do was give up.

Reporter: (ON TV) ..of Rouse Hill, in Sydney's west, in relation to yesterday's sh**ting m*rder...

It's you.

...of highly-decorated policeman, Keith Jones.

Jones and Victor Maric...

What do we do?

...were gunned down in what police are calling a failed drug sting operation.


Miss Buckley...

Oh, don't give me that bullshit!

If it wasn't you, who the hell was it?

Leaking that to the press has compromised the entire investigation.

Get out!



Man: I just saw the news.

I know what it looks like.

It was always my intention to call the press and control the narrative.

What narrative?

Are you telling me that your man was taken out by some random woman?

Do you think Maric's going to believe that?


How am I going to control him now?


He wants his property back and I want mine.

Who is this woman, Ray?

Is she a player?

I don't know yet.

I've got to take a call.

What are you going to do about her?

It's our friend.

He's on the other line.

Look, he'll look after it.

You got my message?

There's the details.

Cash and a phone.

I really need you to find them, Boke. Fast.

You just keep it clean, alright?

I don't want any collateral, you understand?

Lola: We might be miles away from Sydney, but if some cop runs our rego, we're stuffed.

We gonna need to find somewhere to buy a new car.

No, we can't keep using that money.

Why not?

Because they'll want it back.

Maybe... we could... steal a car.


How would we do that?

Well, you know, you just get a poker thingy and stick it down the side here.

Oh, right. And then what?

And then you flick up the lock.

Oh, right. Yeah.

And then you get in and hotwire it, you know, under here.


I'm just trying to be helpful.

OK, yeah. That's good.



Yeah, alright, alright.

Calm down. Calm down.

You calm?



I'm your friend. I'm your friend.

Are you my friend?



Good. Good. That's it. That's it.


Did Ray send you?


Tell me about them.

Where did they come from?


No... I don't know.

They were just there.

Which one shot the cop?

That... that one.

She was a smart-mouth...

She was smart...


The other one...

Hold on.

Hey, hey... can I talk to Ray?



It isn't my fault.

I can sort this out.



♪ Baby... ♪

It's OK, it's OK, it's OK.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

♪ Baby ♪
♪ Out of the blue... ♪

I don't know what's in there but just see what you can come up with, alright?

Lola Buckley's phone.

Gee, that was quick.

Yeah, there's heavy use on one number. I think it's her son.


I've emailed you a link to voice-mail.

Good man.

Here. Pull in here.

The barman said this place is good.

We need some rest.


It looks like the sort of place they make porn movies.

How's it goin'?

Maybe we should find somewhere else.

No, this is fine.



Got any vacancies?

Yeah, I'm sure I could squeeze you in.

Uh, one room or two?

Oh, uh...

Do you...? I don't...

Well, what do you...?

It doesn't bother me.

OK, uh, one room's fine, thanks.

Two single beds or a double?

Oh, a double.

Two... What?!

No! Two singles.

Um, ID?

I need to see some ID.

We don't have any.

It was stolen.

In town. By a bag snatcher.

Yeah, that's right.

Both your bags?


Yeah, well, he was... he was really good.

He was quick and, uh...

Oh, yeah. He was fast.


It was like he had three arms.

He just snatched them and - whoo - he was gone in a flash.

On a skateboard.


I need to see some ID.

That's the law. I could get fined.

Well, how much to cover a fine?

300 bucks.


We could stay at the Hilton for Âo300.

Go stay at the Hilton.

Do you have any money?


In the... car.

We'll be back.

(WHISPERS) Are you sure this is a good idea?


Ah. Well, at least it's clean.

It's creepy.

Icky Speedo guy lurking around.

Well, it could be worse.

It could be like the Bates Motel where all the guests get m*rder*d.

You know... (MIMICS THE m*rder FROM PSYCHO) Ree-ree-ree!

I need to take a shower.

Be careful.

What do you mean?


♪ Head shaking ♪
♪ Heart racing ♪
♪ Thick fear is all around ♪
♪ A wall of darkness you've thrown at me ♪
♪ A life I've left behind ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪


♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh... ♪

Lola: (ON VOICEMAIL) Hey, it's me.

Uh... you're not gonna get this for a few days but, um... when you get back, you might hear a few things about me.

I just don't want you to judge me until you speak to me, OK?

We're going to have to get away early in the morning.

Are you going to ring work again?


Call in sick. You'll need a doctor's certificate, you know.

I'm not going back to work, ever.



They think that I embezzled some money.

This guy, Brent, that I work with, he asked me to help out on a client's account and so I did and I think that he defrauded them and framed me for it.

Oh! What a bastard!


Well, just... tell them what he did.

Reporter: (ON TV) Police have confirmed their primary suspect...

I need to access my work computer.

Inspector Ray Stanton addressed the media at a press...

Is that why you came with me?

Ray: Lola Margaret Buckley, at present, is a person of interest in three murders.


One of them, as you know, a decorated police officer.

That's the guy!

Now, if you see this women, under no circumstances should any member of the public approach her.

Ring 000 and if your information is legitimate, you'll be put through to the taskforce.

Reporter: So you consider the suspect to be dangerous, Inspector?

Is she armed?

It's possible she is armed.

That's why I've made the decision...

Well, we can't go to the police now, can we?






I don't suppose you could sell me an icy cold beer, could you?

Sorry. I... I'm not licensed.

Right. OK.

Uh, but that doesn't mean I can't offer you a drink.




Sorry it's not a cold beer.

Well, it's very nice wine.

My sister makes it.

She's got a vineyard down in Victoria.

Actually, I could organise a, uh, tour of the winery if you're heading down that way.

Going north or south?

Oh, um, west, actually. Perth.

More wine?





Care to join me for a cocktail?

Maybe a midnight splash?


Thank you.



Hello? Um...

I'm Chelsea. I'm staying here.

I'm just looking for my friend.


You can come in. Just be quiet.

Oh, you've...

Damn it.


That's good.

So you're not married?

I was.




You ever been married?


No-one waiting for you up north?

I told you, I'm heading west.

That's right. Perth.

What brings you to Killarney?

Just passing through.

(CHUCKLES) You and everyone else.


That's the problem.

Everyone just seems to pass through without staying.

That's a nice car you're driving.

What model Chrysler is it?

Um, no idea.

It's a rental.

Strange car to rent to drive out west.

A four-wheel drive would have been a better option.

Yeah, well, I don't like to go off road.

Play it safe.

More wine?

Uh, no. I think I've had enough, thanks.

Gotta get away early in the morning.


Big trip across the Nullarbor.

You seem really interested in where I'm going, Steve.

I reckon I'm not the only one... Lola.

What do you want?


Chelsea: Help! Somebody help!

Help! Hey. Hey.

Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.

It's OK, mate. It's OK.

He just... he just started having a seizure.

That happens sometimes.

It's alright.

He just needs a hormone shot. Shh.

Well, where is it? I'll get it.

No, no, I need to take him into town.

It needs to be through an IV. Shh.

It's OK, mate, it's OK.

Poor kid.

We have to go.

Right... right now?

He knows, Chelsea.

OK. I need to use the computer in his office.


To access my work.

Yeah, alright, you've got two minutes.


I'll get the car.

(GASPS) Jesus.


Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

I saw you on the telly.

What do you want?

I want money.

I don't have any.

Don't bullshit me.

You're driving that pimped-up car, for Christ's sake.

Where's the pretty one?


What's wrong with me?

Aren't I pretty?








Who are you?

That b*tch hit me.

How long ago?

I don't know.


Call the police.

Just call the police.

Where are we going?

I'm going north.

You're going back to Sydney.

Um, what? I'm sorry.

There should be a bus or a train station in the next town.

When I drop you off, you can call your boyfriend and tell him what's happening.

I don't understand.

I'm going on alone.

You need to go home and sort out your life.

No, I'm coming with you.

I can't be responsible for you, OK?

It's too bloody dangerous.


You're not cut out for it, OK?

You've got no idea what it's like being on the run.

What, and you do?

I've got to move fast.

You're extra baggage I don't need.

I...I can't go back.

They think I'm an embezzler.

Well, you know what? You're innocent. They'll figure it out.

So this is what you got me out of bed for?

To revisit an old crime scene?

Josh, you've got to keep your head down, mate.

Ray's not the kind of boss you want to piss off.


Just 'cause your ego got bruised doesn't mean...

It's not about my ego, mate.

Excuse me!

Sir, hey, hey.

Can I just have a word with you?

Mate, you've been in the wars.

My name's Detective Levine.

Is this where you live?

Do you live around here?

Two days ago, early morning, a couple of people were shot down there.

Shot. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shot. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Did you hear anything or see anything?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No.

Yeah, yeah. No.

No. No. Yeah. Yeah.

It's alright. Listen, um, thanks for your time.

You... get yourself a hot breakfast.


Day before yesterday.

You found this here?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lola: OK. Out you get.

Chelsea, get out of the car.

Chelsea, get out.

No, I'm not going anywhere.

Get out of the bloody car.

No, I'm not. I can't.

Yes, you can.

I can't, I can't, I can't!

I'm guilty, OK?!

I...did it.

I...stole the money.


You're an embezzler?

Why? I thought you were loaded.

No, my father is.

And you accused me of being a criminal.

I'm sorry.

You have got no idea what you're getting yourself into here.

No idea.

This is my problem.

Now get the hell out of my car.

Get out!

It's actually not your car.


Here. Train fare.

OK, settle down, everyone.

OK. As you know, yesterday a KALOF was issued for Lola Margaret Buckley.

Now, you receive any information pertaining to her, you bring it straight to me.

Is that clear?

We believe she's acting alone but still connected to the Maric crew, so they remain our primary focus.

I don't think she is alone, boss.

In fact, I believe that she... she has someone with her.

What have you got there, Levine?

Well, it's a handbag.

Is it yours?


It was recovered from the crime scene by a homeless man before the police arrived and it points to a second possible suspect.

Or victim.

Either way, I don't believe that Lola Buckley's on her own.

That's good.


This is good, yeah?

This is what we want.

You get this down to forensics.


This is good policing.

I want more of this, alright?

We follow all our leads, we find what we can.

Go on, get to work, everyone.

Get going.



Newsreader: (ON RADIO)

Police have released the name of a second person of interest in the sh**ting m*rder of a policeman in Sydney two days ago.

Chelsea Babbage is wanted by taskforce detectives for questioning over the incident, along with Lola Margaret Buckley.

Both women are said to have vanished in the aftermath of the sh**ting that left three men dead.

Chelsea. Come on, we've got to go.

Chelsea? We have to leave, now.


(GROANS) Chelsea, OK, I am sorry, alright?

Please, just get in the car.

Oh, no, no.

I'm just excess baggage, so...

Have you been holding the money like that the whole time?

Look, I'm not cut out for this, remember?

Oh, Jesus.

No, I wouldn't want you to be responsible for me.

Chelsea, please!

No, no, no!

No, it's too dangerous and you're the one that's wanted anyway.

You're wanted too.


It's on the news.

Come on, please. Get in the car.

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