02x13 - Undocumented

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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02x13 - Undocumented

Post by bunniefuu »

I mean, I thought I'd never get in.

I'm pretty much the last person that anyone thought would go to college.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Yeah, man, but for some reason, they want me.

I'm enrolling in the fall.

Thinking about a major in English.

Or... you just could put a couple hundred grand in a trash can and light it on fire.


(g*n cocks)

Help you gentlemen?

Whoa, whoa... now.

Move away from the car.

Easy, fella, all right?

Troy's Repo.

I told those bastards I'd make the payment.

I understand that, but you're gonna have to take that up with them.

I've wanted a Beemer since I was 12 years old.

You really think I'm gonna let you just sneak it out from under my nose?

We totally respect your feelings, okay?

But, uh, this is a really bad time for me to get shot.

So if you could just lower the g*n...

Good God.

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 2x13 ♪
Original Air Date on January 19, 2016

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪


A man working for his dinner.

Any steak frites worth having demand a proper béarnaise.

Not for the weak of spirit.

Hey, you gonna fry these potatoes in that duck fat too, right?

I got your back, buddy.


Man, this food look good.

I want to take a picture.

Be right back.

Got to put my cardiologist on alert.

Did you get it?

Come on, Big Country, you know you send me into battle, I'm coming back with a scalp.

(Lasalle chuckles)

Ooh, it's kind of intense.

I was looking to show Pride's softer side.

No, no, see, that's where you're wrong.

“Intense” is what the women on NolaMingle want.

By all means.

I can hear them cooing on the Interweb right now.


Okay, what exactly does that sound like?

You know, maybe we should get Sonja to chime in on this.

Oh, she “gone baby gone.”

Said she had personal business, needed a few days.

Okay, well, if she were here, she would say this is a very bad idea.

I don't think Pride wants us setting up his dates.

Look, I love King, but the man doesn't always know what he wants, all right?

(Australian accent): Need I remind you, mate, the sexy detective from the outback?

Agent Parsons.

Yep, now she's back in Aussieland.

Missed opportunity.

Yeah, which will not happen again.

Patton: Okay.

Okay, I'm officially out.

Pride: Dinner's gonna have to wait.

Dead sailor in Algiers.

All righty then.

Hey, holler if you need me.

What's with him?

Oh, I ain't got a clue.

(camera shutter clicks)

Victim is Petty Officer Second Class Mateo Ortega.

According to witnesses, the petty officer took a nosedive straight off the overpass.

Brody: Spot is notorious for jumpers.

It could be su1c1de.

Pride: They see him jump?

They did not. Only saw the crash.

Sounds like we should...

Canvass for more witnesses, look at security cams, I'm on it.

Lasalle: Loretta.

Man, this car took a beating.

Wade: Unfortunately, so did our petty officer.

He has massive contusions on almost every area of his body.

It's all consistent with a fall from a great height.

Smells like someone's been drinking.

Bourbon, I believe.

Like he took a bath in it.

So is there any indication this isn't su1c1de?

It's hard to sort out much of anything in this mess, but when I do, you'll be my first call.

Woman: Didn't get much better than Mateo.

Maybe the hardest worker I ever saw.

Operational specialist, helped maintain the Combat Information Center.

Diligent to a fault.

Had to be, I suppose.

Why's that?

Mateo was born in Honduras.

Came from nothing.

Dangerous place.

His family got asylum status in the U.S., and he found his way into the Navy through MAVNI.

Immigrant recruitment program.

We give legal immigrants a pathway to citizenship.

And we don't accept just anyone.

Best and brightest.

I'm guessing when you heard the word “su1c1de,” must have been a big shock.

Honestly, wish it was.

Something recently had just been off.

How so?

He just seemed stressed.

Arriving late, losing his temper.

One day, I even saw him crying.

And we have ways to help.

A team of counselors are always there, but yesterday he didn't even show up for duty.

Had to report him UA.

Any idea what was going on?

No, but one person you should talk to is his brother Victor.

He's an electrician for one of our contractors.

Should be around here somewhere.

Need to ask you a few questions about your brother, how he had been doing.

As far as I knew, he was fine.

Division officer... thought differently.

Guess I was wrong.

Would he normally confide in you?

I mean, not always.

He liked to handle things on his own.

Didn't want me worrying all the time.

Well, can't help but feeling... like I screwed up, like I should have done something.

What could you have done, Victor?

I don't know.

It's not your fault.

All right?

You need to hear that.


I got an older brother myself, and he's had his fair share of problems.

Always fell on me to look after him.

So I can relate.

And you can't blame yourself.


Take care, all right?

Can I see him?

His body.

I just want to say good-bye.

Wait here; I'll be back.

Sebastian, Miss Loretta...

I got the brother outside.

Can he see the body?

Of course; he just has to sign some paperwork.

Uh, but first you're gonna want to take a look at this.

Wade: Christopher, upon initial observation, I suspected these were cuts, from the broken glass of the car.

But then we took note of the consistent size and the curvilinear shape.

And we realized these were fingernail markings.

Then there's this.

(keyboarding rapidly)

A clean break of the hyoid bone in Mateo's neck.

Those are both consistent with manual strangulation.

This su1c1de was staged, Christopher.

Petty Officer Ortega.

Tell me what we know.

More like what we don't know.

Why he was acting strangely and why he went UA.

And why did he empty his bank account?

Nine days ago, his savings went from ten grand... to zip-a-dee-doo-dah.

Pride: Anything pop in his service record?

Lasalle: Nothing derogatory.

25 years of age, excellent performance evaluations.

Spent the last year working with the Coast Guard and ICE on a border control assignment.

One thing we do know, according to Mateo's calendar, yesterday morning, he was supposed to be at the Nunez Center.

Honduran Community Center.


I'll check it out.

Brody, see what our friends in the morgue are up to.

And I'll call in the petty officer's mother.


Look, you don't have to be nervous, ma'am.

Ma hasn't had the best experiences with the law.

I love this country.

But things happen when you are an immigrant.

Miss Ortega, there's only one thing I care about right now-- helping your family.

Esta bien.


What do you want to know?

Is there anything you can tell me about... who would harm your son?


No, not Mateo.

Maybe people have a problem with Victor sometimes.

He is the sabelotodo.

The wiseass. (chuckles)

Yeah, sounds like my brother.

(wry chuckle)

But not Mateo.

Mateo was the good boy.

Still living at home with Mommy.

And what's wrong with that, huh?

Let me tell you something.

When we came to the United States, we traveled 1,200 miles from Honduras.


And the entire time, Mateo was smiling.


15 years old.

With almost no food, no water, no shelter.

And he smiles.

Who would hurt someone like that?

You've completely lost it.

I must respectfully disagree.

I mean, look at this dude.

Pride's a stud.

Now picture him in a bespoke suit, maybe leaned up against some kind of high-end automobile.

You can't use a Photoshopped picture on a profile.

Can't believe Patton got you into this.

Do you know the one thing that a woman looks for in a man?

Well, since I am a woman, I can tell you it's...

High earning potential.

It's a biological fact.

We, as a species, are attracted to stability.

I'd merely be tapping into that need.

Okay, that's an interesting perspective, but what's gonna happen when the woman shows up on the date and the real Pride appears?

It's a minor detail.

(chuckles) Oh, my God.

All right, one to ten, what would you give him?

Don't even think about it, just throw out a number.

This has “epic fail” written all over it.

Loretta, please back me up.

All I know is I tried setting Dwayne up once, and he ducked me like Muhammad Ali.

Come, there's some things you should see.

Once we knew the su1c1de was staged, we began to dig deeper.

And these marks are not the result of a fall.

It's septicemia.

It's an infection caused by bacteria in the blood.

We've yet to determine exactly what type of bacteria.

This also septicemia?

Wade: No, this is another matter entirely.

X-rays showed two different broken bones-- the trapezoid and the hamate.

And these bones were beginning to heal.

I'd say this break happened in the last few days.

Sebastian: Yeah, the bruising pattern suggests it was caused by a blow from a small, compact object.

Likely a hammer.

So someone intentionally broke his hand.

It would seem.

I'll let Pride know.

Thanks, you guys.


Woman: Mateo volunteered

at least three days a week.

200 people come through a week.

We find jobs, housing, sometimes just a hot meal.

Mateo did it all.

Mateo was att*cked recently.

Had his hand broken.

Any idea who'd do that?

He dealt with some difficult situations.

Domestic abuse, g*ng mediation.

We'd like to talk to some of the people Mateo helped.

Of course.

I'll get you a list.

But, to be honest, it might not be the best use of your time.

How's that?

Uh, people who come here tend to be a little suspicious of outsiders.

Particularly people with badges?



Yeah, we got tagged.

So did the rest of the neighborhood.

It's such a mess.

Pride: g*ng graffiti?

Looks that way.

Never heard of 'em.

Though maybe Mateo did.

You know anything about them?



I'd rather not get involved.

We understand.

We'll look into it.

Dwayne King Pride, meet Edgar Barrios.

According to the Street g*ng Unit, he is the leader of the 1821s.

Got up and running four months back.

Strong ties to the Sula Mafia-- major cartel out of Choloma, which is where he's from originally.

Looks like the 1821s are ambitious.

Drug dealing, extortion, terrorizing the community.

You saw how scared that woman was at the Nunez Center.

Yeah, and most recently, they started a network of coyotes, bringing illegal immigrants into the country.

But here's where it gets interesting.

Barrios's frequent method of intimidation.

When he wants something from you, you don't give, he tends to favor home improvement tools like his trusty hammer.

So maybe Barrios had a beef with someone at the center, Mateo got involved...?

Barrios brought his talents to Mateo's hand.

It's a theory.

Know what 1821 is?

It's the year of the Honduran Revolution.


How about this?

What do you say we, uh, bring the revolution... to them?

NCIS! Open up!

Federal agents!

(muffled shouting, scuffling)

You hear that?

Breacher up.

(muffled shouting continues)

Hey, in here.

Underneath the floor.


(shouting continues)



(people shouting in Spanish, sobbing)

(sirens chirp and whoop; indistinct chatter)

I'll be back.

Talked to a few people so far.

All of them arrived from Honduras.

Been here two days.

Brody: Families in the States paid Barrios to coyote them into the country.

So if they already paid, why is Barrios holding onto them?

Barrios isn't what we'd call an honest broker.

Wouldn't release them unless their families came up with another 2,500.

They ain't had a meal or a glass of water in days.




How you been?



Brody, meet ICE Agent Randy Wilson.

Nice to meet you.

And you. Called in someone I could trust.




Worked more than our share of cases together over the years.

What brings y'all into this mess?

Edgar Barrios.

Prime suspect in the m*rder of a sailor.

It's funny you should mention that name.

I just had a chat with the Coast Guard about Barrios.

Couple weeks back, they stopped a boat full of immigrants.

Thought Barrios was behind it, but nothing actionable.


We can take him down together.

Come on.

Let's start with... how did they bring you into the country?

(Luis speaking Spanish)

(Luis speaking Spanish)

“They packed us into a boat.

There was no room to even move your legs”"

Woman: I was so sick.

I just... closed my eyes and pray.

Wilson: “When the boat landed it was the middle of the night”.

(woman speaking Spanish)

“They put us in an old van.”

(Spanish continues)

“Then they drove us to the house.”

Did you have any sense where the boat came ashore?

Grand... Isla?

“There was a sign in the road.

Grand Isle.”

What happened here?

(translator speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

“That man, he hit me.”

(Spanish continues)

“A hammer.”

Wilson: You wish you could help them all.

And maybe some we can.

A few will probably get to stay with their families, especially if they qualify for asylum status.

And the rest?

They'll go through deportation hearings.

Sad truth is, most will be returned to Honduras.


After all they've been through, risking their lives.

Believe me, I get it.

After 20 years, you'd think I could say I was used to it.


Listen, something unrelated I wanted to mention.

ICE started tracking the American militia movement.

They've been involved in some hate crimes against immigrants.

Your name popped up.

I hear they put a...

Bounty on my head?


Huh, used to be 50.

I'm getting popular.

I just want to make sure you're watching your six, yeah?

Always am.

All right. See you.


So... no one knows where to find Barrios.

And we still don't know what Petty Officer Ortega's connection to this is.

May have something on that front.

The woman I was speaking to has a daughter who frequents the Nunez Center-- Paula Castillo.

Apparently, she paid Barrios to get her mother over.

I think she's one of the folks that Petty Officer Ortega helped.


Right, so maybe he found out about the coyote network through Paula Castillo.

And Barrios k*lled him before he could expose it.

Now all we have to do is find the son of a bitch.

So I've stumbled upon a significant discovery.

I was trying to make Pride's profile go online, but I couldn't 'cause-- oh, wait, look!

He already has one!

He beat us to the punch.

I mean, I'm kind of glad he getting his groove back, but you'd think I'd have known before you.

What? Why's that?

It's strictly a pheromone thing.

I-I kind of got a sixth sense for when people are getting it on.

A pheromone thing?

What does that make you, like, the Booty Whisperer?

No, no, no, no, no. That's... What are you...


Doesn't anyone around here knock anymore?

That's... (clears throat)

I wasn't doing anything.

I'm gonna make an executive decision here and end this conversation.

Love y'a...

Okay, as far as work-related matters, we've determined the cause of the petty officer's septicemia.

Sebastian: Yeah, it's meningococcal meningitis.

It's a rare and serious infection.

Along with septicemia, it causes the membrane which covers the brain and spinal cord to become inflamed.

Sebastian: Yeah, but here's the kicker.

There are six different variations of the bacteria.

Mateo was infected with Group W-135.

But W-135 is almost unheard of in the United States.

Where is it common?

Well, among a few places, Southern Africa, Central America...

Mateo never left the country.

So he'd have to be in contact with someone who'd just been in one of those regions.

Likely, yeah.

Thanks, guys.
Think he knows what we've been doing?

Why don't you ask the Booty Whisperer?

All right, I don't think we should latch onto that nickname.

Okay? 'Cause it's gonna go right to his head.

The Booty Whisperer, huh?

The booty what?

(chuckles) I see word travel fast around here.

Just so you know, I didn't coin the phrase.

Kinda rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?

Booty Whisperer...


Patton: In other news...

I tracked down a security cam by Grand Isle Port.

This is where the immigrants came in.

This was taken the night they got here.

They said they came in the middle of the night, and they were picked up by an old van.

This is 2:00 a.m. and that's a hunk of junk.

Sounds like BOLO time.

I'm on it.

Thank you.

Talking with a doctor who's treating the immigrants.

One of them tested positive for meningitis.

Are the rest of 'em getting antibiotics?

As well as anyone who had prolonged contact with him.

Which sounds like it included Mateo.

Pride: Patton?



Go back through Mateo's electronic life.

I want you to scour everything over.

I'll do what I do.

Brody, Lasalle... do a search of Mateo's house.

Well, let's slow down a second.

Mateo lived with his mother.

Last thing I want to do is make her life more difficult.

You'll be respectful.

We're missing a big piece here, Chris.

Gotta go where the evidence takes us, right?


(indistinct radio communication)

What are they even looking for?

I apologize, ma'am.

But we'll be done as quick as we can.

Look, you said you were gonna find his k*ller.

All right? Not get all up in my mother's business.

Look, I'd be just as upset if they were searching my mother's house, but... you gotta let us do our job.


I think they should go.

We can.

But we're just gonna come back later with a warrant.

You people!

(huffing) Ma!


Lasalle... there's something you need to see.

Check this out.

The same van that was used to transport the immigrants.

What are you saying?

Saying that Mateo wasn't trying to stop Barrios.

He might've been involved.

Mrs. Ortega...

(sighs heavily)

I have to ask you: The van at your house...

You know if Mateo used it three nights ago?

That's the night before he died.

I don't know.

Maybe. Why?

We believe the van... transported some illegal immigrants.

Were you home that night?

Yes... but I go to bed early.

I don't keep an eye on Mateo.

You sure you didn't hear anything?

The van starting, the garage opening...

I told you... no.

Then beyond you and Mateo, anyone else have access to the van?

Not Victor?

He doesn't have a key.

Lasalle: Listen, your brother...

I know you love him, but much as you care about him he wasn't perfect.

I know the feeling.

I've had it myself.

Whatever he did... he had a good reason.

But you don't know what that reason is?

'Cause if you do, you know I can help.

Of course I don't.

I would have told you.

Sorry to have troubled you.

Thank you.

Mom... (vehicle arriving)

(speaks Spanish)


We got a problem.

It's Mrs. Ortega.

What about her?

That van?

She's the registered owner.

Now, since it was used in connection with a crime, it could thr*aten her asylum status.

I gotta take her in for questioning.

Randy... there's no evidence she was involved.

I got people looking over my shoulder, Dwayne.

It's a redball case.

I gotta follow procedure.

But once everything calms down, then some things can slip through the cracks.

You understand what I'm saying.

(sighs) I'm sorry.


Sorry, son, but I need to take your mother in.

It's procedure.


No, no, no. Hell, no.

(speaks Spanish)

What are... what are you...

(grunting) Don't...

Get off me!

Hey, I said get off me!

Guys... guys...


Don't make a scene.

I am sorry.

(speaks Spanish)

Rita: Don't worry.

That your idea of help?

Rita: Niños!

(speaks Spanish)

(laughter and chatter over phone)


What you got there?

Patton found this on Mateo's Facebook.

(speaking Spanish)


When my mom was cooking, Cade and I used to have burping contests to distract her.


We'd get a can of Coke... and just belt out our A-B-C's as loud as we could.

Yeah, she hated us.

There's a shock.

Here's what I don't get: why Mateo, a respected Navy sailor, is connected to a guy like Barrios?

And if they're working together bringing people over... why does Barrios turn around and k*ll him?

(phone beeping)

That, I don't know.

Doesn't look like we'll get a chance to ask him.

Lovely place to spend the evening.

Eh, I'd prefer Sazerac's at the Roosevelt Hotel, but what can you do?

So... tell me things.

Workers found Barrios a few hours ago.

Want you to note the cutaneous bruising, the abrasions, the engorgement of the tissue.

Manual strangulation.

Just like Petty Officer Ortega.

And, just like the Petty Officer... fingernail markings.

I'll bet you a penny, when I get him on the table, I'll find...

It's the same pattern.


Wade was right.

Same fingernail pattern for both Mateo and Barrios.

So someone else strangled both of 'em.

And we're back to square one.

Well, we know Mateo was involved in the coyote ring, so it must be something do with that.

But we got no idea why Mateo was involved.

And even less of a clue why someone would want to k*ll him and Barrios.

I mean, do we have anything else to go on?

Found these in Mateo's drawers.

In a stack of papers.

Series of cash wire transfers to a bank account in Honduras.

Few hundred dollars every week.

Are we looking at pay-outs to someone else in the coyote ring?

Maybe someone with a motive.

I've put a call in to the bank to see who owns the account.

Well, let's hope it's not another dead end.

Hey... y'all having a party, ain't nobody call me?

A drink sounds like a really good idea right now.

Well, I say we stay sober for the time being, 'cause I got something that's gonna lift your spirits right up.

Special delivery flying in.

What am I looking at, here?

Patton: This is Coast Guard's patrol routes. I had to go Dumpster diving through Mateo's e-trash to find 'em.

Routes for Grand Isle Port.

That's where the immigrants came in.

Patton: Dated January 16.

The night they arrived.

So if the routes are where the immigrants arrived, was Barrios using Mateo's Intel to get the boat in?


But Mateo cared about his work.

And the community.

I mean, something doesn't make sense.

What we need to do is find someone else in the 1821s.

They're behind the coyote ring.

They might have some info.

Maybe I can help you with this.

I found a second file in Mateo's trash.

It's the Coast Guard routes for the same area, but this one is dated January 19-- that's today.

Another shipment of immigrants.

And a good place to find an 1821.

Apurante, andale. Vamanos!

Apurate... vamonos, apurante.


Officer (over megaphone): U.S. Coast Guard! Get down on the ground!

NCIS! Get down!


Get down. Get down.

Get down. Hands up.

Lasalle: Get down on the ground!

(speaking Spanish)

Get down on the ground!

Lasalle: Drop your w*apon!

Pride: Get down. Get down.

Lasalle: NCIS!

Come out of there!

We got a runner!

I'm on him!

NCIS! Stop!

You stop!

Stay down on the ground!

Get your hands where I can see 'em!


Get 'em up! Keep 'em up!

Okay, okay, don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t.


Pride get anything out of him?

All clammed up.

Won't say word one.

Pride's gonna let him stay in there and stew for a while.

I mean, what the heck was Victor doing there, anyway?

Here's another question for you.

Did you know anything about Victor and Mateo having a sister?

A sister? No.

I called that bank in Honduras.

Turns out Mateo's wire transfers were to a Claudia Ortega.

His little sister.

She's 18, lives in Choloma.

Why didn't they ever mention that?

Here's the other thing that's strange.

She's missing.

I called her apartment building; no one has seen her in five days.

I'll talk to him.

(door opens)

I know about Claudia.

Does someone have her?

Is she in danger?

Damn it, Victor, you gotta talk to me!

I got nothing to say.

Look, I'm the only one that can help you.

I don't know you.

For all I know, you're working with them.

Is that why you're not being straight with me?


You think I'm corrupt?

I can't trust anyone.

Well, how far do you think that's gonna get you?


'Cause whatever's going on, you can't do it alone.

Look, Victor.

When we met...

...I told you about my brother.

You and I both know how important it is to take care of family.

Edgar Barrios.

His people in Honduras.

They have Claudia.

Why is she involved with Barrios?

It's not her fault.

Claudia was too young when we left Honduras.

The journey. (chuckles)

She wouldn't have made it.

We tried to bring her out the legal way, but with all the v*olence at home now, my mother decided that she had to get her out.

So your mom went to Barrios.

She even emptied Mateo's bank account.

So Mateo went to Barrios himself.

Demands his money back.

It was a stupid idea.

I told him not to.

Barrios broke his hand.

Not just that.

He decided he could use Mateo.

Wanted patrol routes.

They kept Claudia.

He told Mateo that if he helped just a couple of times, that he would bring Claudia over.

I thought maybe Claudia would be there tonight.

So Mateo trusted Barrios?

Of course not.

Mateo was a United States sailor.

Then the routes weren't real?


Mateo said the best way to get Claudia was to take Barrios down.

He thought that when he went to go meet the boat that he would have backup.

It was supposed to be a sting.

Who else was supposed to be there?


Dwayne, what are you doing here?

We need to chat.

Uh, if this is about Mrs. Ortega, I only have to hold her a little while longer.

Like I said, just until things calm down.

Not about that.

What's going on with you?


I've always been straight with you.

All I'm asking is you do the same with me.

Dwayne, you're gonna need to talk English.

I know Mateo came to you for help.

You were supposed to arrest Barrios.

Are you messing with me?


I'm not here to judge.

I can't begin to understand what's going on in your life, but somehow, you got in over your head... and-and Barrios offered you money...

No! No, Dwayne.

So Mateo didn't come to you the morning after the immigrants arrived to find out what happened to his backup?


And you never hurt him?

(chuckles, sighs)

Randy, you were the last person to see him alive.

And you didn't tell anyone.

Tell me you have an explanation.

Why would you even think that?

Because Mateo told us.

Made a video, found it at his house.

He laid it all out.

(wry laugh) If he did, you would've done something already.

Well, then you'd go to prison.

And you wouldn't be able to help us find his sister.

Randy, you and I, we go way back.

You get Claudia... home safely, I'll do everything in my power to help you.

All right... I'll do it.

I-I just gotta...


Fancy meeting you here.

You're under arrest.

Keep your hands where we can see them.


Dwayne, hear me out.

For old time's sake.

I got him.

I know people in the militia.

I got contacts.

If there's another hit coming down...

You really think you can thr*aten me?

No, no, I-I'm saying I can find out if another hit's coming.

I can help you.

Why the hell would I want your help after all you've done?


Huh? There's only one decent thing left for you to do: Tell us where we can find Claudia Ortega.

She's a kid, Randy!

She's 18 years old.

She's got a family waiting for her.

(speaks Spanish)

That's her.

(speaking Spanish)



(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

♪ I am a missing heart ♪
♪ No place left to start ♪
♪ To ever find my way ♪
♪ Around these empty parts... ♪

I don't know what to say.

♪ Oh, I am a missing heart ♪

We worked with ICE.

Got Claudia expedited processing.

She got her asylum status, so she can stay.

♪ In need of time... ♪

And the director of ICE gave us her word.

They're gonna ensure that Wilson is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Thank you.

Now go.

Be with your family, man.

They need you.

♪ An open wound... ♪

Your brother's lucky to have you.

♪ I searched so long... ♪

Thank you.

♪ And all that I found is now gone... ♪


(old school hip-hop playing)

All right, I love you, brother.

Yeah, Roll Tide.

Think someone forgot to send me an e-vite.

Hey, Patton's been playing us some of his old beats.

How did we never know you were an MC?


Lasalle: 'Cause the man's got a heck of a poker face.

Almost as good as Pride's.

That bill of goods you sold about Mateo's video?

That was a thing of beauty.

Thank you.

I got to tell you.

There's a lot of things people don't know about Triple P.

Some may even think I'm a man of mystery.

Brody: Oh.

Some might.

But not everyone.


Want to turn that off for a second?

(hip-hop stops)

My friends...

I am hip to your game.

I had nothing to do with that.

For the record, I have been a firm hater since the very beginning.

I plead the Fifth.


My sources also told me that you've happened upon a certain pre-existing dating profile.

Whoa, you think it was, uh, Doc Wade that ratted us out?

I got eyes everywhere, Christopher.

And I'm gonna tell you all the same thing I told Laurel when I found out she made that profile.

Appreciate your concern.

But I'm doing just fine.

Ooh, look at that.

It's quitting time.


Y'all have a good night now.

Brody: You, too.

Lasalle: Adios.

Just so you know...


There's a lot of legitimate hotties on this site.

You might want to take a peek at who's checking you out.

Let's go, Booty Whisperer.

I'm just saying.

Booty Whisperer.


(computer blipping)


(Pride chuckles quietly)
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