03x22 - Evil Underground - Rock Island, Illinois

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x22 - Evil Underground - Rock Island, Illinois

Post by bunniefuu »

There's a lot of
frickin' dead people here.

We just get that creepy feeling.

You feel it.

He was evil.

He's missing his whole face.

He was found guilty.

- They lost everything?
- They lost everything.

There's a hole in my head.

I want the answers.

This is not good.

Could this be dangerous?

There is an unhealthy
attachment to the dead.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing's, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people...

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me...

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner...

I'm Steve Di Schiavi. I'm a retired
New York City homicide Detective...

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her?

It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were
ghosts in this house.

Amy and I work
independently of one another.

I interview witnesses and research
the history of the location.

To see if there's anything
unusual about its past.

While Amy communicates with the dead.

I'm in Rock Island, Illinois,
a few hours West of Chicago.

I'm on my way to meet
with a woman named Melissa,

who says she and her 4 year old daughter

are being terrorized
by spirits in the house.

She sounds pretty bad, and
I'm hoping Amy and I can help.

Before Amy arrives, I have to clear
the area of any leading information.

This house contains a
lot of family photographs.

So it's important I remove
them, along with the kids' names.

To avoid influencing her findings.

There's a lot of frickin'
dead people here...

Very, very negative.

There's, like, people under the trees.

There's also this other
really creepy dude.

He wears a cloak, and...

He's missing pretty much his whole face.

He works with these people
in the trees, though.

They're, like, underlings for him.

He wants to get rid of living people.

So, Melissa, I understand that you
and your four year old daughter,

are having problems in the house.

- Yes.
- Okay. Who else lives here?

My husband, Mike, and our
7 year old son, Nathan.

And how long you living here?

We've lived here about five years.

So, what kind of things
are you experiencing?

We're seeing apparitions, shadows.

Our daughter, Madison... we
want her to not be afraid.

We want her to have a normal childhood.

What's going on with her?

She would wake up in the
middle of the night screaming,

that a little girl was in her bed.

What about Nathan?

He mentioned that there was one time
he was coming up the basement stairs.

And it felt like someone
grabbed the back of his shirt,

and was trying to pull
him down the stairs.

Now, when did things
kind of pick up here?

When we moved in, I was pregnant with
my son Noah and Nathan was about 2.

And um, I noticed...

Um, a shadow in the basement.

Okay. You said your son
Noah. You didn't mention Noah.

Yeah, I was pregnant with
Noah when we bought the house.

He passed pretty much right
away after he was born.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

There's two people here who are mediums.

One of them is extremely developed.

It might be a child.

This living person is
very attracted to death.

They want it around.

I think there's family members that
this person's held onto or friends.

Unhealthy attachment to the dead.

This is the room that I and my
son feel most uncomfortable in.

We just get that creepy feeling.

I feel like I'm being watched down here.

And we've heard footsteps above us.

Has anybody else heard it besides you?

Yes. When we've had friends
over, they have heard it.

I don't like it, and it's like when I
go up the stairs to go back upstairs...

It's almost like if you were
being chased up the stairs,

how you want to hurry
up and get to the top.

That's how I feel.

The people from the trees, they
do have to [Bleep] with people.

Because they do have
to follow the orders.

The cloaked man who's in
control of the dead from outside

sends them into the basement
to torment the living.

I think it's his mission to
have this house destroyed.

Some of them don't have legs.

I saw one, like, pulling,
pulling on the person's leg.

I know that the living person's scared.

They should be, because
these things are not good.

This is where most of her experiences,
if not all of them, happen.

She would wake up almost nightly
between 3:00 and 3:30 A.M.

And she would be screaming and crying,
there's a little girl in my bed!

Okay. Now, does she say
the girl is threatening her?

She says she wants to play with her.

She says, the little girl wants to play,
and I don't want to play with her, mom.

She wakes up in the middle
of the night, crying um...

Just blood-curdling scream
that there are guys in her ears.

And she'll say that sometimes it
sounds like a whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

I don't like being in here by myself.

So I don't really blame her
for not wanting to be in here.

By herself at night.

Mm-mm. No, no, no.

They just come in...

Solid-ass dead people. Like,
they present themselves.

It's a thing they do to mediums.

If they're doing that,
then the kid is advanced.

So, what's going on in here?

This is actually where Madison
was sleeping with me one night.

She wasn't feeling well, and she was
talking about the man under the bed.

Which bed... this one?

This bed, and, actually,
there is no under the bed.

- What do you mean?
- The mattress sits pretty low.

You got about this
much room under there.

Right. And so, I decided to give
her a piece of paper and a crayon,

and I asked her to draw me the picture.

And she drew a circle with a frowny
face and red circles all over its face.

- Do you have that picture?
- I don't still have that picture.

Anything else in this room?

This is also where I experienced what
felt like someone sit on the bed...

And I actually felt the bed...

Like this, like someone sitting there...


And I looked and there was
nobody there, and I'm like,

well, maybe I just felt something,
and then I felt the bed lift.

- When this happened, were you sleeping?
- No, I was not asleep yet.

I was laying there,
trying to fall asleep.

The dead in here...

Are from out there.

They are the people from the
trees, and so many come in.

What are they trying to do?

Hurt them.

Mike, I spoke with your wife, Melissa.

It seemed obvious that your
daughter was her biggest concern.

That's the biggest concern
for me is my daughter...

And Melissa has always told me
things that have happened to her,

and I haven't seen it myself, so for
me, it was hard for me to believe...


But now that the daughter's in the
picture, telling me kind of the same stuff,

I tend to believe Madison
because she's so small.

Have you had any experiences?

- I've had one here in Madison's room.
- Explain that one to me.

It was actually this
shopping cart right here.

And the shopping cart was actually in
the middle of the room, like this...


Loaded up with toys, and Madison woke up
screaming and pointed at the shopping cart.

Did you ask her what
she was screaming about?

I just assumed that she wanted
it back by her bed again,

so at that point I just said, all
right. Put it right here next to you.

Must've been probably a half-hour
later... I was back in bed again myself.

She woke up screaming, shrieks.


And then I came back in here,
and this rug was in the middle

of the floor and the cart was
turned and pushed to about here.

- What happened? Did she push it?
- Well, that was my first thought.

I'm like, you know,
she just pushed it away,

but then if she just pushed it away,
why would she be screaming about it?

She didn't tell me that
anybody had pushed it.

She didn't tell me that
anybody took it away from her.

She was just screaming,
pointing at that cart that moved.

Now, Mike, after this incident
happened, the stuff you can't explain,

are you a skeptic, not a
skeptic? What's your story?

It opened my eyes is what it did.


There's a disturbance.

I hear things moving...

Like, chairs moving...

Mm, maybe a little bit of a poltergeist.

Yeah, and stuff happens in here...

Poltergeist [Bleep] you know?

Poltergeists are usually
created unintentionally,

when someone with abilities
represses intense negative emotions.

These powerful forces can
interact with the physical world,

and in some cases, harm living people.

Do you have any idea
who it's coming from?

- I want to say a female.
- Okay.

The living person doesn't know how to
release their [Bleep] emotions properly.

Anything that could be dangerous?


Mike, I know you're probably
at your wits' end with this,

but what are you hoping we can help
you out with this investigation?

I just want my kids to feel comfortable
and safe everywhere in our house.

Nathan is not really comfortable
going in the basement by himself.

Melissa is not real comfortable
with the attic at all.

- The attic?
- Right.

- She didn't mention the attic.
- There's an attic out here in the hallway.

- Can you show me?
- Yeah.

What's the story? Why does
Melissa not like going up here?

Just kind of a dark, creepy thing.
She's just not real comfortable.

I don't think she's
ever been up here once.

Right, and do you know
much about the house?

I know it was built back in the '40s.

Before there was a house on the
land, it was owned by John Looney,

and he was a gangster back in
the '20s to '40s in Rock Island.

Okay. Let me ask you a
question, though, Mike.

If at the end of our investigation Amy
turns around and says, you know what?

You can't fix this. You got to get
out of this house, what would you do?

That would be hard for me.

You know, as the husband
and the father of the house,

I want to be able to find the answers,

to stop my daughter from screaming
in the middle of the night.

So I'm hoping having you guys out here,
we'll be able to find some sort of answer.


A lot of the people that
are in the kids' area...

They kind of live up
here or hang out up here.

But they all kind of work together.

And they died in
various ways and places.

[Bleep] This is not good.

So, Nathan, I was talking
to mom and dad before.

They told me that you've been
experiencing some stuff in the house here?

- Uh-huh.
- Explain that to me.

I was in my bed, looking at the closet.

I saw, like, a gray
shadow running across it.

- Which closet... the one outside?
- Over there.

- Can you make out what it was?
- It was kind of a person shadow.

- All right. So, did that scare you?
- It scared me a lot.

Just tried not to think
of it and have a nightmare.

- Okay. Did you tell anybody about it?
- No, I haven't yet.

You haven't? Okay.

So, anything else happen?

I felt someone trying
to pull me downstairs.

- Down in the basement?
- Mm-hmm.

- How?
- Like, grabbing onto my shirt.

I've been lied to by
seasoned sociopaths,

and I can always see through their
lies, so when I'm talking to a kid,

I know when they're telling
me the truth, and this one is.

Are you scared to be at home?


The ones that are coming in
here, they can get kind of nasty.

They more look like shadows...

But they, like, are
up against the walls.

Two groups of dead people
are roaming this structure...

The ones presenting themselves
to the mediums who live here.

And the ones crawling across the floors
of the basement and Master Bedroom.

They have one thing in common...
they both have bad intentions.

Is there anything else these
people can do to the living?

You see them out of the corner
of your eye, but you feel them.

What will these things eventually do?

Well, they can k*ll.

Mike told me that a mobster
used to own his land,

so I made some calls, and
it turns out he's right.

Going to meet with a local author who
says a guy by the name of John Looney

used to run a bloody empire right
off of Mike and Melissa's property.

So, you wrote this book about
Looney, and from what I understand,

he actually owned the property
that I'm investigating.

- Is that correct?
- That's correct.

This is John Looney about the
time he came to Rock Island.

In the late 1800s...

He met a woman named Nora O'Connor.

They got married, and they
had two daughters and a son.


But about 1903, his wife dies.

And after she left...

He spiraled downward
into this life of crime.

He was involved in gambling, moonshine.

He was involved in prostitution.

This is Looney from sort
of the height of his power.

How powerful did this guy get?

Well, he basically controlled the town.

People were very afraid of him.

Basically if there was something
going on in town that was illegal,

Looney was involved with it.

Okay. Now, I assume
he was a violent man.

Well, we know that a lot of people died,

and Looney had people on his payroll who
were, you know, basically paid hit men.

Do we know if he ever buried
any bodies on the property?

Just the fact that he
had, you know, this large,

piece of land with nobody living
around it, the opportunity existed.

There's, like, a family out there...

You know, like, a mother, a father,
I think like two or three kids.

But their father...
he's kind of freaky...

Kind of creepy-looking, too...

Dressed all in black.

I'm getting something
about dirty dealings.

What does he do?

He's, like, burying bodies.

So, it was about 1922 and Looney's
empire started to fall apart.

In what way?

There had been a big split
in Looney's organization.

Some of his former lieutenants
who'd formed their own g*ng

basically set up a hit on Looney.

They didn't get him,
but they got his son.

Was he there when the son got shot?

- Yes.
- He was?

Basically they pulled up
in front of this hotel.

Looney was going in to get some
papers, and these other guys pull up...

Or they jump out and open fire,
and Looney runs for the hotel,

goes up on the second floor,
and starts firing back,

but the son gets shot down on the
sidewalk before he ever got to the door.

And eventually dies
later at the hospital.

Uh-oh. I just got a nasty headache.

And someone's yelling about a g*nsh*t.

I do feel like there's
a hole in my head.

There's, like, blood and then confusion.

Like, I don't know if they lived.

After his son was m*rder*d,
things just sort of fell apart.

The city leaders started to shut
down the gambling parlors and the

hotels and the houses of prostitution
and started arresting people.

And when the whole
house of cards fell in,

the Feds went after
him and he was arrested.

And then subsequently, they
filed m*rder charges against him

for the m*rder of a local
bar owner named Bill Gabel,

who refused to pay him protection money.

He was eventually found guilty.

He ended up sentenced to 14 years
for the m*rder and served 8 of it.

Where did he wind up when
he came out of prison?

Well, his daughter picks him
up at the prison gate and,

he goes to live with her
and her husband in Texas.

And he's there about eight years, and then
he ends up dying from a lung condition.

And how old was he when he died?

He was 75 in 1942.


This guy dressed all in black...

He's probably, like, in his early 70s.

He's fairly recent... he's
fairly recently dead or something.

But I keep seeing these
bodies all over the place.

He's, like, digging them and just
throwing them in the ground, you know?

Nobody likes him.

He was evil.

He definitely was not
involved in good things.

I'm at the library to see
if anyone else of interest

owned my clients' property
before John Looney.

Digging through the archives, I
discover a man named Sam Bowles,

who lived on the property in
the 1800s with his wife, Eliza.

But what really caught my attention is
the headline surrounding their marriage.

Turns out Eliza went to the newspapers
to make their troubles public.

Claiming her husband beat her.

I'm no expert on the 19th century,

but I don't think it was real common
for women to go to the newspaper,

claiming their husbands abused them.

I'm on my way to meet
with a local historian

who promises to tell me
the rest of the story.

I thought it strange that
in 1886, a woman would

actually go to the paper
about domestic v*olence.

That wasn't common back then, was it?

- No, absolutely not.
- Okay.

Domestic v*olence was a
taboo subject back then.

You typically didn't read
about it in the newspaper,

and you wouldn't have talked
to your family about it.

Now, Bobbi, you mentioned on the phone that
there was a little bit more to the story.

One week after that was published in
the newspaper, Eliza died of a stroke.

Do you know if she was sick?

No, she wasn't. It was a sudden death.

Okay. Did they have any
children, the two of them?

Yes, they actually had
one daughter, Telitha.

She was born in 1861.

Okay, now, what kind of guy was Samuel?

He was a very prominent
man in his community.

He actually had built them a school, a
church, and a cemetery for its citizens.

So, Bobbi, what ended up
happening with this guy?

He actually died in 1893.

And Telitha inherited his estate.

She sold it off piece by piece,

and eventually the last
piece was sold to John Looney.

I'm seeing a female.

She is kind of prissy, uppity.

She's wearing a very lacy
dress, comes all the way up.

I think that her parents
might have died pretty young.

And she's disgusted by the
people she's surrounded by.

This house is crawling with dead people.

And what has me disturbed is their
attraction to the children's rooms.

She's just very...


During my research, I also
discovered that before Samuel Bowles,

Native Americans lived all over
what's now my clients' property.

In this part of the country,
that's no big surprise.

But when I called the local Curator
of the Native American museum,

she said that what went down
there may be helpful to my case.

So, I understand the
property I'm investigating

used to be Native American territory?

- That's correct.
- Okay. What can you tell me about it?

Well, the last tribe of Indians to inhabit
that area were the Sauk Nation of Indians,

and they were here from about
1735 and was about 5,000 people.

Okay, so, what happened
with the Indians there?

They lost their land to the
American government in 1804,

but only about two-thirds of
the tribe was willing to go.

About one-third of the tribe, that
was led by the warrior Black Hawk.

Refused to leave the
land of their ancestors.

Black Hawk said, I'll
die before I leave.

But one of their spokesmen
was a man named Keokuk...

Who was very friendly to the Americans.

He was able to convince his own people,

that there was no point in
fighting the American government

and it was better to just
move as they were told.

What about the people that didn't
support him, how did they feel about him?

Well, they felt that he was a coward...

A traitor to their nation.

Black Hawk felt nothing
but disdain for him.

So, the people that sided with Keokuk,
did they prosper with the deal he made?

Well, no, they were
removed over into Iowa...

And told that they
could live there forever.

But within 10 years of
this promise, they're gone.

- They lost everything?
- They lost everything.

I'm seeing this leader guy
again, who's wearing a cloak.

And he says, they're still our
territories and we still watch over them.

But when he was alive, he screwed up.

He wasn't doing his job.

He says that everybody who's come since

has just [Bleep] everything
up and destroyed it.

He feels justified as far
as wreaking havoc on people.

What does he do?

Basically whatever needs to be done,
but he sends his people in to do it.

What do you mean?

The people that he puts in the trees...

Were from his time...

Like 17-something.

When he sends people into the house...

Why is he doing that?

That's him trying to
get rid of this building.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations.

We're ready to reveal our findings to each
other and our clients for the first time.

Mike and Melissa have
been here about five years.

Melissa's had experiences
from the minute they came here.

They have two beautiful children,

and one of their kids is
having a very tough time here.

Waking up in the middle of the night,
screaming, crying. She's afraid to be here.

So they're concerned if their kids
can live here in a safe environment,

and that's why they called us in.

With that, I'm gonna have Amy
start to talk about her walk.

I immediately get the
sense that someone here

is contributing to what's
happening in this house.

But I can also tell they're not
emotionally ready to hear it yet.

One of the first people that
I encountered was a male.

He's not a good guy.

He was dressed all in black.

I did get that while he was
alive, he was particularly evil.

And he definitely was not
involved in anything good.

Who do you guys think it sounds like?

- John Looney.
- John Looney?

John Looney was a gangster that
owned this property back in the 1920s.

He was involved in everything...
prostitution, gambling, bootlegging.

He was supposedly very ruthless...
got convicted of m*rder.

He was suspected in
many, many more deaths.

There's pictures of him here.


I think his reason for buying the property
up here was because it was perfect for...

- Burying bodies... great.
- Burying bodies.

Now, you think the guy you saw was him?

Looks like him, yeah.

What else did you see?

Well, then I saw something out
back which was pretty freaky.

Under the trees are all these people.

And all of them used
to live on this land.

And their leader was
this man who came up.

He walked up, and he
was wearing a dark cloak.

And I got that this guy was from
a very long time ago, like 1700s.

He feels that his job was to be
in charge of a large territory.

And he screwed up. He
just made a big mistake.

And now that he's dead he,

does an incredible job of
watching his territories...

Psychotically too well.

It's interesting you say that.

There was a tribe of Indians called the
Sauk Nation that inhabited your land.

There was an Indian
by the name of Keokuk.

And when the white men came,
he kind of appeased them...

And kind of played
both sides of the coin.

He basically sold out the whole Indian
nation here and had them displaced.

This is Keokuk.

Even to this day, that tribe
feels he sold the whole tribe out.

Well, it kind of makes sense, because what
this person wants is the house to be gone.

He said he's not the only one
who watches this territory.

He'll send other people to,
like, take care of business.

Now, did you see any of those
people inside this house?

There was a lot of them
in The Master Bedroom.

On the floor, around the bed basically.

Some of them can't walk.

Some of them can only crawl
or, like, pull themselves.

Tell Amy about Madison, what she saw.

She was sleeping with
me in bed one night.

She said she didn't want to go to
sleep because of the man under the bed.

And I said, well, there's
no man under the bed.

And she goes, yes,
mommy, he's under there.

And then she got down
and looked under the bed,

and I said, see, there's
no one under there.

She started pointing, and she
said, mommy, he's right there.

That thing with the bed... you had told
me about you were laying in bed alone.

- Mm-hmm.
- Tell Amy about that, too.

Yeah, I had just gotten into bed, and
I felt somebody sit down on the bed,

so I turned to look and
there's nothing there.

And then I felt it... whatever
it was... get up off the bed.

Would that have been what you were
talking about in The Master Bedroom?

- Doing that to the bed?
- Um, probably not.

That's probably him.

I just got goose bumps.

So, what else is going on?

Then I went down to the basement.

And uh, I saw some of
the specific dead people

that I think were sent
to destroy your house.

They're all naked, they're all in
different levels of decomposition.

And I think two of them want help.

I actually saw somebody
doing laundry, a female.

This was a living person, and one
of them was crawling on the floor.

And was actually trying to
grab the person's pant leg.

Yeah, there's something
about that laundry room.

I feel like I'm always being watched.

Nathan had another incident in the
basement here, going up the stairs.

Tell Amy about that.

He was walking up the stairs, and then he
felt a little tug on the back of his shirt.

Okay. Interesting.

And do you think this would be one
of these people that tugged on him?


Let me ask you something. You
said you saw a living woman?

- That's what you saw?
- Mm-hmm. Well, I sketched it.

- You sketched that scene you saw?
- Yes.

She's gray.

Her hair is all kind of wet.

Her legs are kind of bent sideways.

Wow. That's creepy.


- That's pretty scary.
- It's sad.

It's just so uneasy for me in there.

Maybe this person is
reaching out to me for help.

Why would they be reaching
out to Melissa for help?

I did get that there was someone
here who brings in the dead.

There is a female who they
think is a medium here.

So, when you are a medium, dead people
are attracted to you who want help.

And I did get that this individual doesn't
quite know what to do with this ability.

There is a slight unhealthy
attraction to death.

Like an obsession with it.

It's dangerous because
there's a fine line there.

And a lot of the dead here
can inadvertently harm you.

I did get that there was someone
here who brings in the dead.

There is a slight unhealthy attraction
to death, like an obsession with it.

It's dangerous, and a lot of the
dead here can inadvertently harm you.

Well, when I first started
interviewing Melissa,

she had told me that she's had
experiences since she was a kid.

I always felt like I had
had psychic abilities,

but I had never really been
afraid of my experiences.


Now that my daughter had been
really, really frightened.

I was like, okay, there's
something going on,

and we need to get this taken care of.

Now, you believe this stuff gets
passed down through generations.

Oh, absolutely, yeah.

And the other thing was getting that there
was a child who's extremely open here.

And very well developed,
which is very interesting.

When I went into their bedroom,
the dead lined up and greeted me.

It's a type of introduction.

Usually this is, like, for, you
know, really advanced mediums.

- So I was, like, shocked.
- And you saw this in Nathan's room?

I don't know. It had
the bunk beds, I think.

Yeah, that's Nathan's room.

I feel like Mike and
Melissa have always known,

that something wasn't
right in their home.

They've just been too afraid
to admit it to each other.

I think your daughter has
something going on, too.

But right now, he is way more
advanced than your daughter.

It makes sense, with
him not being afraid.

This is Nathan.

Aw. Cutie!

Has anything traumatic happened to him?

Nathan was about 2 years old.

We had another son, named Noah...


And he actually passed
away shortly after birth.

I have Noah's picture.
Can I show that to Amy?

- Is that all right?
- Sure.

This is right before he passed.


We knew something was wrong
halfway through the pregnancy.

So, you guys were preparing
for this before, even.

I never prepared for it.

I didn't accept that he wouldn't live.

Now that I know about Noah,
it all makes sense to me.

So, the last thing was a little
bit of poltergeist going on here.

I felt things were
sliding across the floor.

I felt that the adult
medium won't let go,

specifically to the family and friends.

And this is kind of something
that is being held inside.

And is coming out in this manner.

And I think this person has some anger.

And it's not being properly released.

That sound like you?


It's okay.

I've had other people tell me that...

I haven't grieved properly for Noah...

So that makes sense.

I can't think of um...

Anything I've noticed, like, moving.

The one thing that I've found
unexplainable in this house

since I've been living here is a,

shopping cart that Madison has in
her room, a little toy shopping cart.

It was parallel to her bed at one point,
full of toys, when she was younger.

And she woke up screaming. I
came into her room, and it was

- turned and in the middle of the room.
- Hmm.

No way she could've pushed it there...


And so I put it back, and then she woke
up screaming about a half-hour later,

and it was, again, turned
and in the middle of the room.

Interesting. That's
a pretty big movement.

Could that be from the poltergeist?


Melissa, I know tonight
was pretty rough.

You heard a lot of things that
you probably didn't want to hear.

But the big question is your children.

- Right.
- Is it safe for them to be raised here?

With that, I'm gonna
turn that over to Amy.

You have a lot of dead
around this location.

So the first thing you need
to do is grief counseling.

This is going to allow
you to let go of the dead

and to process emotions
in a beneficial way.

This will also help you
get rid of the poltergeist.

For Nathan, something he should do
every night before he goes to bed,

is to have him state that,

he only allows the good dead and
guides to stand by him and help him.

He has that power,

and the good guides and the good dead are
going to be pushing the bad out, as well.

- Will that get Looney out of here?
- Yes.

The last thing is you
can go to the tribe...

That Keokuk is from, and ask them
to do a ceremony in your backyard.

To release him and the
people that he's imprisoned.

I feel really good about it.

I'm anxious to start
helping Nathan and...

Get rid of these negative energies.

We have a game plan now. For
me, I feel like a puzzle has

been put together in front
of me, to be honest with you.

But are you gonna follow Amy's advice?

Definitely. Yeah.


Melissa has a lot of work ahead of her

to rid her property of
the evil that resides here.

But once she confronts her
past and follows my advice.

I'm confident that her family
will be able to live in peace.
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