03x16 - Never Alone - Forester, Michigan

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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03x16 - Never Alone - Forester, Michigan

Post by bunniefuu »

There's this thing. It's really creepy.

Sometimes I feel like I'm being watched.

I see this big, black, massive shadow.

There's a girl right there.

She's got blood all over her dress.

It's very gruesome.

She likes to play games.

The foundation of the house shook.

All the energy just went fwoop!

I'm being kicked out of my own home.

This isn't good.

They're being watched.

My name is Amy Allan.

This thing likes death.

I see dead people.

This thing is, like, a monster.

I speak to dead people.

And he's pissed off now.

And they speak to me.

His head was cracked.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

This guy was m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York
City homicide Detective.

I cannot help you unless
I know the whole story.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

You saw her? It's my job to reveal them.

Why would you stay here?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Stop it.

We uncover if it's safe for you to stay...

I want to know the truth. I
want to know what's happening.

Or time to get out.

I told you there were ghosts in this house.

Amy and I conduct our
investigations separately.

It's my job to look into the property's
past and hear from the witnesses involved.

While Amy makes contact with the dead.

When our investigation is done,

we meet with our clients
and reveal our findings.

I'm in Forester, Michigan, a
small waterfront community

about an hour and a half from Detroit.

I'm getting ready to meet
with a woman named Chrystal,

who says the house she inherited from
her parents is not only scaring her...

It's tearing her entire family apart.

I hope we can figure out what the
hell's going on in this place.

It's obvious from the photos that a
family with at least one kid lives here.

And that could influence Amy's findings.

So it's important that I remove them
all before she can begin her walk.

There's this guy, and all of
a sudden, like, I was him.

That's never happened before in an
opening, where I was the dead person.

Or he was in me.

Before I begin my walk, I enter a
meditative state called opening.

This allows me to receive
information from the dead.

I felt very uncomfortable because
I felt like I was losing myself.

I don't do that.

I don't let them do that anymore.

So, I was pushing him out, but
I couldn't, so I stopped.

Stopped the opening, you mean?

Yes, I stopped the opening.

He was a big, burly dude.

His hands were calloused...
very, very calloused.

I'm getting a sharp pain right here.

Anyways, he didn't come back
until I was in the yard.




Getting a really sharp pain right here.

So, Chrystal, when we spoke
on the phone it sounded like,

things are pretty serious
here, what's going on?

We have been experiencing...

Noises, voices, footsteps.

Objects have moved.

Lights going on and off.

My family has seen shadows.

I get very overwhelmed and
emotional, something comes over me.

Like, you feel a presence.

Is it getting to the point where
you think it's dangerous here?

I feel like it's getting that way.

I feel like it's
progressively getting worse.

So, how long have you been living here?

About a year.

I inherited it from my parents.

They were making the house into
a bed-and-breakfast and...

That's kind of why I sold
my home and moved in here,

with my husband and my
three children, because I

want to honor my mom by finishing the
home and making it a bed-and-breakfast.

- Okay, so that's your plans for the house.
- Right.

Chrystal, why is it so
important for you to stay?

Um, I'm attached to this home.

My whole family's attached.

So, obviously, it's emotional for you.

It's very emotional. I feel
like I'm being kicked out.

Kicked out of my own home.

Well, hopefully we'll get
some answers for you,

and you won't have to leave, okay?


He is ticked.

He's pissed off, and he won't talk to me
because I won't let him inside my body.


So, do you know who he is?

I think he's the guy who lived here.

I mean, he, like, owned the
property or something...

The guy from my opening.

Where are you?

It took me years to learn how to
keep the dead from entering my body.

But this man has figured out a way in.

And now that I kicked
him out, he's furious.

Oh, God.

Oh, my head. My head hurts.

This is really weird.

It's almost like if somebody took
your jaw and just ripped it off.

Oh, God.

This is the area of the house where
most of the activity occurs.

Okay. Like what?

Lights coming on constantly.

I literally saw the
bathroom light switch on.

And nobody was in the bathroom, I assume?

No, I got up and checked it out and
said, "anyone in the bathroom?"

And there was nobody there.

Okay, so you saw the light go on?

Something manually flips that switch.

Okay. That's strange.

What do you know about the
house or the area itself?

Do you have any history here?

The first documentation
that I see is from 1892.

Okay. So this house is old.

Any deaths in the area?

I do know that there is a town legend

that people have talked
about since I was a kid.

What is it?

Her name is Minnie Quay, and in the
late 1800s, she committed su1c1de.

She's actually buried in the local cemetery
that's just not too far from here.

So, there's a girl right there.

She's wearing, like, a yellow
dress, and she has long hair.

She's not happy.

She's really wild, especially
for her time, you know?

And I think she got in trouble a lot.


Is an issue.

She's an issue.


She's so hyper, I can't understand
a word she's [Bleep] saying.

She's like, "alalala," like right here.

Lalalalalala, pa-pa-pa...

Talking so fast, I can't understand her.

I'm, like, asking her to calm down.

She needs to calm it down, calm it down.

Calm it down.

We've had a few experiences upstairs
that were pretty frightening.

My husband and I were in bed one night,

and we heard footsteps
coming up the stairs.

And I got up out of bed, and I
looked at the top of the stairs,

expecting, really, to see
somebody on the stairway...

And nobody was there.

As we were walking down the steps,

we realized at that point
that we were following it.

Now, the kids were downstairs?

Yes, they were sleeping in their beds.

Okay, so, besides the footsteps, have
you experienced anything else up here?

Yeah. One day, I walked into the
house through the back door,

and I heard a door slam upstairs.

It slammed so hard that literally
the foundation of the house shook.

Wow. Now, was anybody upstairs?

- No.
- All right.

Well, Chrystal, I don't know what
Amy's gonna see on her walk.

She could turn around and tell you...

"Listen, you can't stay here,
you got to get out of here".

You got to be prepared for that.

It's my mother's dream to make
this place a bed-and-breakfast,

and I want to continue on with that.

She likes to play games.

Oh, kay.

In my opening, I saw this
hallway, and all the doors were,

opening and closing at the same time.

This has to do with the girl.

Do you know, like, why she does that?

She likes to mess around.

She's [Bleep] nuts.

She's totally lost it.

So, Brittany, I was talking to your mom,
and she was explaining what's going

on in the house and how it's affecting
her and practically the whole family.

So what about yourself?

I just wake up in the middle of the night
sometimes, I feel like I'm being watched.

I get an eerie feeling.

So, what do you think is watching you?

I have seen a tall, black shadowy person.

- Okay.
- And I never see its face.

It's just like a black blob.

I feel bad in this room. I don't like it.

I feel dark.

Like, corners are really, really bad.

So, there's two of these very tall, dark...

Solid, perfectly round things.

Do you know if they can
interact with anybody living?

I feel like they can.

And they can reach.

They're trying to get something.

So, Brittany, why did you bring me
in the kitchen? What's going on?

I was standing right here, and I
actually saw the shadowy figure,

standing right there in the doorway.

Almost like it was watching us and
listening to our conversation.

It was really tall, skinnier,
but it resembles like a man.

Is it something you can see through?

No. It's a black, dark shadow.

I'm getting two things.

They're together.

- What do you mean?
- They have some relationship here.

And it's a male and a female.

This is male. That's female.

That's angry. This is sad.

I think these black masses
are the beginnings,

of a psychokinetic manifestation.

I can't tell where they came from,

but they're powerful and can
affect people in this house.

Especially whoever sleeps in that room.

This one makes you hurt inside.

Like how?

Like lots of nervous energy here, like...

Or your heart's beating, and your head's
dizzy, and you're kind of nauseous,

and you feel like you're gonna fall over.

I'm physically being affected here.

I got chills just on my leg,
like there's something here.

This isn't good.

So, Mike, I was talking to
your wife, Chrystal, and

she's pretty upset about the
stuff that's happening here.

Now, is there any place specific in the
house where you've experienced anything?

I have actually seen a
shadow in my dining room.

I was standing in the
doorway of my kitchen.

All of a sudden, I see this
big, black, massive shadow.

Just go right across my dining-room wall.

And it freaked me out a little bit.

Well, describe it to me.

So, it was like... about this wide.

It was like a mass.

It took up the whole length of the
ceiling, which we've got 9-foot ceilings,

so I know it was pretty tall.

Wow. I don't know what this is.

Like, all of a sudden, all of
the energy just went fwoop!

And it's completely still.

Nobody's talking.

Getting chills up my back right here.

It's like being touched.

It's really tall, and it bends over.

It's really creepy.

It's like 9 feet tall.

And it has to bend to see.

I don't feel good in here.

I feel really sick in here.

I don't like it.

That's it. That's it. That's it.

This is bad.

I'm gonna start my investigation

by following up on something
Chrystal told me about...

The mysterious death of a
teenage girl named Minnie Quay.

I'm heading over to meet
with a local author,

who's been researching this case for years.

I'm hoping she's got some
information to help my case.

Denise, the reason I called
you is my client mentioned,

a legend about this girl, Minnie
Quay, that k*lled herself.

I need to find out from
you if it's true or not.

Oh, it's true.

- It is?
- Minnie Quay did k*ll herself.

Now, when did this happen?

This happened on April 27th, 1876.


Here is her death certificate.

su1c1de by drowning.

So, what can you tell me about her?

You know, Minnie was a 15-year-old
girl who was boy-crazy.

She was a wild child of the time.

But her parents were very strict.

And so she was unable to do the
things that she wanted to do.

She fell in love with a sailor
off one of these ships,

and she would secretly meet him.

Uh, they pledged their love to each other.

Maybe they were formally engaged.

And her parents found out.

And they forbade her to see this sailor.

And she defied them and tried to see
him, and they locked her in her room.

I'm getting a really weird pain.

This is from someone else.

Mm, damn.


Pain behind my ears, on either side...

Really, really intense.

The girl who slams doors upstairs
is trying to get my attention.

She finally has someone who can hear her.

And desperately wants to tell me her story.

She said her father was a bastard and um...

I think she got in trouble a lot.

You know, she was kind of like the black
sheep of the family or something.

She got married. She's
really, really young.

She didn't want anything
to do with anybody.

She hated her father.

I don't think he cared for her much.

And then I'm getting a pain on my head.

I'm feeling, like, this pain
in my head that's like crazy.

So, what exactly happened after
her parents let her out?

When the shipping season
reopened again in April,

she found out that his ship had
foundered, and he was lost at sea.

She was devastated.

And so, on April 27th, eyewitnesses said
that she walked through Main Street.

- Okay.
- And walked down the length of the pier...

And jumped into the frigid,
icy water of Lake Huron.

Now, are we talking about
the pier a few hundred

- yards from the house I'm investigating?
- Correct.

The water was probably only 38
to 40 degrees at that time.

She wouldn't have lasted long.

She would not have lasted long.

It's painful to jump in icy water.

She would have gasped,
maybe inhaled water...

And once the core temperature
begins to drop...

- Right.
- The systems begin to fail.

Okay. So, was her body recovered?

It was recovered. They did
it by using grappling hooks.

Oh, I've seen that before.

It's very gruesome.

They could hook into the
neck, the torso, the face.

I actually seen a guy one time
get caught under the chin,

and that's how they were able to pull
him out of the water. It's pretty sad.

It is sad.

I'm just hearing this woman.
There's a woman crying.

It's just a girl.

It's just a girl.

I'm walking away from the
house and across the street.

Right away I can see something
traumatic happened here.

And I'm seeing the residual
energy play out in front of me.

The girl who's sad is lost, and
then a woman's looking for her.

Yelling, yelling, yelling for her.

Lots of people are yelling.

I can't uh...

I can't uh...

Reach it.

I can't, uh...


I think she's dying.

Since this is such a small town and
everything's so close together.

Minnie Quay's su1c1de might not have been
the only death near Chrystal's property.

So I'm heading over to meet
with a local historian

who tells me Forester has a very
colorful and tragic history.

T.J., you mentioned that
Forester had a dark past.


In 1871, you get a massive fire that
starts over on the West Side of the state,

and it never really ends.

It just keeps kind of hopscotching
its way across the state.

Hundreds upon hundreds of people die.

In Forester, there are stories of
people jumping into their wells,

people that literally, you
know, walked into the

lake because there was no place else to go.

It was just a ball of flame.

How bad was the fire? What got destroyed?

The '71 fire pretty much
devastated the entire community.

Did they rebuild?

They did, but the fire of '81

kind of spelled the doom
a second time around.

While it didn't devastate it
as much as it did in '71,

it still damaged the town pretty badly.

Oh, geez. Look at this. Wow.

So, what happened to these people?

A lot of them just left, and
Forester never truly recovered.

Well, a lot of tragedy.

You weren't kidding when you
said it had a dark past.


Something happened, and
everybody went away.

But this was not attached to the house.

This is outside.

I just see people yelling and screaming.

Like, I see this one woman, and she's
laying there, and she's in blood.

And I do see a little boy who's dead.

Probably like 15 to 20 died.

The two fires that swept through Forester
in the late 1800s were a definite tragedy.

So I'm at the library to find out who
owned Chrystal's land around that time.

While looking through the
town's property records,

I came across the name Harrison Cooper.

He not only owned the land back then

but had some strange debts
associated with his name.

I need to find out more
about the Cooper family.

I'm on my way to meet
with a local genealogist.

Who promised to tell me a lot more
about this family's dark past.

I came across the name Harrison Cooper.

And I know he lived in the
property I'm investigating.

What can you tell me about him?

Well, before he lived in that property,

he had purchased 56 acres
of land, kind of adjacent.

He lived there with his wife,
Elizabeth, and they had a daughter.

- Her name was Emma Jay.
- Okay.

And then the fire of 1881
wiped out everything.

So, how did this fire affect the coopers?

At that time, Elizabeth was pregnant.

She gave birth to a little boy.


A week after that, Elizabeth
had a heart attack and died.

So now, Harrison is left with his
daughter, Emma Jay, and a baby.

Six weeks later, the baby
died because of malnutrition.

Oh, geez.

Now, how does he move on? What happened?

The next year, he married
his Sister-in-law.

And in 1894, he purchased the
property that you're investigating.

His daughter Emma and her
husband lived with them.

Then, in 1903, another tragedy struck.

Emma gave birth, but the
baby was stillborn.

- Now loses a grandchild.
- Yes.

Here's a copy of the death certificate.

What did they do with the body?

Back in those days, they would have
buried the body on the property.

There's a woman crying.

Real, real, like, sobbing.

She's sobbing.

And then somebody says,
"well, the baby died".

It's horrible.

She's holding the dead baby.

She's, like, petting it or
something, it looks like.

And then she's got blood
all over her dress.

This lady, she's fading.

But she doesn't want to
fade away she actually,

doesn't want to because she likes
to be around those memories.

Even though they're bad.

So she's trying to hold on.

She doesn't want to leave.

During my walk, I saw two black
masses in the upstairs bedroom,

that felt so threatening I
had to try and sketch them.

It's these two...

Round, black...


They're looking at whoever's on the bed.

And they're on each side of the room.

How close would you say it came to the bed?


This one is coming out of the dresser.

Amy, is that about right?


Amy, this is Chrystal,

Brittany, their daughter,
and Mike, her husband.

Chrystal inherited this
house from her parents,

who sadly passed away a few years back.

And Chrystal's mom had a dream of turning
this place into a bed-and-breakfast,

and she'd like to do the same.

But since they moved in
about a year or so ago,

they've been going through
some horrific things.

They're actually scared to be here.

Leaving here is not an option.

So, with that being said, what I'll
do is I'll turn it over to Amy,

and she can start telling
us about her walk.

I saw that something bad happened outside.

And I heard people screaming and yelling.

And then I saw like 15 to 20 bodies just
kind of scattered around on the ground.

One of them was a child.

Like, I see this one woman, and she's
laying there, and she's in blood.

And I do see a little boy who's dead.

Back in 1871, there was a
huge fire here that k*lled

a few hundred people, and
there were bodies everywhere.

- So, hundreds of people died?
- Yeah.

Then again, in 1881, another
fire just wiped everything out.

It actually destroyed
about 56 acres of land

that was owned by this guy Harrison Cooper.

The interesting thing
about Harrison Cooper,

his wife was pregnant during
the time of the fire.

She gave birth within a few days
after the fire to a baby boy.

She dies of a heart attack
a couple days after that.

Unfortunately, six weeks
later, the baby died.

- Wow.
- Wow.

I'm doing my opening and...

There's this man that came into my body.

And so, I'm seeing things through
his eyes, because we meshed.

He wanted to do the whole walk like that.

So that he would be talking through me.

Well, that's really dangerous.

I kicked him out, and...

What did he look like?

He was a big guy...

Very husky.

Why did you ask her that?

Because I've seen a man.

It's a dark shadow.

- Is he big?
- Yep.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah? All right.

- Is he dangerous?
- Yes.

Say, you're sleeping.

The distinction between reality
and dreams can get blurred.

She's having nightmares.

- I do.
- Okay.

Does he come and go, or
is he here all the time?

It seems like he's here all the time.

Does he watch us?

Well, yeah.

Well, I feel like I'm being
watched, that's why I asked.

- Where?
- In my upstairs bedroom.

And in the hallway.

This is kind of freaking me out.

Okay. So, what else did you see?

When I went upstairs, I
heard this woman sobbing...

Really crying, like, hard.

Like from her stomach, you know?

I heard someone say, "well, the baby died".

I saw blood all over her.

And then she was holding the baby

- and, like, petting it in a weird way.
- Ah, geez.

And the baby was dead.

A lot of things that happened here
were very disturbing for her.

Well, that makes sense to me then.

The guy Harrison Cooper
I was talking about?

When he moved to this property,
his daughter Emma Jay,

she was living here with her husband.

She wound up having a stillborn baby here.

Matter of fact, it was in 1903, but they
still had a death certificate for her.

What I was told, the baby's
probably buried on the property.

So you're saying you think that it's Emma?

It would seem like it.

Okay. What else did you see?

I went back outside and
went across the street.

And we're walking down there, and all of a
sudden, I felt really, really, really sad.

Like somebody had just died.

I'm feeling this girl, and I'm hearing
this woman calling for this girl.

"Where are you? Where are you?"

Who does that sound like?

Yeah. Minnie Quay.


It was a town legend
that she k*lled herself,

she was 15 years old, she
threw herself in the river.

Right over here by the dock.

Because she was in a relationship with a...

- Merchant sailor.
- Oh, man.

So, he was out to sea, and
word got back that he died.

- His ship went down.
- Oh, no.

She walked down the block from her house,

walked up to the lake,
and then she jumped in.

So, the men used grappling hooks
to get her out of the water.

This has been told to
us since we were kids.

So, this is more than a town legend?


The girl you say that's here, could
that be Minnie Quay, the same girl?

I think it very well could be.

She might be going between
different locations all the time.

It could be more than just this house.

So, the next person that I met when I
came back into the house was a girl.

And she was kind of wild
and crazy for her time.

And she was very much the
black sheep of the family.

It's interesting you're saying that because
it kind of sounds like Minnie Quay.

She kind of told everybody that
her and this guy were engaged.

There's no records for it because
everything burned in the fire,

but the father was very strict, he
thought this sailor was beneath her.

And he locked her up...

I mean, physically locked her up in her
room so she couldn't get out to see him.

She was very physical...

Capable of having physical interaction.

She is very bored.

And she likes to get
reactions for her behaviors.

Does she move things?

She's capable, yes.

I came in one time, and I walked
back into the dining room,

and the door slammed upstairs
so hard the whole house shook.

- Wow.
- The foundation shook.

Oh, my gosh.

It's the girl.

So, what else did you see then?


This part was uncomfortable.

So, I went into a room with a pink bed,
and I did not feel good in there at all.

I got really, really bad chills,
like in different parts of my body.

Then I'm looking, and I see these two
dark things in each corner of the room.

They're very tall, and I
felt like they were trying

to reach something or someone.

Because they're coming in towards the bed.

And they are just sitting there watching.

They're very, very creepy.

I see it.

I see these two dark things
in each corner of the room.

They're very tall, and I
felt like they were trying

to reach something or someone.

Because they're coming in towards the bed.

And they are just sitting there watching.

I see it.

I've seen it watch me and
my mom in the doorway.

And I feel it watch me at night.

And I can't sleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night.

I don't even want to get out
of bed because it scares me.

I feel like they watch me.

I've seen it.

It's tall, and it's black,
and I can't see through it.

I did sketch what I saw in her room.

It looks a little odd.

Oh, Jesus.


Does this look similar to
what you saw in the doorway?

Yeah. I can't see a face.

These things can make you feel
sick and dizzy and nauseous.

And this one is sadness.

This one makes you hurt inside.

Or your heart's beating,
and your head's dizzy.

This one's making us feel like that?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it's very hard to
control your emotions here.

I feel like we're all over the place.

So, when you're seeing the dark
mass bopping around the house,

I think that's the man
doing those things to you.

The male who was trying to jump me...

This is just a part of him,
that nasty emotional part.

But then there's also this
separate conscious entity,

that he is like, his own person.

The dead male?

Maybe this Harrison?

- Harrison Cooper?
- Yes.

And then this one is aspects of
the woman who lost the child.

- That's his daughter?
- Yes.


So, these are always in that room.

And what they want to do
is, they want to grow.

These dark masses are the very beginnings

of psychokinetic manifestations.

Usually these are formed by the living,

but in this case, it's the dead
here that have created them.

Typically, it's affiliated
with living people.

But what I'm seeing is
that conscious dead people

are also creating these types of entities.

It's because they're not dealing
with their emotions properly.

And it's growing.

Like, it's actually kind of
forming a consciousness.

What happens if they grow?

It would become its own entity.

That would be really, really bad.

The problem is that they
can be very physical.

I mean, these guys can cause a lot of harm.

They're reaching out, I
think, because of your age.

A lot of poltergeist hauntings
will be around teenagers.

And they'll be the conduit for it.

These things feed off of the
living person's energy.

- Me, or my parents, too?
- Yeah.


Now that you've seen the
results of the investigation,

you know why things have been going wrong
since you moved into your parents' house.

The big question is, is it safe for you to
stay, and can you fulfill your mom's dream?

With that, I have to turn it over to Amy.

Well, the first thing is
that you do need a medium.

To come back and help to move Minnie on...

Not talk to her, not do
anything, just to move on.

That medium, after doing that with her,

needs to go up into your
room and go to the corner,

then ask the male that's
here to receive this back...

As part of him so he's whole.

And then she moves him on.

Then she needs to deal with this.

And what she needs to do there is
she needs to collect the energy.

And then she needs to
take it out of the house.

It's just funky emotional energy

that needs to be contained
and removed from the house.

And the medium needs to do that.

The other thing would be for you

to go ahead and sleep in
another area of the house.

Because it would take quite some
time for these things to reroute.

So if you're sleeping in
another area of the house,

that would be much more beneficial for you.

So, where are you sleeping tonight?

I don't know. Not in my room.

- Okay.
- I won't sleep in there.

I wouldn't sleep in your room right now.

No way.

Bottom line, they get all this done...


Is Chrystal and her family
gonna be able to stay here

and turn this place into
a bed-and-breakfast?

Possibly, yeah.

Now, you're gonna follow
Amy's advice, obviously.

Oh, I'm gonna do it.

And then we'll just continue on.

If Chrystal and her
family bring in a medium,

they should be able to get rid of
the poltergeist manifestations.

And hopefully make their dream of
opening a bed-and-breakfast come true.
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