17x10 - Catfishing Teacher

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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17x10 - Catfishing Teacher

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Well, thank you so much for meeting me for lunch.

I've been going stir-crazy on maternity leave.

How's being a mom?

You were right.

It's the greatest thing ever.

See, I told you.


You getting any sleep?

No! Look at me.

I was up till 4:00 a.m. last night.

What is she, six weeks?


You gotta Ferberize her soon.

No, really, listen. You gotta call my sister.

It's like two or three nights where the baby basically cries non-stop.


But then they start to self-soothe.

Okay, then you come over and do it.

[baby cries] Oh, see?

Here we go. No, I got this, I got this.

It's okay.

Hey, hey, come on.

Come on, that's a good girl, Jesse.

Oh, no, no, no, no. Shh.

You see? The secret is, you gotta bounce from your knees.

They love that.

[baby coos]

Shh, shh, shh, shh... shh, shh, shh...

[woman moaning]

Ah... ah... ahh!

[woman laughs]


Hurry up, Travis. You don't want to be late.

Can you, uh, write me a note?


[school bell rings]

You missed lunch. Saved you some.

No need. I already ate out.

What're you smiling at, Zach?

Oh, nothing.

Travis, Jordan.

There's still two more hours till winter break.

Yeah, get to class, or you're benched.

Zach, I expect more from you if you're gonna earn a slot.

Towel boy's never getting a slot.

On any team.

Oscar Wilde was a man of many secrets, and those secrets influenced his writing.

So you're going to finish "The Picture of Dorian Gray" for your first quiz back in January.

[school bell rings]

Now, I know you'll be on vacation, but I expect a report of a novel of your choice from each of you when you get back.

Happy holidays.

See you. Bye, Becka.

Have fun on the slopes. Happy holidays.

Hey, see you, Anna. Have fun.

Be safe.

Happy winter break, boys.

Have a good vacation, Ms. Burnap.

Oh, I will. Oh, Jordan.

Before you go, can I get a little help?


Well, I need a ream of paper from the supply closet, and it's on a high shelf.


[both breathing hard]

Stop, stop.

Playing hard to get?

Is that better?

Now let's see what we can do to get that average up.

[somber music]

[cell phone chimes]


Dad? It's me.

Look, Mom's on the warpath about your girlfriend again.

So it might be a better holiday if you just ignore her when she calls.

Talk to you later.

[aerosol hissing]

[background noise]

[siren whooping]



You lost?


Uh, no.

Just waiting for a friend.

Call him.

Kids come here to buy dr*gs sometimes and end up in jail.

Safe home.

[car horn honks]

[tense music]

[dramatic music]

Performance reviews? Okay.

It's just part of my duties as sergeant.

We've been running up overtime.

I think we can work more efficiently.

And you have some ideas about that?

Yeah. Take Carisi.

He's studying for the bar, trailing Barba.

I'm not so sure his focus is here.

He's learning the law. He's becoming a better cop.

And Rollins... is she really coming back?

I mean, we both saw her with her baby.

Seems like motherhood is her priority.

You can be a good mother and good at your job, too, Dodds.

Of course. It's just, uh... I think you need someone here who's all about the job.

I've got you and I've got Fin.

Me? I'm still getting up to speed.

And Fin... Don't underestimate him.

He knows more than anyone here.

He does. It's just that... He's a kicker.

He boots any call he can to someone else.

That's not true.

[knocking at door]

Sorry to interrupt.

We got a call about a missing 15-year-old boy.

For how long?

Over 48 hours.

Their local precinct wants us to take a look at it.

Okay. Better safe than sorry.

That's why I figured Sarge and Carisi might want to check it out.

Uh, why not you?

Well, I've been racking up a lot of overtime lately, so...

Yeah, well, I'll approve it.

Go with Dodds.

Zach told me he went skiing.

Cole has a timeshare in Vail.

He's always buying the kid's love.

Cole is Zach's dad?

Yes, we're divorced.

Zach said his father bought him a ticket, but he never texted me when he landed.

Then Cole didn't answer my calls.

So Cole had no contact with Zach, either?

No. When he finally answered his cell, he said he'd just flown in on a red-eye with his girlfriend.

He's a pilot, she's his third flight attendant.

Did you see Zach leave? Did he pack a bag?

His duffel bag is gone. And his toothbrush.

Did he have a laptop or an iPad?

It would be on his desk.

It's not here.

Why are you bombarding me with questions?

Shouldn't you be checking every hospital, every morgue?

We're getting to that, ma'am.

Don't patronize me. That is what Cole does.

He thinks I'm overreacting.

You are.

Oh, now you get here!

This is ridiculous, Serena.

Why would I take Zach over Christmas?

It's the busiest travel time of the year.

You took him last year!

Oh, wait, before you had the girlfriend.


Mr. and Mrs. Foster, your son is missing.

Right. Sorry.

We'll take all the information that you can give us.

We'll try and track his cell phone.

I already tried. I have a locator on it.

His phone's either off or it's dead.

You track his phone?

We share a cloud ID.

You can check his messages?

Oh, right, yeah. I can.

Um, I set it up when I bought the phone for safety.

You had that and you didn't check?

I turned off the notifications like a year ago.

You have any idea how many texts kids send?

Okay. There's, like, dozens of them here.


What's this?

Looks like he's sexting a girl.

That's more like a woman.

"I'll teach you so many things. You'll be my favorite student."

Ugh. So what is this... some woman took my son?

May I see that a minute?

"Take the LIRR to Jamaica Station. Meet me at the base of the AirTrain entrance. Bring your passport. Let's fly away."

Well... [laughs]

He must've gone willingly.

I mean, look at her. It doesn't matter.

He's 15. She's not.

[ominous music]

The last texts are about going to the AirTrain.

Others were more explicit, accompanied by pictures.

And we tracked Zach's phone?

Yeah, it died at Jamaica Station.

And I traced the cell the pics came from.

It's a burner.

It only sent texts to Zach, then it goes off the grid.

But I'm still going through the older texts.

Whoever this woman is, she knew exactly what she was doing.

Never shows her face.

No identifying marks or tattoos.

The texts indicate that she's older, that she knew him from school.

It's gotta be a teacher from River Park Charter High.

Okay. We flag his passport?

First thing. Then I checked TSA.

Zach never made it to the airport.

So talk to MTA, see if we can get security footage from Jamaica Station.

Anything else?

Yeah. In an earlier text, she mentions the names Travis and Jordan.

Says that if Zach wants extra credit, he should ask them about it.

Okay, so classmates.

Track them down. Won't be easy.

School's closed for winter break.

Somebody's gotta be around.

Start with the principal.

[knocking on door]

My father would have a cow if he saw Santa sagging on his lawn like that.

Try knocking again.

Okay, okay, I'm coming.

[rock music in background] How much I owe you?

Actually, we're NYPD.

Oh, that's how I know you guys.

Are you Mr. Bernstein?

Principal of River Park Charter High School?

Yeah, but I'm on vacation.

Why don't you go call the pizza place, see what's taking so long?

I'm kind of busy right now.

Can it wait?

Afraid not.

We're searching for a missing student.

Zach Foster.


He's a good kid. Is he in trouble?

Well, we're not sure.

We got reason to believe he's with this woman.

You have any teachers who look like that?

There's been a lot of turnover in education the last few years.

Most of my teachers are young.

Yeah, I'll bet.

So let's rule out the older ones, the men, anybody 50 pounds heavier.

We'll start from there.

She may already be involved with two other students.

She told Zach to talk to Travis and Jordan.

No last names?


[sighs] Travis and Jordan...

There's a few of each, but, uh, maybe Travis Barstow and Jordan Massina?

They're both on the wrestling team.

Zach's the equipment manager.

I don't know who that is.

She told Zach Foster to ask you about extra credit.

Zach? No way.

Well, he's missing, maybe with her, and he could be in danger.

Yeah, in danger of getting laid.

This is no joke. You cover for her, you're an accessory to statutory r*pe.

Look, we have the sexts, and we think that she sent the same ones to Zach that she sent to you.

Zach's still waiting on puberty. She wouldn't go for him.

He's dreaming. She likes guys with muscle.

Like you?

It's not like that.

Well, what's it like, then?

I didn't want to. I had to.

My grades were slipping.

I would have gotten kicked off the wrestling team.

Who is she?

Ms. Burnap.

Phoebe's her first name. She's our English teacher.

She makes me do things to her in the supply closet.

That's how I got the perfect grade on my "Leaves of Grass" essay.

Phoebe Burnap, 27.

She's been at River Park for the last year and a half.

But before that, three different schools... four years.


No, she quit each time.

But when I called former administrators, two admitted that they'd heard rumors.

And they did nothing?

They said rumors always follow young, pretty teachers.

Boys talk.

Hot for teacher. Happens everywhere.

Right, but when the teacher follows through...

That's r*pe.

Jordan and Travis confirmed that the sexts came from her.

But why would she use her own cell on them and a burner on Zach?

I mean, why the change in pattern?

Maybe she's learning.

Or she wants to take it to the next level with Zach.

Either way, we know who he's with.

The question is, where are they?

Well, last known whereabouts got him heading east from Jamaica Station Friday night.

So widen the scope.

See if the teacher turns up on any security cameras outside the station.

Start a canvass. No need to.

I ran her credit cards.

She put a deposit down on a Vermont ski lodge, and she bought gas up near there Saturday morning.

How far north?

[suspenseful music]

Front desk confirms Phoebe Burnap's in room 212 with a young male.

Great. Let's move.

They request that we spare the door.

[woman moaning]

NYPD. Nobody move.

What the hell?

What's going on?

Get out!

Where's Zach?

Wh... who?

How old are you?

He's 21... he's my husband.

Your husband?

Yes. We eloped Friday night.

All right, how about we lose the cuffs, get dressed.

Phoebe Burnap, you're under arrest.

That's you. We got confirmation from the two other boys you sexted.

That's my picture, yes, but I don't know where Zach got it.

Check my phone; they didn't come from me.

We know they came from a burner cell.

I'm not even sure what that is.

Listen, if you met up with Zach Foster, you need to tell us now.

We're pulling the video from the AirTrain entrance and we're gonna put the two of you together.

I wasn't with Zach. Honestly, he's just a kid.

Oh, not your type?

Come on, Phoebe.

Your picture's on his phone.

You asked him to meet you.

Where is he?

I don't know.

My husband, David, is on Christmas break from Oberlin.

We decided to elope the night he came back.

That's why we were in Vermont.

We've been together the whole time.

Okay, well, you stick to that story, and you're gonna end up in jail and on the registry for a very long time.

Is that what you want?

I want a lawyer.


But the longer it takes us to find Zach, the less likely you are to get a deal.

If something happens to Zach...

I didn't do anything. I want a lawyer.

Someone must've hacked Phoebe's phone.

These are pictures she sent to me.

Not just you.

Three of her students... Travis, Jordan, and Zach.

She would never do that.

I know this must be hard for you, but you understand our perspective here, right?

I mean, these photos, the information from the boys...

How long have you known your... wife?

We've known each other for years.

For years? You're 21.

Yeah, we met in high school.

Senior year.

Your senior year?

Well, yeah. Her first year teaching.

Six years is not a big difference.

If she were 21 and I was 27, it'd be fine, right?

We're not here to judge you.

We just need to know when and where you met Phoebe on Friday.

She picked me up at LaGuardia a little after 3:00.

We drove up to the ski lodge and got married at the base of the mountain at midnight as snow fell all around us.

"As the snow fell." Romantic.

Yeah, it was.

We were together the whole time.

She wore me out.

He could be lying, but I doubt it.

That kid's in love.

You can't trust someone like that.

Okay, the lodge confirms their check-in time, champagne delivery to the room, and a couple's massage.

It could be some elaborate alibi, but what was her plan?

Take a 15-year-old on her honeymoon?

She text Zach, sent him tickets.

There's gotta be some connection between them.

The first two boys are athletes.

She sexted them from her regular cell, did them in her car or in her school.

It's a long throw from that to a burner cell and kidnapping.

It is, but she is Zach's last contact.

So this David knows something.

Keep him talking.

[knock at door]

Lieutenant Benson? Counselor Roth.

On what charges are you holding Phoebe Burnap?

r*pe in the third, possibly r*pe in the second, kidnapping, and sexual as*ault.


A jury is going to look at her, look at him...

Do you think they'll see it that way?

My client and I will need a word.

Of course.

[door thuds shut]

Look, we can't prove she took Zach, but we have her dead to rights on raping two other teenaged boys.

I'm aware. But right now, Zach is missing, and he's the priority.

If she wants a deal, she'll get one.

Zach is a nice kid.

I would never do anything to hurt him.

Well, then tell us where he is.

I'd first like to make it clear that my client is admitting to nothing.

And, unless we get a proffer agreement, we're walking out the door.

You want queen for a day, you've got it.

We don't have time to hammer out the logistics now, but I'll work with you to see that your client gets a better deal than she deserves for raping two students.

r*pe? That's not...

Ms. Burnap, we're only discussing Zach right now.


Our concern is finding him.

I never approached Zach.

I never texted him. He's a good student.

There was never any need for tutoring.

Tutoring... is that what you're calling it?

I was looking out for those kids.

Yeah? In the supply closet?

Jordan and Travis come from dysfunctional homes.

There were abuse issues. I helped them through it.

Again, let's focus on Zach.



My client was set up by someone, and we know who.

Hold on... you know who Zach's with and you've waited all this time to tell us?

Let's not waste any more of it with recriminations.

Ms. Burnap?

Jordan came to me a month ago, upset.

He was having a hard time performing.

He was feeling inadequate.

I... reassured him that he wasn't, but he told me that he already talked about it with Donald Basinski, his wrestling coach.

[ominous music]

This Coach Basinski knew about you and Jordan?

So you see, Ms. Burnap is a victim here, too.

A victim?

Those photos were personal.

If Basinski used them, it was without my permission.

Used them, how?

To lure Zach to him?

He is a wrestling coach.

You hear a lot of rumors about those guys.

Yeah, okay.

I showed Coach Basinski the sexts and the photos.

He said he'd put an end to it.

He didn't want you to go to the principal or the police?

He said the press could catch wind of that, I could lose my shot at a college scholarship.

Did you just show him the photos, or did you give them to him?

I AirDropped them. He said he needed the proof.

Give us a minute, Jordan.

Uh, I...

I don't know what this is about, but Coach... he's a good guy.

He always has time for you, no matter what.

Jordan gave the Coach the pics, and he used them to catfish Zach.

He's our man.

Okay, so Ms. Burnap was telling the truth.

Which means there are two predators at the same school.

Well, it happens.

I'm assuming no luck reaching Coach.

His cell phone went straight to voicemail.

TARU can't trace it.

For what it's worth, Donald Basinski's got a stellar resume.

He's been at River Park for 12 years.

He's five-time Coach of the Year.

And if he's a predator, this kid has no idea.

Right, because predators know who to pick on.

Where does this coach live?

Floral Park.

Go. Now.

We need a warrant, Counselor.

I'll get you one, just go.

[police radio chatter]

Go, go, go, go!

[suspenseful music]

[police radio chatter]


Two plates, two beers.

They were here. Kitchen's clear.

Basement. I'm going down.

I got pictures of kids over here.

[sirens approaching]

[police radio chatter continues]

[ominous music]

All these boys.

Who are they? What the hell happened to them?

We'll worry about that later. Right now, we gotta find Zach.

There's nothing on real estate searches or credit cards.

Wherever he's taking these kids, he's using cash.

APB on his car has him on the New Jersey Turnpike headed north late Friday night.

No signs since then.

No luck here, either.

Principal Bernstein's going through photos now.

Copy that, Lieutenant.

Well, those are our uniforms, so they're all River Park students.

Yeah, but do you recognize any of them?

Not really. This is only my second year.

Are these all kids Phoebe Burnap seduced?

She got a thing for wrestlers?

Wrestling team have a training camp?

No. We barely have enough money to get to the competitions.

Have you talked to Coach Basinski about these kids?

Can't reach him.

Coach mention any holiday plans to you?

Second home, maybe someplace upstate?

He's a wrestling junkie.

He's probably spending the break in a basement somewhere looking at scouting tapes.


I don't know where this was taken, but that kid's Enrique Familia.

Okay, how do we get in touch with him?

He was only here, like, six months.

Moved back to Colombia or something.

Okay. He ever mention going anywhere with Coach Basinski, maybe to train?

Uh, he didn't speak much English.

Only came to practice for a few months, then just kind of disappeared.


Uh, that's Sam Moreau.

Is he in your grade?

He was a few years older.


He rammed his car into a tree last Christmas drunk.

k*lled himself.

Zach just started managing the team this year.

Can't Coach Basinski help you with this?

We don't know where he is right now.

Why are you looking for him?

I don't understand... you arrested Ms. Burnap.

We did.

But she wasn't involved with your son.

Coach Basinski is?

We don't know exactly.

That son of a bitch.

That's why he took an interest in him.

That's why he said he could be on the team next year!

And you wanted him to play sports.

So this is my fault?

Guys, guys...

This... this isn't helpful.

We need to find your son right now.

So I want to go over everything that he told you about Coach.

Zach reveres him.

He always says Coach is the only one who believes he can make the team.

Isn't that Nat?

Nat who?

Nat Phelps.

His sister, Sarah, used to babysit Zach.

Nat would come over and pick her up.

How can we find him?


I haven't talked to him in years.

When he was your coach, did you ever go on any out-of-town trips with him?

Who told you that?

Coach is missing.

We searched his house and found some pictures.

What kind of pictures?

Looks like you're in a rural area.

You remember that?

I don't know.

The team traveled for competitions.

This could be anywhere.

I don't think so.

Team probably didn't even go with you on this trip.

I don't know what you're talking about, and I gotta get back to work.

Hey, this isn't just about you, okay?

There's a missing boy.

We heard you know him.

Zach Foster?


Last time I saw him, he was a little kid.

Yeah, we think Coach Basinski took him somewhere.

Now maybe you heard Coach talking about a cabin?

A fishing lodge?

Someplace he might go in the winter.

Coach had a place in Pennsylvania.

But I never went there.

He mention a road or a town?

If that's where Zach is, we're pretty sure he doesn't want to be there.

There was some kind of old-fashioned general store.

Coach used to bring back treats for the team... ice cream, chocolate pretzels, candy...

He said there was a Viking, some kind of sculpture in the parking lot.

He said that?

Yeah. I never saw it, but that's what he said.

If it helps.


So have you seen this boy in the last few days?

He looks kind of familiar, I guess.

Yeah? What about him?

Yeah, Coach B.

That's how I know that kid. They were in over the weekend.

Oh, good, so he is with the coach.

You know, his parents have been worried about him.

He's not answering his cell.

There's literally no reception up here.

Like, one bar on a good day.

Oh, so annoying, right?

Listen, you know where we might be able to find them?

I know he fishes up at the reservoir.

He must have a cabin near there.

Hey, does Coach still have that same SUV?


Good. Thank you.


[ominous music]

Coach B, how you doing?

Hi, Al, what's going on?

We're having some trouble with power lines down the road.

Just want to make sure your line is grounded.

Well, the line's outside the house.

You mind showing me?

Yeah, okay.

Whoa, what's...

Hey, NYPD.

Where's the boy?


Where's the boy?

Take him to the car.



[suspenseful music]

Okay, you take that room, and I'll take this one.

On it.

He's here!

[whispering] Zach...


He's breathing.

We need an ambulance!

[whispering] Oh, Zach. Zach...

[murmuring] It's okay... it's okay.

How's Zach doing?

There was alcohol and Rohypnol in his system.

No sign of external injuries.

Okay, you did a r*pe kit?

He refused it.

He's conscious now, asking for his parents.

Did you get a statement from Zach?

He's receiving treatment.

We're just about to go in there.

How're the parents doing?

They argued in the backseat all the way up here.

How is he?

I wanna see Zach. Can we see him?

Yes, of course.

Follow me.

Is Basinski with the state troopers?

Yeah, they processed him so that we can extradite.

Look... Fin, Dodds, head over.

We're gonna go talk to the boy.

This guy has been coming up to his family cabin for years.

And none of us had a clue.

That's how they get away with it.

How's Zach doing?

You know, before I saw him, he was really having a tough Christmas.

That's how this is gonna go?

What're you talking about?

Don't even try, Basinski. We know you catfished the boy.

What? What does that mean?

Look, never mind. This is what really happened.

He comes from a broken home.

And neither of his folks wanted him over the holidays, so he ran away.

And if I hadn't stumbled upon him, God knows what could have happened.

You drugged him.

I fed him.

Okay, I gave him a beer, too.

I wanted him to feel like a man.

He has no friends, no life.

You know how to pick 'em.

What, the ones who need help? Yeah. I do.

Do you guys even hear yourselves?

I gave him a home on the team. I taught him how to wrestle.

He was grooming him.

Look, okay... You're prejudiced, aren't you?

Your mind's already made up, but... but you know what I'm talking about.

Sports are good for young men.

Keeps them busy. Channels that energy.

[foreboding music]

I bet you played football, huh? Or boxed.

Don't change the subject.

We found Zach in that cabin.

Whatever you did to him, he was terrified.

The way you guys came through the door, I'm not surprised.

You scared him half to death.

You know what, shut up! Stand up.

We're done, come on.

All right, all right, so look at my record!

Come on!

Coach of the Year!

16 years, no one's ever accused me of anything.

Coach B is a stand-up guy. You ask any of my kids.

Yeah, we already started.

Good! Then I'd like to exercise my right to counsel.

My mom and dad said I can go home.

Can't we do this later?

Yeah, but, uh, Zach, sometimes it's better to talk this through right away.

Now we understand that you thought that you were meeting Ms. Burnap, but Coach Basinski showed up.

Is that correct?


He said he'd just happened to be driving by.

He offered me a ride home.

So you got in the car. And, uh... and then what?

He drove me to his house.

He ordered pizza. He gave me a beer.

We watched hockey.

I must've drank too much.

I don't really drink, all right?

So it must've made me pass out.

And then what happened? That... that you remember?

I was in his car.

On a highway at night.

Look, he told me he was driving me home.

So I fell back asleep.

When I woke up, I was in that cabin.

The doors were locked.

And where was Coach?

[somber music]

He was in bed with me.

Listen, I know this is tough, Zach.

But was he touching you?

I woke up... because his mouth...

It wasn't your fault.

His mouth was on me.

And I wasn't into it, all right?

I'm not gay.

I-I watch porn. I do.

And I'm talking about normal stuff.


Zach, listen to me.

It means nothing. It doesn't mean anything.

You were drugged and your body reacted, that's all.

So... what else do you remember?

Whatever he may have made you do... that's on him. That's not on you.

Nothing else happened.

I just want to go home.


Happy holidays, everyone.

Mr. Basinski, how do you plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

My client has been a well-respected teacher and coach for the past 16 years.

The only reason he's here is because another teacher, an admitted pedophile, cut a deal implicating him.

We request R.O.R.

Mr. O'Dwyer?

Mr. Basinski was found with an intoxicated 15-year-old.

He is being charged with kidnapping, r*pe in the first, and promoting the sexual performance of a child.

He may be a danger to himself and others, and he has daily contact with minors... potential victims.

You don't need to oversell, Counselor.

Mr. Basinski, bail is set at $500,000.

Should you make bond, you will be required to wear an electronic monitor and be forbidden contact with any minors.


Yes, Your Honor.

[light knocking]

Mr. and Mrs. Foster.

Lieutenant Benson said you needed to speak with me.

Actually, we don't. But this was her idea.

They're having second thoughts about allowing Zach to testify.

Okay, well... this is a natural reaction to a traumatic experience.

Coach is out on bail.

Yes. He put up his house as collateral.

He has to wear a monitor.

He will not go near your son or any other kid.

This is all over the news.

There are photographers at the arraignment.

Other moms are calling me, asking about Zach.

And I explained to the Fosters that there are r*pe shield laws in place.

Everyone at school knows Ms. Burnap and Coach Basinski were both arrested.

My boy's had it rough enough at school.

If word gets out that Ms. Burnap sent those sexts and seduced him, well, that's one thing, but I don't... we don't want the whole world knowing he's the kid who got it from the wrestling coach.

And we understand that.

And what we're asking you to do is not easy.

But you both are in a very emotional place right now...

Thank you for your help.

Serena, we're leaving.

Well, I'm sorry, I...

I tried.

You know what?

If it were my son, I don't know what I would do.

Look, it's a reach, but there are other boys.

Well, I need one of them to come forward.

Nat. You got a minute?

Not really.

I'm, uh, Lieutenant Benson.

And I just wanted to thank you.

Because of your help, we were able to find Zach and Coach Basinski.

Zach okay?

Yeah, he will be. We hope.

Well, good.

Is that all?

No. No, it's not.

You know, Basinski will be going to trial.

So we want to get as many stories on the record as we can.

You found him with Zach.

That's enough to bury him, right?


Zach's parents might not let him testify.

Even so, the guy's going away.

Listen, the truth is, is that we need your help.

You mean testify?

No. Forget that.

Hold on, just hear us out.

If we can get more stories, he might take a plea.

And how many do you have so far?

That's what I thought. Forget it.

I'm not gonna be your guinea pig.

Sorry. Struck out.

Edward Yamaguchi wants to see Basinski in jail, but he's not gonna get involved.

Where are we on the ten we ID'd?

Edward was the last of them.

Zach, Nat, they're not gonna testify.

Sam Moreau is dead, Enrique Familia's back in Colombia.

These two swear nothing happened and these three don't want their spouses or family to find out.

Look it. You know how it goes... when a boy goes through something like this, they never tell anyone.

Excuse me.


Can we help you?

I think I can help you.

You're willing to make a statement?

I don't have to.

Got Coach's statement right here.

He confessed to everything.


Nat, please!


There. It's recording.

Tell them what you did.

Your own words.

You're having a hard time, but this is not...

I said tell them! - [groaning]

And he confessed of his own free will?

I encouraged him.

Okay! Yes.

"Yes" what? What did you do?

Yes, I had sex with you...

Not sex!

You r*ped us!



You r*ped all of us!

It's what they wanted.

I was there for them, for you.

No! Never! - No?

[blow landing]

I just wanted your help! - Well, that's what I did!

You wanted someone to care, and that's what I did.


[louder] Care?

You never cared!

How many boys did you have up on your wall?

Like trophies!


Tell me again! I want names now!

I said tell me! Ow!

Stop it! I want names! [blow landing, Coach crying]

Okay, it was...

Sam Moreau.

Enrique Familia.

Edward Yamaguchi.

He names four others and me.

Is that enough?

[police siren wailing]

[brakes screeching]


[police radio chatter]

[sirens wailing]

He's alive!

We're gonna need that bus.

All right, hang on.

Just hang on.


Coach Basinski died in the ambulance en route to the hospital.

[solemn music]

He must've been in a lot of pain.

Did he bleed to death?

He did.


When did this happen?

Last night.

I got my first good night's sleep in eight years.

Don't I need to make a statement or something?

No. Not yet.

You're under arrest for m*rder now.

I need to read you your rights again.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you...

I know all that.

You have the right to an attorney.

I don't need one.

Yes, you do.

We'll be right back.

You're not saying anything until a lawyer gets here.

Do you usually encourage your suspects to get a lawyer?

This is on us.

We pushed this kid to testify.

That's not what he did.

He was trying to get a confession.

He was molested by the man that he k*lled.

He planned this. He tortured that man.

He left him to die and was glad to hear that he bled out in pain.

It was premeditated.

You're gonna charge him with first-degree m*rder?

That's 25 years.

His lawyer can plead for leniency at sentencing.

His life will be over.

Lieutenant, his life... was over at 15.
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