27x09 - Barthood

Episode transcripts for the 1989 TV show "The Simpsons". Aired: December 1989 to present.*

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"The Simpsons" - set in the fictional town of Springfield - parodies American culture, society, television, and many aspects of the human condition, and is a satirical depiction of a middle class American lifestyle.
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27x09 - Barthood

Post by bunniefuu »

( bells jingling )

Homer: Ho, ho, ho!

Homer: D'oh!

( tires screeching )

( grunts )

Homer: Oh, are we gonna stay Roto-Rootered like this the whole show?

Lisa: It's rotoscoped, Dad.

Bart: Whatever it is, it's making me sick.

Lisa: A noble experiment that failed.

The Simpsons
Season 27 Episode 09
Original Air Date on December 13, 2015

( acoustic guitar playing )

Bart: Why is the sky blue?

Homer: Hmm... I don't know. Just is.

Bart: Why are clouds white?

Homer: No clue.

Bart: Why are people yellow?

Homer: It's the way God made them.

Bart: Why is grass green?

Homer: So you can find your damn golf ball. Now I have a question for you. Why did you leave your toy car on the stairs?

Bart: Why is blood red?

Homer: Why do you ask?

Bart: It's coming out your ear.

Homer: D'oh!

Marge: So you'll be staying with Grampa while your father is on the mend.

Homer: Don't let him near me!

Bart: ( grunts )

Homer: Ah! ( sobbing ): Ow!

Bart: ( cackles )

Grandpa: ( chuckles ) Do it again, boy. I bet he can't control it.

Bart: ( grunts )

Homer: Ow! Aah! Ow...

( Grampa and Bart chuckle )

Marge: Bart, you shouldn't... ( stifles a chuckle ) Maybe one more.

Bart: ( grunts )

Homer: ( screaming ) Aah! Ow!

( all laughing )

Grandpa: ( humming )

Bart: Want to play cars?

Grandpa: Oh, boy, if I go down there, I ain't coming up.

Bart: My dad won't play cars with me, either.

Grandpa: Calm down, Melvin Q. Mopenheimer. There's other ways of playing cars.

Grandpa: Feast your eyes on the most beautiful machine ever made: the 1954 Studebaker Starliner Commander! I bought it brand-new and forgot about it till today.

Bart: ( impressed whistle ) Can I sit in it?

Grandpa: Well, I don't know how you expect to drive it if you ain't sitting in it.

Bart: Grampa! I can't drive.

Grandpa: Neither can I, legally. Now let's get going!

♪ ♪

Chief Wiggum: You know you can season these things with pepper spray, don't you? Aah! Aah! I need water in my eyes. ( screams )

Grandpa: ( laughs ) Let's open her up a little. ( grunts ) ( laughing ) Homer never showed such spirit. You got gumption, boy.

Bart: I wish this day would never end.

Grandpa: Aw, sorry, Bart. Time don't stop. The years go by and you don't even realize it.

♪ ♪

Marge: Grampa, I told you to get him home by 5:00. His tutor's here to teach him to read.

Grandpa: ( sputtering angrily ) When I was a boy, I ain't never did not need no tutor either no how! Yes, sirree, ain't!

Bart: ( reading ) "S-See... the... m-m-mou... m-m-m..."

Lisa: "See the mouse. Mouse hits cat. Cat goes splat."

Frink: Very good, Lisa. Very, very good! And with barely any knowledge of diphthongs, sibilants and phonemes.

Lisa: ( giggling )

Bart: How come she can read and I can't?

Frink: All right, calm down, young man. Not to worry, you won't need to read. You see, customers will just point to a picture of the burger that they want you to flip. ( exclaims ) Because you're not gonna have anything going.

Marge: Very nice painting, Lisa. We're putting it right over the couch.

Bart: I made a drawing, too! It's on the refrigerator! And the wall. And the curtains.

Marge: ( horrified gasp )

Homer: ( gasping, sputtering ) Boy, you've ruined our kitchen! Do you understand? This is a place of pork chops.

Bart: But... do you like my drawing?

Marge: Homer, please, please. Just say something positive.

Homer: Well, it's a... colorful example of... something that... ruined our kitchen! I can't even find the fridge! You're not beer. Where is it? And who are you?

Milhouse: We're playing hide and seek. I'm Milhouse.

Homer: Milhouse? What kind of a wiener name is that?

Milhouse: A very bad one, sir.

( bell chimes )

( humming )

Homer: That boy is so much trouble. Never should have had a firstborn. Should've skipped right to the second.

Bart: There's one thing I can do better than you.

Homer: ( chuckles ) I've finished painting the wall and it's better than new. In some ways, this was kind of a bless...

Bart: Ha! I got gumption! ( giggles )

Psychologist: Bart's disruptive behavior is probably caused by his feeling that you think other children are more deserving of attention.

Homer: Mm, I see. And how can we help these other children?

Marge: We're here for Bart.

Psychologist: In a boy like Bart...

Homer: Yeah?

Psychologist: ...the attention he craves most is from his father.

Homer: Pfft. Good luck with that.

Psychologist: Take him camping!

Homer: I do want to help him, I do.

Psychologist: And your son is just looking for your love.

Homer: Geez. For a psychologist, you sure know how to get into people's heads.

♪ ♪

Bart: And I brought my flashlight so we can find our way in the dark, and my scissors to cut wood into kindling, and an air horn to scare away bears.

( air horn blaring )

Homer: ( chuckling )

Bart: Wh... why are we stopping?

Homer: This is where we're camping, son.

Bart: I thought we were going to stay in a tent in the woods. Like the kids that got k*lled in that movie you took me to.

Homer: Son, the woods this time of year are very outdoorsy. But we'll do fun things. Oh, listen! Do you hear that?

( grinding, rattling )

Homer: It's the sound of an ice machine.

Bart: ( sighs ) Great.

Homer: Come on, let's go hunt... for the registration desk.

( blares )

Announcer: Andreychuk passes ahead to Hamilton... it's too far in front... and the ref waves off the icing.

Bart: The TV is north of the bed.

Homer: ( yawns ) Better hit the hay, son. Learning this new remote really took something out of me. Never saw a menu button colored green before. Whew! Crazy buttons. ( snoring )

( birds chirping )

Marge: So, how was your camping trip with your father?

Bart: Okay. We got lots of Starwood points at the hotel.

Marge: Oh, my thrifty pioneers. Lisa, how was school?

Lisa: The teacher gave me this.

( giggles )

Homer: "Student of the month"! Wow. How long have you been in that school?

Lisa: A month.

Bart: I've been there two years and no one ever gave me anything! ( angry grunt )

( door slams )

Homer: Aw, poor kid.

Marge: Are you taking his dessert?

Homer: Yes, I am. Up to him.

( footfalls stop )

Marge: Are you eating that cake?

Homer: ( muffled ) What? No.

( footfalls resume quickly )

Homer: Son, I know it may not seem like it now, but you're gonna be glad to have a sister when you grow up.

Bart: You're always gonna like her better than me.

Homer: That's not true. I love you both the same amount: 40%. Gotta leave room in the budget.

Bart: Then will you put this on your car?

Homer: I'll be proud to.

Bart: ( yawns ) ( gasps )

Homer: Hmm... Ooh, both those bumper stickers mean so much to me.

Bart: Oh...

All: Happy birthday!

Bart: Well, thanks. But you know I'm not into Krusty anymore.

Marge: You've outgrown Krusty? First no more "ay, caramba," now this?

Bart: Mom, don't have...

Marge: Have a cow, man?

Bart: I was gonna say "don't have a foolish attachment to the past."

Homer: Come on, boy. Humor your mother.

Bart: Oh, fine. Don't have a cow. Man.

Marge: Yeah...

( phone chimes )

Lisa: Oh, my God! I'm Student of the Month for 48 consecutive months!

Marge: Great, honey, great! But, you know, it is Bart's birthday.

Bart: No, no, no, this is fine. Just let me fix this. There. Now it's all about you. Happy?

Homer: I'll go get him.

Homer: Oh, it's no use. He's walking kind of fast.

Milhouse: Blam!

Milhouse: Blam!

Milhouse: Blam! Blam! ( laughing ) Hey, you missed one.

Bart: Nope, can't do it, my Grampa lives there.

( siren whoops )

Chief Wiggum: Stop! Stop right there! Well, looks like we finally put an end to this light-mare on Elm Street.

Lou: Actually, it's Maple Street, Chief.

Chief Wiggum: Thank you, joke police.

Bart: Please don't arrest me. It's a victimless crime!

Moleman: Oh, I can't see!

( tires screeching )

Moleman: ( moaning )

Chief Wiggum: Looks like a case of Molemanslaughter. Did that sound right to you, Lou?

Moleman: I like it.

Bart: Thanks for letting me hide here, Grampa.

Grandpa: Hiding? This is the best visit I've had in months!

Milhouse: Aah!

Grandpa: Now, come get your birthday present.

Bart: Whoa! I've been asking my parents for this, but they said I'd break my neck.

Grandpa: Hey, you're gonna break your neck sometime. It's important you do it when you're young. Like chicken pox. Now get out before I say something else preposterous.

♪ ♪

Lisa: Mom, it's just the Mayo Clinic Pre-Medical Summer Camp. I would've been totally fine on my own.

( horn honks )

Marge: No more discussion. Our cab's here. Ooh, it's one of those new Apple cars. Really think they should've stuck with computers.

Homer: Have a great trip. Don't you worry. I'll take good care of our little guy.

Bart: I'm 15!

Homer: ( laughs ) ( baby talk ): Oh, our big boy's getting cranky.

( groans )

Marge: Homer, this summer may be your last chance to have a close relationship with your son. Don't blow it.

Homer: So, boy, look at this. Just us guys, huh?

Bart: Mm-hmm.

Homer: ( chuckles ) Glad we've got the whole summer, 'cause we got a lot to talk about.

Bart: Yeah, I guess.

Homer: Let's see. Um... oh! When you replace windshield wipers, you only need to switch out the rubber part, not the whole blade.

Bart: Huh, where can you buy just the rubber part?

Homer: I don't know. Well, I'm glad I told you that before I died. So, uh, I'll go to Moe's while you sort it out, huh?

♪ ♪


Bart: Hey, thanks for coming.

( giggles )

After washing dishes for a year they bumped me to prep, which means I draw up the schedule, babe.

Wow, no more Mr. Minimum Wage.

I didn't say that.

Milhouse: So I just got out of juvie for the streetlight thing. But I'm not mad. I've learned that the greatest crime of all is a life without faith. What's wrong? Is the cross not big enough?!

Wow, you make out just like Terri said you do.

Bart: Wait, you're not Terri?

No, I'm Sherri. But the further we go, the more you'll know the difference.

Bart: ( groans ) ( sniffs ) Oh, weed. That can get me into a lot of trouble. Hey, idiots, the bong stays in the tree house!

Homer: Hey, boy. ( laughs )

Bart: Are you crazy? What if the cops come?

Chief Wiggum: ( laughing, coughing )

Bart: You're here, too?

Chief Wiggum: Yeah, must be weird for you. And-and think about this, man-- the whole world is happening right now. I mean, India, China. It's crazy.

Bart: Can you just leave me here with my dad?

Chief Wiggum: All right, sure. I can fly! No, no, I can't! I can't!

Bart: Dad, why is it you and I are never on the same page?

Chief Wiggum: Officer down, man.

Homer: Boy, when you arrived, I was terrified. Because it meant I wasn't a kid anymore. I had responsibilities. Truth is, I'm just like you. A misunderstood guy who wants his family to love him. And maybe we could start with a hug? Aw, I'm so glad we're sharing this. And I'm glad I have one kid who's never gonna go anywhere or do anything.

Bart: Damn it, Homer! You ruin everything!

Homer: ( groans )

Bart: Grampa, got to talk to Grampa.

Bart: Grampa, I sure miss you, man. What would you say if you were here right now?

Grandpa: If you ever get a chance to pitch woo at Myrna Loy, take it! She has eyes like a Persian cat. Of course in my day, Persia extended from Algiers to Constantinople. Till the revolt of the eunuchs in 1916 when... ( shouts ) Ooh, you got gumption, kid. Find what you love and follow it to glory.

Bart: Yes.

Announcer: So, we're headed into the final round of the Duff Extreme BMX vert competition. Let's check the scoreboard while the half-pipe is being cleaned by the Blood-Zoni.

Bart: Dad, one more round and I win! First achievement I can call my own.

Homer: Thank God whatever this thing is is considered a sport.

Announcer: Bart Simpson to the gate, please.

Marge: Oh, good, we're just in time.

Homer: Hmm. It's not the size of the pennant. It's what you do with it. All right, nobody likes a showoff. D'oh!

( crowd cheering )

Announcer: Oh, man, I love to see this. Simpson's setting up for his signature su1c1de no-hander 540 crank-flip!

( gulps )

Bart: I'm doing it! I'm doing it! Finally, I'm me. Finally out of Lisa's shadow. No! ( grunts )

Lisa: ( grunting ) Yes! Yes! Thank God I aced chest compressions at Mayo pre-med camp!

Announcer: And Bart's okay! The real star of this BMX tournament is Lisa Simpson!

Crowd: ( chanting ) Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!

Bart: You've ruined everything I've ever done!

Lisa: Move, quick!

Bart: No!

Lisa: Warned you.

Bart: Biker, huh? I used to bike. I used to have dreams.

I used to think disco was coming back. Now I'm just Stu. Nothing Stu.

Milhouse: Hey, Bart, you are coming to my graduation party tonight?

Bart: I don't know, man. It's humiliating. My little sister's graduating the same year as me.

Nelson: Haw-haw!

Bart: Nelson, how can you say that with what's happened to you?

Nelson: Yeah, well, I bought a totally bitching car with the money I got selling my pituitary gland. So cool.

( rock music playing )

( crying ): I knew I'd break down when Kearney Jr. graduated.

It's okay, Dad. We still got K-3.

( coos )

( both laughing )


Ralph, you joined the army?

Yes, because I needed a costume for this party.

Milhouse: At college I'm gonna reinvent myself. I'll pretend I have a girlfriend in Canada. I'll say she lives in Alberta and her name is Alberta, so I don't have to remember two lies. Bart! I was getting worried.

Bart: I'm your oldest buddy. I was there when you got your nose done, then I was there when you had your nose undone.

Friends, family, and a few people we hired to make our son look more popular...

I love Milton!

Milhouse: Dad, you're embarrassing me! As usual.

Yes, it's the only thing your father does well.

Milhouse: Can't you two put it aside for one night in honor of me?

No! No!

Milhouse: Oh.

Lisa: Ah, what the heck? Congratulations, Milhouse. You made it through adolescence and you're cuter than ever.

Milhouse: Oh, sweet Lisa! You know I had a rocky childhood with all the rocks they threw at me. You're the most amazing thing at this party.

Well, excuse me!

Bart: ( groans ) I'm not even the best Simpson at my best friend's party! Do you know what it's like to be second-best at anything?

Lisa: Yeah, I do! I'm going to Yale! Listen here, Bart Simpson! I am sick and tired of you blaming me for every setback you have ever had! And you have talents, too, you idiot. You're a hell of an artist, even though you don't do anything with it.

Bart: You think I'm an artist?

Lisa: And you already have a true artist's most important asset. A miserable life. So if that's all my fault, you're welcome.

Bart: Hey, man. You're looking good.

Nelson: Thank God Lisa invented the artificial pituitary. Sorry, didn't mean to use the "L" word. Listen, man, a certain someone convinced me to go around giving back the lunch money I took. Here's the first $5,000.

Bart: Wow. Thanks. What got into you?

Lisa: Nelson, come on! We'll miss day six of the Bolivian Film Festival.

Bart: You guys are dating?

Nelson: Is there any other reason I'd be going to a Bolivian Film Festival?

Lisa: I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Bart. I don't really know how you feel about me.

Bart: Well, you told me I was an artist, and you were right. I am, and I get to write on the walls.

Lisa: Wow, that's beautiful. I do notice there's no me.

Bart: Ah, those are the breaks. Why don't I buy you and your boyfriend a couple beers? Just let me close up.

Lisa: That would be nice. We'll see you at the car. Aw!

Bart: You weren't supposed to see.

Lisa: Well, I'm glad I did.

Nelson: Hmm? You're El Barto? How is that possible?

Bart: Why are clouds brown?

Homer: Pollution.

Bart: Why is the grass green?

Homer: 'Cause it's artificial.

Bart: Then why are the sprinklers coming on?

Homer: 'Cause I was too lazy to unhook them.

Bart: Why aren't we moving?

Homer: Because you're drunk and I'm stoned.

Bart: Why does beer taste so good?

Homer: 'Cause you've just had seven.

Bart: Did you like the movie Boyhood?

Homer: Oh, is that what this was?

Bart: How many years of hair do I have left?

Homer: It disappears as soon as girls like you.

Bart: What's the secret of life?

Homer: You can avoid a lot of awkward situations by pretending to be on the phone.

Bart: Like what?

Homer: Hold on, I got to take this call.
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