01x03 - sh*ts and Salsa

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Superstore". Aired: November 2015 to present.*
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"Superstore" follows the work lives of employees at a big box store called "Cloud 9".
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01x03 - sh*ts and Salsa

Post by bunniefuu »

[all clapping]

All right, I like this.

When I say cloud, you say nine. Cloud.

all: Nine.


all: Nine.

When I say team, you say work.

Team! Team!

all: Work. Work.

Are we cloud one?

all: No!

Are we cloud two?

all: No!

Are we cloud three?

all: No!

Are we cloud...

This chant seems a little on the long side.

Gets longer every year.

When I first started here, we would just put our hands in the middle and go, "Yay."

all: No!

Are we Cloud 9?

all: Yeah!


Yeah! The customer's always right.

all: Oh, yeah!

They are not wrong.

all: Oh, yeah!

And that is why.

all: Oh, yeah!

We sing this song.

all: Oh, yeah!

We are!

all: Cloud 9.

We are Cloud 9.

[all whispering]

Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!

[all yell]

Blast off!

[all cheering]

Now give me a "C"!

all: C!

♪ ♪

Before we open, I need a volunteer to hand out samples of the new Cloud 9 brand salsa, Señor Cloud.

Yes, right here. I'll do it.

Yes, perfect, and I don't mean just because you're Mexican.

I'm actually Filipino.

Okay, let's consider all our options.

Um, Amy, I've got a feeling this is right up your alley.

Because I'm Latina?

No, it has nothing to do with race.

You just have a certain natural spiciness.

[chuckles] No.

Okay, you know, fine, I'll just, uh, pick someone at random.

Eeny, meeny, miney, mo.

Jesus saved us long ago.

Don't believe me, what a shame.

Judgment day you'll be in flames.

The other Latina?


I could do it.

[laughs] That'd be hilarious.

You should dress like a matador.

Honestly, it's fine.

It beats a day of dressing room duty.

Thank you. Think fast!

Mexico hat!

Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers, be sure to stop by grocery for a free sample of Señor Cloud salsa.

And in pharmacy, get yourself a flu shot, available in medium, mild, ay-yi-yi picante, and I'm almost positive that was written down wrong.

[in thick accent] Yes, Señor Cloud salsa is very good for parties.

And there are so many flavors.

She is from Kansas City.

Why is she talking like Speedy Gonzales?

I should say something to her.

Absolutely not.

Do not get involved in things that don't concern you.

People here are quicksand. They will suck you in.

So you're saying never help anyone?

I'm saying don't help anyone in this store.

Within these walls, helping is quicksand.

You know, it's funny that you mention walls.

Because that summer that I spent doing Habitat for Humanity, I was literally building...

[both groan]

What? You know, you find ways to work that into conversation a lot.


I try not to say words like "hammer" or "roof" when I'm around you.

One time you got there from Hugh Laurie.

Look, my point is, there are people who do nothing and there are people who do something, and I am one of those people.


The... the something group.

Excuse me.

Sir, is there something I can help you with?

Really? Uh, wow, yes, uh, thank you so much.

Oh, that's great.

So, uh, just stack 'em in the pharmacy, and then there's gonna be a few more loads in the trucks.

Oh, there's more?

Oh, so many more.


Guess I'm gonna grab a coffee.

All right.

Have to have the salsa.

Sometimes I like the tomatillo with the quesadilla, but not all the time.

I'm gonna say something.

Don't do it.

Now, just walk me through some of the features on some of these guys.

'Cause a lot of 'em are saying they do plaque control.

My concern, specifically, is tartar.

Okay, well, um...

I'm a bit of a tartar guy.

Yeah, my hygienist told me she'd never seen someone with so much tartar.

I thought that was a good thing.

Um, it's not.

[exhales deeply]


You know, you and me, we're the same.

Mm-hmm. Overachievers.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Yeah, am I tough?

Uh, yeah, but I'm a pharmacist.

I have to be tough, or people die.

They don't pay me what they pay me to slack off.

All right, yeah.

It's $116,670 a year.

Oh, wow.


Yeah, so I'm doing pretty well for myself.

Well, listen, uh, if you need anything else you know where to find me.

Great, so grab some alcohol wipes, bandages, and sterile gauze pads.

Bring in the first patient and prep him.

Man, we got a long day ahead of us.

♪ Had the time of my life ♪
♪ Though I never felt like this before ♪

Hey, you know Glenn's not allowed to ask you to put on that accent, right?

I mean, I know he's the manager, but it just means he can use the bathroom without asking anyone.

No, I know that. I decided on the accent.

Oh my God, people love it.

[in thick accent] Hola, señorita, you want to make your day a fiesta?

Sure. Thank you.

See? Yep, some people love it, and, uh, and some people might find it offensive.

Offensive? Like, who?

Oh, I don't know... maybe Latino people who would think that you're exploiting your heritage and demeaning yourself.

Okay, all right, I don't know who made you Latino police, Amy, but I'm just trying to sell salsa.

No, I am not policing you.

Okay, if you could keep...

I'm merely suggesting that maybe you don't need to resort...

Hola, señorita! Como estas?

Ooh, is that Mexican ketchup?

"Jess, es berry" good.

You mean, "Yes, it's very good."

Oh, don't listen to her.

You speak the language beautifully.

Gracias, señorita.

You want to try something special?

This is, cómo se dice, pineapple.

Okay, you know what? Stop.

No! You stop.

Talk like a normal person!

Excuse me, miss, but she is a normal person.

That's exactly what I'm saying!

Ow! Damn it!

Mother[bleep], Amy! [Bleep], aye!

What the [bleep]!

See? Fake accent.

Oh, God! [Groans]

♪ Everybody's working for the weekend ♪

This is what you get when you've got weak joints.

That's why I have a dedicated ankle day at the gym.

I really am sorry, Carmen.

I-I-I feel awful.

Yeah, you should, Amy. It was none of your business.

Well, just to clarify, uh, I feel awful you hurt yourself.

I still stand by my comments.

Okay, there you go.

Oh, and feel free to take a water.

I'm an Uber driver in my spare time.

I'll put your stuff in your locker for you.

And I already clocked out for you, so you're not gonna get paid for any of the time you missed.

Don't you worry about that.

Are you sure I can't drive her?

No, I've been meaning to drop by the hospital anyway.

I like staring at the newborn babies until someone asks me to leave.

Oh, but I do need someone to take over the Señor Cloud salsa stand.

Fine, I'll get somebody else.

But it's a real shame, because that sombrero really pops on darker skin.

Okay, so do you have any questions about the hydrochlorothiazide?

No, uh, could you also ring up a few other things for me, please?

Sure, yeah.

I have a doctorate in pharmacy, so this is a great use of my time.

I live to serve. Thank you.

Bernice, he said it's fine.

Oh, God. [mutters]

[sighs] One moment.

Hey, J-dog, I have to, uh, go do some tranquility lunges, so could you give that guy his shot for me?

Oh, no, I can't. I'm not a pharmacist.

Yeah, and I'm not a clerk, but I guess the world's all topsy-turvy today, isn't it?

Just think!

I'm just basically looking for an every day brush.

Yeah, just kind of that workhorse, you know, that's in the collection.

That I can know I'm just gonna put in the minutes with.

[Mateo in thick accent] Señor Cloud salsa...

Um, I'll be right back.

Uh, excuse me.

I have some questions about bristle density.

Yes, es bueno por Cinco de Mayo, y quinceañeras, la biblioteca.


Hey, what do you think you're doing?

I... I am selling salsa to support mi abuela.

My burro has run away.

Right, uh, whatever this is, Mateo, I...

No Mateo. Soy Jose!

Jose was born in a small village near Oaxaca.

Okay, I get it.

I get it, I get that it's fun to play make believe, but this is offensive.


Like, I am sorry. I will "estop."

Yes, please stop.

I am trying to.

I'm not kidding.

Me neither. It's like when I "estart" doing the accent I cannot "estop."

That's an interesting tattoo.

Is that a unicorn?

It's a horse with a railroad spike through his head.

I see that now.

It's not quite as magical, but...

I think it's clean.


Will you just give me the shot already?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

The shot which comes out of this needle.

Okay, uh, huh.


I think this does something.

Should I have a belt?

It's a tiny little needle, all right? Just do it!

All right, uh, just, uh, you know, breathe.

Or count to ten or something like that.

And, uh, and away we go.


I'm... I'm really sorry.

Drink a lot of water.

Told you. That's what happens when you try to help people out.

What is that? What are you doing?

That's quicksand.

I'm dating this girl. She teaches sign language.

This is quicksand, and this is you drowning in it.

"Oh, I'm trying to help. I'm building houses for poor people!"

Excuse me.

Do you know how much longer this is going to take?

I don't know how long I can keep standing.



You know what, young lady?

I'm sure there's a way that we can help you out.

Right this way.

Thank you! Such a gentleman.
Hey, why does she get to cut?

Because white people help their own.

[customers gasp]

It's like I forgot how to "espeak."

I cannot stop playing the role.

It's not a role. It's a stereotype.

How would you feel if I was handing out Asian food and I was all like, [in heavy accent] "Oh, eh, me grow up on a rice patty.

"Eh, pwease, it most honorable teriyaki chicken.

Uh, so, ching-chong."

[normal accent] That would be messed up.

Nice work on those spreadsheets, Laquisha.

Racism, you hear a lot about it, but what is it, really?

Over the next 60 minutes...

[all groaning]

We are gonna take a journey through time and race.

Thanks a lot, guys.

When I woke up this morning, I was hoping to learn about racism from a white lady.

No matter how good of a dancer Jerome is.

I need help with my toothbrush selection.


♪ Boy, you really got me going ♪

You work here?

Here's a riddle for you: what do Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Nelson Mandela all have in common?

Answer: They were all prominent African-American leaders.

It's okay to goof around, but you should never...

So how long you been a r*cist?

Just today. You?

Me too.

So far it's not really working out for me.


Because when we look past stereotypes, we learn to appreciate all the colors of the cloud.

That sounds heavenly.

Oh, MC Cool Cloud, you are too much.

[MC Cool Cloud giggles]

Too much.

I think if there is any takeaway from today, it's this: anyone can be a r*cist. Anyone.

Okay, yes, I should not have done that impression, but I want to be clear that I was not being r*cist.

I was making a comment about racism.

Well, yes, personally I'm not a fan of r*cist comments, so...

No, it's not what...

I was exaggerating on purpose to make a point.


She was making a joke about racism.


Well, are r*cist jokes okay again?


Okay, uh, did you hear the one about the Jewish bird? You know what? Never mind.

Ooh, fun fact.

The dude that voiced MC Cool Cloud committed su1c1de in 1994.

That's terrible.

That makes sense.

We also need to remember that helping people just because they're white is almost as bad as discriminating against them if they're not white.

It's exactly as bad.

Well, he was still helping.

I was helping that lady because she was old, not because she was white.

Ageism is just as r*cist as racism.

That seems untrue.

It is very true, Jonah.

Okay, well, I think we can all go back to work, um, unless anyone wants to file an official complaint of racial bias?


I often feel uncomfortable in the stock room.

There's a man there, Sal, who makes comments about my breasts.

Yeah, okay, what you're talking about is sexual harassment, and that's a whole other video.


It's just that sometimes he calls me at home.

Yeah, we're not gonna watch another video, Sandra.

Okay. Sorry.

Okay, let's get back out there, and, uh, let's remember, "Color blind is"...

all: "Color kind."

Thank you.

Amy, could you stick around for a second?

[Latin hip-hop plays]

♪ No mires y no hables, carnal, lo que no debes ♪

Try a free sample of our new salsa, sir?

It's good. Nope, absolutely not.

People are not gonna buy salsa from you unless they think it's authentic.

You got to add some "indigenous-ness."

You know?

Just put a little Vergara on it.

[as Sofia Vergara] You want to buy some salsa?

Is for charity!

Oh, Jay, thank you for my necklace!

No, stop it.

I'm not going to put on a fake accent and I'm not gonna make up fake charities.

The charity is real. Yeah, check it out.

All the proceeds go to the La Benevolencia Orphanage in Los Nogales, Mexico.

There's a different child on every jar.

I think it's a collect 'em all situation.

Well, fine, that's great.

That's a very worthy cause, but I think my dignity is worth a little bit more than a few bucks for charity.

Ah, these are all Juan S's.

I've already got that one.

Oh, score, Luisa M.!

She was born without knees, but she loves to dance.

Must be mostly upper body stuff.

I think this one is good for "tar-tar."


Nope, it's "tartar."

Tartar, tartar, tartar, tartar.

I... it's all just sounding like gibberish.

But um, let me just take a run up on it.

Um, I like my fish with "tar-tar" sauce.

It's still weird. No.

Guys, um... this is benefitting a very worthwhile cause.

If you like orphans and fire-roasted peppers, you truly couldn't make a better purchase.


[in heavy accent] Señor Cloud es muy deliciosa.


It's amazing, isn't it?

Two pills so similar in appearance, but one can save a life and one can destroy it.

Look, I think the people are getting impatient.

Oh, oh, would you look at us? Huh?

Gabbing like best friends who hang out, socially, I think.

Um, why don't you open up another box of vaccines, and we'll get to work.

Okay, where are the other boxes?

Well, no, the ones you brought in this morning.

Oh, those? We're done. We went through those.

[hyperventilates] Okay. Yeah, okay.

Uh, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.

You okay?

Don't panic!

[muttering] Ah! Ah, what'd I tell you?

Don't panic, because we... we still have one vaccine left.

What I need you to do is go out there and tell everyone that. Yeah.

Oh, wow. Oh, wow.

Do I have that?

[whistles] Wall to wall, brother.

Oh, no.


Oh, gosh, that's what that is.

It happens to the best of us.

There's celebrities that have too much tartar.


Lionel Richie.



Is it similar to what you would eat in your village?

Sí. Sí, sí, sí.

Es muy autentica.

[in thick accent] It is just like the salsa my mother would make in a bowl made from a giant rock.

You must have enjoyed many fiestas growing up.

Where are you from?


[in heavy accent] My sister and I grew up in a small village near the banks of the Rio Grande.

all: Ooh!


Gracias, Jose.

There's two of them.

Anybody who doesn't get a shot today will get one tomorrow.

I can't take another day off of work.

Well, ma'am...

And it's not just me, it's for my baby!

I'm sorry...

And she's all that I have left of my husband who died in the w*r fighting for America!

Okay, no, well, all right.

We'll give you the shot, if you just come around...

Wait, you're gonna give her my shot?

Well, sir, it should probably go to the person who needs it the most, don't you think?

Uh, what about me? I teach preschool.

I'm an actor! [all arguing]

This is Eugenics!

Who are you to play God?

Okay, again, again, again!

To put it into perspective, anybody who doesn't get a vaccine today will just have to take a short car ride to another store, or come back tomorrow.

That's what the Nazis said.

[all yelling]

[Fiesta music plays]

both: Olé!

Yes, yes, we are so happy you liked our dance, but it is also important to remember that Latinos can be doctors, and lawyers, and architects.

Never mind, I'm just playing.

You should see the look on your gringo faces.


Uno mas!

[plays "La Cucaracha"]

♪ ♪

No, Carmen, it's not what it looks like.

♪ ♪

It's for charity!

both: Olé!

Attention, shoppers, it is 2:00.

All associates working the morning shift, it is time for you to leave.

[customers yelling]

Where you going?

We're not finished here!

We are not finished!

[overlapping shouting]

If you are leaving, I hope you learned that no good deed goes unpunished, but, also, no matter how bad a day you had, at the end of your shift you get to clock out and leave the job at the door.

Anyway, this does not pertain to most of you, so green beans are on sale for 89¢.

[singing in Spanish]

♪ ♪

[voice breaks] I can't do this.

Tough day, huh?


I just needed to sit.

Mind if I join you?

Be my guest.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I was reading this article about UV rays...



Got it! Great day, guys.
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