02x04 - I Do

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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02x04 - I Do

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪
Oh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ah-ooh... ah-ooh...

(woman giggling)

Oh, that was fun.

Fun ain't the half of it.

Come to New Orleans for a wedding.

Meet a nice Southern boy in a bar.

Have a little bit of fun.

You know, I have a thing for romance novels, and they got nothing on this.


Oh. St. Christopher medal?


I like it. (sighs)

♪ I tried and I tried to run and hide ♪
♪ I even tried to run away... ♪

I got to go.

Oh. Oh.

♪ You just can't run from the funnel of love... ♪


Oh, I really did have a nice time tonight.

As did I...

Beth. (laughs)



Ah-ooh, ah-ooh, ah-ooh
♪ It's such a crazy, crazy feeling ♪
♪ I get weak in the knees ♪
♪ My poor old head is a reelin' ♪

(applause and cheering)

♪ As I go deep into the funnel of love... ♪

Man: Yeah! All right. All right.

I want to give a big salute to the newest member of the Seabee Battalion.



(applause, cheering & whistling)

Okay, okay, let's keep this party goin' with a little bouquet tossin'!



Oh, my God...! Oh, my God! Oh, my God... okay!

Okay, ready?

All right. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Okay, okay, all right.

Okay, count of three, ready?

All: One, two, three!

(screams, laughter, chatter)


I got it!

I got it!


(screaming continues)

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 2x04 ♪
I Do
Original Air Date on October 13, 2015

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

(jaunty jazz playing on piano)

I hoped I'd find you here.

Set aside Saturdays to update the electrics.

How's it going?

Almost k*lled myself twice.

Thought a break would be in order.

Well, I brought you a snack-- dump truck fries.

And... a potential lady friend.

She's a physical therapist.

Doesn't like to cook, but loves a man who does.

She was sitting in a booth next to me at the Avenue Pub last night.

Struck up a conversation.

Told her I had a real good man for her to meet.

Audrey Sapphire?

She live in the Bywater?

Family originally from Shreveport?

Sounds right. Mm-hmm.

Put her cousin away for burglary when I was back at JPSO.

Appreciate the recon, Chris, but, unfortunately, every woman in this town comes with baggage.


I'm always watching out for you, King.

And I'm always watching out for you.

When's the last time you slept in your own bed, Christopher?

It's been a bit.

What's that about?

It's about nothing.

Tonight I'll sleep in my own bed, I promise.

Lights out at 10:00.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

(phone beeps)



Sonja: So here's the story.

Bridesmaid ran the 40 for the bouquet, found the victim.

Brody: Bridesmaid dresses are the devil's spawn.

Awful, ugly.

Impossible to get into, even harder to get out of.

Not as hard as you think.

(laughs) Last wedding I was in-- ten of us in yellow, feathers.

Looked like a mutant canary threw up.

Where can I get pictures?

Don't answer that.

I won't, trust me.

Brody: Our victim-- Lieutenant Max Griggs.

He was a reservist assigned to the Wentworth Air Force Base.

Job's compartmented.

Call his C.O.

Get us read in? On it!

Pride: Loretta?

Multiple s*ab wounds to the abdomen.

The amount of blood suggests a severed artery, and most likely, been unconscious five, six seconds after the attack.

m*rder w*apon?

Steak knife.

k*ller may have been a guest, but victim doesn't look dressed for a party.

Jeans? T-shirt?

Maybe a date... or a wedding crasher?

Well, there's cameras inside, and on the grounds, but there's nothing out here.

Let me guess. No witnesses.

Someone had to have seen something.

Let's learn things.

Got no idea who Lieutenant Griggs is.

Don't recognize him?

He's a Navy Reservist.

Ever crossed paths?

No. Sorry.

Most of the guests were Seabees.

Served with my husband?

Could Griggs have been someone's date?


I knew everyone that was at the reception.

I Googled all the plus ones.

Then I handwrote a note to each guest incorporating something personal.

Took me five months to complete.


Do you like how I decorated the car?

Rosé-colored condoms.

They even smell like rosé.

Copy that. So, did you see the victim, anything suspicious?

No, but... I think... that I drank a little too much.


All right, uh, if you remember anything, even this conversation, call.

Loud music, lots of people and a bunch of drunk guests.

No wonder no one saw or heard anything.

Or someone's lying.

Just got the call from Griggs' C.O. at Wentworth.

He's a drone pilot.

Might be why his job was classified.

All right, Brody, Sonja, lock down the wedding angle.

Run guests and vendors, find a connection.

Chris, you're with me.

Griggs' family lives close.

Let's go find out what they know.

Woman: Max's job is supposed to be a secret.

Our neighbors don't even know what he does.

Our son... thinks he has a day job on base.

Pride: Mrs. Griggs, do you have any idea what Max was doing at this wedding?


He... he never mentioned anything about a wedding.

How about the hotel?

Did he have business in the area? Was he...?

I... I thought he was at work.

You weren't concerned when he didn't come home?

He works extended shifts all the time.

What's ironic-- when Max flew with the Navy, he was gone... for months.

Trained to be a drone pilot so he could spend more quality time with us.

But the military was short on UAV operators, and Max...

Especially hard on a kid.

You have no idea what they were like together.


(sound of engine revving)


I'm Agent Chris Lasalle.

(engine revving, tires squealing)

Can I ask you a few questions?

When your dad dropped you off at ball practice this morning, he say where he was going?

My dad's a hero... no matter what people say.

People say differently?

Dad's hobby.

Y'all work on it together?

Used to.

Couple of days ago, he drove it home from work.

(sniffles) I was in the garage when he came in.

He put the cover on it 'cause he didn't want my mom getting scared.

My dad's a good man.

He is.

What do we know about Lieutenant Griggs?

Graduated top of his class at NFWS, flew three tours in Iraq before returning stateside to fly drones.

Exemplary military record, not a hint of stink on him.

Any connects to the wedding?

I ran backgrounds on everyone.

Nothing matches up with Griggs.

All's clean, basically.


Well, there were a couple valets who got busted for pot possession, and a caterer with, well... six counts of public indecency.

All the Seabees were spotless.

Yeah, great. So our best... and only lead is this car.

Well, Sebastian's looking into the paint, but given what Griggs does...

Message could be connected to his job as a drone pilot.

Brody: Well, their identities are supposed to be kept secret, but Jihadists have been trying to get the list.

Intimidate the drone pilots, limit what the military can do.

Let's follow up with Griggs' C.O.

Let's see what he was really up to.

Man: If Griggs hadn't been k*lled, he'd be running this op.

Woman: Entering surveillance hour three.

Target approaching.

(computer trilling)

Rifling laser.

(computer chirps)

Wait. There's a child.

Non-combatants. Abort.

Man: Being a drone pilot isn't easy, and Griggs was as good as it gets.

Navy fighter pilot with combat experience.

Invaluable asset.

Navy reservist at an Air Force Base?

Did the necessary training.

UAV pilots like Griggs are in short supply.

Could have come from outer space for all I care.

Any chance Jihadists got his name?

Went back over the wires, Agent Pride.

Griggs' name wasn't leaked.

How about... over coms during a mission?

Griggs followed protocol to a T, never would have let something like that happen.

You're not gonna find any dirt on the guy.

We're not trying to accuse him of anything.

We just want to know who did this to Lieutenant Griggs' car.

How'd you guys come in today?

South entrance.

You want to find out who did that, leave by the public access road.

(loud shouting)

People (chanting): Stop the drones!

Stop the drones!

Stop the drones!

Guess we can't stop people from having an opinion.

Opinion strong enough to deface someone's car?

k*ll someone?

Grab your phone.

(loud shouting and chanting)

(phone camera chirping and clicking)

Vengeance is upon you!

Say cheese.

Reminds me of the Quarter on a Friday night.

Cross-referencing the photos of the protestors with the watch lists-- nothing so far.

Me, neither.

I found something on Facebook.

Come check it out.

Yeah, uh, Big Bird called, and he wants his feathers back.

Go ahead.

(laughs) Laugh it up.

Actually, I'm kind of into the feathers.

You know, it gives it a, uh, birdy class.

Oh, you want to talk class?

Nothing like leaving your house keys in the hotel room of your hook-up.

Beth came by, and she dropped these off.

Did she?

Give 'em here.

So, no keys? Where have you been sleeping, Lasalle?

You know what?

I'm gonna call Wade and Sebastian and see where they are on the case.

Good idea.

What do you know about the protestors?

Well, no direct threat to Griggs, but... these five made threats against the drone pilots.

Anything else to narrow it down?

Sebastian's got something.

He wants to show it to us.

Hello. So, I, uh, deconstructed the paint used on Griggs' car.

The Mass Spec detected strontium aluminate and several other unique compounds, all of which led me to Duran Duran.

Well, I mean, Duran Duran-inspired paint.

Ultra green V10 glow-in-the-dark paint.


Highly durable, but with that sweet '80s kind of vibe.

On it.

Running the photos from the protest against the NSA's t*rror1st watch list.

See if I can tie them to the paint.

Here we go.


Same paint was used in a G2 protest last year to mark cops with bull's-eyes.


Kevin Mitchell.

Why you guys steal my thunder?

Yeah. By all means, Big Bird, please continue.

Oh, finally. Someone else is getting called Big Bird around here.

(computer chirps)


Thank you.

And he's got a long wrap sheet.

But he just started a blog called "DronesOrDie.com."

Lasalle: Maybe painting the side of Griggs' car wasn't enough for him.

Pride: Let's find him, pick him up.

Pride: Government's trying to keep the names of drone pilots' out of the hands of Jihadists, but you... you just want to blow that up?

k*lling foreign nationals outside a w*r zone breaks the Geneva Convention.

What about murdering a U.S. naval officer?

You followed Griggs home, you tagged his car, then you followed him again.

Two of you got into it at the hotel for some reason.

Look, I trailed him a couple times to get his address for the Web site, but I didn't k*ll him.

If anything, I backed off.

Why is that?

Saw him sneaking around, delivering secret packages, going to his secret lair.

Saw that.

Tagged his car and bounced.

Go back to the secret lair.

Brody: Owner of the building said he paid for the unit in cash.

Guy buys a storage unit and doesn't tell his wife?

Question is...

...why the secrecy?

(sing-songy): Hello.

Aerial surveillance of navy bases?

Brody: Borders, access roads, security gates, classified intelligence.

Lot of people who'd pay top dollar for this kind of Intel.

Good pilot, husband, father.

Perfect cover... for a spy.

Pride: Griggs was surveilling bases, collecting classified documents.

Delivering mysterious packages?

If Mitchell's to be believed.

Lasalle: Mitchell has an alibi.

Anti-drone rally the day of the wedding.

Sounds like a ton of fun.

Okay, how about this?

Griggs meets an espionage contact at the wedding.

Maybe one of the Seabees is bad. He's there to give them Intel, but instead of getting paid, he gets...


Espionage and a wedding?

Something doesn't add up.

So, what we're saying is Griggs' used a high-value Navy asset to take photographs of bases in Louisiana?

Except I don't think that's what happened. Those photos-- the ceiling's too low.

Camera resolution-- it's just too high.

Come... fly with me.

Where is he going?

Pictures you found in the storage space weren't taken with the same kind of drones that Griggs flew at work.

They were taken with something like this-- an Octocopter.

Or Octodrone.

Or Olive. Sort of my pet name for it.

Given the altitude of the pictures, proximity to bases, I'm thinking Griggs flew a smaller drone than this, but with the same technology.

Tougher for traditional security measures to detect?

Yeah, these things have sensors for everything from weather info to analyzing the soil.

They can even be armed.

If Griggs wasn't using military drones, then whose drones was he using?

I put feelers out in the nerd underground.

And I found some locals who are selling undetectable drones on the black market.

These entrepreneurs have names?

Lasalle: Steve Wilensky and Steve Dunn.

Both 19, college drop-outs, arrested for violating FAA airspace.

Watch lists for selling drones to foreign governments.

If they sold to Griggs, maybe they know who he was spying for.

Don't know he was spying yet.

Secret aerial surveillance of U.S. bases and undetectable drones?

What's your definition of spying?

Proof. You promised me you were going home last night.

It's tough to do without keys.

Where were you?

Does it matter?

Chris, come on.

You never talk about it.

You never talk about Savannah.

Far as I can tell, you're... you're not doing anything to help yourself deal with her m*rder.

You loved her.

Same love that lifted you up in life can drag you down in death.

I said I'm good, okay?

Now can we please go see what the future of America knows about Griggs?

Federal agents!

Have some questions.

(loud whirring)

(whirring retreating)

(loud whirring)

Hey, NCI...

(loud whirring)

Oh, I didn't even get out the "S".


Come on, get in! Get in! They're coming!

Come on, come on, come on!

Go, go, go, go! Go!

Going somewhere?

Hey, Twiddle Dee, hands up.

(loud whirring)


Yes. Yes.

Put that down.

How much is obstructing a federal investigation worth these days?

Five years.

But added to the espionage charge, well, these guys are probably looking at life in prison.

Espionage? Hey, all we do is make drones.

Why'd you run, then?

Thought you were with the FAA, or Homeland Security.

Or the IRS.



You guys, uh, sell a drone to him?

Yeah, yeah, Lieutenant Griggs.

Guy knows his stuff.

Very specific, mineral sensor.


Minerals underground?

Did he mention anyone he was working with?

No. Man, he just wanted a birthday present for his son.

State-of-the-art drone for a birthday present?

(laughter) Yeah. He got our vote for dad of the year.

(door squeaks open)

As soon as I told him you were coming, he took off.

Any idea where he went?

City Park.

Let me talk to him, King.

(ice cream truck playing jaunty melody)


I want to keep it.

It's the last thing he gave me.

I see.

But we're trying to figure out what happened to your dad.

How could this help?

We think it's got pictures on it.

Promise I'll get it back to you.

You promise?

'Cause... when my dad was on ships and I was worried, my mom would always say this thing.

"Daddies always come home.

I promise."

We're no closer to who k*lled Griggs, but we do know what he was taking photos of the day before he died.

Sebastian downloaded these.

Brody: An empty field?

Add these to the photos from Griggs' storage unit, place them in sequential order, and it seems that the weeks leading up to his death, he was mostly focused on that field, just outside of Lakeview.

Well, anything important?

Lasalle: It's private property.

Cops did say a guy matching Griggs' description tried to climb a fence a couple of days ago and the owner chased him off.

Griggs looks at bases, analyzes the fields that border them, tries to access this one...


Call the owner.

Tell him we want to search the field.

Let's figure out what the hell Griggs was looking for.

Lasalle: Mosquito heaven out there.

Yeah. Rock, paper, scissors?

It's on like Donkey Kong.

Still don't get why I couldn't rock, paper, scissors.

Sorry, but no roshambo for the newbie.

(phone plays birdsong)

(Brody laughing)

It's a canary. (fakes a laugh)

The dress?

It's funny. Come on.

It's not.


What am I missing, Percy?

You're treating this one bad dress like it's the end of the world.

Or was it just that, one bad dress?


Were you engaged?

'Cause I got one of those in my closet.

Old Runaway Bride scenario?

Come on, share.


All right.

There was a guy...


There was a guy.

You know, I... I thought we were gonna get married.

He was this... preppy kid I had a crush on, and he liked me, too, but we were from opposite sides of the tracks.

He bailed and I ended up going to senior prom with my best friend, Duckie.

That's the plot from Pretty In Pink.

Yes, it is.

I deserved that.

You did.

And what are we looking for?

What Griggs' couldn't find.

The drone he was using doesn't see through walls, does it?

Oh, God, I hate spiders.

Those aren't spiderwebs.

That's hair.

Guess we found what Griggs was looking for.

You mean who.

Meet Louisa Banks.

I identified her from dental records filed when she went missing a year ago.

According to the cops, her husband said she went for a run.

Never came home.

Any connects to Griggs?

None that are obvious.

So we got a wedding, drone pilot, dead girl, no leads.

Not none.

Found trace on her clothes.

Sebastian has the sample.

My guess, it came from the w*apon.


Well, something caused these injuries.

Depressed skull fracture on her parietal bone, dislocated shoulder, and five vertebrae broken in her neck.

King, Griggs surveilled those bases, narrowed it to that field...

He knew Louisa was there.

So this wasn't espionage.

Griggs was looking for a m*rder victim.

Man: This Griggs person...

I've never seen him before.

You think he had something to do with my wife's disappearance?

That's what we're trying to find out, Mr. Banks.

Police report said jogging.

Round the far side of the levee, down the road to Carrollton.

When she didn't come home...

Mr. Banks, we'll figure out who did this to Louisa.

All right?

Whether this Mr. Griggs guy had something to do with it or someone else.

We'll get 'em.

Then what?

It's not like that's gonna bring her back.


I'll be out here.

Photos from the wedding, finally back.

You know, it must be hard for you, looking at all this.

Because of whatever it is you're not going to tell me.

Yo, B, let it go.

I won't.

I can't.

Too compelling.

Ty Tarpley.

Weddings, dresses...

I hate it all because...

Ty Tarpley?


This is a true story?


You think I'd make up a name like Ty Tarpley?


Ty and I worked at a club together when we were in college.

And we really liked each other.

Only problem... he was engaged.

But he said they were breaking up, so no harm, no foul, right?

Well, I fall hard.

Months go by... we're in love.

Till one day, I see pictures of him on Facebook.

Him and the old fiancée.

Went to the courthouse, got married.


Oh, yeah.

And it gets better.

We got into it.

You and Ty?

Oh, no, no, no. Me and the wife.

Cat fight.

So I end up in the alley with some female patrol telling me whole thing's my fault.

She wasn't wrong.

So what'd you do?

Well, I dropped out of school, wore black for, like, two years, became a vegan.

You gave up meat and cheese for a guy named Ty Tarpley? (laughs)

Yeah, I know. It's crazy, right?

How hard was that?

Sharing a little?

Oh, I don't know, B.

Maybe I'll ask my shrink next time I see her.

You have a shrink?

Ooh, and the plot thickens...

It does.

Mr. Banks said Louisa ran on the levee down to Carrollton.

Let's take a walk.

Pride: I see what's going on here, Chris.

Partying, women, not sleeping...

It hasn't interfered with my job, Kivg.

There's no reason for this.

It's all just a temporary fix.

Okay? Just so you don't have to deal with Savannah's death.

It's the noises outside my window.

All right?

That's why I can't... sleep at home.

People yelling, street musicians.

Savannah and I, we used to... we used to just lay there... listening and laughing.

And now, when I slow down, I hear those noises.

There's no way around pain.

All you can do is... make friends with the devil.

Feel it... move through it.

For me, I got my music.


That's how I lean in... find peace.

Just need to figure out what that is for you.

And then what?

I'm all better?

Then you're on the road to better.


You hear me?

Husband said the turn around on Louisa's jogging route was this bar.

Might as well ask around.

♪ Get out of the way ♪
♪ Up off the tracks... ♪

Pride: Listen, um...

Hey, King.

Excuse me.

♪ ♪

Navy hangout, Seabee battalions.

There was a Seabee battalion at the wedding.

And Louisa's body was hidden a mile away from here.

Griggs surveils bases and the surrounding fields looking for Louisa.

Focuses on the one field next to a Seabee training camp.

What do you want to bet that Griggs was at that wedding trying to solve her m*rder?

Sebastian: Flakes we found on Louisa's body came back as vintage lightbulb glass.

So, someone beats Louisa to death with an antique... lamp? What?

No, uh, an old car.

The glass is from headlights.

Yeah, it did help us to look at Louisa's injury in a whole new light.

Initially, we thought she'd been beaten to death, because all her injuries were to the upper body.

Right, but if she was hit by a car...

Maybe she's out running, uh, bent over to tie her shoes, catch her breath, stretch.

Then... bam.

Suspect's driving, hits Louisa, kills her, hides her body.

Make and model of the car?

Oh, uh, 1968...

Buick Skylark.

Honeymoon car from the wedding.


This is the last one, I swear.


(siren blaring)

Brody: Petty Officer Hewitt, we need to ask you a few questions.

What? Why?

Oh, come on.

They have been stuck here for this investigation.

Let them go on their honeymoon, already.

Honeymoon's over.

Petty Officer Hewitt, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Louisa Banks.


Brody: Louisa Banks?


Look, I don't even know anyone named Louisa, okay?

And-And the only time I ever saw that...

Lieutenant Griggs was when he was...

Laying there stabbed to death at your wedding?

He gave you a chance to come clean about Louisa's m*rder, didn't he? But instead, you k*lled him to keep him quiet.

Look... I'm telling the truth.

Well, the evidence doesn't lie.

The lab peaked at your car.

Found traces of Louisa's blood under your bumper.

I used to park my car on base, and all the guys in my unit would use it.

Yeah? Who?

All the guys.

Look, I...

I've been through hell with them, okay? They're my blood.

None of them would have done anything like this.

Look, I wasn't even around whenever this girl died.

Okay, I was... I was at Alison's mother's.

Your mother-in-law is your alibi?

She hates me, so, if I wasn't there, she'll tell you.

Lasalle: He's telling the truth.

Mother-in-law says he was with the family.

Not our k*ller.

Who is?

Got to be someone who knew car was at the base.

Said people borrowed it all the time.

Think he knows?

I get the sense, no.

Then we talk to the Seabees.

It's a tight-knit group.

None's came forward yet, doubt any will now.

Brody: I might know a way around this.

Keep him in there another 15 minutes?

I was wondering if I could have your help with something.

Louisa Banks.

We believe that one of the Seabees on your husband's unit may have k*lled her.

And, you know, you did such great research on your guests-- the whole Google search and personal touch...

Mm. Well, I assure you, no one told me that they m*rder*d anyone.

Did any of your husband's friends ever mention her?


Any of them have problems with women, bad breakups?


Domestic abuse?

You know what?

Um, I think we're done here, and I think it's time for Hewitt and I to go on our honeymoon, so...

Alison, Louisa was starting a life, just like you.

Well, and I am sorry for this woman, and I feel for her family, I do, but there is something you need to understand.

My husband, Hewitt, and his entire unit-- they almost died on their last tour.

They were under attack for almost five hours straight.

It's a miracle that they made it back from Afghanistan at all.

Alison, did your husband ever mention if there was drone support when they were att*cked?

Man: About two months ago, that Seabee unit was pinned down by combatants in the Korengal Valley.

Drone support was requested.


He stayed with that unit for 12 hours.

Spoke to those sailors.

Told them where the enemy was, helped reinforcements find them.

He was able to talk to troops in Afghanistan from here?

Com system is integrated with JTACS on the ground there.

Team leader is dialed in with the pilot.

I need access to the recordings of that night.

They're compartmented, Agent Pride.

Lasalle: There's a kid that went to bed last night knowing that his dad's not coming home.

Think he deserves to know why?

Dispatcher: Night Owl 5, we've got a unit of Seabees building an airstrip.

They're taking fire.

Requesting UAV Support.

Man: Copy that...

Man: This has all been archived.

No one has listened to it since it happened.

Dispatcher: Roger. Stand by.

Patching you in. Team Leader, on with Night Owl 5...

Night Owl 5.

Griggs' call sign.

His drone was over the Seabee Unit's position.

Griggs: Copy. This is Night Owl.

We have eyes on you. Go.

Team leader: We're pinned down!

Griggs: Enemy combatants advancing at your ten.

Team leader: Watch your ten, guys!

Boone (gasping): This is it, Kirby.

Kirby: Shut up, Boone!

Boone: I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna go to hell.

Kirby: What are you talking about?

Boone: Kirby, I ran over a girl.

I borrowed Hewitt's car.

This jogger.

I didn't see her.

She was dead, so I buried her in a field.

God forgive me.

Oh, God forgive me.

(recording beeps off)

All but one person survived that night.

Petty Officer Kirby.

Pride: My guess... no coincidence.

You managed to k*ll the only person who knew about your crime.

There's no proof of that.

People say things when they're scared.

People say things when they're guilty.

Lieutenant Griggs heard your confession, your name.

He wanted proof before he went to anyone.

He found out what bases you trained at.

Searched them for the car, the fields around them.

Figured out where Louisa's body might be.

He showed up just before the wedding when I was decorating the car.

He said he might know where Louisa's body was.

He wanted you to do the right thing.

Who the hell do you think you are?




You k*lled a father, a hero.

The man who saved your life.

(voice breaking): Yeah.

God help me.

Help me for what I did.

Yeah, don't hold your breath.


Lasalle: Boone escapes death by the skin of his teeth.

k*lled Griggs, the man who saved him.

There are some bad decisions you cannot undo.

I guess so.

(phone chirps)

What's up?

Got a hot date.

♪ Let 'em down... ♪
♪ Hold on... ♪

Hope that's not tomorrow's regret.

Don't worry.

♪ So hold on... ♪

I heard you, King.

♪ On to me. ♪

Ryan: You kept your promise.

Yup. Even got a friend of mine to give it a tune-up.

Okay, so... this moves it and down.

And this turns the camera.

Got it?

Okay, but you're gonna have to help me.

It's easy. Here.


♪ And all this time ♪
♪ You spend looking up... ♪

(whirring, buzzing)

♪ Hold on... ♪

Night Owl 5, Night Owl 5, this is Eagle 12.

Eagle 12, I got a copy.


There it goes.

You okay, bud?

I really miss my dad.

I don't think anyone gets how much.

I do, kid.

I do.
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