01x22 - There But For The Grace Of God

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Madam Secretary". Aired: September 2014 to December 2019.*
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"Madam Secretary" follows a former CIA analyst and college professor who is promoted to United States Secretary of State as she tries to balance her work and family life.
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01x22 - There But For The Grace Of God

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm here to save your life.

What life?

Letters from your kids.

When they're old enough to write 'em.

We could even put visitation on the table.

I don't quite know how that would work.


The architect of peace with Iran.

You've made the world a more dangerous place.

Now they're free to build a nuclear arsenal.

I was at Lily's birthday party.

Gosh, she's such a sweet kid.

You know, she still sets a place for you at the table every day.

I thought you were morally opposed to t*rture.

People change.

What do you want?

I need to know if there are any other rogue agents that we missed.

And I want you to look me in the eye and tell me about George.

You k*lled George.

You really want to pull this string?

I can put you at the center of all of it.

I can give you the calculus where all roads lead to you and a single decision.

What decision is that?

You could be sitting in this chair if you'd actually lived through the w*r instead of retreating into academia.

You turned on everyone and everything you claimed to care about.

You put this in action.

You're the traitor.

What decision?

You... quit.

That does not look like the stride of pride.

More like the long walk to the woodshed.

Conrad wants to see me.

He read my Baghdad station report.

I didn't get to it. What's the story?

Scaling back on enhanced interrogation tactics.

Basic diatribe against the efficacy of t*rture.

Not to mention the morality.

I'm sure you covered that.

Oh, well, you know.

The odd bit of harping on the Geneva convention.

Which'll have to do until I can produce the hard science on karma.

The White House is calling the Geneva convention quaint.

Their argument is these aren't your father's prisoners of w*r.


We didn't change the rules, they did.

But then what's the answer?

Betraying our own standards of ethical behavior?

I'm just reporting your commander in chief's position.

In no way am I saying we back off this fight.

The image of those planes crashing into the towers plays on a loop in my head.

But my argument is that t*rture is a waste of time.

We are squandering valuable resources for little or no return on investment.

I get it. It's complicated.

What do you hear from Isabelle?

Miserable in London.


She says it never stops raining, the food is terrible and the guys in MI6 don't get her jokes.

We don't get her jokes.

I didn't tell her that.

Oh, well.

I'm about to get fired or put on the Latvia desk.

Al-Qaeda will have to remain in your capable hands.

Good luck.

(bell dings)

Ah. My staff.

And video footage.

I have a bad feeling.

No, it could be nothing.

It's not nothing.

It's not entirely something. Yet.

Okay. Let's see it.

Senator Raymond Caruthers, staunch opponent of everything in this administration, has cottoned on to the recent events in Iran, holding himself up as the defender of truth.

Caruthers: I have not been placated by the president's charade of transparency regarding the events in Iran.

We're supposed to accept that the responsible parties have been caught and are on their way to justice. I'm not resting easy with that and neither should the American people.

Elizabeth: A guy who's making a bid for president using the coup in Iran for grandstanding purposes?

There's nothing to be exposed.

It still needs to be handled.

Conspiracies can snowball.

There's no conspiracy except the one we thwarted.

I'm just saying if that gets traction, you're gonna be spending way too much time talking the people off the ledge.

Well, we'll cross that ledge when we get to it.

Uh, Madam Secretary... I just got word that Senator Caruthers is on his way to your office.

I told him you weren't available.

He doesn't seem to care.

This is not the ledge.

This is a thing before you get to the ledge, which is still a long way from the ground.

I'm officially retiring this metaphor.

Thanks, Blake.

Secretary of State saw this.

Secretary of Defense saw this.

National Security Advisor, White House Chief of Staff and the President saw this.

I'm so sorry, sir.

I don't know how that happened.

Because I showed it to them.


I thought you made some valid points.

What did they think?

They remain unpersuaded.


I want you to rewrite the report, putting the focus on increased human intel on the ground and other strategies to replace enhanced interrogation.


Show them they can win this w*r without it.

(sighing): Okay.

I'm gonna use that to explain why I'm appointing you station chief in Baghdad.


I have to replace Mike Hirst.

He's ineffective and controversial... worst possible combination.

I have to show the White House that we have a clear directive.

Who better to enforce that directive than the person who authored it?

I'm not an operative, sir.

Neither is the station chief.

It's an administrative position.

You are the only person I trust to keep the operation in Iraq effective and legitimate.

Together we can win this.

And hold our heads high.

I know you won't let me down.

Madam Secretary.

Madam Secretary, Senator Caruthers.

Welcome. Can, uh, Blake get you...

Oh. Well...

Blake doesn't seem interested in getting you anything.

Madam Secretary, I'm sure you're aware of the confusion and unease that's been swirling in the wake of Director Munsey's acts of treason.

Senator, it's just the two of us... no cameras in here... so, short and sweet'll do it.


Here's the subpoena.

Subpoena for what?

To appear before a senate investigation committee looking into this administration's involvement in the attempt to overthrow the government in Iran.


Well, you don't often see a senator hand-delivering a subpoena. Nice personal touch.

You can be as dismissive as you like now...

Can I take a wild s*ab at who's chairing this committee?

...but you will stand before that committee and you will tell the truth.

Not a problem.

Do it all the time. But senator... may I ask? You ever get a queasy 3:00 a.m. feeling about wasting the taxpayers' money on this kind of public display, which is really about promoting your own political ambitions? Ever?

I'll see you soon, Madam Secretary.

And I'll be the one asking the questions.

Can I get you anything?

(chuckles) So many ways to go with that.

What do you think he thinks he has?

I have no idea. (wry laugh)


(door opens, dog barks)

Mike B without an appointment or heads-up of any... kind.

A subpoena?

Really? I have to find this out on the elliptical machine at my gym?

I don't get that machine.

I always feel like I'm falling through space.

Okay, this is serious.

Seriously disruptive.

They can't have anything.

Would you tell your daddy to calm down?

Even he knows if they have a subpoena, they have something.

They don't give those away free with purchase.

President went on national television and came clean with the world... full transparency.

There's nothing left to know.

Oh, thank God. 'Cause I'm sure they're actually after the truth.

I'm sure they wouldn't find some nugget of discrepancy and firestorm it into grounds for impeachment. That never happens.

Do you know that Raymond Caruthers was president of the Princeton Debating Society?

No, tell me more.

It's on his Facebook page.

And do you understand that great debaters win not because they have the best argument but because they are the best arguer?

He's a dangerous man.

It's theater.

The administration has a black eye, he just wants to rub some salt in the wound.

See? You're mixing metaphors.

He's not gonna do that.

Well, I have been thinking about it, you know.

In fact, I've been making a list.

And I did slip my detail in order to interrogate the fueler who sabotaged Marsh's plane.

And I did jimmy up a state visit to Venezuela in order to uncover a secret bank account.

I did plenty of unconventional things, but none of it was illegal.

You need a lawyer.

I don't want a lawyer.

It makes me look like I need a lawyer.

At the very least, give me permission to transgress some boundaries to find out what they know.

Haven't you done that already?

Of course I have. My feelers are out.

Then we're up to speed.

All right. Think about the lawyer.

Gordon, let's go.

Blake: Madam Secretary, Daisy actually called ahead and asked to see you at this time.

Daisy: Ma'am, a small but significant matter has come up.

We've received a portrait of James Madison to replace the portrait of Vincent Marsh.

Given the revelations about the late secretary and his connection to the coup in Iran, and given that the press comes through here all the time...

I know, I know... the optics aren't good.

I have my hands full with the Senate investigation, but with your permission, I'd like to delegate this to Blake.

I mean, it's mostly making phone calls to the archives and museums till we find a good fit.

Are you good with this?

Uh, yes, uh, anything to help, ma'am.

So you will make this portrait disappear and I don't have to think about it?

Yes, ma'am. And then I'd like to perform a similar magic on Mike B.

I apologize if that was inappropriate.

Thank you both.

Who's winning?

It's too close to call.

I hate to sound like the tech-spoiled millennial, but couldn't we get a copier from this century that actually works?

According to our budget, no.

We're one step up from scrolling monks.

It's kind of ironic that we send money to people in developing nations and yet...

This is the tip of the irony iceberg around here.

The glamorous world of public service.

Kind of sexy... a guy in stained work clothes.

Very DH Lawrence.

Okay, don't flirt with me.

I'm not.

You are.

It's cruel to flirt with someone you just dumped.

I did not dump you. I... made the responsible choice and chose not to continue the relationship.


Well, it's cruel to flirt with someone after that.

Look, I'm just asking, just, could you hide behind a mask of professionalism?

Like I'm doing.

It's all yours.

Henry: Okay, listen, guys, this Senate investigation is gonna be a big deal.

Now, there's nothing there, so we have nothing to worry about.

But it's gonna be noisy, and it's gonna be in your face, and it could go on for quite a while.

Bigger than the Microloans thing?

Well, afraid so, Noodle.

Jason: Okay.

Is there some sort of silver lining we're not seeing here?

Conflict builds character?

Alison: It's not funny, Mom.

Look, the president and I came out on top after the coup.

There's a small but loud faction of people who want to tear us down. That's all it is.

We'll get through it.

Okay, since this is a family meeting, don't we get to take a vote?


Okay, who's officially over Mom's job?


I am.

Cut it out.


We got a vote on her taking the job.

Yeah, we all made a commitment.

Alison: That was before we knew how much it would suck. Now we know.

We made a commitment as a family.

(overlapping argument)


Elizabeth: Guys... quitting the job is not on the table.

We just wanted to give you a heads-up on how much it's going to suck, and to reassure you that it's gonna be okay.

I have nothing to hide.


Yeah. When can you quit the job?

Are you kidding?

Come on, solidarity, guys.

What happened to "Go team McCord"?


Do we really need to care what our teenagers think about my job?

(Henry laughs)

Well, I was the son of a union leader.

I got rocks thrown at me because of my dad's job.

You know what? This week, they hate us.

Next week, if we could get box seats to a Nationals game, they'd be over the moon.

We never go full bore on the perks.

We should absolutely get box seats to the Nationals.

Well, I-I've been saying since day one.

How nice was it to hear Stevie be supportive of her mother?

Whom she no longer hates, apparently.

As predicted by someone on Team McCord.

Okay, reel it in, Captain.

You were right.

She also seems to like you okay, so, we both win.

Now the other two are mad at us.

It doesn't matter.

Those two we can still thr*aten with military school.

(laughs) - I love you and your sensible parenting style.

Henry: Station Chief?

Babe, that's an enormous job.

Elizabeth: Yeah.

I know.

Living in Baghdad?

Wow. For how long?

Well, I mean, I'd probably have to put in at least a year to be effective.

A year away from us?

Conrad is putting a lot of responsibility on my shoulders.

I would be running the interrogation operations.

Making sure they're done effectively without crossing any lines, which will keep us far and away from the slippery slope.

Yeah, I understand the job.

I... Why does it have to be you?

Because I wrote the proposal asking the White House to reconsider their policy.

Yeah, you're also the person who insisted on having a desk job at Langley so you could be with your family.

Yeah, well, then the world changed.

Four years.

9/11 was just a bad day, and already, we're starting to forget?

I served in combat in Iraq. I'm not forgetting anything.

And, yeah, people are recovering. There's nothing wrong with that.

Let tell you something, Henry.

There are a lot of people doing what I do, so that they can recover.

They have the luxury of forgetting because we refuse to.

No one is forgetting.

That's not what it feels like.

I am talking about...


...our marriage and our children.

And I am talking about a higher purpose which serves them.

You went off to w*r when we were newlyweds.

You married a Marine.

You married a spy.

With a desk job.

I'll have a desk in Baghdad.

Don't do that. Don't...

No, I'm saying, it's not like I'm going into the field.

I will go to great lengths to explain that to Stevie and Alison.

Jason won't even remember you if you go...

We have to stop.


Uh, excuse me.

A moment to discuss the Vincent Marsh of it all?


All right.

Thank you.

Okay, this is a very hard thing for me to say.

I've hit a wall.

Can we hang the portrait on it?

A wall that has obliterated my sense of humor.

What-What's the status?

I've tried everything.

Daisy: National Portrait Gallery?

Matt: The Library of Congress?

The Frick?

Matt: How about the State House in Illinois? He served there once.

In the General Assembly.

"I've tried everything," is not a sentence I use lightly.

Lest you intend to keep saying names of museums.

Isn't there a Benedict Arnold Hall of Traitors somewhere?

(laughing): If there's not, why not?

See me not laughing?

Okay, maybe it's time to go to Nadine.

Every time I look at my watch, it's not that time.

She makes fun of him in staff meetings.

I mean, I don't think she's that sensitive about it anymore.

Well, I would prefer not to find out in exactly this way.

Or perhaps you would like to ask her?


Uh, just keep digging. You'll find something.


Mike: So, what do you think it means that Russell Jackson is coming to your office?

I think it means it's a weekday during business hours.

He said it was about the Senate investigation.

Where's Gordon?

He's with my ex-wife.

We share custody.

It's actually a painful subject.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know you felt pain.

Ma'am, Mr. Jackson is uncharacteristically here at an appointed time.

Oh, thank you, Blake.

Russell, you know Mike B?

Only by reputation.

I'll try not to gush. I'm a big admirer of your work.

Oh, I keep track of you, as well.

That Canuck letter you laid on Senator Demunzio?

That was inspired.

That means a lot coming from you.

And I never get credit for that.

Well, Demunzio never ran for another term after that.

It's the little victories that keep you going.

That was not so little.

You're right. I'm being falsely modest, yeah.

You guys need some time alone, or...?

I'm good.

Down to business.

First an update on Juliet.

She's refusing to cooperate with the FBI, so, DOJ is definitely seeking the death penalty, and they're gonna fast-track it.


Regarding your situation, good news.

White House Counsel has made a legal determination, and they're going to invoke executive privilege in response to the subpoena, so, you're off the hook... for now.


This is the part where you say, "Thank you, Russell, for your topnotch voodoo."

Of course I mean prowess.

I hate the way this looks.

It looks like Christmas morning.

It looks like I'm hiding behind some vague assertion of executive power because I have something to fear from the truth.

She has a quirk about principles.

Oh, we appreciate that about her.

As do I, but moderation in all things.

I understand how hard you must have worked to make this happen, Russell, but I can't fall in line.

I can't take the easy way out.

I don't need to invoke anything but the truth.

Facing the music is the right call, and the administration will be stronger for it.


Mr. President?

I'm here with Elizabeth.

She's declining executive privilege.

Sure. Hang on.

Hello, Mr. President.

Elizabeth, I am strongly advising you to take executive privilege.

(continues indistinctly)

Yes, sir. I... Yes, sir.

Dalton: Do we understand each other?

Yes, sir.

Dalton: Good.

Thank you, Mr. President.


So, it looks like I'm gonna take that executive privilege.

I love it when it all works out.


(microwave beeps twice)

Elizabeth: Oh, there's going to be a huge backlash, but... the mathematicians tell me it is going to be a shorter backlash than actually appearing before the committee.

So, that's good horse trade, right?

Who are you trying to convince, Mom?

You guys, obviously.

Alison: Okay, yeah, but, being complained about by pundits is marginally better than being giffed a hundred times a day.


Just like that, we're in the plus column.

Feel free to jump in here any time you want and cheerlead.

It's so obviously all good.

Okay, I look like this.



Everyone, just get it out of your system now.

I am... I am speechless.

I'm the plus one for a formal event at the White House.

With Harrison Dalton.

It's his first formal appearance post rehab stint hitting the news.

Some kind of dinner for governors. Anyway, he needs a date, and I make a better picture than his grizzled, welder-biker sponsor.

So, you're flying fully into the storm of Starrison?

Diversion tactic.

Better the journalists speculate about us than his sobriety.

They can pick at it all day.

We are still just friends.

Hmm. Truth as an offensive.

Wherever did you learn that?

But seriously, you'd give us little heads-up if it were something, right?

Believe me.

If wanted to be with someone who was gonna complicate your life, I'd be with Arthur.

(doorbell rings)

Sorry, ma'am. His credentials check out.

I have a subpoena to appear before the Senate Investigation Committee.

No, no, that's been settled.

For Dr. Henry McCord.

You've been served.

I have to give you a legal disclaimer.

I am not your lawyer.


And in my capacity as not-your-lawyer, I cannot be privy to any information which might incriminate you or your wife without implicating myself.

I'm here as non-legally-binding sage counsel.

Mike, got it.


I called around the agencies, cashed in a few chits.

Someone connected a few dots, and then, tipped the senator that during Elizabeth's inquiry into Marsh's death, she shared classified information with you.

If this is proven to be true, Elizabeth may be in violation of the Espionage Act, among other federal statutes involving the improper handling of classified material.

Espionage. That's ridiculous.

What information?

Something about a plane crash in Dubai.

I know you're not about to say something.

Look, I've been called to testify before a Senate Investigation Committee.

It's not a court of law.

True. It's a kangaroo court.

Caruthers just...

Good night.

Good night, Noodle.

Night. Bye.


I'll take you to school in the morning, okay?

Okay, sounds good.

Love you.

All Caruthers wants is to bring down your wife.

With her safely shrouded behind executive privilege, he's going after the next best thing.

A leaker case is very hard to prove.

Won't matter.

The damage will be done.

If people think that I shared secrets, I'll lose the trust of the nation and the international community.

Which makes it hard to be America's next top diplomat.

Thank you for your non-legally-binding counsel, but... I've got to go with the truth.

We were operating under extreme circumstances...

Stop making sounds with consonants and vowels.

I don't know how else to say it.

First move is take the Fifth.

Absolutely not.

I-I know. I know.

It reeks of guilt... which is a bean scratcher, given it's meant to protect you from self-incrimination.

I'll work on finding you a lawyer.

In the meantime, get some sleep.

Thanks, Mike.

Listen... we didn't do anything wrong.

That doesn't matter.
(door opens)

I thought the investigation into the Dubai crash had been declassified once the White House ruled it an accident.

Turns out not to be the case.

They're on solid footing.

George said that someone in the CIA was behind Marsh's m*rder, and you suspected the president himself.

Well, you can't say that.

I can't say any of it.

I know what I have to do.

What do you mean?

There's only one thing to do.

I'm not gonna let you take the fall.

You can't lie.

It's not lying.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer will back me up on that.

You're basing your defense on one of the guys who tried to k*ll Hitler?

Technically, he was convicted of draft evasion.

Was he technically hanged, too?

He taught that there are some truths more fundamental than a... an immediate lie.

Henry, you can't perjure yourself.

Are you really... Are you serious?

Taking the Fifth only covers me.

They can still get me to incriminate you.

He just wants to take you down, by any means necessary.

This whole thing just... lacks integrity.

I feel no ethical obligation to play by their rules.

You could go to prison.

No one's going to prison.

Stevie: Okay. Here's my takeaway.

Governor's Association Dinner equals old people prom.

Oh, my God. That is totally right.

Right down to the, uh, chaperone checking my breath for booze every five seconds.

Yeah, except this time they didn't smell any.

And thus I am able to remember this night in its entirety.

(chuckles) Come on.

It was nice.

It was nice getting to be with you.

Yeah. It was fun to hang out.


Why are you looking at me all... weird and s-smoldery?

Um, I'm about to kiss you.

No, you're not. Don't.

No, I'm not.

I'm so not.

Why not?

Come on.

We're friends.


This really is like prom.

I think we had this exact conversation.


At our last prom.

We... (laughs)


We totally did. Um...

I-I'm, for one...

I'm glad that we got to relive the awkwardness.

Oh, yeah?


This was so awesome.


Good night, Blake.

I see you there.

I, uh... I-I hate to ask...



It's about Secretary Marsh's portrait.

It's being removed to make room for James Madison's, but, uh, no one seems to...

Want it?

They don't.

And we can't just...

Throw it away.


Use your words, Blake.

No. We can't throw it away because that's in violation of the 1912

w*r Department ruling.

I don't know which is more ironic, that or the fact that we can't give away such a vain man's picture.

Ms. Tolliver, I truly didn't want to dump this in your lap.

Don't worry about it.

I'll think of something.

Thank you.

(grunts with effort)

Come on. Come to bed.



I can't let you do this. I can't.

It's gonna be okay. I...

It's my decision.

It'll change you.

It'll change us.


We've been through worse.


Correspondent: Offensive sweeps continued in northwestern Iraq today, as United States Marines attempt to cut off the flow of foreign fighters crossing the Syrian border.

The advance began with a series of predawn air strikes and continued with...

I'm listening to that.

You want some help?

I don't want to fight about this.

Well, great.

We'll just skip right to resentful silence.

If you feel you have to go to Baghdad, then go, but I can't pretend it's not going to affect me.

It's definitely gonna affect the kids.

The one thing it's not going to do is take back 9/11.

(sighs) This isn't about atonement.

Then what is it about?

The world has fallen apart.

Do you know how many of our troops were k*lled today? 37.

We just broke 1,400 in a w*r that was supposed to be over two years ago.

And that's not even counting the civilians.

It's like some monster has been unleashed.

I don't even recognize what our government is doing anymore.

I know.

How can I just sit by?

The world has collapsed.

But that doesn't mean ours has to, to make up for it.

When everything seems to be lacking in integrity, you know what you do?

You find it in yourself.

You change the world right from where you're standing.

Conrad is depending on me.

It's-it's either take the position or quit.

I can't go backwards.

It's a year. I'll be back.

If you... go to Baghdad, I...

I don't know what it's gonna look like when you come back.

(ringtone plays)

(phone buzzing)

Sorry to wake you up.

Oh. You have to be kidding. (chuckles)

We can keep this brief.

Tell me there's no way you shared classified information with Henry.

We have to stay ahead of this.

You know that.

Cut to the chase, Russell.

We have a second term to win.

I'll have to keep the president at a safe distance.

Are-are we talking... resignation or...


We can get around contempt of Congress but not this.

Not violating the Espionage Act.

I just...

(Henry and Alison speaking indistinctly)

I just wanted to give you a heads-up, but I-I don't know what Henry's gonna say before the committee tomorrow.

I don't know... I don't know how this is gonna go.

But if it goes badly...

You and the president won't protect me.

Sorry. I'm sorry.

Thank you. And, finally, these are the appointments for our CVE Summit at the White House.

What time does Dr. McCord testify?


Walk with me, Blake.

Yes, ma'am.

Where are we going?

We're taking a lap.

How many steps we got so far?

Uh, 156.

Let's pick up the pace.

I didn't realize you were Fitbitting, ma'am.

I could work that into your schedule.

No. I don't want to make it a thing.

Just working off the donut I had this morning.


Well, maybe two. Okay, two.

No. No way.

Uh, I'm sorry. I-I meant for this to happen sooner.

No way.

I ran into some roadblocks...

This isn't right. Have my motorcade brought up.

I'm going out.

Yes, ma'am.

Caruthers: The purpose of this hearing is to seek the truth on behalf of the American people, so it stands to reason that we should receive access to all decisions, all relevant documents, and all witnesses.

One moment. Mr. Chairman.

What's going on?

No idea.


(indistinct chatter)

Caruthers: Oh, Secretary McCord.

We didn't expect you.

Yet here I am.

Ready to testify.

What are you doing?

You know what you do when there's no integrity in a situation, Henry?

You find it in yourself.

You change the world right where we're standing.

Senator, I'm waiving executive privilege, and I'm prepared to take the oath.

(gallery murmuring)

If Vincent Marsh was m*rder*d, it was probably an inside job.

I could only work with someone I trusted, and that meant my husband, a man I have ruthlessly vetted for over 25 years.


I have never heard such an eloquent defense for violating the Espionage Act.

Do you think she could go to prison?

Listen, half the guys I knew on Wall Street should be there, but aren't.

If they try to take your mother for this... hell, I'll be the first one to man the barricades.

...in Iran, which, in turn, uncovered treason...

So that's a maybe.

...at the highest levels of American government.


I guess it is.

Forces have been unleashed to destabilize the security of our country.

I put myself in harm's way to ensure the safety of our country.

I... (wry chuckle)

I would do it again, sir.

So, Mr. Chairman, I'd say the only reason that we're here today, luxuriating in the smug banality of a Senate hearing instead of ducking for cover in all-out w*r, is because I had the decency to violate Section 793 of Title 18.


Thank you.

No, let me rephrase that.

You're welcome.

(energetic chatter, cameras clicking rapidly)

Secretary McCord, you are not dismissed.

Henry: "The truth is like a lion.

"You don't need to defend it.

Let it loose, and it'll defend itself."

See? I listen to you.

Mmm, Augustine.

And Augustine.

And Aquinas. And the Beatles.

And all the other guys you live by.

Well, go big or go home, I guess.

It was the right thing to do.

Totally. But if I can escort us back to Earth, I just got confirmation that the committee is officially seeking to file charges against you for violating the Espionage Act.

Anchorman: In the wake of the Secretary of State's fiery appearance,

Senator Caruthers has referred the secretary's testimony to the Justice Department, which will be filing criminal charges...

Wait, what are you doing?

Ugh, that stuff is just gonna stress us out.

Come on.

Who wants to settle Catan with me?

Hey, guys.

How's everybody doing?

So... so is Mom getting arrested?

I just talked to her. She had a few things to finish at work.

She'll be back any minute.

You didn't answer the question.

Okay, listen.

Your mom spoke truth to power today, and that is a brave and rare thing.

No matter what happens, we're all gonna be okay.

(phone buzzes)

So I want you to remember this day with great pride. You got it?

These guys were champs, by the way.

You, too, kid.

What is that?

Alison: Corn.

Henry: Corn? I want it. No, no. I want... Give it.

Alison: No.

Nadine: Thank you so much for doing this.

I would've reached out to the family myself, but it was awkward.

I mean, with us not being able to find a home for it.

This is what lawyers do. We're lubricants for complicated social intercourse.

That's... appetizingly put.

You know, I represented Vincent for 30 years.

I knew him since college.

He was like a brother.

And here... he has this whole traitorous thing going on.

I thought he was a true patriot.

Well, I guess in his eyes, he was.

You know, I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him, but, uh... you shouldn't beat yourself up.

He was a very charismatic enigma.

(elevator bell dings)

I don't understand.

He told me everything.

Well, not everything but, uh, you know...

I honestly always thought you could do better.

Now you got something going with the NASA guy.

Good. Good for you. You deserve it.

Come on. It's Washington.




I got to say, I was surprised to get your text.




Do you have something you want to talk about or are you just... wanting to do this?

Yeah. Um...

I had to end my relationship because of my mom's job, and now she's probably gonna go to prison, anyway.

I don't know how I'm supposed to live a normal life. It's... it's just... (sighs)

You're the only one who gets it, you know?

I'm really sick of worrying about where everything is going, and tonight I just don't want to.

Well, hey... then... don't worry about it.


(passionate moaning, breathing)

Thanks for coming, Bess. A lot to talk about.

I didn't want to get into it on the phone.

I'm just hoping you're not escorting me to my new quarters.

Are you?

Just got word DOJ is not pressing charges against you.

(sighing with relief): Oh, thank God!

Willing to go to prison and being sanguine about it are two entirely different camps.

They're citing extraordinary circumstances and the contribution to national security.

It doesn't hurt that your testimony strongly swayed public opinion.

Russell took a snap poll.

82% think you were justified in your actions.

If I were Raymond Caruthers, I would be running for the hills.

Juliet (over speaker): Marsh was confronted by Russell Jackson about his intentions to run for president himself.

At that time, Marsh lost his nerve about the coup in Iran...

She agreed to the deal this morning.

Anything we want to know in exchange for her life.

...he wanted the coup attempt to end, but Andrew and I...

Late CIA Director Andrew Munsey.


We weren't about to pull the plug on an operation we'd planned for so long It was decided that Marsh was now a threat to the operation, which had to be eliminated...

She's using a passive voice.

Distancing herself from it.

Juliet: Yes.

Hendricks: Using information you acquired...

He's a "threat."

Not a person.

Her time in Baghdad changed her.

It might have changed me.


You're made from different stuff.

Juliet: We studied the crash in Dubai... and figured out how to facilitate a similar incident.

Obviously, we were successful.

George Peters.

Tell us about the death of CIA Operative George Peters.


When Marshall's plane went down, George... he recognized the similarities.

He connected the dots.

We became aware that he confided his suspicions in our... former colleague turned Secretary of State, Elizabeth McCord.

Back to her.

Dalton: You okay?

So I tampered with the microchip controlling the acceleration system of his car.

It just looked like a single-car collision.

He was becoming unstable.

We didn't think anyone would question it.

Remind her they were friends.

Wasn't George Peters a good friend of yours?

Juliet: I guess there was a time when we were all friends.

(indistinct chatter)

(woman laughing)

Dalton: A horse farm? Really?

Uh, it's how I was raised.

I'm recreating my childhood.

Henry's not from Virginia, is he?

No, he's from rural Pennsylvania.

It's the same difference.

He's outdoorsy.

He's got that whole chopping and digging thing...

"Chopping and digging."

But the horses are all me.

Well, it sounds stultifying.

And you have an open invitation anytime you want.

You don't even have to call.

All you guys.


We'll keep that in mind.


Here's to Elizabeth's new life.


And to our new Baghdad Station Chief.


Elizabeth: Yes!

Happy trails all around.

Happy trails!

Thank you.

I'm completely unfazed by being the second choice.

Just amazed I was a choice at all.

Munsey: Are you kidding? I've been on the receiving end of your friendly interrogations.

There will be no need for enhancement.

Thank you for your faith in my iciness.

It's true.

You have that whole stern mother thing down pat.

In fact, you're gonna be way ahead of the game when you have kids.

Which, by the way, you should really do.

Top of the list when I get back from Baghdad.

Conrad, I am gonna be shorthanded.

I hope you have some rabbits in your hat.

I'm bringing Isabelle back from London.

And, uh, then I have some ideas.

Mostly about overworking the two of you.

Hey, pile it on.

My wife will be thrilled to have me home even less.

And I am not kidding.

Oh, stop.

I'm not kidding!

He's not!

There he is!

(all clamoring)

Sorry I'm late. The beltway.

(laughter, chatter)

Baghdad's got nothing to compare.

Hey, I love his cool perspective.

Never a hyperbole in sight.

I don't think anyone here values me for my low volume.

So, where is my drink and who is my new boss?


Whoa! - (whoops)

Elizabeth is running away to a horse farm!

Really? What, I don't check my e-mail for an hour and this is what happens?

Gee, thanks for your vote of confidence.

I'm just surprised.

It's gonna be great.

No, I mean, I love all my girls.


I do, really!

But sitting at a desk and-and... trying to decide which font to use.

I'm surprised the dropout rate isn't higher.

All that saving your ass when you don't listen to us and go rogue.

That happened once, young lady!

Oh, come on!

I-I got six cities!

I-I got three.

Peshawar, Kandahar...

(dinging on glass)

One more time.


To the inner sanctum.

Colleagues, friends, noble warriors.

(all agreeing) Hear, hear!
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