16x22 - Parent's Nightmare

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x22 - Parent's Nightmare

Post by bunniefuu »

man: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Well, this must be little man Noah.

Hi. How is everybody today?

Good, we just woke up.


Big first day. You ready, sweetie?

So should I... should I stay a while?

Well, you can, but we usually recommend a quick and loving good-bye.

Okay. Okay, okay.

So. Big first day.

You're okay, baby.

Mwah. Love you.

You know, Mom, it's probably harder on the parents than the kids.


All right.

Have fun, Noah.

Say "Bye bye, Mom."

Have fun.

No, no, it's okay. It's okay.

Shh, come here. Come here.

Come on.

Mom, we got to go.

Where's the change for the penny harvest?

Today's the last day.


Ugh. The jar is... somewhere.

I told you about it, like, four times.

We're gonna be late now.

I'll bring it by school later.

Don't worry, I won't forget.

You're really gonna walk to school like that?

I thought you didn't want to be late.

Come on, let's go.

Oh, look, Owen.

It's Bennett. Hi, Bennett!

Hey, Roy.

Would you mind taking Owen with you?

I'm not exactly camera ready.

No problem.

You're picking me up, right Mom?

I am, I promise. Love you!

[car horn blares]


Hey, Owen.

My dad took me to get these sneakers.

Last time we went, which was like a few months ago, I was a size 4 1/2.

This time, I was a 5.

A 5?

What are you, in the NBA or something?

man: See, these are the pillars that we need.

Hey, Clyde. I know, it's going...

Owen, my man.

Make sure you learn something in school today.

I always do.

Well, all right.

See, people always playing games.

You've got to understand what's going on.

These are the benefits and the pillars of the community...


To what do I owe the pleasure?

What, I can't just pop in?


What's going on?

Well, I was sniffing around 1PP this morning, and the scuttlebutt is they want a lieutenant in here.

They're not happy with a sergeant running the squad.

Last I checked, I was doing a pretty good job.

We busted Johnny D's sex trafficking ring.

We took down Yates after Chicago botched it.

And they've noticed.

They're open to the prospect of you staying on.

That's why I told them you already filed for the Lieutenant's exam.

I haven't.

Then do it.

Don't make a liar out of me.

I'm quite happy with the way things are, thank you.

They want a lieutenant.

If it's not you, it's gonna be somebody else.

I don't know what to say.

That's a first.

Think about it.

Also think about who your second whip would be.

Better you pick than a blind draw.

You need to sign this.

Julian, Marco, that's enough.

Give Jonathan his hat back.

Who... who are... who are you here for?

Owen Farhidi.

Mr. Farhidi, he call.

Uh, yes, he did. Carlos, right?

Um hm.

Owen's right over there.


I am Fabiana's friend.

Your mother tell me to pick you up.

I fixed the sink once.

Oh, okay.


Here, give me your hand, okay?

Hope I'll be in cabin eight this summer, which will be good, cause...

Hey, home is this way.

We're gonna stop first, huh? A surprise.

Oh, okay.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Where is Owen?

Where are we going?

Do as I say.

I don't... you're hurting me.

Be quiet.

Get in right now.

I don't want to get in.

I said in.




Owen seemed to know the man.

Have you seen Owen?

Owen Farhidi.



[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So what do we got?

The boy is still missing?

Owen Farhidi, eight.

Last seen 40 minutes ago heading south with a male Hispanic, 5'8", medium build.

No one got a great look at him.

He wrote Carlos Riva on the sign-out sheet.

Said that he was a friend of the family.

Sergeant, I'm Principal Stanwick.

Mrs. Farhidi is in the office.

This is Mrs. Dugan, our dismissal supervisor.

She's the one that signed Owen out.

To a stranger?

We thought Mr. Farhidi called to authorize a family friend to take Owen. But he didn't.

We contacted him after Mrs. Farhidi arrived late to pick Owen up.

He insisted he did not make the call.

You should know they are recently divorced.

I don't have other people pick up Owen that often.

Usually it's Fabiana, our nanny, or a friend's nanny.

You sure that you didn't call anybody today, Mrs. Farhidi?

I'm positive.

Well, sometimes people forget.

Let's just look at your phone.

Maybe there's something in your call log.

I can't find my phone!

Okay, do you remember where you were the last time you used it?

I mean, it must have been before yoga.

I get so spaced out afterwards, sometimes I just leave it there.

And how long have you been separated?

It's been official a few months now.

Are there any custody issues?

Yes, huge. Sam is lranian.

He wanted to take Owen there over spring break.

I wouldn't let him.

Oh, no, you don't think that Sam maybe got someone from the restaurant to pick up Owen?

Does your son have a passport?

Yes, the judge ordered Sam to hand it over to me.

Good, so you have it?

Well, Sam kind of handles all the logistical stuff, I'm... I'm not really sure where it is.

I'm... I'm not even sure that he gave it to me.

Hold on, you're not sure?

I'm not sure of anything right now!

I just want Owen back.

Wow, she's a space cadet.

I'll call Port Authority and ICE, put an alert out on the kid and his passport.

Hey, radio the squad car too.

Have them keep Mr.

Farhidi at his restaurant.

For the moment, he's a suspect.

We got security footage.

We also pulled all the traffic cams in the area.

Unis are canvassing. So far, no witnesses.

Okay, check other surveillance.

See if we can get the kidnapper walking away.

Fin, get a sketch artist for Mrs. Dugan.

And, Nick, in the meantime, go to the restaurant.

Speak with Mr. Farhidi.

There are passport issues, custody issues, the works.

And Mrs. Farhidi?

Take her to the precinct.

Carisi, go to that yoga class. Find that phone.

On it.

Detective Sonny Carisi. NYPD.

Hi, are you here to sign up for the stress reduction class?

Uh, no, I'm here to pick up a cell phone.

It was left inside.

Wait, you actually can't go in there right now 'cause they're already in Adho Mukha Svanasana, so.

Downward facing dog.

They need to be listening to their bodies.

Um, well, okay. I'll be very quiet.

Unless you have a warrant, I can't let you disturb the class.

[cell phone rings]

Kind of hard to hear your body over that, right?

Excuse me.

Look what I got.

Well, someone called the school.

Well, I didn't call the school.

I told the other officers that.

Mind if I check your phone?

Check all you want.

But you're wasting your time.

You should be out there looking for my son.

I know what you are thinking.

Yeah, what am I thinking?

Oh, please, you look at me and you see an Arab man trying to steal his son.

But I'm not even Arab. I'm lranian.

A loyal American, not a t*rror1st.

No one's saying you're a t*rror1st.

Oh, my ex-wife didn't?

She used that card throughout the whole custody battle.

Yeah, I've been through one of those.

They get rough.

Tell me about it.

Now imagine a white female judge and a Middle Eastern man.

Dana made the judge to say that Owen cannot come to lran with me.

That must be upsetting.

Oh, I didn't take my son.

I've been here all day.

Dana was supposed to pick him up.

Where was she?

She was running late.


What a surprise.

I told her something like this will happen.

Just so we're clear, you did not send a male Hispanic to pick Owen up?

No, I swear.

Please find my son.

Pretty grainy, not much help.

All right, but that is Owen.

Where's Sam? Did you talk to him?


Does he have Owen?

We don't think so.

We do have one of our detectives with him now, but, Mrs. Farhidi, we have some images that we'd like you to look through.

Fin: You recognize that man?

No, who is that?

So you don't know him?

Well, I can't see his face.

Okay, I... I need you to come with me.

All right, have a seat in this room and I'll be with you in a moment.

Okay, anything else?

The rest of the security footage is no help either.

The kidnapper knew to keep his head down and hide his face.

Okay, anything on the traffic cams?

We're going through them now.

All right.

I got the mom's cell phone.

Eight missed calls, ignore the one from me, and two messages from a blocked number, which I can't access without a password.

Okay, so she's in the interview room.

Uh, get these images to Amaro, and see if the father can make an I.D.

My voice-mail code is O-W-E-N.

Owen on phone: Mom, he won't let me come home until you answer your phone.

Oh, God. Oh, no.

Okay, try the next one.

Owen on phone: Mom, why aren't you picking up?

Answer next time. Please, Mom?

If I had my phone, he'd be back.

I don't know. Based on that, he's a stranger.

So your son would just go off with a stranger?

Owen is the way he is.

He talks to a homeless man like they are old friends.

He's too trusting.

These are pics we got back from the traffic cams.

Run the plates. Put out an Amber Alert.

On it, Sarge.

What is it?

What did you find?

Dana, do you know this man?

Oh, my God, that's Javier.

Javier who?

Uh, I... I don't know his last name.

That's, um, he's Fabiana's boyfriend.

She recommended him to me.

She said he was good with his hands.

So Fabiana is Owen's nanny?

Well, part time now.

I had to cut her hours.

She has another job.

Okay, do you have an address?

I... I... I don't know.

Somewhere in the Bronx.

I'm not really... we just... we text each other.

So text her now and find out where she is.

Hey. Hey, Owen?

Owen? What's going on?

Fabiana Caldera?

Your boyfriend's Javier?


Owen, where is he?

Owen? I don't have him today.

We're wasting our time. Let's bring her in.

I... I have to watch these two boys.

Tell us where Javier is now.

Ahora mismo, or these kids' parents can pick them up at the police station.

Carisi: You run the building?

Yeah, Javier Rojas isn't listed on any of the leases here.

Could be a hotbed apartment.

The nanny said he was in the basement unit.

All right, you two go around the back.

Our first priority is Owen.

Clear the apartment, and be careful.

Amaro: Policia. Abran la Puerta!


[shouting in Spanish]

Policia, no Se muevan.

No Se muevan.

Suban Las manos.

Put your hands up.

Quien habla lngles?

Conoces a Javier Rojas?

No Se nada.


Mira, Javier secuestra... a un nino?

Eh, donde estan?

No, Javier wouldn't kidnap nobody.

Oh, so now you speak English.

You've seen Javier?


He stay here sometimes.

Where is he now? He have a job?

He quit job.

He say now he have money.

Miss Caldera. Appreciate you coming in.

You gave me no choice.

Take your hands off me.

Where's Javier?

He wasn't at that address you gave us.

Then I don't know. Let me go.

I have kids to care for.

The number you gave us didn't work either.

What do you want me to say? I don't hear from him.

Well, then we're gonna have you call every single number in your cell phone until he answers.

Fabiana? Fabiana, thank God you're here.

Where's Owen? Do you know?

Miss Dana, no, I swear.

I don't know where Owen is.

Please, Fabiana, help them. Help me.

I don't know anything.

Benson: Carisi, take her to interrogation.

For what... I under arrest or something?

Yeah, we're gonna hold you as a material witness.

You need to tell us everything that you know about Javier.

Keep her talking.

Come on.

Incoming call on Dana's cell is a video request.

Okay, not here. Uh, this way.


Here, up against the toys, right here.


Where you been, Dana?

My phone... I didn't have it.

Where's Owen?

You talk to anybody? The police?

No, I didn't. I didn't talk to anybody.

Please, Javier, I need to see that Owen is all right.

Javier: $37,000 in cash.

I don't have that.

Javier: Mr. Sam has money.

You ask him.

I will. Just let me see Owen.


Oh, God, don't hurt him.

Javier: Tell them, Owen. What I said.

Please, you have to do what Javier says.

Javier: I text you where.


Mr. Sam bring money.

I see any police, I k*ll the boy.

Okay, we still have a unit with Farhidi?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Bring him in here.


You heard his demands. You got the address.

What are you waiting for?

I don't have that kind of money.

I do.


I mean I can get it.

Whatever brings Owen back.

Listen, I know that this is stressful, but you need to let us do our jobs.

You cannot be involved.

You heard him.

I'm supposed to go alone.

We can allow you to make the drop, but we'll be there as backup.

But you're gonna need to wear a wire.

No. My son, my call.

I will do this on my own.

I'm sorry, but that's not an option.

Hey, Sarge. I just ran the building.

I accessed maps for that entire block.



So Javier says he's gonna meet in the basement of this building here.

We won't be able to get a shot or even see him.

Yeah, and this building shares an alleyway with all these other buildings.

That's a lot of hidey-holes.

Okay, guys, you know the drill.

Keep a very low profile.

Nick and Fin, you guys are on the street.

Carisi, you go with ESU.

Mr. Farhidi, come on, I'd like to get you prepped.

He said that he'll be in the basement.

When you see your son, you put down the money and you get out.

No heroics.


Understood. Absolutely.

Okay, I'm... I'm in.

Sam: Javier?


Are... are you down here?

Please, let Owen go. Everything is fine.

I have your money.

What... what's happening?

We're finding out.

Fin, what do we have?

Nothing. No visual, no audio.

All right, then we've got to go.

Move now.

Go, go.

I got him.

Okay, we got the kid.

Okay, he'll be fine.

And Javier?

Where is he?

Where's Javier?

I don't know, I just took... took Owen and got out.

I think he run.

Suspect's on the move.

Come on.

All units go.

Hostage is secured.

Suspect is in flight.

[door thudding]





Oh, my God, thank God. Baby, Mommy's here.

Mommy's here.


Found a hole.

He may be in the alley next door.

man: I'm on it.

Police! Stop!

Don't move!

Get down, on your knees.

Ustedes no entienden. I no kidnap.

No, then what were you doing with that kid?

Miss Dana pay me to take him.

You ask her.

She planned everything.

Javier swears that Owen's mother put him up to the kidnapping.

Yeah, that's his story and he stuck to it.

Then he lawyered up.

Well, that's one way to go.

Okay, let's keep him in holding.

How's the boy? He seemed okay.

He slept for a few hours.

They're doing a full work up on him now.

And his parents?

Carisi's keeping them apart.

Do we really need to keep them away from Owen?

No access without a third party.

Look, it's a messy divorce.

There are custody issues.

Javier has made this accusation.

Let's just play it safe.


I finished examining Owen.


He's in shock, showing signs of psychological trauma.

And physically?

Abrasions on the wrist and ankles.

No signs of sexual as*ault.

I need to run a few more routine tests.

I'd like to talk to him first.

I understand. Please tread lightly.

Okay. Of course.

Hey, can we tell the parents that much?

Yes, but that's it.

No need to tell them about Javier's accusations either.

Hi, Owen.

My name's Olivia. Thanks.

I'm a police officer.

Am I in trouble?

No. Not at all.

I should have waited for my Mom.

Oh, honey.

It's not your fault that the man took you from school.

So Owen, I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions.

If you could tell me about him.

Did you know him?

Not really.

He was at my house once or twice.

He fixed the sink.

I think Fabiana knows him.

Oh, okay, did he tell you his name?

At first he said it was Carlos, then he said it was Javier.

All right, did he tell you anything else?

No, I talked mostly.

He didn't really know English.

So you were talking?

What about?

School and stuff.

He was nice till I wanted to go home.

Then he made me get in a van.

That must have been pretty scary.

Mm-hmm. We drove around.

I had to call my mom on his phone.

Mm hmm... so Owen, let me ask you something.

Who dialed your mom's number?

Did you dial it or did he?

He dialed it, and I left a message.

She didn't picked up.

Owen, honey, she would have, but she didn't have her phone with her.

Yeah, she loses it a lot.

So, Owen, can you think of anything else that he may have said about... about Fabiana or about your mom, anything?

He got mad when Mom didn't pick up.

He got mad?

What did he say?

He yelled, "She's supposed to answer!"

Then he yelled some other things in Spanish.

I think they were bad words.

How much longer is this gonna take?

Sam is not in there with him, is he?

No, just our Sergeant. And we appreciate your consent.

Children are more open when their parents aren't around.

Well, when can I see him?


While we're waiting, we'd like to ask you a few questions if that's okay.

If Javier wanted money, why did he call you and not Sam?

I'm... I'm not sure. He doesn't really know Sam.

Okay, well, when he called he seemed pretty confident that Sam would have the cash.

How would he now that?

I don't know.

Could your nanny have told him?

No, Fabiana would never.

She loves Owen.

Have you ever talked about your divorce or Sam's money with her?

Yes, of course. She's my friend.

I didn't want her to think that cutting back her hours was my idea.

Dana, she reacted strangely when you said you had that much money.

We just went through a divorce.

She counts every penny I have.

I hear that, though any idea why Javier would think you had that kind of dough?

Oh, I don't know.

He just got into this country.

He probably thinks everybody has money.

Did you ask him?

No, he's not saying much.

So who pays the help... you or your ex-wife?

I do.

If I give Dana her money at the start of the week, she has nothing left the next day.

All right, so they know Mr. Sam is the one who pays the bills.

What's wrong with these people?

I worked my whole life.

They think they can come and take what's mine.

So Fabiana knew that Sam had all that cash.

She heard it from Dana.

And Sam was the one who paid the help.

Fabiana lawyer up?

Not yet.

Get her talking.

I don't need a lawyer, and I don't know how this happened.

You can keep asking, but I don't know.

You don't know?

So you're telling us you don't know how Javier got the number to that school?


Oh, and you didn't tell him that Dana would be late?

That Sam would have the cash?


So he just figured this all out on his own?

Yo no Se. I don't know.

You want me to say in another language?

Javier must have put you up to this.

I mean, did he thr*aten you?

He would never do nothing like that.

Fabiana, let's be straight.

We know you're mad because they cut your hours.

What? No, it worked out.

I go from 14 an hour for one kid to 22 an hour for two.

Besides, I was happy to get out of that house.

Happy, why?

I love Owen, but Dana?

After the divorce, she couldn't stop talking.

How Sam was so cheap.

How he want her to go back to work.

You ever talk to Javier about their financial issues?

He already knew.

Dana told him, in Spanish, while he was fixing things.

And how often would Javier go over there?

All the time. She call him for everything.

Toilet's running.

Shower's clogged.

A cockroach that maybe is dead, but she can't tell.

She need to get herself a man, stop calling mine.

And were you always there when Javier was?

No, I got other jobs.

I go to school.

So Javier would just show up whenever she'd call?

He needs money. He does whatever Dana say.

Let me go.

Hey, Sarge.

This $37,000 dollar ransom seemed a little...


Bingo, so I looked up the divorce affidavits for Sam and Dana Farhidi.

She accused him of hiding cash assets.

$37,000 worth.

You and Fin find out where Javier got that number.

Fabiana had nothing to do with this.

Leave her alone.

She didn't tell you how much money to ask for in ransom?

Miss Dana did. She tell me $37,000.

Mr. Sam will pay.

I do nothing wrong.

No? You took a kid.

You demanded money from his parents.

That's kidnapping, Javier.

Mr. Rojas was hired by Mrs.

Farhidi to pick Owen up, drive him around for a while, then call her.

This was an activity sanctioned by the mother.

Are you calling this a play date, counselor?

Let's not get hung up on semantics.

The fact remains that Mrs. Farhidi granted him permission to take her son and guaranteed payment through her ex-husband.

You got proof of that?

She paid my client the first of two installments of $500 last Monday.

She then texted him the number to call at the school, told him how to sign her son out, then made sure she'd be late picking him up.

Texted him, huh?

There's nothing on his phone.

No, the texts, they're on my old phone.

They're on your old phone.

We're gonna need that number.


You give us a deal, we give you the phone.

You have no leverage here, and we're not asking.

Give us the number.

He's claiming Dana texted him?

Bad bluff if she didn't.

Yeah, that and the cash payment should be easy to confirm.

Okay, where's Dana now?

Still at the CAC waiting to see Owen.

Bring her in.

If she doesn't come in willingly, arrest her.

You think that I would let Javier take my son, tie him up, just to prove my ex-husband's an ass?

I would never put Owen through that.

The ransom demand was the exact amount you accused Sam of hiding.

Well, Javier or Fabiana must have heard me talking on the phone to my lawyer.

Did you recently take out $1,000 in cash?

I owed Javier for some work that he did.

Work, huh?

Now was that the job you were talking about in these texts?

I've never seen these before in my life.

Who sent these?

These texts came from your phone.

That's impossible.

I don't understand.

Is there anyone else who has access to your phone?

No... I mean, sometimes Owen plays games on it.

Oh, so Owen arranged his own kidnapping, right?

Of course not.

I left my phone at a yoga studio.

Maybe somebody did it from there.

These texts were sent a week ago.

Well, I misplace my phone all of the time.

You can ask Owen.

He always tells me I'm not good with things.

"Not good with things."

That's her defense?

It's possible. My middle sister?

She's losing her keys, her phone, her car.

I mean, every five minutes, it's something.

So are we back to the... the nanny?

She had access.

Come on.

Dana's mad at her ex.

She needs money.

She hired this Javier for everything else.

Look, it's pretty clear that Owen is the parent in the house.

I mean, Dana said to ask him about it.

Maybe we should.

Sergeant Benson?

Oh, Mr. Farhidi, how are you?

I want to take my son home. That's how I am.

Well, I can certainly understand that.

I saw some officers put Dana in a squad car.

What's going on?

Well, we're still investigating.

I told you everything I know, but if you have any more questions, go ahead.

Well, actually, we're here to speak with Owen.

Hasn't he been through enough?

And don't I have a right to be there when you're asking him questions?

Dana already gave us consent to talk to him without a guardian, but if that's a problem for you?

No, it's not a problem, I... I'm just wondering what's left to be investigated.

Okay, you handle this.

I mean, you... you caught Javier red handed.

I don't know what she told you, but do I need to get a lawyer for Owen or Dana?

That's absolutely your right, but if your ex-wife had nothing to do with this, then there's really nothing to worry about.

Mr. Farhidi, we're just... we're asking for your patience here.

So why don't you go outside, you have a smoke, and when we're done, we'll give you a call, okay?

both: [growling]

Most of the time I'm at school so I don't really know who comes over.

Well, that's okay, Owen.

We're actually even more interested in who comes over when you are at home.

Mm. Do I have to say?

I don't want to get him in trouble with my mom.

Okay, well, we're the police so we can keep a secret, I promise.

Mm. Okay.

My dad.

Sometimes he comes over when he's technically not supposed to.

Okay, so your dad comes over.

And what does he do?

He talks with me, mostly.

We play.

That's cool.

What do you talk about?

About my mom.

If she ever has friends that are boys over.


So what else does he do?

Sometimes he checks the smoke detectors for batteries.

Does your dad ever maybe look at your mom's iPad or computer?

You know, like when you guys are playing games, or... ?

Um, no, he doesn't like me staring at the screen.

Sometimes he takes my mom's phone away.

Hold on, your mom leaves her phone at home when she goes out?

She forgets things.

Or sometimes I want to play on it, and she doesn't really notice it's missing.


So, Owen, what does your dad do with your mom's phone when he takes it?

I think he goes through her emails and her photos.

Yeah, guys do that.

Um, when you dad's there, is anyone else, like a nanny?

Yeah, Fabiana's there.

But sometimes when Daddy comes over she goes out and gets me something from McDonald's.

I'm not supposed to tell Mom about that either.

Why are you still talking to her?

Think about it, Javier.

I told you, she's innocent.

Let the detectives ask their questions.

That's good advice.

You should also advise your client to come clean about Fabiana Caldera.

She didn't know.

What about the texts?

I really appreciate you trying to protect your girlfriend, but we got her fingerprints all over Dana's cell phone.

She also had Owen's schedule and knew exactly how much cash Mr. Farhidi had.

No, no, it was all Miss Dana.

No, it wasn't.

A mother would never do that to her own son.

You know, lying to the police is also a crime.

Tell him, Counselor.

All right, last chance.

What did Fabiana ask you to do, Javier?

[inaudible whispering]

Mr. Rojas would like to revise his statement.

We're listening.

If we tell you who really set this up, what's in it for my client?

How about not taking the weight of a felony kidnapping charge all on his own?

It was Mr. Sam.

He told me to say it was all Miss Dana.

He tell me all of it.

First Javier swears it's Dana.

Now he swears it's Sam?

Maybe he's still trying to protect Fabiana.

Could be, but Sam's a controlling guy.

I went back over the divorce affidavits.

She was the one who filed.

Maybe he's trying to hurt her.

Okay, thanks.

Yeah, you and me both.

That was Barba checking in from St. Barths.

He says we can charge him with kidnapping, but when it comes to anyone else, Javier's word is no good on this.

We all know he's nothing but a fall guy.

But for whom?

Dana says she's innocent. Let her prove it.

Sam knows I've been talking to the police.

What am I supposed to say?

Well, he thinks you're a suspect.

Tell him that. Ask him for help.

There's no way Sam did this.

So what's the problem?

I haven't been here in a while.

You and everyone else.

This winter was... It was tough.

What are we gonna do, Sam?

You can go home, Damien.


Owen is sleeping at the CAC.

They might put him in a foster home.

The police really think that I did this.

That's ridiculous.

Not to them it's not.

They're convinced I set this whole thing up.

Sent Javier cash.

Sent texts.

You can't even balance your checkbook.

Can't you tell them that?

You want me to fix this for you?

Why not? It's what you do.

Because I cannot fix everything for everyone.

I had to let three people go here.

You're bleeding me with alimony.

You were hiding all of that cash.

I had to!

You would have blown right through it.

You actually don't know how much things cost.

You never paid attention.

So now you're blaming me?

We might never get our son back.

Yes, we will.

I will take custody, and you won't actually go to jail.

Wait, what? You believe them?

You think that I actually did this?

No, but it was your own damn fault.


If you had your phone with you when Javier called, the whole thing wouldn't have happened.

The police wouldn't have been involved.

What? What does that mean?

He called you.

You weren't there for him.

Owen needs protection.

He's too trusting, you know that.

I don't want him growing up in fear!

There are different ways of protecting him.

That's it, you don't.

You're late for pickups.

Half the time when I'm over there you have forgotten to schedule your nanny.

Owen is alone by himself in your apartment.

But you're there when I'm not there?

Yes, to check on him.

I was actually trying to protect him.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You had him kidnapped?

It was supposed to be only half hour.

Just to scare him, teach him a lesson so he doesn't walk away with strangers.

To wake you up so you'd pay more attention, so you are there for him.

I lost you. I didn't want to lose him too.

Oh, Sam, what have you done?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for it to go this far.

No, Sam, don't say another word.

We have to figure this out.

No, you don't understand.


Did she just show him her wire?

Nick, Carisi, move in.

The police said that it would exonerate you.

I didn't think you actually did it.

Dana, you all right?

I'm fine.

This is not what I wanted.

Me neither.

Mr. Farhidi, you need to come with us.

Hey, Sarge?

Can I take him now?

The Court gave you custody, but the question is, Dana, can you take care of him?

Look, I love Owen, but I am afraid to do this by myself.

And Sam is a really good father, and I think that Owen needs him.

Can you tell the DA?

That's not your decision.

The DA will plead this down to unlawful imprisonment, it's a misdemeanor, but Sam could get six months.

Six months? How will I support myself?

You'll have to figure it out.

You get a job.

Right, there are a lot of working mothers.

It's been so long, I wouldn't even know where to start.

So learn.

You have a child, Dana.

It's not about you anymore.

You need to be the parent, not Owen.

Thank you. All of you.

All right.

Take good care, all right?

Good bye, Owen.

Bye, Sonny.

Letting the kid go with her, you think that's a good idea?

Well, Social Services is gonna check in, for whatever that's worth.

I think she was pretty shaken up.

She'll get her act together.

So I have to leave early today.

Hold down the fort.

On it.

Not you, Fin.

It'll be good practice.

What does she mean by that, "good practice"?

She's worried about them bumping her up to Lieutenant.

She's gonna need a new sergeant and wants me to take the exam.

Wow. Congratulations.

I'm not interested. Not gonna happen.

I don't need the headaches.

You got that right.
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