16x10 - Forgiving Rollins

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x10 - Forgiving Rollins

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

It's a brave new world.

Since criminals are bound less and less by geographical jurisdiction, law enforcement must follow suit.

We all need to share information quickly and efficiently.

Case in point: the recent pattern 17 r*pe case in New York.

Now, for us at APD, the most gratifying part of closing out that case was collaborating with our esteemed and charming colleagues at NYPD.

Now, one of Sergeant Benson's detectives, formerly one of my own, recalled a few cold cases in Atlanta that matched the profile that they had established.

Now, given the similarities in the M.O., we felt certain that DNA on file in our precinct would prove that this was the work of one man, DNA they were unable to obtain from the New York crime scene.

He sits on the r*pe kits for six years, we catch the guy, and he takes the victory lap?

Accept the things you cannot change.

Just don't ask me to go out to dinner with him.

Sergeant, beautiful city you have here.

Even when it isn't.

Yeah, that's true.

Speaking of beautiful, Amanda, it's nice to see you.

[Breathes deeply]

Broke my heart to let this one go.

Y'all have a winner with her.

We know that.

Oh, forgive me, darling.

Folks, this is Detective Reese Taymor.

This is her first conference.

Oh, well, welcome to New York.

Oh, just like the song.

I loved your presentation on aggregating and hot-plating social media to really zero in on a crime scene or pattern.

We should look into some of the programs she mentioned...

Snaptrends, gramfeed.

Yeah, well, anything you want, darling.

Gosh, you know, so many friends here.

We'll catch you later.

It was nice to meet y'all.

You too.

Yeah, Atlanta, they're so polite.

Sam Reynolds, Rollins' old captain, wants us to join APD at Moran's.

I'm out of here.

I got to go home to Noah, guys.


Well, it's just you and me.

I'm not good at hanging out with the good ol' boys.

Well, he said Reese was coming.

Um... you know what, I got to walk Frannie.

Hit me.

Those Atlanta boys can put it away.

When I left, they were still getting after it.

I don't know how they made it back to their hotel.

You went?


Rollins stuck you with them?



What's her deal with these guys?

You know what? Ask her.

[Phone ringing]


Is Liv already in?


I told her you were running late.


Okay, bad news.


Hotel r*pe last night.

And the Vic is that young detective from Atlanta.

She presented with a serious head wound, said she fell in the bathroom.

So she was found in her own hotel room?

By the maid.

Security called 911.

She disclosed the r*pe to the E.R. nurse, so we ran a kit.

Any dr*gs or alcohol in her system?

No dr*gs.

Alcohol levels were high, though... 0.12.

Still intoxicated this morning.

Okay, any other injuries?

Bite marks, some bruising on the thighs and hips.

She say who her assailant was?

That's outside my purview, Detective.


Detective Taymor, we're so sorry.

So can you walk us through the details?

Oh, I, um...

I guess I had too much to drink at dinner.

I-I got up in the middle of the night, went to go get a glass of water and... fell, and must have hit my head on the sink.

What about the as*ault?

I don't... I don't know what you mean.

Okay, the E.R. nurse said that you disclosed.

I don't... I was...

I was in an emotional place.

Yeah, I'm very sorry.

Fin needs me.

Go ahead.

I feel so stupid bringing y'all in here.

Okay, how about we...

How about we start at the beginning?

We had drinks.

He escorted me to my door.

Used a false pretense to get in.

And when I told him that I needed to sleep, it...

Became something else.

[Stutters, laughs]

I can't believe that I'm saying these words out loud.

Okay, did you struggle?

Did you say no?

I understand that you have some bruising.

Listen to me.

This isn't gonna just go away.

Yeah, it will.

We're gonna pull the security footage and find out who went in and out of that hotel room.

It was my...

It was my boss.

Captain Reynolds?


No, no.

It was... it was his boss.

Deputy Chief Patton.

So, you see, I'm not pressing any charges, and I won't testify.

I can't.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

A detective assaulted is bad enough, but she's accusing her chief.

Oh, I miss homicide.

A lot less loaded.

I assumed that you'd want a heads up.

So the r*pe kit shows bruising and bite marks, semen.

Her blood-alcohol was... high.

Always is.

We did due diligence at the hotel?

Yeah, Patton was staying in an adjoining suite.

Security footage saw them entering her room from the hallway at 1:00 A.M.

And then a male voice orders room service ten minutes later.

Security footage caught Patton leaving his room at 6:00 A.M.

And housekeeping finds Reese unconscious on her bathroom floor.

She said she slipped and fell.

That was at 8:00 A.M.

She admits to inviting him in?

Not so much inviting as allowing.

I mean, he's her superior officer.

It's pretty tough to say no.

Or a man and a woman out of town have a few drinks.

They do something they might not do at home.

Bruising, bite marks... not inconsistent with drunk sex.

Or r*pe.

Rollins worked for this guy?

Hey, you know Patton.

Is he good for this?

Detective Taymor, does she seem credible?

I actually wasn't there for her disclosure.

Rollins, Dodds wants you inside.

Deputy Chief Patton was my superior officer for six years.

He's smart, political.

You know the type.

And personally?

You know, any rumors of harassment or skirt-chasing?

He's been married 20 years.

I didn't see his wife at the convention.

Detective Taymor wouldn't disclose until you left the room.

Now, have you heard any whispers about their relationship?

As far as I know, they just work together.

In adjoining rooms.

I'm not privy to his personal life.

We're all grown-ups here.

We know there's a difference between infidelity and as*ault.

I'm asking if...

Patton is capable of something like this.

You can never tell who's capable of what.

Thank you, Rollins.


She's in an awkward position here.

I'm sure she still feels loyal to him.

As should we.

He is a fellow officer.

So is Detective Taymor.

He outranks her, but...

We haven't heard his side yet.


Would you like to watch the interview?

No, I'll take it.

Chief Dodds, I hear good things.


Thank you for coming in.


Here we are, in the box.

No disrespect.

It's just... the optics.


We are in a situation.

So let me get right to it.

I am not proud of this, and I love my wife.

But that girl and I are...

Well... were involved.

And you were in her room last night.

Yeah, I mean, we had sex.

Consensual, obviously.

Yeah, she'd had a few drinks.


Here's our issue.

She's saying it wasn't consensual.


[Chuckles] Well, now...

I kind of deduced that.

You know how these things go, the "he said, she said."

I just need a reason.

Why did she accuse you like that?

Dodds with the good ol' boy routine.

He's pretty good.

So is Patton.

She started spewing all this nonsense about me leaving my wife.

Ah, okay.

Reese is a smart girl.

And she's a damn fine detective.

But you know how it is.

Hell hath no fury.

So this is her not hearing what she wanted and getting payback.

That's exactly right.

I bet this whole thing goes away now.

Oh, you know I can't speak to that.

Well, how about I talk to her?

You and I both know that's against protocol.

Is this a setup, Chief Dodds?

You invite me in here, all smiles and goodwill.

You know, that fellow officer courtesy bull crap.

Is that what you think?

You know what I think?

I think Amanda Rollins put her and you all up to this.

Excuse me?

Well, now...

No, I'd like to be the gentleman here, but that one has an axe to grind.

I mean, there's reasons why she left Atlanta.

I'm new to SVU.

Tell me.


She got around.

You ask her about the time she threw herself at me to save her sister.

Offered me things that made my eyes water.

Oh, she never did let go of that one.


Thank you for the hospitality.

But I am the deputy chief of the Atlanta P.D., and I have some business to attend to back home.

I hear you.

As far as leaving town, I think the New York press might catch wind of that.

They'd make minced meat out of you.

Your career, your marriage.

I'd hate to see that happen.

Yeah, well...

We both know the next time we have a conversation, my attorney will be present.

Have yourself a nice day, all right?

Ugh, son of a bitch.

No one's gonna buy a word he says.

Actually, back home, pretty much everyone does.


Just leave me be.

I need to get out of here.

You're a hard woman to track down.

I had to check half the bars in Long lsland City.

I don't want to talk about this.

I'm not leaving.

I want you to tell me what went on between you and Patton.

I was Patton's shiny blonde protege, right?

I was smart. I was a good girl.

Just his type.

And it wasn't... it wasn't like that at first.

And then?

And then my sister got arrested.

Check fraud, wire fraud, possession.

So Patton calls me into his office.

It was late. Nobody was around.

And he said that we could make it go away.


It was my sister, Fin.

Did he force you?

He didn't put a g*n to my head.

So Reese is telling the truth?


We have to tell Barba.


I won't say I was r*ped, because I wasn't.

You have to let him know this guy is a predator, that he's capable.

But if I do... Patton fights dirty, Fin.

What about this girl?

Well, she'll get over it.

I mean, she might have been sleeping with him anyhow.

You know?

She'll go back to Atlanta, and she'll pretend like nothing ever happened.

Just like you did.

Well, pretend long enough, after a while, it's like nothing did happen.

Just let it go.


I put myself in a bad position, and Patton took advantage of it.

Are you saying he r*ped you?

I'm saying, off the record, that, based on my personal experience, I believe Detective Taymor is telling the truth.

Now what, Counselor?

We arrest him.

A r*pe kit with bruising and a split lip, a r*pe nurse as an outcry witness, me.

She said she's not willing to testify.

I can't arrest a deputy chief without a complainant.

If she won't come forward, we can't move.

I will talk to Reese again.

You know what?

It's my turn.

[Door opens]

Hey, thanks for seeing me.


If the chief sent you to shut me up, it's a wasted trip.

I'm zipping my mouth and I'm going home.

That's not why I'm here.

Patton r*ped you.

And you're gonna need to cooperate with us.

If this goes to trial, you need to testify.

Yeah, because you want justice for little old me?


So everyone at home can know what happened to me, my humiliation, and know what I've been through, and call me a slut, just like you?

I am nothing like you.

Because you're a good girl.


I worked hard to get where I am.

I know that.

I know that's why this is so hard, because you feel like if you do your job well, if you work twice as hard as the men, then you will be seen as a good detective, right?

But Chief Patton, he's king.

The way he figures it, he's entitled to...

I knew his reputation, to not be the last person in the office.

Watch out for the accidental touches.

He'd make his jokes, I'd smile, tell him I was flattered but that nothing was happening.

Wait, you weren't having an affair?


Is that what he is saying?

And Captain Reynolds is backing him up on that?

Yeah, you know guys are gonna talk whether we sleep with them or not.

You think Sam Reynolds wanted everybody to know that I turned him down?

You think you're Chief Patton's first good girl?

So everything they said about you...

And why you left, none of that is true?


One thing I can say about this city is, I have not had a bad meal, not once.

Well, there's one good thing, then.

Afternoon, gentlemen.

Ah, Chief Dodds and Detective...


Nick, what can we do for you?

Why don't we take this outside?

Well, whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of my men.

Chief Patton, we have a warrant for your arrest on the charge of r*pe one.

What? That is bull...

It's all right, Sam.

It's all right.


Well, then...

We're not gonna cuff you.

We're gonna quietly walk out of here.

Then you'll be processed and arraigned.

Sam, you know that lawyer we met?

The big guy?

Yeah, I heard he was out on his own recognizance.

I know.

I know, you're there if I need you, Nick.

I just want a quiet night tonight.

Okay, thanks.

Okay, Frannie May.

Look, it's just me and you tonight.

Hey, come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Good girl.

Hey, Amanda.

You have a GPS signal on my ass?

I'm a police officer.

So you got apd track my cell.

Just trying to look after you, darling.

What the hell do you want?

I want you to think about what you're doing.

We know you got to Reese.

Got to her? I took her statement.

You elicited a story.

She was looking for payback...

Just like you.

But I'm not gonna pass any judgment here, Amanda.

You slept with the chief to get ahead, and it backfired.

That's on you.

Patton's a liar.

He's a man I know and trust.

Look, I know how ambitious a girl you are.

Reese too.

But take my advice, and let sleeping dogs lie.
Get the hell off my street.

You know, all these years, you've been giving me the good girl act, but you were just keeping yourself wide-eyed and wet for the big boss, weren't you?

No piece for your old friend Sam?


You bitch!

I will report you!

Yeah, you do that.

And make sure you tell your wife I said hello.

Good girl.



Rollins, come on, don't make me hurt myself.

You're stalking me now?

Okay, you weren't returning my calls.

Yeah, I'm not testifying.

Don't make me subpoena you.

No, I'm not talking about me and Patton.

Prior acts are inadmissible, and nothing really happened anyway.

Look, if I don't call you, the defense will.

You heard Patton; They're gonna claim you're out for revenge.

We've got to get in front of this.

They're not gonna call me up to the stand.

I-I've got to go.

Liv hates it when I'm late.

I appreciate you meeting us, gentlemen.

Before this turns into a circus, I thought we could step back, talk about a graceful exit strategy for all of us.

So talk.

Deputy Chief Patton has a long and distinguished career.

A year from now, he reaches mandatory retirement.

So, in exchange for dropping a r*pe charge, the deputy chief will retire once he hits mandatory retirement.

I'm here as a courtesy to Atlanta P.D., but NYPD won't bend over just because you're a brother officer.

Bend over?

Is that NYPD's idea of professional decorum?

Fellas, this is why you have lawyers.

And lawyer to lawyer, we both know this case is at least 50 shades of gray.

I know Detective Taymor was r*ped.


Neither of us was there.

The only video we have is in the hallway, where an ambitious and tipsy young lady invites my client into her hotel room.

The rest is speculation.

What do you want?

I don't see an upside for anyone here.

My client has suffered an embarrassing public arrest.

No cuffs, low-key.

We did it right.

Yeah, tell that to my wife and family.

I imagine you have some difficult conversations ahead of you without my talking to them.

We're not dismissing.

What this feels like, more than anything, is disorderly conduct.

Disciplinary action will be handled by APD administratively.

r*pe is a felony charge.

We'll accept sex abuse III, minimum.

Y'all might want to think about what'll happen the next time a New York detective gets in trouble in Atlanta.

What you ought to think about is how quickly the shine goes off your shield once you go on the registry.


I don't know about you or your little Spanish Dandy here, but I'm straight as an axe.

That girl got what she wanted, just like Rollins did.

Well, this was fruitful.

as*ault III for the bloody lip.

No time, no registry.

That won't work for me, Counselor.

Me neither.

Nos veremos en Los tribunales, mi amigo.

As the jury has heard, Detective Taymor's r*pe kit showed a bite mark and bruising on her wrists and thighs.

In your experience, are these injuries consistent with forcible r*pe?


They're also consistent with the details of her outcry.

Is it true that Detective Taymor was initially reluctant to cooperate with the investigation?

That's not uncommon for r*pe victims, especially when the r*pist is known to them.

They fear professional or personal repercussions.

Nothing further.

Nothing for this witness, Your Honor.

You may step down, Sergeant Benson.

Amanda, you came?

How's it looking?

Patton's smug.

I hate this guy.

He's working the jury with long looks to his wife.

Vivienne? She's here?

Amanda Rollins.

Give me a minute.


Look at you.

It's been so long.

Five years.

How is your mother, darling?

What, with your sister's situation, you up here, it must be hard on her all by her lonesome.

Oh, how sweet of you to ask, with all the drama you've got going on.


No, I'm blessed.

Everyone at home knows what a good man Charlie is.

He has a world of support.

Oh, there's my man now.

Excuse me, darling.

I've been an officer with APD for 3 1/2 years.

Since Chief Patton promoted me to Detective last year, he's been head of my division.

Could you describe your relationship?

I viewed him as a mentor.

And you socialized occasionally?

Professional functions, holiday parties, always with other detectives.

Were you with other detectives on the night in question?

Yes, until we got off the elevator on our hotel floor.

We had adjoining rooms.

Chief Patton said it would be easier that way, for work.


And what happened next?

We reached our doors. We said good night.

He told me his cell phone had de-magnetized his key card, and he didn't want to go down to the front desk, and he asked if he could enter through my room.

And once you got inside?

He suggested room service.

I said food sounded good, but he ordered champagne.

Were you okay with that?

I didn't want to be rude.

I had one glass.

He kissed me.

I pulled away.

I said he was a married man, and I thought it would be best if we just called it a night.

But he said... his exact words were, "don't you know by now that I don't take no for an answer?"

He shoved me down on the bed, pinned my wrists above my head, and he bit my lip too.

Did you say no?

Of course.

"No, don't do this."

Then he slapped me, hard.

I was stunned.

He unzipped, shoved his knee between my legs, and forced himself inside me.

And then?

Then he finished, and he went into his room.

Told me to clean myself up for the conference tomorrow.

Detective Taymor, did you call 911 or hotel security?


I was... I was embarrassed and ashamed.

I finished the champagne.

I passed out.

A few hours later, I fell in the bathroom.

When I was in the hospital, I told the nurse that I had been r*ped, and I told Sergeant Benson from SVU.

You also told her, at first, that you did not want to cooperate.

Why was that?

I was afraid that my career would be over, that no one would believe me.

But you're here now.


What Chief Patton did to me was a crime, and I realized that if I didn't testify, it might happen to someone else, and I couldn't have that on my conscience.

Thank you, Detective.

You claim that you and Chief Patton have never been romantically involved?

We haven't.

Despite being closely mentored by him, you'd never crossed the line?

I wasn't having an affair with him.

I wouldn't do that.

Then your relationship with Chief Patton has been strictly professional, until you travel to New York, when he att*cks you in a hotel filled with hundreds of visiting police officers.

That's what happened.

You flew here together, spent the day at the conference, and then had dinner together that night with all the drinks.

It was a social business gathering.

Later, when the two of you got off the elevator at the hotel, all very friendly, on the video you were smiling as you ushered him into your hotel room at 1:00 A.M.

He ordered champagne, which you drank.

I was trying to be polite.


During this supposed as*ault, did you scream or cry for help?

I asked him to stop.

But not loud enough for anybody, any of your fellow officers to hear.

You were trained in self-defense.

Did you fight back?

I struggled.

Is that so?

You didn't leave any marks on Chief Patton.

No scratches, no bites.

None of his DNA was under your fingernails.

I kind of...


You froze.

He leaves.

Now you're alone.

Who'd you call?

Hotel security?

Did you call one of the SVU detectives that you had spent the day with?


Like I said, I was humiliated.

You also said that you had finished all the champagne, on top of all the drinks that you had at dinner.

In fact, you were so drunk, you took a nasty fall.

You were found passed out on your bathroom floor.


They had to call an ambulance for you.

For an ambitious detective like yourself, that must have been very embarrassing.


Defense has crossed over from badgering to harassment.

Agreed. Mr. Buchanan.

You are a sex crimes detective.

What would you make of a victim who let her boss into her room, didn't report her r*pe until the next day, and then recanted?

I would try to understand the pressure on her.

Would you also consider the possibility that there was more to the story than she was telling you?

Or less?

I would investigate.

But in my case...

I'll mark that down as a yes, which may be exactly what Chief Patton did that night.



Nothing further.


Are you okay?

I know this wasn't easy.

You know what I know?

You convinced me to testify, but I don'see you taking the stand.

My sister was facing felony charges, and Deputy Chief Patton called me into his office, said we could fix the problem.

What did you infer he meant by that?

That if I had sex with him, my sister would not be prosecuted.

I mean, is this necessary?

It's not like I've never testified before.

I know you've testified before, not about your own as*ault.

If the Judge allows this, we need to be ready.



All right.

Detective Rollins, did you consent to sex with Deputy Chief Patton?

At first, yes.

We met at a motel, and...

I lay down on the bed.

And he was... drunk.

Grabbing at me and pulling off my clothes.

And I asked him to slow down.

And he got rough with me.

He bit me, slapped me, banged my head against the headboard.

I was bleeding.


I tried to get up.

But he said...

"Amanda, you know I don't take no for an answer."

Then what happened, Detective Rollins?

Deputy Chief Patton pinned my wrists above my head...

And he told me I wasn't going anywhere and that no one would believe me anyway.

I gave up.

He r*ped me.

You got to be kidding me.

That little bitch, five years after the fact.

Take it easy, chief.

Counselors, approach.

Again, we object to this witness.

She wasn't on the prosecution's list.

She's been sitting in on testimony.

There hasn't even been a Molineux hearing.

Prior bad acts are admissible when they speak clearly to pattern.

You can't be serious.

She'll be testifying to an unsubstantiated allegation which was never reported.

No charges were ever filed...

I hear you, Counselors, now stop talking.

Having read the summary text of this witness's testimony, it is my ruling that it would be more prejudicial than probative.

I will not allow this witness to testify.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Mr. Barba, any other last-minute salvos?

Prosecution rests.

Then we'll reconvene after lunch with your first witness, Mr. Buchanan.

After all that, she won't let me testify.

It was always a long shot.

So what happens next?

My bet, Patton takes the stand.

It's a "he said, she said."

He's got to say something, and I'll get him.

The real victim in all of this is my wife, Vivienne.

I should have known better, an old man like myself.

I was flattered by a young woman's apparent interest in me.

But I apologize to my wife and to the Atlanta P.D. for the embarrassment that my foolishness and this farce has caused.

So you did not r*pe Detective Taymor?

No, Sir.

As God is my witness, our brief affair was consensual.

I would never harm a woman.

Nothing further.

It's your testimony that, despite being her mentor, you and your subordinate Detective Taymor were also having a consensual affair?

I'm not proud of that.

And everything was going fine until you came to New York?

For no reason, she cried r*pe?

There was a reason.

She was angry that I wasn't leaving my wife.

You said that you would never harm a woman.

Does that include any other young, blonde subordinates you've mentored?


Sustained. Mr. Barba.

Are you talking about Amanda Rollins?

I didn't r*pe her or that other girl, or any of them.

That's what they say when they don't get what they want.

Your honor.

I'm going to instruct the jury to disregard that last question and the defendant's answer.

It'll be stricken from the record.

Let's get back to the conference.

You didn't invite your wife.


New York in January?

Well, these things are all business anyway, so I knew I wouldn't have the time to give her the attention that she deserves.

All business?

Was it business at 1:00 A.M.

When you stepped off the elevator clearly drunk with Detective Taymor?

Well, part of the convention is networking with other members of law enforcement.


Your key card didn't work when you returned to your floor.

[Clears throat]

Uh, yeah.

You know, my phone...

My phone must have deactivated it.

If you were having an affair, then why the key card ruse?

Isn't that the point of adjoining rooms?

You enter separately, meet in the middle, do what you're gonna do?

Well, I didn't want to assume...


Let me ask, who booked the rooms for this trip?

Um... well, that would have been someone in my office.

Let's say that your key card really didn't work and you had to go through Detective Taymor's room.

How did you know that your adjoining door would be open?

You son of a bitch.

Did you leave that door deliberately open, or was that just a...


Chief Patton, do you need a minute?


Would you like a glass of water, Deputy Chief Patton?


May I consult with my client?



Someone call an ambulance.


He's having a heart attack!


Okay, thanks for the update.

Patton didn't have a heart attack.

They say it was anxiety.

So the trial will continue.

Well, I don't know about that.

Will you close the door for a sec?

Amanda, what Patton did to you, you've been pushing down for years.

And if you don't deal with this now, it's gonna keep you trapped or stuck more than it already has.


You have an opportunity here.

I've gone through it.

You're only as sick as your secrets, and...

And I'm going to meetings.

Yeah, for gambling.

I know you don't like feeling sorry for yourself.

I get it.

But can you go back to that detective that you were five years ago and feel compassion for her?

I walked into it.

You know, I put myself into that position.

You've got to stop blaming yourself.

Amanda, you can move past this.

I'm okay.

Look, I know that you think that therapy is paying someone to talk about your problems.

I shouldn't have said that to you.

Then make it up to me.

I want you to see my therapist.

I'm not seeing your therapist.

It's just for a referral.

I know he has time later today.

I'm gonna tell him that you're gonna call.

It's important, Amanda.

Okay, sergeant.


Hey, sugar, what about a smile, huh?

Hey, girl, it can't be that bad.

Deputy Chief Patton's health precludes him from continuing this trial.

He had an anxiety attack.

In the interest of getting him home for further tests, we'll plead guilty to sexual abuse in the third degree.

He'll go on the registry.

Probation, community service, no jail time.


He'll resign his position as Deputy Chief first.

Protecting his pension?

For his wife and family's sake.

And he will not seek any further employment in law enforcement.


I will need you to allocute to the sexual as*ault in open court.


Deputy chief Patton, your lawyer tells me you'd like to plead guilty to sexual abuse in the third degree.

Is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor.

Do you make this plea knowingly and voluntarily?

I do.

Has anyone induced you or in any way coerced you into pleading guilty?


You engaged in sexual intercourse with Detective Reese Taymor as named in the indictment against you, and Detective Taymor did not consent to that sexual contact.

Is that correct?


I accept your plea, Deputy Chief.

Before I impose sentence, is there anything you'd like to say?

No, Your Honor.

So no jail time.

At least he's on the registry.

And it's over.

Liv said you might be taking some time off after all?


Probably not a bad idea.

That's good for you.

Don't take too much.

I'll go pull the car around.

You guys go ahead.

I'm gonna get some fresh air.
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