15x23 - Thought Criminal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x23 - Thought Criminal

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

[Thai accent]

Hello, my name is Lucky.

I'm 14 years old, and I live in Thailand.

I'm all alone, and I'm waiting to play with you.

[Computer beeping]

30 responses and counting.

So far none in our jurisdiction.

Feed her a few more lines.

30 just doubled to 60.

[Computer beeping]

Just tell me what you want me to do.

[Computer beeping]


Can we keep up?

Taru's all over this.

Make sure you get them all on record asking for specific illegal acts.

I'd like to do that.

With my shirt off?

It is hot in here.

It's been 30 minutes.

What the score so far?

Just under 800 responses.

So how are you holding up?

[American accent] Okay.

It's a dirty job, but I like getting these guys.

Heavy in the Eastern Bloc, China, and the American South.

No comment.

Turn those IPs over to the FBI and interpol.

Any in our backyard?

Four in Brooklyn, three in Queens.

Any in Manhattan?

One confirmed so far.

Municipal IP address, calls himself "Flash."

That must be the guy who told Lucky that he wanted to meet her in Bangkok and bring her to New York.

Is he still at work?


Fin, Amaro, go pick him up.

Gordon Montlieff?

Can I help you?


All payroll inquiries must be submitted by fax or regular mail.

It's not about payroll.

Okay, well, then, maybe my supervisor can help you.

I don't think you want your supervisor involved.

Remember me?

[Thai accent]

My name is Lucky.

Oh, man. Seriously?

How about that, stud?

Saved you a trip to Bangkok.

On your feet.

Let's go, Flash.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

That girl and I were just talking.

About sex with a 14-year-old.

No, I saw her.

She is not 14.

That doesn't matter.

You thought she was.

Wait, so I'm arrested for thinking?

Why are we talking to this guy?

Just charge him and lock him up.

This squad needs to evolve.

Little cases make big cases.

Oh, so we're cutting pleas with pedophiles?

Look, lieutenant, we're not dealing with a mastermind here.

We don't know what we're dealing with.

Taru still working on his computer?

Find out where they are.

Meanwhile, Fin and Rollins will walk him up the ladder, see where he leads us.

You're the boss.

[Door closes]

He's a ray of sunshine.

Look, he's dealing with some stuff right now.

Yeah, we all are.

That's why we go to work, to get out of our own heads.

Well, Flash, we know that you talked to your friends in chat rooms, on websites.

Now, did you ever take the next step?

Did you ever meet them?

Some of those guys, they're sick.

If I turn them in, they'll come after me.

As if the inmates aren't gonna come after a pedophile like you in prison.


He mentioned some friends, but it's all pretty vague.

Still fighting the hook.

If he was done, he would've lawyered up.

Let him stew in holding for a while.

He doesn't strike me as the reflective type.

Maybe he needs a shoulder to cry on.

Make yourself at home, chomo.

You two got a lot in common.

I want my lawyer.

For what?

You're gone, Howard.

I'm not a chomo.

They tricked me.

They used a girl called "Lucky."

You too?

Doesn't matter anyway.

I'm dead.

They already got me on the registry for something else I didn't do!

I didn't.

I'm never getting out of here.

My life is over.

I can't go back.

'Cause you know what they do to us in prison?

I can't go back.

Hey, man, what are you doing?

You can't pee in here.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Hey, come on.

A little help in here?

This guy's making a mess.

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Come on.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.


Daddy, can I get an ice cream?

A lemon ice, small.

Eh, but bring me the change, huh?

Ah, change.



She misses you.

I miss her too.

So you said you wanted to talk?

Yeah, I got a job offer in L.A.


You hate L.A.

[Both laugh]

It's in corporate communications for northrop.

It pays more than both of us make combined.

You're considering taking Zara across the country from me?


I don't know, maybe you can come too.


Come on.

I see what this job is doing to you.

Could be a fresh start.

There are a lot of options for a former New York detective out there.


Maria, are you asking me to move with you?

Can we take it one step at a time?

It's 3,000 Miles away.

That's not one step.

I-I don't even know what to think.

I have to get back to work.


Hey, where's my change?

That's my girl.

We're still going through Gordon's home computer, but he did give up this mini-tablet found hidden in the book.

It's like a travel diary for the dark net.

And he volunteered this?

We had a heart-to-heart.

He's hoping for a little help.

Well, he thinks of himself as a voyeur, but he knows guys who may go further.

"Kids without shame"?

It's a chat room for pedophiles.

So here's the guy that Gordon tipped us off to.

He calls himself "erastes."

"I see him from my window playing "in the P.S. 27 school yard.

"Sweet faced, chubby.

"I imagine stringing him up, hearing him squeal.

"How long do you think it would take for the blood to run out if I hung him upside down?"

That's horrifying, but...

But it is on a site that explicitly says it's fantasy.

He's talking about a real boy that he's seen.

And you know this how?

We're giving you a heads-up, counselor, not asking for your blessing.

I'm talking about one undercover meet.

If it's just fantasy, we walk away.

And if it's not, do you want to be responsible for missing this?

Oh, honey, I love this one.

This is my favorite in the whole show.

It is striking.

Is this your gallery?

No, the photographer's my husband.

You're married to Simon Wilkes?

Is he here?

I'd love to meet him.

Oh, that's great.

He's right over there.

You know what, do you have a catalog I can look at?

Whatever you want, baby, just get a price.

This way.


And I will see you in a little bit.

Simon Wilkes?

Good-looking boy.

It's amazing.

Someone might look at that photograph and think innocence, but...

It's all about what you bring to it.


Howard Jeffries.

Simon Wilkes.

Flash wasn't wrong.


A friend, he said you might have some other work that would appeal to me...

Studies of a school yard?

I see.

Can we discuss prices?

Somewhere we can meet later?

Maybe not here.

Peter Jay's. It's a bar around the corner from P.S. 27.

I'll need an hour.

Not that I don't appreciate your safer pieces...

My wife's a fan.

But Flash told me you're edgier.

You never told me how you know Flash.

We met online, corresponded, chatted a few times.

He told me about your school yard series.

I was intrigued.

The ancient greeks appreciated the beauty of the young male body, unshaven and unspoiled.

I think we both have moved beyond mere appreciation, have we not?

It's all just fantasy.

What if it wasn't?

Forgive me, what business did you say you were in?

I own a furniture design company.

I do very well.

Whatever it is we're discussing, I can afford it.

So you're serious about this?


In fact, I suggest we both turn off our cell phones...

[Phone beeps]

So we know this conversation isn't being recorded.

Good to be cautious.

Where were we?

We were talking about money...

And boys.

[Whispers] And not just sex with them.

You're with me on that, right?


We understand each other.

What we're talking about takes means, the right subject, venue.

It's a commitment.

Are you willing to commit?

[Over recording]

It's a commitment.

Are you willing to commit?

That's it?

Sounds to me like you're flirting with entrapment.

You brought up procuring a boy.

He didn't shy away.

He was the one that brought up using boys for more than just sex.

Did you get anywhere with the wife?

Big blind spot, she adores him.

She's a sicko too.

Tell me that at least Wilkes has a record.

He stays under the radar.

Except when he chats about boys in the school yard he wants to t*rture.

We do not indict people for just imagining things.

Show me a substantial step, we'll have a different conversation.

Lawyers think too much.

This Wilkes is bad news.

Go back to Gordon.

Get us something more.

Can you get me into solitary?

Everybody's looking at me all the time.

Might be able to do that, but you got to stop holding out on us.

Your pal erastes, he ever talk about actually hurting boys?

No, I'm not a part of that, okay?

I-I-I just like to watch.

He is into things that I would never do.

Like what?

Well, there was this live-streaming Webcast from Estonia a few months ago.

Erastes kept sending messages to the master asking him to hurt the boy...

Make him bleed.

Now, I-I turned it off, but then later, erastes bragged that he had watched the boy die.

And then he said to me that we should find a boy that nobody would miss.

Gordon told us about a Webcast for something called "damage groups."

They take live requests to t*rture young kids.

The darker the skin, the worse they get it.

Bruises don't show.

Okay, any way to access it?

It streamed live three months ago.

We turned over what we had to interpol.

That won't help.

Take over Gordon's chat room accounts.

Keep fishing.

Fin, you got a minute?

Something wrong, lieutenant?

Damage groups, torturing young kids?

How long you been dealing with this?

14 years, 8 in narcotics before that.

That was worse.

Worse, how is that possible?

Dealers had so much cash, they turned everybody.

Judges, prosecutors...

Everyone's crooked.

There are gray areas in SVU.

Not for me.

You touch a woman or a kid, you're scum.

Wilkes... I want to slam him in a cage.

How about tonight?

Tell me where.

Now I got to head uptown, going to a meeting.


Safe home.

All right.

She's really working her program.

Yeah, hope so.

How you doing?

You were a little hot in there with Murphy.

You should be C.O. now, he comes in and...

Maria and Zara are in town, right?


How's that going?

I'm not crossing the line.

Maria asked to see me.

She got a job offer in California and wants to take Zara with her.


Yeah, she brought up the idea of me going with them.


Yeah, I know.

I mean, a month ago, she's calling you, telling me to back off.

I do, and then...

You thinking of going?

Uh...My life is here, Liv.

I don't want to fight, but Maria's not taking my daughter away from me.

I know you've been vouched for, but I got to take care of myself.

We're just here to talk business.

Okay, what kind?

Oxy, heroin, women, girls...

No g*ns, but anything else, whatever you're to.

I don't judge.

How about boys?


Maybe younger.


No grass on the infield?

Someone no one will come looking for.

From El Salvador or Mexico, it could be done.

I need 40k all-in.

Only if we see the boy first.

Wait, I don't have that kind of cash.

[Scoffs] This guy got no skin in the game.

I'm gone.

I can do better.


Keep talking.

A venue, soundproofed, hidden.

What's that gonna do for me?

Live-stream it.

People will pay.

My friend here is a photographer.

I got that.

It's not my style.

His wife likes them.

Bought a couple.

Whatever she wants, makes it easier.

Okay, I seen the front.

Where's the back?

Getting there.

Give you the full tour.

I've soundproofed everything.

No one can hear the screams.


State of the art.

What do you think?

All this stuff works?

The boys I bring in here are henceforth never the same.

You're a sick freak.

I like you.

You want some skin in the game?

Let's peel it off that boy.

[Saw buzzing]

Well, that's the view he talked about.

Right out onto the school yard.

Luminol every inch.

Check all film and storage spaces.

Pull up the floors.

Knock out the walls.

This place is pristine.

He brought boys here?

So he scrubbed it clean.

He's careful.

So what does he do with the bodies?

Open up the drains and test for chemicals.

I want a drop of blood, a shard of bone, something, anything.

Lieutenant, counselor, CSU found these hiding behind a fake wall.

Sick son of a bitch.

It was all fantasy.

Nothing happened.


Found your little...


Photos of boys being tortured in that room?

Who are they?


No, I photoshopped those.

I'm an art photographer.

You were at my opening.

Yeah, I was.

So you know I took photos off the lnternet and manipulated the images.

Yeah, stop lying now.

Let's hear his side.

His side?

We have him on tape, negotiating to buy a boy that no one would miss from Mexico, El Salvador.

Does that ring a bell?

That was just a game.

A game?

I thought we all understood that.

Do you think it's a game to t*rture young boys, huh?

You like to be in control?

Well, guess what, that game's over.

New game, my rules, not yours.


How about we play this game?

You start talking now, or I'm gonna take you back into that room, and I'm gonna strap you into that chair, and I'm gonna slice you open until your blood runs out.


How about that game?


I need a minute.

Take a break!



We gotta take a break.
I've been here for 15 years.

And you've been here for two minutes, and you're pulling me out of an interrogation?

You weren't asking him questions.

You were yelling at him.

You do know the goal is to align yourself with the suspect, not to judge him?


Then what the hell was that?

Anger at Lewis?

I got the message.

And by the way, I have a shrink.

Go in there and align yourself.

What, me, with that guy?

Yeah, now.

I'm sorry about that, uh, Simon.

I'm detective Amaro.


Are you okay?

Is she crazy?

Photography's my art.

You want to tell me about that?

They're meant to shock, provoke.

That's what good art does, but it's not real.

Well, if like you say, it's all fake, our forensic guys will back that up.

Right, but he's...

He's an artist, Nick.

He... the way he sees it, he's just pushing boundaries.

It's true...

I have images in my head, and I try to re-create them, but it's digital trompe I'oeil.

I don't expect you to understand.

No, I think I do.

The things I look at all day on this job, they put images in my head too.

I watch videos at night...

[Stammers] As an outlet.

That's what you're saying this is, a release?

Yes, I swear.

But you crossed over when you started talking about buying a boy.

Your guys were talking about that.

There was no boy.

There never has been one.

I didn't give any money.

Yeah, but, Simon, that chamber...

That's...My meditation room.

I'm the only one who's been in there.

Tear the place apart.

You won't find anything.

It's a meditation room.

Mr. Wilkes, I'm Minonna Efron.

Your wife's waiting right outside.

She's retained me as your attorney.

Detectives, give us the room.

We were getting somewhere.

All right, I did what you wanted, but that stuff I said makes me sick.

It's called doing your job.

I've got two kids, all right?

A ten-year-old son.

I want him gone.

People versus Simon Wilkes.

The charges are attempted kidnapping and attempted sexual abuse of a child.

Mr. Wilkes, how do you plead?

Not guilty, your honor.


The charges against Mr. Wilkes are especially heinous.

He built a t*rture chamber across from a school.

He has gone online describing specific horrifying acts of t*rture he imagines inflicting on boys he looks out on from his window every day.

We consider him an ongoing threat to those children, and we request that he be denied bail.

Your honor, Mr. Wilkes is a well-regarded artist with ties to the community.

My client has a fantasy life, but the D.A. is using his own overactive imagination to inflame the situation.

There is not one shred of forensic evidence of criminal behavior.

A grenade with the pin pulled hasn't blown up yet, but it's still a danger to those around it.

I understand.

I'm setting bail at $5 million cash.

Your honor, that amount is punitive...

[Bangs gavel]

Next case.

I get it, counselor.

As soon I know, you'll know.

That was Barba.

Good news.

Wilkes has been remanded and slated for a psych eval.

Bad news: It's tough to try a case with no victims.

Where are we?

I got more bad news.

Just got off the phone with tar...

Wilkes was telling the truth about those t*rture pictures...


I might have something.

There was a nine-year-old from P.S. 27 who went missing last year.

That's the special needs boy.

He turned up six days later, couldn't tell the police where he'd been.

Show the family Wilkes' photo.

Go back to the school.

See if anyone has seen Wilkes with kids, and while you're at it, check out any open molestation cases.


No, sorry.

Have you seen this man?

What about him?

Well, hey, thank you for your time, all right?

Thank you.


I find myself in the terrible position of hoping we found a victim.

That was the boy who went missing.

He couldn't I.D. Wilkes.

A few kids and moms at the school recognized him.

He takes pictures, but he hasn't bothered anyone.

What about the molestation cases?

Five lineups, five strikeouts.

We've checked every single file on Wilkes' computer.

We've checked every single photo on his cloud account.


Go further.

Look into, uh, former addresses close to school yards.

What do we know about his history?

Well, he has an ex-wife and a son living in Toronto.

They're ducking our calls.

Hey, that was cs...

They found body fluids, hair fibers, fingerprints all over the dungeon.

They're even on the boy's clothing in the hamper.

Good, and they're running DNA?

Yeah, they already did that.

Only one hit: Wilkes.

No trace of anyone else?

He must have cleaned the place up.

The place isn't clean.

There's no sign of bleach there, and he can't just wipe up everybody else's DNA and leave his own.

But he told us what he'd done to kids in there.

I mean, why in God's name would anyone make that up?


Good afternoon, Mr. Wilkes.

I'm Dr. George huang.

Do you understand the purpose of this interview?

You're the one psychiatrist both sides could agree on as an expert.

And just to be clear, I'm not here to judge.

I'm here to evaluate.

Have you ever been in therapy?

No, I've never had the need.


So how do you think that you got here?

Like everyone else, I have a fantasy life.

I just made the mistake of talking to the wrong people about it.

And that's all that they were, fantasies?

That's right.

I think visually.

So you have very graphic fantasies?

Let's explore that.

You know there's no guarantee when it comes to the human mind.

No one expects a crystal ball, doctor, just the best risk assessment.

Well, to be honest, he scares me.


What did he do?

It's more what he didn't do and what he's still not doing.

He's never sought treatment from a psychiatrist, even though he's had these fantasies since he was a child.

So he hasn't been fighting them?

No, they've actually become progressively more graphic over time.

And then, a few years ago, it reached the point where thinking wasn't enough.

That's why he photoshopped those images and built that chamber.

He's escalating.

Like an addict.

The reward centers of the brain are activated by sequentially stronger stimuli.

Will he act on these impulses?

Well, here's another analogy.

Some people just talk about su1c1de, but we worry about them when they go out and they buy a g*n.

And Wilkes?

That chamber...

It's an arsenal.

If you had hard evidence of any criminal acts, we wouldn't be here to talk about a deal.

What's your offer?

Intensive supervision, he moves out of the school zone, and he goes in the registry.

So no jail time?

Simon, quiet.

No charges. Mr. Wilkes hasn't done anything wrong.

Nothing wrong?

If a jury takes one look at that t*rture chair, those saws, the photos...

Is that your plan, counselor?

You don't have a victim, so you're just gonna tar Mr. Wilkes for his thoughts?

It's an egregious civil liberties violation.

Who are you representing here?

Your activist friends looking for a test case they can use for fund-raising or your client?

Simon, Mr. Barba is trying to shake your confidence in me.

I'm your lawyer.

I only care about you here.

We're done.

I dare you to take this to trial.

What can you tell us about these prosecution exhibits?

The knife, the saw, the blood funnel, ligation tubes were all removed by CSU from that room after being examined.

Based on your conversation with Mr. Wilkes, what is your understanding of the purpose of this room?

He told me he wanted to t*rture a young boy to death in there.

No further questions.


How long have you been with special victims?

14 years.

How many pedophiles have you arrested?


You've processed hundreds of crime scenes.

How unusual is it to come across one where there's no evidence of an actual crime?

It happens.

Didn't CSU find DNA and fingerprints from my client yet not one shred of forensic evidence from anyone else?


So there's no proof that he tortured anyone or even brought anyone into that room or anywhere else.

Maybe not, but he was planning to.

Well, we can't know that for sure, can we?

Detective, when you interrogated my client, you told him you also needed an outlet due to the strains of your job.

Was that true?


So you were lying, sharing a fantasy to get a reaction.

How do you know Mr. Wilkes wasn't doing the same thing?

He built a room.

Which no one else was ever in.

But he wanted to bring a boy there.

Well, can you predict someone's behavior based on past statements?

Well, not always, but in this case, absolutely.

Oh, really?

Could anyone have predicted that you would have snapped one night and gone after three boys with a baseball bat?

Objection, relevance.

They came after me.

All right, they sprayed my house with b*ll*ts.



In my work as a forensic psychiatrist, I evaluate victims and sex offenders.

By "offenders," you mean violent, sadistic criminals who inflict lasting damage on helpless victims, right?


And you would put my client in that category?

In terms of his intentions, yes.

In terms of his intentions.

Doctor, isn't the difference that my client hasn't actually committed a crime?

Objection, your honor.


Please limit your questions to the witness' area of expertise.

Of course.

Doctor, are you telling the jury that you can predict beyond a reasonable doubt when someone is going to commit a crime?

I'm making an evaluation.

Ah, yes, 'cause you're not just a psychiatrist, you're also a psychic?



Nothing further.

Did you get a read on the jury?

They're sickened by the details, but our emotional case is stronger than our legal one is.

Simon's taking the stand tomorrow?

[Cell phone chimes]

Jury's gonna see him for who he really is.

I hope so.

He's compartmentalized this part of his life for all those years.

He may be able to hide it from them.

Not from his ex-wife.

She's willing to talk to us.

I don't know how you found me.

I changed my name, got off the lnternet.

I don't think Simon even knows where I moved after I remarried.

Sounds like you needed a clean break.

When we met, I found Simon magnetic.

But he has a darkness inside of him.

You knew about these fantasies?

Not the extent of them, not at first, but then I started to notice how he would shut the laptop whenever I came into the room.

One time, he left it open.

And what did you see, Ms. Walker?

He was messaging with these other people, talking about Bobby and me, about things he'd let them do to us.

Our child was six.

He said it was just a game, but he knew, he knew he had to go.

I told Bobby, "daddy has a sickness.

He can't be around other people."

I made a deal with Simon.

As long as he promised to never see Bobby again or be around other children, I would keep quiet.

This room of his...

It's across from a grade school?

Finally, Mr. Wilkes, you chose to take the stand today, even though I advised you not to.

Can you tell the jury why?

I wanted them to know who I am, a man with a normal life.

I'm married.

My wife is here.

I take photographs of weddings and bar mitzvahs.

What happened to me could happen to them.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

Mr. Wilkes...

You testified earlier that your fantasies have nothing to do with real life.


There's no crossover.

Mm-hmm. You mentioned your wife is here.

Do you have any other family?

Objection, relevance.

A little latitude, your honor.

This will speak to state of mind.

I'll allow for now.

Your wife, is she your first wife?

I was married before.

I'm divorced, like a lot of people.

And you also have a son.

Do you see your ex-wife and your son often?

No, I don't think that has any...

You don't?

Can you think harder?

Let me ask you again, Mr. Wilkes, and remember, you are under oath.

Why have you not been in contact with your ex-wife or your son?

Because I knew I couldn't be around them.

Why is that?

Because of the pictures in my head.

Which you can't control?



Isn't it true that your first wife asked you to leave when you admitted that you were afraid you would act on your urges?


I made... I made the decision to leave.

I didn't hurt him.

He's my son.

I didn't hurt him.

I would never.


Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Wilkes.

Mr. Wilkes went beyond just thought.

He watched streaming videos of boys being tortured.

He built a dissection chamber, fully functioning, with electric saws, and a drain in the floor for blood.

His own hidden art photos provide graphic evidence of exactly what he intended to do in that chamber.

Simon Wilkes left his only son...

And never saw him again because he was that afraid of his own fantasies.

And if the defendant was that convinced that he would eventually act, that he would t*rture his own son, t*rture him or even k*ll him...

Shouldn't we be?

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Barba has brought a case with no evidence, no victim, no crime.

What he has is a defendant he doesn't like...

An artist.

Has Mr. Wilkes pushed boundaries?


But has he ever harmed anyone?


The pictures you saw were photoshopped.

The idea of procuring a boy came from the undercover officer.

The scene of the "crime" contained Mr. Wilkes' DNA only.

I'd like you to ask yourselves, have you ever had thoughts you knew you would never act on?

I know I have.

I'm sure the D.A. has.

Cheating on your spouse?

k*lling your boss, maybe an in-law?

Think about it.

Better yet, don't think about it.


Otherwise you'll be where Mr. Wilkes is now.

Nice summation.

Nice move sneaking his ex-wife and son into the courtroom to rattle him.

Even for you, that was a low blow.

You ever ask yourself why it rattled him so much?

What the hell kind of thoughts does he have in his head about his own son?

You really want to live in a world where you can be put in prison for what's inside your head?

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

On the charge of attempted kidnapping, we find the defendant not guilty.

On the charge of attempted sexual abuse of a child, we find the defendant not guilty.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your service.

[Bangs gavel]

Jury deliberated less than three hours.

I wouldn't take it personally.

You put up a good fight.

Right this way.


Let it go, Nick.

We gave it our best shot.

Right, and that's it, right?

We just wait for Simon to do something?

He's not gonna stop.

You can't let it get in your head, detective.

So I got you a snack for the ride home.

I'll miss you, daddy.

I'll miss you too, mi Amor.

[Speaking spanish]

Okay, so we'll keep talking, huh?

Actually, Nick, um, I told them I'm gonna take the job.

They needed an answer right away, and it's too good an offer.

Hey, just like that, you're gonna take my daughter out of my life?

No, you can come out and live nearby.

Yeah, and do what?

Check I.D.S at a movie studio gate?

What, you want me to leave my mother, my son?

Hey, you want me to fight?

I could fight you.

Want me to take you to court?

Is that what...

Nick, I care about you, and I can see that you're under a lot of pressure.

No, hey, don't, don't do that.

You know what?

If you take this to court, you're gonna force me to bring up things that you don't want on record.

So for your sake and for Zara's, you better let this go.

[Camera shutter clicks]

You got five seconds to put that down.

It's a public sidewalk, detective.

You can't control me.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

Leave me alone!

[Both grunting]


Someone call the police!

[Siren wails]

Please! Please stop!

Hands up where we can see them.

Hands in the air.

I'm on the job.

I'm on the job.

Come on, kids.

Keep 'em up. Keep 'em up.

I'm on the job, man!

You're under arrest.


We need an ambulance.
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