15x14 - Wednesday's Child

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x14 - Wednesday's Child

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

[Metronome ticking]

Ticktock, Olivia.


[Kettle whistles]

[Whistling stops]

Hi, honey.

Oh, no, I'm beat.

15-hour flight from Bangkok.

Weather's bad in brussels, had to divert to helsinki.

So hopefully I'll be home before Nicky's in college.

How'd he do last night?

Better. A little.

He was up all hours.

He's still sleeping, thank God.

Just hang in there, honey.

I love you both.

I'll be home as soon as I can.

Here you go, sarge.

My mileage and logbook, all caught up.

Great. Rollins?

Working on it.



Okay. Thanks.

Everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.



Yeah, I tried calling you earlier.

Is... is now a good time?

That sounds challenging.

I can handle the job.

It's just I wasn't prepared for the caretaking.

I mean, everybody needs my attention.

If I focus on one, then the other acts out.

The boss is often a parent figure.

They may be projecting feelings toward their mothers onto you.

What's up, Olivia?


I just, um...

I wasn't gonna mention it, but these last few days, I-I thought I was pregnant.

I held off on taking the test.

Until today.

Yeah, turns out that I'm not.

Just, um...

I guess I should be relieved, right? Brian is.

Well, instead of talking about how he feels and how you should feel, can you tell me how you do feel?

These last few days...


Thinking that that door wasn't closed, I...

Just imagined this whole other life.

Hey, Nicky, it's dad.

I'm home.



Lisa? Lisa, wake up.

Where's Nicky?

He's asleep in bed.

No. No, he's not.

He's gone.

[Dramatic music]

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<b>Law & Order: SVU
15x14- Wednesday's Child</b>

Liv, you didn't have to come.

I told you we had it under control.

Still, the father works at the U.N.

It's high profile.

What do we got?

Nicky Moore, seven.

No ransom demand, no signs of forced entry.

Mother, Lisa, is a stay-at-home mom.

Father, Dr. Tom Moore, just won a humanitarian award for third-world neonatal care.

Flew in early this morning.

Discovered that his own kid was missing.

Nicky's lost? I hope he didn't run into traffic again.


That little boy has been hell on wheels since they moved here.

Oh, so you've seen Nicky acting out.

I've seen him almost tear her arm off, screaming, "you're not my mommy.

I want to go home."


See, Nicky's from Georgia...

What they used to call Soviet Georgia.

And how long ago did you adopt him?

Two years ago.

Tom and I tried for years.

I.V.F., everything, but it just wasn't meant to be.

And then Tom found Nicky at the orphanage.

A godsend.

And has Nicky adjusted well?

Were there any problems?

Has Nicky run away before?

Sometimes on the street, he'll bolt ahead, but never in the middle of the night.

Did you open this window?

Just a little because of the heat.

Oh, my God.

You... do you think someone came in and took him?

Mrs. Moore, stranger abductions are extremely rare.

But this is a, you know, ground-floor apartment.

It is possible that Nicky climbed out himself.


But why would he do that?

Hey. Come on in.

Can you tell me what he was wearing?

Um, blue pajamas with trains.

And that's his winter coat?

Do you have any idea where he might go?


Nicky doesn't have a lot of friends, he's a little wild.

He's a seven-year-old boy.

No, no, this is different.

He spent the first five years of his life in an orphanage, so he has ongoing socialization and developmental issues.

What are we talking about?

Well, global delays in fine motor, gross motor, language, um, insecure attachment issues.

It's very difficult for him to bond with other kids.

Even with us.

And you know, what's really disturbing is if he did wander away, he's got this indiscriminate friendliness.

What does that mean?

Well, we tried to teach Nicky, but he just doesn't understand social order.

First family and then friends and then neighbors.

So you're saying he has no fear of strangers?

Just the opposite.

And then on top of that, there's his medical condition.

Nicky did have a bad day.

I just thought he was keyed up from the drive.

Okay, where were you?

At our house in Connecticut.

We'd been there all week.

I home school Nicky.

It's just easier in the country when his father's away.

He's calmer.

Okay. Have you taught him his phone number or his address?

I've been trying, but he's...

Liv, we got another issue.

You didn't tell them about his pump?

Oh, my God.

I didn't think...

He's diabetic?

Yeah, type 1.

His pump only holds enough lnsulin for three days.

CSU says the only fingerprints on the inside or outside of the boy's bedroom window belong to the family.

What about street cams?

None on that block.

It's all residential.

No sign of the kid on the avenues.

We're covering parks and subways.

Nicky likes trains and boats.

So put in a call to harbor patrol.

Is there any way to track his lnsulin device?

Yeah, it sends an alert to the parents' cell phone when his blood sugar gets too high, but there's no GPS.

Excuse me.

Sergeant Benson.

I'm sorry.

Do I know you?

Hank Abraham.

Acting deputy commissioner for public information.

Landed on your feet.

Didn't you manage the losing campaign?

Well, he not busy being reborn is busy dying.

Besides, the new mayor believes in keeping his enemies close.

So what can we do for you, Mr. Abraham?

We all want the same thing here...

To get the word out to the media about this missing kid.

All right? We're ten minutes away from a news conference.

I'll brief you.

No, you'll brief the press.

I'll be right behind you.

Liv, there's a doorman around the corner that says he's seen Nicky talking to a street guy called Keys.

He might come back around.

He moves cars for alternate side parking.

Okay, you and Fin go.

See if the parents know him.

Yeah, some street guy?

And a diabetic kid with an attachment disorder out in the freezing cold?


Tell me there's a happy ending here.

Hey, hey.

It's not my car.

Owner gave me the keys, registration's in the glove box.

Okay, we don't care about the car.

You know this boy?

Oh, yeah.

Nicky. Good kid.

He's missing, right?

That's what all this fuss is about.

Yeah. When's the last time you saw him?

Last week, right before he went away with his mom, Tuesday afternoon.

How do you know that?

That's my job, miss.

I need that spot.

She left on Tuesday, opened up a spot that was good until Friday morning.

Came back Sunday night.

Hold up.

You said the last time you saw the kid was Tuesday.

She came back Sunday.

Took a Monday spot, but Monday was a holiday.

So it was good until Thursday.

Damn near k*lled me when she pulled in.

Okay, so where was Nicky?

I don't know.

You sure he wasn't in the car?

She took some groceries from the front seat.

Didn't check the backseat or the trunk.


Hey, if I'm lying, I'm dying.

Check it out... her beemer's parked right where she left it.

Not on this block, around the corner.

All right, booster seat, some cheerios, and kids' toys.

That's it.

Pop the trunk.

Okay, you know what, she came in from Connecticut.

Manhattan's an island.

She's got an e-zpass.

This won't be hard.

Look, it's been 12 hours.

There's still no sign of Nicky?

That's why we're going through your wife's timeline again.


There may be something significant that we missed.

Then I should be in there with her.

Not just yet.

I don't understand.

We've been through this.

Yes, we have.

Just... just bear with us.

Now, you said you left the city for your house in Connecticut at 2:00 last Tuesday.


With homeschooling, we can make our own schedule.

Okay, and what time did you leave for New York Sunday night?

7:00. That way, Nicky falls asleep in the car.

I didn't know what time tom was due home.

His flight was delayed.

Did you stop anywhere along the way?


For groceries.

For groceries.



Nicky was asleep.

How'd you get him in the house?

Excuse me?

You had groceries.

How many bags?

I don't know.

Two, three, what difference does it make? For God's sake.

Must have been difficult to carry a sleeping child of his size on a slippery sidewalk.

Did you bring in the bags before or after him?

Why are you asking me all this?

Lisa, is it possible that Nicky wasn't in the car when you drove back from Connecticut?

Are you insane?

Of course he was.

Are you sure?

You came over the Triborough bridge, right?

That's right.

That's right. I told you.

Can you tell me why Nicky's not in the car?


When was the last time you saw Nicky?

[Sobbing] I had to.

I had to do it.

I had to.

You would have done the same thing.

I had to.

She still won't say what happened to Nicky.

Just kept repeating, "I had to do it."

The husband has no idea.

Not a chance.

Show him the photo.

Put 'em both in the box and see if he can get her talking.

I don't understand.

Lisa, what does this mean?

I had no choice.

I couldn't take it.

I was losing my mind, Tom.

Where is Nicky?

Where's Nicky?

Now you want to know?

Where were you?

Where were you?

Saving the children of the world?

I was alone with him for six weeks.

Are you crazy? I told you we could've hired some help.

Who, an armed guard?

He was out of control.

Throwing things, biting, banging his head.

He opened the car door when I was doing 70, nearly k*lled us both!

He cannot help how he acts.

Nobody held him for the first five years of his life.

Do you think I wanted it this way?

Do you know how hard I tried?

Lisa, is Nicky still alive?

Oh, my...

I could never harm a child.

Okay, so just tell us where he is.



I gave him to someone who said they could handle him.

You gave my son away?

To whom, Lisa? The orphanage?

Oh, no, they wouldn't take him back.

Even though they didn't tell us about all the problems he had.

And then that City Foster Care would've been a nightmare.

So where... where is Nicky?

He's with a family that knows how to raise boys like him.

It's a strict, religious family.

And who are they?

She wouldn't let me know their names.

She'd done it before, said a clean break was best.

Why did you lie to me?

Never mind that.

So who is she, Lisa?

Who is she?

The woman, she runs the service.

I found her online, and she told me I should come in right away.


It's all legit.

I gave her power of attorney.

Oh, my...

She was very nice.

So Nicky's mother gave her own kid away, was afraid to tell her husband, so she pretended he was kidnapped.

Where is the boy now?

The broker's voice mail is full, so Fin and Rollins are on their way to east haven to speak with her in person.

A baby broker?

So she'll be arrested along with the mother.

Maybe we can charge the mother with filing a false report, but otherwise, it is out of our hands.

Excuse me, counselor?

She dropped the kid off like a kitten on the highway.

You're gonna tell me that that's not endangering the welfare of a child?

No, sergeant.

I'm gonna tell you that there are laws on the books, and there are also ways around them.

Connecticut allows for these nonlegal transfers of children.

People find these middlemen on the lnternet, and they use them to place their adopted children in other homes.

You know, when the kid doesn't turn out to be yo-yo ma, the parents re gift 'em.

Well, the term they use is "re-homing."

And nobody's tracking where these children are placed.

There is no state or federal law that even acknowledges this is going on.

We have told the city that this kid is missing, so we have to find him.

We have no jurisdiction.

You want to explain that to the public?

Hold on.

The mayor?

These re-homings.

Don't both parents have to sign off?

If they're both legal custodians, yes.

So if the father reported him missing, that's a case we can work.

I want an Amber alert out on this kid.

That's for children who have been abducted.

Well, she gave the kid to a broker she found on the lnternet.

We don't know where the hell he could end up.


Lisa brought him in late on Tuesday.

I found a family for him online Wednesday.

They came to pick him up that night.

Is there a problem?

Did you know the boy's father didn't sign off on it?

Lisa told me the father wasn't in the picture.

Listen, we just need any information that you have on the family that took Nicky, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Well, one of these days, I gotta get myself "organizized."

Nicky is diabetic, okay?

He needs lnsulin.

Lisa brought extra lnsulin, and his new parents totally understood the pump thing.

His father had health issues of his own.

How's that?

He's in a wheelchair.

That's why they couldn't adopt through normal channels.

Here it is.

They had references and a home study form from the department of family services.

Okay, Alexa and Roger Smith.

Address is I east 161st street, Bronx, New York.


I didn't know anybody lived at yankee stadium.

And this home study form you can print off the lnternet.

Oh, my God, I feel sick about this.

Oh, God.

They seemed like good people.

They're not good people.

You understand?

We need anything else you have on them, okay?

Their driver's license, any photos.

I could draw a sketch for you.

Okay, they picked him up from here.

What kind of car were they in?

Do you remember that?

Like, a...

A church lady van.

Blue, for handicapped driver, and the license plate frame...

A dealer in mount Vernon.

Made me think of George Washington, you know?

We did manage to track down this couple through a car dealership in Mount Vernon.

There the police know 'em by another alias.

Roger and Alexa Pearson, when they evicted them from their apartment.

For living too close to a school.

They're both on the sex offender registry.

Both? What for?

Well, he's a producer.

She's a former porn star.

15 years ago, they were busted for their just became legal series.

Turns out most of the girls hadn't.

He did eight years, she got probation, and she waited on him.

And now they've adopted Nicky.

He may not be the only one.

Roger's got at least four other aliases.

She's got three.

We found some of those names on re-homing bulletin boards and websites.

They troll for unwanted adopted kids.

Probably to star in their movies.

Okay, we need to find these people yesterday.

Track every alias.

Any known family, friends, put Nicky through FBI databases.

I already did that. He hasn't turned up in any videos yet.

They may not be videos.

They could be streaming live from webcam feeds.

Okay, so keep searching.

These people are grifters.

Look for disability payments, unemployment, welfare.

The V.A.'S been sending Roger Pearson checks to this address.

Meanwhile there's real vets struggling to make ends meet.

Find anything?

Looks empty, but there's a plywood ramp in the back.

Neighbors seen Nicky?

Well, I mean, they said that they'd heard kids playing.

And the real owners moved out after Sandy, but Alexa told them that they were relatives.

We have a warrant.

Come on.


Nicky? Nicky.


Nicky, you here?

Must have saw the Amber alert on the news and left in a hurry.

I got three girls' sleeping bags.

Check this out.

Boys' clothing.

Train designs.

Could be Nicky's pajamas.

Oh, look, the machine's still on.

Look at all these DVDs.

They're blank. They haven't even been opened yet.

Yeah, but there is one in the machine.

Wow, you look so pretty.

That's from last week.

Okay, okay.


All right. Let's go.

We ready? Action.

Come on, Stella.

I'm Stella.

I'm nine.

[Sighs] I'm Madison.

She just turned seven.

Do you want to have a playdate with us?

[Whispers] Tell them about your new brother.

Come over here.



Nicky. Come on, honey.

Honey, look up at the camera.

Just say hi.


Tell them how old you are.

7 and 1/2.


Okay, okay.

We're all going to have a playdate together.

Do you wanna watch?

It will be lots of fun.

They left this disk behind.

What's on the disks they took with them?

There's an Amber alert out.

How hard can it be to find a blue van with a license plate for the disabled?

He's smart enough.

Maybe he changed the plates.

These little girls...

Do we know anything about where they came from?

We're working on DNA.

As of now, they don't match photos or descriptions of any missing children.

They do turn up in the NCMEC facial recognition databases.

They're screen grabs of web porn.

They're trying to track down the servers, but don't hold your breath.

Are tho... are those the people that you said have Nicky?

Tom, Lisa.

You shouldn't be here.

I told you that I would call you as soon as we made any progress.

Please, I've done a lot of work overseas.

I know what child exploitation looks like.

Oh, my God, what have I done?

Lisa, this is not about you right now, okay?

It's about finding Nicky, if he's even still alive.

Let's try to calm down.

Okay, we don't know what this is yet.

Nicky may well be okay.

No, he's not.

That's why we're here.

System sent out a warning.

Nicky's blood sugar levels are way too high, and his pump is almost empty.

If it runs out of lnsulin, it could trigger ketoacidosis, acute dehydration, nausea, vomiting.

Look, it could lead to a coma.

We are doing everything we can to find your little boy.

Do you think those people would take care of him if his body shuts down?

I'm gonna be honest with you.

You never know what somebody will do in a crisis.

So the best thing that you can do right now is to go home and take care of each other.

And we'll call you if we make any progress, I promise you.

Get those photos out to every pharmacy in the area with an alert on anyone asking for lnsulin.

Make sure that they are detained until we get there.

I don't know what the holdup is.

I called this in 20 minutes before I got here, and now you got me waiting here for half an hour.

I'm sorry, miss. It should just be another minute.

That's bull.

I got a sick kid on my hands.

If anything happens to him, it's gonna be on your head.


Police! Stop!

[Tires screech, both grunting]


[Handcuffs click] Aah!

Leave me alone.

She's tight as a drum.

Patrol found the van across from the pharmacy empty.

And no GPS.

So there's no way to track it back to Roger.

No, and no cell phone either.

The pharmacist said she had one, but it was gone by the time we grabbed her.

We're searching the lot for it now.

Did she have time to tip Roger off?

I mean, we were right behind her.

If he doesn't hear from her soon, he'll catch on.

Well, we don't have a lot of time.

I'm gonna take a run at her.

I may have something you can use.

Her pre-sentence investigation from 15 years ago.

There was a reason they went easy on her.

You've had a pretty good run, haven't you, Alexa?

Child porn, identity theft, pandering with adolescents, now we can throw in child endangerment and kidnapping.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't see any children in danger, do you?

You don't know what I'm talking about?

How about the two little girls on this disk that you were looking to pimp out?

[Chuckles] Pimp out.

They were talking about playdates.

I don't know what you think, but we give a home to kids that no one else wants.

Look in your books.

We haven't broken the law.

All we're about is taking care of kids.

Including Nicky?

These are his current glucose levels.

If he goes into a coma, that's gonna be on you and Roger.

No, that's gonna be on you.

He would've had his lnsulin if you hadn't picked me up.

Let me go, and I'll make sure he gets his lnsulin.

Wow. Bargaining while a kid's dying.

That's... that's hard-core.

Lady, you have no idea.

Anything these kids have had to do I've done backwards in high heels from the time I was six.

You know what?

I know that you've had a hard life.

I read your arrest reports.

Abused at home.

Runaway at 15.

Turned out and doing porn one year after that.

Good for you, you can read.

Being in the life, living on the street.

None of that was as hard as losing...

What was your baby's name?


Don't you talk about him.

Extremely premature baby with fetal alcohol syndrome.

And what was he, I pound, 4 ounces when he was born?

Round-the-clock care for two years?

Must have been hell.

That's why you helped Nicky, isn't it?

You risked going to that pharmacy because you couldn't watch another child suffer.

You don't know what it's like...

To lose one.

It leaves a hole in your heart.

So where is Nicky, Alexa?

He's okay.

He is.

Roger's making sure he... he eats.

You don't understand, all right?

Feeding him crap won't help, and without lnsulin, his blood sugar will keep spiking... he could die.

Alexa, I know that you want to do the right thing.

I can see it in your eyes.

So tell us where he is, okay?

Just don't tell Roger that I gave it up too easy, all right?


You're cheating again.


Am not!

Are too.

Am not!

We got it.

Stella, Madison?

What do you want?

It's okay, honey, we're the police.


You're looking for Nicky.

We are. Is he here?


Mommy went to get his medicine.

When she didn't come back, Uncle Roger took him out for a treat.

And they left you here?

All alone with no one to take care of you?

Is there somebody else in that other room?

No, don't...

No, please.

Okay, okay, okay.

No, you can't go in the room.

What... what's your name, honey?

Caitlin. You have to be quiet.

He's sleeping.

Come here. Who?

Who's sleeping?

Please don't go in there.

It's okay, sweetie.

It's okay.

[Baby cooing]

[Whispers] Hi.

Hello, there.

Hi, sweetie.


[Baby whines]

It's okay. Shh, shh, shh.

It's okay, there.

Hi. Hi.

Hi. Hi.

Hey, we're hourly rate.

I don't know all the guests.

Don't tell me you don't recognize him.

Yeah, I seen him.

Nice guy.

Big family for one room.

I threw in the adjoining presidential suite on the first floor.

You know, because of the wheelchair.

When's the last time you saw him?

The wife took the van this afternoon.

Then he left with that buggy kid when the sun was going down.

Somebody pick him up?


He just rolled out into the street holding on to the kid's arm.

Hey, I guess the good news is he won't get far on foot.


What'd they do when they got to the road?

I don't know.

Probably went down to the bus stop.

I changed his diaper, and I gave him a little formula.


Here you go.

Such a sweet baby.

[Baby cries]

Caitlin was just telling me that Roger and Alexa don't let them get out that much.

They don't like anyone to see us.

"Stay inside, Caitlin.

Don't go near the window.

Stay inside."

How long have you lived with them?

I don't know.

I'm not so good at time.

My tenth birthday was a while ago.

Roger said I was too old then.

Too old for what?

Webcam stuff, you know.

Now he makes the other girls do it.

I help Alexa take care of them.

And did Nicky have to do webcam stuff too?

Nicky's not so good at listening.

What about the baby?

He's not on camera.

Roger brought him home as a Christmas present for Alexa.

It made her really happy.

There were three girls in your hotel room.

Where did they come from?

Where they all come from.

Parents who don't want them anymore.

Including this baby?

His parents just handed over their infant to a stranger in a wheelchair?

Roger told me he found him in a train station bathroom, and I learned a long time ago not to ask too many questions.

He wasn't gonna be like the other ones.

CJ was my baby.

[Knock on door]

Got a minute?

Fin and Amaro found a witness that saw Roger and Nicky on a bus headed to the airport.

[Indistinct P.A. announcement]

That's them a half hour ago.

But no sightings since?


There are no tickets in his name.

Or the boy's or any of their known aliases.

We're running through everything we have of men in wheelchairs, but so far nothing with the boy.

Any chance he could've got past TSA at the metal detectors?

With no boarding pass?

They miss a lot, but give 'em a little credit.

Wait there, hold up.

Hey, roll that one back.


Nicky's not with him.

Where's that bathroom?


Son of a bitch can walk?

You didn't know?


I never saw him take one step.

He made me do everything!

The boy, Alexa.

What would Roger have done with Nicky?

[Sighs] I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know who that man is now.

I need you to stay focused.

Listen to me.

Is it possible that Roger had another accomplice who he could've handed Nicky off to at the airport?

[Crying] No, I swear, it's always been Roger and me all these years.

We are never apart!

Help yourself now.

Does he have friends who would protect him?

Are you kidding me?

Roger has stepped on everyone he knew to get to the gutter.

Okay, so, Alexa, if he were in trouble, where would he go?

What would he do?

Roger Pearson.


You're under arrest.

No. Hey, wait.


Wait a second.

Can I get this to go?

Where's the boy?

What boy?

Hmm? Where's the boy?

What boy?

Stand up.

We know you can walk.

Come on.

Are you kidding me? No.

Get up.

You're not gonna leave this food here, are you?

No, really.

Come on.

You really should...

Roger, what'd you do with Nicky?

I keep telling you, I don't know who you're talking about.

Remember now?

No idea where he is.

God's honest truth.

Just like you being truthful about not being able to walk?

Come on, it's all good, bro.

You can park anywhere.

Your woman gives you sponge baths.

You should try it sometime.

How would you like to really have a hard time walking?

Where is the crime here, huh?

Who's complaining?

The good folks who gave Nicky away?


What, do they want him back now?

Alexa's given you up, Roger.

Identity theft, defrauding the V.A., sex trafficking, webcam porn...

That's virtual r*pe of minors.

Virtual r*pe.

Come on, boo boo.

Besides, you can't even make her testify.

Spousal privilege.



Well, you have to know that doesn't apply to joint participants in a criminal venture.

Okay, so what?

She's not gonna turn.

The one thing she's still got...

She's loyal.

Not anymore.

She's seen that.

You showed her that?

That's the least of your problems.

You got one shot at staying out of gen pop with a pedophile tag.

Tell us where Nicky is.


How am I supposed to know?

I gave him some juice to cool him down.

Then I dumped him at one of those cinnamon doughnut places.

Not for nothing, that kid is a pain in the ass.

We checked every doughnut place and coffee shop in the airport.

We're re-canvassing bathrooms, dumpsters...

What about cabstands, bus stops?

We have port authority police posted.

What about the departure gates?

It is an airport.

Lady, these days, no way anyone gets on a plane without a ticket.

So you haven't checked.

Start now.


I got hundreds of flights.

With this weather, half of them are delayed.

Okay, you know what, Nicky is lost, he's confused, he's been abandoned by everyone.

He might just wanna go home.

Where's home?

Republic of Georgia.

In Russia?

Good luck to him.

This terminal, domestic flights only.

No, no, no, right there.

8:30, Atlanta.

Georgia. It's gonna say that on the gate.


Nicky. Nicky.


Nicky. Ma'am, I need this door opened immediately.

Nicky. Nicky.

He's out cold.

Is there a doctor on the plane?

Does anybody have lnsulin?

Okay, Nicky.

Hang in there, sweetie.

Oh, my God.

Can we see him now?

He's been through a lot.

I would take it slow.

Um, let me go first.

I know what you're thinking.

But I was having a breakdown.

I'm sure you were.

But you call someone.

You ask for help.

You don't just discard a child.

I know that now.

Do ya?

Do you have any idea how lucky you are that your child came back alive, unharmed?

If there were any better options for Nicky, I would recommend that you don't get him back.

It's going to be different now.

I hope so.


Hey, slugger.


It's okay.

I'm back now.

I gotcha.

It's all right.

Nicky, things are gonna be different now.

I'm not gonna be away so much.

You, um...

Think we could try this again?

How's the boy doing?

About as well as can be expected.

It's great.

It's a heartwarming ending for the new administration.

And rescuing these other girls and the baby...

The mayor wants you both at his side when he gives the press conference.

Please send our apologies.

There's still quite a bit of police work to be done.

We have to charge Roger and Alexa, make sure they go away for a long time.

And find the parents of the other children.

No one's come forward for any of these kids?

Not even the baby?

Not yet.

What's wrong with people?

We'll get the word out.

That baby belongs to someone.

Baby boy Doe was found in the custody of two known criminals who also had possession of four other children at the time.

And what has happened to those other children?

Nicky Moore has been reunited with his adoptive parents, and the three rescued girls are in the foster care system awaiting permanent placement.

And despite the extensive news coverage, no one has come forward to claim baby boy Doe, who was also found in the motel room?

No, your honor, we've checked hospital records and databases for all reports on missing children, and no matches have been found.

That's why we're making this motion today, your honor.


Seems tragic that at a time when so many people yearn to have a child, a perfectly healthy and beautiful infant like this goes unclaimed.

This baby, being declared a destitute child, will remain in the custody of children's services until efforts to find a parental caretaker are exhausted and more permanent arrangements can be made.

Next case.

[Metronome ticking]
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