12x05 - Wet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x05 - Wet

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Oh, my god!

I feel amazing!

Let's do more.

We did all of it.

Then dance for me!

Do your cabbage patch.

Don't make fun of me. is the "wittle" boy getting "angwry"?

Stop it.

I mean it.

Is the "wittle" boy gonna teach me a lesson?

You got to run faster.

You got to run faster than that!

Is "wittle" jimmy getting tired "alweady"?

Ava, shut up.

Petechiae-- it means she drowned.

That's hard to do in a foot of water.

Not if somebody knocks you out or holds you under.

You get a time of death?

Yeah, corneal clouding puts it around 4:00 a.M.

So I'm guessing that the fountain washed away Any evidence?

Yeah, on the outside, But I got blood and semen in her hoochie-hoo.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I sometimes forget that they're people.

You get anything from skinny and dipper?

Yeah, he can't stop staring at her ass, And she can't wait to never see him again.

Okay, patrol still can't find her clothes or her purse.


This is not a fashion statement. so our perp cut off a hunk of her hair As a keepsake.

So he can relieve every sick moment.

Till he finds his next victim.

Captain say how long we'd be here?


He's at the old precinct, trying to clean it up. you hope they condemn it.

Hell, yeah, after a flood like that.

I don't even want to know where that water's been.

Not to mention this place is closer to your house.


Something wrong with that?

More space, better light-- not too shabby.

Did a database search On your hair-cutting m.O.

Anything on the, uh, central park barber?

Patrol collared this creep.

He hangs out in the park.

Snuck up on a woman and cut her hair.

Locals call him "sassoon".

I could use a trim.

I know.

But at least I got my hair done.

Yeah, it looks amazing.

I went to this new place.

And it's so shiny and silky.

I look like a million dollars.

Yeah, it's great.

I know.

I know, ma, but men don't grow on trees.


Nice try, sassoon.

That's not my name!


You're kidding me.

You're famous around here.


We want to hear all about your latest cut.

That girl in the fountain Was already dead when I cut her hair.

Yeah, but not when you r*ped her.

You're going down for that and m*rder.

No, no.

I got a lullaby.

You want to sing us a few bars?

I was at banana-trama all night.

That's an alibi, not a lullaby, you moron.

Banana-trama's that tr*nsv*stite club on columbus.

I got a lap dance from miss terry.

I'll let you check his "lullaby"

From banana-trama.

It is what I live for.

You gonna use your desk?

Well, you go to the same place for years... yeah.

Actually, I drove to the old precinct this morning.

Any hits on our jane doe's prints?


And it doesn't help that that keeps happening. sorry.

I'll get it fixed in a minute.

The media room's up and running.

Oh, come on.

Who put that here?

Come on, who?

All goes to hell when cragen's gone, huh?

Bad news.

Night manager of banana-trama confirms sassoon's "lullaby."

He's a regular.

He was booted out of there for giving miss terry An unwanted bob.

What time?


After our jane doe was drowned.

So we're back to nothing.

Speak for yourself.

Mikka von, your new a.D.A.


Stabler, benson.

I don't get first names?

Well, we go through a.D.A.S pretty fast around here.

What do you got?

Dna from the semen inside your victim.

You work fast.

Well, it says here that it belongs to a woman--

Monica worley...

Collared for assaulting a cop At the republican national convention in '04.

Yeah, I got an SVU fun fact for you.

Semen only comes from guys.

There were no hits on the sample.

So I asked the lab to run a partial match.

Which points to monica's brother as our perp.

Well, you guys got it easy.

Familial DNA's not legal yet in illinois.

Is that where you're from?

Chicago, but...

I'm ready to trade my bears for the giants.


Oh, gotcha.

By the way, if you know anyone Who wants to buy a sun-drenched loft on lake michigan, The seller's motivated.


Give me a jingle After you chat with your r*pist's sister.

We sure that's her?

Yeah, the gallery owner confirmed it.


That apparently is art.

Monica worley!

Hey, we need to talk.


Ah, you want to play this?

Let's go. Here you go.

Keep your day job, detective, 'cause you suck at mine.

I suck? You suck at cooperating with the police.

How you gonna harass me this time?

It's not about you.

It's about your brother.

What'd he do now?

He had some problems with a young lady.

Did he hurt her?

You could say that.

I knew one day he'd go too far.

He always thought his trust fund Entitled him to paw any woman he wanted.

Where can we find him?

Owns a brownstone on 75th and 5th.

This wouldn't be so bad if it was me and that lady cop, Instead of you.

You want to do to my partner What you did to that blond girl last night? my reputation precedes me.


What'd she say?

Ah, she's not doing too much talking.

Yeah, being r*ped and m*rder*d will do that to you.

Okay, me and blondie had sex, But I sure as hell didn't r*pe and k*ll her.


What's her real name?

She never said.

She just came up to me near the reservoir And said she was hot and wet.

A stranger in the park Throws herself at you because why--

You're so charismatic?

Look, the sex was consensual, okay?

She even took out a tampon before we did it.


Where's the tampon?

k*ller ate it...

My dachshund.

I had to take him to the vet.

Your dog ate your homework?

You just got an "f" for your alibi.



I took video, okay?

I have a following.

A following?

Yeah, on sexprowl.

It's the youtube of sex.

I'm hot.


I want it...


Was I lying?

Wait, here's me.

Kid you not, whit-fans.

I'm out walking my dog, k*ller, And hottie here just walks up to me.

What's a guy to do?

I want it.

Hurry up!

I want it...


I've seen enough.

We'll never get r*pe off this video.

Finally, someone talking sense.

Still have m*rder.

Not anymore.

Emergency vet said this jerk Was there till 6:00 a.M., When k*ller finally coughed up the kotex.

I told you. I didn't r*pe or k*ll this broad.

Now, can I get out of here?

Not fast enough.

I would have enjoyed throwing his sorry ass in jail.

Mikka von, your new a.D.A.

Odafin tutuola.

Oh, a first name--

I'm making progress.

Odafin, she dropped her purse in some bushes Near the reservoir.

No problem.

I'm on it.

I'm gonna erase this crap from our screens.

Try the "q."

I tried that.

Wet paint plus no clean clothes Equals uniforms-- simple math.

If only the computers were that simple, huh?

Excuse me.

Missing persons sent me here.

Is this your case?

It is.

And you are...?

You son of a bitch.

Take it easy!

Hey, cut it out!

You're supposed to protect us!


Somebody emailed that garbage to me.

Why didn't you stop it?

Who are you?

I'm greg elding.

That woman is my wife.

In s- yes, that's...


Do you remember where your wife was yesterday, Mr. Elding?

At the office, I guess.

Lindsay is head of p.R.

For colanow, The soda company.

That's a pretty high-pressure job.

Any chance she was using dr*gs?

She did until a year ago.

Lindsay's a recovering addict--


It fueled her career, but it--it nearly tore us apart.

Now family time's sacred.

She'd never go back.

Are you sure?

She looked pretty high in that video.

My wife is the victim here.

I don't know why she was acting that way.


This is the lindsay that I know.

Do you think the kids will like it?

Yeah, it's awesome!

Mom, wave to dad.



We love you.

What kids would like it?

Needy ones.

Colanow donates jungle gyms to charity.


Security at your building Confirms you were home all night.

I'm sorry I got rough with you.

I just...

Kind of lost my mind when I saw that video.

Any idea who sent it?


But doing p.R.

For a company like colanow Made lindsay a lot of enemies.


Hell, yeah.

Soda used to mean fun, good times, america.

But now it means 300-pound kids Getting winded walking up the school steps.

Yeah, people say we're as bad as cigarette companies.

You don't see me out there forcing soda down kids' throats.

Big tobacco said the same thing.

Didn't work out too well in court, did it?

Well, lindsay elding is why we're not in court.

She was sexy, smart. she even charmed the neanderthals On the other side.

She was that good.


That's a laugh.

Lindsay elding and all the soda companies Know their products are poison.

Is that why you refused the hundred grand They offered your organization?

That was a bribe to silence us.

We were about to pass a tax on soda When that get-of-the-couch campaign k*lled it.

That was lindsay elding's brainchild.

Well, people should exercise more.

Of course, but she distracted everyone From the simple fact that soda's bad for kids.

Ask davey gamm's mother.

She'll tell you what soda did to him.

Davey was 12 when he took his life.

I tried to make him stop with the cola.

But he was addicted to it.

Soda made him k*ll himself?

I collected all the research.

High-fructose corn syrup can make you obese, And obesity can make you depressed.

And depression can lead to su1c1de.

I--I'm just not sure That you can blame soda for what happened to your son.

That's what the jury said.

But we would have won our suit if that woman hadn't built The colanow athletic center for the community.

And that woman was...?

Lindsay elding-- she paid for the center.

So it doesn't bother you if this place was built As a p.R. Stunt to win a wrongful-death suit.

I'm a just a coach getting poor kids off the street.

That woman's a hero.

Hero to some, hated by others.

It's called doing your job.

Well, I'm pissed the soda tax failed.

Lindsay was behind that.

Who needs more taxes?

Taxes already go to soda--

A $4 billion-a-year subsidy for corn syrup.

That's why soda's so cheap.

A tax on sugar water Would help pay for the cost of diabetes And heart disease.

Sugar water isn't the only cause for obesity.

At least lindsay was helping the little guy.

The little guy, brought to you by colanow--

Ah, refreshing.

Come on, money put to good use is good.

If colanow really cared about poor kids, They wouldn't go plastering their logo all over the place.

Well, maybe lindsay knew deep down That she was doing the devil's work, So she went back to using dr*gs.

Yeah, except her tox screen came back negative.

But it only tests popular dr*gs--

Cocaine, meth, "x."

Pcp isn't on the standard screen anymore.

So, you know, people are jumping off bridges, Thinking they can fly.

Okay, so maybe she thought she could breathe underwater.

We prove it was an accident, case closed.

We go home.

But it wasn't an accident.

Lindsay elding was poisoned.

By who--the smurfs?

Warner found mushrooms in lindsay's gut, ran the DNA, And I.D.'d four species from south america.

That's not something you get from your local grocer.

I hope not.

These contain high doses of muscarine--

A toxin which makes you hot, sweaty, And sexually aroused.

"I'm hot.

I'm wet".

Explains why lindsay took her clothes off.

And why she threw herself at a jerk like whit worley.

And why she tried to cool herself off in the fountain, But why did she drown?

Muscarine toxicity can lead to respiratory failure.

Lindsay took her last weak breaths underwater, But she would have died anyway.

So one of lindsay's enemies Slipped her a deadly cocktail of 'shrooms.

But when?

They were in her jejunum.

Dial back the digestive clock, And that puts you right around dinnertime.

Okay, her calendar says she was at a fundraiser At a place called "wishing time".

They were giving out free jungle gyms.

My grandfather donated the first teeter-totter To central park in 1907.

Must be very gratifying to continue his work.

Oh, indeed.

Children in underprivileged communities Can make a wish, and we grant it.

We build antigang clubhouses...

Colanow athletic center?

We collaborated in that.

Lindsay-- oh, such a tragedy.

What an amazing woman.

She had a genius for corporate giving.

And it doesn't bother you That the money came from a company that pushes soda? oh, no, not a bit.

The brooks family fortune is in philanthropy now--

Excuse me.

That's lindsay with mushrooms on her salad.

Oh, there were no mushrooms on the menu.


Emma is my granddaughter.

Lindsay's death was a terrible blow to her.

Oh, there you are.

Now, pull out the photos from Monday night For the detectives.


There you go.

So lindsay was your friend?

More like my big sister.

We met in rehab.

No need to air our dirty laundry, emma.

Emma's parents died when she was ten.

I've done my best since, But lindsay was a breath of fresh air for her.

These are definitely mushrooms...

On lindsay's plate and no one else's.

So who put 'em there?

Oh, we had over 300 guests.

Who took these?

I did, but, uh, we also had photographers Taking photos.

We're gonna need copies of all of them.

Okay, who is this guy?

Doesn't seem too happy-- this gentleman right here.

He was just a homeless guy.

He came in looking for food.


No, he accosted lindsay, Yelled at her.

About what?

Bolivia, oddly enough.

He kept ranting, "you can't own the rain". it didn't make any sense.

It makes a lot of sense.

Bolivia's ground zero for the water wars--

Corporations owning our h2o.

What's that have to do with our victim?

In this country, companies are trying to buy up rivers So they can bottle it.

Companies like colanow put free water in plastic, And then they charge two bucks for it.

Colanow wants to own the rain.

This is a water-rights blog.

Here's a post railing against colanow's attempts To buy the upstate aquifers.

And look who our blogger is--

The guy that was kicked out of wishing time.

"vincent prochik, professor of mycology, Natural history museum".

"specializing in toxic south american mushrooms".

Dr. Prochik!

Dr. Prochik, show yourself!

Professor prochik, police.

Turn around, doc.

Wha--who are you?



What ya cooking here?


Is that illegal?

It is if you use it to poison someone.

Lindsay elding wanted to privatize water.

It's a resource that belongs to everyone.

It doesn't justify m*rder.

Oh, I agree.

I hate to say it, but, yay! She's dead!

She had a daughter, dr. Prochik, Who's now gonna grow up without a dad.

You mean a mom?

A mother...

That you dosed with several kinds Of south american mushrooms, your specialty.

We have a photo that puts you at the scene.

At niagara falls...

Ring a bell?

Detective, you okay?

We saw you on the roof with your gunman.

What's going on?

I'm not the one who stabbed the captain with a pickle!

Let me look at you.

I need to see your eyes.

You. Back off. Over there.

Quick, catch her.

She's gonna fall.

Stay there.

Liv. Liv!

Get a bus!

We need a bus!

Officer down!

Hey, liv.

How you feeling?

Who put rocks in my head?

Vincent prochik.

He was boiling gyromitra mushrooms When you arrested him in his lab, And the vapors are temporarily neurotoxic.

He confess to m*rder yet?

He's talking elliot's ear off, But he won't answer any questions Until he knows that you're okay.

Give me a ride?

There's not a fern or fir tree, Warthog or wombat, Hippo or...

Or human being--

Nothing on this planet Can survive without water.

Hey. Glad to see you're okay, olivia.

Fungi should never hurt anyone.

Got anything useful yet?

Uh, no, but I've had it about up to here With "the subtle and the disgusting"?

Subtle and the gross, detective--

Gross as in big, like gross profit.

Have you ever been on a beach?

Watch this. He keeps doing these sudden mental pivots.

Waves quietly lapping, And a boom box starts blaring!

Man so readily wrecks nature's peace, Because nature is delicate, and we're so heavy-handed.


It's disgusting, as you say.

Okay, we need to talk about lindsay elding.

I am. don't you see?

Water is subtle.

It goes, "sss, sss, sss".

Lindsay's corporations go, "mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"

And you wanted lindsay to die, die, die!

I didn't k*ll her.

But you just told us your motive.

Why didn't prochik get sick from the mushroom vapor?

He built up a tolerance from years of exposure.

Would that explain the unusual speech patterns And water fixation?

You think his lawyer might go for an insanity defense?

Dr. Prochik holds a professorship, Publishes papers, Leads foraging trips to bolivia.

He's odd, but sane.

Thanks, doc.
Mikka von.

Dave seaver.

The museum called vincent prochik's sister After he was arrested.

She retained me as counsel.

Do I know you?

I've defended in chicago.

Your reputation, I'm glad we never faced off.

Well, if you need a little pied-a-terre, I'm selling my loft.

It's sun-drenched.

I'll keep that in mind.

Now, uh, where might I chat with my client?

At arraignment.

Remand on a circumstantial case With no priors.

Our new a.D.A. Is testing her wings, your honor.

It's dr. Prochik's wings you should be worried about.

He's a flight risk With ties to criminal elements in bolivia.

Citizens fighting for their water rights Are not criminals!

Vincent, not another word.

Thank you, mr. Seaver.


Your honor, my client has every reason To remain in manhattan.

His extensive collection of fungi Is both precious and irreplaceable.

Mushrooms aren't exactly children.

Ms. Von, have you not heard of my roses?


My beauties take first prize at the putnam county fair Every year.

I'd sooner leave my wife.

Defendant will surrender his passport.

Bail's set at $250,000. what are you doing here?

I thought I'd escort you down the steps.

I've been through a press scrum.

Not in new york, you haven't.

Ms. Von!

Ms. Von!

Can you make a comment?

Do you have a statement?

Ms. Von!

No comment.

Ms. Von, what do you have to say to lindsay elding's family?

No comment.

Are the mushrooms from prochik's lab?

What is the defendant's connection to the victim?

Why don't you ask the defendant?

Hint-- it's about water.


Dr. Prochik!

Tell us about water.

What can you tell us about h2o?

It's the essence of life.

We need to protect it.

Vincent, shut up.

No, I'm talking.

Are we really so pro-business That we want corporations owning life itself?

In 2000, a big contractor called bechtel h*jacked the water of bolivia!

Water companies all over the world Are trying to buy our river--

Media's turning dr. Prochik into a hero.

Or letting him knot his own noose.

I can convict him in my sleep.

You still may want this.

The mushrooms from prochik's lab are a genetic match To the ones that k*lled lindsay.

So unless someone else went down to bolivia And picked from the same patch, m*rder w*apon belongs to prochik.

Which is why we want to discuss a plea.

Can you play that?

There'll be plenty of TV time for you in prison.

Shall we discuss time in prison?

Put them over there, emma.

Mrs. Brooks, emma.

All the photos from all the photographers, As you requested.

Some printed, some on this flash drive.

Well, of course, we all want to put Lindsay's k*ller away.

That's him.

That's lindsay's k*ller.

No, don't--don't-- don't stare, emma.

It's rude.

And k*lling my best friend was what, a faux pas?

I know it's all the rage to emote in public, But in my day, it wasn't done.

Your days are long gone, grammy.

I am still here.

I am still strong.

And never in my life did I resort--

Resort to doing dr*gs.

I know. You've said it a million times.

So long as you wear my intaglio necklace, You will mind your manners.

It's been in my family for five generations.

Mrs. Brooks, have you ever been to a family support group At emma's rehab?

With all those junkies?

No. No, no.

That was lindsay's role.

Don't you dare say that!

I said no!

Vincent, calm down.

Come, emma, before he sees us.

All my life, people have looked at me like I'm strange, Like I'm from another planet.

Just slow down.

If I grew up with that, I'd do dr*gs too.


I want olivia!

Detective benson.

What is going on in here?

We're asserting a mental defect brought on By years of inhaling mushroom fumes.

I'm not crazy!

Tell them, olivia.

No one's saying you are.

Exposure to toxins made you temporarily incapable Of telling right from wrong. can I fire him?

Why don't we take a second?

Yes, you can fire him.

You're fired.

Vincent, take a seat.

Has exposure to cologne made you deaf?

Go away.

Big mistake.

Do--do you think I'm crazy?

I think you need an attorney.

I'm gonna plead guilty.

You can't change your plea without a lawyer.

But this is a police building.

I'm sure there's one here somewhere.

At, um, this time, your honor, The, uh, defense would like to plead guilty To m*rder, pursuant--

There is no count of m*rder on our books.

What are you pleading? m*rder two, your honor.

Dr. Prochik, You're aware of the nature of the charges against you, And you're changing your plea and your lawyer Of your own free will?

I am, your honor.

Cops can vouch for that.

Okay, let's hear your allocution.

I put the mushrooms on lindsay elding's salad.

Uh, I wanted her dead, Because she was trying to corporatize water.

Specifics, dr. Prochik--

What time? What day?

What kind of mushrooms?

How many?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, three species of south american mushroom.

It was, uh, 8:00 on Monday night.

I went to that fundraiser.

Uh, kids were climbing a jungle gym.

I waited till no one was looking.

I dropped those three kinds of mushrooms on her plate.

Von, come here.

You know, I didn't know she had a daughter.

Call a recess.

Are you kidding?

That's the only remorse I have.

We made a mistake.

Ms. Von, is this really the time To be talking with your cops?

No, your honor, detective stabler Was just sitting down.

Uh, your honor, if--if I may--

Do you know what tonight is?

Uh, season opener at the garden?

And I have courtside seats.

So sit down, or I'll fine you As much as those damn seats cost me.

Your honor-- detective, I am not joking.

I'm not joking either.

Sit down!

Continue, dr. Prochik.

Uh, yes, I k*lled the cola queen, Because she was trying to play god.

Who shall live and who shall die?


Our very survival depends on fresh water!


Boy, is it hot in here.

Detective stabler!

Isn't it hot in here?

I didn't order that pizza.

I didn't order that pizza.

I don't even like anchovies.

All I want to do is get to the garden--

That's it.

I find you in contempt!

Your honor, detective stabler...

Officers, restrain this man.

Was exposed to neurotoxic mushrooms In the line of duty-- he's not in compos mentis.

Your honor, al and mike and todd, We're gonna go water-skiing at the garden.

Call an ambulance.

I didn't order that pizza.

Your honor, I'm not even a fan of anchovies.

Boy, is it hot in here!

Doc says nothing's wrong with you.

Ah, yeah, I guess it passed.

Look, I'm sorry, But I did tell you that I needed a recess.

You really gave me no choice.

I should give you a beatdown.

Prochik said he dosed lindsay With three different mushrooms.

There were four.

Now, a man like him Doesn't forget something like that.

You are high.

Okay, you want to convict an innocent man Your first case out of the gate?

I want my first case Not to make me look like a total flake.

You really think it wasn't prochik?

Look, I don't know, but I'd like a little more time To figure out what the hell's going on around here.

You have until 9:00 tomorrow morning To convince me someone else k*lled lindsay elding.

I got kids with face paint and adults with cocktails.

All I got is a headache.

No one dropping toxic 'shrooms In the victim's salad.

You can thank stabler for our all-nighter.


I'm here, aren't I?

You know, team player.

Yeah. Okay, so we got a time-stamped photo.

7:51--there's nothing on lindsay's salad.

By 8:02...

'shrooms have been dropped.

So who came near her table in those 11 minutes?

These people--

Francine brooks and her granddaughter emma brooks.

Who's he?

Stuffed shirt--

I mean, lindsay's boss.

And this is phil mcpeal from the athletic center.

The rest of these people have yet to be I.D.'d.

And guess who wasn't anywhere near lindsay's table.

Professor prochik.

What's she doing?

Is she calling the d.A.

To ask for a delay?

That, or she's ordering chinese.

Okay, who here has motive?

Was she having an affair with the coach or her boss?

Or maybe one of these other people Hated lindsay for some other reason.

Folks, I got to get my beauty rest.

You're leaving?

This is gonna take days, not hours.

And I'm not gonna delay a solid case 'cause prochik missed a mushroom.

No wonder you guys go through a.D.A.S so fast.

Yeah, so screw justice.

All that matters is your conviction rate? let's be clear how this works.

Oh, okay.

You guys are the pots and pans.

I'm the chef.

Team player, huh?

See you in court.

Has anyone seen our defense attorney?

Feeling better, detective?

Uh, yes.

Thank you, your honor.

Go, knicks.

Seems defense counsel has gone on vacation.

Forgot to inform, sends apologies, et cetera.

Get him on the phone.

Let's see if he can squirm out of a contempt citation.

You got prochik the worst possible lawyer?

Or the best.

One that's not here gives us days, not hours.

So that was the call you made last night, huh?

What'd you do, send him on vacation To a sun-drenched loft in chicago?

Oh, well, kid looked like he could use some r&r.

I think we're gonna make a great team.

Me too. Cap!

How's the old place?

It's, uh-- it's all getting squared away.

Captain cragen, I've been looking forward to meeting you.

Mikka von, your new a.D.A.

Yeah, well, nice knowing you.

Your boss called.

He's tied up.

Asked me to deliver a message--

Pack your bags, go back to chicago.

I'm being fired by proxy?

What's going on?

Apparently, you sent a defense attorney On vacation sub rosa.

D.A. Doesn't like dirty tricks.

Unless he's the one doing them.

I'm sorry.


I guess I got to go take my loft off the market.

Been nice working with you.

Back at ya.

Is she one of the good ones?


Did the captain say who's replacing mikka?

Only that they're poaching some hotshot out of brooklyn.

Dr. Prochik.

My lawyer said I didn't have to go to court today.

And you never will have to again, Because you didn't do it, did you?

Now, why would you confess to a m*rder you didn't commit?

For the cause.

You saw me on TV.

Folks were finally starting to pay attention.

So you were willing to go to prison for a soapbox.

Some things in life are dear, olivia.

What we want to know is who had access to your lab To steal those mushrooms?

Researchers come through here, Uh, administrators, the v.I.P. Museum tour.

Any of these people?





None of them.


Now, would you just leave?

You saw that, right?

Stopped on the photo of emma brooks.

But he didn't say anything.

He's protecting her.

The cops showed me your photo.

Get out of here, vinny!

But I didn't say anything.

Are you crazy, coming here?


You said you didn't know her.

And you told us he was just a homeless guy.

Now he's "vinny"?

Emma, you know this man?

Yeah, they're accomplices.


The professor here Provided the mushrooms, And emma tossed them in lindsay's salad.


You m*rder*d her?

No! No.

It was all me.

I did it myself.


I didn't k*ll anyone!

That's right!

I m*rder*d lindsay elding!

I gave her those mushrooms!

About those mushrooms, Which toxins did you pick to k*ll lindsay?

Now, before you answer, you should know That I have the autopsy report right here.

Ibotenic acid-- fast-acting and deadly.

Well, you certainly know your mushrooms, professor.

So if you did it, or if you conspired with emma, You would know which ones lindsay took.


It was mu-- it was muscarine.


Is that your final answer?

So emma stole the mushrooms from your lab.

Stole them?

I--I never went to his lab.

Well, c.S.U.

Searched your apartment And found the exact same type of mushrooms That were used to k*ll lindsay elding.

So how did you and the professor meet?

Emma came to our water-rights group...

April 7th--

Such fire in her eyes for the planet.

She told us about her grandma's land deal in the catskills.

What land deal?

With lindsay elding.

That woman was quietly buying upstate land And selling the water rights to colanow.

Lindsay cozied up to granny and got her to sell the estate.

Let me guess--granny's land has lots of water on it.

Colanow taps that aquifer...

Half of new york city dries up.

I asked grammy not to sell that land to lindsay...

Begged her.

But she wouldn't listen to you.

Because in grammy's eyes...

How did she put it? lindsay's an amazing woman.

But you...

I'm just a rehab screwup.

She's not a screwup.

She's a subtle person in a loud world.

You're in love with her.

That's why you pleaded guilty.

Oh, I like the soapbox too, but...


Emma and I are in love.


In my family, love is about being At the right event in the right dress, Gossiping about social twaddle.


I've never understood it.

But lindsay did.

She's grandma's dream girl...

So you k*lled her.

I didn't k*ll her.

Well, I'll bet you if lindsay were sitting in that chair, Francine brooks would have raced right down here...

To make sure she's okay, don't you think?

I'll tell you what...

Why don't we see about that?


No granny.

And she really doesn't give a damn about you, Does she?

She loves me.

Like you love vinny?

You meet some oddball guy--

He's not odd.

He's his own person.

After a few kisses, he teaches you all you need to know About deadly mushrooms.

When he's not looking, you stuff them into your purse.

Kind of like that, professor?

He's out there?

Just telling us the truth behind your lies.

She can't see me?

Or hear you.

Vinny, I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

You saw him under arrest and said nothing.


Vinny, I love you.


So much that you wanted him to do your prison time for you.

I can't--I can't. I--

It's just I can't-- you can't?

You can't confess to murdering the mother of a nine-year-old?

Let me in there.

Not a chance.

How much do you think her little girl is crying right now? please just leave me alone.

No, you love vinny.

Now's your time to tell him how much you love him.

To his face.


I'm sorry I didn't say anything.

I know, emma. I know.

What'd you want to say to him?

That I k*lled that two-faced bitch.

You--you think lindsay gave a rat's ass about me?

She walked right over me to get to grammy.

As soon as she dies, I'm garbage, As far as gram's concerned.

Not a--not a kind word, Not an ounce of love.

Who am I kidding?

There never was any.

It wasn't about the water.

It was about revenge.

The only water I see is tears.

Say good-bye.



Let me talk to her!

Let me in!

I need to see her!

Emma, no.

She's got the mushrooms.

Emma! emma, no!


I'll call a bus.

Emma, get 'em out of your mouth!

Emma, get 'em out of your mouth.

Tell grandma she's rid of the problem child.

The doctors pumped your stomach.

You're gonna be fine.

Well, look who's here.


You came?

Of course.

I know I screwed up.

I just--I wanted--

You will take your hand off me.


But--but, gram--

You are not my grandchild.

I came only for my intaglio.

You're really gonna take it?

She could use it to pay for a defense attorney.

I would never do that.

Just like you would never wreck my mercedes?

Or lose your virginity at 15?

Or stuff that garbage up your nose.

I'm sorry.

I'm giving this to lindsay's daughter.

You will inherit nothing.

You think that's what I wanted--

Your money?

I don't frankly care.

I just wanted a mom.

Yes, well... she died.


Didn't expect to see you here.

I'm here for emma.

After she stood by and let you take the fall?

Nobody's perfect.
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