11x13 - P.C.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x13 - P.C.

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, (BOTH LAUGHING)

Hold on, Steve.

Let's take a picture.

Actually, it's Scott.

Say cheese.


He stole my phone!

Police! Freeze!

Sara: Get him, please!

Get my phone back!

Police! Stop!

Stop! Police!

Come out!

Don't sh**t me!

Hey, don't sh**t me.

Slow. Easy.

I took the phone, but I didn't do that.

Holy God.

Central, two-Adam.

I need a bus at 1022 West 48.

I have a female as*ault victim.

Heavy bleeder, Central.

Man over radio: Roger, two-Adam, Is she likely?

I think she's already dead.


Miss? Miss, you hang in there, you hear me?

Help is on the way.

Can you tell me who did this to you?

(GASPING) Mitch.



That's all she said?

She could barely say that.

Can you describe her?

White female, mid-20s.

Found her in an empty restaurant on West 48th.


It was hard to tell with all the blood.

Slash on her neck, bruising on her thighs.

Did you find her purse? ID?


Panties gone, too.

This Mitch son of a bitch stole just about everything he could from her.

Doc, can we speak with her?

Not anymore.

She's dead.

So Jane Doe is yanked off the street, r*ped, robbed, and m*rder*d.

Surprised she made it to the E.R.

Looks like she bled out right there.

See anything he could have used to slash her neck?

Not yet.

Hold on.



Ripped them right off her.

Whoever this Mitch was, he had some rage.

You know, maybe it didn't begin that way.

See all these candles?

Empty bottles of beer?

Think it started as a cheap date?

Yeah, things went bad when she said no.

All right, bag and print everything.

Test and type the blood, please.


Looks like Mitch and our Jane Doe had some company.


Fin: Didn't take me long to find it.

Our r*pist has a website?

Fin: Plus a bunch of songs you can download.

Stabler: It's a heavy metal band.

Death metal, more like.

Think Black Sabbath or Judas Priest only sicker and more violent.

And it's not a band.

It's just one guy, Trey Greenway.

This morning he uploaded his new music video, Brutalized and Left to Die, Stabler: Okay, so when does the music start?

There's the pentagram and the candles.

It's definitely our empty building.

Lyrics sound just like your crime.

Benson: "Snatched off the street.

Yanked off my feet.

"Loving your screams as my fangs slice your meat.

"The k*ll is the thrill.

Death is my skill.

"Draining each victim till I get my fill."

And it just gets worse.

Does our victim make an appearance?

No, but maybe she was his opening act or a way of cooling down after he got done.

Well, I don't know.

See, this is all about shock value.

Pissing parents off.

A guy like this, he wants to be famous, not k*ll people.

Trey was no choirboy.

Conviction for as*ault and another one for burglary.

And you don't have much else.

Warner's autopsy confirms the r*pe, but that's it.

No fluids or fibers.

No hits in CODIS or Missing Persons.

Fin, put up a Faceunion page for Jane Doe.

Hopefully, it goes viral, and somebody recognizes her.

El and I will track down Count Chocula.


NYPD. Trey Greenway, show yourself.

Guy is single-handedly keeping Pier I in business.



You! You!

Get away from her!

Back off.

Wait, a vampire cannot enter a room unless he is invited.

Here's your invitation.

Someone of my stature deserves better treatment than this, human.

Save yourself some grief.

All right? Let's drop the act.


That you're a vampire.

Would you be able to see your reflection?

I see no reflection.

You're about to see the inside of a jail cell for attacking that girl.

Trey wasn't attacking me.

Benson: Mina.

He sunk his teeth into your neck.

You were screaming.

In ecstasy.

He's helping me transition from psi to sang.

From what to what?

I'm a psi.

I feed on the psychic energy of others.

Trey has reached the level of sang vampire.

As in sanguine?


He feeds on blood.

He is my Master of the Night, and I am his willing victim.

Like her?

Looks like you went too far with this one.

I've never seen her.

Well, she was bled dry last night in the same building where you were sh**ting that video.

I wouldn't expect a weak-minded drone like you to believe me.

So why don't you help me out there, Trey?

I mean, you're the one who paints pentagrams in human blood.

You write lyrics like, "The thrill is the k*ll."

"The k*ll is the thrill.

Death is my skill."

My music is art.

My life is art.

Well, your life is going to be prison, and it ain't going to be blood that you're sucking in Sing Sing.


If you must know, human, I was nowhere near that building last night.

I was up in The Bronx auditioning a backup band for Vampyre Sacrifice's upcoming tour.

We shredded all night.

And how about the blood for the pentagram?

I gave it to him as an offering.

Benson: So it was yours.

No, I work at a blood bank downtown.

That's where I met Trey.

He came in a few weeks ago.

Chatted me up.

He got you to steal bags of blood.

Mina, that is a crime.

I know.

Trey is totally scared of getting HIV from biting random people.

Even made me get tested, and the sex is really hot.

Mistress Mina's story checks out.

All right.

Thanks a lot.

Though Hudson Blood Center fired her for "unauthorized removal of inventory."

Band in The Bronx.

Trey was with them from dusk till dawn.

We got invited to their first gig next month, though.

So we're back to nowhere on our r*pe-m*rder.

Well, the m*rder may not have been intentional.

Warner says Jane Doe had a clotting disorder called Stuart-Prower deficiency.

It's a type of hemophilia.

Did that cause her to bleed out?

Yeah, Warner also found rust in her neck laceration.

Figures she got cut being yanked into the building.

So explains why we couldn't find a m*rder w*apon.

Well, but it's still a homicide.

Like that Brooklyn girl last year who died of an asthma attack triggered by being r*ped.

Well, we need a suspect, because all we've got is a woman in the morgue and no ID.

Can I help you?


If there is a problem, it would help if somebody would actually say something.

Babs: You're damn right there's a problem!

This woman's name is Alisa Davies.

Just one more lesbian who's dead because of the NYPD.

We're dykes, we're pissed, and we're not leaving until we get results.

So I take it you're their leader?

Nothing gets by you, Curly.

Babs Duffy, president, founder and spokeswoman.

LesBeStrong.com, oh, the gay rights group.

Not gay rights.

Lesbian rights.

Something you clowns obviously know nothing about.

Miss Duffy, you want to bash the police, you've come to the wrong place.

Special Victims is uniquely sensitive to the needs of the LGBT community.

Well, if you were really uniquely sensitive, you'd know it's the LGBTQIA community.

Lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender, and...

Questioning, intersex, allies. Stay with me.

Well, I got a tough time keeping up with political correctness.

Really? All I'm getting from you is your piss-poor patriarchal attitude.

So, take it down a notch, Jack Webb.

Miss Duffy, you have us wrong.

We're actually very attuned to the needs of your community.

We work with the Anti-v*olence Project.

We have a Gay Officers Action League.

Blah, blah, blah.

All a bunch of bureaucratic suck ups co-opted by the dominant hetero-normative paradigm.

Kind of like you, sister.

You came here because of our victim?

You said her name was Alisa Davies?

Yeah, and I'm not going to let you sweep her under the rug.

There's an epidemic of v*olence in this city.

att*cks of lesbians, r*pes of lesbians, murders of lesbians.

We watch the stats.

Nothing recent to suggest an epidemic.

Or even a pattern.

Then I'm here to open your eyes.

Did you know Miss Davies personally?

You mean were we lovers?

Because if two lesbians know each other, then naturally, next thing, they're in their bra and panties and going down like the Titanic, Is that it?

Are you for real?

Miss Duffy, we appreciate you identifying our victim.

But we also need to know Miss Davies' next of kin, so we can make a notification.

I'll tell you on the ride down there.

You're not going anywhere with us.

One of my sisters is dead.

That doesn't make you a cop, red.

Then you're not getting the address.

Then you're going to jail for obstruction.

Is that what your gal pals want to hear?

Babs Duffy is the problem, not the solution?

Alisa's girlfriend is Sharon Harris.

225 West 14th Street, apartment 6E.

(LAUGHS) Sharon, turn it off, Sharon: No way, I want everyone to see my girlfriend before she becomes Alisa Davies, world famous artist, Well, if I do, it'll be because you're my beautiful muse, Now, turn off that camera so I can ravage you, Your girlfriend was very talented.

She was the love of my life.

And my fiancee.

I proposed the night we made that video.

We were going to get married in Connecticut in May.

Anybody have a problem with that?

No. Everyone we know was thrilled.

What about Mitch?

I don't know anyone named Mitch.

Did Alisa?

Not that I'm aware of.

We don't hang out with a lot of men.

When was the last time you saw your fiancee?

Tuesday night.

I work at a bar a couple of blocks over, Kitty Corner.

Alisa stopped by around 8:00.

She was in a great mood.

We had a couple of drinks out on the back patio, and then she left.

That was two nights ago.

You weren't worried when she didn't come home?

Sometimes, she doesn't.

She'd get an idea for a piece of jewelry, and she'd go to her studio, and she'd stay there for days until it was perfect.

I thought maybe she had gone there to, you know...

Make our wedding bands.

That was interesting.

Acted like I wasn't even there.

Look between your legs lately?

What are you doing here?

Oh, right, 'cause I'm a lesbian, I should be at home with my cats?

Sheet-rocking my bathroom?

All right, what have we learned?

What's our next move?

What we learned is police business.

Next move is for you to go home.

What's your problem, Stabler?

Have you looked in the mirror lately?

You don't want me as an enemy.

Well, I'm pretty damn sure I don't want you as a friend, either.

Oh. Good. Because a friend would tell you your ass is huge.

I mean, shouldn't he work out?

Really, it's like you can down the back of your pants.

We're still on the case, Babs.

And if we need any help, we'll be sure to call you.

All right.

How hard can it be?

I mean, look, I don't expect Assy McBigPants here to catch anybody, but, Benson, you seem pretty on the ball.

Look, it's obvious we have a lesbian k*ller on the rampage here, okay?

Fine, don't listen to me!

Talk to Brooklyn Bias Crimes!

I've been working very closely with them.

Omar Ellis will tell you I'm right.

Ellis: Babs Duffy is a nut case, She's in here every other week breathing down my neck, claiming all around the city there's an...

Epidemic of hate against lesbians.

Exactly. Look, I'm not saying we don't see cases of genuine hate, but most of the crimes Babs brings me are garden-variety fights, or insults between neighbors, or perceived dirty looks.

It's hard to make the anti-lesbian connection.

Well, that doesn't stop her from accusing local businesses of discriminatory policies.

She threatens lawsuits, organizes pickets.

Brings the news media.

Yeah, and everything goes away if the company just makes a contribution to LesBeStrong.

Look, maybe her heart is in the right place.

And honestly, I wouldn't mind her as much if she also fought for gay men, bisexuals, and transgenders.

But for Babs, it's only about lesbians 24/7.

So, is there any evidence of a r*pist targeting lesbians?

Ellis: Not specifically.

But most of the att*cks we do see happen near lesbian bars.

Where did yours happen?

Manhattan, 48th and 10th.

That's a fast-growing lesbian area.

I'd check with a bar there called the Kitty Corner.

Anything happens with lesbians, they'll know.

k*ller on the loose.

If you see or hear anything, post it on our website.

There's a k*ller on the loose.


Hello, detectives.

I see Babs has all her troops out pounding the pavement.

Yeah. Whatever she needs, we'll do.

Just like that?

Yeah, just like that.

Look, we all know that Babs can be pretty in-your-face at times.

She likes to crank up the volume.

That is the understatement of the year.

There is a whole community of women here who did not have a voice until Babs spoke out.

Women like you?

Until three years ago, I was in the closet.

At home, at work, and especially, on the inside.

But Babs, she opened that door for me.

Her words brought me out.

Because of Babs, I will never again be afraid to be who I am.

None of us will.

Now, will you please do us a favor and find the bastard who m*rder*d our friend?

That's why we're here.

Excuse us.


Bartender: Suspicious looking men?

Hanging around, making comments, trying to pick up women?

This is hardly the bar for that.

Well, what about delivery guys?

Food service, liquor drop-offs?

Never any trouble.

Is this about what happened to Alisa Davies?

We think she may have been targeted for being gay by someone named Mitch.

Don't know any Mitch.

Did you talk to Alisa's girlfriend, Sharon?

Benson: First thing this morning.

Oh! So she wasn't full on yet.

What does "full on" mean?

Daytime Sharon is different from Sharon at night.

The way she dresses, the way she acts.

She works the door here.

Keeps everyone in line.

So she's Kitty Corner's bouncer.

Sharon prefers enforcer.

Loves throwing people out.

I've seen her kick bikers' asses.

So you're worried she might have gotten rough with Alisa.

Just the other night, Alisa dropped in for a drink.

Pretty soon, Sharon had her on the patio yelling at her.

Then Sharon shoved her hard.

Alisa stormed out the back gate.

Sharon got even madder and went after her.

The other side of that alley is the building where Alisa died.

How long was Sharon gone?

10, 15 minutes.

The bar got slammed right about then, so I lost track.

Look, I love strong women, but Sharon Harris scares me.

Go on the lnternet.

You'll see.

She runs a group called Big Apple Aggressives.

Sharon Harris is an aggressive.

Lesbian culture is just as diverse as any other orientation.

Aggressives are just one sub-set.

Like straight women who enjoy dressing in leather and tying up men.

Exactly. Aggressives adopt a macho style and attitude.

Some bind their breasts.

Some even take hormones to grow facial hair and accentuate musculature.

Are they likely to be violent?

Not at all.

Like everyone else, it all boils down to the individual.

Which is why gays and lesbians aren't immune to domestic v*olence, substance abuse, r*pe...

Just more proof that we're all equal.

Mmm-hmm. Well, not according to Babs Duffy.

You've got to check this out.

She's everywhere.

Look, no one is really looking after me or my ladies here, Certainly not the so-called police department, So if you care about this epidemic of v*olence against lesbians, do the right thing, Donate to LesBeStrong, We offer counseling, legal services, all the tools you need to finally take care of yourselves, Woman's got a talent for self-promotion.

At our expense.

And Sharon Harris has a talent for roughing people up.

She booted a guy in the nads in the subway, punched a girl at a street fair, and told her someone should r*pe her to teach her a lesson.

That's not being an aggressive.

That's being a psycho.

Okay, so Sharon and Alisa got in a fight out back at Kitty Corner.

Alisa runs out.

Sharon grabs her, drags her into our empty building, teaches her a lesson.

It wouldn't be the first girlfriend she att*cked.

Her previous girlfriend, Janet Burnell, got a court order of protection against her last June.

Yeah, Sharon did that to me, but black eyes heal.

The real t*rture started after we broke up.

Abusers are experts at mind games.

She wasn't playing games.

She got SpoofCards for my phone number.

She hacked my email, my voice mail.

Did Sharon thr*aten you?

No, but she deleted my calls.

She screwed up my appointments and delivery schedules.

My business took a real hit.

And God help any woman who left me a personal message.

Did you notify the police?

I was about to.

And then it stopped.

Just like that.

I heard she met someone new.

She did, and that woman is now dead.

Oh, my God.

(SIGHING) Oh, God.

Deep down, I knew Mitch would do something.



It's a pet name for when we were intimate.


Short for my bitch.

Stop v*olence against lesbians!

Big rally tomorrow at noon!


You know, let's play this one low-key.

The natives are already restless.

Detectives, big rally tomorrow at noon.

Just made my day.

Babs: You think this is funny?

Lady, I told you it's a mistake.

No, it's prejudice, plain and simple.

I want them redone, and I want a refund.

I'll do it. Fine.

Making friends as usual, I see.

Oh, yeah. Like he screws up straight people's flyers.

Bigoted jerk.

Hey, Babs. Typo, not a hate crime.

Babs, channel three is here.

Oh! It's about time.

Where's the camera?


Hi, 'cause I have got a message out for the bastard out there that's raping lesbians.

Your days are numbered, pal.

Because SVU might be dragging their asses, but Babs...

That woman is a piece of work.

Heads up.

There's our suspect.

Sharon Harris.

No, no, no, no.

You're going to talk to me this time.

Or should I call you Mitch?


Let me go!

Babs: What's going on?

Let me go!

Police brutality!

Let her go!

Let her go!

Liv, it's nothing.

Will you please hold steady?

What happened to him?

Technical term?

Punched by a chick.

Ha-ha! You're laughing now.

Wait until I get a confession out of her.

All done.

Hold on. A suspect assaults a police officer, and charges get filed.

I'm fine.

Would you be saying that if it was a 200-pound man who slugged you?

Well, next time one does, I'll let you know.


I'm not talking with him here.

Well, that's the beauty of it, Mitch.

You don't get a vote.

Tell him to leave, Detective Benson.


Then I'll speak to you.

That was quick.

She didn't punch you again, did she?

You know, some women just don't want to talk man to man.


I wish she'd refuse to talk to me.

Look, you pig-headed son of a bitch, you can't drag an innocent...


Hi, Babs Duffy.

Alex Cabot. I will leave you two alone.

You don't have to.

No, you want to say something.

Let's do it in the box.

You cannot believe she k*lled her.

Yeah? Why is that?

She is a woman.

Who gets off on slugging people.

Women resort to v*olence only when provoked by male oppression.

(SIGHING) Your PC crap is k*lling me.

Hey, you just don't want to hear anything that threatens the power structure perpetuating male control.

What I care about is probable cause.

There's your PC.

Which is what I have against Sharon Harris.

I didn't k*ll Alisa.

I don't think that you meant to.

You have a very serious anger problem.

No, I don't.

No, you don't?

You att*cked my partner.

You hit people on the street.

And you were seen shoving Alisa the night she died.

You cannot believe I k*lled her!

You've lied to us every step of the way.

No, I didn't.

You lied about the bar.

Okay, me and Alisa argued.

You lied about her going to her studio.

I thought she went there!

And you lied about not knowing who Mitch was.

Didn't you?

Hasn't anybody ever called you by a special name?

Not bitch.

Yeah, well, I live in a different world than you.

Straights never understand people like me.

Sharon, I want to help you.

You want to put me in jail because of who I am.

That has nothing to do with it.

What did Alisa do that made you so angry?

Did she look at another woman?

She didn't do anything.

Did she want to break up with you?


We were in love.

Then why were you yelling at her right before she was m*rder*d?

Because I get angry about things, and I hit people.

People I love.

But Alisa knew that.

She got me into therapy.

She was helping me be a better person.

When the patrol officer asked who att*cked her, she said, "Mitch."

She was asking for me.

She was scared, confused.

She loved me.


Fin, just give us a minute?

You don't need it.

Perp just struck again.

After we handed out the last flyer, the other girls went to grab a drink at Kitty Corner.

But I wanted to get home to update our website about the rally.

So you were on the street alone.

I was all alone.

I was passing by an empty doorway when he reached out and grabbed me from behind.

I tried to scream, but his hand was already over my mouth.

He dragged you into the empty building?

Yeah, he slammed me down on my stomach.

And he took off my jeans.

Rosemary, did you see him at all?

Do you remember anything?


His face?

How tall he was?

No. I just...

I just heard his voice saying, "You dykes have ruined my neighborhood."

You know, I know self defense.

I could have...

I could have grabbed some of his hair for DNA, or scratched him, or...

Hey, this is not your fault.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Benson: What's wrong?

He took my BlackBerry.

Names and addresses of every member of LesBeStrong.

I need to see Babs.

Rosemary, you need to just stay calm, okay.

I'm right here, honey.

I told you to stay outside.

You also said Sharon was guilty.

Babs, he had a message for you.

He said, "Tell that bitch, Babs Duffy, I'm coming for her next."

I'm not going into hiding.

It's for your own safety.

Protective custody.

It's a good kind of PC.

Read my perfectly glossed lips.

I don't run.

And if this bastard finds you, and r*pes you, and, God forbid, kills you, then what are your supporters like Rosemary going to do, huh?

And what is LesBeStrong going to accomplish without Babs Duffy at the helm?

Let me guess.

No phone calls, no texting, no tweeting.

Stuck in some flea bag motel.

You're going to love it.

Fine, but only at my place.

Babs, he knows where you live.

And you'll be right there to hold my hand.

We said no lnternet.

Hey, hey, hey, I have a blog to report.

There's a rally tomorrow.

Until we catch this guy, it's canceled.


And no secret tweeting either.

Fine. Take it.

I'm going crazy in here.

Try to relax away from the window, please.

That's just it.

I never relax, all right.

I've always got to be doing something.

Planning, or picketing, or marching.

Why don't you take this opportunity to have a moment alone?

Try to get your head together.

Because I don't do alone very well.

I don't like sitting here while that prick is out there attacking my sisters.

Babs, don't worry.

Nothing pisses off my partner more than somebody targeting women.

He is going to catch this guy.

(SCOFFS) Well, he has the hots for you, you know.

Excuse me?



No. No, that's never going to happen.

So you've been on the front line for a long time.

Marched through tear gas for that rally.

That was a three day sit-in.

That's why this feels so weird for me.

I should be out there kicking people's asses.

Not in here hiding.




I know that it's hard, but you're going to get through this.

You promise? 'Cause I don't do this every day.

Not like you do.

I promise.

Okay? Come on. Let's get something to eat, okay?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Now that's not on the menu.

Is it me?

No. No, it's me. I'm...

Babs, I'm flattered.

I'm just also straight.


Come on. I mean, the job, and the g*n, and the attitude.

You're like Ellen, Joan Crawford, and Calamity Jane all rolled into one.


If you can balance a checkbook, I'll throw in Suze Orman.

Look, believe me.

I know how difficult it can be.

The conflicted feelings, but the heart wants what the heart wants.


Benson, it's Delgado.

That's my shift change.

Babs, you hang in there, okay?

I'm going to check in on you tomorrow.


How is it going, Olivia?

If I were you, I'd stay outside.

Stabler: How's Babs?

She's Babs.

Oh, yeah.

My condolences.

So I got the security footage from the building where Rosemary was r*ped.

At 3:22 p.m., the perp drags her inside.

3:31 p.m., the perp leaves.

Benson: What's that on his hand? A tattoo?

Yeah, I have Morales trying to clean it up.


Hey. El, can l ask you something?


Do you ever get a gay vibe from me?

Would it matter if I did?


You're not answering the question.

Well, it's not like you've had a lot of luck with guys.

It's called being married to the job.

Did Babs make a move on you?

Olivia Benson.

I get hit, and you get hit on.

And our perp gets shot.


Delgado: It was a little after 10:00, and Miss Duffy had gone to bed.

I was doing a walk-around of the building when I saw movement up on that fire escape outside Miss Duffy's bedroom.

Benson: The guy was trying to break in.

Yes, ma'am. I yelled for the suspect to show his hands.

He turned around holding this.

Stabler: A tire iron.

That would put a dent in Babs' skull probably.

Fired one shot. He fell.

Got knocked out on the way down.

Good work.

Babs. You okay?

She's still shaken up.

At least now, it's over.

Out of my way!

Let me through.

Not over yet. Liv? Sharon?

Keep them away from me!

You k*lled Alisa!

A single GSW to the left buttock.

Mild concussion from the fall.

Cuts and bruises from crowd as*ault.

So he's going to be sore when he wakes up.

Yeah, and ready for questioning.

You know, Doc, it would be a big help if we could run his DNA, you know, match him to other att*cks.

What do you say?

A quick buccal swab?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

The moment I see a warrant.

Worth a shot.

Do you have that security photo that Morales cleaned up?

A spider.

No spider here.

This guy's not our perp.

So who the hell is he?

His personal effects ought to tell us.

We have an ID. Larry Luft, 40 years old. Brooklyn.

And you're never going to believe how he knows Babs.

You think this is my boyfriend?

Well, he's definitely not our r*pist.

Detective Benson, I don't know if you recall last night, but I'm gay.

Well, for a man-hating lesbian, you seem awfully cuddly with Larry Luft.

Stabler: Yeah, we dumped Larry's cell phone.

Three-hundred and eighty texts between you two in the last month alone?

(SIGHING) Okay, Babs.

So now, it's time to really be strong.

All right, look.

You think I expected this to happen?

I still totally love women.

I met Larry at a rally six months ago. And now, I have feelings for him, too.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

I know. I get it. I feel like a complete traitor.

I'm torn between who I've always been and who I'm becoming.

Okay, so this ultra-militant stance was, what, just a cover so no one would find out about the reverse closet you were in?

No, it was never a cover.

I'll never stop fighting for lesbians.

So last night, he just came to see you?

Yeah, I texted him to stay away, but I guess he was scared for me.

And so next thing you know, he's on my fire escape.

With a tire iron.

Yeah, I sit out there sometimes.

The window sticks.

Have you guys been to the hospital?

I mean, is he going to be okay?

Yeah, he's out of the woods.

You're not, though.

My girls can't find out about this.

They would see this as the ultimate betrayal, please.

Babs. You're bisexual.

That's the truth.

They're going to find out sometime.

By coming out again, I'll get this target off my back.

And you're going to come out. Big way.

Rosemary: And LesBeStrong will keep fighting for the rights and the safety of lesbians everywhere, (ALL CHEERING)

Okay, Okay, Everybody, listen,,, See anybody who might be our guy?

Not yet.

It's hard to see with all these signs.

He'll be here.

Guy's obsessed that they're ruining his neighborhood.

The real reason we are here is to celebrate the capture of the r*pist and the woman who made it happen, The woman who makes everything happen, Babs Duffy, (ALL CHEERING)

Thank you, Rosemary, and to all of you for coming, But I am sad to say we may not be out of the woods yet, The man the police caught last night was not the one who's been terrorizing our community, (ALL MURMURING)

I have,,, I have some other news, too, And you may not want to hear it, but it's important that you hear it, and it's important that I say it, (CLEARING THROAT)

I said the man they caught outside on my fire escape was not the r*pist, In fact, he's someone I know, someone I know well, That man was,,, I'm in a relationship with him, Woman: What?


Babs, is this a joke?

No, it's not.

I have feelings for a man.

You betrayed me.

You betrayed all of us.

But that doesn't mean I don't still love women, I do, It means I'm going to fight for equality for everyone, Including bisexuals like myself, and gay men, and transgendered people, and straight people, I will continue to fight for everyone, Equality for all!

Woman: We still love you, Babs!

I've got him.

It's him. It's the guy from the print shop.

Liv? Stay with Babs.

Fin, it's the guy with the beard in the blue smock.

Police. Stop.

Fin: Hey. Not so fast.

Get off of me!

Get off of me!

Going somewhere, r*pist?

I didn't do anything!

Leave me alone!

Look, man, I ran because I was scared.

I'm sure you were, Mr. Watley.

Because we finally figured out that you were the one raping lesbians.

I don't have anything against lesbians.

So it's just a coincidence that all the businesses you filed complaints against in your neighborhood are owned and operated by them?

New Light Bookstore, Ruby Mae's Dry Cleaning, Kitty Corner.

I didn't know they were lesbian places.

Well, I bet you did, Ronnie.

I bet that you sit in the print shop that your family has owned for 50 years, and you are watching them move into your neighborhood, taking it over, ruining it.

Look, you got it wrong, man.

I'm very supportive.

You want them out, all of them.

Out of your neighborhood.

Out of your life.

The only thing I want is you out of my face, because you've got the wrong guy.

Why isn't he nailing him?

Well, Elliot is just getting started.

With no DNA or victim ID, I need Watley spilling his guts on Stabler's shoes.

And we are a hell of a long way from that happening.

I have an idea that just might speed up the process.

So how will it look when I search your printing shop, and I find the last victim's BlackBerry?

Hi, boys.

Mind if I play?

Detective Benson, I don't think you should be in here.

Well, I don't need to know what you think.

Detective, I think it's too personal for you to be in here.

Big girls don't cry, Stabler. Come on.

Just let me talk to him.

So remember me?

Yeah, you were on stage today.


That makes me one of them.

You must feel sick to your stomach having someone like me so close to you.

I don't care.

If I was straight, it wouldn't freak you out.

(LAUGHING) Of course, if I was straight, I wouldn't be anywhere near you.

'Cause that's your problem, isn't it, Ronnie?


Don't get a lot of girlie action.

That's none of your business.

Well, come on.

I mean, you're not very attractive.

You've got a crap job.

Stuck in that hot shop all day down there printing up signs and invitations for other people's fun.

And where you are, that's lesbian parties, lesbian weddings, Iesbian blowouts every single weekend at Kitty Corner.

It's like everyone in your little world is out there having a great time, getting laid, except you.

Okay, you need to shut up now.

Is that how it started?

Did you make a move on one of us, and we blew you off?

Because it's bad enough that straight girls look right through you.

And now, your hood is full of lesbians, and we're ignoring you, too.

Just get away from me.

So you sit down there in your shop, and you seethe.

And maybe screw up one of their names like you did with Babs just to piss the bitch off.

No, that was a mistake.

Yeah, a mistake just like all us lesbians are a mistake.

Except the good news is you know how to correct us.

You're wrong.

But you want to make me right, don't you, Ronnie?

Correct a bitch like me.

Grab me off of my feet, throw me onto that table, and bend me all the way over.

Because you've got everything you need to make me a real woman right between your legs.

And you'd love it.

Just like those other two did.

Every moment of it.

Goodbye, Ronnie.

Oh, you bitch!

You bitch!


You got him.

She got him.

One hell of a performance, I think.

Well, thank you from all of us.

So are you still speaking for the community?

Really about a tenth of them, but LesBeStrong will be back.

I'm opening the membership to include everyone.

Making it a real LGBTQIA organization.

Well, A is for allies, so you can count us in.

Larry is not an ally.

Apparently, getting shot kind of soured him on me.

b*llet in the ass will do that.

But mostly thanks from me for making me come clean about who I really am.

It's a big relief, right?

You have no idea.

And sorry about that awkward lunge.

Um, I guess my gaydar was a little off.


You are incredibly hot, though.

No worries, Babs.

I'm sure we'll be seeing you around.

Every time we turn on the TV.

Okay, I guess I do owe you an apology.

I was pretty bitchy to you.

Right back at you.

Oh, Stabler, one more thing.

Call me sometime.
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