11x09 - Perverted

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x09 - Perverted

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Wow. Isn't that something.


It's magnificent.

What do you think, cass?

We should go ride the subway and get mugged So I can at least have one fun vacation story to tell.

"peace fountain celebrates the triumph "of good over evil "and sets before us the world's opposing forces--

"v*olence and harmony, light and darkness, Life and death." what the hell is that?

It's the devil, sweetie.

No, that.

Dispatcher's a comedian.

He wrote this up As a sexually mutilated tree-hugger.

Someone did some illegal pruning.

Left the berries, chopped the branch clean off.

Perp take it as a trophy?

Thought so at first, Then csu saw a squirrel run up that tree with it.

I thought squirrels preferred nuts.

Ha ha ha, well, irony aside, Our victim's a pretty big guy.

We're thinking more than one human attacker?

Not necessarily.

See these two holes in his shirt?

He was tasered.

Well, it's obvious he's in a motorcycle club.

"death knight's." appropriate.

Yeah, they're an outlaw g*ng out of the east village.

Drug running, prostitution, contract k*lling.

This guy's name is clyde vandyne.

Well, clyde, you pissed somebody off.

Rival g*ng?

Or payback.

You or liv ever question this guy On a r*pe or a domestic?

I don't think so.

Then what's he doing with olivia's card?

[law & order theme]


You look terrible.

[groans] stop with the sweet talk.

This the guy?

Clyde vandyne, Our dead biker with the missing kickstand.

Have you seen a doctor?

No, it's just a bug.

The swine flu is just a bug.

Recognize him?


Maybe he found my card on one of our victims, And assumed that she talked, he messed her up even worse, And instead of coming to see us, she got revenge.

Well, I'll tell you what.

I'll figure it out.

You rest.

You got anyone taking care of you?

No, I'm fine.

Yeah, sure you are.

You're burning up.

101. Down from 102 last night.

I'm on the mend.

I'm gonna make you some tea.

This happened outside st. John's?

Yeah, and we checked.

To nobody's great surprise, clyde did not worship there.

You have absolutely no food in this house.

They invented this great thing.

It's called delivery.

Planning a tropical getaway?

A girl can dream, can't she?

Stop snooping.

I see clyde was recently a guest of the state.

He did a nickel at attica for as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

Any chance it was over a woman?

It was a brawl at a bike expo.

Let's get you into bed.

Come on.

You know, these bike gangs don't play nice.

I'm getting my hazard pay coming to see you.

Fin's on the clubhouse.

What's wrong with you people?

You're blocking my shot.

If somebody cut off my buddy's manhood, I'd be tripping all over myself To help get the guy.

Nobody here is gonna suck to the bulls.

We'll handle this in-house.

Then we're just gonna have to put eyes on you guys 24/7.

You think that'll be good for business?

What business? We're a friendly bike club, man.

Did anyone ever point out to you The grammatical error in your logo?

The apostrophe is extraneous.

[pool stick bangs]

Listen, skeletor, get your bony ass out of here Before someone mistakes you for a pool stick.

We just came here to make notification.

And we're not leaving till we get an address.

Where was clyde crashing?

[pool balls clack]

[men chuckle]

Well, that was productive.

Pointless to get at 'em as a group.

We got to separate one from the herd.

[engine purring]

Let's see if we can make this one go astray.

[engine stops]

Can I see your license and registration?

What the hell for?

Driving a motorized vehicle on a public sidewalk.

To park.

Some idiot's piece-of-crap crown vic Is in my usual space.

No need to insult bessie.

License and registration.

[clears throat]

This is a class d license, timothy.

The name is t-bone.

You need a class m to operate a motorcycle.

You have to come with us, bone.

15 of you against one defenseless girl?

Sounds good.

Sign me up.

Those knuckledraggers have a website?


What do you call that?

A typical Saturday night.


You're confessing to more victims like her?

I ain't confessing to jack.

Starla was just laying back, enjoying it.

The girl's unconscious.

She can't give consent.

Which means you and your pals will be having Your little club meetings in prison For the next decade or two.

Back off, steroid.

It's all in good fun.

Yeah, it's all fun and games Until somebody loses a penis.

This is the day that clyde got back from attica.

Clyde, we got you a little something.

Starla was his welcome home present?

He was late coming down from upstate.

Guess we got a little bored.

Ethical implications aside, uh, He didn't mind sloppy 15ths?

After five years without stank?

Clyde actually took a shine to her, Made her his old lady.

That's a big step up for a mama.

She's somebody's baby's mama?

No, a mama, a sheep.

There for anyone to use.

Well, I'm thinking somebody had a problem With the way clyde treated her.

Until clyde took possession of her, Nobody gave a crap about starla.

Well, now we do.

Where is she?

Why would I tell you that?

Because unless starla tells us different, I'm locking your ass up for r*pe.

[bangs] damn it!



Starla's not home.

I tried that.

Either I'm getting older or the doors are getting stronger.

I'm gonna look for the building manager.


It's okay.

I'm a police officer.

I just want to talk to you.

Wait a minute.

I just want to talk.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

Someone whacked my old man last night.

The last thing I need is to be friggin' busted.

Listen to me.

If you had anything to do with clyde's m*rder, I'd understand.

Are you high?

Why would I k*ll clyde?

I saw the video of the g*ng r*pe.

I don't know what you think you saw, But it wasn't r*pe, honey.

Bikers usually have their women Working in massage parlors and strip clubs.

What do they got you doing?

I work in the city clerk's office.

It's on the up-and-up.

Unless you're stealing blank birth certificates.

Let's go.

I just did what clyde told me.

I don't know what he did with them.

Or who he sold them to.

God, I hate this monkey suit.

Property of the death knight's.

They branded you?

It means I belong.

It means you're their possession.

Hey, it got me out of sturgis, south dakota.

I hooked up with the death knight's At the motorcycle rally there last summer.

And what'd you have to do for your ride here?

Pull a train.

So you have sex with everyone in the club, One after the other.

Any way they want it, anytime they want it.

How old are you?


I know you want out of this.

Why'd you talk to my partner, olivia benson?

Never heard of her.

You're the first pig I ever had a sit-down with.

So what was clyde doing with her card?

He didn't get it from me.

Hey, where's clyde's hog?

Well, it wasn't at the crime scene or the clubhouse.

It's not outside?


After he got tired of slapping me around last night, He rode off on it.

That was the last time I laid eyes on either one of them.

[crying] damn it.


I loved that bike.

Elliot, we found clyde's harley.

Highway patrol responded to a 10-53 last night Off a 911 call.

911 operator.

What's your emergency?

I just witnessed a hit-and-run.

What's your location?

113th and amsterdam.

I think the guy is hurt.

This crazy lady rear-ended his motorcycle.

She's a brunette.

She's driving a black mustang.

Does anyone need medical assistance?

I'm getting the hell out of here, But I got part of her license plate number.


Well, starla's a brunette.

Well, they worked up a list of black mustangs Matching the partial plate.


"olivia benson."

That's liv's car?

Starla claims she's never had any contact with you.

Well, she's not lied about that.

I've never seen her before.

I wish I had.

So what happens to her now?

She goes to jail.

She's a r*pe victim.

Well, starla doesn't think so.

You know how much personal info She had access to in the clerk's office?

And who knows how many other government agencies they've Slipped their women into?


Women who have been broken down by r*pe and abuse.

Women who are gonna end up taking the fall.

I put you in space 24-c right here.

Thank you.


'65, 289 convertible.

I didn't know you owned a car.

I've lived in manhattan my whole life.

I never needed one, and then I must have hit Some sort of midlife crisis last year.

What else you hit?

Oh, my god.

Captain, I haven't driven this car in a month.

Somebody did.

No. The parking attendants must have dinged it up.

That's a pretty big coincidence.

Whoa, whoa. We have to get crime scene down here.

And you understand, I have to notify iab.

Captain, I didn't do this.

I believe you.

Liv, go home.

Get over the flu.

It's best if you take a couple of days.

What are you doing here?

You're sick.

I've got bigger headaches.

Any breaks in the vandyne case?

Captain says, following procedure, We shouldn't discuss it with you.

Someone's framing me.

So fill me in on any details that don't involve me.

Csu expanded their sweep of the crime scene yesterday, And they found a bloody bowie knife in the trash bin.

Any prints?


But siper found two blood types, and she's running the DNA.

Assuming the perp didn't attack a second victim, It's gotta be his.

Or hers.


There are 25 other matches to the partial plate.

How many brunette females with front-end damage to their car?

Someone could have taken A tire iron to your car in the garage.

There's no sign of debris.

No one's thinking you did this.


You should have seen the looks I got Coming in downstairs.

Don't be paranoid.

It's not about this case.

It's about how contagious you look.

Did anybody trace the 911 call?

Yeah, to a khalil asaad.

We're on our way to check it out right now.

Mind if I tag along?

That's probably not a good idea.


And I'm the prime suspect.

Where are you going?

To clear my name.



I just sent over the autopsy report.

Could've saved yourself a trip.

Yeah. Did you find anything to identify his k*ller?

Residue on the lips Indicated that his mouth was taped at some point.

Rarely unique enough to match to a specific roll.

The wound has undulating borders, Not serrated, which is consistent With the bowie knife they recovered.

Anything else?

I think the perp wanted him to suffer longer than he did.

The right femoral artery was transected, Probably inadvertently during the slicing and dicing.

Clyde bled out pretty quickly.

Are you okay?


Uh, I actually came by to ask you a favor.

Sorry, there's no miracle cure for the flu.

Bed rest and plenty of liquids, just like mama said.

No, I need--I need you to take a DNA swab.

Already have.

From me.

During this short interval, A supernova can radiate as much energy As the sun will emit in its entire lifespan.

For Monday, please download "the velocity-distance relation For isolated extragalactic nebulae."

Which one of you rocket scientists is khalil asaad?

You're harder to track down than the higgs boson particle.

Not gonna have much future at nasa If you can't figure out how to return a phone call.

I'm sorry, but my class load today is very heavy.

Why didn't you have that accent When you made the 911 call?

Because I didn't make the call.

Who did?

A stranger pulled up in a car, Said he just saw the crime, but his battery was dead.

Asked to use my cell.

Where'd you run into this guy?

I had just come out of the subway at 116th.

That was three blocks from where it happened.

What'd this good samaritan look like?

Caucasian male, 5'10" to 6 foot, Brown hair, nicely dressed.

So a dead end.

Pretty much.

Khalil thinks the guy Might've been driving a silver mercedes, But he didn't notice the plates.

Our mystery caller sees a woman hit a scary-looking biker, Floors it, speeds the hell away Before stopping to make a call.

Yeah, but hanging around long enough to get liv's tags.

Partial tags.

It's a coincidence.

How many of those can you explain away Before considering the alternative?

There's no way liv did this.

What's the status of her car?

Crime scene's going over it.

The security cameras in her garage Recycle the tape every 24 hours, So unfortunately, we missed our window.

So there's no way to prove She didn't take her car out that night?

Or on the bright side, that she did.

Somebody's setting her up.

I thought I ordered you on bed rest.

I've got to find my connection to clyde.

By reviewing every case you ever caught?

He got my card from somebody.

How many thousands of those have you handed out?

Captain, it's got to be through a victim.

Victims always hold something back.

Like associating with outlaw bikers.

I had a woman they found crystal meth on During a r*pe exam.

Maybe clyde was her dealer.

I'll have your partner follow up on all these.

Liv, go home.

Kath, I gotta work late.

That's tonight?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

I went to--I went to elizabeth's last school play.

It was diary of anne frank.

I was there opening night.

Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Babe, babe, I-- babe, I gotta go.

Aah! Ooh!

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Why don't you drop the bottle And put your hands on top of your head?

I'll put 'em both up your ass.

Drop the bottle.

Stop messing with my brothers, bitch.


What are you, a moron?

Assaulting a cop in broad daylight?

No, I'm undercover.

Watch your back.

Okay, hey, police.

Stay where you are.

Let's keep cool heads.

We'll resolve this situation, right?

What's the color of the day?


My partner's running surveillance In the building you're parked in front of.


We're clearing out of here In about an hour or so on a run.

Go see him then.

All right.

You know something?

I gotta go to my kid's school play.

Otherwise, I'd be doing paperwork On this idiot all night long.

Now, he just used up The one and only free pass any of you are getting.

Bite me.

Don't drink and drive.

[bikers laughing]

I can't believe russell jeopardized A six-month covert operation.

And I can't believe you knew We were investigating clyde vandyne's m*rder, Didn't even reacout to us.

Six months of documenting motorcycle thefts, A wide-scale drug ring specializing in crank.

These guys have a shipment of machine g*ns Coming up here from atlanta next week.

We're waiting for that final nail, Sweep up the whole lot on racketeering charges.

Well, congratulations.

Who k*lled clyde?

No idea.

But I can tell you, he didn't have bad blood With anybody in the g*ng.

I see you've been doing a lot of wiretapping, You've got russell's ear to the ground.

Olivia benson.

That name ever come up?

You mean her?

Why do you have her jacket?

Worried you've got a rogue detective?



I've been monitoring your investigation.

I pulled that up this morning.

Her name never came up.

I'm gonna need copies of all your surveillance photos.

Not till after next week.

You're gonna lose your undercover today If it turns out your boy russell Was involved in starla's g*ng bang.

He's only a prospect.

Luckily, those perks are for full members only.

Wait a minute.


The truth is, my partner's facing a bogus m*rder rap.

I need your help.

I'll show you one.

Who's this?

We don't know.

But I saw him put a device on clyde's motorcycle last week.

I thought it might be a b*mb.

I had someone check it out.

What was it?

A gps tracking device.

Detective benson.

Lieutenant tucker?

[file clatters on floor]

It's a little early For internal affairs, isn't it?

You know why I'm here?


It's about my car.

I was not driving it at the time.

It must have been one of the guys--

Detective benson, before you say anything else, You need to know Clyde vandyne's k*ller has been identified.

Who is it?


You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used Against you in a court of law.

Ever hear of professional courtesy?

You have the right to an attorney.

You could have picked up a phone, Arranged a surrender.

If you cannot afford an attorney, One will be provided for you.

Don't say anything to the rat squad, liv.

I'm calling the d.A.

For a lawyer.

Do you understand your rights?


Like the supreme court said, Police officers are not relegated To a watered-down version of--

Obviously, your detective is suspended.

You're taking her to central booking?

You know the drill.

Just wait.

I've been locked up twice, undercover.

This isn't right.

I didn't do this.

Just talk to me.

Are you waiving your rights?

She knows better than that.

Don't say anything to anyone but your lawyer, olivia.

Nothing against the fine people at the detectives union, But I suggest you get her A good criminal defense attorney.

Is there an interview room open?


I want to do this.
Tell me about Sunday night.

I was home, in bed, sick.

Is there anybody who can corroborate that?

No. I was alone.

What is your probable cause for my arrest warrant?

Let's hold your questions until the end.

You're single?


No boyfriend?

Are you interrogating me for m*rder Or are you signing me up for a dating service?

I-I just find it odd that nobody stopped by To look in on you.

What was your relationship to clyde vandyne?

I have no history with the deceased.

I read his sheet.

Rough character.

Not the type you'd want to run into in a dark alley.

Like the one where the motorcycle was found mangled.

Tell me about that.

There's nothing to tell.

What the hell's going on?

I tried, but I couldn't stop her.

She waived miranda.

Did you find something on my car?

No, get her out of there.

Elliot, you're not supposed to be here.

Captain, this is the guy we're looking for.

I just need to see if liv recognizes him.

[door slams]

Is there a problem?

I need to talk to my partner.

As her commanding officer, you're allowed to observe.

He's not.

I'll let you know when I'll be interviewing you.

Captain, just shut it down.

She's not thinking straight.

She's sick.

You never interviewed a sick perp?

She's not a perp.

You know, where there's one dirty cop, Usually the partner's dirty too.

The only reason you're not in the hot seat Is because I have nothing on you.


Let me talk to her for a minute.

I'm sorry.

But if there's something you'd like me to relay, I'd be more than glad to.


Then I guess you'll be on your way.

Now, where were we?

You were trying to put me in an alley where I wasn't.


Why did you see a psychiatrist last year?

Excuse me?

Rumor has it, it was for post-traumatic stress.


Munch was right.

Big brother really is watching.

I mean, you weren't shot In the line of duty or anything.

I got help for an issue that I was having.

I didn't see a company shrink.

Where did you get this information?

I was just outside with your partner.

He told me all about it.

You're lying.

Surprisingly, you suck at it.

Who told you?

You deal with an awful lot of rapists on this job.

Did one of them attack you?

Overpower you?

It has nothing to do with this case.

It does if you had a flashback.

People with ptsd get them all the time.

w*r vet comes home, he hears a car backfire, He loses it.

Is that what happened to you?

Absolutely not.

Clyde att*cked you in the alley, And it triggered a flashback.

You're wrong.

You were right back in that position Of complete helplessness.

He had his hands all over you, He was taking your clothes off.


He was gonna violate you again, And you couldn't let it happen.

I never let that happen.

Now stop playing games And tell me what you think you have on me.

Your DNA was a positive match to the blood on the knife.

I told warner to run the DNA.

Why would I do that if I was guilty?

Because you wanted to be caught.

There are no cuts on me.

Where did the blood come from?

You had a bloody nose during the struggle.

They'll document all wounds During your strip search at intake.

I made a mistake.

Then you need to make it right.

I mean, talking to you.

I want a lawyer.


Hold on.

Show the photo to liv?

As tucker was taking her out the back.

She doesn't know him.

All right, well, then, we've got a problem, Because I got this from the g*ng unit.

I can't show it to the death knight's.

They'll know they've been under surveillance.

Odds are slim they would have helped anyway.

Even money, they'd just k*ll the guy.

All right, I'm gonna run this by starla.

Blow it up out of context.

Distribute it to the other houses, Release it to the media as a person of interest.

Then he gets spooked, and he's in the wind.

Where does that leave liv?

Right now, central booking.

It's bad.

They've got her DNA on the knife.

It's not possible.

I know.

Try telling that to a jury, Especially with her as a witness.

What's he talking about?

Olivia asked me to run her DNA.

So she's sitting in a cell because you screwed up?

Excuse me?

You made a mistake.

You tainted the evidence somehow.

You gotta make this right.

I'm rerunning it, But I didn't make a mistake, And I didn't taint the evidence.

I don't know how, but that's olivia's DNA on that knife.

[door buzzer]

Thank you.

I always thought it'd be your partner I'd find here one day.

Keep walking, langan.

Wouldn't want to keep One of your skel clients waiting.

That skel client would be you.

Uh, my dea rep is on her way now.

I don't think you appreciate The seriousness of the charges against you.

Even if I wanted your representation, Trust me, I can't afford it.

My retainer has already been paid.

By who?

Concerned friends.

Nice you're getting preferential treatment.

They let you stay out here Instead of throwing you in the bullpen With the crack whores and schizos.

Yeah, I'm getting breaks all over the place.

It won't be your buddy alex cabot Throwing softballs to us in court.

Public integrity handles all criminal misconduct by cops.

You're assuming that I'm guilty.

Of course not.

But we'll go over alternate theories of the crime later.

This won't be your usual smoke and mirrors.

This will be the truth.

We only have a few minutes here.

This is normally where I just introduce myself, Explain how arraignment works.

Yes. I know what happens next.

Docket ending 6-0-4-1, people v. Olivia benson.

The charge is m*rder in the second degree.

Sorry to see you here Under these circumstances, detective.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.


Remove whoever shouted that!

Anybody else disrupting my court Will be held in contempt, capiche?

I'll hear the people on bail.

Given the heinous nature of this crime, The people request Defendant be remanded pending trial, your honor.

Ror would be more appropriate.

My client is a decorated officer of the law With significant ties to the community.

She has not family whatsoever And should be considered a flight risk.

Her family is 40,000 strong.

Brothers and sisters in blue who stand behind her As she clears her name of these spurious charges.

There's nothing spurious About positive DNA identification.

Let's not jump ahead to matters of trial.

Bail is set at $250,000, cash or bond.

Until such time as bail is posted, Defendant is held over for trial. [bangs gavel]

Court officer.

I'll get you out of there.

We have friends at rikers.

I'll make sure they stop by and say hello.

Elliot, what did you do?

What was I gonna do, Let you get shivved in rikers?

There are worse fates.

Does kathy know you mortgaged the house for me?

Well, it's not at risk.

You're innocent.

Better hope I don't skip bail and run off to bolivia.

I did see those stack of travel brochures on your desk.

Where are we with the real k*ller?

This hit the stands this morning.

Somebody's got to know him.

Captain, I think we got something.

A woman just called the tip line.

Swears the guy in the photo is her ex, lawrence jasinski.

It looks like him.

He was a private investigator out of jersey city Till they yanked his license two years ago For illegal wiretaps.

Track down elliot.

I'm sure he's gonna want to be there When you pick this guy up.

Either larry's a messy bookkeeper Or the death knight's read the paper.

How'd they find him before we did?

Better intel.

Trust me, they got contacts all over.

Bad timing springing liv this morning.

With her luck, they'll pin this on her too.

Son of a bitch.

He's been tailing her.

While she was on the job.

Half the people we canvass Toss our cards the second we leave.

Larry must have been scooping them up.

Explains how her card got on the victim.

[man groaning]

Svu portable, we need a bus.

Lawrence. Lawrence, who did this to you?



Friends of the guy you k*lled?

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Hey, why did you set her up for it?

How'd you get her blood?

What blood? I just followed her for a client.



Lawrence, who?

Who's the client?

Bikers took his file.


Brady harrison.

Brady harrison.

Liv and I put him away six, seven years ago For a string of date r*pes.

The rohypnol r*pist, I remember him.

He got out in April, but his stay Did overlap with clyde vandyne at attica.

I put a call in.

Clyde and brady had an altercation In the prison yard.

Clyde came out without a scratch.

Brady wound up in the prison infirmary.

So brady waited until they both got out for payback.

Elliot and fin picking him up?

Hopefully alive.

Who took the call?

Whitney bowman.

What the hell's going on?

One step behind the whole way.

I just want him alive.

We need him to clear liv.


Anyone here?

Whitney? You here?

Clear in here!

[loud thud]



Did you hear us call your name?

No. No, I was in the backyard.

Found a body.

The owner?

No. A dog.

The throat was slit.

The animals k*lled a dog?

That doesn't bode well for brady.

Any sign of him?


Searched the whole place.

Death knight's did this.

[loud bang]


Everybody on the ground!

Everybody down!

Down! Down, down!

Kiss the ground, t-bone.

All right, brady harrison, where is he?

We don't have a member by that name.

No, no, no, you got his address Off that beat-down in jersey city, remember that?

We saw the work you did on harrison's dog.

I want to call my lawyer, now!

You do that.

You. I know you.

Get up. Where is he?

Where is he?

We don't have your girlfriend brady.

Yeah? Were you in that brownstone?

Hey, stop!

What did they do to brady?

I need him to explain how he set up my partner.

He wasn't home.

They don't have him.


Where the hell is he?

I see him right in front of my building.

Come on, el, I don't need a babysitter.

You do until we find harrison.

Where are we on that?

His financials just came in.

Guess who took their silver mercedes To an auto body shop two days ago To get a dent taken out of their front bumper?

Well, this proves brady was the one Who took down clyde in that alley, and not liv.

But that doesn't keep her out of jail.

All juries want to hear about is DNA, And liv's is still on that knife.

I paid brady's p.I.

A visit in the e.R.

Turns out brady told him to follow liv into the diner And then bag her utensils after she left.

Well, we get DNA off silverware all the time.

Yeah, but the sample from the m*rder w*apon Was liv's blood, not her saliva.

Did you just stop by To throw more monkey wrenches into her case?

I haven't stopped running tests since this went down.


And I found a small anomaly.

In normal DNA, About 80% of the markers are methylated.

In liv's sample on the knife, none are.

So what's that mean?

I had to go out of the country to find the answer.

All the way to israel.

Did my people help you?


But they just set crime investigations back 20 years.

This past summer, scientists there found a way To fabricate DNA.

You're joking.

I wish I was.

Following their method, Someone could have taken a random vial of anyone's blood And spun out the white blood cells, Which are the only ones that contain DNA.

That blood sample wouldn't have any DNA in it.


Someone took liv's DNA--

Amplified it...

Okay, amplified it, and put it in someone else's blood?

Making the entire genetic sample essentially olivia's.

It's brilliant and frighteningly simple.

Anything in that pile to connect brady To the scientists in israel?

No, but I found something interesting on amsterdam.

Joseph soltesz?


A man from upstate Told me he could hook me up with your services.

Why I ain't heard from you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about that little blood trick You did for brady harrison.

25 gs still the going rate?

That was to sequence his genome.

Find out what genetic time bombs people are carrying.

Is that what you want done?


I want to set someone up for m*rder.

Look, I perform Perfectly legal genetic experiments for people, But not without the proper references.

And I understand, And I appreciate you take precautions, But brady's not answering his home or his cell, And I misplaced his trac phone number.

You got it?

I have the contact number he gave me.

Call him and check me out.

Tell him it's fin from cellblock h.

Hold on.

I think he's falling for it.

[line ringing]

It's ringing.

[long beep]

This is brady.

I'm otherwise engaged at the moment.

Leave a message.

Damn it.

[answering machine beeps]

I got the general vicinity.

He's still in the city.

[tone sounds]

That's liv's neighborhood.

Raise the patrolman on the radio.

Tell him not to let anyone in her building.

[knock on door]

Callahan, you have a bladder the size of a pea.

How many bathroom breaks does this make?


[phone ringing]

Hold on, one second.

[loud bang]

If it's for me, I'm not here.

Come on! Olivia!

Olivia, we need to talk.

We need to talk!

We need to talk!

Open the door!


Open the door!


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

We aren't very evenly matched, are we?

Is that the taser you used on clyde?

I thought you'd go for your g*n.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, that's right.

They take those away when you're facing trial for m*rder.

There's a cop downstairs right now, Watching this building.


[cell phone ringing]

Not anymore.


No, no.


We only have a few minutes.

You better ask your questions now.


Why did you set me up?

Why did you have clyde terrorize me in prison?

I didn't even know clyde.

You think I arranged some jailhouse brawl?

You know what I'm talking about!

Oh, my god.

He r*ped you.


He brutalized me.

He told everyone That I was a punk.

There for anyone to s*domize, To trade as a sex sl*ve.

Why didn't you report it?

Like the guards didn't know?

Like--like you didn't know?

I didn't know!

You couldn't stand That I had no remorse For what I did to those women, So--so you set me up.

Who told you that?

You did!

Don't you remember?

"a pretty boy like you "is gonna be real popular in prison.

"maybe when you're r*ped, You'll understand what you put those women through."

I never should have said that.

Even to scare you, I never should have said that.

But I swear to god, I did not arrange For you to be r*ped.

I'm so sorry.

Oh. Oh, you're sorry.

Well, I'm not sorry That I set you up for clyde's m*rder.

Dna still trumps this hearsay confession.

Where did you get my blood?

That one, I'm taking to the grave.






[taser buzzes]


Liv! You okay?


I think I'm finally getting over this damn flu.


Then you can meet the guy who helped him set you up.

How many other innocent people like me did you set up?

There's no law against what I did.

You almost put her in jail for life.

Now, when they raided your lab, They found the bookkeeping.

Brady wasn't your first customer.

There are at least a dozen people standing trial Or already in prison For crimes that they didn't commit Because of your fabricated DNA.

It's nothing personal.

It's a brand-new market.

I cornered it.

Do you have any idea what this means?

Every perp is gonna claim Their DNA was cooked up in some lab.

It's so easy.

Any biology undergraduate can do it.

It's a whole new world.


Guess your free ride is over.
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