11x07 - Users

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x07 - Users

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, (CELL PHONE VIBRATING)


Sorry, Mom. I'm busy.

(RECORDED VOICE) It's A,J, Hit me up with a message, Call me back, A.J. Now.

Hi, I've been waiting for you.

Greg, our darling daughter is not answering her cell.

Now she knows the rules.

Where the hell are you?







No pulse, no purse.

The John got a freebie and her money.

She can't be more than 16.

Just what the pervert ordered.

Scratchy here is the desk clerk.

Name is Richard, and I've got allergies.

Yeah, he says she paid cash.

Registered as A.J. Gold.

Scratchy found her when the next door guest heard somebody yelp.

Was she alone?

When she checked in.

But she said she'd be expecting a visitor.

Who somehow got past your eagle eye.

The homeless jam open the back exits.

Now keeping track of people coming and going is not my responsibility.

But asking for ID is.

Look, she's turning tricks.

Anything she flashes is going to be fake.

Why bother?

Because she's not legal.

Come on.

Kids today are old before their time.

Yeah, well, this one's staying young forever.

Warner: COD is compression of the trachea and larynx.

Perp left bruises from his fingers on her throat.

He also r*ped and sodomized her.

And we're sure it's not rough sex for pay?

I don't care if she could tie a knot in a cherry stem with her tongue.

She wasn't a prost*tute.

There's no tattoos, no hooker make-up.

Stabler: Everyone has a first day on the job.

Hooker or not, she fought against her k*ller.

I found blood in her mouth.

Typing showed it wasn't hers.

She must have bitten him while fighting for her life.

Jane Doe is getting her 15 minutes of fame postmortem.

One of the photos from the crime scene just went viral on the Net.

Who the hell leaked that?

Nobody. It's not one of ours.

How do you know?

Well, time of death was somewhere between 10:30 and I 1:00 a.m.

Our police photo was taken at least an hour later at I 1:58 a.m.

At noon when the sun is bright.

Morales: Check out the windows.

The sunlight is at a completely different angle.

The lnternet photo is dim, but the police photo is much brighter.

The lnternet photo had to be taken before we got there.

By a k*ller who wants the Web to see his handiwork.

Or to make money.

I mean, a lot of these sites shell out big bucks for the gory stuff.

Like the pictures of the 16-year-old who got k*lled when she wrecked her father's Ferrari.

Yeah, she was ejected and landed in a tree.

The site got so many hits, it crashed harder than she did.


People trawling the Web for blood and guts.

What a lovely world.

Yeah, but even if he needed money, it's a pretty risky move for the k*ller to post a photo.

Who else could have?

Hotel clerk was counting food stamps when I came in on him.

Rolled his own smokes, too.

Scratchy needs to quit his nasty habits.

Richard: I swear.

A guest heard noises.

I went up with the passkey, found the girl dead, and called 911.

An hour later.

Well, because I was stuck in the can.

I mean, seeing the body did a number on my bowels.

Maybe raping and murdering a kid gave you the runs.

You snap her picture before or after your little bathroom emergency?

You've got to believe me.

I never touched her.

Looks like she touched you.

She bite you when you were strangling her?


Now you should have seen a doctor.

Because there's nothing dirtier than the human mouth.

(STUTTERING) It's not a bite. I burned it when I was cooking.

So, what you cooking, Scratchy? Heroin?


So I use. Big deal.


Well, that's a cute ring tone.

What do you got, homeroom next?


All right.

She was already dead, so I jacked her phone.

So you could take your own crime scene photos to sell online to feed your habits?

Okay, okay.


But I didn't k*ll her.

El, someone's texting.

Benson: It's from a Heather.


Text her back.

We're done.

Where are you?

I'm getting an answer.


A.J. said that she met this totally ancient guy, but he was really hot.

Stabler: How totally ancient?

Like, 40 maybe?

She never did it with anyone over 21.

None of us have.

Well, that's encouraging.

So was A.J. always so picky about her Johns?

She's a junior with us at Riverwood.

She wasn't a hooker.

Then why did she spend 40 bucks for a room on the Bowery?

She said that they were hooking up at the Mercer.

Your friend was fooling around with a stranger three times her age.

Did either one of you ever think about telling her parents?

A.J.'s dad is the last person I'd tell. He's a creep.

A creep like how?

A.J. said he molested her when she was a kid.

Skip the trial.

Take that bastard straight to the chair.

So you didn't know that A.J. had accused her father of molesting her.

No, I knew there was something wrong between them, but she didn't want to talk to me about it.

So then right now, they're just allegations.

That's why we need to speak to your husband.

Do you know where he is?


He stormed out after breakfast.

You fought.

He did with A.J.

He slapped her.

And he threatened to kick her out.

Did he say why?

He called me this afternoon, and he said he'd take care of everything.



What did you do?

What I should have done a long time ago.

Your daughter!


You're under arrest.

For what, bleeding?

No, for raping and murdering your daughter.

I would never hurt A.J.

Says the man with the blood on his shirt.

So, Greg, what happened?

Were you afraid A.J. was gonna tell Mom that Daddy was being naughty with her?

I didn't k*ll my daughter!

I loved her!

You loved her? All right.

But her bedroom got boring, so you took her to that sleazy motel?

Is that it?

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I don't? She bit you.

Your blood was in her mouth.

It wasn't me!

A.J. had a lot of troubles.

God only knows who she hung out with.

She was out of control.

A.J. was being treated for oppositional defiance disorder.

Did you get her help?

We tried everything.

Behavior modification, confrontational therapy.

We put her on medication.

But A.J. fought against it.

It wasn't getting better.

No, not until we got her into ASP.

I'm sorry. What's ASP?

A Sheltered Place.

Martin Gold was a godsend.

Martin Gold is a lying prick.

Who's he?

A.J.'s so-called therapist.

We heard this guy worked wonders with troubled kids.

My wife fell for his act hook, line, and sinker.

But you didn't.

Not after he convinced my daughter that she had repressed memories of me molesting her.

When did she accuse you of that?

Last week.

She said she had to conquer her fears.

Terri: Conquer her fears, The guiding principle of ASP.

So A Sheltered Place is a treatment center.

For adolescents with substance abuse or behavioral problems.

It's strictly by referral.

And Gold was helping A.J.

Yes, she was finally listening to someone.

And then a couple of days ago, Greg says we're stopping treatment.

It was totally out of the blue.

Filled her head full of lies.

And now, my baby's dead.

Just tell me where you were between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m.

In jail.

I went to confront the bastard for his lies.

He starts in with his psychobabble.

I just went off on him.

That where you got the blood?

Yeah, the psycho stabbed me with a pen.

Okay. When were you locked up?

10:30. 10:45.

I finally get home... find out my daughter has been m*rder*d, and now I'm arrested again.

You've known about this repressed memory thing for quite a while.

Why attack him today?

Because I thought I could make A.J. see the light.

And I found this on my windshield this morning.


You want to know who k*lled my A.J.?

Start with him.

She's dead.

A.J. Dunne is dead, but we are alive.

With heavy hearts, yes.

But alive with a purpose.

To honor the love that A.J. showed us.

So let your tears fall, my friends, but keep your heads high.

Because that which challenges us only makes us stronger.

Why, Martin?

Why did A.J. have to die?



You ask a timeless question of the cosmos that no one can answer.

Why? Why A.J.?

All you can do is speak your heart, and you will grow strong.

No matter how terrible the storm may seem now.

Stabler: Martin Gold.

I'm Detective Stabler.

My partner, Detective Benson.

Are you ready to walk through that storm?


I love you, Martin.

Love yourself, Tina.

All right, friends, group's over for today.

All: We love you, Martin.

We love you, Martin.


I should have called to save you the trip.

I'm dropping the charges against Greg Dunne.

His daughter's death is tragedy enough.

So you knew we arrested him.

Greg Dunne is a lot of things, but he is not a k*ller.

By "a lot of things," you mean a child molester.

Where I come from, you don't hit a man when he's down.

Going down on his daughter is okay?


Another smear.

Stabler: Well, you know, that sure looks like the same wall where you were fooling around with A.J.

That photo is a fake.

Every day, some jealous competitor tries to destroy what's going on here at ASP.

What exactly is going on here?

I'm changing lives.

I'm reaching kids through art, through therapy, through whatever it takes to open hearts and free minds.

Benson: So the question is, Mr. Gold, where were you yesterday morning between 10:30 and 11:00?

Here until a lunch meeting.

Anyone with you?

No, I was on my own.

There's digital security cameras out the back where I park.

They should have recorded me leaving around noon.

You won't mind if we take a look.

Actually, I do.

I constantly preach to my kids about establishing and maintaining boundaries.

What would they think if I just let you cross them?

I guess A.J. was lucky to be seeing a therapist with such high standards.

Hey, by the way.

Why do you think A.J. checked into that motel using your last name?

I have no idea.

So think about it while we're getting a search warrant.

Oh, and don't accidentally erase the surveillance tapes.

Stabler: We flash a picture of him with his hands all over a 16-year-old m*rder victim.

The guy is as cool as the other side of a pillow.

Look, he's either innocent or a complete sociopath.

Either way, you should have seized the surveillance tapes.

Without a warrant?

And have you bag on us later?

All we saw was the video monitor.

Plain view doctrine didn't apply.

Neither does the Fourth Amendment.

Security videos are meant to be seen.

There's no reasonable expectation of privacy.

All right.

Well, then we'll go back and get them.

Well, now, you need a warrant.

Give me a couple of hours.

Benson: I 1:58 a.m.

Gold wasn't lying.

He left ASP around I 2:00 noon.

That means he couldn't have k*lled A.J.

Doesn't mean he's not guilty of statutory r*pe.

And having a cheesy website.

A virtual tour of A Sheltered Place.

Annoying pictures of squeaky-clean kids and a lot of ass-kissing from satisfied customers.



Did the Dunnes have anything to say?

Oh, yeah. Just like the rest of them.


These parents have all drunk the Kool-Aid.

One of them even dropped a million bucks on Gold.

This cat's got everybody taken in by his mission statement.


So when you have the impulse to r*pe one of your patients, why the hell fight it?

Sounds like a crock to me.

Well, then, why does Martin Gold have a documented success rate of 83%?

Anyone can cook their books, Captain.

Well, tell that to Paul Fordyce, the Deputy Mayor for Legal Affairs.

He has a daughter under Gold's care.

He called you?

He wanted to convey his vote of confidence that you all will handle this investigation with discretion.

So in other words, tread lightly.

If at all.

Just be sure you're right about this one.

Well, didn't take Gold long to pound the drums, did it?

Helps to have people in high places.

He might not have to use them.

I took this photo of him and A.J. and put it under the microscope.


It's photoshopped.

She was definitely pushed up against the wall, but pixel manipulation indicates Gold's face was transposed against someone else's body.

Benson: It could have been the k*ller who was with A.J.

So Dr. Feelgood was telling the truth.

Well, there goes nailing him for statutory.

Well, maybe you can get him for violating his license.


I enhanced the time stamp.

Look, it was shot 10-21-09 at 2:49 a.m., a Wednesday.

The website says A Sheltered Place is only licensed as a nonresidential facility.

Kids can't stay there past 10:00 p.m.

So, what was A.J. doing having a sleepover with the Love Guru?

A.J. had been in Gold's program for six months, but her behavior really didn't improve.

Gold said it would help to get her out of the house for a while.

You didn't have a problem with that?

Gold said he could intensify her therapy if they spent more time together.

I didn't think we had much choice.

Did you know that ASP isn't licensed for live-ins?

We were desperate.

A.J. was throwing tantrums and screaming.

And Gold was breaking the law.

The hell with the law.

She was our child.

We loved her.


Do you have a daughter?

Then you must understand.


We knew it was illegal, but we were willing to do anything to help A.J. get well.

Benson: Thanks.

That was Warner.

She needs to see us.

Where is Liv and Elliot?

At the morgue.

Warner got a lead.

When it rains, it pours.

A guy just used the dead girl's credit cards at Aurora Spirits in Washington Heights.

Call the liquor store and radio me his description.

Lab report on the blood found in A.J's mouth.

It had high concentrations of ribavirin and interferon, dr*gs used to treat Hep C.

Yeah, which you get from having sex or sharing needles with someone who's infected.

So it sounds like Scratchy from the no-tell motel.

I k*lled you, A.J.

I'm sorry.

What did you say?

I can't make that out.

Munch on phone: The liquor store said our guy is Caucasian, tall, maybe 45, Wearing an olive colored jacket, Take a nap, sleepy.

I just saw him.

I k*lled you, A.J.

I k*lled you.

Hey. What are you doing?


Benson: Police!

Don't move.

Suspect number one.

Enzo Cooke, 16.

Connecticut driver's license.

He's got more tracks than Grand Central.

Suspect number two is Ramsey Vickers, 45.

Lives in Queens.

Laid off accountant.


Hello! Anybody?

I've got to go, Hey, Enzo, Enzo!


Enzo. Sit down.


No, I really have to leave.

No, no, no.

You're going to talk to me first. Sit down.

Now, did you hurt A.J.?

It was my fault, okay?

You happy now? Can I go?

Man, I gotta get out of here.

First, you've got to tell me where you got these credit cards.

I found her wallet up on Broadway, all right?

All wrong.

I want to talk to a lawyer.

Well, make sure you tell him that was a preseason tackle.

I didn't take you down that hard.


Where do you think you're going?

Cragen: What the hell is going on with these guys?

Your drug addict has got the shakes, and Vickers is faking so he won't have to talk.

Yeah, but which one of these losers is our k*ller?

We need a bus!

Mr. Vickers suffered toxic shock caused by an infection.

From me tackling him?

No, from a severe circumferential bite to his penis.

And you think you know a guy.

Courtesy of the dead girl, dumb-ass.

Yeah, your victim must have experienced cadaveric spasms at the moment of death.

And clamped down on our k*ller.

When can we see Mr. Vickers?

Now. He's up and alert.

But his penis is down for the count.

You must really be hurting.

Oh, you don't know the half of it.

Munch: We know you're lucky to have kept your manhood.

Serves me right for screwing around.

You did more than that to A.J. Dunne.

You k*lled her, and then went on a spending spree with her credit cards.

I found them.

And we found your blood in her mouth.

Hep C is a dead giveaway.


I got it from a hooker.

How many other women did you give it to?

I don't know.

I'm addicted to sex.

First, it was porn on the Net.

And then, my hand wasn't good enough, so I started hooking up online.

My wife found out.

She filed for divorce.

Then I got laid off.

Pardon me for not giving you a hug.

So why did you k*ll A.J.?

She didn't like Daddy's lollipop?

No, no, she was into it.

I answered her ad on Craigslist.

She got the room.

She was so beautiful.

I got overexcited.

I didn't realize how hard that I was squeezing her neck.

Until she was dead.

I didn't mean to hurt her.

I am so sorry.

I am so, so sorry.

A.J.'s ad said, "l need a daddy who will make me behave.

"You show me the ropes, I'll open up to you."

So why is a 16-year-old girl hooking up with pervy guys on Craigslist?

And why did Enzo cop to a m*rder he didn't commit?

Went to an awful lot of trouble stealing the scrubs, sneaking into the morgue.

Sounds like a guilty conscience to me.

(SIGHING) Time for Enzo to man up.

Enzo: Martin was treating me for heroin addiction.

Benson: That where you met A.J.?

I was there about six months before her parents brought her in.

I knew I had to take A.J.'s picture the moment I first saw her.

Love at first sight.

And sex shortly thereafter.

Martin doesn't allow relationships between members.

That didn't stop you, though, right?

No, but A.J. did.

About a month ago.

She was afraid we'd get caught.

By Gold?

Or her dad.

He never really liked me.

Now, you photoshopped Gold into one of A.J.'s pictures, and you put it on her father's windshield?

To stop Martin from raping A.J.

Enzo, that didn't happen.

Yes, it did!

I was there, but I didn't have my camera.

I was hiding behind the door.

What Martin did to her, it made me sick.

So what happened?


I watched him have sex with her.

She said, "Wait. We should stop.

I don't want to do this."

And he said, "It's okay.

"You're doing fine.

Conquer your fears."

I couldn't take it anymore, and I left.

If I would have stopped him, maybe A.J. would still be alive.

Hold on. What were you doing at ASP at 3:00 in the morning?

I lived there.

We both did.

The day A.J. was k*lled, did she mention going to that motel and meeting somebody?

She said she had an appointment.

I thought she was meeting Gold, so I followed her to that sleazy motel.

But I got scared and did some junk.

Then I wasn't scared anymore.

I wasn't anything.

I just...

I let her die.

Martin affects you in ways you'd never expect, you know?

As much as I hate him, I still go, "Martin says" or "Martin used to say."

He smiles when he's good, and he smiles when he's cruel.

Same smile.

You can help her now.

Are you willing to testify against Martin Gold?

Can you tell a jury that you saw him having sex with A.J.?

Yeah. Okay.

You think he can help us nail Gold?

Only if he gets off the heroin.

Well, what about Gold's treatment?

It's bogus.

He's a narcissistic manipulator who gets off on the kids who adore him and the parents who depend on him.

You think A.J.'s dad really abused her?

The theory of repressed memory is that people often block out the painful experiences of their childhood sexual abuse.

Come on, but everyone knows it's a sham.

Well, A.J. didn't.

Gold had her convinced that her dad r*ped her.

And to jog her memory, he prescribed sex therapy with himself as the surrogate father.

So why did she advertise for sex with father figures?

He probably told her to.

Gold gets off on making kids do things that will humiliate them.

Their self-esteem plummets, and they need him even more.

A.J. was so enmeshed with him that she actually registered at that motel with his name.

He could ask those kids to jump off the Empire State Building, and they'd race each other to the top.

We've got to shut him down before more bodies hit the pavement.

What is your inner voice telling you to do?

Peel back your ego like an onion, and let your tears flow.

Sorry, folks.

Don't mean to spoil the fun, but Family Night is over.

Please, we're having a therapy session.

Not anymore. Get up.

Martin Gold, you're under arrest for violating state licensing laws.

I'm George Huang, a psychiatrist.

Anyone need a referral to a legitimate therapist, please talk to me.

I am Deputy Mayor Fordyce.

Why are you harassing Martin when the man in custody confessed to m*rder?

Because he broke the law.

Don't worry, friends.

There's been a misunderstanding.

We'll conquer this.

Just like we conquer our fears.

Cragen: You arrested Gold in front of the Deputy Mayor?

Captain, we had no idea he'd be there.

Well, the whole city knows now.

Fordyce just held a press conference blasting us for targeting Gold.

Well, we targeted Gold because he's dirty.

He broke licensing laws.

It's a misdemeanor.

And if he sent A.J. to that motel room, it's accessory to m*rder.

Then prove it.

What's he doing here?

Just telling us about your little teen clubhouse.

The one we're going to close down.

For licensing violations?

Give me a break.

No, actually, for child endangerment, sodomy, and statutory r*pe.

How's that sound?

Sounds like Enzo's getting high again.

He wasn't high when he saw you having sex with A.J. Dunne.


Enzo photoshopped that picture.

The kid's a screw-up.

(SIGHING) Well, we believe him.

And we believe A.J. Dunne's parents, and a jury will, too.

A.J.'s parents can't testify.

It's hearsay.

She lied to them all the time.


And Enzo...

The kid is about as believable as d*ck Cheney.

It's never going to make it to trial.

Wanna make a bet?

Enzo isn't lying.

Oh, Detective, every child that comes through my door lies.

They lie until they're tired of getting caught, or until it's too late, and they're out of the program.

They come from homes and from family histories that compel them to use deception and untruths to survive.

Well, how about your family history?

I mean, what's going on in your head that you would bang Enzo's girlfriend, and then convince her to screw strangers that look like Daddy?

Detective, you are not the first person that Enzo has conned.

I would be very careful on acting on anything that boy has to say.

I'm Dr. Huang.

How are you doing?

What does it look like?

You're in withdrawal.

You gotta get me something.

The only thing I can do is take you to the hospital.

No! Where's Martin?

Is Gold supplying you?

Can't you see I'm sick?

You're a doctor! Help me!

I can get you into rehab after we go to the hospital.

You don't give a damn about me.

No one does. Not my parents.

Not those cops. Only Martin.

Where is Martin?

You're not going back to ASP.

Look, please, just tonight.

I promise I'll do whatever you want.

Please! I hurt bad.

Look, you gotta help me.

It's okay, Enzo.

We're going to do the best thing for you.

We're going to stop Martin Gold.

You want me to prosecute Gold on r*pe charges and as an accessory to the Dunne girl's m*rder?

Gold pushed A.J. to seek out strangers for sex.

His paw prints are all over that Craigslist ad.

Actual paw prints?

The guy has got a face hold on these kids.

"Conquer your fears with an embrace."

I mean, what the hell is that?

A nauseating homily, but one that can't tag Gold with accessory.

He also r*ped A.J.

You can't prove statutory without her.

Alex, he's treating girls as young as 14 years of age.

If we don't charge him, then he's going to be back with his teen harem in the next few hours.

Even if we do move forward with the charges, bail is a no-brainer.

Gold's been filing his taxes from the same address for the last 12 years.

He fought in Desert Storm.

He's squeaky-clean.

Did you interview the other kids?

Yeah, none of the parents are cooperating.

They're all so far up his ass.

I don't think your raid on Family Night made you any friends.

We have an eyewitness to the statutory r*pe.

Is the kid willing?


Then where is he?

Have you seen Enzo?

Check the can.


Please. Please, I need a fix.

Looks like your case just went down the toilet.

Huang: There are two kinds of parents.

Those who will do anything for their children, and those who will pay any amount to have someone else do it for them.

I read Enzo's file.

His parents are art dealers.

They spend most of their time in Europe.

They paid more than $1 million to park Enzo at ASP.

What do we do?

Send him to rehab.

It's methadone now, or it's back to heroin.

Stabler: If I were in his shoes, I'd probably get high, too.

He doesn't want to get high.

He wants to avoid the pain of withdrawal.

If he doesn't make it through rehab, he'll just go back to heroin and keep using it until it kills him.

So methadone's his only option?

There is one other option, lbogaine hydrochloride.

It's been remarkably successful in treating opiate addiction.

Within 24 hours, he'd lose his craving for heroin without any withdrawals.

So what's the catch?

Crazy side effects?

The risks are minimal.

Fewer die from lbogaine than methadone.

Clinics around the world use it to treat heroin addiction.

Imagine no more ODs.

No more HIV from dirty needles.

So let's do it.

(SIGHS) I can't.

The drug is illegal here.

It can cure heroin addiction in 24 hours, and it's illegal.

Because the patent expired, no drug company is gonna make a profit off it.

No one will pay for lbogaine to go through FDA trials.

The pharmaceutical industry can make more money treating addicts with less effective dr*gs.

What a bunch of crap.

Oh, and speaking of that, look what just walked in.

You know, this is what I call real dedication.

You're released from the can, you don't shower and shave, and you come right here.

What are you doing here?

I've come to take Enzo back to ASP.

You're not taking that boy anywhere.

When Enzo's parents enrolled him, they made me his legal guardian.

And as his guardian, I know what's best for him.

What's best for him is real rehab, not your narcissistic schemes.

Don't worry, Dr. Huang.

He'll get all the TLC he needs.

Now, as his guardian, I will ask you to leave.

Look at him. That quack is putting on quite a show.

As if he really cares about him.

Benson: Enzo is his stay-out-of-jail card.

I wouldn't be surprised if Gold kept him high.

Anything to keep him from testifying.

What do you think the chances are of him getting clean?

With Gold playing the puppet master, slim to none.

Unless someone cuts the strings.

I'm looking for Enzo.

Have you seen him?

He left. Martin said he needed to conquer his fears in a special place.

Do you have Enzo's cell phone number?

No, Martin took his cell phone away.

He says he can't speak to anyone during treatment.

Listen, I saw you outside just now with Martin.

You should be careful.

You've got a dirty mind.

He loves us. He'd never do anything to hurt me.


What are you doing here so late?

Well, Fin left me some papers so I could fill out my report on Gold.

Yeah. I'm just about to do that myself.

Great minds.

Aren't you forgetting something?


The papers Fin left you.

Oh! Yeah.

No, actually, turns out I didn't need them.

I had everything I needed. Night.



Hey, Doc, what's up?

Enzo, you're coming with me.

Martin cool with that?


What you're doing is illegal.

Stay out of this, Liv, for your own sake.

Ibogaine hasn't been approved.

Because the drug companies don't want it approved.

One dose of lbogaine, and he's clean.

We're leaving.

It's kidnapping.

It's conspiracy to provide a controlled substance to a minor.

He's sick. I'm a doctor.

I have a moral obligation to treat him.

You're an FBl agent who's breaking the law.

You took an oath.

"First do no harm."

That is the oath I took as a doctor, and that is what I live by.

Even if it means losing your license?

What kind of doctor am l if I don't help save this kid's life?

Alberto: I'm going to give you 750 milligrams of lbogaine hydrochloride.

More needles?

No needles. Capsule.

About 20 minutes after you swallow it, you're going to start to feel a warm tingle in the back of your neck.

It's going to be followed by a feeling of euphoria.

Now, for about eight hours, you're going to trip.

Waking dreams, hallucinations, body rushes, the works.

What if I freak out?

I've done 300 of these procedures. No one's ever been eaten by a T. rex.

Alberto's a licensed physician. You'll be fine.

What if it...

What if it doesn't work?

91% of the time it does.

With my luck, I'll be that other 9%.

Three years ago, I took that same gamble.

Won my life back.

Clean ever since.

You ready?

(SIGHING) I'm scared.

Life on the other side of this is going to be a much brighter picture.

Bottoms up.

Huang: How will we know if it's worked?

Enzo will have lost his craving.

He'll be clear-headed and able to testify.

And if it doesn't work, he'll go back to ASP.

Please, let me come back.

I'll never leave again.

I won't.

They fooled me.

I trusted them.

You broke your promise.

You said you'd stay at the apartment.

I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing.

Please, help me.

You fled from your fears instead of embracing them.

Martin, you gotta forgive me.

Come here.

You're home now.

Please, I hurt all over.

I know.

You weren't ready.

I gotta get straight.


I'll take care of you, Enzo.

I always have.

This is going to make you feel better.

Martin Gold, you're under arrest for possession and distribution of narcotics and accessory to m*rder.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Whatever they did won't cure you.

You'll use again.

Yeah, you better hope it's before I testify.

You have no understanding of what I do here.

I'm helping kids when no one else will.

You're helping them stay high, dependent, and screwed up, so you can make money off their misery.

You're a screw-up, Enzo.

A pathetic loser.

You'll come crawling back, you Judas.

I'm clean, Martin.

You can rot in jail.

You gave him lbogaine.

You'll lose your license.

I'm reporting you.

I already reported myself.

Thirty-day suspension of my license.

It was worth it.
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