11x03 - Solitary

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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11x03 - Solitary

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, No, no, no.

You deal with it.

I'm not coming back to the office.

Look, I already...

I promised Lily we'd celebrate our seven-month anniversary together.

She's a chick.

You know how it is.

Dude, she's not going to understand.

Look. It's after 10:00.

I am already late.

She's going to be pissed at me.


(SCOFFS) I'll see you tomorrow. Don't call me.

Hey, honey. I'm home.

You ready to party with the Parkster?

Big Guy has been aching for you all day.

Lily. Oh, God.


Man over phone: 911 operator, What's the nature of your emergency?

Something really bad has happened to my girlfriend.


Man: Lily Milton, 23, lives here with her boyfriend, Parker Hubbard.

Matched the bloody print to exemplars from her personal effects.

They're definitely Lily's.

No sign of forced entry.

But she put up a hell of a fight.

Until he bashed her head into that mirror.

I found her hairs on the bloody shards.

She was still alive when he took her down the fire escape.

Blood trail.

The fire escape?

It's got to be that perv.

What perv?

The one who's been peeping in here for the last month, watching us have sex.

Did you call the police?

Lily did. They didn't do anything about it.

Well, they're probably trying to identify him.

How hard can it be?

The creep lives downstairs.

Police. Open up.

NYPD. This is my partner, Detective Benson. I'm...

Detective Stabler.

And they say lightning never strikes twice.

Do I know you?

How could you forget?

The last time we met, you put me in jail for 19 years.

Stabler: In 1989, I was in uniform, walking a foot post.

Callum Donovan and some of his accomplices were robbing a bank.

On their way out, he runs into me.


That's a lucky catch.

Stabler: Changed my life.

You don't look old enough to shave.

Well, I wasn't old enough to make detective, but the PC was impressed.

They promoted me on the Christmas list.

So you made your bones on his back.

Any sex crimes on Donovan's rap sheet?

That arrest was his only fall.

Could still be our perp.

Guy does two decades behind bars, comes out with a new appetite.

Forensics put him at the crime scene?

Not in Lily's apartment.

But his prints are all over the fire escape.

The blood trail goes down to the street, stops at the curb.

So he must have put her into a car.

Donovan own a vehicle?

Nothing registered under his name.

But it could have been borrowed, stolen, rented.

Munch and Fin are calling cab companies, gypsy cabs.

What about his apartment?

CSU checked.

It's all clean.

You two have history.

Use it to sweat him.

Find out where he stashed the girl.

Or buried her.

Where is she, Donovan?

I don't know.

Wrong answer.

It's the only one I've got.

And now, I've got you.

You're fitting me for a frame.

No, you put yourself in it.

Your peeping Tom routine led us right to you.

The only time I've seen that girl is in the stairwell.

And I wasn't looking up her skirt.

Sure, you got plenty of watching from the fire escape.

Sure. That's how I get up to the roof.


What's wrong with the stairs?

Donovan: Fire escape is right outside my window, I like to be outdoors, where I can breathe, So I sit on the roof, Stabler: And on the way up, you watch Lily, Getting dressed, in the shower, having sex.

What, do you slide your hands down your pants, pretending that's you in there with her?

Who's the pervert now?

All those years without a woman.

Well, you're a pro at fantasy.

But you get tired of just thinking about it, so you go up there and you do all the things that you've dreamed up, all alone in your cell.

I never did any of that.


Why would she lie?

We pay $3,500 a month.

For that kind of money, we shouldn't be assaulted by our neighbors.

Donovan assaulted you?

Parker: With his cigarette smoke.

It comes up through the vents.

The whole apartment reeks of it.

Lily's allergic.

Okay, that's a landlord-tenant issue.

That's not a crime.

We called the landlord.

He said he'd love to turf Donovan out.

That guy's on rent control.

He only pays 800.

We moved into that apartment fresh off the boat.

I was 10.

And now, some Johnny-come-lately wants to tell me I can't light up at home.

I tried to be neighborly, smoke on the roof.

She's a nut.

She's a saint.

Lily teaches art to underprivileged kids.

Reads books on tape for the blind.

She just started med school.

And that bastard k*lled her.

We don't know that.

Look, he said he would.

He threatened her with a knife.

He said he was going to cut her throat unless she stopped running her mouth.

It was on my belt.

Not in my hand.

I'd just come from work.

You've got an answer for everything, don't you?

I've got the truth.

Twist it however you want.

Won't change my story.

That you're just an ex-con living a quiet, law-abiding life.

I lost my mother when I was in prison.

20 years passed me by while I sat in that cage.

So I go to work every day, visit my parole officer once a week, and piss in a cup when he asks me to.

I'm not giving anyone any excuse to put me back inside.

I didn't touch the girl.

Sure, she was a pain in the ass.


And so are you, Cal.

What happened?

Freedom get boring?

You want Detective Stabler to lock you up again?

Petra. How did you know I was here?

Veronique phoned me when you didn't show for your date.

I made some calls.

Petra Gilmartin.

I'd like to speak to my client alone.

You like Donovan for this?

He's got a history with the victim that includes voyeurism and threats.

And you've got a history with him.

Look. I haven't given Donovan a thought since the day that I collared him.

What about the boyfriend?

You bother to rule him out?

Cragen: Munch and Fin did.

Lily was last seen at school around 5:00.

Parker Hubbard was at work until 10:00.

He was still on the phone with a colleague when he walked in on the crime scene.

For now, Donovan's our guy.

Humor me with some proof.

Cragen: He's been watching Lily from the fire escape.

And what about the boyfriend?

Did he ever see Donovan out there?

No, but Lily told him about it.

That's hearsay.

Guys, until you find some admissible evidence against your old pal, Donovan, we can't hold him here.

We cut him loose, it's going to give him time to clean up after himself.

Which is going to make it that much harder for us to get that evidence.

Charge him or come say goodbye, The next time you want to talk to my client, call me first.

You'd better clear your schedule.

See you soon.

If I'm not at home, you can find me at work.

Pier 19, over in Bayonne.


Benson: Parker.

Where's Lily, you freak?

Hey! Hey!

Not resisting.

Not resisting.


Hey! That's enough!

I'll k*ll you!

Stop it.

Stabler: Knock it off.

Hey, Cal.

Parker: I'll k*ll you!

The boyfriend?


I'll give him a free pass under the circumstances, but he touches my client again, he's doing time.

Stabler: Look at him.

He knows we're watching, and he's cool as a cucumber.

Give him time.

He'll crack.

Man: Detectives.

I pulled Donovan's timecard like you asked.

Clocked out at 5:00.

That's plenty of time to go home and pay Lily a visit.

He didn't go home.

It was payday.

Me and the boys went over to McGlade's, had a few.

Benson: How late was he there?

Man: I left about 7:00.

He was still drinking when I took off.

Well, like you said, still plenty of time.

I know about Cal's past.

Told me when I hired him.

People change, Detective.

Not always for the better.

You know, I'm going to have Munch and Fin sit on Donovan.

I don't want to stand out here in the hot sun.

Let's go get a cold one, huh?

Why are you asking about Cal Donovan?

There was some trouble at his apartment building last night.

Cal had nothing to do with it.

He was here.

What time did he leave?

Around 8:00.

Boyfriend didn't get home until close to 10:30 last night.

Boyfriend? (LAUGHS)

Whose boyfriend?

Was Cal with a girl?

Do you always take this much interest in your customers' personal lives?


Frankie, take over.

Frankie: Sure thing.

I've known Cal Donovan since I was a kid.

He broke my heart when he got locked up.

Twenty years later, he walks in here and orders a drink, says, "Hey, Betty Jean," just like he'd seen me yesterday.

So you got back together.

I thought maybe this time, we could make a go of it.

So Cal was with you last night?

He had a load on.

Kept after me to go upstairs to my place.

But then, he couldn't cut the mustard.

I said it was the drink.

Happens to a lot of guys.

He called me a whore.

Broke a lamp and stormed out.

Donovan comes home drunk, horny, and pissed off.

He goes up the fire escape to grab a smoke on the roof.

He sees Lily, the yuppie bitch who's been making his life miserable.


She's home alone.

It's the perfect storm.

Works for me.

Hey, Captain.

We're on our way.

The crew on a dredger spotted a girl's body floating in the water right off Staten lsland.

Description matches Lily's.

Special Victims.

M.E. take the body?

No body.

You couldn't recover her?

No. Your girl's alive.

Barely, but still breathing.

Another miracle on the Hudson.

Cardiac arrest en route.

Barely got her back.

Temp's 88.

She's hypothermic.

Prep her for bypass and ECMO.

Is she going to make it?

She's not dead until she is warm and dead.

How's Lily?

They're warming her blood.

She was in the water a long time.

Oh, God.

I have to tweet this.

Her followers need to know.

Stabler: Her followers?

I started a Twitter account last night. "Where's Lily?"

Already have over 2,300 friends.


Now, we've got online looky-loos.


We got Lily's temp up.

She is conscious, but she's showing signs of post-traumatic retrograde amnesia.

What does that mean?

She's experiencing some memory loss.

We need to talk to her now.

And she needs to rest.

I have a great bedside manner.


I was so worried about you, babe.


The cops, they need to talk to you.

Cops? What happened?

Am I in trouble?

Benson: No, Lily.

But we found you in the Hudson River.

Do you know how you got there?



So what's the last thing you do remember?

I was coming home from school.

It was 7:00, but it was so hot.

I just...

I took a shower.

I heard someone in the apartment.

Did you see who it was?

A man.

Was it...


Did you see who it was?

I think it was the creep from downstairs.

But I'm not sure.

It's all so blurry.

It's okay. It's okay.

So what happened next?

There was glass breaking, and stuff falling.

And my head hurt.

I think I passed out.

And where were you when you came to?

I was in a car.

And then, a dark room.

It was freezing cold, and the door was locked.

(CRYING) And someone put a bag over my head.

And then I couldn't breathe.

And I was falling, and...

That's enough.

Everyone out.

Victim make an ID?

Not a solid one.

"Maybe it was the creep from downstairs," plus a diagnosis of traumatic amnesia.

Donovan's lawyer is going to make mincemeat out of her.

Let me guess.

No trace evidence.

The river washed her clean.

Anything to put the cuffs on Donovan?

The timeline works.

Run it for me.

Stabler: Well, he left Betty Jean's place around 8:00.

He goes to his apartment, grabs Lily, stashes her somewhere, and he's back in his apartment by the time we get there at 11:00.

Three hours is a lot of time. He could have driven her anywhere.

Dumped her in the river.

Well, there's no way Lily was in the water all night.

The currents would have washed her out to sea.

Maybe he wanted a little more fun with her.

But when we got onto him, he went back to his hidey-hole, and that's when he throws her in the river.

Okay, but when?

Munch and Fin have been sitting on him all day.

Donovan's been at his job.

Stabler: He works on the docks.

Pretty convenient place to dump somebody in the river.

Well, Lily did say that she was freezing, and it's been in the 90s all week.

Maybe she was in some refrigerated storage unit.

Liv, stay with the victim.

Elliot, see if they have a walk-in on the docks.

Man: How long you going to keep us out of there?

I got a crew sitting idle and a shipment of tomatoes going south on me.

Just tell your boy Donovan to give it up.

We'll grab him and go.

Otherwise, you're making marinara.

Detective. We got prints up the yin-yang.

But not Lily's.

No sign she was here?

No blood or hair fibers.

All right. Keep checking.

She was kept there overnight.

She left something behind.

Don't look at me.

The guy costing you your overtime is sitting right over there.

Anybody seen this girl here?

You want to get back on the clock, speak up.

She was here, and someone saw her.

Come on.

Put the cuffs on me.

Not now. But soon.

See you when I see you.

You will.

Working hard?

I'm following Parker Hubbard's tweetfest.

"Lily's resting.

Thanks for all the love and support."

Most of the posts are from strangers claiming they spotted Lily before you found her.

Or people with crazy theories.

Like she was abducted by aliens or white slavers.

At least they didn't tie up our tip line.

Too bad nobody saw her with Donovan.

Well, maybe somebody did.

How about this one from Tracie?

"Saw her around midnight arguing outside my store with some angry-looking dude.

"Wish I'd done something."

We saw that, and ruled it out.

Donovan was in the interrogation room with you at midnight.

Maybe Tracie got the time wrong.

Tracie: No way, Stabler: You're sure about that, I know exactly what time it was.

I get off at 1:00 a.m., so I was watching the clock.

That girl was outside, going at it with some guy.

Okay. With him?

Mmm-mmm. Definitely not.

He was Asian. Like, ugly cute, and much, much younger.

Did I just solve the crime?

Well, maybe the girl that you saw just resembles Lily.

It was Lily. I've got the receipt somewhere.

You didn't say she came in here.

I didn't?

I guess I was caught up in the fight, her being a m*rder victim.

She's not dead.

I knew it.

Lily Milton.

Came in at 11:23 p.m., used terminal 5 for 46 minutes.

Our boss has us copy IDs in case some t*rror1st uses our computers.

Do you want me to log you in to the terminal she used?


I don't want you to touch it until I get a tech down here.


Who's Billy Chang?

Why do you want to know about him?

Billy didn't kidnap me.

He's just some guy I know.

But he's also a former med student who happens to have a rap sheet for selling crystal meth.

I don't know anything about that.

You don't?

Then explain these e-mails.

"Billy, can you stop by?"

"Billy, where are you?"

"Billy, get the hell over here."


That isn't my e-mail address.

(LAUGHS) No. It's not the one your friends use.

Our tech proved that it was set up on your home computer six months ago.

Okay. So it's mine.

Does being the victim of a crime give you guys the right to hack through my e-mails?

No. But you're not a victim either, are you?

I was abducted.

No, you weren't.

You were not assaulted.

You weren't kidnapped or tossed into the river.

You were online at CopyQwik scoring dr*gs.

No, you... You don't understand.

Okay. So make us understand, Lily.


Make us understand.

I had a crappy day at school.

At Anatomy class, they gave me this ugly old woman cadaver and it creeped me out just to touch her.

When I got home, my skin was crawling.

So you pulled off your clothes when you got home, and you jumped into the shower.

I didn't want to smell like dead, old lady for my special night with Parker.

So I got ready, but then he didn't show up.

So I got really pissed.

So you needed a little something to take the edge off, so you e-mailed Billy Crystal Meth.

Yeah, but he didn't answer.

You don't know what it's like.

All right?

I know I had a stash somewhere in that house.

I just couldn't find it.

So you trashed your apartment.

You banged your head on the mirror.

My God! There was blood everywhere. I just...

When I saw how bad it looked, I just... I freaked out.

Parker doesn't know about your little habit?

No. I heard him on his phone out in the hallway, so I just took off down the fire escape and I got in a cab, and I went to this place where Billy hangs out.

And he wasn't there, so you went to CopyQwik and sent him another e-mail.

While I was waiting to hear from him, I saw what Parker had been posting, that I had been the victim of this horrible crime.

And you saw all the attention it was getting, all the people who were worried about you.

I mean, what was I going to say?

That I'd flipped out because I couldn't score?

It was just easier to go along with it.

And you couldn't hide out forever, so you jumped into the river.

I didn't know it would take you guys so long to rescue me.

What? I almost died.

Hey. What do you...

You want pity from us?

You were willing to send an innocent man to prison to cover your ass?

No. No, I'm so sorry.

Sorry doesn't cut it.

Where are you going?

To apologize.


Thought I'd find you up here.

Hey, wait a minute.

Just wanted to...



10-13. Officer down.

Paxton: Does he do this often?

Benson: What?

Almost die in the line of duty?

Take a nap halfway through his tour.

Stabler: I'm still alive.

I can hear you, ladies.

Any sign of Donovan?

Benson: Not yet.

But we're going to get him.

Half the Department's looking for him.

And the other half is drowning their sorrows.



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're not going anywhere.

I'm a little banged up.

I'm fine.

Not until the docs run every test and the mayor gets here to shake your hand.

Yeah. Before the parade of brass comes, I'm going to take off.

Let me know when you find Donovan.

And don't touch a hair on his head.

Okay? Otherwise, I've got problems.

Tell me you found Donovan.

Patrol's watching his job site, his girlfriend's bar.

No sign of him.

But I dumped Donovan's phones.

Most frequent caller is a Veronique St. John.

Sounds like a porn star.

No, I know that name.

That's the lady who sent Donovan's lawyer when he was a no-show for their date.

They've got to be knocking boots if the girl's got his attorney on speed-dial.

Benson: Veronique St, John.

Veronique: Yes, When is the last time you saw Callum Donovan?

He came by last night.

He tell you we were looking for him?

I don't ask my clients questions.

You a hooker?

The hell I am.

Well, you said client.

Veronique: This is a private group home.

Mr. Donovan's mother is a resident here.

Cal said he lost his mother.

Veronique: She is lost.

Alzheimer's. Most days, Mrs. Donovan is 17.

She calls her son Tommy, and thinks he's her first love.

But the real Tommy died in World w*r ll.

How often does he visit her?

Every night.

And which room is Mrs. Donovan's?

It's over, Cal.

I'll come quietly.

Just please, don't wake her.

You threw my friend off a roof.

You got nothing coming.



I've got to go, Fiona.

We're shipping out.

One last kiss for your best girl?


I love you, Tommy.

I love you, too.

Now, be a good girl, and go back to sleep.

Thank you.

I didn't do it for you.


Donovan, freeze!

Don't move.

Do it. Come on.

What are you waiting for?

I k*lled your partner.

sh**t me.

He's not dead.


I'm a dangerous man.

A r*pist. A kidnapper.

Take me off the streets.

You'll get a medal for it.

Lily lied.

Elliot was coming to apologize to you.


If you'd waited a moment longer, you'd be a free man.

Come on. Let's go.

Paxton: Glad to see Donovan's in one piece.

So am l.

Thanks for asking.

Where's his lawyer?

Meeting him at arraignments.


Just make sure no one talks to him.

Including you.

Lady, I have had one hell of a bad day.

I'm in no mood to be told what to do.

Stabler. God...

Get up.

Get up.

Get up. Get up.


Paxton: Take your hands off him.

I don't work for you.

I'm not going to watch you brutalize a prisoner in custody.

I wasn't going to lay a finger on him.

Oh, really?

Could have fooled me.

I was transferring him to Central Booking.

Well, under the circumstances, that's not appropriate.

It's my case.

No. You're not the case detective.

You're the victim.

Oh! Oh, I'm sorry.

Does that word offend you?

(GASPING) Big, strong Elliot Stabler can't be anyone's victim, right?

You don't know me.

Oh, trust me.

I've read your file.

You know something?

You have had a hard-on for me since the day you walked into this squad.


No, hon. Not at all.

I've got problems with anybody who doesn't play by the rules.

No, your rules. You act like the law is holy scripture.

You don't give a damn about the law.

You want control.

You don't know me.


You know me? I know you.

I see perps like you walk in here every day of the week.

They've got to have control, or the whole world falls apart.

But inside, they're scared, weak, damaged.


Clerk: "Docket ending one-two-seven-zero.

"People v, Callum Donovan, "One count Attempted m*rder in the First Degree."

Petrovsky: How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty.

I'll hear the people on bail.

Remand, Your Honor.

The defendant threw a cop off a roof.

Mr. Donovan thought he was going to be arrested for a crime he didn't commit.

Well, he's here for the crime he did commit.

But he's not responsible for it.

Notice that we will be pursuing a psychiatric defense.

Insanity? There is no history of mental illness in his prison records.

Gilmartin: The Corrections Department isn't known for documenting its own crimes.

My client spent the majority of his sentence in solitary confinement, completely isolated with no human contact.

It made him psychotic.

Paxton: The defendant has been out of jail for over a year.

He has held a job, cares for his mother, has a girlfriend.

He's completely functional.

He regressed under the threat of re-incarceration.

Sounds like there are issues to argue in front of the jury at trial.

I'm remanding the defendant.

Please. Don't put me back in there.

Gilmartin: Will the Court instruct Corrections to house Mr. Donovan in genpop?

I have no authority over the DOC.

The use of solitary confinement is up to the prison warden.

That's right.

Pass the buck.

You, you, and you.

You put people in jail and walk away.

You don't give a damn about t*rture.

Paxton: t*rture?

I'm sorry.

Were you beaten, water-boarded?

What they did to me was just as bad.

I'm sure we'll hear all about it.

Next case.


Clerk: "Docket ending four-eight-five-three.

"People v, Stephen Johnson, Two counts of..."


I've got to talk to you.

Look. Donovan's defense is completely bogus.

That's what you have to tell me?

Yeah, well, you and l can see through him, but I'm not sure the jury will.

What do you want from me?

When he's on the stand, I want you to stare him down. All right?

Make him look you in the eye when he moans to the jury about how it wasn't his fault that he threw you off the roof.

We gotta make the son of a bitch squirm, Stabler.

(SIGHING) I've really got to hand it to you, Sonya.

You know how to get under people's skin.

Right. Yeah, about what happened in the interview room, uh...

Can we just call it a truce?


I'm glad someone's finally airing the prison system's dirty laundry.

Are you buying Donovan's BS?

Humans are social creatures.

Prolonged isolation warps our humanity.

That what happened to you, Munch?

Donovan is a hard man.

I mean, he's playing like a little alone time made him crazy?

Give me a break.

The Brits did a study of solitary confinement.

They found it causes psychosis.

They stopped using it.

You've got to control the prison somehow.

The hole's a good way to do it.

Funny, when some prisons stopped using isolation, inmate v*olence went down.

You stop treating convicts like animals, they act like men.

I'll buy that.

But that does not mean solitary is t*rture.

Then why was it the preferred method of t*rture used on the hostages in lran, the POW's in Vietnam, and at Abu Ghraib?

The mind can survive prison, but we're not wired to be alone.

When I was in prison undercover, the worst part was never being alone.

No private time.

No quiet time.

Even on the toilet.

I would have k*lled to do a stint in the hole.

We buy free-range chickens because we believe they're healthier not being trapped in cages.

We care more about poultry than people.

You want to take pity on Donovan?

He threw me off a roof.

This is a smoke screen to make the jury forget what this is really about.

He tried to k*ll a cop.

The Blue Wall should remind them.

Gilmartin: Mr. Donovan, why were you put in solitary confinement?

When I got to prison, the Aryan Brotherhood told me it was my duty as a white man to join them.

I told them no in a few choice words.

When they tried to jump me in the showers, I shived the r*cist freaks.

One of them never walked again.

So the warden threw you in the hole.

What year was that?


And you stayed in solitary until...

Six months before I got parole in '07.

14 years. For a fight?

It was supposed to be six months, but when the guards came to let me out, I was totally paranoid.

I thought they were coming to k*ll me, so I fought back.

They tacked on more time.

Same thing kept happening.

In the end, they just left me there.

All that time alone.

What was it like?


Except you're still breathing.

And all you hear is the sound of that breath.

For days, months, years.

What did you do every day, alone in that cell?

At first, you'd sleep, 12, 14 hours at a time.

But then you can't sleep anymore.

So I'd watch my shadow, until it turned into someone else.


It started talking to me.

Your shadow?

I knew the voice was in my head, but I couldn't shut it out.

It was always there, whispering.

"Swallow your tongue.

Pluck your eyes out.

"Chew off your hands.

Come on, you can do it."

Even now, when I'm alone, I sometimes still hear that voice.

How do you cope now?

I work.

I walk for hours.

I'm afraid to sleep.

I sit on the roof all night, listen to the city.

Any sound to block out that voice.

And when Detective Stabler came up on that roof...

I heard the shadow laughing at me.

I felt it pulling me back down into that hole.

Detective Stabler, you'll never know what it's like to be truly alone, to go through endless days without seeing a face or hearing a voice.

You can't imagine it.

Unless you wind up there yourself.

Kravitz: I shouldn't be letting you in here, You owe me.


This settles the debt.

That's Donovan's cell.

You sure about this?

Open it.

Rack 66.

Don't do anything stupid.


Hey. What time is it?







Hello? Hey.







You son of a bitch.

I said three days.

Not a week.

It was three days.

I swear.

It's Sunday night, when you told me to let you out.


Where the hell have you been?

The hole.

I want to drop the charges.


Don't be a wuss, Stabler.

You took a bad trip in your own head, and now what, you feel sorry for Donovan?

Well, that's your problem.

Mine is convicting a would-be cop k*ller, who thinks doing a little time gives him the right to whack the first cop who looks at him cross-eyed.

It's not that simple.

Actually, it is.

If Donovan walks, it's open season on law enforcement for any perp who did a day in the hole.

Look, you don't have to set a precedent.

Just cut him a deal.

If I plea-bargain Donovan, he's out in five years.

And then what?

Does he run down the cop who pulls him over for speeding?

I won't take that chance.


If I report you for as*ault, the D.A. will suspend you.

Go ahead.

Thought so.

You may have lost your balls in lock-up, but I've still got mine.

Petrovsky: Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

Will the defendant please stand?

On the sole count of the indictment, Attempted m*rder in the First Degree, what is your verdict?

Jury Foreman: Guilty.



Petrovsky: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thank you for your service.

You are excused.

I'll see you all back here next week for sentencing.

Court is adjourned.

We all know where I'm going.

Back to that box for the rest of my life.

Give me the needle, why don't you?


Put me out of my misery.

You'd do it for a sick dog.

Why not me?

Petrovsky: Court Officers, remove the defendant.


Please don't do this.

I'm begging you.

Please. Please don't do this.

Please. Please don't do this.

Please. Please.

Please don't do this.

Hey, Stabler.

Here. I'll get the next round.

Two more, please.

Olivia said I'd find you here. Thank you.

So. To a good day for the People.

I don't think so.

You think I don't feel sorry for Donovan?

You feel sorry for him.

Good for you.

You had a shot to do the right thing, and you didn't.

Thanks for the drink.

Kravitz: Gave him Haldol.

Better living through chemistry.

Who tuned him up?

The face?

He did it to himself.

Smashed his head against that wall.

Didn't stop until the doc gave him the shot.

Okay, Donovan.

Let's go. Infirmary.

Wait a minute.

He doesn't need any more dr*gs.

Kravitz: He's not getting any.

Warden ordered him transferred to the medical unit.

Once he's stable, he's in genpop.


Wasn't me.

The warden suddenly see the light?

Not until your D.A. shined it in his eyes.

She wouldn't take no for an answer.

Say goodbye to the hole.
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