10x10 - Smut

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x10 - Smut

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Anthony, you push Avery, and I'll take Minnie.

No, I can do it.

Don't let her lead!

Stop, girl!

Minnie, heel! Heel!

Oh, Minnie!

Get your ass back here!

Stop, girl!

Stop, girl!

Bad dog.


Stop! Stop!

Stay there.


Get away from my baby!

He was crying.

Oh, my God.

Are you okay?

What have we got?

Kelly Sun.

Twenty-five. r*ped, beaten, wandering in Riverside Park.

Oh, God.

How's she doing?

Well, it could be a lot worse.

Judging by the dirt and cuts on her feet, I'd say she was wandering around for hours.

Explains why CSU can't find a crime scene.

How about the r*pe kit?

Positive for fluids, bruising and tearing, but I'm more worried about her mental state.

Get off of me!

No! Let me out of here!

Honey, you're in no shape to leave. Get...

No, I'm going to miss my plane! Kelly. Kelly.

Calm down.

Calm, Kelly.

You're in shock. Calm down.

I have to be in Korea on Friday.

It is Friday.

Today is Friday.

You've lost track of time.

You were att*cked.

What do you mean?

You were r*ped.

Oh, my God.

Why don't I remember?

Here's Kelly's coat.

She's still in the shower.

Bloodhounds get a scent, maybe they can track back to where Kelly was r*ped.

She was walking around for hours, they're wasting their time.

It's better than doing nothing. We're not going to get much out of her.

I don't know what's worse, not being able to remember your attack or not being able to forget it.

Kelly's ready.

All right.

Well, look, maybe she'll tell you more one on one, huh?


Hey, Kelly.

How are you doing?

I still feel so dirty.

It will probably take a while.

Those bruises are from your attacker's knees when he forced your legs apart.

I don't understand...

I'm a travel writer.

I've traveled all over the world.

I know how to take care of myself.

I would never let anybody r*pe me.

Kelly, this can happen to anyone.

Why can't I remember?

Because we think you were drugged.

You mean, like, with a roofie?


It's very easy to slip into somebody's drink when they're not looking.

We'll know more when your tox screen comes back.

How could I have been so stupid?

Kelly, listen to me.

This is not your fault.

It's like somebody took over my body and I wasn't even inside it.


Why don't we focus on what you do remember, okay?

No, it's...

It's all a blank.

It's all right. What about yesterday morning?

I was packing for my trip to Korea and running errands, and...

I went to Chinatown around noon.

Okay. Alone?

Yeah. Wait, no. I...

I ran into Riley Slade coming out of the subway.

Is Riley a friend of yours?

More like a frenemy now.

What happened?

We both work for the same publisher and last year, Riley wrote a book about biking through lndonesia, but he never even set foot there.

It's just totally unethical.

So you turned him in.


They fired him.

I bet he wasn't too thrilled about that.

You think he r*ped me?

r*ped her? I owe that chick my gratitude.

For busting you?

Got people to read my book.

Editors figure if I can write a smash from my living room, imagine what I can do if I actually left my apartment.

Did you leave it last night?

Yeah, I did a screen test for Jetsetter Network.

They want to give me my own cable show.

Slade Runner.

Pretty catchy, huh?

Yeah, make sure I forget to program my TiVo.

Look, I'm sorry she got hurt, but Kelly wasn't cut out for this business.

But you are.

You've got to game the system.

Never pay for anything.

Travel on somebody else's dime.

Sounds like a scam.

Everybody does it.

Even Kelly.

Kelly didn't pay her own way to Korea? Please.

She got a free round-trip ticket working as a courier.

For who?

Company called Pakidala.

What do you mean, Kelly's in the hospital? In Seoul?

No. Here.

God, that's awful.

She's going to be okay.

I'm talking about me.

The Marks brothers are going to have my ass.

They're dead.

Not the comedians.

These brothers are jewelers.

A bling ring has hit them four times in the last year.

You sent a defenseless girl up against professional jewel thieves?

Our clients are Hasidim, Kelly's a Chinese empress.

We thought she'd fly safely under the radar.

Please tell me she still has her pouch.

Excuse me?

The one she was carrying with $700,000 worth of uncut diamonds?

Kelly, you should have told me.

I wasn't supposed to let the diamonds out of my sight.

How am I supposed to pay back the Marks brothers?

They probably have insurance for that, but you need to tell me everything that you remember.

Okay. Well, I went to go pick up the diamonds, and I was nervous, because I've never carried anything so expensive before.

And they put me in a car to Kennedy Airport.

Did you make it there?

Yeah. Terminal 4.

And I must have checked in my bags, because I have a boarding pass.

Did you make it through security?

I can't remember.

The airline verified Kelly got her boarding pass.

Then security at Kennedy sent over the tapes.

Kelly made it to her gate, and she's got the pouch with the diamonds.

After that, Kelly headed into the Layover Lounge.

She went for a drink before boarding.

That must be when she got drugged.

You got anything from the bar?

Yeah, they have a camera there, too.

Well, who's that with her? They look cozy.

That could be our perp. Can you zoom in?


Let's see if he puts anything into her drink.

He's making his move.

They blocked it.

Can you fast-forward until they leave?

She finished her drink.

Well, if he slipped her a mickey, she'd be feeling something by now.

She's not stumbling out of there like she was doped.

It doesn't look like he's forcing her.

It's more like a love connection than coercion.

Do you have them leaving the airport?

Yeah, at the terminal exit.

She checked bags. Why is she leaving without them?

Seven hundred G's buys a lot of Louis Vuitton luggage and plenty to put in it.

I say we pull the taxi's trip card and see where he took her.

It was a great massage.

Thanks again for coming on such short notice.

Working out a few kinks?

Yeah. Long day.

Can I help you?

I'm Detective Stabler.

This is my partner, Detective Benson.

You are?

Eric Lutz.

Mr. Lutz, may we...

Yeah, please. Come in.

What can I do for you?

Tell us how you know Kelly Sun.

I met her last night.


Because you look pretty close.

We were getting there. Yeah?

You try to get there a little too fast last night?

How is that any of your business?

Kelly was found this morning a couple blocks away from here.

She was brutally att*cked.

You don't think I hurt her?

I think she said no, but you were revved up to go, so you forced her.

Actually, Kelly said yes, and when I woke up, she was gone.

You know, for a lot of girls, the morning after can be a little awkward.

Especially when they wake up in the hospital.

I didn't do anything.

So she beat herself up.

I don't know.

Maybe she was headed home and she got jumped by some guy.

Look. I met a cute girl in a bar.

We hooked up.

That's not a crime.

No, but robbery is.

Still sealed.

I wouldn't go through somebody else's things.

You don't think it's strange that she left it here?

Maybe she used it as an excuse to call me. You know, it's happened before.

Do you pick up a lot of women, Mr. Lutz?

Drug them, bring them home and then rough them up?

Detective, I'm trying to help you, but it sounds like I should call my lawyer.

No, that's okay.

We're done.

You can't just take that.

Yeah, we can.

It's evidence.

By the way, you shouldn't leave 700 grand of diamonds just laying around.

So that's a girl's best friend, huh?

They're uncut.

Looks like the stuff at the bottom of my son's fish bowl.

Okay. If those were keeping Dickie's fish company, all three of us could retire.

Just because you found them at Lutz's place, doesn't mean he stole them.

But it does mean that he was with Kelly the night of the attack.

All right. So let's pick him up for robbery, squeeze him for the r*pe.

If she was r*ped. Lutz says the sex was consensual.

Stabler. What about the beat-down?

You think Kelly consented to that?

Without a claim of r*pe, we don't even have a "he said, she said. "

And what if she's in on this alleged robbery?

She didn't tell you about the diamonds.

Kim, the woman was beaten, she was r*ped and she thought she'd lost over half a million dollars in jewels. She was scared.

But she wasn't drugged.

That was Warner with the tox screen. No Rohypnol, no GHB.

Look, I know this guy r*ped her.

Then why can't she remember?

I don't know.

Maybe the airport security tape will jog her memory.

Hey, get away from her.

What are you?

Deaf? Get up.

Just making sure she's okay. Relax.

Who are you?

It's Eric.

You don't remember me?

How did you get in here?

I told the nurse that I was her boyfriend. Boyfriend?

I've never seen you before in my life.

Come on. We had such a great time.

I thought we made a connection, Kelly.

Kelly. You met him at JFK last night. You left with him.

What? How could that be?

Don't tell me you don't remember me.

Get away from me!


Arrest him! He r*ped me! He r*ped me!

I didn't r*pe Kelly.


Well, I'm sure a guy like you doesn't have any problem getting laid.

I just need to hear your side of the story. Yes.

Anything to help clear this up. Okay.

So you meet Kelly in the bar at Kennedy and you have a few drinks.

Right, and then my flight to Bogotá was canceled.

You can check that with the airline. We did.

You were grounded, but Kelly's flight took off.

Without her on it.

Yeah, well, we were getting along, you know?

I suggested she could come over to my house, and then she could take a flight the next day.

Pretty smooth.


I was surprised when she said yes.

But who am I to say no to a beautiful woman?

I wouldn't go home with a complete stranger.

Maybe he threatened you.

But there's security everywhere.

Why didn't I fight back or scream or something?

She was totally into me.

Hmm. Hmm.

How did you find Kelly?

You said she was att*cked near my house.

I just checked the closest hospital.

Mercy. Yeah, but, you know...

She was just a one-night stand, why bother?

I already told you, I just wanted to make sure that she was okay.

You know, someone might think that you just wanted to see how much she remembered.

Yeah, of course. I wanted her to remember that I didn't r*pe her, then I'd be off the hook.

Keep wiggling. CSU just called from his crib.

I didn't give you permission to search my house.

We got a warrant.

Yeah, and we found blood on your sheets.

Same type as Kelly's.

Explain that, player.

Guys, come on.

It was her time of the month.

It's not exactly a deal-breaker for me.

r*pe kit confirms your victim was menstruating.

Son of a bitch has an answer for everything.

He might not have one for this.

You mentioned he was on his way to Bogotá?

He's a petroleum exec, goes down to Colombia a lot.

That rang a bell, so I reran Kelly's tox screen for a tropane alkaloid called scopolamine and hit the jackpot.

Colombian Devil's Breath.

Scam artists use it in Latin America to prey on people, get them to hand over their life savings.

The victim stays conscious but controllable.

She might fight, but she'll do what she's told.

Explains why Kelly skipped her flight and went off with a stranger.

Scopolamine also blocks memory formation.

It's not that your victim doesn't recall the attack, she literally has no memory of it.

She'll never be able to tell us what happened.

Well, I know who can.

The bastard who dosed her.

I don't even know what scopolamine is.

Then you won't mind us going through your credit card statements to see if you bought any, huh?

Could you just please hurry?

I have a plane to catch.

Are you going to Bogotá?

Yeah, and the car will be here any minute. I have to finish packing.

We can't let this guy leave the country.

There's nothing so far that's going to stop him.

No vitamin companies, no health food store.

No vendor that sells anything like scopolamine.

Well, if he uses cash, we'll never be able to trace it.

I think he charges everything.

Nobu, Tiffany's, Barneys.

The guy's vices are five-star restaurants and thousand-dollar shirts.

Well, he might have another one.

I checked Lutz's Internet cache for searches on scopolamine and didn't find any.

But I did find these.

Holdherdown. Net, sicksexvideo.

Net... Forceher. Net?

Prince Charming likes r*pe porn.

Likes is an understatement.

He's got more than 200,000 pics and videos.

That's quite a spank bank.

But it doesn't prove that he r*ped Kelly.

You might change your mind when you see this.

I found an encrypted partition on his hard drive.

An invisible drive.


Say it. Tell me you want me. That's Kelly and Lutz.

I want you! And that doesn't look consensual.

I love it! Say I'm the boss.

You're the boss!

That's right.

You just found the smoking g*n.

More like a smoking armory.

There are four more videos of Lutz attacking other women.

I want you!

He's a serial r*pist.

That's right.

No, don't.

I need to know what he did to me.

Tell me you love it.

Say it. Say it.

I love it!

You forgot to mention you're a photography buff.

Your home videos look a little rough.

Some women think getting physical makes it more exciting.

Funny, they don't seem to be enjoying themselves.

That's just part of the act.

They're role-playing their fantasies.

And you play the role of the r*pist.

Is that how Kelly remembers it? You know damn well she doesn't remember anything because you drugged her.

Wrong. She ate it up. They all did.

So you're saying these women consented? Absolutely.

Then you won't mind telling me their names.

I don't kiss and tell.

A good policy all around.

Let's go, Eric.

This interview is over.

Kim Greylek.

From the Beltway to the Big Apple.

Whatever I can do to protect it from worms like your client.

You better start thinking about protecting your rep when the judge laughs this dog of a case out of the courtroom.

We'll see. Always nice to see lawyers getting along.

Oh, yeah. I saw the videos. She's right.

Lutz tells Kelly to fight back and she does.

Half the jury's going to think she wanted it.

You're not letting him go, are you?

We didn't have enough to hold him.

You have him raping me on tape! What more do you need?

We need time. Time to build a case.

You were supposed to make me feel safe.

Who's going to stop him from doing this again?

The only way we're going to nail Lutz is if we ID those other victims.

See if they remember anything.

So we've got five million women in this city, and we've got to find four of them.

Who may not even know that they've been r*ped.
Say I'm the best you've ever had. Let me hear you say it.

Say I'm the best you've ever had. Say it. Say it!

You're the best I've ever had!

That's right.

Tell me you're mine.

Tell me you're mine!

Come on.

I'm yours!

That's right.

Eric Lutz is the classic serial r*pist.

He's deeply insecure, and so he r*pes women to feel powerful.

And he's smart. He never says their name or anything that we could use to identify them.

He depersonalizes them, turns them into passive sex objects.

He takes total control, not only in the moment, but for the future.

Every time he watches the video, he relives the r*pes.

Come on.

Come on.

Get off me.

You're a fighter.

I like that a lot. But you know what? I'm going to win.

You know why I'm going to win? Because I'm the boss.

Tell me I'm the boss.

Say it.

You're the boss.

Say it again.

You're the boss.

Say it again!

You're the boss!

That's the scopolamine.

She wants to fight back, but she can't overpower the drug.

Maybe all of them weren't drugged.

Maybe one of them remembers.

Get Morales to clean up the video.

We'll release their faces to the media and get IDs for the women.

You can't plaster them all over the news.

The media's not going to cooperate. They're victims.

Are you sure?

Did you just watch the same tape that I did?

Does it look like r*pe? Yeah.

Does it turn my stomach? You bet.

But Lutz is going to argue it was consensual r*pe fantasy, and until we have a woman who says otherwise, we're stuck with his version.

Your perp has found the perfect MO.

He can do whatever he wants and not worry about getting caught.

Maybe not.

Morales found imbedded time and date stamps on the videos.

Well, that's a start. It tells us when he r*ped them.

He also cross-referenced the dates of the att*cks with Lutz's financials and something hinky came up.

Two hours before he r*ped Victim 2, he paid $800 to Exquisite Express.

Sounds like a limousine rental.

Or an escort service.

They'll both take you for a ride.

Do you dream about being with the perfect girl?

Describe your ideal date and we'll make it happen.

Build-a-bimbo. The john can pick anything from their hair color to their cup size.

Okay. So Victim Number 2.

She was about, what? 5'8"?

Blonde hair.

Cup size. C?


I got a good eye.

We recommend Denise.

That looks like our victim.


Sorry, Detective.

You've got the wrong girl.

You're good. No, I'm pretty sure you're the one I want.

What is this?

A shakedown?

It's more like research.

I want you to tell me everything you know about this guy.

Tell me about him, off the record.

Just your average sicko.

Yeah, I saw the video.

Figures he'd tape it.

He was really into the act.

The whole "no means yes" thing?

He forced you?

Force me? He paid me.

But he had troubles on his end.

He couldn't finish the job?

He had a hard time keeping his interest up.

Playing make-believe wasn't enough for him to get off anymore, so Lutz graduates to real r*pe, real victim.

Okay. So we've ID'd Victims 2 and 5. Denise and Kelly Sun.

Question is who is 1, 3 and 4?

All we know from the video is the time and dates.

Not anymore.

I dug deeper through Lutz's receipts.

And I hex-dumped his cell phone. Hex-dumped?

Yeah, it's our latest techie trick.

A cell phone memory stores where you access Wi-Fi, e- mail or GPS.

Gives you a good idea of a person's movements around the city.

Like where Lutz was right before these women were r*ped and taped.

Down to the square foot.

About an hour before Number I was att*cked, Lutz made an ATM withdrawal at Grand Central Station.

Well, he probably met her there. In a bar.

So he picks up women having drinks in public places.

That doesn't help us too much.

A thousand people go through Grand Central every day.

Okay. Then how about Number 3?

Thirty-eight minutes before she was r*ped, Lutz accessed Wi-Fi at a gym on 58th Street called Fitness Factor.

He could have met her and doped her in the juice bar.

I e-mailed them her photo.

They matched it to the ID of a member.

Her name is Laurel Andrews. Great job.

Thanks for seeing us.

What can I do for the police?

I wanted to talk to you about somebody that you met at the gym.

At Fitness Factor?

I don't talk to anyone while I work out.

I just put in my earbuds and sweat to the music.

Do you recognize this man? No.

Well, we think you met him at the gym and he assaulted you.

That's impossible.

So you don't remember anything?

There's nothing to remember. It didn't happen.

We have the attack on video.

Look, I told you. I don't know this man, and I wasn't att*cked.

Well, we believe that he drugged you so that you wouldn't remember.

Maybe if you saw the video...

You've got the wrong person. Go. Now.

Walk around the block puts her out every time.

Sorry, honey. I didn't know you had guests.

Mr. Andrews...

We're just leaving.

Have a good day.

Why did you do that?

She's the same happy wife and mother she was before August 19th.

It was like she was never r*ped.

But she was.

We have it on tape.

Right now, that woman is not a victim.

If we play her that tape, we're making her one.

If we pretend that woman wasn't att*cked, then Lutz gets away with it.

And when he r*pes his next victim, that will be on us.

So we find Victim Number 4 and see if she remembers.

Any luck?

I wish.

Lutz att*cked Victim Number 4

30 minutes after he ate at the Normandy Cafe.

Okay. Let's see if anyone there can ID her.

Changed hands six months after the owner died.

So we've got nothing.

We've still got Laurel Andrews.


Let's get her on board.

We tried. She doesn't remember anything.

Laurel was Lutz's first victim after he couldn't get it up with Denise.

So maybe he hadn't perfected his drugging technique.

Okay. Show her the video.

She might remember something.

She refuses to look at it.

Change her mind.

Convince her.

I'm not going to turn her into a victim to test out your theory.

You're giving a serial r*pist license to prey on more women.

No. Put a tail on him so he can't hurt anyone else.

Elliot, we can't just let this guy walk.

Detective. Did you find Laurel's purse?

Her purse?

She said it was stolen.

That's why you were here.

Mr. Andrews, I work with the Special Victims Unit.

We investigate sex crimes.

I don't understand.

I need you to see something.

Tell me I'm the boss.

Say it. You're the boss.

Say it again.

You're the boss.

Say it again!

You're the boss!

Why didn't Laurel tell me?

She says she doesn't remember.

But why lie to me after you told her what happened?

Maybe she was afraid to face it, afraid of what you might think.

What's going on here?

Oh, my God. That's me.

What the hell were you thinking?

I was thinking about getting a serial r*pist off the streets.

I want to catch the guy as much as you do. But what about Laurel Andrews?

How many times have you said, "Confronting the attacker is the only way to move on"?

Laurel doesn't have to move on.

In her mind, she wasn't even r*ped.

Lutz will learn from his mistakes.

He'll improve his MO.

Then we'll never get him.

You can't change what happened to Laurel.

I can protect her from the damage.

No, you can't.

You should know that better than anyone.

I don't want to talk to you.

You don't have to say anything, Laurel.

Just listen.

A few months ago, I was sexually assaulted by a man while I was working undercover.

I felt guilty that I didn't stop him, ashamed of how powerless I was.

And then I got angry.

But that didn't help me get over it.

What did?

Admitting that it happened and putting the man who did it behind bars.

And going to counseling.

Are you over it now?

I'll never be over it, but I can live with it now.

And I have my life back now.

I met him at the juice bar at the gym.

The next thing I remember I was waking up at home, sore, my legs all bruised.

You don't remember what he did to you?

After you first came to see me, I started to.

Bits and pieces.

Him holding me down.

Tearing off my clothes.

Did he r*pe you?


And I just couldn't face it.

Laurel. I need you to testify.

If I do, will he go to prison?

It's the only way to stop him.

No. Not so fast, there, Mr. Lutz.

You're not going to make me miss my flight again, are you?

That's not all you're going to miss.

Eric Lutz. You're under arrest for the r*pes of Kelly Sun and Laurel Andrews.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

People of the State of New York v. Eric Lutz.

Two counts of r*pe in the First Degree.

How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

Bail? The People request $2 million.

The defendant was arrested on his way to jet off to Colombia.

On a long-overdue business trip, which A.D.A. Greylek knows full well.

She's manipulating the Court.

And you would never do that, would you, Hilary?

Bail is set at $500,000 and the defendant will surrender his passport.

Your Honor, motion to sever the cases.

Parading the defendant's sexual partners before the Court is highly prejudicial.

They're not his sexual partners, they're his r*pe victims and establish a pattern of behavior.

This pattern overwhelms my client's presumption of innocence.

He'll be innocent until proven guilty in my courtroom.

Motion to sever is denied.

My client would like to change his plea to not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

On what grounds?

He's addicted to pornography.

Watching porn is not an excuse to r*pe.

Being brainwashed is.

My client's ability to understand right from wrong was damaged after watching thousands of hours of women who appear to enjoy being forced to have sex.

Fascinating and repugnant.

But legally acceptable.

I'll allow the defense.

Just like that? The judge didn't even want to read the motion.

Nope. "Porn made me do it.

" Unbelievable. But is it?

I can't count the number of perps that we've collared with porn stashes that would make Jenna Jameson gag.

And that ain't easy.

Wait. So you think that gives Lutz an excuse?

No. But you can't tell me that there's no connection between porn and r*pe.

Whoa. Hold up. I've enjoyed adult entertainment a time or two, and I've never forced a woman.

So after what we see all day, you go home and watch women being degraded to get off?

All women don't feel the same way you do about porn.

I mean, my girl digs it.

Plus, you've got female producers running multi-million-dollar porn production companies.

Women making porn?

That's like the whore on the corner working her way up to pimp.

Doesn't make it right.

Lighten up, choirboy.

You don't have to be a perv to like porn.

Oh, yeah? Then how come people don't put V for vag*na next to Vertigo on their bookshelves?

Because they're afraid of being judged by prudes like you.

Even hockey moms are getting Brazilian bikini waxes to look like centerfolds.

Porn is mainstream now.

But, Kim, this is my point.

Porn makes normal women want to emulate hookers and tells rapists that their sick fantasies are okay.

You know that's not true for all rapists.

Well, it is for enough of them.

I just hope the jury isn't snowed by Lutz's expert witness.

Forty million Americans enjoy pornography every year.

I mean, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone in this courtroom who hasn't enjoyed a skin flick or two.

Dr. Crosthwaite, how can watching images affect us?

My research shows that porn triggers a chemical response.

Adrenaline levels increase.

Dopamine and serotonin, the feel-good neurochemicals, skyrocket.

But images aren't dr*gs.

No, but the chemical response to those images can be as addictive as a drug.

Are you telling me that a porn addict can get hooked on his brain's own chemistry?

Yes. Your client watched thousands of hours of violent porn, driving him to act out his fantasies.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

Dr. Crosthwaite, are you familiar with the psychological studies of Diamond and Uchiyama in Japan?

And Kutchinsky in Europe and Scandinavia?


Please tell us their conclusions.

Both studies found that an increase in the availability of pornography positively correlated to a decrease in sexual assaults.

In other words, when porn is easily available, fewer r*pes happen.

That's right.

So shouldn't pornography have an opposite effect on the defendant?

Not necessarily.


The research is clear.

Porn is an outlet for fantasies and decreases the urge to r*pe.

That's true, but this...

Nothing further.

Your Honor, Ms. Greylek asked our expert a question. Why not let her answer it?

Go ahead, Doctor.

Porn is like alcohol.

Some people can consume it safely in moderation.

Give an alcoholic a drink and he can't stop at one.

Mr. Lutz needs rehab, not prison.

Porn ruined my life.

I'd stay up for hours searching for the perfect images, so I could...


Yeah, I did it at night, so I could sleep.

I did it in the morning before I went to work.

Pretty soon, I was sneaking peeks at the office. I couldn't stop.

Did you try to quit?


All the time.

But my hands were shaking, you know?

I get irritable.

I couldn't concentrate.

It was like going through withdrawal.

Tell us about the videos.

They were difficult to watch.

What were you thinking when you were with these women?

That they went home with me.

That they wanted to have sex.

I thought they were into it.

Look, I'm so sorry if I hurt anybody.

I'm in therapy now and I'm trying to recover from this terrible addiction.

I know how difficult this has been, Eric. I appreciate your candor.

I don't get it. You're handsome, well-educated.

You have a good job, money...

Why did you get into porn?

Not good in the sack?

Objection. Relevance.

Mr. Lutz put his sexual prowess and proclivities on the table.

Objection overruled.

The knife cuts both ways, Ms. Regnier.

So why look at porn in the first place?

What tickled your fancy?

Girl-on-girl? Double penetration? Gay-for-pay?

Hey, I'm into women.

But you couldn't get a real, live woman willingly.

Sure, I could, but porn takes away the complications.

Complications? Like a woman's needs and desires?

Yeah, you all want to get married and have kids.

So you wanted sex with no strings attached?

Yes. Sex with a woman you could pin down, push up her skirt, yank off her panties and force yourself onto?

That's not what I meant.

This isn't about complications or porn.

It's the fight that turns you on.

No. It is not.

Really? Let's take a look at one of your videos.

Now I'm going to give you what you want.


I have a husband, a baby.

Good, then you're used to putting out.

Please don't hurt me!

Tell me you love it.

I love it.

Tell me you love it.

Tell me you love it.

I love it!

I love it! I want you!

Get off me! No!

You don't have to do this!

No, turn it off.

You're getting too turned on?

I didn't say that.

You like it, don't you, Mr. Lutz?

The feel of a woman struggling beneath you, the sobbing, the slapping, the fight they put up...

I said turn it off!

You sure about that?

Because that's not an objection you're raising.

Greylek tells me Lutz is going down for what popped up in court today.

Well, I guess the jury saw him for the monster that he is, huh?

What's the matter?

You don't look happy.

I'm not. Greylek just put Laurel Andrews through the wringer for nothing.

What are you talking about?

Look at this.

Flipper looks a little frisky there. So what?

It's on Judge Moredock's file server, along with other suggestive images, like a randy goat.

Right in the middle of a case that he's trying involving porn.

Well, someone's gunning for him, huh?

Or us.

Either way, this comes out, his objectivity gets called into question and triggers a mistrial.

We've got to tell Greylek. Lutz will walk because Judge Moredock gets a laugh from raunchy pictures.

Anonymous e-mail, my left cheek.

It's that idiot law clerk I fired last year trying to make trouble for me.

I have to turn them over to the defense.

These were never meant for public consumption.

They're goofy pictures.

They were on my personal file server, not a website.

Well, we found them.

That means others can, too.

Do you think these are obscene?

It doesn't matter what I think.

If this comes out after the trial, the defense has grounds for appeal.

Which I would never want.

I'm recusing myself and declaring a mistrial.

Detective Benson. You're going to make me go through this again?

It was my duty to turn those photos over.

I thought your duty was to protect victims like me.

Believe me, Laurel, the last thing that I want to do is to hurt your case.

You made me remember, relive that awful night.

And now, for the rest of my life, I will never get those horrible images out of my head.

I'm sorry... And I won't testify again.

You okay?


Liv, go home.

I can't.

Without Laurel's testimony, I don't have a case.

There's got to be something that I can find to get Lutz.

If the answer is in this box, it will still be there in the morning.

I got this receipt from Tiffany's for $18,000, one month before the r*pe.

Doesn't say what it's for.

What does a guy like Lutz spend that kind of money on?

Have to be some pretty fancy cufflinks.

Or an engagement ring.

The son of a bitch was going to get married.

Who was she, Eric?

What are you doing here?

Just asking you a question.

You're trying to intimidate me.

A woman walks down a public street and you find that intimidating?

Interesting. Cut the crap, Detective. This is harassment.

She was your first victim, but she wasn't a random stranger.

You were going to marry her.

You're not going to get away with this.

Oh, yeah?

You just love taking photos of women, don't you?

Yeah. I'm going to have your badge.

Yeah? Not before I throw you in jail.

Hey, he take the bait?

You bet. He made a phone call and I'm tracing her name and address.

You know as well as I do that Detective Benson crossed the line.

She stalked and harassed my client.


Last time I checked, sidewalks were public property.

Oh, cut the attitude, sweetheart.

We've got the proof in the photos.

And I've got the proof in the flesh.

Shannon Browning, Mr. Lutz's former fiancée.

I'm not sure what someone in my client's past has to do with...

Then let Ms. Browning describe the phone call that your client made to her last night.

How he threatened to k*ll her if she said anything to the police about what he did to her two years ago.

I remember everything.

Eric picked me up at Grand Central Station.

Said it was going to be a special day.

On the way home, he proposed.

He gave me the most beautiful ring.

And then, when we got back to his place, he r*ped me over and over and over.

You look surprised, Hilary.

Just think how the next jury will react.

You ungrateful bitch.

You know I would have given you everything.

All you had to do was be a loving wife.

How could you do this to me?

And to all of those other women, too?

You remember Laurel, right? And Kelly?

You sluts loved it.

Eric, shut up.


What are you offering?

At least 25 years in jail.

I think we're done here.

Especially him.

I'm the one you'll always remember. Hey!

You're never going to get over me!

Hey! You hear me? I'm the best that you ever had!

You'll never forget me!

You'll never forget me!

You hear me?

You will never forget me!
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