09x06 - Svengali

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x06 - Svengali

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Come on. Come on.


Jeez, Damien.

What are you doing here so late?

Finishing a grant. You?

End of the quarter financials.

I... I need some caffeine.

You wanna come?

It's on me.

I'm going to bed... alone.


Sheila, are you okay?

I think so.

My bag fell.

Oh, my God.

Looks like she was dressed for her dream date.

It ended when the perp strangled her repeatedly with her own pantyhose.

By the ligature marks, I'd say three or four times.

He choked her and let her come back?

Got off on it.

Yeah, it gets worse.

The k*ller sliced off her breasts.

Took him a couple tries.

Hope she wasn't awake.

No, no spatter.

She was already dead.

We find her...

Severed parts?

Not yet.

k*ller must've walked out with them.

Well, here's how he got in.

The lock's been tampered with.

Check out the scratches.

No blood trail.

He didn't cut her out here.

So he kills her, he jimmies the lock, he grabs the body to the elevator shaft, hacks her up.

Place is filthy.

Explains the dirt on her dress.

No, it doesn't.

The soil on her dress is clay-like and crystallized.

Nothing like that in this place.

So he k*lled her somewhere else and dumped her here.

No, she let herself in.

How do you figure?

These are hers.

Burglary tools.

m*rder is a high price to pay for breaking and entering.

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Law & Order: SVU
9x06. Svengali

Original air date: 2007/11/06

Ran our victim's prints, got a hit.

Tina Snow, 21, went to Hudson University.

College student? What's her record for, drunk and disorderly?

Trespassing, breaking and entering.

Explains the tool kit.

Rap sheet says she was pinched at a storage unit on one charge.

The other an electronics warehouse.

Anything worth stealing where she was found?

High-end art gallery in the same building.

Maybe she's upping in the ante.

Was she busted with a partner?

No, both collars she was solo.

Maybe this time she had a partner.

Who turned on her.

Mutilating her breasts is personal.

r*pe kit was negative.

But tox screen bumped.

Tina's blood alcohol was three times the legal limit and she had GHB in her system.

Date r*pe drug.

So why get her drunk, slip her a roofie, and not r*pe her?

Maybe he couldn't rise to the occasion.

Liv, Elliot, see if Tina was hanging with anybody new.

Start with the roommate.

Apartment of Tina Snow 412 East 53rd Street Monday, October 15

Oh, my God.

She was into some freaky stuff, but I never thought she'd wind up dead.

What kind of freaky stuff?

She stayed out all night.

Never went to class.

Hudson was threatening to kick her out.

For bad grades?

Didn't pay her tuition.

See her stack of pinks?

12 grand or she couldn't graduate.

Her parents wouldn't help her out?

They live in Arkansas.

They didn't like their daughter moving to sin city.

Could explain why she was heisting.

A lot of ash here.

What was she burning?

Got me.

Every week she'd get a note card in the mail then light it up.

Do you know who sent them?


But it was something dirty.

She was hooking?

No, I mean what she did was dirty.

Every time she got a card, she'd go out and come back all covered in muck.

Found these flecks of mica in the soil sample from the victim's dress.

They're from finely-ground Manhattan schist.

Well that narrows it down to Manhattan.

More significant's what I didn't find.

No pollen, no plant life.


How you figure?

Dude, plants can't live without sunlight.

Okay, well there's got to be hundreds of miles of tunnels.

Any idea of which ones are full of schist?

They're all full of schist.

Got something?

Maybe. if we can get some writing off burnt paper.

That'd be a definite maybe.

Chester, hit the light.

Got it.

Well, the paper's definitely burned...

But the writing's still there.

We just can't see it with the visible light.

If I hit it with the right non-visible wavelength...


"Astoria platform, 10, 15, 19, 30."

Today is October 15th.

19:30's military time for 7:30pm.

Which was an hour ago.

There's no Astoria stop in Manhattan.

Actually there is.

Waldorf-Astoria Platform New York Subway Tunnels Monday, October 15

The Waldorf-Astoria used to have a private subway for its guests.

The platform is shut down now.

Let me guess. Your people built all the buildings and the subways too.

Hey, iron work is iron work.

200 feet above the ground or below.

Waldorf is a great place to pull a high class rip off.

Get dressed up, mixed in with a formal event, and then escape through the abandoned tunnels.

Yeah. Peel off your coat and sit down.

Your husband out?

Like it was this afternoon.

I must have said something that gave you a terribly wrong impression.

You must never think anything like that about me, Walter Okay.

No, it's not okay.

Not if you don't believe me.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to be nice to me.

Can't be like the first time.



Come here.

Hey, hey, show's over.

Where you going, spider?

I got nothing to say.

This'll do all your talking for you.

This is Agent Mayhem reporting for the silk and cyanide corps.

"Agent Mayhem?"

Your rap sheet says your name is Edgar Rabinowicz.

Also says that you've been busted for trespassing, burglary, and resisting arrest, Edgar.

But Agent Mayhem's got a nicer ring to it.

I like it.

It's much more you.

So you had a week's worth of fun on that video.

Now tell me, exactly what is the silk and cyanide corps?

We're secret agents of adventure.

Like James Bond.


But our playground's the city.

Danger lurks around every bend of the tunnels and every rooftop.

Sounds like a death wish to me.

Let's see how far you went with Tina.

Slow down, Agent TNT.

I'm leading this mission.

Can't you keep up with a girl?

Shut up, bitch!

Good job.

You beat him again.

You got a temper, Edgar.

She challenged your authority.

She emasculated you in front of the entire group.

Pay her back by making her one of the boys?

What are you talking about?

You strangling her and cutting off her breasts.

I didn't k*ll her.

Does that dress look familiar to you?

That's the dress she was m*rder*d in.

Oh, look.

Here it is on your video.

She was alive when we left her.

Where was that?

At a bar.

After our mission.

What bar?

The Mata Hari.

Tina got hammered.

Ask Cecilia.

Who's that, one of your secret agents?

She's the bartender.

Mata Hari Bar 187 East 47th Street Monday, October 15

Yeah, they were here.

They're kind of hard to miss.

They're a little overdressed for our crowd, so...

When did they leave?

He left around 11:30, midnight.

And what about her?

Tina. Yeah, she's, uh, she's always here till last call.

She hook up with anyone?

Well, you know, she's a hottie.

So guys are always hitting on her.

Why, is... is Tina in trouble?

Cecilia, Tina was m*rder*d last night.

Oh... oh my God.

There... there was this guy.

He was a total d*ck.

He threw his beer bottle on the ground when I cut him off.

I... I thought he was gonna hit me.

Well... did you get him thrown out?


No, she calmed him down.

He... he was really into her though.

Did she leave with him?

I tried to stop her, but he told me to piss off, so...

Okay, can you describe him?

Look, look, I don't want to get involved.


You were the last person to see Tina alive.

That guy might've k*lled her.

What do you want from me?

To sit down with a sketch artist.


Yes, ma'am, you think it's a channel 10 news anchor.

Oh, well I wrote it down and we'll check into it, thank you.

Three hours and 238 tips later.

Half of them think it's the local news guy.

At least we know where he was on the night of the m*rder.

Special victims.




The guy... the guy from last night.

The one with Tina.

You're at the bar?

I'm closing.

No one else is here...





Liv, come here.

That's blood.

Well, when will you be done?

Cecilia's been missing for four hours.

She'll probably be dead by then.

CSU found thousands of prints at the bar but none in blood.

So we have no leads?

You guys'll want to see this.

I ran your crime scene image through symbol recognition software and got Venus De Milo.

And that's the inspiration for these...

Which I got off the lnternet.

All of these were created by Robert Morten.

He's doing eight life terms in Sing Sing, no parole.

Then it's a copycat.

Someone who's into Morten's artwork.

Tina Snow's arm's tied behind her.

She resembles the Venus De Milo.

Morten tortured his victims for 12 hours.

That means if this guy's serious about copying Morten's work, Cecilia's got eight hours left.

Let's go talk to the artist.

Sing Sing Correctional Facility Ossining, New York Tuesday, October 16

I'm flattered you like my work.

Perhaps I can help if I know what you're looking for.

Your partner's name.

I worked alone.

Let me rephrase it.

Your new partner's name.

Does this motivate you?

Sorry about that.

He's a little careless.

He gets like that when women get hurt.

Women like Tina Snow, Cecilia Strayer.

Oh, no.

They're sublime.

What I could do with those.

But obviously I'm innocent.

You mutilated women.

There's beauty in everyone.

Sometimes you have to dig deep to find it.

Women with no arms and no breasts are so attractive?

Aren't they?

The Venus De Milo speaks to me.

It's my latest work.

Well somebody's been copying your work.

Why don't you tell us who that is?

Show me the crime scene photos and I'll give you my critique.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Don't touch those.

"Breslau, Klein, and Skobin."

They're your attorneys?

Read them and you'll be violating my attorney/client privilege.

Fan letters are fair game.

Bet your copycat's been sending you little love notes?

We got your names from this letter you wrote Robert Morten.

Yeah, we purchased one of his paintings.

The value is gonna soar now that it's been found at a crime scene.

We're huge fans of outsider art.

Don't you find it vital, raw?

It's sick.

Morten ever tell you about his killings?

Robert didn't k*ll anyone.

The new m*rder proves it.

Ma'am, you've written Morten every week for the past three years and visited him numerous times.

He's my fiance.

As soon as he's released, we're going to get married.

He's never getting out.

We're working on appeals.


The Free Robert Morten Committee.

Who else is on this committee?

I'm the president, and our vice president is Jasper Grice.

I didn't do anything.

Associating with other convicts.

That's a parole violation, Jasper.

I haven't seen Robert since I got out.

Joining his fan club... not that's just a violation of good sense.

He took care of me.

Three years as his cellie... you were his bitch.

What do you want?

Where's Cecilia?


Okay, we know you k*lled Tina Snow.

What did you do with Cecilia Strayer?

We know about your special relationship with Morten.

How do you think we got to you?

Robert told us.

He did?

Oh, yeah.

He told us everything.

How you k*lled Tina Snow to make him look innocent.



Yeah, I k*lled her.

I k*lled her and I left her in an elevator shaft.

Tied her hands behind her back.

Choked her with her own pantyhose.

Then I cut her.

Where's Cecilia?

You got a second?

What the hell?

It's not your guy.

Well, he just confessed.

His supervisor alibied him.

Grice was working off the books loading lumber for the last two night.

He knew about the pantyhose.

We didn't release that to the press.

We got a bigger problem.

911, what's your emergency?

Detective Olivia Benson.

Better leave Robert alone or she'll end up like that college girly.

And don't tell me... it came from a prepaid cell phone.

Yeah, no way to trace it.

TARU said they could tell by the pitch it's a guy but that's about all.

I don't like it.

He knew Olivia by name.

Captain, if we back off now, Cecilia's dead.

What time did the call come in?

Right after you picked up Grice.

He knows something.

Let's find out what.

You gonna take me to lock-up now?

You lied to us.

No, I didn't.

Well, your boss told us that you were loading lumber the night Tina died.

You pathetic wannabe.

You're a leech.

You suck up to guys who got the balls to do what you can't?

You do however have the chance to be a hero.

A hero?

All you have to do is tell us where Cecilia is.

Goes right in your file.

Listen to me. That way you'll forever be linked to Morten.

Where is she?

She's issue number 10.

What does that mean, "issue number 10?"

Le Morte.

The graphic novel inspired by Robert.

These comic books depict the eight murders that Robert Morten committed.

Each cover matches a photo taken at the crime scene.

That's really twisted.

Not as twisted as this.

The series doesn't end at eight murders.

There are five more.

See, in the comic book, Morten doesn't get caught.

He keeps on k*lling.

Check out issue 9.

Look familiar?

The cover matches Tina Snow's death.

That victim died in an elevator shaft just like Tina.

Our m*rder*r is staging crimes to match these covers.

Somebody's taken up where Morten left off.

Show him issue ten.

That's the exact same image as the bar where Cecilia was kidnapped.

Now Morten k*lled his real-life victims 12 hours after he took them.

If our theory's right, Cecilia's got two hours left to live.

Who's the sicko dreaming these up?

"Story and art by Harrison Thomas."

Grab him up and push him till he breaks.

Apartment of Harrison Thomas 580 West 44th Street Tuesday, October 16

You can't just come in.

You have no right.

The warrant says we do.

On what grounds?

Tina Snow's crime scene looks exactly like a m*rder in your comic book.

What.... thousands of people read my graphic novels.

This one came out of your sick mind.

Where were you two night ago around 2:00 am?

I was working on the next edition with my inker.

Hey, get out of my stuff.

Oh, Ted Bundy Undies.

I don't know what's sicker, you thinking this up or people actually paying for it.

It's called freedom of expression.

Till somebody gets k*lled, then it's called m*rder.

m*rder is a part of our society.

It's human nature.

Unfortunately, that's why I'm still employed.

Liv, come here.

"I take her to the only place that feels right."

Where is this?

That's Robert's childhood home.

Upstairs, Morten's bedroom.

She's alive... barely.

Manhattan SVU, we need a bus at 612 West 48th Street.

Cecilia, stay with me.

You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

How are you feeling?

I'm... confused.

The last think I remember was... working with the sketch artist.

You had GHB in your system, and that causes amnesia.

Was... was I r*ped?


But somebody att*cked you with a knife.

What? Is my um...

You have some cuts on your chest but everything's intact.

You're going to need some plastic surgery though.

If I would've never talked to you, none of this would've happened to me.

Oh, my God.

My life is so messed up.


Cecilia, is there anybody that I can call?

Your mother or your father?

There is... no one.

Just go away.

What happened with the comic book creep?

His alibi checked.


So he keeps selling his sick fantasies while Tina's on a slab and Cecilia's scarred for life?

Harrison Thomas didn't k*ll Tina and he didn't attack Cecilia.

Find out who did.
Liv, I got your pizza.

I didn't order a pizza.

It's got your name on it.

Well, I'm not hungry.

Throw it out.

Hey, you gotta recycle that box.

Dude, don't you care about the environment?

It's not empty.

There's a pie in here.

I'll eat it.

No such thing as bad pizza.

It's double pepperoni.

It's gonna k*ll you.

Call a bus and the b*mb squad.

I'm good.

I'm just a little banged up.

You could have a concussion.

You're seeing the Doc.

We got five headed to mercy including Lake.

But most of them just have cuts and bruises.

We're lucky nobody got k*lled in there.

You're off the case.

Captain, that's exactly what this guy wants.

That b*mb had your name on it.

Right, but look around.

You think taking us off the case is gonna make him stop?

How's your ear?

I got two.

b*mb squad said it was a pipe b*mb made out of PVC and black powder.

Lightweight but deadly.

Yeah, except the dumb ass didn't seat the blasting caps just right.

Captain of the b*mb squad's gonna do a floor-by-floor.

Gonna take at least an hour.

That's great.

Where are you going?

Somebody try to bust my eardrums, I'm gonna bust they ass.

You guy's okay?

We got lucky.

You might be luckier than you think.

Similar knife blade was used to cut both Tina Snow and Cecilia Strayer.

But Cecilia's wounds appear to taper as they move away from the midline.

You're saying that the k*ller pulled away as he cut Cecilia?

No, by the angle and depth of these wounds I'd say they were self-inflicted.

Cecilia cut herself?

I'd bet on it.

Captain, you've gotta let us find out.

Get yourselves cleaned up while Novak gets a search warrant for her apartment.

Apartment of Cecilia Strayer 216 East 40th Street Tuesday, October 16

There's trash everywhere.

This place is a dump.

Beautiful girl.

This sketch is signed "R.M."

Robert Morten.

They knew each other.

Maybe they're pen pals.

Got an awful lot of letters here, all with the same return address...

Robert Morten.

These go back a lot of years.

Son of a bitch.

Employee ID, Breslau, Klein, and Skobin.

Cecilia worked at Robert's law firm.

Legal visits and correspondence aren't on inmate logs.

That's why we didn't put it together.

She played us.

Cecilia was the last person to see Tina the night she died.

She gave Tina the GHB.

She lures her down to the basement, gets her to pick the lock, kills her, and then covers it up by faking her own as*ault.

Robert told Cecilia to k*ll for him.

You think he told her to commit su1c1de?

Maybe it's in the letters.

"Dear Cecilia, thank you for your letter.

Your father was a good friend.

He spoke of you often.

His little sunny girly."

How did Morten know your dad?

When I was 17, I found out my father didn't die in a car crash like my mother told me he did.

He was in prison for bank robbery.

"Your daddy said you had eyes like summer and hair as soft as lambs' wool.

You were the best thing he ever did in his life.

I'd love to see if you look like him.

Please send me a picture."

That was a good one.

You really had her going.

She wanted it.

She drank it up like punch at the prom.

"Dearest Cecilia, your letters are my salvation.

I don't know if I could survive another day in here without you."

"You're the only one who can help me."

He told you to get an internship at his law firm.

So I could visit him without being monitored.

He needed me to help him with his appeals.

We had complete privacy.

Complete privilege.

Sounds cozy.

Oh, it was.

She was a virgin.

I plucked her.

Robert loves me.

But he didn't want to see you anymore.

No, he was just having doubts.

I know what it's like growing up without a father.

Wishing that you had a man who loved you...


I used to feel like... like there was part of me that was missing.

I felt hollow.

And then I met Robert.

And he filled that hole.


But when he left you that hole got much, much bigger.

"You'll never understand me.

You'll never truly know me, my art, my soul... the depths I can reach are far beyond your shallow grasp.

If we were soul mates, you'd be like me."

A k*ller.

I never k*lled anyone.

Well, I know you did.

But what I can't figure out is why Tina?

What made you pick her?

You know, she looks a lot like you.

Who were you really trying to hurt, Cecilia?

You know what I think?

I think that you were trying to hurt yourself when you k*lled Tina.

You were k*lling yourself.

I wish I would've died.

Tina was a gift.

An artistic offering to me.

You think Cecilia k*lled for you.

I can prove it.

She took trophies, didn't she?

Tina's breasts.

I know what she did with them.

I got something.

I think we have enough evidence to charge Cecilia Strayer with m*rder.

Elliot, I brought you this far.

At least give me a peek.

You sick son of a bitch.

Take it easy.

Don't give him what he wants... relax.



Take the garbage out of here.

Hey, tiger.

Let's do this again sometime.

Warner verified breast tissue as a match to Tina.

Where's Olivia?

Home getting some shut-eye.

You get out of here too.

Don't need to tell me twice.

Good night.

You should be resting.

Not supposed to sleep with a concussion.

Besides, I wanted to check out the surveillance video.


Well, we got the guy on tape, but the ball cap hides his face.

Hey, do me a favor. Call Liv, give her an update. I have to go home.

My pregnant wife is looking for peanut butter and tacos.

Dude, say no more.

Thanks, dude.


It's Chester. I've gone over the surveillance video a hundred times.

There's no good face sh*ts.

He knew there were security cameras.

He planned for a shift change.

Everyone was focused on going home, not spotting a bomber.

Yeah, nobody remembers and ordinary pizza guy.

Hey, wait.

I got something.

There's a tattoo on the perp's neck.

It's hard to tell but it looks like a circle...

With a line through it?

Yeah, you know him?

Yeah, that comic book geek Harrison Thomas.

He had a tat like that...


Bitch, I told you to leave Morten alone.

10-13 I've been stabbed!

Hand on, Olivia. We're coming.

He's got a knife.

Get all available units to Detective Benson's apartment.

You'll never beat Morten.

He's smarter than all of you.

Morten's a genius.

You really beat the crap out of him.

But how many others are out there willing to k*ll for him?

What does he have over them?

Morten's a sociopathic serial k*ller who exploited a vulnerable girl for his own thrill.

Cecilia never would've m*rder*d Tina if she hadn't met Morten.

A bad influence isn't a defense.

People V. Rosa.

A judge found a convicted pedophile coerced Angel Rosa into murdering his own mother.

Rosa got off with time served.

The svengali defense?

No, mental disease.

Like Rosa, my client had no control of her actions.

She felt compelled to do what Morten wanted.

Angel Rosa was 15 and the pedophile had been sexually abusing him.

Cecilia was 17 and Morten sexually abused her while he was incarcerated.

Is this true?

Cecilia Strayer got an internship at Morten's law firm so she could have booty calls under the cloak of privilege.

At Morten's behest.

That's enough.

It distresses me that attorney/client privilege was flagrantly misused to conduct sexual liaisons.

However, in light of case law, I am allowing the defense of not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

Trial Part 38

Tuesday, October 23

Tell us about the time you tried to end your life.

I couldn't stop crying.

And the world had this... dark ring around it.

I felt like it was closing in.

And how did you try to stop it?

I drank some vodka.

Thought it might make me feel better, but it just made me more depressed.

And what did you do next?

Sometimes cutting releases the pain.

But the pain was just too much.

So I took some GHB.

I figured I'd either bleed to death or overdose.

Either way I'd be gone.

Why did you want to die?


Did Robert Morten tell you to k*ll yourself?

He got into my head.

I kept hearing him say that I had to k*ll someone...

And then I'd be free.

The pain would be gone and everything would make sense.

Life, beauty, love.

I know this is hard, but please...

Show the court where you cut yourself.


Goes to state of mind.

I'll allow it.


Statuesque with porcelain skin.

I should've brought my sketchbook.

Did you tell Cecilia Strayer to k*ll Tina Snow?

Whatever happened to foreplay?

Did you tell Cecilia to k*ll Tina?


Did she ever tell you she was going to k*ll someone for you?


It's a subpoena for your testimony as a rebuttal witness for the prosecution.

That's a new one.

What do I get in return?


And if I refuse?

We'll hold you in contempt of court.

I'm already serving eight life sentences.

Contempt of court's hardly gonna make it worse.


You need me.

Or you wouldn't be here at 10:00 on a Tuesday night.

What do you want?

Possibility of parole.

Transfer to the federal prison system.

They have better food, better accommodation, all together a better class occupant.

It's a win-win.

I bet Cecilia was very convincing.

Did the jury cry?


On the gate.

We're gonna be a great team, you and I.

Trial Part 38

Wednesday, October 24

The prosecution calls Robert Morten.

There he is!

We love you, Robert.

We're here for you, Robert.

Quiet. Any more outbursts and I will clear this courtroom.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?


Mr. Morten, did you ever tell the defendant to commit m*rder?


That's not what you told me.

You are under oath, Mr. Morten, and subject to the penalty of perjury if you do not tell the truth.

Do you understand?


Let me ask you again.

Did you tell Cecilia Strayer to k*ll?

Yes. I've told many to express themselves.

No one had the emotional fortitude to do it until Cecilia.

Did you tell her to buy the GHB?

I wouldn't do that.

Did you tell her to get the knife?

Each artist's tools are their own.

I wouldn't want to influence her artistic choices.

You think of yourself as an artist.

I think my work speaks for itself.

People's ten, Your Honor.

This is a photo of the crime scene.

Would you compare this artist's work with your own?

Objection, the witness is not an expert.

The m*rder scene closely resembles crimes perpetrated by Mr. Morten.

Who better to critique them?

I'll give you this latitude, Ms. Novak, but don't stray far.

You may answer the question.

At first blush, you might think this is unique.

But it... it lacks understanding...

Depth... with the human canvas, you have the opportunity to do true action painting.

Where's the energy?

Where's the spatter?

This is lifeless dreck.

A cheap knock-off of my work.

Whoever did this... is a talentless hack.

But I did this for you!

Counselor, control your client.

I love you.


Get your hands off him.

He's mine!

He's mine!

It's been fun, girly.

Mr. Morten, please!

You're nothing like me.

I did everything that you wanted.

I love you.

Please tell me that you love me!


I was right.


You could never understand me.

Get this woman out of my courtroom right now!

I love you.

Let's go. Move it.

I love you.

Get her out of here.

I love you, Robert! Please!

I love you.

I love you, please.

Well, you were great.

Did you like it?

Bet you didn't know what was gonna happen next.

You put on quite a show.

You got her off.

She's going to a psych ward.

Is that a frown on your pretty face?

Actually I think Cecilia's going exactly where she belongs.

So are you.

You're backing out on the deal.

No, you're being transferred to a federal prison.

I thought you'd be a sore loser.

You're gonna love Florence Supermax.

23-hour lockdown.

No visitors, no mail, no phone calls.

No human contact for the rest of your life.

You can't do that to me.

Why don't you wave bye to all your fans?

But you made a deal.

And it's a masterpiece.

How do you like my work?

You used me.

You set me up.

It¡¯s not fair!

This isn't right!
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