09x01 - Alternate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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09x01 - Alternate

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Welcome back.

Hey, thanks.

Nice haircut.

Guess I had too much time on my hands.

Is the captain in?

You better catch him while you can.


I wanted to thank you.

Don't mention it.

I know that you had to pull some strings to keep me here after my suspension.


Just hope it didn't cost you too much.

What's going on?

I've been, uh, temporarily reassigned.

Chief of D's office.


You aided your fugitive brother.

Elliot covered up his kid's DUI.

Fin's stepson butchered two people and walked.

Somebody's gotta take the heat.

But we're the ones who screwed up.

On my command.

One PP calls that "Failure to Supervise."

That's insane.

You want insane?

Guess who they put in charge.

I had nothing to do with that.

If drafted, I will not run.

If elected, I will not serve.

You are lying like a politician.

You took the sergeant's exam right behind our back.

What's up with that?

I took it last year on a bar bet.

Enjoy your new office, sergeant Munch.

Don't let the power go to your head.

It was an honor serving under you, sir.

I'm not dead yet, Detective Lake.

We'll get you back, Captain.

Try and behave yourselves.

Excuse me.

I need to report a possible case of child abuse.

Why don't you have a seat over here.

We've got it covered, Sarge.

I'm torn about reporting this.

It involves a patient.

Well, if you treated a child with suspicious injuries, then doctor-patient privilege goes out the window.

I've never met the child.

I'm a psychiatrist.

I'm treating the mother for postpartum depression.

And how old is the child?

A year.

Janis called me this morning enraged.

She was giving April a bath, and she said that no matter how hard she scrubbed... she couldn't get the filthy slut clean.

The baby was screaming.

The mother's name and address?

Janis Donovan, 182 14th st.

I'm Dr. Anna Young, this is my card.

Would you call me and let me know what happens?


I don't hear a baby.


Crib's empty.

It's a doll.



No, I'm her neighbor.

What's going on?

What's your name?


Bev, how well do you know Janis?

Not well.

She moved in with April right after I had Tommy, but she doesn't do play dates.

Dr. Young told us she never that met the baby. Why is she holding her?

I don't know who Dr. Young is, but that's not the woman in the photo.

Yeah, who's that?

It's Janis.

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Law & Order: SVU
9x01. Alternate

Original air date: 2007/09/25

Her name's not Anna Young and she's not a psychiatrist.

Must be some kind of whack job.

License says she's Janis Donovan.

DMV's got an 07 Honda registered to her.

Then who's Dr. Anna Young?

Can't find anybody by that name.

I knew there was something hinky about her.

It was so obvious.

Did superpowers come with that promotion?

Dr. Anna Young.


Anna Freud, Carl Jung.

Real clever alias.

No corrective lens restrictions on her license either.

Her glasses were fake too.

Right. Then why go to all that trouble?

She sent us right to her own apartment.

Yeah, on a wild goose chase.

She's an attention seeker wasting out time.

Case closed.

Not so fast. Guys.

The name might be fake, but the baby's real.

We've gotta track this kid down and make sure she's okay.

By the way, we're tossing the apartment.

Not without a search warrant.

Well, that's going to be tough considering there's no sign of foul play.

Look, she reported herself.

How much probably cause do you need?

Neighbors ever see her hurt the kid?

They know nothing about her except that she's painfully shy.

Wait a minute.

She gave us her business card.

Check my desk.

Name's fake.

The number's probably a dial-a-scam.

If it's a toll call, I'm not approving the charges.

It's ringing.



Dead end, Lake.

Maybe not.

I'm running the address off the business card.

The office of Dr. Henry Carlisle, psychoanalyst.



Is she a patient of yours?

Sorry. I'm not at liberty to say.

You just did.

Confidentiality only applies to patients.

You need to help us find her.

We're afraid that she's gonna hurt her baby.

If I believed she was a danger herself or others...

You'd be able to talk.

I guarantee you she's lost it.

Look, we know that you're treating her for postpartum depression.

What would make you think that?

Dr. Young told us.

She came down to our squad room wearing granny glasses just like yours.

That doesn't make her violent.

How about calling her baby a filthy slut and scrubbing her raw?

That's not good.

It's gonna real bad for you if she hurts that baby and you don't help us.

She works at a museum.

If she's not there, all I have is an emergency contact.

Penny Taylor.

The bitch fired me.

And made sure I'd never get another babysitting gig.

So why were you fired?

I have no clue.

Janis was the flake, not me.

Flaky how?

She dropped April off at my apartment every morning at 8:00.

She was supposed to pick her up at 6:00.

And sometimes she wouldn't show up till 10:00 or 11:00.

Let me guess.

Drunk, high?

She looked sober, but she would insist that she was right on time.

I would point to the clock.

But then she would start crying and ask me why I was playing tricks on her.

Do you think that she could hurt her baby?

You know, she threw April's bottle at me once after she spit up.

And accused me of feeding her hot sauce.

I've worked for Janis three weeks.

I've never heard her raise her voice before.

Any idea why she didn't show up with April this morning?

I called to check on her, and a strange woman answered.


She said her name was Petra.

That Janis wasn't there.

You sure that wasn't Janis just messing with you?


This woman was Russian.

So any idea where Janis could be?

The only place I know of is work.

Museum of Natural History.

Janis is one of our top archeologists.

We were lucky to steal her from Penn.

Spider lady, huh?

Nobody mentioned that.

I'm not surprised.

She's not very comfortable around people.

A lot like her friend the loxosceles reclusa.

The brown recluse.

Do you have any idea why Janis didn't show up for work today?

As far as I know, she did.

She's here?

No, she's out in the field somewhere collecting specimens.

She's about milked the ones we have dry.

She milks spiders.

For the venom.

Take a look.

Gotta milk a thousand of these babies to get one teaspoon.

Pharmaceutical possibilities are endless.

Could cure heart fibrillations, diabetes...

Sir, we just need to know where Janis could be.

I'll get you her favorite hot spots.



Janis has been coming here once a week ever since the infestation.

Odd girl.

Yeah, so we heard.

Got one for you.

Oh, that little thing was harmless.

The real demons are in the rectory.

Six-eye sand spiders.

Was Janis here today?

No, yesterday.

Reverend Ferguson was doing missionary work in Africa, and the little buggers got into his suitcase.

I mean, I know they're God's creatures, but...

Do you have any idea where Janis might be today?

She had a heated discussion about it.

With who?


I could hear her from the next room.

Do you remember what she said?

"I'm running away from home."

"Don't you think that would hurt her?"

"I don't care. She never listens to me."


You think she was psychotic?

I thought she was possessed.

But when I walked in the room, she seemed sane as can be.

That was Munch.

Janis' car came with lojack.

She's heading north on the Westside highway.

Yo, sergeant Munch, we traced the car to lnwood Hill park.

Oh, hold on. Check out the baby stroller approaching at 6:00.

Mom's wearing a hoodie.

Can't see her face.

I'm on it.

Excuse me.


False alarm.

How you guys doing in the park?

No, sign of her.

Hey, Liv.

Caves are on the list of the hot spots.


She's been here.


Put your hands up where I can see them.

It's empty.

Where's April?


What did you do with your baby, Janis?

I'm not big enough to have a baby.

And my name's not Janis.

It's Tammy.

I want to go home.

You're not going anywhere until you tell us where your baby is.

I already told you I don't have a baby.

I'm only six.

Okay, enough, Janis...

My name is not Janis.

It's Tammy.

All right, Tammy, listen to me.

Did you leave April somewhere outside?

You know, it's getting really late, and she must be very cold and hungry and really scared.

She needs your help.

Will you help me find her?


Okay, good.

So where is she?

If I tell, he'll hurt me.


Who's gonna hurt you?

I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you, I promise.

Now, did you give April to a man?


He just took her.

What's his name?

Tammy, what's his name?



And where did Burt take her?

I don't know.

Come on.

For real.

Enough, enough, enough.

I've had enough of your games.

This is you.

This is your child.

You couldn't handle motherhood, so you abandoned her.

Now you let her die out there from exposure, you're going to prison for m*rder.


Tammy, let's sit back down.

You pack quite a wallop for a six-year-old.

You! Get out of my face!

I want a lawyer!

You just assaulted a police officer.

So maybe he'll give you a discount.

Two charges for the price of one.

Screw you!

You can't take a slap?

Grow some balls!

That must be Petra.

Who the hell's Petra?

Russian lady that answered the phone this morning when the babysitter called Janis.

Well, whatever her name is, she just said the magic word.

I gotta get them out of there and get her a lawyer.

I'll call the Huang and tell him to bring the butterfly net.


From what you're telling me, she has dissociative identity disorder.

Or what we used to call multiple personalities.

Right, and I call it a crock.

Well, you're not alone.

There's a huge divide in the psychiatric community.

So what do you think?

I think it's over-diagnosed, but in the genuine cases that I've seen it's almost always the result of long term childhood sexual abuse.

Was she a victim?

Who knows? Is that gonna help us find her daughter?

It could.

Tell me about her alters.

Her alternate personalities?

So far we've seen a shrink, a little girl, and a tough Russian.

And I bet she does a mean Christopher Walken too.

Look, she's playing us.

Not necessarily.

When a child is repeatedly abused, she can detach and imagine that it's happening to someone else.

Additional personalities are created as needed to cope with the trauma.

Okay, well, we don't have time for this.

Her lawyer's on his way down here, and...

You need to trick her into telling us where that baby is.

She might not know.

The host personality is often unaware of the alters, or of the alters' actions.

Tammy told us that Burt took her.

She was about to tell me where, when Petra showed up and bitch slapped Elliot.

I'd sure like to have five minutes with Burt.

How do we get him?

The alters are a defense mechanism brought out by stress.

It's a question of finding the right trigger.

Okay, trigger, let's go.


What are you doing in uniform?

Press conference. It's our last option.

Well, maybe not.

Doc here thinks he might be able to get something out of her.

People with DID can be easily hypnotized.

If I can put her under, then maybe I can bring out the alter who took the baby.

That's a great plan, but you can't talk to her.

Munch, no offense, but I don't care if they crown you chief of D's.

I'm not taking orders from you.

It's not an order, detective.

You can't talk to froot loops because her attorney's already in there.

Well, there's no law against talking to the attorney.

He's gotta get it out of her.

Tune in tonight at 11:00.

Every nutjob that's ever seen a baby will be calling in.

You're making a bad decision.

I strenuously urge you to reconsider.

Who are you?

I'm detective Benson.

Who are you?

I'm Dori.

Would you please tell this a-hole that I didn't do anything wrong, so I don't need a lawyer.

Well, it sounds like she's changed her mind, Heshy.

Which mind... Janis's, Petra's, or Dori's?

I don't think she's competent.

I think you're a troll.

You're fired.

You invoked your right to counsel.

You're still my client until you legally waive that right.

Bye, bye, butthead.

Bye, bye.

Bye, bye, butthead.

Bye, bye.

I'll get the form.

We're back in.

She waived Miranda.

There. Satisfied?

No, you signed it "Dori Johnson."

That's my name, dumbo.

If you really want to get rid of this guy...

All you gotta do is sign it "Janis Donovan."

I still say you're making a big mistake.

Call me if you change one of your minds.

Dori, my name is Dr. Huang.

I'm a psychiatrist.

Yeah, I already have one, thanks.

Where's your g*n?

In my locker.

Can I see it?

I'll tell you what. If you tell us where April is, I'll be glad to show it to you.

If I knew...

I would so tell you.

Did you say that you were in therapy?


I don't know why.

Have you ever been hypnotized?


Do you mind if I try?

I don't think that Dr. Carlisle would like it.

Oh, come on.

For me?


Why not?

I don't... want to go away.

I feel safe here.

I'll keep trying, but get her shrink here.

He'll know how to reach Burt.

None of Janis' alters are violent.

Petra slapped my partner across the face.

Well, Janis must've felt extremely threatened.

Petra's her protector.

Hope the kid's not out in that storm, because we got nothing off the canvass.

Choppers swept the park with infrared.

She's not there unless she's dead and buried.

We're still working on Janis.

Go see if you can catch Munch.

You guys see Munch yet?

Yeah, just came on.

The baby is a year old.

And believed to have been abandoned.

She was last seen with her mother, Janis Donovan, picture's up?

A $10,000 reward is being offered.

He looks good.

If you have information regarding the child's whereabouts, please call 1-800-555-0199, Thank you.

Special Victims Unit.

I think you need to adjust your TV.

The baby we're looking for is Caucasian.

And the circus begins.

Janis, in a moment, I'm going to pick up your wrist, and when I do, you're gonna notice how light your arm feels.

When it's time to bring you back, I'll tap your shoulder.

You'll feel wide awake, refreshed, and perfectly calm.

You feel very relaxed right now, don't you?

Yes, Dr. Carlisle.

Hello, Janis.


Wouldn't you like to tell me where April is?

At the babysitter's.

You remember taking her there?


That's okay.

You remember the last time you saw her?

When I gave her a bath this morning.

And the next thing you remember?

Searching the cave for Latrodectus Mactans.

That's Latin for "Murderous biting robber."

The black widow.


That's the one with the red hourglass on its abdomen, isn't it?

She envenomates her victim, liquefying its insides, which she then sucks dry.

What do you think?

She k*lled that baby.

And as you listen, you sink deeper and deeper into pleasurable relaxation.

And you realize it would feel so good to let Burt talk to us now, wouldn't it?

We need some help in here.

April is gone.

And she's never coming back!

Let's get the cuffs on her.

No! no!

What's going on?

Gas station attendant outside Philly swears he saw her with the baby this morning.

She pay with a credit card?


Well, she made good time.

A waitress at an IHOP in Reno.

Is serving her waffles as we speak.

Okay, Chester, have Philly PD follow up with your guy.

Janis' boss said she worked at Penn last year.
How's it going in there?

Ah... Dr. Carlisle's had her bouncing between personalities for hours, and Burt's not talking.

Excuse me.

You people have made a terrible mistake.

April's fine.

You're gonna have to come up with a little bit more than that to claim the reward for the missing baby.

She's at my apartment.

I've been with her all day.

And who are you?

Cass Magnall.

I'm April's mother.

Janis is my sister.

She was taking care of April for me.

And who's watching April now?

My landlady.

That's funny. We questioned dozens of people today.

No one knew Janis had a sister.

Or that she wasn't April's real mother.

She moved here after April was born.

And you just popped back into the picture today.


Where've you been?


No, Janis doesn't have a sister.

You sure?


I think it would've come up in therapy.

I've been seeing her for a year now.

Dr. Young?


I need to talk to Janis.

I wish I could help you, but I don't know where she is.

Just let me see her, okay?

She'll tell you who I am.

She doesn't even know who she is.

Why? What's wrong with her?

You don't know?

She seemed fine when she dropped April off this morning.

What were you in jail for?

When I was eight months pregnant, I scored heroin from a NARC.

I just got out yesterday.

10,000 bucks could come in real handy, huh?

Give me a break.

Look, just call my landlady, all right?

She'll tell you April's with her.

They say a picture's worth a thousand words.

Explain this.

Sorry. I seem to have misplaced my glasses.


It looks like Janis' driver's license.

So you recognize Janis.

Of course.

I know my patient.

Dr. Young, will you step around?

I'd like to show you something.

Just come over here.


Who do you see in the mirror?

I see you.


Standing next to Janis.

That's right.

What is it? Some kind of high-tech rear projection?

No, this is not a trick.

You see, that... is you.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand the joke.

How about this one?

I don't know.

Maybe a stroll down memory lane will jog your memory.

Her shrink seems to think Janis was abused as a child.

Any truth to that?

I don't know.

She was 16 when she left home.

I was only six.

Were you abused?


You ever tell Janis that?

Why would I?

She didn't care.

She didn't stick around to protect me.

What did your dad do to you?

The night Janis ran away, he dragged me around the house by my hair demanding to know where she went.

I didn't know, and he didn't believe me.

He made me drink hot sauce till I threw up.

Where was your mother?

She was there in the room.


She never said a word.

Even when he started raping me.

I begged her to help me, but she didn't.

No one did.

Turn it off.

That poor girl.

How could Janis just leave her there like that?

She knew what would happen.

Because the same thing happened to you?

Not to me.

To Janis.

I would never... have left Cass alone like that.

I would've told somebody.

A teacher or somebody I trusted, like detective Stabler.

Do you want me to get you a tissue?

I'll be right back.

Fin just called.

Cass's story checked out.

April has there safe and sound.


Of course I made an ass of myself on the news by authorizing a crapload of wasted man-hours.

What do we do with Janis?

Pack up the phones!

Show's over.

Do we EDP her to be to Bellevue?

I don't know.

Ask her shrink.

She's in really bad shape.

What are you doing?

These are confidential.

I'm sorry.

I was just trying to figure out where I was.


This is so embarrassing.

Have we met?

Uh, technically, no.

I'm detective Benson.

Right, I'm in a police station.

I'm collecting specimens.

Not exactly.


You've got a nice pholcus phalangioides over there on the file cabinet.

Great. Captain leaves me with three months of back reports and a tarantula.

It's a daddy long legs.

But you know, wherever you are, you're almost never more than six feet away from a spider.

Janis, you okay?


What are you doing here?

Is April all right?

Yeah, she's fine.

But we need to talk.

Can I take her home now?

Uh, why don't you give me a minute?

I need to check with someone.

Sending Janis home is a crapshoot.

I disagree. Her behavior today does not accurately reflect her state of mind.

You have been treating her for DID for a year.

She has five personalities.

All functional.

We have no grounds to commit her.

She's no threat to herself or others.

She flew into a rage and threw a chair.

That nearly hit you.

She's had an exceptionally stressful day.

She's had to give up the baby she's been mothering since birth.

Can you guarantee that she's not gonna get worse?

I think she's on the road to recovery.

Look at her.

She's never had a relationship with her sister before.

I think she can help Janis finally confront the abuse, which should lead her to the integration of her fractured personalities.

Let her go home with her sister.

Dad, you have to do something.

What time is it?

9:00, lazy. Aren't you late?

Kathleen, let your dad sleep.

He worked all night last night.

Honey, you shouldn't be lifting heavy things.

Just leave it there.

I'll do it.

She's not supposed to be pregnant.

You're too old. I'm in college.

People will think it's mine.

Dad, you've gotta do something.

Kids at school yesterday saw me picking up trash wearing this.

Can't go against the judge's orders.

Could've sent you to jail for that DUI.

You're lucky you only got community service.

I'm not trying to get out of my punishment.

Just get me re-assigned somewhere indoors where no one can see me.


Dad, it's so embarrassing, please.

I'll be right there.

The victims are Francis and Molly Donovan.

We met their daughters yesterday.

I wondered why they called you guys in.

No sex crime.

g*nsh*t wounds to the chest.

We need ballistics to confirm that?

Should be easy.

Perp left the m*rder w*apon.

You can still smell the cordite.

Mom's eyes are closed.

She caught it in her sleep.

Dad woke up to the blast just in time to see the k*ller.

We both know who did this.

CSU got a bloody fingerprint off the door.

Her name is Janis Donovan.

I told you we should have had her committed.

Hey, Kathy, now is not a good time.


Get out of there now.

Elliot, what's up?

Janis is at my house with a knife.

Where's my wife?

Still inside.


She wouldn't come out.

Wouldn't or couldn't?

Dori insisted on talking to both of you.

Elliot and me, it was totally love at first sight.

He... he kneeled down and whispered to me, and then he winked.

And there was this electricity...

Hi, Elliot.

Dori was just talking about you.

Hi, Elliot.

Dori, what's going on?

I wanted to see you again.

She was very upset when I came home.

She said she wanted to hurt herself.

This lady says she's your wife.

Is that true?

How did you find out where I live?

When that really skinny detective let me alone in the office, I peeked in your file.

Kathy, you don't need to be here.

You should be going.

Well, I guess he made his choice.

Take care of yourself, Dori.

You too.

She's kind of fat.


We need to talk.

I know.

It's really crazy, huh?

Put the knife down on the coffee table.

What's wrong?

Why do you sound so cold?

Put the knife down.


I don't want you to hurt yourself.

What if he comes after me?

I need it.

To protect me.

I'll protect you.

You can't protect me.

Nobody can.

Who do you think is gonna hurt you?


What did Burt do?

He k*lled Janis' parents...

It's okay.

It's okay. Let go.

Elliot, Elliot, he's got me!

Calm down.

He's got me, Elliot!

Calm down now.


I thought you loved me.

I don't think she's competent to stand trial.

She confessed to k*lling her parents in cold blood.

She didn't. Burt did.

Actually, Dori flipped on Burt.

They're all the same person, so I don't care how many names she goes by, I'm putting her body in jail.

That road to recovery she was on got pretty bumpy there, huh, Dr. Carlisle?

I should've spent more time drawing out Burt.

But I honestly didn't think she had a k*ller in her.

Can she stand trial?

She is so fractured right now.

I don't think her psyche could bear it.

I've never had to medicate her to bring her back before.

In my professional opinion, she's not competent.

Forgive me if I don't have the utmost confidence in your professional opinion, doctor.

I'm ordering a 7-30 exam.

I'm not saying I didn't see crazies in Brooklyn, but you guys are cuckoo magnets.

You should've been here for the case when the white supremacist shot Munch in his ass.

He's still gotta sit on a special pillow.

Hey, look who's here.

Hey, Captain, you back?


How'd you swing that?

Well, it didn't hurt that sergeant Munch released a maniac who promptly k*lled mom and dad.

She may be a mental case, but the judge ruled she was competent to stand trial.

Miss me?

Thanks God you're back.

I don't know how you do it.

This job sucks.

Well, you'll be happy to hear that you're officially relieved of your duties as acting C.O.

Anything you need to bring me up to speed on?

Liv and Elliot went through the Donovan house, and they found a box full of old Polaroid.

Confirming the child abuse.


Well, that'll buy her jury sympathy.

Novak gonna plead her out?

She tried, but Janis turned down the deal.

Claims she's innocent.

Of course she is.

Now it's just a matter of what bogus defense her attorney can dream up.

Your Honor, my client wasn't at the scene of the crime.

That's funny. Her bloody fingerprints were all over it.

Oh, her body was there. but she was an innocent bystander.

I'm confused, Mr. Horowitz.

She's the only person being charged with this crime.

I understood she acted alone.

My client suffers from dissociative identity disorder.

She has five documented personalities.

Should we swear them all in separately?

They're distinct individuals, one of whom committed the crime without her knowledge.

You can't punish the host for what the alter did.

We can't just blindly accept Janis was unaware of her actions based on her word.

Otherwise, every m*rder*r is going to use this defense.

"I didn't do it, my imaginary friend did."

It's bunk.

In the US v. Denny-Shaffer, the court of appeals disagreed.

In fact, they tore the trial court a new one for not allowing this defense.

He's right, counselor.

I'm granting Mr. Horowitz's motion.



When did you first diagnose Janis with dissociative identity disorder?

Almost a year ago.

Oh, 11 months before the crime.

And if that time, was she ever aware of the existence of these alters?


So what was going on with Janis when an alter was in control?

Janis would cease to exist.

She would lose chunks of time.

She would have absolutely no memory whatsoever of her alters' actions.

What proof do you have that she's not making up these alters?

I brought them out under deep hypnosis.

Which you had a vested interest in doing.

Isn't it true that you're writing a book about Janis?

The book was inspired by Janis' alters, not the other way around.

Well, is there a blood test, brain scan, anything to objectively prove that they exist?

They have distinctive personalities, voices, memories, behavior, even handwriting.

And you contend that these alters were created to protect Janis.


So if the host, Janis, did k*ll her parents, well, then the alters would lie to protect her.

Janis's mind created them as a survival mechanism to deal with her horrific childhood abuse.

But you've been dealing with that in therapy for a year with no sign of v*olence.

What was different about that night?

I told Janis for the first time what our parents had done to me.

How did she react?

She cried.

And then she got a strange look on her face, and she just walked out the door.

I kept calling her name, but it's like she didn't hear me.

So when you last saw her she was calm.

Just like Janis always is.

Not in a rage like Burt.

I don't know any Burt.

What's the last thing you remember from the night you k*lled your parents?

I didn't k*ll my parents.

What's the last thing you remember from the night your parents were m*rder*d?

Talking to my sister.

And then what?

Waking up in the hospital.

That's convenient.

No, it's not.

It's horrible losing time like that.

Well, let's see what you missed.

People's exhibit "H,"

Your Honor, the shotgun your father kept locked in a g*n cabinet with your prints on it.

Do you remember this?

From my childhood.

Do you remember taking that g*n and walking into your parents' bedroom and aiming it at your mother?


Do you remember sh**ting her and then your father?


Okay, what about this?

Does this bring back any memories?

Please stop.

A lot of details to forget, Janis.

You don't remember any of this?

Leave her alone!

Court officers!

Leave her alone!

Leave her alone!

Get her out of here!

Leave her alone!

Leave her alone!

Leave her alone, all of you!

"D.A. flops, k*ller walks."

That's one for my scrapbook.

Well, at least it wasn't an acquittal.

May as well have been.

Not guilty by reason of insanity only keeps her locked up until she convinces them that she's sane.

Did you read Cass' interview?

Talks all about their abuse, her drug use.

"Southern California lnterdisciplinary Law Journal. Spring 2001."

That's interesting.

Do you have a magnifying glass?

I think so.

What's so interesting about that?

I read this issue when I was preparing for the trial.

It's full of articles about multiple personalities and criminal responsibility.


Maybe Cass was trying to help her sister out in her defense.

Before she got out of prison?

"Property of Bedford Hills Correctional Facility."


You ever seen this?


What's in it for me?

Depends on what you got for us.

D.A. has some pull if you got something worth their while.

Yeah, I seen Cass with it.

I shared a cell with her for six months.

I know lots of things.

Keep talking.

I can't believe they fell for it.

You know she faked that whole thing.

How do you know that?

Cause I read all Cass's letters.

Her and Janis planned it.

Hell, Cass read that book Sybil like it was the bible.

Congratulations, Janis.

On what?

Your brilliant performance as Dr. Young, Petra, Tammy.

My personal favorite was Dori.

Oh, and who could forget Burt.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Memory loss. Yours.

Your computer's.

See, luckily, our techs were able to restore the research that you deleted on multiple personalities.

I was good, wasn't I?


Caught you in my web.

I'm starting to feel integrated.

I guess I'll be getting out of here pretty soon.

Shut up, Janis.

It's okay, Cass.

Double jeopardy's attached.

There's nothing they can do to me.

You're right.

Cass Magnall, you're under arrest for the murders of Francis and Molly Donovan.


No, I didn't sh**t them.

She wasn't even there!

It doesn't matter.

You conspired together.

And under the law, that makes her as guilty as you are.

You might as well have pulled the trigger together.

We were abused.

You have no idea what that's like.


We will never recover from it!

What do we do now?


You were suffering from battered child syndrome!

It's not your fault!


It's not your fault, Cass!

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