03x04 - I Feel Sorry For Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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03x04 - I Feel Sorry For Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

What are you doing? You think I'm on dr*gs?

Then what is going on with you?

Sadie Stone, right?


You are the real deal, girl.

This can't be a label that carries only male artists.

You have a problem with women?

I heard you singing it with Scarlett!

Come on.

Because, apparently, I don't compare!

I'm in love with Rayna James.

She's in love with someone else.

You have my heart. You're capable of destroying me.

Avery: I would never do that.

I didn't know where else to go. You might understand this.

Bucky: Tour manager says the stage is up, everything's ready for you, so your flight on Thursday gets you into Denver about 8:00, and the next morning, you have three radio interviews starting at 7:00.

Do you think you can get me a meeting with Sadie Stone while I'm in town?

Okay, that's random. Can I ask why?

When I was in L.A., I saw her talking to Jeff Fordham.

She's not an Edgehill artist.

You think she's shopping for a new label.

I do.

Yeah, I mean, I'll see what I can do.

Your tomorrow's totally packed.

I know, I know, but anything can be canceled except for my time with the girls [sighs] And that dress fitting, but other than that...

It's important.

Is there something you want to tell me?

I just, uh, I just don't think we're gonna be able to count on Juliette this year.

Um, you know, she's got this movie, and I just think she's gonna be...


And, I mean, Sadie is an amazing artist.

I mean, she is a no-brainer for our label.

Yeah, no doubt about it. She'd be a huge get.

I agree. I think...

I got to go to this thing at the girls' school, but can you make that happen, please?

Yeah, I'll do my best.

Sadie Stone.


Do your magic.

[Shower water running]

[Pam humming]

[Deacon sighs]

[Water, humming continue]

Reporter: In entertainment news this morning, Juliette Barnes has been cast in the role of Patsy Cline in a splashy new Hollywood biopic.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime for the country diva, considering she has no prior acting experience.

Lucky for her, however, she'll be able to lean on the very broad shoulders of her super-sexy costar, Noah West.

Sources are saying that the couple has been spotted getting cozy in Los Angeles.

After a year filled with scandal and controversy, it seems Juliette Barnes...

Deacon: You think everything's fine, you know?

You're solid. You're steady.

Then something big happens or doesn't happen, and you're right back where you were.

You're fighting like hell not to drink.

But I can't substitute one addiction for another.

That's not healthy.

In the end, I just got to take responsibility for myself and not take it out on other people.

Thank you.

All: Thanks, Deacon.

Thanks a lot, Deacon.

So, does anyone else have anything they'd like to share?

Man: Yeah, I got something.

Sorry for... Sneaking out this morning.

I guess I was a little... Shaky.

We're on tour together. There's only so far you can go.

That's true.

Still, I want you to know that...

What I said was true... I am in love with somebody.

I shouldn't have brought you into all this.

Look, Deacon, don't make such a big deal out of it.

We were just having some fun. Remember what that is?

Fun? Joy? Amusement?

Maybe you should look it up.


Don't suppose you know where Avery is?

He's late, and he's not answering his phone.

Yeah, Avery hasn't exactly been himself lately.

But I'll give Gunnar a call. Maybe he can cover.

Okay. Great. Thanks. Yeah.


[Ringtone playing]

Scarlett: [Laughs] Shouldn't you get that?

Gunnar: [Chuckles] It's okay. We got to talk about this.

About everything. I mean... hey!

I was just coming to see you, and... and then I saw Scarlett struggling with this...

Case of root beer. [Chuckles nervously]

What were you, uh, calling about?

Avery's a no-show.

I thought maybe you could cover for him.

Yeah. Sure. [Chuckles nervously]

I'll go... Set up the mikes.

Now, don't all forget about that silent auction back there, 'cause there is some really wonderful stuff.

I personally have been bidding on the beautiful painting of the Nashville skyline.

Another one of my favorites is golfing with the mayor, [chuckling] And we've got the mayor right here in the front row.

Thank you.

And we have... A new patron.

So please help me to introduce to the stage, um, Jeff Fordham.


Jeff: Thank you, Rayna.

I think we can all agree that Nashville has been at the forefront of re-emphasizing music education in our schools.

Well, Edgehill Republic wants to be a part of that revolution.

Now, I have here in my hand a check for $25,000

[audience murmurs]

... for the sole purpose of building a student recording studio at this school.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Well, that's just great. Thank you, Jeff.

And I know a couple of students who are gonna be very excited about this gift, so please help me to welcome my sweet, sweet girls to the stage, Daphne and Maddie.


Maddie: Thank you, everyone.

I am not even gonna try to pretend to understand ♪ I will bend, and I will sway ♪

What you're doing here right now.

♪ I will bend, and I will sway ♪

I assure you, my intentions are pure.

♪ I will bend, and I will sway ♪


♪ I will fight to stand up straight ♪
♪ When troubled winds blow my way ♪
♪ I won't break ♪
♪ My head's spinning all around and 'round ♪
♪ And the world keeps trying to bring me down, oh ♪
♪ I bought a ticket to the Joy parade ♪

[Camera shutter clicks]

♪ and I ain't jumping off of this happy train, no ♪

Excuse me.

♪ I will sing, and I will shout ♪
♪ Let these words fly from my mouth ♪
♪ And I will live what this life's about ♪
♪ With or without ♪

Talk to her since she went to L.A.?

No. You?


Still on the naughty list.

Given the shakedown I had to endure from the two of you a few days ago, I figured it's time to tell you the truth.

And no, I'm not on dr*gs.

But thanks a bunch for the vote of confidence.

I am [Sighs] however...

[Inhales deeply]


[Exhales deeply]

Oh, my God.

Juliette, congratulations!

Obviously, I'm not gonna keep it, so I need you all to find me a reputable and discreet adoption agency.

Wait a second. Juliette, there's a lot of information here.

No, no, no, this is not a discussion.

Hold on a second. Wait, wait.

I don't want to hear another word from either one of you.

And no one outside of this room is ever going to hear about this.

You both have signed confidentiality agreements, and I expect you to uphold them.

So, you're just gonna hide the fact that you're pregnant?

I mean, what about the movie, the tour?

The movie has already agreed to work around my tour schedule.

Since the movie will be wrapping in six weeks, the tour will be wrapped in eight weeks.

When all is said and done, I'll be 18 weeks pregnant, and I'll just disappear for a little bit.

Maybe I'll go record a new album.

But, Juliette, you'll be showing before then.

Which is why it's a good thing that miss Patsy Cline's a hefty woman.

I'll just say I put on a few pounds for the role, and [Scoffs] come on... people will love that.

Hell, I'll probably get an award for it.

What about Avery? Hmm?

It is his, right?

We're done here.

Emily, you're with me tomorrow.

And I don't want to see you until you get what I asked for... reputable and discreet.

Woman: Didn't he have one already?


What the hell are you doing?

sh*ts. What are you doing?

You're not in A.A.

It's your play. Does that count?


Deacon. Wait. Deacon.

Is everything a joke to you? Huh?

Those meetings are kind of sacred.

I'm sorry.

I went looking for you this morning.

I didn't even realize it was an A.A. meeting until I was standing in the doorway.

So, what, you thought you'd just come on in, sit on down, join in?

I didn't know what else to do.

You were looking right at me, talking to me.

Walking away seemed wrong.

And just now?

Not my finest hour, I admit.

But [Sighs] you rejected me this morning.

You know what? Kind of sucked.

So, yeah, maybe I was trying to hurt you back a little bit.

But you're absolutely right.

The booze jokes are below the belt, and I'm sorry.


Should've gone with something about your endless supply of denim shirts.

Rayna: Well, it's a smaller label, so I can't offer you as much big money up front, but I really do think if you look at the big picture, Highway 65 is competitive.

First of all, no 360 deal.

That's huge.

Profit participation is great.

But most important to me is that you get creative control over your career.

Sound good?

[Both laugh]

Uh, honestly, I don't think I heard a single word you said after, "hey, Sadie. Great to see you again."

[Both laugh]

'Cause you're Rayna Jaymes!

And you want me on your label.

I do. I would be honored to have you.

Not only that, I want you out on tour with me.

Oh, my goodness.

I'm telling you. Starting tomorrow.


I think we should write together.

Oh, wow. Yeah.


I'll tell you, it's a lot to think about.

Um, I know that this is weird, considering that you're... You know, you, and this is a business meeting, but, um...

Have you tried the oysters at the Southern? [Laughs]

Because I'm just a little bit freaking out, and I think I need some food to calm me down.

I am so sorry, but I am here for such a short period of time.

[Chuckling] Oh, yeah.

I had this dress flown in from Paris... Ooh. [Laughs]

And they're holding it for me at Jamie, and I was supposed to be there. No worries.

So, can we take a rain check on that?

Yes, no, I totally understand. You should go.


Would you want to go with me...

While I try on my wedding dress, give me a second opinion?

[Laughs] Are you serious?

Sure. Why not?

They usually have champagne at Jamie's.

Yes. Let's do that.

Come on.

Mr. Mayor. [Sighs]

It's a beautiful day for golf, isn't it?

Why don't we save the pleasantries, Jeff?

The only reason I'm here is because I'm curious.

Why would Jeff Fordham be the top bidder to golf with the mayor?

I guess I just got caught up in the fun.

But I was torn between this and throwing out the first pitch at the sounds game, but since I throw like a girl...


Hey, listen, given my history with your ex-wife, I knew you wouldn't take a meeting with me, so yes... I saw an opportunity, and I took it.

But this is a business meeting. That's all.

Okay, what business could you possibly have with me?

I wasn't kidding.

Edgehill really does want to get involved in music education.

You saw what I did with your daughter's school.

I want to do that in every school.


You must have a real image problem if that's your play.

Yeah, I do.

That doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it, right?

I'll give you nine holes.

Zoey: Scarlett said two suitcases, no more.

There's no rush. Don't worry about it.

You still got a full, uh...

[Inhales deeply] 46 hours till your bus leaves.

Shut up.

Well, I'm gonna go check on Avery.

I don't know, Gunnar... it seems like the more you try to fix him, the worse off he gets.

Maybe Avery just needs to figure this out on his own.

Babe, he is missing work, which means he is not figuring it out.

His girlfriend cheated on him.

Cheating's not the end of the world.

Aren't you at all intimidated?

This is Patsy Cline we're talking about.

You know, actually, I'm not.

I feel like I have a lot in common with Patsy.

We both had to fight our way to get where we wanted to go and to ruffle a lot of feathers on the way.

You think I'm a pain in the ass? You should've tried Patsy.


But you have zero acting experience.

You really think you can pull this off?

I do.

You know, in a way, I feel like I've been acting my whole life.

You know, what you see of me onstage and in the tabloids, it's not really me.

Juliette Barnes is kind of a character that I've created.

And I think I play her pretty damn well.

Okay. Then who is the real Juliette Barnes?

I'm sorry. My manager's telling me we have to wrap this up.

Thank you all so much for coming out.

It was a real pleasure.

[Indistinct shouting]

Did you get what I asked for?

No. It's not gonna work out.

I didn't ask for an opinion.

It's not an opinion, Juliette.

In the state of Tennessee, the father has to sign off.

Okay, well, then I'll just say I don't know who the father is.

You c... [Sighs] Look, it's not that simple.

First, you have to sign a court affidavit, then the adoption agency's required to advertise for the father.

What? What?

Yeah, that's the law.

Well, then I'll go to another state.

This is insane.

Even if other states are more lenient, you're Juliette Barnes, for God's sake.

People are gonna recognize you.

That baby bump's gonna be front-page news before long.

Well, then I'll move to Switzerland.

I'll buy an island.

There's got to be somewhere on planet Earth where a woman can have a baby in private.

Hey, Rayna, did you know that people in Vegas are placing bets on your wedding?

What?! Where'd you hear that?

Uh, page 36 of Nashville Living.

Ooh. You can bet on the dress designer.

Looks like somebody's got the inside track on that one.

What do you think?



I'm thinking that dress is making me reconsider my stance on marriage.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, considering I gave up on marriage after my ex-husband cleaned me out, I would say that is a very good thing.

Please buy that dress right now.

Rayna, I am so sorry, but there are people out there with cameras.

We've locked the doors, but they won't leave.

I swear this has never happened before.

You're kidding.

[Indistinct shouting]

Oh, wow!

So, this is what it's like to be you, huh?

No, this is a recent development.

Oh, so this is about Ruke?

I'll tell you what... I love that man, but that right there is a four-letter word.

[Shouting continues]

Dude, this is ridiculous.

This is Juliette Barnes we're talking about.

She's not worth it.

Hey! Watch it!


[Groans, sighs]

How can you love someone so much and yet hate them all at the same time?

I mean, okay, maybe this isn't quite the same, but...

I sort of felt that way about my brother.

I idolized Jason.

I... I wanted to be just like him.

I always believed deep down, he was a good person, and then...

He'd go off, and he'd do something so... So bad.

[Scoffs] Just made me feel stupid.

'Cause I... I kept falling for it.

Why do you give a damn about me?

'Cause we're friends.

Besides, Zag without you is just...


It's a terrible name for a band.


Come on. Drink the whole pot.

You got to be at work tonight.


Pam. Hey.

What, are you stalking me now?

Yes, I am.

I'm gonna follow you from city to city to city, 'cause that's what generally happens when you're on tour together.

Nice shirt, by the way.

You have a bus, right? How come you're on mine?

Would you relax? The band invited me over for poker.

Apparently, I'm notorious on the circuit.


Nah, it's true, Deac... drummer from her last tour told me I just had to get her a seat at the table.

You in?



You know, if we pull this off, it might even get national attention... pave the way in case you're looking to move up.

Okay, okay, look, you can stop selling me.

I... I like your ideas.

[Chuckling] Sorry.

Occupational hazard.

You know, I took this job at Edgehill to be around music again, but it turns out "label head" is just code for "glorified salesman."

Oh, hold on a second. I know your résumé.

What are you talking about "being around music again"?

[Chuckles] Hey, I used to be a musician, man.

What? Yeah, I had a band all the way through undergrad.

Really? Yeah.

What happened with that?

Oh, big dreams, small talent.

Made the sensible choice... I went to business school.


Yeah. Now you're just back chasing the dream, huh?

Hey, I love music.

And I love musicians... good musicians.

Speaking of which...

Saw your girls sing the other night.

I'm guessing that they're not hoping to be astrophysicists when they grow up.

[Chuckles] Not likely, which is fine.

I mean, look, music is the family business, okay?

I just wish they... they took school half as seriously as they do singing.

Yeah, good luck with that.


No, man, they've got the bug, and to a teenage musician, a sensible parent is public enemy number one.


Hey, your girls fans of Sadie Stone?

Yeah, I think so. Why?

Well, between, uh, between you and me, I'm signing her to Edgehill. Nice.

And we're gonna announce her deal at her concert tomorrow night.

You guys should come.

Eh, I don't think that's gonna work... school night.


Said public enemy number one.

Wow. [Laughs]

You really are a glorified salesman, aren't you?

What are those?

[Sighs] Prospective parents.

I found an agency willing to believe whatever lies you want to tell them... for a price, of course.

Can they find me a manager who's willing to mind his own business for a price?

Juliette, you know, I'm trying to help you.

No, you should be thrilled that I'm taking care of this.

I get to continue on with my career, you get to keep your job.

We get to sit there and make money.

You think I really give a damn about any of that right now?

What do you want me to do?!

You want me to move to the suburbs and buy a minivan and become a soccer mom?

I want you to be happy.

I want you to believe that you can be happy... that you deserve to be happy.

I know it's possible, and deep down inside, you know it is, too, because you're a fighter.

[Voice breaking] Glenn, it kills me...

To disappoint you.

So will you just do me a favor and respect that this is the choice that I've made?


[Cellphone vibrates]

Could you, uh, just hold the fort for me for a second?

I really got to take this call.

Let me guess.


See, I know about all the calls. I saw them on his phone.

Why'd you go through his phone?

Don't turn this around on me.

The storeroom yesterday, your little road trip, all this sneaking around!

Do you guys think I'm an idiot?

Zoey, there's nothing going on between me and Gunnar.

Oh, yeah? Then what about the song?

Which one?

I heard you two singing at the house.

Only, it was more than singing... it was feeling!

Tell me I'm wrong! [Sighs]

It's a song. It's just a song.

And he invited himself on that road trip.

He's my friend, okay? That's all we are.

We're friends, and you're my best friend.

I would never do something like that to you.

Then tell me one thing.

Why did Gunnar beg you to stay?

Why didn't you?

We never even used to have paparazzi in Nashville.

[Indistinct shouting] Now we got this TMZ here. It's crazy.

I'm actually not surprised.

The first picture of you in your wedding dress is gonna be worth big bucks.

[Camera shutter clicks] Oh, yeah! Mama's gonna buy herself something pretty.

Got my damn car blocked in.

Oh, well, if you want to leave, they have to move, right?

No, they don't.

They just can sit there until I have to come out and deal with them, then take all kinds of unflattering pictures of me.

Sell magazines.

You know, and that's the thing...

I just don't feel like dealing with that right now.
Well... I got a car.

This is subtle.

No one's ever gonna notice us in this.

Oh, I'm sorry... if I'd known I was abducting Rayna Jaymes today, I would've brought my station wagon.

[Engine turns over]

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
♪ Listen what I say ♪

See you all later!

Right in front of... you are a maniac!

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪


♪ Let me have my way ♪

Bye! [Laughs]

I left the dress, but they'll send it.

Oh, yeah, well, just wear what you have on.

[Horn honks]

Oh, my God. They're chasing us.

Get out of here! Come on, you all!

♪ You and me are gasoline and matches ♪


[Tires screech]


♪ You pull my pin, and you trip my wire ♪

No, no, no, no, no! Get out of here!

♪ You come in and set my heart on fire ♪

You know what?

I feel like my favorite Thai place is around here.

Your favorite Thai place?


Okay, well, let's just go have a little bite. Yeah. I told you I was hungry.

Were you not listening to me?

Maybe we can invite the paparazzi to join us.

Well, basically, I already did, I guess.

That's a good idea. And that's a stop sign.

[Engine revs] That is a stop, s... whoo!

[Truck horn honks, tires screech]

♪ Listen what I say ♪

Bye! Whoo!

[Tires screech]

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪

Oh, come on!


Well, that did it.

If this whole music thing doesn't work out, NASCAR.

♪ I'm gonna keep on knocking till the door unlatches ♪
♪ You and me are gasoline and matches ♪
♪ I thought this time I got it right ♪
♪ But heartbreak wins another fight ♪
♪ When is love ever kind? ♪

[Door opens]

♪ ever kind? ♪
♪ Just man up and stop your crying ♪
♪ I'm not crying, I'm just tore up ♪
♪ If I could drink, I'd fill a cup ♪
♪ You're wasting time feeling blue ♪
♪ Don't let this have a hold on you ♪
♪ But I love her ♪
♪ There's other fish in the sea ♪
♪ But I want her ♪
♪ Don't you want to be free? ♪
♪ No, I need her ♪
♪ What you need is to move on ♪
♪ 'Cause the night is still young ♪


[Door closes]


Maddie: This is so embarrassing.

No, babe, I do not need a bodyguard.

I do not need a driver.

You are hilarious.

Okay. All right, I got to go.

I'm taking the girls for mani-pedis and getting on the plane.

I love you, too. Bye.


All right, tell it to me straight.

How horribly did I ruin your life?

Well, I'm gonna need a new face.

[Gasps] No! Not a new face!

Daphne: I think it's cool Sadie's mom's new best friend.

Maybe she can take us on a ride after the show.

You all are going to her show tonight?

Yeah, dad's taking us.

Oh, I'm so jealous. Wish I could tag along.

I'll be 30,000 feet up in the air by then.

[Cellphone rings]


This is buck. I'm gonna take it really quickly, okay?


Hey, what's up?

Sadie went with Edgehill.


How did that happen?

Now, I have no idea, but, uh, lawyers are drawing up the papers as we speak.

Jeff Fordham must've made one hell of a play.

[Sighs] Yeah. So, what can I do?

Nothing. You know what?

I'm gonna try to handle this before I get on a plane today.



So, I guess that means the mani-pedis are off, then?

Are you kidding me?

Nails before business... that is my motto.


[Knock on door]

Hey. Uh... Can we talk a minute?



I don't know what happened with you and Juliette, but... You guys really need to talk.

Why? It's over.

Just... could you please just talk to her?

How can you ask me that?

You know her better than anyone. You know how she treats people!

How the hell can you still defend her?

Because I... I...

If I don't, who will?

I'm the only one she's got right now.


You know, she... [Sighs]

She's like my kid.

And someday, you're gonna understand.


You can't ever give up on your kid.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

I just can't.



[Exhales deeply]

[Breathing heavily]

[Exhales sharply]

Rayna: No, Buck, I have to talk to Sadie before I leave town, and I don't think we need to cancel any appointments if I take the red-eye tonight, 'cause that way, I can just go straight from the airport to the radio station.

[Call-waiting beep]

Does that make sense?

I got to go. Just get me on the red-eye, okay?

All right, bye.

[Cellphone beeps]

Hey, Juliette, what's going on?

[Crying] I think I'm losing the baby!

All right, calm down. Just... just tell me what's happening.

I... I'm bleeding, and... It hurts.

How much are you bleeding? Can you tell me?

I don't know! I don't know!

Some, but it hurts.

You need to breathe. You need to breathe, and, um...

Sadie will come in at the top, and we'll put the spotlight...

Okay, I'm gonna stay on the line with you.

Where are you? Where's your doctor?

We got to get you to your doctor.

You coming?

No, I'm going back to my own bus.

Suddenly, my bus ain't good enough for you?

I thought you didn't want me on your bus.

I never said I didn't want you on my bus.

I think you did.

Okay, fine.

Get on my bus.

Does that mean you want me on your bus?

Do you want to be on my bus?

Is it just me, or are we actually not talking about buses?

Woman: Everything looks good.

Well, what happened?

Well, it's hard to say.

Almost 30% of women will spot or cramp in their first trimester.

We don't really know why, and there's not much we can do about it.

But the good news is, your baby is fine.



That's a strong heartbeat.

I'll give you a minute.

Come on out when you're ready.


[Footsteps depart]

You all right?

You said once before what a baby needs most is love.

And that is the one thing...

I know...

Absolutely nothing about giving.

I mean, I try. I try.

And I always seem to do something to screw it up every single time.

Is that why you're thinking...

You want to give the baby up for adoption?

I just want it to have a chance... chance to be happy.

Now you're sounding like a mother.

[Mid-tempo music playing]

Hey, Zoey.


All: Surprise!

[Chuckling] What on earth?

It's your going-away party.

Rented out the Bluebird for the whole night.

I wanted to send you off in style.

Gunnar. [Chuckles] I can't believe you did this.

Well, I can't take all the credit.

I was... I was kind of just the money guy, but Scarlett, she did all the real work.

Looks awesome, right? [Chuckles]

Scarlett. [Sighs]

Now, I want to be the first to toast the guest of honor.

All I got to say is that Juliette Barnes has very... Very good taste.

Now, look, I can't imagine the next couple of months without you, but I hope all your dreams come true, and I wish you every success.

To Zoey.

All: To Zoey!

[Crowd cheers]

Where the hell are the buses?

[Pam laughs]

Deacon Claybourne's bus left without Deacon Claybourne!

You think that's funny?

Oh, my gosh. They didn't even realize you weren't there.

Do you have your phone?


Yeah, I don't, either. What are we gonna do?

♪ He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood ♪
♪ He's the one that makes you feel all right ♪
♪ He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood ♪
♪ He's the one that makes you feel all right ♪

I'm sorry.

What happened to us?

Feels like we spent a whole year taking turns apologizing to each other.

Never used to be like that.

It's my fault.

I've been...

Insecure and... competitive.

It's like I'm a different person here.


I know that feeling.

Maybe we're just going through some growing pains.

[Inhales deeply]

Well, then, the question is, are we growing together or growing apart?

Gunnar: You can't drive, Avery!

Avery: Get off me!

[Glass shatters]

I mean it! Give me your damn keys!

I said leave me alone!

What is wrong with you? I am just trying to help you!

[Slurring] Yeah, well, you're doing a bang-up job.

Gunnar Scott... saving the world one soul at a time!

I'm starting to remember why we weren't friends right off.

That's right. I'm the bad guy. I'm always the bad guy!

Tonight is not about you! It is about her, all right?!

All right, I'm sorry.

I'm... I'm gonna make a toast.

To Zoey, my friend and bandmate who's gonna spend the next two months kissing my ex-girlfriend's ass!

Okay, you stop it, now.

Give me that. I will take you home.

Come on. I'll take you home now.

Oh, you want to chime in, Scarlett?

This is all your fault! You know that?!

You're the reason she did it... because you're so damn needy!

All right, that is enough!

I am through trying to help you.

You hear me?! I'm through!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you and everyone else!

[Keys clatter]

[Door opens, slams]

[Indistinct conversations]



Aren't you supposed to be on a plane?

Matter of fact, I am, but I had to come hear it straight from the source.

Are you actually signing with Edgehill?


Rayna, I love how much you want to sign me, but...

I don't want to be just another one of Rayna Jaymes' artists.

I want to be Rayna Jaymes.

And Edgehill can do that for me...

the way they did it for you.

Well, let's get one thing straight.

Edgehill did not make me... I made Edgehill.

And I also left Edgehill. Want to know why?

Because Edgehill is not the label that it was when I was coming up.

Hell, the music business isn't the same as it was when I was coming up.

Back then, you could listen to the radio all day long and hear so many female artists.

We had Martina, we had Reba, we had Shania, we had Faith, Jo Dee, Pam... amazing artists.

Now you know how many solo female artists there are in the top 40?


You know as well as I do it's just all...

Big-hat cowboys, and Edgehill is all big-hat cowboys.

That's all Jeff Fordham has signed.

L... Look who he's signed... Luke Wheeler.

Will Lexington.

Jeff Fordham has signed one woman, and she's a reality-TV star, and you ask Layla Grant how that's going for her.

Okay, well, if that's all true, then why does he want to sign me?

Because you're... you're new and shiny, and you're a trophy for him to present to his board.

I promise you... after that, he will not support you.


Hey, listen, you don't want to be Rayna Jaymes.

You want to be the one and only Sadie Stone, and I believe that I can help you with that.

Your fight is my fight.

I want you on the radio 'cause that means there's a place for me on the radio.

That means there's a place for Juliette Barnes on the radio.

That means there's a place for all these women in this town who are just trying to catch a break.

Choose Highway 65.

Choose me.

All: [Chanting] Speech, speech, speech!

[Cheers and applause]

Okay, okay, okay!

You know, going out on tour with Juliette Barnes, getting paid to sing... hell, just standing here on the Bluebird stage, it's like something out of a dream.

Makes me ask myself, "how'd I get here?"

But truth is... I know exactly how I got here.

All my earliest memories are of me singing...

Upstairs in my tiny bedroom with the crooked floors and the pink flower wallpaper and my best friend singing right along with me.

And by some miracle, that same best friend is still beside me today.


Sing with me?

[Cheers and applause]

[Cheers and applause stop]

You sure you've never seen him before?

No, I just came out here to run to the store, and there he was.

Woman: Yeah, I have no idea who that is.


[Slurring] What?

Sir, come out of the car, please.

No, this is my car!

This is my car.

Sir, get out of the car.

Sir, I need you to get out of the car, please.

Oh, my God.


This is not my car.

Come out slowly.

Keep your hands up where I can see them. No sudden movements.

Okay, turn around. Face the car.

[Handcuffs click]

[Door opens]

What's wrong? What happened?

[Door opens]

I was trying to apologize.

Not everything is always about you.

The audience? Is that it?

But this is the Bluebird. These are your friends.

Okay, Zoey. I love you, and we're fine.

Just don't... ever do that to me again, please.

[Voice breaking] Glenn, I'm scared.

I know.


It's okay.

Everything's gonna be okay.


[Cheers and applause] Thank you!

Thank you so much.

Now, uh, some of you all out there might've seen me and a certain country-music legend catting around town yesterday.

[Cheers and applause]


Well, "Girls Run Wild" might be the headline today, but the real news is that I just signed with Rayna Jaymes and Highway 65!

[Cheers and applause]

Wait, you all. I got even better news.

Rayna Jaymes is here tonight!

[Cheers and applause]

["Gasoline and Matches" plays]


♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
♪ Listen what I say ♪
♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
♪ Let me have my way ♪
♪ I'm gonna keep on knocking till the door unlatches ♪
♪ You and me are gasoline and matches ♪
♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
♪ When it's cold and dark ♪
♪ Baby, baby, you make me ♪
♪ Make me feel a spark ♪
♪ Yeah, I feel a spark, and the fire catches ♪
♪ You and me are gasoline and matches ♪
♪ You pull my pin, and you trip my wire ♪
♪ You come in and set my heart on fire ♪
♪ Yeah, you knock me out, you rock me off my axis ♪
♪ You and me are gasoline and matches ♪
♪ Baby, I'm incarcerated ♪
♪ And I don't want out ♪
♪ Baby, we should get related ♪
♪ And there ain't no doubt ♪
♪ But when your heart and my heart attaches ♪
♪ You and me are gasoline and matches ♪
♪ You and me are gasoline and matche... e... e... s ♪

Is that everything?


[Camera shutter clicking]

Who do you want to call?

All the numbers are on my phone.

Sorry... it's already down in property.

Eh, it's just as well.

I doubt anyone would pick up now anyway.

Oh, come on, kid.

There's got to be at least one number you can remember.

[Laughs] Look at you!


You're smiling.

What? It was fun. That's a good time.

Always wanted a motorcycle, to tell you the truth.

Actually almost got one back in the day.

Yeah? What stopped you?

Not what but who... Rayna.

Somehow, she didn't think a drunk and a Harley went together.

Go figure.

Oh, yeah? Well, I think the bike suits you.

In fact, I know somebody who might be getting chaps for Christmas.

[Both laugh]

We're loading up.

Wouldn't want you to miss the bus twice in one day.

[Both laugh]

Hey, you know what?

We'll catch up with you.




Avery, please. Please just hear me out.

Listen to me.

I am sorry that I handled it the way that I did.


I'm sorry.

Just don't.

If you apologize, I'm gonna feel like a jerk for not forgiving you, and then if I do forgive you, you're just...

You're just gonna break my heart all over again, and I can't handle that.

[Voice breaking] I won't. I promise you.

You don't get it, do you?

Either way, I lose.

I can't love you, and I can't hate you because it's ruining my life.

I just... I need... I need to nothing you!

I need to feel nothing for you!

I need to not think about you!

I need to not care about you at all!

But I don't know how to do that.

[Breathing heavily]

You know, you once told me that I had the power to destroy you.

Remember that?

Well, it was you.

It was always you, Juliette.

You're the one that destroys people.

I wish I'd never met you.

She's still up there in case you want to give it another shot.

I don't have high hopes for you, though.

You crossed a line tonight, Rayna.

Oh, are you seriously gonna try to claim the moral high ground here?

You don't deserve to have one single woman on your label.

Sadie and I had a deal.

Oh, you mean the way that will Lexington and I had a deal?

You're a thief.

And a whore.

You know, believe it or not, on some level, I've actually enjoyed our little game of chess.

But now the stakes are just too high, and you need to understand something.

The rules have changed.

From this point on, everything and everyone is fair game.

You threatening me?

Bye, Jeff.


Hey. Yeah.

I need to know if I can sign a couple of kids to the label... with only one parent's consent.
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