03x03 - I Can't Get Over You to Save My Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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03x03 - I Can't Get Over You to Save My Life

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Zoey: They've been friends for a really long time.

What happened on your road trip?

So I ain't fired?


Why the hell not?

This ain't personal.

This is business.

Everybody wants the exclusive on the wedding.

We haven't even set a date yet.

Why didn't you fight for her?!

I did.

I pr...

But you didn't fight hard enough!

I asked your mother to marry me, all right?!

Is that hard enough?!

Tony: Just calling to confirm our session.

Can't wait.

I made a mistake, and I am dealing with it.

And now we can just be done.

I know how far along I am... I'm four weeks.

I've got you closer to eight weeks.

It's not Jeff's.

Man, I missed you this week.

Mm, I missed you, too.

Mm, come here.


Watch yourself there, cowboy. [Chuckles]

We are in public.

Yes, I know.

Photographer: Looks great. Beautiful. Awesome, guys.

I'm loving the love. It's great for the press kit.


We need to wrap this up as soon as we can.

They're already late for another meeting.


Sure wish you were coming to L.A.

I do, too.

I've got so much to do to get ready for my tour.

Perfect. One last thing.

sh**ting Ruke... It's pretty tweet-worthy stuff.

"Ruke." Ruke is the thing that they're all saying.

Yeah, uh, can't it be "Layna"?

It sounds a little nicer to the ears.

I'll hashtag that.

Mm. All right.

So, can I grab a selfie?

Sure. And you know what?

You can tag me, and I'll re-tweet it.

Oh, wow. Re-tweeting and everything. Who'd have thought?

Shut up.


[Coughs, vomits]


[Toilet flushes]


[Water running]

[Water shuts off]

[Breathing heavily]

[Cellphone clicks]


It's Avery. Leave it at the beep.

[Beep] Hey, it's me.

I guess I'm not the...

"Me" person to you anymore, so...

It's Juliette...


Anyway, uh, I need to talk to you about something that concerns both of us.


[Knock on door]



[Mints clatter]

Hey, we got the whole band waiting out here.

What's taking so long?

Well, I'm in the bathroom!

Can you just hold on and give me a little privacy, please?!


[Vomits, coughs]


Woman: If you are satisfied with your message, press 1.

To delete, press 2.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

[Cellphone beeps]



Team Wheeler, Ms. Rayna Jaymes.

[Cheers and applause] Um, please.

Stop, please. Good Lord.


What? Back at #1 on the charts, making this one a hell of a lot easier to be around.


You should be applauded.

Yeah, this here's Doug Craft, the man who took me from recording artist to global brand.

Great to meet you.

Pleasure. Please.

Yeah, I've told Doug we intend to keep your foot on the gas, get you as much promo as possible this year.

Well, offers are already rolling in for the two of you as a couple...

Music-competition shows, a Christmas album.

There's even a line of Ruke Teddy Bears.



All right. Layna it will be. Everybody got that?

Yeah, you know what? Since we're all together, let's, uh, put a pin in the marketing talk and discuss the wedding.

We've been trying to figure it out on our own, but both of us keep adding tour dates.

We don't have to talk about that right this second.

Oh, yeah, we kind of do.

I'm about to head on the road, and you're about to, as well, and these folks know our schedules better than we do.

Can we go ahead and pull their itineraries up on the screen, please?

Your tour schedules pretty much have you on opposite ends of the earth for the next year.

But with a little juggling, we can have you both back here a week before the CMA's.

But that's November.

I can't quite imagine putting a wedding together by November.

I mean, this isn't some publicity thing.

It's our wedding.

Understood, but, unfortunately, it's looking like November 1st or...

Summer 2016.


You guys working for me or against me?

No way I want to wait that long.

No way I'm gonna.

Well, I don't want to wait that long, either.

I just... I'm not sure what the options are.

Well, hell, if those are our only choices, then, um...

Let me just say the ranch is real pretty in the fall.

[Both chuckle]

Yes, it is.

All right, well, if that date is good with you guys...

What do you think?

Deacon: All right, I know this is gonna be a long first leg, but I'm gonna get back every chance I can.

You're gonna come out every chance you can.

We're gonna Skype our lessons.

I just don't get why Luke's making you go on tour with him.

I don't, either.

The good news is that you got your other dad here to be with you.

You mean the strict one that never lets me do anything?

Come on, now. He let you come to the Bluebird, didn't he?


He's just not like you, I guess.

Look... Beginning of November right around CMA, I get a week off.

What do you say we spend it together up at my cabin?

We'll just fish, hang out.

That'd be so awesome.


[Car horn honks]


Oh, God, I'm gonna miss you.

I'll miss you.

[Voice breaking] I love you, dad.

[Voice breaking] I love you, too, sweet girl.

[Car horn honks]



I'll call you, okay?

Okay. Bye.

You be good.


[Grunts] "How's it feel falling to #2?"

Sucks! How you think it feels?


Now I got cameras in my face documenting the whole thing.

One more.


Got to be tough on your marriage.

Yeah, it's stressful.

To be honest, the only thing that's kept me from going nuts this last week is training with you.

Everybody needs an outlet.

Yeah, well...

I'm gonna miss this one.


Artists bring their trainers on the road all the time.

Perks of being a star.

♪ Trouble is a Friday night when I'm feelin' lonely ♪
♪ trouble is too much time on my hands with you in my head ♪

Well, at least she didn't cancel.

Yeah, unlike every other day this week.

♪ Trouble is one more fireball ♪

Maybe she should've. Look at her.

♪ When I'm already lit ♪

Looks like a zombie up there.

♪ And it's last call ♪
♪ trouble is nothing good ever happens after 2:00 A.M. ♪
♪ stumble outta that red door, hop into a cab ♪
♪ feelin' a little bit crazy, feelin' like I wanna be bad ♪

She's been so out of it lately.

♪ Ain't going home till I check ♪

Maybe we should just push the screen test.

♪ A few more sins off of my list ♪

No. The producers are already getting suspicious that something's up.

♪ If you're looking for me, I'm gonna see I'm gonna be ♪

So am I.

Can we stop?

[Music stops]


You... what are you singing?

The words?

Well, it's not the right words, because you're completely messing me up.

I'm s... I'm sorry.

I can't work like this. I can't do this.

Juliette, what... we just started.

We got a lot to do today.

I don't care.

I'm done.

Daphne: So, what did you want to talk to us about?

Well, we set a date for the wedding.

Are you still marrying Luke, then?


Really? When?

First weekend in November.

Cool. Can I be the flower girl?

Okay, that does not work for me at all.


Can I talk to your sister for a second?




I know this is hard for you, and that doesn't give a lot of time before the wedding, but it was the only date that we could come up with.

You know, it's the only day that Deacon has off, too.

And I was supposed to go fishing with him at his cabin, but now I can't because of your stupid wedding.

Okay, well, first of all, I wish you could be a little bit more respectful about it.

And I didn't know anything about that.

Nobody ever asked me.

No, but Deacon asked you to marry him.


And you said no, to my father!

Did he tell you that?

Why didn't you just give him a chance?

[Knock on door]

Deacon: Rayna?

In what world did it seem appropriate for you to tell our daughter that you had proposed marriage to me?

It just came out, all right?

She was really angry with me, and I was just trying to let her know that I'd fought for...

I wanted her to know I tried. She has a right to know that.

Well, I'd say she's probably angrier now...


Let's not make this harder than it needs to be.

Rayna, it's not my job to make this easy for you.

It's our job to make it easy for her.

You're right.

Y'all set a date?

First weekend in November.

That's pretty quick.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

["When you open your eyes" plays]

♪ When you close your eyes, you can only go back ♪
♪ to the place in your mind where it all goes off track ♪
♪ stayin' up all night starin' at the ceiling fan ♪
♪ 'round and 'round you go ♪

New song?

[Guitar stops]

Uh, yeah.

It sounded better last week, though.


Maybe it just needs some harmonies.

Want me to sing it?

You know, I'm just gonna let it sit for a while.


You're back early, huh?


Just another day at the office with Juliette.

Personally, I am glad you are back.

Maybe we can spend the day...

Making music would be nice.

I mean, I'm a professional singer now, and I'm hardly doing it.

Yeah, sure. We can, uh...

We can make some music.

Hey, what about this big party?

Didn't they ask our band to play it, too?

Well, yeah, but I don't actually know if we have a band, and you had rehearsal, so I said no.

Well, I don't anymore, so let's do it.

[Knock on door] Gunnar: Avery, you okay in there?

[Sighs] I'm fine. What do you want?

You don't look fine.

You drink all these yourself?

I had help.

Oh, my God.

What kind of girl just leaves without her underwear?

I'm not interested in... in your company or your judgement.

Now, if you'd just leave me be, I got some brain cells to k*ll.

N-no. No, you don't. All right?

We are not having you become some drunk, heartbroken loser.

Now, we got a gig tomorrow, and you're gonna play, like it or not.

[Knock on door] Hi. There she is. Good morning, Scarlett.

Hey. Thank you for hooking me up with a writing room.

Oh, our pleasure.

And quite frankly, our need.

We're desperate for female-driven material.

Oh, well, I'm female, so I got that part going for me.


I, uh... I've been taking some shifts at the Bluebird and seeing some just amazing writers.

They're so good.

So, I thought I'd revisit some of my poetry for lyrics.

Look, Scarlett, I know you write from a deep, personal place, and that works, it works for you, but you're not doing this for yourself anymore.

You're selling to the marketplace, and all the big buyers want right now is fun.

I could be fun, probably.

Of course you can.

You just can't do it alone, not in a 10x10 room.

You got to get out there.

You got to be with your friends, dance, laugh, party, and then write your version of it.


See ya.

All right. Food is here.

What's your sister doing?

Uh, last time I saw her, she was cutting off her pants.

She what?

Hey, dad.

Hey, hon... Whoa.


I-I think those might be just a little too short.

You realize everyone's wearing them this way, right?

Yeah, I know, but you're not everyone, so...

You're not wearing those outside of the house, okay? Period.

Are you serious?

Dad, you realize this is going to be the worst year of my life.

Mom's marrying Luke, Deacon's going on tour, and you still see me as this little girl.

I'm almost 15, dad.

Yeah, I-I-I'm well aware of your age, but...

Well, good. Then can I go out with Talia tomorrow night?


Just a big backyard barbecue.

I like barbecue.

Yeah, me too. Maybe we can all go.

Oh, my gosh.

You guys both need to get lives.

All right. Just tell me...

Are there gonna be parents at this thing?

Yeah. Tons of grown-ups there.

Can I please go?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess.

J-just make sure you're home by curfew, okay?


And...No short shorts, okay?




All right.

Thank you.

[Indistinct conversations]

Girl: Luke, can we get a picture?!

Well, sure, darling. Come on.

You and Rayna... Best couple ever.

I love you guys together.

Ah, well, thanks.

That makes two of us.

Hey, Deac.

Hey, you got that satellite radio interview in the morning, and then nothing till sound check.

All right.

I'll be in my room if anybody needs me. All right.

Good to know.

I just might.

I'm Pam, Luke's new backup singer.

Congratulations and condolences.

Deacon Claybourne.

Claybourne. I know.

Wore out your first album.

Can't stop listening to the new one.

Thank you.

What? That's it? I praised your album.

The least you can do is buy a girl a cup of coffee.

I'm pretty jittery as it is. Maybe next time.

Emily: I went through the closet.

Glenn: Check the bathroom doors. It's got to be in here.

[Clattering, rustling]

What are you doing?!

Juliette, we just thought there was something you weren't telling us.

Excuse me?

Erratic behavior, cancelled rehearsals, secret doctor appointments.

Do you guys think that it's okay to just waltz on into my house and go through my stuff?

Whatever you're on, it's got to be in here someplace, so where is it?

Wait? You think I'm on dr*gs?

When you're running to the bathroom every five minutes to do God knows what, fumbling through routines, slurring your words...

And if the film people find out, it's all over.

You know how susceptible you are to this stuff?

Between your mother and your own self...

I'm not on dr*gs.

Then what is going on with you?!

Juliette, Emily and I are your family.

No. No, no, no. No. You are my employees.

And if I catch either one of you digging through my stuff again, I'm gonna fire both of you.

So, please go, because I have lines to memorize and a flight to catch tomorrow morning...


Fine. We're going.

Jeff: Hey, big wheel.

Luke: Hey, Jeff. How you doing?

Hey. Good. I wanted to introduce you to Sadie Stone.


Sadie, how are you? Pleasure to meet you.

Jeff tells me you might be joining the Edgehill fold.

Gave me 10 reasons to sign with him.

Flying me in on the label's jet to see your show was one of them.

Hey. Hey. He's having a meet-and-greet onstage in the middle of my sound check?

Manager: Sorry, Deac. He's the boss.

And don't he love to let me know it.

Didn't think it was possible, but you're even cuter when you're mad.

I must be downright adorable right now.

So, I hear you got yourself a new song.

You gonna play it tonight?

Probably not. I wrote it for the wife-to-be.

I absolutely idolize Rayna Jaymes.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Yeah, people like her.

Y'all excuse me?

Hey. Your ears burning?

I was just talking about the song I told you about.

Oh, I wish you would send it to me already.

Oh, no. First time's got to be in person.

I mean, hell, I'll wait till the wedding if I have to.

I wanted to tell you I talked to the girls.

Oh, I did the same.

Colt is on board to be my best man.

I told him no funny haircuts. And Sage is over the moon.

Well, I'm happy to hear that.

Didn't quite go that well on my end.

First of all, Deacon told Maddie that he proposed.

So, what? Now he's trying to poison the well between me and your daughter?

Sorry. It's a madhouse out there, and they want to open the doors.

Well, I mean, she was kind of far down that road already.

You know, I mean, I think she has this fantasy that we're just gonna get back together.

So, what are you saying? [Clears throat]

Maybe we should think about pushing the date a little bit.

That's kind of the tail wagging the dog, don't you think?

I don't think it's just about Maddie.

But there is a lot to consider here and a lot of people's feelings to consider here.

Everybody's feelings but mine.

Hey. Come on.

I mean, there's a reason it took a whole roomful of people to figure out a date for us, 'cause there's not another one that works.

You know what? I got to go.




Hey, y'all.

Here's our Patsy.

How are you, love?

Oh, good. Just very excited to be taking your brilliant direction.

We're only as good as the talent we work with.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Speaking of, do you know Noah?

Only from the movies. Nice to meet you.

Yeah. Casting him as Patsy's husband is what got us green-lit.

I like your music.

Thank you.

Have you acted much?

No, but I've done my fair share of pretending.


Don't be nervous.

Just the studio's way of seeing if we have chemistry.

Do I look nervous?


♪ Got a pocket full of promise, got it if you want it ♪
♪ gotta whole lot more to give ♪
♪ if your heart ♪
♪ your heart ♪
♪ if your heart can handle I-I-I-I-it ♪
♪ if your heart can handle I-I-I-I-it ♪
♪ my heart can handle it ♪

[Song ends]

And cut. Got it. We're all good here.

All right.

I'll see you later.

I got a session with my trainer.

Well, we still have a lot more work to do.

We filmed the whole damn rehearsal. What else is there?

The testimonials about how thrilled you are to be singing with me.

You're not going anywhere, honey.


The bowling pins glow? That's awesome.

Okay, dad. I'm gonna head out.

Off to the barbecue?


Haven't seen that outfit before. It's nice.

Thank you. It's Talia's.

Her mom's actually out front. So, it's 11:00 curfew, right?

Yeah. 11:00. Okay.

Not a minute after.

All right, dad.

Bye. All right, kiddo. Looks like it's just you and me.

Mollie asked me to go glow-in-the-dark bowling, but I really don't have to go.

I can stay here with you.

[Door closes]

No, why would you want to do that?

You should go and have fun with your friend, okay?

You sure?

Yeah, I'll... I'll find something to keep me busy.

Thank you.


You think I want to leave right now, fly all the way to Kansas to play this thing?

I've got a fever, too.

Sure you do, Patsy.

Hell, I think you'd play a barn just to get out of your responsibilities around here.

Don't you dare insult my mothering!

You think I want to leave our babies home sick?

And what about me, huh?

You don't think I want to be taken care of sometime, instead of blamed and resented for everything?

Woman, get off me.

You get off me!

I will charter a damn plane back here if I have to, but don't you ever say that I put my career before my babies.

And cut.

Wow. Impressive.


Well, all we have left to do now is celebrate.

[Old Dominion's "Shut me up" playing]

Hey, you found it.

Yeah, followed the trail trucker hats and beer.

Aren't you guys on in a second?

Yeah, Old Dominion's on right now.

Gunnar just finished unloading the truck, and Avery is just plain loaded.

♪ About being without ya to all my friends ♪

Together: Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

And he's not the only one.

I'm surprised you even wanted to come.

♪ Shut me up by showing up ♪

Research. Jeanie gave me a mandate.

She wants me to write something fun, and I don't know if I'm the writer-for-hire type.

I don't know.

You and Gunnar did pretty well when you worked together.

Ever think about partnering up again?

♪ 'Cause I go on and on ♪

Not really, no.

♪ When you're go-o-o-o-ne ♪

I can't believe your dad let you come to this.

♪ You're the only one who can shut me up ♪

[Chuckles] He didn't.

I told him it was a backyard barbecue.

But this is somebody's backyard, isn't it?

[Both chuckle] Hey, Maddie.

Hey, girls.



♪ Just a little kiss will do the trick ♪

Oh. Wow, you're not really wearing that, are you?

A skirt? [Laughter]

♪ 'Cause I go on and on ♪

Maddie: What am I... a loser?

Here. It's hard lemonade.

♪ When you're go-o-o-o-ne ♪

Don't you want any?

No, I do. Thank you.

♪ You're the only one who can shut me up ♪

Gunnar Scott?




[Both chuckle]

Wow. It's been...

[Laughs] What? 10 years?

What are you doing in Nashville?


I just got here, so I'm still figuring that out, but look at you, you big musician and all.


Grandma Lucy would be proud.

I'm proud.

I've done all right.

Of course, where we're from, anywhere is up, right?

You could never brag, not like your brother.

He here, too?


He was in town for a bit.

Hey, I've been looking for you. It's time for us to go on.

Sorry, I just ran into an old friend.

Kiley, this is my girlfriend, Zoey.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

You too.

I don't mean to interrupt, but we have a problem.

I'm sorry. I got to...

Go. It's fine.

It was good to see you.

Yeah. You too.

She seems nice.

Yeah, she is.

She was.

Come on, man. Put it down. We got a show to do.

You warm up your way, I warm up mine.


[Feedback whines]

Avery: All right, so, this is a new one.

It's for my ex.

It's called "The most beautiful girl in the world."

No. I thought we agreed we weren't gonna do this one.

Yeah. You don't want to be singing love songs about her.

I'm not.

[Drum beats, song plays]

♪ This is the story of a boy and a girl ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ she said, "I like you, but I got to say no ♪
♪ I am the most beautiful" ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ and she was horrible, and she was rude ♪

[Crowd cheering]

♪ And she insulted everything that he knew ♪
♪ she wasn't clean, she was untrue ♪
♪ but she was beautiful ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ but somehow a little less so 'cause she knew ♪

Would you like another one?

Yeah ♪ That she was beautiful ♪
♪ I know pretty things are everywhere ♪
♪ but I didn't care ♪


What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

You're way too young to be at something like this.

What is that?

[Straining] And too young for that.

Can you say goodbye to your friends? Come on.

Are you serious?

Wait. What's going on? Who is she?

My cousin.

Her dad's niece.

You're a drag, is what you are.

Oh, he's a catch. Come on. You'll thank me later.

Why are you even doing this?

Because trust me, your night was about to get a whole lot worse.

[Scoffs] Come on.


No. Okay. All right. Thank you.

I know Luke's mad, but there's no flights out till morning, and plus, you have a ton of tour prep to do.

I know, but we can postpone that.

Till when? Your tour starts in less than a week.

I realize that, Bucky.

Listen, I have a lot that I need to figure out with the man who is supposed to become my husband.

I mean, planning a wedding by committee is insane, especially long-distance, especially when it starts out as an argument.

Look, Rayna, you were just considering what was best for your family.

I know.

But Luke is gonna be my family, too.

It's not something you can do over the phone?



Private plane.

Manager: Deacon.

Deacon. What's up?

Permits won't let us play after 11:00.

We're getting a late start, and I need you to cut a couple songs.

You kidding me?

Word came down from on high.

Oh, I know where it came from. Excuse me.

Pretty sure the stage is that way.

Oh, you mean for my 15-minute set?

I don't get it, man.

You force me to be on this tour, then you don't even let me play my songs?

What's your problem?

I think it's pretty obvious it's you.

I popped you one so you'd shut your mouth, not keep opening it.

You petty son of a bitch.

Look, what I say to my daughter, that's between her and me, all right?

I told her the damn truth, and I'm not ashamed of it.

Emcee: Hell, I'll call him a legend because he is one...

Ladies and gentlemen, Deacon Claybourne!

[Cheers and applause]



How's the cheese?

It's good.

Man: Hi. How you doing?


What are you talking about? Your movies are great.

Oh, no, no, no. They're formula.

Stop it.


[Chuckles] Want a shot?

I'm cutting back on drinking a little bit.

All right.

You, uh, cutting back on this?


Little bit.

So, I guess the stories aren't true about you being a bit of a wild child.

Yeah, not so much anymore.

Are you involved with someone?

Uh, I just went through a breakup, so...No.

Me too.

Actually made me believe she loved me.

She turned out to be a better actress off-screen.

Let's just say that she lied...A lot.

So, what went wrong for you?

I'm sorry. I'm feeling so sick to my stomach.

Do you mind if we take a rain check?

Yeah. Sure.

I'm sorry. It's okay.

What do you think of my outfit?

I love it, babe. Looks beautiful.

Good. I want it to be just right.

I've never performed at a big L.A. venue before.

Jeff: Can I have a word?

No cameras. No wife.

[Crowd cheering]

Jeff: What do you think you're doing?

Those high-pitched screams you hear out there, Will...


They're the ones buying your albums, or at least they were.

And neither sales nor panties are gonna fly if you go out there with the missus.

It's really not your decision.

It's really not your business.

So, why don't you just stick to your reality show?

'Cause your music career is over.

Are you gonna just stand there and let him talk to me like this?

Come on, Jeff.

You're #5 on the charts and falling.

[Cheers and applause]

Emcee: I said, are you ready for Mr. Will Lexington?!

Look, I'm not out to get you in trouble or anything.

I don't want to stop you from having a good time.

I wasn't.

Me either.

I don't fit in.

That's how I felt, too...

How I always feel.

You know that's a big part of what makes you an artist.

And it's a blessing, but it's also a curse, 'cause that is what we do.

We feel very deeply all of the time, but instead of sneaking out or acting up, the best way for people like us to deal with all them feelings is to write them down.

Yeah, I guess.

I'm not gonna tell either of your daddies.

And, uh, just promise that you will call me before you go to do something stupid like that again.


Don't forget to put your other clothes on, the ones in your bag.


How did you know?

I was 15 once.

[Both laugh]

Hey, Avery...

Do you need a ride home?

No, I got my own car here. I'm good.

That you can't drive.

I can take him.

Dang, you're pretty...

Like if Johnny cash and Johnny depp had a baby.

[Avery chuckles]

Gunnar, little help, please?

Kiley: It was really cool to see you play.

It just kind of felt like emo's in Austin all over again.

Emo's. Wow, that's a...

[Laughing] Yeah.

That's a flash from the past.

Well, look, I work at the Hermitage Café, so just pop on in there for breakfast sometime.

We'll catch up.

I'll do that.

All right. I'll see ya.

See ya.

Can we go now?

Uh, yeah. Sure.


I can't believe that you just let him walk all over me like that, and he walked all over you.

Well, there's nothing I could do!

I'm... I'm doing everything you're asking!

I'm... I'm mugging for the camera.

I'm giving you kisses on demand.

Don't think that doesn't disgust me.

When it comes to my music and my set, Jeff calls the sh*ts.

That sounds like a lot of excuses and lies to me.

You know what? That should be the name of your next record.

Man up and find a way to put me in your set.

You know what?

I may be gay, but you are insane!

[Country music playing]

[Crowd cheering]

Hell, yeah, Hollywood!

Let me introduce you to this great band right here.

On lead guitar, best in the world, Mr. Rich Eckhart.

Whoa. Rayna Jaymes.


Oh! Hey.

I think I saw you on "CMT unplugged."


Sadie Stone, right?


You are great.

Oh, man, you are the real deal, girl.

Oh, you don't know how much that means coming from you.

Oh. Thank you so much.

Hey, your new album is a classic.

Rayna's a classic, all right.

She's been around a long, long time.

Jeff Fordham... Known for his sense of humor.

Running a country label... Not so much.

I know enough to recognize talent that's actually on the rise.

Is that right?


It's wonderful to meet you.

It was so amazing to meet you.

You have a great time.

Thank you so much.

Our newest member of the band and...

And easily our... our most beautiful member of the band...

Ms. Pam York! Give it up, y'all! Come on!

We're wheelin' now, L.A.!

[Cheers and applause]

But we're not done yet!

It's about to be "OnTonight!"

[Cheers and applause]

[Chuckling] Rayna, what the hell?

[Crowd continues cheering]

I think I surprised him this time.

What are you doing here?

I didn't like the way that phone conversation ended.


Hey, we're gonna switch it up. We're gonna switch it up.

We're gonna do a different song. We're gonna do the new one.

We're gonna do a new song I wrote for my bride-to-be.

Hey, L.A., y'all mind if I serenade my girl?



["Good woman, good to me" playing]

♪ She knows the secrets of the wind ♪
♪ she knows the music of the stars ♪
♪ she knows the way that I got here ♪
♪ runs through the alleys and bars ♪
♪ she's a good woman ♪
♪ good woman ♪
♪ she's a good woman ♪
♪ she's good to me ♪

[Door slams, glass shatters]


What the hell are you doing here?

I had this movie thing in town playing Patsy Cline.

No, I mean here... My dressing room.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to talk to you.

About what?

'Cause if it's advice you want, your timing sucks, and I don't have any.

Well, I'm sorry that my timing is sucky.

There are things that are happening in my life that I think you can relate to, and I just wanted to...

Yeah, I heard. You broke up with Avery.

I'm sorry.

Do yourself a favor and let it go.

I can't. I still love him.

And it's not just about the two of us anymore.

There's a third party involved?

Mm, yeah.

Does he know?

Not everything.

And the things that he does know, I'm not sure he's gonna forgive me for.

You think he loves you?

He told me he does. I hope he does.

You tell him everything.

Or you just spare the poor bastard a world of hurt, and you set him free.

I'm sorry, Juliette. I got to get out of here.

[Door opens, closes]

I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed.

[Sighs] Hey, just...


What's wrong? Talk to me.

Why, when you don't talk to me.

I blabbed the whole way home.

You're the one that didn't say a word.

I talked about the... The band, the night, the... the music you want...

That is all surface, Gunnar!

You know the song you were working on yesterday?

I heard you singing it with Scarlett.

So? She... She came by to see you.

And then ended up singing with you!

And then when I offered to do the same, you turned me down.

Zoey, come on.

Because apparently, I don't compare!

Now, suddenly, there's this Kiley girl who's supposedly some old friend.

She was my first love, okay?

Why didn't you just say that?

I didn't want you not to like her.

She's practically family.

And with Jason gone, I don't have one.

Gunnar, you do have family.

You have me.


And I'll like whoever you want me to like as long as you're honest about it.

Here you are in your room, just like you said you'd be.

[Scoffs] You got to be the only damn woman in the world doesn't know I'm in love with Rayna Jaymes.

Well, from what I saw tonight, she's in love with someone else.

So that either makes you crazy, stupid, or both.

I still can't believe you flew here for all of 12 hours just to smooth things over between us.

Well, we needed to have a real conversation.

I mean, this long-distance thing is for the birds.

Yeah. Yeah, it sucks.


You know, I'm real sorry for the way I acted on the phone.

But this thing with Deacon, it... it rocked me.

I can't wait to marry you.


I just think November's gonna be too soon.


But I looked at our schedules, and I think I found a date.

Maybe a month after that.

Hon, we're gonna be on separate tours in different parts of the world.

Well, that's where you need to listen to me.

See, I have a great idea.


We're gonna combine our tours.

What are you proposing here?

I'm proposing "The Honeymoon Tour."

Put the tours together, babe.

We're together every night, onstage and off.

The kids could even come meet us.

What do you think?


No more distance, no more drama.

No more Deacon.


[Both chuckle]

I like it.


Well, that song wasn't the only surprise I had up my sleeve.

You are crazy.



You started without me?


[Dumbbells thud]

This isn't working.

I need something else...

More than these damn weights.


I get it.

Do you?

Ah. This is unexpected.

Just wanted to follow up about our little chat.

I thought it was a little lopsided.

When there's only one legitimate point w well, that's what happens I'm not a washed-up singer.

And will is no ordinary husband.


Tell me something I don't know.

How about this?

My next record is gonna go gold.

You're delusional. Good night.

And you're gonna make it happen, 'cause if you don't, your little cash cow of a cowboy is gonna be outed by his wife.

Juliette: I know I should've come to you sooner, but...

I was scared.

But I'm here now, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

'Cause what we had together...

It's bigger than both of us now.

I'm pregnant, Avery.

And it's yours.

What do you want me to do?

Uh, this is, uh, just fine.

[Chuckles] Tell me how she did it.


The most beautiful girl in the world...

Juliette Barnes.

[Both panting]

Did she do it like this, hmm?



No. You know what? Don't... don't do that.

You don't like it?

Uh, no. Uh, I-I-I do.

It's just, uh... I-I'm not feeling it.

You know, I'm... I'm... I'm not really feeling anything.


Fine. Then I guess I'll go.

♪ The most beautiful girl in the world ♪

[Door slams]

♪ The most beautiful girl ♪
♪ a lonely star shinin' bright ♪
♪ she is the dream I have every night ♪
♪ she is the love song I'm gonna write ♪
♪ it will be beautiful ♪

Hey, it's me... Glenn. The producers called.

You k*lled it out there in L.A. you really pulled it toge...

[Beep] What's up? It's Noah, a.k.a. Mr. Patsy Cline.

Listen, I wanted to invite you out to the...

[Beep] Ms. Barnes, it's Dr. Davidson.

It's been a week since you were here.

Um, if you still want to go through with the procedure, time is of the essence.

♪ Becomes a pea-a-a-a-a-rl ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ the most beautiful girl in the world ♪
♪ she was the most beautiful ♪

Kiley: Here you are. Enjoy.

Well, hey.


Didn't expect to see you here.

Why not?

I don't know.

Maybe 'cause your girlfriend was a little iffy around me.

That's probably 'cause I was a little iffy around you.


She's fine.

Listen, the... the reason I came by was...

Was to ask why I left Texas without saying anything?

Well, no, but...

I wouldn't mind knowing.

You just up and went.

No forwarding address, no nothing.

My parents thought you were a bad influence.

It was one of the many things they were wrong about.

I'm sorry.

Still have that cassette you made.

You were my first love song.


Jason recorded it on an old four-track with a radioshack mike.

He wanted to send one to every major label.

'Course he did... Crazy.

[Chuckles, sighs]

You never told me what he's up to.

[Voice breaking] He got jumped outside a bar here last year.

My brother's dead.


[Chord plays]

Jeanie: Wow. You're really on fire.

Hey. Well, I-I took your assignment to heart, and I came up with a song I really like.

Great. Can I take a look?

Yeah, sure.

[Clears throat]

"Feeling like an outsider... Peer pressure."

Scarlett, it reads more sad than fun.

It's... It's not what I meant when I asked for a song that girls want to hear.

Yeah, but they ought to.

So, we pushed the wedding day to December, which means that Maddie can go on her fishing trip, but more importantly, you know, it just gives all of us a chance to prepare for this thing.

I mean, this wedding is just gonna be massive.

And then we start the honeymoon tour right after.

Bucky: Yeah, I'll get on it right away with the Wheeler team.

Fantastic idea, Ray. Really.

Well, problem solved. Hey, I'll call you back.

[Engine shuts off]


I didn't know where else to go.

I can't seem to talk to anybody else about it.

And I thought...

That you might understand.

Understand what?

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