02x20 - Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x20 - Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad

Post by bunniefuu »

Will you marry me?

Previously on "Nashville"...

Jeff: This sudden engagement... maybe there's another reason for your rush to the altar.

Tell me, is Will gay?

What is it?

My royalties.

There's more where that came from.

And that is enough for both of us.


Mama? [Chuckles]

Wha... what are you doing here?

I wanted to talk about Scarlett.

I just don't think she should be on the tour.

Rayna: She's gonna toughen up.

She wants this.

Please don't make me go out there tonight.

Is this about your mama?

What I did was provide for you!

Something's wrong.

Scarlett: Why are you doing this?



[Echoing] Come on, Scarlett. It's okay.

Woman: k*ll the spotlight!

It's okay. It's okay.

Talk to me, Scarlett. It's all right. Okay.

I got you. Watch your step. Watch your step.

She's not talking.


[Echoing stops] Somebody get the tour doc!

Man: Get Dr. Wilson!



Oh, this is a disaster.

Glenn: Crowd's getting pretty restless. What do you want to do?

Get hair and makeup up here.

I'm gonna have to go up there and start my set early.

It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here.

Scarlett, my name is Dr. Wilson. [Echoing] Can you hear me?

Get the plane ready and make sure the press doesn't find out about it.

I don't want them showing up at the airport.

She was drinking a lot before the show.

That's rarely all they've been doing when it gets to this point.

What are you doing to my daughter?!

It's okay. He's a doctor.

Baby, mama's here. Mama's here.


You can fix her, right? You can fix her.

Bucky: They're on approach now, so, you know, within 30?

Okay, well, I just... what I need to do is confirm with you that the back entrance is gonna be available to us.

It is.


Wasn't sure you were gonna get my message.

I got it.

Yeah. Okay.

They're expecting us at the clinic within the hour.

Thanks, Buck.


Guess it wasn't the best idea in the world for me to send her off on tour with Juliette.

You think this is Juliette's fault?

No. That's not what I'm saying.

I told you she couldn't handle this.

I told you it would crush her.

You blaming me for this?


All I did was give her the opportunities that she wanted.

I told her she could walk away.

It's your job to call the sh*ts, all right?

You're supposed to tell her what to do.

One, two, three. Voilà!


All right, that's a house.

[Clears throat] No.


that's my house.

You told me I should spend my money on something I've always wanted.

I never thought I'd get to own a place... you know, put down roots, feel like I belong.

Now... now I do. [Chuckles]

[Exhales sharply] Wow. That's great.


Look, okay, it's no pressure on us, all right?

It's hard not to feel it.

I want you to do whatever you want to do.

I love you.

This is for me.

[Both laugh]

Well, all right.

Yeah! Come on! Come on! Whoo!

[Exhaling sharply] [Cellphone rings]


Hey. Don't know if you've heard about Scarlett.

No. What happened?

She went out onstage last night and then just completely lost it.

I had to carry her off.

She's cleared, medically, but they sedated her for the flight.

Rayna's waiting on the Tarmac.

And the hits just keep on coming.

♪ Green eyes staring down the barrel of a dance in the dark ♪
♪ and I know that I'm wearing the cross hairs on my heart ♪
♪ smile on your face and your finger on the trigger ♪
♪ the odds of the pain are about to get bigger ♪
♪ baby, I'm certain that you could put a hurtin' on me ♪
♪ yeah, you're no good, but it's so good ♪
♪ pull me in, wrong me right ♪
♪ burn me up, hurt me like you mean it ♪
♪ make me feel it ♪
♪ come on, come on, come on ♪
♪ everything you're doin' is workin' on me ♪
♪ come on, come on, come on ♪
♪ baby, put a hurtin', put a hurtin' on me ♪

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

We should take it back to the top of the first verse.

That was great, babe.


I want you to meet Gina Romano.

She's a reality-TV producer, and she wants to do a show about us.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Don't worry.

No one I talk to wants to do a reality show out the gate, but give me five minutes to tell you what this could mean for both your careers.

Yeah, sure. Give you five minutes.

Bucky: There's only so many things that can cause a breakdown like this.

Could be mental, could be dr*gs, could be alcohol.

Well, I don't want to talk about it right now.

Let's just see how she's doing.

Deacon: Thank you. Thank you.

You're okay. Come on, now.

Right here. Right here. Come on, baby. Watch your feet.

All right, babe, listen to me. You're home, sweetie.

We're gonna get you safe.

We'll take good care of you, okay?

Beverly: Deacon.

Deacon, I've got this under control, okay?

Okay, Beverly. [Sighs]

Listen, I don't need you swooping in here like some kind of white knight...


...Trying to save the day.

We got her checked out at Northwestern.

The doctor gave her a sedative.

Glenn had us updated.

We're gonna take her to Lakeshore crossing.

It's a really great clinic.

I would like her to go to a real hospital.

This is a real hospital. She'll get excellent medical care.

We'll keep her away from the press.

We're gonna do the best we can for her.

Listen, why don't you ride with her?

I know that'll make her feel comfortable.

I've had my doctor with her the entire time.

We've got everything under control.

Thank you so much, doctor.

I don't know what we would've done without you.

I'll ride with her to the clinic, help with the transition.

Great. Thank you.

Listen, my truck is right here. I'm gonna follow behind.

I'm right behind you, sweetheart.

We got to go. I do not want her in there with Beverly by herself.

Whoa, hey.

Uh... I guess, I'll... I'll ride with them.

We'll meet you there.

Rayna: You know what? You've done enough.

Go on home. I got it from here.

We'd rig the house, but we have a follow crew for shows, meetings, rehearsals... really paint the big picture.

Look, I'm flattered, but I've got an album to launch, national tour with Luke Wheeler, I... it sounds kind of awful, doesn't it?

Cameras following you everywhere you go, always in your business.

[Chuckling] Yeah, it kind of does.

It's true.

Reality TV can be a nightmare, unless you guys are working with the right producers.

I'm trying to put heart into it all.

I'm not looking for the "gotcha" exploitive stories.

I just want the world to know how hard you have to work to get to the top.

Most of our subjects have the fringe benefits of magazine covers, talk-show appearances, book deals.

Bottom line... we never do anything that makes the two of you feel uncomfortable.

Look, I-I got to think about it.

Okay, well, don't think too long.

We'd hate to have to go with somebody else.

You're gonna keep me informed about absolutely everything.

She's in no condition to make any decisions on her own.

Mrs. O'Connor?


I'm Dr. Lau. I'll be taking care of your daughter.


I know that you probably get a lot of "exhaustion" cases around here, but that's not what's going on with Scarlett.

There is family history that you need to know about.

This is obviously a psychotic break.

Her grandmother had one.

Anyone else?

I did.

I'm not ashamed of it.

I got the help that I needed, and I'm...


I'm a lot better than I was.

Okay, we got soundcheck blocked out for all the rehearsals for your album-launch events, and your interview for Cumulus Radio is still on for tonight.

You want me to cancel?

No. We can't cancel anything this close to the launch.

Hey, Dr. lau. How's she doing?

She's stabilized.

We're waiting for the sedatives to wear off so we can evaluate her more fully.

Okay. Thank you.


You want me to see if I can squeeze in your publicist?

I know she prepped you for questions about Maddie, but you're gonna get asked about this, too.

I think I just downplay it, you know?

Well, I don't know if that's gonna fly with all that video that's out there.

Well, we won't know what anything is until she wakes up and we talk to Scarlett and we talk to the doctor.

And until then, I'm not making any kind of...

Decisions about what's happening.

[Beverly chuckles]

I can't believe you're actually waiting to hear what anyone else has to say about anything.

Wow. I'm gonna go find some coffee.

You got something you want to talk to me about, Beverly?

Oh, cut the crap.

Coming in here and trying to mother my daughter when you can't even handle your own family...

I got a good hold of my family, thank you very much.

Oh, oh, not just your family.

Actually, Maddie's Deacon's daughter.

That makes her my niece, and you have been keeping her from us.

Girl, you have got so much nerve.

I know you've got everybody around here fooled.

I've known you 20 years, and I know for a fact you have always cared more about what the world thinks of you rather than the actual people involved.

Like, for instance, marrying that trust-fund guy when you were pregnant.


You don't know me.

You got a complicated relationship with your brother. I get that.

And you're concerned about Scarlett. I get that, too.

But don't you be blowing off your steam at me.

You find somebody else to tangle with, you hear?

So, now I'm just the taxi service? Huh?

I can get Scarlett from Chicago to here, and then it's, "shoo. Go sit in the corner."

Charlie Wentworth's push helped with uwantradio, but we're still not getting country play.

Good news is, the tour's down for a few weeks.

Maybe we can reach out to country radio again, get them to... and then... and then, "I can take it from here."

Like, "I'll take it from here."

Why? 'Cause nobody else can do anything?

While we're in town, we've got the BMI party tomorrow night.

I already RSVP'd... and then, "you should go home. You should go home."

Like it was my fault.

I don't think she meant it like that.

I think Rayna's just panicked about Scarlett.

I'm panicked about Scarlett.

That was my stage that she collapsed on.

That was my boyfriend that she's clinging to.

Hey. [Sighs]

Hey. There you are.

Uh, how's Scarlett? What's going on?

Well, she's, uh, checked in but not really talking yet.

You know, still out of it.

You look exhausted. Can I get you something to eat?


I'd rather just hit the shower and, uh, sleep a little.

This is insane!

I-I'm sorry. Poor choice of words.

But I should be the one Scarlett's talking to, not anybody else.

I know from crazy moms, okay?

[Echoing] Honey. There she is.

[Monitor beeping] There's my girl. Yeah, everything's okay.


Where am I?

You're all right, honey.

[Echoing stops] Uh, honey, you're in a clinic.

All right?

[Whimpers] Yeah.

What happened?

Scarlett, you had a breakdown, okay?

Just like the one I had when you were a little girl.

You're okay. Don't fight it.

What is this? What did you do?!

No, no. Don't fight this, honey. Don't fight it.

What did you do?!

Somebody, help!

Scarlett, no!

Did you have me committed?! What did you do?!

Your stay here is voluntary.

Get away from me!

Just get me out of here!

Hey, listen.

Since Scarlett's been staying at your house, have you noticed her drinking a lot or taking pills or whatever?

Oh, yeah. We're doing a lot of that.

We're back there drinking, taking pills, smoking.

It's a party.


You're trying to say it's my fault, right? That I'm the one... no, I'm not, Deacon.

I'm trying to get to the bottom of what happened... figure out what triggered this, how long it's been going on.

I don't know... she's been a little jumpy ever since she started working with Liam.

But... Then again, whose idea was that?


You know what? I'm gonna let y'all handle this.

Beverly: Scarlett, stop!

No, get off me! Get away!

[Door closes]

Scarlett, you slow down!

Deacon: Beverly. Beverly.

Do not make me chase you in these shoes!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Scarlett! Scarlett!

Stop yelling at her.

Stop yelling at her. Stop it!

Let go of me! Let me talk to you for a second.

Hey, honey? Scarlett?

Hey, girl... no, I'm not crazy.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I don't belong in a place like that.

I'm sorry.

Come here. Come here. Come here.

Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here.

Just give her three minutes. I'm begging you.

You all right?

I'm fine. I'm totally fine.

I just [Sniffles] I want to go back to work.

I know, but you had a lot of alcohol in your system.

Two drinks.

Well, and prescription dr*gs, and...

T-t-t-t-they're a pick-me-up. They're like a caffeine tablet.

Liam... Liam gave them to me. He takes them all the time.

Do you take them all the time now? You need that?

No! There's... there's nothing wrong with me.

I'm not... I'm not addicted to anything.

I-I had a bad reaction to some alcohol and, I guess, too many pills.

I know.

I just want to get my album fired back up.

Just let me do what I want to do, please. I hear you. I know.

And I want what you want, but I'll tell you something.

I think what we need to do right now is we need to go back in there, we need to let these doctors look at you, make sure you're okay, you know?

Give it 24 hours, and then I'll... I'll agree with whatever you decide.

No. No. I don't want to go back in there.

I don't... I don't belong in there.

I know, but, honey, you're standing out here in a field in... in your... Hospital gown.

It's not making a good case for you.

Just 24 hours, all right?


Scarlett. Scarlett, baby.

[Sobbing] No.

Deacon: Beverly. Honey.

See? See? Just give her a second.

She's okay.

I don't know... I don't think I want a bunch of strangers following me around with cameras, watching me brush my teeth.

No, but I really don't think it's gonna be like that.

You know, it's supposed to be a slice of life, real reality.

It'd be great for your album.

Hey! There you two are.

Oh, hey.

Is everything okay?

Not really.

Scarlett had a meltdown onstage... completely lost it.

Wait... what?

Is she okay?

I don't know.

That's awful.

What do you do when someone... when that happens?

Yeah, we're trying to figure that out.


They got them little cinnamon rolls... you see what she does?

Look, sweetie, your mama's a handful, and we all know that... that's old news.

I want to talk about...

The pills, you know, the drinking.

You know, you're half Claybourne. You got to be careful.

I wouldn't have reacted like that if she hadn't had them tie me to the bed.

Wouldn't have run out there and made a fool out of myself in front of everybo... in front of Rayna.

Can't you see this is her doing?

Baby, you're not here 'cause of what happened outside.

That is exactly why I'm still here, to prove to y'all what I already know... there's nothing wrong with me.

You keep her away. [Breathing shakily]

Zoey: I hate this.

I hate that I'm not there with her.

I hate that I wasn't there for her when it happened.

Hey, you couldn't have known.

[Sighs] Should I call her? Or go over there?

Things have been so weird with us.

What if she kicks me out?

Well, at least that'd be better than sitting here wondering about it.

Come with me.

[Chuckles] Then she would definitely kick you out.

I don't think that's true.

Besides, I've got this last-minute meeting with Jeff Fordham, of all people.

How can you be so cold about this?

I'm not, okay?

Look, the last time we tried to support each other just as friends was the whole Kelly Clarkson mess.


She made it pretty clear I'm not welcome in her life right now.

I should probably just...

Sit this one out completely, okay?

[Door opens]

It's good to see you up and about.

You feeling better?


Doing some light reading?

[Chuckles lightly]

So, how are you?

Everybody wants me to say I'm crazy.

I'd be lying if I did that.

I totally get it.

People project stuff on me all the time, and it doesn't make it any better that you have a complicated relationship with your mom.

The amount of times that my mo... what are you even doing here?

I was worried about you.

Were you worried about me when you sent me out onstage?

What about when you hauled me off of it, had me sedated, and whisked me across the country in your private jet?

Were you worried about me then?

You want to sit here and talk like we're old buddies?

It's your fault I'm here.

Uh, look, I think I know what you're going through, and maybe I can help.

Oh, my God! Would you stop trying to make everything about you?

You did that enough in Chicago.

I had a minor hiccup onstage... a hiccup? Yeah, maybe in some parallel universe, that was a hiccup.

I froze for a second. That is all. So what?

It was more than a second, and you did more than freeze.

I was there. I know what happened.

Do you?

I'd like you to leave now.

[Door closes]

Dr. Lau: We got the tests back, and, all in all, things are looking good.

The dr*gs have cleared her system, and she's not showing any symptoms of withdrawal.


What are you doing? I thought you went home.

For heaven's sake. She collapsed on my stage.

I know. What happened?

She said she didn't want to go on, you wanted her to go on.

What's the story?

Nothing. Nothing happened.

I'm just, apparently, the world's biggest jackass, okay?


You don't have to stay out here.

Scarlett's got everything right back in her room.

I can't. I can't.

I-I don't even feel right about leaving her in that hospital alone.

All right, those people are the best.

They're gonna take good care of her, okay?

I should be the one down there taking care of her.

It should be me down there.

Not that you would understand that, 'cause you tried to physically restrain me while I was trying to talk to my daughter.

Yeah, well, some of that talking was starting to sound like yelling.

You are unbelievable.

Hey, I'm surprised you even showed up, given your track record.

I mean, isn't this, like, the perfect time for you to disappear?

You got to make up your mind, Beverly.

Either I'm the jerk who's never there when you need him or I'm the white knight always trying to swoop in and save everybody.

Pretty hard to be both.

Yet you manage it so well.

[Chuckles] Makes it even worse.

'Cause you get people's hopes up and then you bail on them.

Everything that's going on, you want to do this right now?

Do what? Talk about things that actually matter? Yeah. I do.

All right, let's do it.


You could have got on that bus with me, all right?

I begged you to, but you wanted to stay behind and marry that jackass Doug...

I was pregnant!

Not yet. You weren't. Okay? You and I both know that.

First you stayed, and then you got pregnant.

And anything else is just you trying to rewrite history.

Now, my guitar gave me a way out of there.

Damn it, I took it.

Sure as hell didn't have anything to stay for.

You could've stayed for me.

Daddy was the meanest son of a bitch I ever met, and mama was no help, and you know it.

It was just you and me in the trenches together, and you left!

I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.

I had to go. I had... if I hadn't left, there'd have been nobody to pay for Scarlett to go to Ole Miss or...

You know, for you... get the help you needed.

If you hadn't have left, I wouldn't have needed any help, Deacon!

You bailed on me, and then Doug left, and then Scarlett followed you down here.

That's my fault? That's my... you were the first!

Your life is my fault?!

I couldn't recover! It is your fault!

It's my... it is your fault!

You're an angry, narcissistic, manic mess!

That's your fault!

Well, it's better than being a pathetic drunk, like your daddy!

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, yeah. Just walk away.

I don't know why I'd expect anything else.

[Door slams] [Grunts]

Gunnar: Wow. Nice place for a meeting.

Yeah. Thanks for coming out.

Well, you made it sound like I couldn't afford not to.

I want you to come over to Edgehill.

To do what?

I mean, you made it pretty clear I wasn't wanted as an artist there.

I'm starting a publishing division.

I'm gonna build a stable of songwriters, and I want you to be the first.

Well, I'm flattered, but I already have a deal at South Circle.

What, uh, what's your split there? Hmm?

50/50? No co-publishing?

I am offering you co-publishing plus 75%.

Hell, with a deal like that, maybe you can join a place like this.

You know, word around town is Edgehill's on the ropes and you are, too.

I mean, it must be hard staying at the top after losing Juliette Barnes and Rayna James.

[Clears throat] You're right.

I'm, uh... I'm in a tight spot.

But I'm fighting to get up off the mat.

Is that what you want to hear?

Yeah, well, you probably just started getting royalties from "Ball and Chain," right?


Yeah, it's nice.

[Chuckling] It is.

That one number-one, Gunnar.

Now think about the fact that I have got a stable of artists who have a habit of sitting at the top of the charts.

This is the big leagues, man.

No more blowing opportunities with a-list talent like Kelly Clarkson.

I didn't blow that opportunity.

No. No, you didn't.

Your loony ex-partner did.


Scarlett O'Connor has more talent than most of us dream about.

She's the one who pulled the good music out of me.

I owe her everything.

You just called her a loony.

You can take your deal.

You can go shove it.

Rayna: The doctors say she's not an addict.

I mean, from a business perspective, there's no question the best thing would be for her to get right back out there.

You... you have Evan Ryder, woman: Hey, Rayna.

But Scarlett's a lot... hey.

Scarlett's a lot closer to contributing to your bottom line.

I mean, I don't know what's the right thing to do here.

I don't want to box her in with one interview.

Well, Jason's gonna push you hard to commit to this, trying to get you to say...

I play this game better than he does.


Hey! How are you?

How are you, friend?

Doing well.

[Notes play]


I'm real sorry you blame me for your life.

But it's not about us anymore.

It's about that sweet girl of yours.

Let's let her make her choice about how much help she wants.

And then when she does, you and me, we'll just...

We'll give her what we never got... unconditional love and support.

No matter what.




It's gonna be okay.

[Sobbing] Leave me alone!


Go away!

What did I do to you?!

What did I do?!

I'm sorry...

[cellphone clicks]

I can't believe you came.

Can't believe you thought I wouldn't.

Remember all those night I came to stay with you when mama was at the farm?

I'd sit in your bed [voice breaking] Wondering if I'd turn out like her.

[Crying] How did I get here?

It's not like I forced her to get up there on that stage.

I just told her that's the way the business works.

It's kind of the same thing.

What was that?


I said, "it's kind of the same thing."

"That's how the business works," means "shut up and do it."

I see how she could see it that way.

That I forced her?

She's scared and vulnerable, and you tell her, "that's how it works."

You don't know how her mind...


Okay, so you're taking her side?

No! I'm not taking anyone's side!

I just need some sleep.

I'm sorry, okay?

I'm in a mood.

But if we're in bed...


You in the mood for something like this?



Okay, babe, listen.

I just... stop.

Are you kidding?



First, you didn't care that Charlie kissed me, and now I can't even get you to sleep with me.

I never said either of those things.

But now that you brought it up, is that why Charlie was hanging around?

I mean, are you trying to make me jealous or something?

Why would I need to make you jealous?

I don't know... why are you acting like a crazy person every time anything with Scarlett comes up?

So I'm crazy now?

You know what? [Sighs]

I can't do this tonight.

Let's talk about your new single.

It's called "This Time."

You co-wrote it with none other than Deacon Claybourne.

That's right. It was... it was an amazing collaboration.

And, uh... Speaking of Deacon Claybourne...


I've got to ask you. Our listeners are dying to know.

They want to hear you talk about him and, uh, and about your daughter, as well.

Well, listen, I think everyone has really respected that this is a private, family issue, and... and so we're gonna keep it at that.

Let's delve into a little bit about Scarlett O'Connor.

She's your young artist.

Had a pretty public meltdown onstage last night.

I don't think people realize how exhausting these tours can be, and especially when it's your first time out, as it... as it is for her.

Are you telling us that that's a first-time offense, one and only, never gonna happen again, she's gonna hit the road again next month?

Or is she going to be too "exhausted"?

She is a wonderful artist, and as far as I'm concerned, she can do whatever the heck she wants.

And in the meantime, I'm gonna be out there lunching my new album... may 1st.

Let's spin the brand-new single from you right now.

Here we go. Here's Rayna with "This Time."

["This Time" plays]

[Sighs] Man!

I'm sorry.

So, look... no commitment one way or the other?


Scarlett's crack-up is a win/win for you and Highway 65.

She hits the road, you guys get a ton of free pub out of it.

Or, y-you know, you lock her up in a funny farm for a month or two.

She's out in 30 or 60 days.

Next thing she knows, she's telling stories that she can dine out on for the rest of her entire career.

I'm not gonna go for the tabloid tragedy.

It's the tabloid tragedy that keeps this industry running.

You know that.

You set it to music... yeehaw!... you got yourself a good old country song.

It's just business.

I remember walking out there...

And the band started to play...

And then there was this moment of real light-headedness, and, um...

Honestly, after that, it's really fuzzy.

Do you remember now that you've seen the video?


That's the thing that's the scariest part... how you forget that.

Maybe I am losing it.

No. You're just overwhelmed.


What do you want to do?

It's okay.

You sure?



My baby. My sweet, sweet girl.


Come on.

I love you so much, honey.

You know that, right?



I've been through the exact same thing, honey, and this is something we got to face.

You stay here, and we get you all the help you need.

But, Scarlett, you got to hear me when I tell you this is something that runs in our family.

It's... it's like a curse.

This is not your fault. I promise you that.

My sweet girl.

It's gonna be okay.

Will: There you go.

Woman: Thank you so much.

You're welcome. All right.

[Camera shutter clicks]

You get it? [Chuckles] All right.

Hey, thank y'all for coming. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Hope you like stuff like this.

Next few weeks are gonna be stacked with events, both here and on the road.

Hey, if all this stuff helps me sell records, [laughing] Then, uh, yeah, I'll get used to liking it.

Got a call today from Gina Romano.

I was meaning to ask you about that.

You know, for all my other artists, I'd be all for it, but you really think a reality show with cameras following you everywhere is a good idea?

Why would it be okay for them but not for me?

[Chuckling] I mean, if people watching me brush my teeth and hang out with my wife helps me sell records... we both know why this is a terrible idea for you.

Really? Why?

Well, you really want me to say it? Hmm?

'Cause I'd like to maintain some plausible deniability here.

You give it some serious thought before you expose yourself like that.


Hey, I'm sorry I was being such a brat before.

I overreacted. I was just tired.



Don't you touch me! Don't you touch me!

I told you... never touch me!


Tell me what I did to make you so angry with me.

Why are you doing this to me?!




The only thing we Claybournes are good at is blaming other people for our problems.

Beverly just unloaded on me.

That's never fun.

But it's even worse when I realize that...

She sounds just like me... blaming you for things that, uh, you couldn't control.

None of this is your fault.

I was trying to protect her.

I mean, when I started Highway 65, that was the whole point, you know?

I want to create a refuge for these artists...

Try to protect them from all the pain...

That this can bring, you know?

[Exhales sharply]

[Chuckles lightly]

I remember how you were when she was first born.

Never seen you like that.

I don't know what I'm gonna do about this label.

But I know Scarlett is family.

Gunnar: ♪ the same road that brought you here ♪
♪ sure as hell take you home ♪
♪ the life you left behind will have you back ♪
♪ you're tired of paying dues ♪
♪ and worn-out shoes and Broadway blues ♪
♪ and any fool will tell you the damn ol' deck is stacked ♪
♪ what if you're just a vessel ♪
♪ and God gave you something special? ♪
♪ it ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ it ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ every time you open up your mouth ♪
♪ diamonds come rolling out ♪
♪ it ain't yours to throw away ♪
♪ no-o-o-o ♪

[music stops]

Sorry if I woke you.

I-I couldn't sleep.

It's beautiful.

Is it about Scarlett?

I guess.


You think she's gonna be okay?

I don't know.

[Breathes deeply]




Sorry. Guess I fell asleep.



The last few days have been kind of rough, huh?

That is the understatement of the year.

How you feeling?

Not really sure yet.

What are you doing here?

You wouldn't let go of my hand when it happened.

I know how you feel about Beverly, and...

I know you.

And I just figured a friendly face wouldn't be a bad thing.

It's not.

Thank you for always being there for me.

You were my first love.

You know that?

[Chuckles lightly]

I don't think I'll ever love anyone as much as I loved you.

I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

You hear me?

You got a permanent piece of my heart, Scarlett.

Always will.

[Knock on door]

Hey. [Door closes]

Clean bill of health from the doctors, huh?

Well, yeah. I already knew I wasn't a drug addict.

So did I.

When can I go back out?

I think you been spending a lot of time worrying about what's gonna make me happy.

Now's the time for you to think about what's gonna make you happy.

I'm gonna ask you a question that I asked you before.

I want you to answer me honestly.

Do you want this?

[Breathing shakily]

No, I don't.

I don't know what I want, but...

I don't want this.

Feel like you've been trying to tell me that for a while.

Sorry I wasted your time.

Hey, listen, you figured out something you don't want to do.

I mean, that is every bit as important as figuring out what you do want to do.

You've got a great future ahead of you.

It's just gonna mean going down a different road.

I'm gonna release you from your contract.

[Chuckles, sniffles]

Whoa! Haven't seen the girls out like that in a while.

Know what... I'm allowed to get dressed up and go out whenever I want to.

I was just kidding.

The car's gonna be here pretty soon. Where's Avery?

Avery is... Too busy with his ex-girlfriend to be concerned about his current one.

Well... I'll come with you. It'll be fun.

No. I don't need a pity date or a babysitter, okay?

I'm going alone.

You wanted me?


I need you to drive me home.


No more pills, right?

What do you reckon?



What are you doing?

I'm, uh... I'm signing myself out.

Wait a minute. Are you even cleared to do that?

I mean, honey, what about everything that we talked about?

I understand that your time at the farm was very valuable to you, but this is not what my life is going to be, so I'm leaving.

Did you put her up to this?

No, but I thought we talked about letting her do what... this is between me and Scarlett.

It's between her. She...

I need you to stay out of this!

Would you stop it, please?

God, you're... you blame everybody else for everything.

You are angry at the universe, and you take it out on everybody.

[Scoffs] You do.

And now you want me to stay here and pretend I don't got no choice.

I have a choice.

And I made a whole lot of bad ones.

I did that. I made bad decisions.

Nobody else did it for me.

Baby, okay.

You're still sick, and you need help.

And listen... I've already decided I'm gonna move up here and I'm gonna stay and take care of you as long as... mama, mama, I love you.

I really do.

Right now, what I need is for you to go on home.

♪ Back when that song was a song ♪

And the new house is in east Nashville... three bedrooms, a yard. [Chuckles]

You guys have got to come see.

That's great, man. Congratulations.

Well, you know, I figured the two of you could use a place of your own...

even if it is a place we've, uh, all had before.

Wait. Are you kidding?

That would be perfect for the show.

What show?

Fill me up, darlin'. Keep 'em comin'.



♪ Even if you think you're at a standstill ♪
♪ even when you've got nowhere to call home ♪
♪ everyone goes past you, running uphill ♪
♪ just be here ♪
♪ you don't have to understand the if and when ♪
♪ you just need to understand it's part of life ♪
♪ never know for certain where you're going ♪
♪ but you'll always arrive ♪
♪ 'cause the bridge that burns took you out of the way ♪
♪ made you turn around until you faced the demons ♪
♪ In the end, you'll learn you'll get there anyway ♪
♪ sometimes it all goes wrong ♪
♪ goes wrong for the right reasons ♪

So, you're just... Stepping away from performing altogether?

I don't want to be a star.

♪ Think of all the morning stars you would've missed ♪

I told Zoey I didn't know how I got there, but... I do.


I did it to myself.

That's a hard thing to admit.


Thank you.

♪ 'Cause the bridge that burns took you out of the way ♪

I just think it's a really cool opportunity, you know?

I mean, how many people get the chance to have their own TV show?

You know, with Gunnar moving out, it's like we'd be starting our life together.

I just think that... yeah, okay. I'm in.

You're in?

Let's do it.



♪ Ye-e-a-a-ah ♪
♪ if you wouldn't be here, this wouldn't be right ♪


♪ What feels like a dead end leads you to find ♪
♪ 'cause the bridge that burns ♪


♪ Took you out of the way ♪
♪ made you turn around until you faced the demons ♪
♪ In the end, you'll learn you'll get there anyway ♪
♪ sometimes it all goes wrong, goes wrong ♪
♪ if you wouldn't be here, this wouldn't be right ♪

Whiskey... neat. Make it a double.

♪ What feels like a dead end leads you to find ♪

You know, sometimes I really hate this town.

Sometimes I really hate everything.

♪ Made you turn around until you faced the demons ♪
♪ in the end, you'll learn you'll get there anyway ♪
♪ sometimes it all goes wrong ♪
♪ goes wrong for the right reasons ♪
♪ for the right reaso-o-o-ns ♪

That was great, y'all.


Can you give me a quick second?

Hey! What are you doing here?


Surprised you're still here. You're working late.

Yeah. We got to nail this, you know?


So, um, you released Scarlett from her contract.

It was the right thing.

And she finally got the guts to say so herself.

What about Highway 65?

Highway 65's gonna live or die on this album.

♪ Do you wanna, wanna, do you wanna, wanna go? ♪
♪ pedal on the floorboard ♪
♪ lay a little bit of rubber down on this road ♪
♪ bass bumpin' on the car door ♪
♪ got a blue sky, got a fast ride ♪
♪ got all the time in the world, so come on, little girl ♪
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