02x18 - Your Wild Life's Gonna Get You Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x18 - Your Wild Life's Gonna Get You Down

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Can we just at least talk about what happened?

It was a mistake.

Right now, my association with you could hurt me.

What is she doing?

Rayna signed me to Highway 65.

Why don't you come open up for me?

Deacon! You have to say yes!

Your hobbies are getting in the way of your homework.

Music isn't a hobby to me!

Any chance you're available?

For producing your album? - Mm-hmm.

Scarlett: I would rather not go back out on the road right now.

I'll never expose you, but it won't be long before the rumors get to Jeff.

Will you marry me?

I can't believe we're barely in the top five most-added.

Came out of the gate strong.

Just slipped into light rotation in key markets once word got out you signed Juliette.

'Cause we're being blacklisted.

Country radio's not quick to forgive controversial artists.

If we fall off the charts, it could derail the whole album.

It doesn't help that Jeff Fordham's throwing every Edgehill dollar trying to get Will Lexington more radio play.

[Sighs] Well, let's hope this live stream makes up for the fact that we don't have a dime.

[Sighs] Hey.

Sounded good.

Oh, thank you.

We're trying to work out this little mini-set I'm gonna do for a live stream with Luke, so... sure.

You know, we have our own little tour to worry about here, so I'm taking off tomorrow morning.

Which is why I thought it'd be a really good idea for us to get together before you go.

So, first of all, welcome, Scarlett!

I'm so happy that you agreed to open for Juliette.

I think it's gonna be really great.

Oh, thank you for having me.

I'm a little bit worried about the schedule and just getting my album finished in the middle of it all, but...

Well, that's why it's great to have a producer who travels.

I go where I'm needed.

And wanted.

So, what is your big plan for me?

Well, the, uh, performance at the Opry didn't... Quite have the impact that the "Wrong Song" did in terms of repairing reputations.

I don't think you can really judge a song from one performance at the Opry.

Oh, I don't think it was about the performance.

Okay. We get it.

I ruined the launch of your single.

But [Chuckles] sorry. You can't blame this all on me.

Well... We're not gonna dwell on it, are we?

You're going on tour, so I suggest you do what we talked about and go out there and make some noise.

Win back those fans and those radio stations one city at a time.

I have spent $500,000 of my own money to promote these dates, so I'm just not quite sure how much more noise I can make.

So, guess we are done here?

Yeah? Cool.

Y... uh, sure. Well, have a great trip.

Hey, Gunnar, where you at, man?

Layla: What's all this new stuff?

Get your butt out here.

Hey. You guys already back from tour?

[Groans] Travel day.

Playing the Bridgestone the night after next.

Oh, nice. [Chuckles]

Yeah. What's going on, man?

You, uh, win the lottery or something?

Well, first royalty check came in for "Ball and Chain," so figured I'd grow the place up a little.

Yes. We've been doing some growing up ourselves.


I can't believe you didn't see it on Twitter.

Wow. C-c-congratulations.

Thanks, man.

I'd be honored if you'd be my best man.

Wait. When's all this happening?

Soon. [Cellphone rings]

Hang on.

Oh, that's Jeff Fordham. One second.

Hey, Jeff. What's up, man?

That's right... to quote my pal here, went and got myself a ball and chain.



Oh, sure. We can do that.

Welcome home, baby!

Hey. Thought you'd be at work.

Oh, I cleared my schedule. Tomorrow, too.

Oh, yeah?

Come here.

Workaholic in recovery, huh?

Mmm. [Both moan]

Somebody miss me?

Something awful.


But I did have these to keep me company.

Compared you to Steve Earle and Kris Kristofferson?

They gave you five stars!

So, what? You got five copies?

What can I say? I'm proud of you.

Thank you.


And I'm so happy you're home for a few days.

Yeah, me too.

Just tell me you don't have a bunch of interviews to do.

I got nothing till the big gig, you know?

I mean, Maddie just texted, so I got a lesson with her tomorrow, but that's not till the afternoon.

I can think of something to fill the time.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah.

What did I just tell you about using the computer at the table?

I was looking up something for school.

Put it away, please. [Doorbell rings]

I got it!




Luke: How you doing? Oh, my goodness! You're tall!

Rayna: Hey.

Hey. [Chuckles]

What are you doing here?

Well, I came by to tell you in person how much I can't wait to crank out "Ball and Chain" with you tomorrow night.



Well, aren't you sweet?

Hey, there, Maddie.


I am excited.

I'm excited for our live stream of "Ball and Chain."

Yeah. Me too.

I thought you hated social media.

I do... for my personal life.

But, you know, now that I'm an independent, it is a great way to get the music out there.

Yep. It's the name of the game.

All right, y'all, listen.

Go upstairs, get yourselves packed for daddy's before we leave for school, okay?

Can't I just stay here, just this one week?

Honey, we talked about it already.

She's had a little case of being a teenager.

[Chuckling] Yeah. [Chuckles]

I got to get their lunches ready.

She must've picked up the same strand my son Colt has.

Maybe we could, you know, quarantine them together.

Oh, I would love that.

He's, um, actually gonna be in town tomorrow night for the show.

He is?

Yeah. [Sighs]

Are we gonna get to meet your kids?

Uh, just the one. Sage has a recital back home.

Great. [Chuckles]

Um, he's a great kid...

Despite the outfit.

[Gasps] [Laughs]

Is that his profile? - Mm-hmm.

How does a 16-year-old have 20,000 followers?

Oh, he's a ham. Takes after his daddy.


Who's got 5 million, by the way.

So, what do you say?

You think you want to let the kids mix it up tomorrow?

Yeah, I do. I think that'd be great.

All right.

I do feel like, you know, I've...

I've tried to keep my girls sort of kind of low-profile in terms of all that media stuff, so...

If we can just sort of avoid the tweets and the selfies and all that... just make it us, just family.


Hardly said a word on the plane.

Uh, not sure how I feel about private jets and these big arenas.

You say it like it's a bad thing.

Look, you're not a waitress writing poems in her book anymore.

I know.

And when I'm out there, that 20 minutes singing to everybody, that's my favorite thing in the world.

It's just the other 23 hours of traveling and sleeping in a different bed every night and then having to go to industry parties.

I just wanted to make my album. That's all.

And we're going to.

I got the perfect piece of music for us to start with right now.

Doesn't Juliette need you out on the stage with her?

Can't be playing in her band when I got an album to produce, can I?


[Indistinct conversation]

Teddy: Hey, darlin'.

Hey, daddy. Just finished my English homework with Anne.


Where's Maddie?

At Talia's, studying for her history test.

I thought that was an approved activity.

It is. But her history test was last Friday.

Where's your sister? And do not cover for her.

Juliette: They cut this down any further, I might as well be playing a nightclub.

Glenn: Honey, you're the biggest controversy in country since the Dixie Chicks.

Gonna take some time to blow over. [Scoffs]

Well, I'll take a death threat over a dead room any day.

How am I supposed to be heard if there's nobody here?

Your true fans will be.

Well, honestly, I was hoping for some Rayna Jaymes fans.

All the money I'm out of pocket to promote these dates?

Please tell me that there's at least some sort of mention about me signing with Highway 65 in the local papers.

Uh... There is a mention.

There's no such thing as bad publicity.

Oh, yeah. Right.

Well, whoever I'm playing to...

I'm gonna rock their faces off.

[Inhales deeply]

You know, I can't wait to see your show tomorrow.

Your mom playing, too.

Gonna be a regular family affair.

[Laughs] Maybe someday we can all play together.

Tell you what... you keep picking like that, it won't be long.

You're getting seriously good, young lady.

[Chuckles] Thank you, dad.

Can't say I ever expected to be called that.

[Pounding on door]

Got an angry mailman.

[Pounding continues] I'm coming. Hold on. Hold on.

Hey. What's up?

Let's go. Your sister's waiting in the car.

What's going on?

She's grounded, that's what's going on... something she seems to have forgotten.

Go get in the car.

That true?

Look, I wasn't kept in the loop on this, or...

There was no need to keep you in the loop.

Well, yeah, 'cause I could've come to her.

I don't think part of her punishment should be taking away her music.

Music is the problem.

And you can feel free to give me parenting advice once you've actually raised a child for 14 years.

Yeah, well, I was kept out of that loop, too.

Look, you may have some biological connection here, but you are not her parent.

She is grounded.

And she will not be seeing you here or at your concert.

[Door slams]

Of course I didn't know she was gonna go over to Deacon's.

I can't believe she just out-and-out lied about it.

Yeah, well, she did.

And that's why there's gonna be consequences.

I told her she is not going to the concert.

Well, I wish you'd have called and talked to me before you dropped that hammer.

It's my week, Rayna.

I know.

But, you know, she's our daughter.

And, frankly, I wanted her to come to that show.

Do you remember you told me you would back me up?

I do, and I will, but I was gonna introduce the girls to Luke's son.

It's the only opportunity we have to do it.

Wait, wait, wait. So, what?

We send a message that defiance gets rewarded? Come on.

Of course that's not what we're saying.

I do think that you're punishing more than just Maddie here.

Listen, I'm just gonna need you to give me a pass on this, okay?



Okay, look. Fine. Fine. On one condition.

The minute you come off that stage, I am picking up the girls and Maddie's grounding resumes.

No guitar lessons.




Everything all right with the mayor?

I swear, does the drama ever end?

[Laughs] Yeah. Come here.

It does right now.

Hey. Just got a text from Rayna.

Maddie can go.

Okay. Well, then, it's resolved.

Not between me and Teddy it ain't.

One minute, he's telling me he wants me to be a positive influence.

The next minute, he's boxing me out.

I swear, I do not get that guy.

Clearly, he feels threatened by you.


I have respected every single boundary that man has set.

I've done that.

I don't know.

I tell you what... it's old and it's deep.

And I know he's been going through a lot, so I put up with a lot, but...

There's a limit, man. There is a limit. [Sighs]

Let's just not waste any more energy on him, okay?

Focus on the positive.

You have a big show tomorrow night.

And your two biggest fans, me and Maddie, are gonna be there.

You're right.

Screw Teddy.

["Tell That Devil" plays]

[Cheers and applause]

♪ Tell that devil to take you back ♪
♪ Take you back, take you back ♪
♪ My heart went from red to black ♪
♪ Red to black, red to black ♪
♪ Came up from that lake of fire ♪
♪ Lake of fire, lake of fire ♪
♪ Only had that one desire ♪
♪ One desire ♪
♪ Got a mouth full of gasoline ♪
♪ Don't you bring your fire near me ♪
♪ When I gave you all I got to give ♪
♪ I know that ain't no way to live ♪
♪ So I told that devil to take you back ♪
♪ I told that devil to take you back ♪

[Guitar solo]

♪ Tell that devil to take you back ♪
♪ Take you back, take you back ♪
♪ You're a sweet shot of kerosene ♪
♪ When I threw it back, it poisoned me ♪
♪ Well, I gave you all I got to give ♪
♪ I know that ain't no way to live ♪
♪ So I told that devil to take you back ♪
♪ I told that devil to take you back ♪

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you all so much!

Your loyalty means the world to me.

Thank you! I love y'all!

[Cheers and applause continue]

Hands down, one of the best shows I've ever seen you play.

Really, Juliette. I have goose bumps.

Yeah, right?

I don't think I've ever worked that hard in my life.

That better generate some buzz.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, did Avery come out to see the set?

I think he's still back there writing with Scarlett.

Jeff: Congratulations, man.

Congratulations on surpassing Rayna Jaymes on the country radio charts... it's big.

Looks like I made the right choice signing with you.

You did.

And I want to make sure you keep making them.

This, uh, sudden engagement... what happened, man?

What? You, uh, knock the girl up?

[Laughs] No. No, sir.


Then why are you tying yourself down to a one-hit wonder?

Jeff, Layla's not a one-hit wonder.

She's my girl. And I'm not interested in any others.

If pregnancy isn't the issue...

Maybe there's another reason for your rush to the altar.




It's called love.


I mean, maybe you may enjoy this big-city-bachelor lifestyle, but where I come from, we still believe in drinking cold beer and marrying hot women.

Well, then...

I'll be the first to wish you and your fiancée a lifetime of happiness.

To you guys.

["Falling" plays]

♪ Follow me down ♪
♪ Going down ♪
♪ Down ♪
♪ Down ♪
♪ Down ♪

[music fades]

Man, Scarlett, that sounds beautiful.

Sure does. [Chuckles]

Hey. I didn't realize we had an audience.

Y'all were so wrapped up in it, you didn't even notice me standing there.

You sounded really good out there, too.

Baby, I'm... I'm so sorry I-I missed your set.

Just, time got away from me.

How'd it go?

Oh, a few empty seats.

Are you kidding me? It was amazing.

She was amazing.

Always is.

Anyway, didn't mean to interrupt.

Just wanted to know if y'all are coming to the after-party.


Uh, y'know, we're kind of on a roll here.

I was hoping to get this down to demo.

You mind if we keep working instead?

That's why she's here, right?

You ever gonna turn that thing on, or is it just for show?

I'm not the one doing things for show around here.

Nice. Real nice.

You got a lot of talk about "I got your back."

You're never gonna have the damnedest idea what I'm up against.

So, what? [Scoffs]

You're gonna drag this poor girl down with you while you live a lie?

You said it yourself... there are others.


Not gonna be any more. [Sighs]

Well, I don't know how you're supposed to manage that.

Look, you're gay, and that's fine, okay?

But you just got to find a way to...


I can't do this.

I'm not gonna be your best man.

You don't have to be my best friend, either.

I'm gonna marry Layla.

I don't give a steer's ass what you or Jeff Fordham or anyone else has to say about it!

Well, fine! I think it's time you moved out, then!

Oh, well, that's the first sensible thing you've said all night!

[Door slams]

Rayna: Hey, y'all.

Well, hey. If it ain't three of my favorite girls.

Colt, come over here, son.

Hey. How are ya?


Hi, there.


Will you take these dang things off?

Hey, Colt. I'm Rayna.

This is Maddie and Daphne.

Hi, Colt.



Yeah, in case y'all didn't understand that, uh, that is hip-hop for "howdy."


Your dad tells me you like to deejay.

Yeah, I make beats.

Me and Maddie do that by clapping.


[Knock on door] Mr. Wheeler, time for your meet-n-greet.

And Ms. Jaymes, Bucky asked that I bring you to your live-stream producer.

Thanks, bud. We'll be right there.

Uh, okay. We will be right back.

What about the kids?

They'll do better without us hovering. Come on.

Oh, look... dominoes!

Mom. Please.

Okay. No.

Pinball, anyone?

[Coin rattles] [Scoffs] Seriously?

[Flippers clacking]

Let me get that for you, Mr. Claybourne.

All right, Danny, cut the "mister" crap, and you got like a million amps to lug.

I got this.

Well, actually, you might need your hands free.

I got them.


How y'all doing?

Good. Good. Great.

Want me to sign that?

Jill: Please.

All right.




How are you?

Good. Thanks.

Good. This makes me so happy.

I know.

Nobody deserves this more than he does.

I know. I know. I agree.

Hey, Ray.

How are ya?

I'm good.

Wish I had a copy of your album.

I'd, you know, get your signature.

Well, I might have some sway at the merch table.

That'd be great. [Laughs]

Um... Listen, I'm... I'm sorry about all that mix-up with Maddie.

And I just wanted to give you the heads-up that Teddy is insisting on picking up the girls right after my set, so... I don't know.

Maybe you might want to keep your separate corners.

[Chuckles] We're all grown-ups here.

I am.

What's wrong?

[Voice breaking] I just got off the phone with my parents.

They said if we get married, it's gonna be the last conversation I have with them.

They actually threatened to stop talking to you?

They said that I'm too young.

Look, even Gunnar's against this.

Don't listen to all the haters.

Maybe... Maybe they're right.

You should probably meet my parents first.

Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.

All I'm hearing from you right now is what they want.

[Inhales deeply]

What do you want?

'Cause for me, it's you.

What if we just did it?

No fuss, no muss. Just you and me.

We'll do it tonight.

You always know what to do.

You missed Deacon.

He was so great.

Whatever. You think I care about that old dude?

Your dad is the same age.

Yeah, I ain't really feeling his music, either.

So you're a music snob, then.

[Sighs] No. I just like good music.

Like what?

Skrillex, EDM, rap.

Anything with sick beats.

Not that you'd know anything about that.

Oh, really?

[Clapping, snapping]

Together: ♪ I will bend and I will sway ♪
♪ I will fight to stand up straight ♪
♪ When troubled winds blow my way ♪
♪ I won't break ♪

Whoa. That's actually kind of dope.

♪ I will hope ♪
♪ and I will love ♪
♪ I will give till there's enough ♪
♪ That's the life I'm dreaming of ♪
♪ And I won't give up ♪

We got 20 cameras capturing every single move that you make.

So trust me, it's... it'll be epic.

Amazing. That's awesome.

Well, we are counting on you, and I really appreciate it.


And, uh, I'm... I'll see you in just a quick second, okay?

Good to see you again.


Oh, Rayna.

Oh, God, Jeff.

You show up like a bad penny, I swear.

Oh, I just came to see my artist play.

But since I'm here, I should offer my condolences about your single.

I'm not quite sure I know what you mean.


Are you talking about that spot on the radio charts that you bought for Will Lexington?

That must've taken quite a chunk out of your promo budget.

That's hilarious.

You won't be joking a couple of hours from now, when your live stream underperforms, just like your single did.

Are you still talking?

That and your artists playing to cut-down venues, hmm?

You never stop talking.

Looks like independence turned out to be overrated, huh?

All you do is just talk.

Overrated? Are you kidding me?


My independence is what makes it so I don't ever have to listen to you talk again.

Hey, I'm not the only one in the business saying it, Rayna.

You fail this time, you are done.

Never gonna happen.

Juliette: Knock, knock.


Scarlett: Hey.

We just finished laying down that new song. You want to hear it?

Uh, recording's not really the priority right now.

We need to talk about the live show.

Oh, we were just talking about it, and I wanted to put "Falling" into my set, just to give it a test run.

[Chuckles] Uh, there are no test runs, honey.

You need to go out there and make more noise, not bring things down with a soft little ballad.

Well, actually, I disagree.

It's a strong song, and it is my set.

On my tour.

Our show last night... not one review.

For either of us.

This is Seattle. It matters. And you need to deliver.

Okay, well, don't you think this is... it doesn't matter what he thinks.

Maybe if you two had seen my set last night, instead of listening to it through the walls, you'd know exactly what kind of energy I'm talking about.

But you just said yourself that the press didn't review your set, either.

You know, you might want to think twice about back-talking the headliner.

Opening acts have been bounced for a whole lot less.

I didn't mean to offend you.

Oh, I'm sure you didn't.

Stick to the plan.

And for the love of God, bring some spark to the party.

[Door closes] I'll talk to her.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Pills rattle]

[Door opens]

You mind telling me what the hell that was all about?

Is she always that squirrelly?


I meant your behavior, not hers.

Power-playing her like that?

There's more to this, and we both know it.

Yeah. You know what? There is.

While you've been stuck in your little producer bubble, I've been trying to resuscitate my career.

It's your second night out. I mean, you're doing great.

Don't do that. Okay?

I'm not your... your butterfly of a girlfriend who needs her hand held.

I just need all of this to work.

Maddie & Daphne: ♪ I bought a ticket to the joy parade ♪
♪ Ain't jumping off of this happy train ♪

Colt: Got to admit, you girls got skills.

♪ No ♪

Luke: Told you they'd click.



That sounds awesome, y'all.

I may have found myself a new opening act.

Yeah, I don't think our audiences would mix.

I mean, we already have like 400 views.

Shut up, Daphne.


You put this on the lnternet?

No. It's just on my homepage.

Son, we talked about this. Take it down.

All right, dad. Chill.

Now! Before I take your computer.

Come on.

I thought you said you wanted us to get along.

We have rules in our family about social media.

What about you... with your live stream?

That is for my work as a performer.

I'm a performer, too.

You are... you are also a kid.

[Cheers and applause]

Good evening, everybody.

My name is Scarlett O'Connor, and I... I come to you from Nashville, Tennessee, by way of Natchez, Mississippi.

I never thought I'd find myself out on a stage in Seattle, so thank you for having me...

She gonna sing or teach a geography lesson?

Come to think of it, I never thought that I'd find myself on any stage.

What's her opener?

"Looking for a place to shine."

Well, she better stop jibber-jabbering and start shining.

Let's go, girl! Pick it up!

[Cheers and applause]

Ladies and gentlemen, miss Juliette Barnes has asked me to come out here and, uh, make a whole lot of noise for you.

But I'm the kind of artist who prefers to whisper.

So this one's for you, Juliette.

["Falling" plays]

♪ I just can't seem to help myself ♪
♪ I wear my heart for all to see ♪

Did you know she was gonna do this?

Of course not. I don't know what she's thinking.

♪ Maybe you're that someone else ♪
♪ Another hopeless case like me ♪
♪ The one who always falls in love too fast ♪
♪ The one who thinks that this time, love will last ♪
♪ Falling, falling ♪
♪ I can't keep myself from falling ♪
♪ Follow, follow ♪
♪ follow me down ♪
♪ going down ♪
♪ down ♪
♪ down ♪
♪ down ♪

[cheers and applause]


They're the worst.

When they're not making your life miserable, they are humiliating you.

[Chuckles] Tell me about it.

Just because my dad's famous, he thinks that somehow that makes him cool.

Actually, I do have a cool dad.

He's the only one who understands me... supports me being a musician.

The mayor dude?

I thought you said he grounded you.

I'm not talking about him.

♪ ...want every kiss to give me butterflies ♪
♪ See that "oh, baby, come here" look in your eyes ♪
♪ This time Hey, there you are.


I was wondering where you'd been. Where you been all night?

Backstage with Luke's son.

Oh, yeah?


I saw your set. It was awesome. Awesome.

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm doing another one with Luke and Will.

I hope you can hang around for that.

I wouldn't miss it.

All right.

Listen, you got to tell me when you're grounded and stuff like that.

I was, uh, just hoping I could spend more time with you.

No reason we can't do that.

[Cheers and applause]

We're more than just guitar lessons, you know?

Thank you, Nashville! I love you so much!

All right, come on, girls. Time to go.

Maddie: What? I'm not ready.

Uh, Deacon's going back out on stage.

Look, that's not the agreement I had with your mom. Let's go.

Dad, I'm not grounded.

I don't want to go.

That's too bad.

You've already gotten enough of a pass tonight.

Teddy, it's just a couple songs, all right?

We're all leaving now. End of discussion.

Hey, hey, hey.

Daphne: Dad!

I think we can have a discussion here just for a...

Did you hear me?

I just want to talk about it, okay?


What's going on?

Maddie: Dad's just ruining everything... again.

Okay, Rayna, you and I had an agreement, remember?

I don't have an agreement.

Rayna: Listen.

Can we please not make a scene here?

Teddy, I will bring the girls home right after the show, okay?

Okay, I'm not leaving. I'm gonna be waiting backstage.




Everything okay?

It's that family drama I was telling you about.

You all right?

At least now I understand why Deacon always seems to be in the middle of it.

What are you talking about?


Colt showed me the video Maddie posted online.

Maddie Claybourne, that is.


You ready, boss?


[cheers and applause]

Wheels up, Nashville!

[Cheers and applause]

And let me hear it for our openers. What do you say?

[Cheers and applause] I'm gonna bring them back out here.

Let's hear it for Mr. Will Lexington!

He's the next big thing. Don't y'all think so?

[Cheers and applause] [Laughs]

I'm sure you ladies heard on your twitters and facebooks this heartbreaker's tying the knot.

And this next fella, your hometown boy, Mr. freakin' Deacon Claybourne!

[Cheers and applause continue]

Hey, Deacon.


How about we make this next one a three-Wheeler?

["It's on tonight" plays]

♪ It's like somebody flipped a switch ♪
♪ And kicked it into overdrive ♪
♪ Pushed a button somewhere ♪
♪ And made the whole place start to come alive ♪
♪ Got some Friday night money, a room full of honeys ♪
♪ Like dominoes ready to fall ♪
♪ Got me wishing I could dance with 'em all ♪
♪ Even when the music goes off ♪
♪ 'Cause it's on tonight ♪
♪ got the party going ♪
♪ gonna keep it rollin' just as long as we can ♪
♪ Yeah, it's on tonight, gettin' down with it ♪
♪ Fillin' up and liftin' up a drink in our hands ♪
♪ The country girls are ready to rock ♪
♪ We won't be stoppin' till the boots come off ♪
♪ So come on ♪
♪ 'cause it's on, yeah, it's on tonight ♪

Haven't heard this one yet.

Sounds like another Luke Wheeler hit.

[Chuckles] Thanks.

I co-wrote it with him.

My instincts were right about you, Gunnar.

They're rarely wrong.

Just like my instincts about your buddy Will.

Yeah. He's a superstar, all right.

I'm not talking about his talent.

I'm talking about his sexuality.

What do you mean?

I'm no h*m*, okay?

But I can't invest in a heartthrob who's gonna be... Arrested in some bathroom.

Won't fly in country music... ever.

So why don't you do us both a favor right now and tell me...

Is Will gay?


Look, I live with the guy.

That boy's caught more tail than a damn rabbit hunter.

♪ The country girls are ready to rock ♪
♪ We won't be stoppin' till the boots come off ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ 'cause it's on, yeah, it's on tonight ♪

[Guitar solo]


I've been looking for you.


You know.

Don't play games with me. You know what's going on.

That video.

"Maddie Claybourne"? What are you thinking?

It's the truth. I am Deacon's daughter.

It is the truth, but it's your truth.

That's personal for you.

That is not for the whole world and everybody on the lnternet to know.

I want the world to know. Why don't you?

Because I want to protect you.

I don't want people that you don't even know [voice breaking] weighing in on your life.

People can be cruel and heartless.

I don't want that for you.

No. You want to protect you.

You don't want the world to know that you have an illegitimate daughter.

Don't you ever, ever say that.

Don't you even think it. That is not true.

Your father and Deacon and I love you, and you are wanted.

And we all want to protect you.

So you got to take that video down before it gets out of control.

♪ ...rollin' just as long as we can ♪
♪ Yeah, it's on tonight, gettin' down with it ♪
♪ Fillin' up and liftin up a drink in our hands ♪
♪ The country girls are ready to rock ♪
♪ We won't be stoppin' till the boots come off ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ 'cause it's on, yeah, it's on tonight ♪
♪ So come on ♪
♪ 'cause it's on, yeah, it's on tonight ♪

Mr. Deacon Claybourne!

Mr. will Lexington!


[Song ends]

All right! Thank you!


Thank you.

It's a blast, man. It's a good time.

Just putting on a show.

Hey, hey.

I say something wrong?

It's more what you didn't say, Deacon.

Hey, come on! Come on!

Do you want more? Let's go!

[Cheers and applause]

[Door opens]

Dedicating the song to me... that was a nice touch.

You got a lot of nerve.

Just doing what I thought you would.

You know what? Let's get something straight here.

You're not me.

You haven't cut a record, let alone sold one.

And the only reason why Avery is producing your album is because I gave it the green light.

No, I know all about that.

You were so threatened that you dragged me out on tour with you just so you could keep an eye on us.

That's why you tried to k*ll my song.

Why don't you just admit it?

Watch yourself.

I already warned you.

Oh, for what? You gonna fire me?

Do it. I hate it out here.

You hate it? You should be grateful.

I am grateful!

I'm grateful for nights like tonight, what happened out there with those people.

I-I'm grateful for music.

But I'm not grateful for hecklers who throw things at me and for weeks of nights without sleep, for label heads who don't give a damn, who try to shove me into some cookie-cutter mold that I'm never gonna fit into.

Hey, that comes with the territory.

Yeah, well, it shouldn't.

My best friends abandoned me.

My producer, who I trusted, literally screwed me and left me.

Don't tell me to be grateful for those.

And if you don't like it, just fire me.

Do me a favor and fire me, 'cause I want out!

[Chuckles softly]

No such luck.

It's not gonna happen.

Why not?

'Cause you got "it."

That sensitivity of yours, the raw nerve... that's what's gonna make you great.

Stick around for the after-party, and we'll discuss how to make this tour really go off.

I'm not much for after-parties.

You are now.

[Cheers and applause] Hey.

[Sighs] Teddy, leave me alone.

I have been.

Then why are you punishing Deacon?

It's his daughter.

Look, I don't answer to Deacon on these matters.

I'm certainly not gonna answer to you, since you never gave me an answer.

Oh, my God.

This is like some imaginary lovers' quarrel that you're playing out in your head.

Well, why do you keep denying it?

Look, what happened between us was not imagined, and you and I both know it.

You're right. It was real.

And it can't happen again.

It was a terrible, awful mistake.

What was a mistake?


No. Tell me no.

Megan: Deacon!

Do it.

Do it.


Gunnar: Excuse me.

I'd like a quick word with the groom.

What does he want? [Chuckles]

This better not be an objection.

Like I said... just a word.

And what is it?

Jeff Fordham asked me about you.

About the rumors.

What'd you tell him?

The truth.

That you believe with all your heart that marrying Layla is the right thing to do.

I'll be a good and decent husband to her. I swear.

It's not me you got to swear that promise to.

All right, let's do this. [Chuckles]

Rayna: Well, I was gonna tell you.

I wanted to tell you.

It's just, you know, when is the right moment for something like that?

I really thought we trusted each other.

Oh, come on, now.

You got to realize this is something I haven't talked about with anybody in a very long time.

It's always just been about protecting my baby girl.

She's not a baby anymore, Rayna.

And neither's my boy.

I mean, they... they want the world to know them on their own terms.

They're kids, Luke.

They don't even know what their own terms are.

When we were their age, we didn't have all this social media defining our every move and mistake.

Maddie has not sorted this out yet, and I will be damned if she's gonna be doing that in the public eye.

What about you?

You sorted it out yet?

In what way?

With Deacon.

Listen, those years with him were some of the most painful and tumultuous of my entire life.

And this past year, when he... Found out about this, all those demons came up to the surface again with a vengeance.


It's hard to believe there's nothing between y'all.

Well, there is.

We have a daughter together.

And a history.

But you're my present.

And I hope my future.

I think I can get past this.

But the way I see it... You need a minute, and me... I need a few.

But mostly, you need to go figure this out with your family... whoever that is to you.

Here's to making beautiful music together.

Mm. [Clink]

We're headed out early in the morning.

Want to go back to the hotel with us?

No. I think I'm gonna stay here for a while. Thank you.

Attagirl! That's the spirit.

Don't do anything I would do.

[Clears throat]

I know she's drunk and all, but is... is she high?

No. She's never done dr*gs.

Why do you ask?

I don't know. Something about her just reminds me of my mom.

You know, she wanted me to fire her.

She's vulnerable.

She's not the only one.


I wasn't being totally honest when I said the song wasn't about you and Scarlett.

Tell me something I don't know.

Okay. I'm terrified.

Of us.

Of you.


Baby, listen.

In order for this to work, you got to let go of this jealousy thing once and for all and trust me.

I do.

I do trust you, which scares me even more.

You have my heart.

You're capable of destroying me.

I would never do that.

[Crowd cheers]

Man: Layla and will, look over here!

Will: Here's one for you. Here we go.

[Laughs] Whoo!

[Crowd cheers] Put that in your paper!

Hey! Hey!

I think I'm a-keep this one. What do you say? Huh?

Layla: Aah!

[Cheers and applause] All right!

Deacon, where are you?

I really need to talk to you about Maddie.

Can you call me back, please, tonight?


I don't expect you to forgive me.

See, what I don't understand is this... why are you still here?


We're done.

Do you get that?


Do you get that?


Then why are you here?!

Because I'm worried about you.

Oh, my God. [Laughs]

What are you doing? Where are you going?

You don't get to know that anymore, okay?!

Okay, but before you go out there and ruin your life again, please... please think of your daughter.

Think about your music.

Please, don't... don't throw everything away.


This... this is who you are.

That's a mighty fine closing statement, counselor.

[Magazine thuds]

But I'm done being saved.
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