02x17 - We’ve Got Things to Do

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x17 - We’ve Got Things to Do

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"... You have jeopardized my label.

Are you firing me?


I need a label that'll let me be me.

I think I might be able to help you with that.

Avery: Gunnar's turning this into a full-time job.

You can't be mad at a guy for being enthusiastic.

Have you ever worked as a backup singer before?


Honey, come back when you got your tools ready.

Anybody can tell there's something going on between you two.

What are you doing with her?

I want to k*ll it as a country singer.

She helps me get there.

You want to stay with me tonight?

I got someone waiting for me at home.

["Carry you home" plays]

♪ When you can't walk ♪
♪ And there's chains 'round your soul ♪
♪ When the burden's too heavy ♪
♪ And you run out of road ♪
♪ You're praying out loud ♪
♪ As you stumble through the rain and snow ♪
♪ I'll walk out and find you ♪
♪ I'll carry you home ♪
♪ I'll carry you home ♪
♪ I'll carry you home ♪
♪ So rest your heart easy ♪
♪ I'll carry you home ♪
♪ So rest your heart easy ♪
♪ I'll carry you home ♪

[song ends]

Phenomenal, Zoey. Just... Phenomenal.

Thank you.

We're bringing back our top choices later next week to sing with the talent.

We'll have that list together in about a day or two.

So keep your phone close.

Scarlett: Hey. How was the tour?

Well, my last motel didn't have any heat.

Good news is, all the roaches stayed in the walls to keep warm.

Well, that's nice.

Living the dream.

How come you're not working with Liam tonight?

Oh. Turns out he can only produce three tracks on my album.

So, h-he got called away to another project.

It's all right. I'm gonna keep writing.

It'll get done one way or the other.


Hey, Scar?

Look, I know he's a great producer, but... For what it's worth...

I've never been that big a fan of Liam's.


Night. Night.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪


Hey, that doesn't look anything like a presentation on the Battle of Liberty Gap.

I'm working on a new song.

Want to play it for Deacon tomorrow.

Dad, I just finished my math problems. Can you check them?

We don't even have school tomorrow.

Stop being such a nerd.

Yeah, honey. Just, can you give me a sec? I'll check 'em out.

[Sighing] Honey, look.

You got a "C" in history right now.

Oh, my... I get it.

Things have been tough around here lately.

But if your hobbies are getting in the way of your homework...

Music isn't a hobby to me!

Well, it's gonna have to be for now.

School needs to be the priority.

Liberty Gap. Make some progress.

You'll get this back for your lesson, okay?


Ah! Just the two people I wanted to see.


Look, I know things weren't exactly smooth leading up to our last show, but I don't think we should give up on the band.

Not smooth?

Man, you were a complete...

Okay, I was intense.

You were flaky.

But you got to admit... when we got up on that stage, we kinda k*lled it.

That's true. We did.

Man, if we play our cards right, we could be doing a show like that every week.

Look, I've done the band thing before.

And I don't see this ending in anything other than bad blood.

Better to [Sighs] stay friends while we still can.

He's crazy, right?

I don't know. Maybe we should just keep this casual... you know, play when we can.

We've all got stuff going on.

This is something we should do for fun.

Fun... right.

I'll be sure to bring the balloon animals next time we play... w-whenever that is.

[Door opens]

Buck: Welcome to Highway 65.

We're really excited about this.

Juliette: Hello!

Rayna: We're really excited!

Have a seat, guys.

We are excited.

Y'all know my sister, Tandy.

Glenn: Yes.

Also CFO of Highway 65.

Okay. Should we get started?

Yes. I want to hit the ground running.

Let's make a big splash about me landing at Highway 65 and put out a digital download of "Don't Put Dirt on my Grave Just Yet."

You mean the song that basically flipped off the country-music establishment?

That's why I said "digital download" and not "single on country radio."

Well, I think that you came... To sign on with Highway 65 because you wanted us to help you win back country.

And I do think that what we should do is actually take some time and write and create an album that really is gonna redefine you as an artist.

Okay. I can do that.

And you're still touring, right?

Yes. We still have dates up in the pacific northwest.

All right. So, use it as a... as a charm offensive.

Really get out there and get those fans who are still behind you talking about you, spreading the word.

You know, now's a really good time to bring up that point about the tour.

Buck: Um, right.

Will Lexington's album is dropping against Rayna's.

Basically, you're hosting the competition.


So, what would you like me to do?

Do you want me to... Drop him?

Well, let's put it this way...

what's good for the label is good for you.

Is there anywhere we can speak privately?

Don't mind my sister.

She's just trying prove her value to the company.

Have a seat.

[Inhales sharply]

Look, I'll drop Will from my tour, and I'll use it as an excuse to get rid of Layla, too.

And I will make a great album.

But I haven't heard any plans about how we're gonna announce you signing me.

I mean, the Rayna Jaymes stamp of approval will probably help speed things up a little bit for me.

Well, I think we should be strategic about it.

Right now, my association with you could hurt me.

In six weeks from now, it could be very helpful for you, with a calculated rollout of my album.

What's your rollout plan?

Well, there's a drop party tonight for the first single off the album, and tomorrow night, I'm playing at the Opry, and...

Party, huh?

Mm. I didn't get invited.

Well, you're welcome to come.

In fact, I think it'd be good for you to come.

Might as well start getting back into everybody's good graces.

But let's do the label a favor and just... Just hold off on talking about our involvement with each other just for a while.


Man, I wish I'd known that my Highway 65 signing bonus was a gag order.

Just be patient and trust me... please.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Why?

I don't know. Just...

You didn't eat that dinner I made last night, and you sort of snuck outta bed this morning.

Oh, well, I just didn't want to wake you.

And dinner was delicious.

I just had a huge lunch with the partners, so...

You sure that's it?



I know I've been gone a whole lot.

I'm gonna talk to my promoter, see if I can get that Great Lakes circuit pushed back so I can come off the road a little bit, spend some time with you.

That sounds nice.


I should go.


[Knock on door] Maddie: Deacon?

Maddie. Come on in.

I wrote this new song I want to play for you.

Oh, yeah?


I can't wait to hear it.

Mm. Okay.

Go get set up.

All right.

You gonna hang out?

No. You got a second?

Sure. Yeah.

Look, uh, Maddie's grades have been slipping a little, so I'd appreciate it if you could try to be a positive influence where school is concerned.

Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.


[Footsteps approach]



See you later.

See you.

Deacon: All right.

Okay. [Chuckles]

Dad, you can go, too.


Y'all have fun.

Layla: [Chuckling] Hey.

The lady at the store said this would spice things up.




[Chuckles nervously]

[Sighs] Why?

I mean, it's been a while.

I just thought if... if you're bored, maybe this would help.

[Knock on door]

We don't need anything like this, okay?

Okay, yeah.

What the hell are you doing here?

Relax. I'm here to see Layla.

There he is... my new manager!

With a brilliant plan to get me back on track, right?

That's right.

Whoa. Whoa. When did this happen?

Brent made a really strong case for himself, so I fired my old team.

So, what's the good news?

Well, um, there's some bad news first.

Just got off the phone with Glenn Goodman, and Juliette's kicking you off the tour.

Both of you, actually.

Whoa. Hang on.

But your awesome new manager just heard that someone fell out at the Franklin theatre tonight.

You're gonna be the main event.

How do you know about my tour?

I haven't heard anything yet.

You will... as soon as Edgehill finds a way to give it some positive spin.

[Scoffs] [Chuckles]


I'm gonna fix this and save them the trouble.

♪ Don't hide from me, darling ♪
♪ Oh, come find me ♪
♪ Ooooh ♪

[Song ends]

You've got three great tracks there.


You really do.

And we're gonna make an amazing album.

Um, I've got my eye on two producers who I think would be wonderful for this.

'Course, neither one of them is available right now, so I'm thinking maybe...

Maybe you go back out on tour for a little bit, keep working on the word of mouth.


Actually, I, um...

I would rather not go back out on the road right now.

I really, really want to finish the album.

But I'm not sure I could trust another stranger to produce it, after what happened with Liam.


Do you have somebody in mind that you'd like to work with?

Yeah. His name is Avery Barkley.

He, uh, he produced the EP that Deacon recorded at the Bluebird, and he's worked with Juliette Barnes.


Um, I-I don't know if he'll do it, but he's very good.

Those are great credentials. So, talk to him.

You know, see if he's on board.

If he's on board, I'm on board.


[Sighs] Oh, my gosh!

Hot off the presses.


Thank you!

This is so cool.

[Chuckling] All right. Can you sign it for me?

[Chuckling] Of course. Yeah. Sure.


All right.

Um... Tell you what, though.

You keep, uh, writing songs like the one you brought me today, you'll be signing one for me before too long.


Could you, uh, try to explain that to my dad?


That I'm good at this...

So that maybe he can get off my back about school a little?

Education is important.

Now you sound just like him.

Well, maybe that's because we both want what's best for you.

Well, I don't think taking my guitar away is.

Maybe he's holding on a little bit tighter right now, but you got to remember, he just lost someone... someone that he loves.

Grief is a tricky thing.

I think maybe you should just give him a little slack right about now.

"To Maddie, you make me smile. Love, Deacon."

[Knock on door]


[Door closes] I, uh, hope I'm not interrupting.


Listen [Clears throat] I'm, uh...

I'm setting up a victim-offender reconciliation program for the county, and I think you should head the task force.

Are you using my personal tragedy to try to spend time with me?


No, I just... I just want the best person for the job.

Then I will get names of qualified people.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm quite busy.

Can we just at least talk about what happened?

It was a mistake.

I'm with Deacon.

And I get that we're gonna bump into each other because of Maddie, but...

You shouldn't be here.

Please go.


[Door opens]

Juliette: I don't know, Avery.

It's like they think I'm deadlier than a truck-stop hot dog.

Forget that I ever told you I signed with Highway 65.

[Doorbell rings]

And whatever you do, don't go spreading it around.

Anyway, just give me a call back, let me know if you're still coming to the party with me tonight.

All right. Bye.

Sorry. Is this a bad time?

No. Come on in.

Look, if you're here to ask me to reconsider your spot on my tour, I'm sorry... I can't.

[Both sigh]

Look, I...

I know you don't care much for Layla, but I thought you and I were getting on just fine.

No. It is nothing personal. Believe me, it's not.

Well, then, what the hell is it?

Sorry. It's just...

I'm about to drop an album.

I need this tour.

I need to be more than a one-hit wonder.

I've given up too much to let that happen.

I know. I know. It su...

Is it something I did?

Something I didn't do?

No. No. I... you're great.

I wish I could keep you. Believe me.

Then why can't you? It's your decision, isn't it?

Look, I don't know what to tell you, okay?

Edgehill dumped me, I'm dumping them back.

And I'm not gonna go boosting their album sales by promoting their artists on my tour.

I'm sorry.


Yeah, me too.

'Cause I really thought we were friends.

["It all slows down" plays]

[Cheers and applause]

♪ There's too many things that are taking our time ♪
♪ We're running around trying to make a dime ♪
♪ I see it in your eyes that you're growing tired, baby ♪
♪ I know I am ♪

Hey. You're will Lexington.


Can I get a picture with you?

Yeah, sure!

Oh, cool.

♪ you're running around trying to catch a flight ♪


Can't wait to send this to my older sister.

She was, like, a year behind you at St. Xavier in Lubbock.

Maybe you know her... uh, Sunny Green?

Nah, nah. Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry.

She always talks about you and some dude... uh, Tyler something.

Said you two had a band in high school.

So cool that you're, like, on the radio now.

Whatever happened to him?

I don't know. Uh, we lost touch.

Excuse me. That's my girlfriend singing right there.


♪ You make everything make sense in this crazy world of mine ♪
♪ So, baby, while we've got this moment ♪
♪ Let's take our sweet... ♪

[Knock on door]



Uh, sorry to just show up like this. Uh...

Oh... You kidding? It's nice to see you.

Come on in.


You've been kind of M.I.A. Since we recorded Deacon's E.P.


How you been?


Um, and busy working on the album, which is actually why I'm here.

My producer and I parted ways, and I need to bring somebody in who I really trust to help me finish it.

Any chance you're available?

For producing your album?

Mm-hmm. Don't look too excited.

[Sighs] I am. [Chuckles] I am.

It's just that, uh, you know, Juliette and I are dating now, and [Inhales sharply] might get a little complicated.

I'm so done with complicated, it's not funny.

And plus, I've already sold you to Rayna.

Hey. There you are.


They said you were on break.

This is a nice surprise.


Look, um, I've been trying to write, but something's bugging me.

You seemed so into this band thing at first, and now you're saying we've all got stuff going on.

So, uh, what do you have going on?

Okay. I'm gonna tell you something.

I've been waiting for it to be a sure thing, but yesterday, I went on an audition for a backup singing gig, and I think I got it.

Wait. Wait. Wait. So, you went to an audition?

A few, actually, but this was the first one that went well.

I didn't tell you about the others 'cause...

I didn't want you know if I'd failed.

So, you want to sing professionally?

I don't know.

But I don't want to be a waitress forever.

And I like to sing, so why not get paid for it?

Yeah. Right.

I mean, that's... that's what we all want.

So... so tell me about it. What's the gig?

[Chuckles] Some national tour.


They won't tell me who it's for unless I get a callback.

[Chuckling] National tour?

Wait. For how long?

Six months... with an option to keep me longer if they like me.

[Chuckles] At least I...

I get why you think you won't have time for the band.

[Cheers and applause]


That was great!

Thank you! Thank you!

And it's just the start. You know what?

Juliette dropping us is the best thing that has ever happened, because Brent has an amazing idea.

We're gonna headline our own tour.

Who is?

You and me.

Tonight was just about getting sponsors, promoters to see what's possible.

And this little lady k*lled it.

You guys aren't gonna be selling out arenas, but with the right backers, a #laylanwill road show can definitely fill the seats at major clubs and theaters.

Yeah, I mean, plus, wouldn't you rather be the star of your own show than opening for some pariah when your album's released?

Yeah, but you're forgetting... my deal's 360.

Jeff's gonna have an opinion about this.

I'm, uh... I'm gonna try him again.

You almost ready? We should get going.

Yeah. I just have to do some jewelry.

Here. You want to hold those for me?

Yes. [Chuckles]

Thanks, babe.

And then I'll be right with you.
By the way, I heard you laid down the law with Juliette today... made her kick will Lexington off her tour.

Well, that was Tandy's brainchild.

Where'd you hear that?

Your good friend Jeff Fordham.

He wants me to take him out on mine.

[Sighs] I swear, Jeff Fordham might as well just declare w*r against me.

I don't have to do it, you know.

Well, that's very sweet of you.

But as much as I would love to screw over Jeff Fordham, and as much as it kills me that will bailed on me, it's not up to me to tell you what to do with your tour.


I guess that just means I'm sleeping with the enemy.

Oh, does it?


Oh, let's, uh, let's see about that.

[Zipper opens] What are you doing?

Where's this go?

I thought we had to go.

You are the guest of honor, and we can be fashionably late.

Girls! Come on! Let's go!

Okay, wait. Wait. Did... did you do that to her?

No. She just copies me.

Unh-unh. No. Go back upstairs and wash your faces.



Because you're too young for makeup, and that is way too much for you.

But, dad...

No buts. Go.

Dad, it's not like this makeup is getting in the way of my homework.

You know what? You got to be a better example for your sister, all right?

How?! By acting like I'm 10?

I'm not a little kid anymore, dad.

Yeah, that's true. You're right. You're not.

And you're also old enough to stay home by yourself while I take your sister to the party.


Dad, this is mom's big night.

Deacon's gonna be there!

And so will you when you go clean that up a bit.

Go on.


Yes, sir. Thank you.

[Cellphone beeps] Who was that?

Bucky Dawes.

With an offer from Rayna to produce Scarlett's album.

How do Bucky and Rayna even know who you are?

Uh, Scarlett said she suggested me.


So, Edgehill can offer you a deal to produce anybody you want and that's charity from me, but if Scarlett does you a favor, then that's okay?

[Chuckling] This is different.

How? How's...

I turned down my own imprint, and she's sacrificing what, exactly?

No, she's in a jam.

I mean, this is me helping out a friend.

You have nothing to be jealous about.

Jealous? No, no, no. I'm not jealous.

I'm pissed!

Okay, then instead of picking a fight with me, how about talking to me about it?


Why? So you can say one thing and do the exact opposite?!

Like, you don't want to ride my coattails, but you can grab onto Scarlett's with both hands?

Okay, you know what? Now I'm pissed!


What? You're bailing on the party?

Good! Good!

That's one less person's feelings I have to tiptoe around all night!

[Cheers and applause]

All right. Don't let us stop the party, now.

Y'all keep going.

Hey! How are you?


Honey, if your new song is half as great as this party, you're gonna have another gold record on that wall pretty soon.

From your lips to God's ears.

Amen! [Laughs]

♪ But still you try to keep me here, well ♪
♪ Is that just your pride? ♪

Here you go.

Thank you.


I'm so glad you're here.


Oh, yeah.

Thought I was gonna have to get a sleeping bag and camp out in your office to see you.

Not tonight. I'm all yours.

♪ Just a ball and chain ♪

Oh, gosh. She makes it look so easy.

Yeah, well, she's been doing it a little while.

I remember back in the day, she used to make me quiz her on who's who.

Maybe I should have done that tonight. [Chuckles]


I'm gonna go get some air.

See you in a minute.

♪ you push me away ♪
♪ but every time I turn my back ♪
♪ You're begging me to stay ♪
♪ then you leave me hanging on ♪

Hey. Ohh.

I'm so glad to see you.

Tonight will not be nearly as fun if y'all weren't here.

[Chuckles] Where's Luke?

I don't know.

Oh, there he is. Come on, Maddie.

Uh, well, nice talking to you. [Chuckles]

Youngsters. How are ya?


When'd y'all get here?


Wow. Congratulations on all this. It's fantastic.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, look, I hate to bring this up tonight, but I'm having a little trouble with Maddie.

The only reason she's here tonight is because this is a big night for you.

But I was eight seconds away from grounding her earlier.

She's obsessed with the music, the guitar lessons... all to the exclusion of everything else.

If you have to draw a line, I will back you up.

Same here. Thanks.

All right, well, look, enjoy.

And, uh, what time do you want me to be back to get the girls?

Stay and have a drink, if you want.


Yeah, you know what? Maybe I will do that.

All right.

All right, have fun.


Well, at least I got to use the front door for once.

[Chuckles] You didn't have to come at all.

Yes, I did. Rayna's right.

I'm done hiding out from people who hate me.

The only way to win them back is showing up and making nice.


But you don't really seem to be in the mood to make nice right now.

I think I know how to turn it on.

Hey, y'all! How are you?

Good to see you.

Man: Hey, Juliette.

When's the next time you go on tour?

Next week. Why? You want to come see the show?

Yes. Yes.

Hey, guys.


Hey, Deacon.

What's up, wheels up? [Laughter]

Hey, if you and Deacon are in the same city at the same time, maybe we can go and see both shows.

Wait... you're touring?

Well, I guess you can call it that.

It's a van tour. You remember those.

Hope you don't mind me saying, but, uh, Deacon Claybourne is too damn good to be playing bars and sleeping in motels.

Well, I keep telling them all that, but they don't listen.

Listen, I'm, uh...

I'm retooling my tour a little bit.

Why don't you come open up for me?

Deacon! You have to say yes!

Seriously, say yes!

[Chuckling] Well, I... I mean, yeah... I w...

I would love to, but I just...

Can you just give me one day?

There's just somebody I ought to... Run it by.

[Sighs] Could have sworn I asked you to leave me alone.

You did... but not because you don't want me around.

It's because you're scared of how much you do.


Do you really think you can go the distance with Deacon?

I mean, let me tell you...

These musicians, they're not normal people.

And he will never understand your life the way I do.

And what happened between us was not a mistake.

Please don't.

Only if you can tell me you haven't been thinking about me as much as I've been thinking about you.


Oh. Got to go.

Girls: Layla!

Guess what.

What's up?

Tonight was so awesome that Brent got Unionmade to sign on as a sponsor if we put a tour together.

I talked to Jeff. [Sighs]

Edgehill wants me on Luke Wheeler's tour.

Oh, wow.

I said yes.

What? [Scoffs]

Without even discussing it with me?

Look, I have an opportunity to be on the biggest tour in America when my album comes out.

Why would I go on some little 1,000-seat tour Brent puts together when I can be playing stadiums?

Maybe you can get me on Luke's tour, too.


You saw how Jeff reacted when I promoted your single.


So you're not helping me, you're not even sleeping with me now, and you want to go on tour without talking about it?

Do you even want to be in this relationship anymore?

Juliette: Hey.


Didn't expect I was gonna get to see you here.

Oh, wouldn't miss it.


Jim, how are you?

Didn't realize you were still in Nashville.

Something about you moving to L.A. because it suits you better?

No. Oh.

I went for a business meeting with Howie V.

He wants to work with me, but this is my home, and I'm not going anywhere.

Good thing, too.

We want to keep all our top talent right here.

So many people.

What did you say you used to quiz Rayna with, flashcards?


Hey, y'all, this is my niece...

Scarlett. I've been waiting to meet you all night.

I'm Marcella Omo from Clear Channel.

Nice to meet you, Marcella.

Jim Perlman, XM radio.

Good to meet you, Jim. Hi.

Rayna went on about you for 10 minutes earlier.


She said that you're one of the best young singer/songwriters she's ever heard.

Well, I would actually have to agree with that.

Thank you.

She also said that your debut album is her next big project?

Yeah, I-I still can't believe my luck, being taken under her wing.

It's really like I won the lottery or something.

Looks like you might have to share her soon.

She says she's getting close to signing Evan Ryder.

Well, that's great. Evan Ryder...

Seems like she's building a nice little stable of honest-to-goodness country artists over there.

Oh, well, it's a real privilege just to be counted as a part of that.

[Both laugh]

All right, all right.

I know he's handsome, but, you know, don't you have some schmoozing to do or something? Oh, that's my fault.

She mentioned something about competing in dressage when y'all were younger, and we've been jawing about horses ever since.

Not "y'all"... just that one. No horses for me.

I believe that.

Uh, you know that. [Chuckles]

Juliette: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

How are y'all doing? I hope you're having a good night!


What is she doing?

Nothing good.

Do y'all want to hear the new song?

[Cheers and applause] Yeah.

Let's put our hands together for a true legend.

I am so excited that she's signed me to Highway 65 and is shepherding me through the next phase of my career.

[Crowd murmuring] Y'all give it up for miss Rayna Jaymes.

[Cheers and applause]

[Cheers and applause]

Great song, Rayna. No surprise.

Thanks, Storme! You're gonna love the album, too.

I can't wait.

You'll love it.

What the hell were you thinking? Get over here.

We had an agreement... a calculated rollout of my album.

You have now destroyed any possibility that we might be able to use the momentum from that to salvage your disastrous public image!

I am sorry, but maybe my patience was wearing a little bit thin after hearing all the great things you had to say about every other artist that you've signed.

I'm willing to wait for your album, yes, but I will not wait in line behind a bunch of up-and-comers when it comes to the priorities of this label.

Press has the story.

Well, of course they have the story, because they're all here, which is why you did it!

General consensus is they love your new song, but not your new artist.

We're getting a lot of requests for interviews...

with both of you.

What do you want us to do?

Buy some time so I can try to figure out how to clean up your mess, which is now my mess.

And you're gonna do exactly what I tell you.


[Door opens]

♪ The secret of the life you're guilty of ♪

[Door closes]

Luke Wheeler's tour?

[Laughs] That is huge.

Yeah. It's gonna be a different vibe than Juliette's, for sure.


You got any insider tips for me?

Uh, yeah.

He doesn't like it when you use his elliptical.


[Door opens]

Oh. Hey, babe.

Hey, will.

Oh. I'll... Give you two a moment.


I've sent you like eight texts.

What's going on with you?

I know. I'm sorry.

Look, I'm just tired of watching everyone else perform while I sit here and write.

And now the band's done, 'cause you're leaving, too.

You know what the worst part is?

Even if I win, I lose.

I don't want to be away from you for six months.

What are we gonna do?

Cross that bridge when we come to it.

My name is Jaymen, and here's a song I wrote.

[Guitar plays]

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Hey, kiddo.

[Music stops]

Can I, uh, can I take a look at your project?

Uh, it's not done yet.

What do you mean it's not done?

You said you finished it this afternoon.

[Sighs] Whatever.


Okay, you know what? That's it.

I have... I have absolutely had it with your attitude.

You're grounded... two weeks.

No guitar lessons, nothing but school and homework.

That's not fair!

Well, it doesn't have to be to be right.

You don't get it!

Ask mom! She knows how important music is to me!

Okay, I talked to your mom at the party, and she and I are on the same page.

Then you both suck!

I want to go live with my real dad.

Now it's one month.

And one more word out of you, young lady, and there will be no more music... period.

What are you doing here?

Your announcement at the party is all over the news.

What happened?

What happened is, I basically just ruined any chance of fixing my career because I signed with somebody who doesn't respect me.

She respects you.

Probably just doesn't see your side of things.

You know, what one person thinks is an opportunity, someone else thinks is a threat.

Are you talking about me and Rayna, or you talking about me and Scarlett?

Same thing, right?

I meant you and Rayna.

But... Since you brought it up...

[Sighs] Look, since this is gonna be a problem between us, I'm gonna turn the offer down.

That what you really want?

Scarlett's album would be a great fit for me.

What I really want...

Is for you to find a way to be okay with this so I don't have to say no.

Hey, there.


Tandy said you stepped out to cool off.

You want to talk about it?

That little...

Narcissistic, self-destructive... person...


Who I have now signed to my label, who will destroy my label if given half the opportunity...

Please don't tell me "I told you so."

I won't. I won't.

But I-I could tell Jeff Fordham to take another s*ab at Juliette.

[Chuckling] Let her be his problem instead of yours.

No, I-I'm not gonna let Jeff Fordham take another one of my artists.

I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna figure it out.

It might take me a little minute, but...

Do you have anything good and distracting to tell me, get my mind off it?

I invited Deacon to open up on my tour for me.



I mean... uh... Are you okay with it?

I know you two have your history.

Yes. I'm...

You and Deacon and Will Lexington just go off on your tour and have a great time, and I'll just be here, keeping Highway 65 afloat with Juliette Barnes.

Come here.


[Door opens]

By all means, just let yourself in.

Door was open. We need to talk.

No, we don't.

Fine. Then listen.

I just spent the last hour trying to calm Layla down.

You can't break up with her.

Hmm. And this is your opinion as her manager?

As someone who's still looking out for you.

People at Edgehill don't understand why I got fired.

Word is out that you pressured Jeff, and they're wondering if maybe you protest too much.

It won't be long before the rumors get to Jeff.

Jeff's too smart to believe rumors.

How careful have you been?

I'll never expose you.

Can you say the same thing about your bandmate from high school?

Or anyone else?

The more famous you get, the bigger the microscope.


[Door closes]


I got a lot at stake here.

If Highway 65 fails, I lose my house...

Where I live, with my kids.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, me too.

So, now it's about damage control.

What do you need me to do?


I've got this show at the Opry.

I'm surprised they haven't revoked my membership yet.

That's not how it works, honey.

Come on.

I've got an idea for us.

Messenger just brought this by for you.


Oh, it's just... Stuff for Luke's tour.

A 45-minute set.

45-minute... that is officially big-time!

[Gunnar laughs]


What's wrong?


Brent's not the only one.

So, you've had other relationships?

Not really.

Just, um...


A few years back. [Scoffs]

I always just focused on making it, you know?

Never on what happens when you do... like people coming out of the woodwork.

Hey, maybe you're just not that memorable.


I just wish there was a way to shut them all up if they did.


[Keyboard clacking]

[Breathes deeply]

Have you been playing the guitar?

You're gonna get in big trouble.

Just stay out of my business!

Why can't I ever be by myself?!

[Chime rings]


[Cheers and applause] Oh, thank you so much!

I'm so grateful. I-I hope you like the song.

And I'll tell you something... you're gonna love the whole album.

I can't wait for you to hear it.

I was thinking about tonight, and I thought, "well, now, what song am I gonna play next?"

And I found something that I've never played before, and it's a duet.

And the thing about the duet is, you have to find the perfect artist to sing it with you.

[Audience shouting "Luke!"]


It's not Luke tonight... not tonight.

But I did find just the right person to sing this song with me.

And I'm especially excited because she is the newest member of the Highway 65 family.

Please help me welcome to the stage miss Juliette Barnes.


["He ain't gonna change" plays]

♪ He's the restless kind ♪
♪ The kind that you can't win ♪
♪ But he'll try his best ♪
♪ To make you fall in love with him ♪
♪ And I can't count the times ♪
♪ I've been down that road ♪
♪ Can't tell you why he does what he does ♪
♪ But one thing I know ♪
♪ Is he ain't gonna change ♪
♪ He ain't gonna change ♪
♪ I love that boy, but he ain't gonna change ♪

Bucky told me you hadn't accepted the offer to produce my album.

I'm hoping to have an answer for him soon.

♪ And he'll turn it all around... ♪

I really need you on this.

♪ ...thinks he can ♪
♪ yeah, he found someone Luke Wheeler just asked me to be one of the opening acts on his tour.

That's... Fantastic.

I need to know how you feel about this, about me being...

Gone even more.

♪ 'Cause he ain't gonna change ♪

I think...

This is one you can't say no to.

♪ He ain't gonna change ♪
♪ I love that boy, but he ain't gonna change ♪

[Cellphone rings]

It's the call.

Good luck.


Okay. Thanks.

[Cellphone beeps]

♪ You get over here ♪

It's their loss.

♪ That's when it never fails ♪
♪ He will come back around ♪
♪ You want to take him back ♪

So, I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately.

I know you've got these plans for us, and...

Me going out on Luke's tour is messing that up.

But, uh... I don't want you to have any more doubts about our relationship.

♪ 'Cause he ain't gonna change ♪
♪ He ain't gonna change ♪

Layla Grant...

♪ I love that boy... ♪

Will you marry me?

♪ He ain't gonna change ♪


[Voice breaking] Hell yeah, I will!

♪ He ain't gonna change ♪


♪ He ain't gonna change ♪
♪ I love that boy, but he ain't gonna change ♪
♪ Well, I still love that boy, but ♪
♪ He ain't gonna change ♪

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