02x16 - Guilty Street

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x16 - Guilty Street

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Maybe the three of us could do this again sometime.

What, you mean like a band?

Yeah. You in?

Rayna: I found out my father was involved in my mother's death.

Of course, Tandy knew the whole time.

Come from a family full of liars.

What are you doing with her?

It's complicated.

So go uncomplicate it before somebody gets hurt.

The New York Times just called you a serious artist.

Yeah, it only took me trashing my career for this to happen.


What the hell's going on here?

Let me explain.

Liam: I'm still in your corner.

I'm not going anywhere.

That smells good.

Hey. [Chuckles]

Is that for me?

Mama's famous buttermilk pancakes.

You didn't have any buttermilk, but I made do with milk and vinegar.



I love that you know that.

Hey, it's for breakfast in bed. Trying to take care of you.

I want to get some coffee.

Mm-hmm. Come here. Come here.

You sure you're, um, dealing with your dad dying?

Honestly, I'm relieved.

I know it sounds harsh, but now he's not around to do any more damage.

Well, the more I hear about it, the more I realize I should have been here for you.


You just missed out on a whole bunch of family drama that you did not need to witness.


When my daddy died, I gave my brother Matt a fat lip over who was gonna get his antique tackle box.

You got to take your time to process all this.

I'm fine.


Nobody is fine after losing a parent.

See? Your shoulders prove it.



Good timing there, Buck.

Sorry. I-I didn't know you were back.

Yeah, just barely.

We hear anything from Cadillac Three?

No. Still waiting.

But it's between us and Big Machine, so...

I want 'em, Buck.

No, I know.

I know how important this is for the label.

Oh, um, I'm not sure what happened, but the check for Scarlett's studio time bounced.

I thought you might want to know.

You're kidding me.


Sounds like you need to fire whoever's watching your books.

That would be my sister.

Capitol this time.

"Your voice will get you anything you want.

"We're all ears.

Ely Maddox, Interscope."

Yeah, what he means is, it'll get him what he wants.

You think these diamonds are real?

I don't think they're trying to sign me with cubic zirconia.

These guys are relentless.

This is, like, the second present they've sent.

Yeah, but you're kind of enjoying it.

[Chuckles] And here I was thinking that bringing coffee would win me favor.

No, a half-caf soy latte is the best present you could get me.

Thank you.

Hey, have we heard anything from Big Machine?


Nashville labels still won't touch you with a barge pole.

You'd think forgiveness would be in everyone's best interest.

You sure you don't want to talk to any of these big-ticket outfits?

No, no. Why?

They're just gonna make me put out a big pop album right off the bat.

The next album I do, I want it to be at the top of the country-music charts.

Warners... Sony... Universal...

Come on. Do you really think they're gonna give me the freedom that I want?

No... But their offers are only gonna last about as long as the fruit in that basket, so you better decide how much that freedom means to you pretty quick.

All right, come on. Get in.

I'm taking you on the road.

[Chuckles] Wish I could. It sounds fun.

Yeah, well, if you call three days in a van with four guys and a whole lot of smells fun...

Sitting at a desk writing a legal a brief isn't as exciting as it sounds.

Really? 'Cause it doesn't sound exciting at all.


You gonna be okay out there?

A lot of temptation on the road.

If you're asking me if I'm gonna booze it up with the groupies...


That's history.

I got you now.

Whoo! Isn't this place great?

Yeah. Looks expensive.

Not when you split it three ways.


Forget it. I'll cover it.

I just got a check from my publisher.

Big-time songwriter.

What I want to be is a big-time band.

Avery, get over here.

I got a list of things we have to do, but first, we need a name.

Second, I wrote three new songs.

Obviously, saved the best for us.

Now, how fast can you learn this?

'Cause I booked us a show at Mercy Lounge on Thursday, a full 30-minute set.

I love that place.


Wait. Y-you're not free?

No, I am. That's not the point.

Ask us before you book a gig next time.


Did you quit and not tell me? Answer your damn phone.


I just found out that we've been bouncing all these checks to the studio, to the cartage company, now to the video editor.

Well, I thought that the royalty check was coming in.

I guess... I guess it didn't come.

You are the CFO of my brand-new label.

We can't be bouncing checks all over town.

I didn't expect that the cost would get so out of hand.

The video was way over budget and attorneys' fees...

It is your job to handle that!

I have not been in tip-top shape since daddy died, in case you hadn't noticed.

Oh, I noticed. But let's be honest.

It's not about daddy dying.

This is about you disappearing... again.

Get it together.

You got to hear this!

Layla. You're back.

This here's my girl. She just got back from L.A.

She was on "American Hitmaker."

Shut up. You're on the radio.

♪ What if I was willing? ♪

Thank you.

♪ What if I was willing? ♪

Deejay: That was "What if I Was Willing?"

By Will Lexington...

[Crowd cheering]

Our most requested song of the day.

All right, coming up... [Radio turns off]

I'm the most requested song?

Woman: Whoo!

Congrats, buddy. You got to celebrate, man.

Or are you gonna do that with your girl?


Well, now that you mention it, y'all get the hell out of my house.

Come on. Party's over.

Oh. [Chuckles] Hey.

[Chuckling] Slow down there, tiger.

Oh, can't do that.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Good job.

[Grunts] Deacon Claybourne, everybody. Give him a big hand.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

On the house.

Wish I could.

Every time I take a drink, I break out in handcuffs.

[Chuckling] Yeah. Can I get you something else?

You got a bucket of ice?


Here you go.




That was, uh...

[Chuckling] Fast.


[Chuckling] Well...


You never told me about L.A.

Honestly, it... it kind of sucked.

The producers just had me wave from the audience with two other former contestants.

I thought the whole reason you went out there is so you could perform your single.

I guess since it... Barely cracked the charts that they changed their mind about me.

Ohhh. [Groans]

I'm sure that's not true.

"Gonna get even" debuted at number 8, and Jeff was all over me then.

Now I've left him three messages, and he won't return my call.

[Door closes] Hey.

Found this on your doorstep.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

I don't have any more room for this crap!

Who is it?

Wow. It's from Edgehill.


Never thought I'd hear from them again.

I hope it's an apology from that Fordham jerk.

More like jumping on the bandwagon.

I mean, if Jeff wants me back, maybe Nashville's getting over itself.

Well, that part, we can celebrate.

How about I take you out to dinner tonight?

Don't you have rehearsal?

I'll just tell Gunnar and Zoey I can't make it.

You sure?

[Sighs] Hmm.

Overzealous bandmate or beautiful girlfriend?

It's a hard choice.

So hard.

Damn it! Avery just bailed on rehearsal!

Did he say why?

No. He just said, "oh, something came up."

It's probably his girlfriend tightening the chain.

This means I lose money on the rehearsal space.

You said it wasn't that expensive.

Yeah, well, it's not cheap, either.

So, you and I will go over the stuff.

Avery's a pro.

He better not flake.

The booker at Mercy Lounge is doing me a favor.


♪ Come and find me ♪
♪ I been hiding for so long ♪
♪ It's getting late in the evening ♪
♪ Everybody gone home ♪
♪ Did I miss it when they hollered out ♪
♪ "It's time to leave"? ♪
♪ Olly olly ollen free ♪

[both] ♪ Come find me ♪

I think we're ready to record this.

Mm. Don't quite feel like it yet.

[Both chuckle]

Hey, honey.


Brought you a check.

So sorry about that. My bookkeeper had a bad day.

Oh, honey, it's okay. We knew you were good for it.

Well, I appreciate your discretion on that.

Of course.

Can I just say that I think it's great that you two are dating.

Well, that makes two of us.

He's a pretty great guy.

Are Liam and Scarlett back there?

They sure are.

The little I've heard just sounds great.


All right, we're gonna go say hi.


How's it going?

Scarlett: I don't see what the problem is.

It's my job to protect you and your work.

From what?

From anything that's gonna keep you from making a great album.

But Liam's helping me make a great album.

I can see why you chose him as a producer.

He's really talented.

Yeah, he's a great producer.

Think you might be falling in love with him?




I love the way it feels when we work together.


He kind of opened something up in me and made it flow.


He sees me.

He helped me see myself.

Yes. Yes, it's very important.

No. No. No.

I don't want to leave another message.

If he's there, I would like to speak with him.


Right. Okay, well, would you please tell Mr. Fordham to call me when he's done with his meeting?


[Cellphone beeps] Seriously, how busy could he be?

Well, I mean, between losing Juliette and... right, but that's exactly why they should be pushing me to her fan base.

I swear... it's like, ever since Brent left, I don't exist over at Edgehill.

Just got to give it a little time.

Right. Do you know how easily I could fade into nothing?

I'm gonna call Brent.

What?! Wait.


To see if he knows Edgehill's plan and get his advice on how I can get them behind my single.

No. You don't need any advice from Brent.

All you need is a little bit of promotion.

And you got the guy with the number-one-requested song for that.

Hey. I thought you were busy tonight.

Oh, I am. I just dropped by for my giant paycheck.

See you tomorrow.


For the gig?



Hey, you're not gonna bail, are you?

No, I said I'd do it, and I will.

I mean, I don't know about anything after that, seeing as how Gunnar's turning this into a full-time job.

He's just excited about the band and performing.

You can't be mad at a guy for being enthusiastic.

I'll be there tomorrow.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Cellphone beeps]

[Cellphone vibrates]

Hey. How's the rock star?

Well, I'm out here on the Tarmac, but my Learjet is late.


You know, there is one good thing about staying at a cheap motel... they all got ice machines.

Sort of blew my wrist out a little bit tonight playing guitar.


So I cut my hand off, and it's doing much better now.

Wait. What?

Uh-huh, yeah. Somebody's working, huh?

Yes, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get out of here.

Can I call you when I get home?

That's all right. I just wanted to bitch and moan a little bit.

All right. Well, you feel better?

Yeah. [Chuckles softly]

I'll call you soon, okay?


I love you.

I love you, too.


[Cellphone beeps]

Why in God's creation I ever went into business with any member of my family, I will never, ever know.

Yeah, I learned a long time ago you got to choose your family.

Cheers to that.


Family aside, what's all this business Liam's pulling now?

Hey, you put the fox in charge of the henhouse.

She's my only damn hen, and I told the fox to keep his paws off her.


This thing with the Cadillac Three had better work out, 'cause I've got everything hanging on that girl.

Well, don't forget you got, uh, Rayna Jaymes on your label.

Not till May 1st, when that album drops.

Believe me, I've thought about it.

You know, I never wanted this to be a vanity label.

I wanted it to feel like a place that would nurture young artists.

That's an expensive thing to do.

Well, listen here.

If you need money, you can always come to me.

I would not want our relationship to be...

Entangled with those particular kind of strings.


Well, if there is something you need, I'd love to be the one to give it to you.

I could use another glass of wine.


The review said their gumbo is excellent.

[Gasps] I love gumbo.

I know.

Waiter: You ready to start?

Uh, we'd like the gumbo, please.

And can we also have the oysters and the crab legs?

And can we see the wine list, please?

Very good.

Thank you.

Hey, don't worry about it, okay? I got it.

I invited you out to dinner, remember?

I'm paying. I mean, that's the whole point.

Point of what?

Of an equal relationship, where one person doesn't always foot the bill.

Uh, we didn't order that.

That's too bad, because that is a nice bottle of champagne.

Really, really nice.

It's from the gentleman over there.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Could you send that back, please?

You know what?

We will keep it.

You're not seriously gonna drink that?

No, I'm not.

Thank you.

Very nice.

You like it?


What does this cost... about $10,000?

Eh, give or take a couple bucks.

Well, enjoy every penny.

[Door closes] Thanks for coming over.

Think maybe you've had enough?

It's amazing what you find out about a person after they're dead.

Peggy sent money to her sister every month.

She had three different charge accounts with florists, and, uh...

She lied to me about her pregnancy.


Yeah, I didn't know what it was, either.


Women take it after they miscarry.

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize Peggy had had one.

Apparently, she miscarried before...

Not after we got married.

What a throwback, huh?

Fake a pregnancy, get the man to marry you.

You know, the thing is, if she had told me that she lost the baby, I still would have...

Of course.

You really loved her.

I loved the woman I thought I knew.

But I never would have married this.

Or done what I did.

All right, come on.

We should get you out of here.

Never figured I'd be 45 years old touring out of a van, playing in bars with my audiences numbering in the dozens.

It's a lot of fun when you're young... especially when you're drinking.

But... I'm not.

I'm sober.

And I'm grateful for that.

Deacon Claybourne?

[Chuckling] Ruth Bennett.

Oh, my God.



I haven't seen you in... Half a lifetime.

Yeah, I was thinking, I haven't seen you since, um...

Rayna's Red Velvet tour in '99.

That's right. That's right. Yeah.

That was the one where you got to step forward and did a little duet with her there, right?


Oh, my gosh. You remember.

Don't forget a voice like that.

Thank you.

What are you doing here in the middle-of-nowhere, Virginia?

Uh, I moved here when I left the business.

Or, when it left me.


I own a bakery.


Maybe you should tell me where I can get a decent cup of coffee around here.

Better yet, I'll show you.

Well, all right.

All right. [Chuckles] Let's start over here.

I hope you got to enjoy a few hundred dollars' of that champagne last night.


I'll admit it's a little over the top.

But a basket of fruit wouldn't convey how much I want to be back in business with you, Juliette.

Well, imagine what dropping me from your label conveyed.

A mistake that I've been paying for on every level.

But you know what? I'm just gonna cut to the chase, okay?

I think you need a label to help you mend some fences here in Nashville.

And I believe that should be Edgehill.

And I'm offering you your own imprint.

Well, as you can see, I've got a few other offers I'm considering.

Right. But do any of them include a deal for Avery Barkley?

I heard his work on "Don't Put Dirt on my Grave".

I think he's talented.

And I got a quarter million for him to produce for that imprint.

His own deal.

Yeah, as a part of yours.

He will be kissed into the country-music scene with Edgehill in his corner.

You are unbelievable. Really.

I mean, everybody in this town knows that you dropped me.

And I will make sure that they know I brought you back, realizing the error of my ways.

Look, I'm not gonna pressure you.

I just think that we could do something really great here.

Think about it.


♪ What if you wanted to ride with the windows down ♪
♪ Bare feet banging on the dash to Dylan? ♪
♪ What if you wanted somebody to love you right? ♪
♪ What if I was willing? ♪
♪ What if I was willing? ♪
That is Will Lexington with "What if I Was Willing?"

Now, I know you've been waiting with questions.

Let's start with Lori in Bellevue.

Lori, you're on the air.

Lori: It's kind of a personal question, but are you free Friday night?

[Both laugh]

Wow. Uh...

You know, as nice as that sounds, I got a girlfriend.

Think y'all know her... Layla Grant.

All right, Reggie in Franklin, you're on the air.

Reggie: I hear a lot of influences in your music.

What you been listening to?

Well, lately... A lot of Layla Grant.

Her new single, "Tell Me," rocks.

Y'all should check it out.

Why'd you stop touring?

I-I went from singing backup to getting a solo contract.

So I built it all up, and then my, uh...

My drinking knocked it all down.

You and me both.


Yeah. I had 14 years before I went out.

That's a long time.

So what happened?

Found out I had a daughter.


Yeah. Teenager, if you can believe that.

You just found out?

Yeah... few months ago.

You ever see her?

Oh, yeah. Her mom is great about that.

Really? Wow.

And she's just... just the sweetest kid.

And she sings and she plays guitar.


Oh, yeah.

Just like her daddy.

[Both chuckle] Oh, my gosh.

For better or for worse.

Yeah, that's my big regret.

Next to music, I just...

I don't know. I love kids.

Not too late.

Maybe not.

Want to try?

[Both laugh]


I better not.

I got my hands full with the one.

[Both laugh]

Megan: I used to come up here all the time after John died.

It was the only place I could find any peace.


I used to be so angry.

At the kid who k*lled him, the justice system, the cops...


Why yourself?

[Sighs] Well, you know, you rethink it a thousand times.

If only I had called him five minutes sooner.

If I hadn't asked him to go to the market.

Like we're in control of the universe.

You t*rture yourself.

You don't seem like an angry person at all.

Well, it took a lot of work to get here.

You need to find your own place, wherever it is you can find some peace.


What is it this time... cold, hard cash?


Jeff offered me an imprint.

My lawyers haven't looked over the contract yet, but...

You're not considering it, are you?

I'm considering everything.

Is there a clause in that contract for respect?

Because Jeff doesn't respect you, no matter how much that champagne cost.

I know, but...

It's not just for me.

It includes $250,000 for you to produce.

It's a great deal, and it's certainly the only one that's gonna get me back into Nashville's good graces.

And you'd accept it without even talking to me?

I... Didn't think you'd have a problem with it, considering Edgehill's offering you a producing deal.

Yeah... by riding on your coattails.

No. Not...

They never would have offered this if you weren't good enough.

I really thought that you would be happy about this.

Goes to show you...

Yeah, that you don't have a clue how it feels every time you buy me dinner.

You can say no, Avery.

Can I?





Listen, I wasn't trying to make you jealous or anything.

Oh, I'm not.

Come on, Rayna. You know how this goes.

I mean, she's a cool chick. She's crazy-talented.

We've been working nights and...

Oh, yeah.

We're on top of each other all the time.

Oh, yeah, I know.

We're making great music.

Yeah, I know. I know how it goes.




Difference is, I'm a grown-up, and that girl is a kid.

[Scoffs] A very fragile kid.

Maybe you're not giving her enough credit.

I think I gave you too much credit.

I trusted you with her.

I told you, she's my one and only artist!

I asked you to handle her with kid gloves.

It kind of happened, okay? I didn't plan this.

No, I know. You never plan anything, right?

And now she's fallen in love with you.

Can you blame her? [Chuckles] I'm just kidding.

You don't know what you're dealing with here.

She can't handle it.

And you have jeopardized my artist and my label.

And you're gonna break her heart.

Not necessarily.

No, you're gonna break her heart now, before she gets into this any deeper with you and you screw this up any more.

Are you... are you firing me?


But you already paid me.

Yes, I did.

I'll see you on down the road.

[Cellphone rings]

Hey, Jeff.


What's up, man?

Jeff: I heard the radio spot today.

Sounded great till you turned it into a Layla Grant promotion.

Well, no disrespect, but, uh, I don't see how giving Layla a little shout-out hurts anything.

Her career is not your business, Will. It's mine.

I know, and she's been wanting to talk to you about her single.

We did all the promotion we're gonna do.

Her 15 minutes are up.

Jeff, that single just launched.

Yes, and I can count the number of spins it's gotten on one hand.

"American Hitmaker" will have another runner-up.

Is he dropping me?

I'm not sure yet.

Mm. It's a shame, too.

Really thought she was gonna break out.

Jeff, I would appreciate it if you'd give her another opportunity.

She had one.

Now our focus is gonna be on you.

I'm really sorry.

For what?

You didn't do anything except try and support me.

Of course I support you. Y...

You're great.

And I believe in you.


I don't know what's gonna happen.

But the fact that you're here... it means everything.

It's gonna be okay.

Come here.


[Knock on door]

[Chuckling] Hey.

Let me tell you...

I have never seen your lawyers close a deal this fast.

Okay, a little less money than some of the other offers, but you're back in country music...

Ohh! With your own imprint.

Oh, and the best part is, Jeff Fordham has to publicly dine on a big, fat plate of chicken-fried crow.



Here you go. Right there.

Question? Problem?

Are you positive that they've red-lined everything having to do with Avery?

'Cause I don't want to sign this contract if it's gonna cause more problems between the two of us.

No, no. I'm sure, I'm sure. It's good. Okay.

Okay. Good.

Okay, honey, listen.

I think this is the best move for you right now, but if there's a reason that you're hesitating, you do not have to do this.

No. No, no, no. You're right.

This is the best move for my career.


It's just these two.

Thank you.

[Engine shuts off]


You didn't return my calls.


You're leaving.

Yeah, I'm heading out to Tokyo tonight.

Gonna work with this new band.


When are you coming back?

I'm not sure.

What about the album?

It'll get done.


Please don't look so sad, okay?

We had fun, right?



It happens all the time... proximity and all that stuff.

You're young. You'll see.

It's not tragic. It's just... Living life.

It's not how I want to live my life.

Then live the life you want.

[Engine turns over]

I'll see you on down the road.

[Car door closes]


I come in peace.

You look like you pulled yourself together.

Did you get our books back in order?

I went through all of our accounts, and I moved the money around, and... We're okay for right now.

But with more money going out than coming in, we're gonna need to figure out a strategy so that we don't bleed the company dry.

What's the word?

There's no way to sugarcoat this.

Um, Big Machine just scooped up Cadillac Three.

They signed them an hour ago.

Is it 'cause our checks were bouncing all over town?

Bad news travels fast.

Can you give us a quick second, please, Bucky?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

I'll make some calls.

I'm so sorry. Just tell me what you want me to do.

And then trust you to do it? That's not happening.

We're not doing this anymore, Tandy.

Can we please just go home and drink and just figure out how to get past this?

There's no getting past it.

I'm out. I'm done.


I really think that I've earned the freedom from this family and the Mountain of crap that we have built.

Rayna. Rayna.

I am starting fresh... without you.

Okay, we can change the way that we do things in this family.

Really? How do you think we're gonna do that?

I don't know.

But I can't change anything... not without you.

Oh, I'm glad you could make it.

Hey, I'm doing you a favor here.

Wh... wait. Doing me a favor?

Yeah. You booked us a gig with, like, two days' notice.

And you made one of two rehearsals.

I don't want a guilt trip.

All right, I got a lot going on right now.

How about a little appreciation here, okay?

I booked this gig off my cred.


Some of us still have to fight for the things we want most.

What the hell does that mean?

It means not everybody's got a rich girlfriend, all right?



Can we at least get through one gig without having a huge band fight and breaking up?

I'm gonna go get ready.

Everything okay?


Yeah, let's go play the show.

[Tires screech]

Ruth: Oh!

[Both laugh] Wow!

Oh, my gosh. Did I...

No, that's my fault.

Apparently, I still have a drinking problem.

[Laughing] I'm sorry.

Can't take me anywhere.

I can try. [Chuckles]

Thank you.

It was fun. It was fun.

I'm sorry you ran out of time.

Hey, want to come to the show tonight?

I wish I could, but I... Try to avoid bars, you know.

I get that.



Hey, um...

What are you doing after the show?

Uh, you're looking at it.

One more night of opulence and luxury before I head home tomorrow.

You want to stay with me tonight?

I really like you, Deacon Claybourne.

Always have.

Thing is, I got someone waiting for me at home.

Pretty serious.


Oh, gosh.

Uh, well...

If things don't work out, you know where to find me.

Yeah, I do.

Bakery, right?

Yeah. Bakery.


It was great seeing you, Ruth.

[Car door opens, closes]


[Cellphone beeps]

[Cheers and applause]

♪ Left my home when I was young ♪
♪ Sold my heart for a song ♪
♪ I may be wrong ♪
♪ To think you'd sing along ♪
♪ the hardest thing I ever had to do ♪
♪ Was stand up straight and try to love you ♪

[Guitar solo]

[Harmonica solo]

♪ Changing strings and breaking towns ♪
♪ Drank so much, I damn near drowned ♪
♪ Can't get much rest ♪
♪ living like this ♪
♪ still, the hardest thing I ever had to do ♪
♪ Was stand up straight and try to love you ♪
♪ Oh, I said the hardest thing I ever had to do ♪
♪ Was stand up straight and try to love you ♪
♪ Oh, the hardest thing I ever had to do ♪
♪ Was stand up straight and love you ♪

[Song ends]

[Cheers and applause]

[Seat belt clicks]

You always had those in here?

Yeah. Why?

Oh, don't get me wrong. They're great.

Just, uh, make a fella feel a little...



Well, they're paintings.


And the girls are gone, so you can relax.


They're really bothering you, aren't they?

No. No, they're fine. I'm fine.

No. I can tell you're not fine. What's the matter?

I need to ask you a question.


You firing Liam.

Was that because you and he were an item?


Maybe a little bit, but...

Not how you might think.

Ever since daddy died, I just don't have tolerance for anyone else who breaks my trust.

I'm glad you're dealing with that.

And I hope you know you can trust me.

I mean, you can tell me anything... good, bad, or otherwise, past or present.

Thank you.



How bad are things at your label?


Well, let's see.

I fired my producer, I only have one artist and she's not gonna be ready for months, and I may or may not have a CFO.

But other than that, things are great.

Mm. How about I take your mind off of all that?


Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

I'm sorry.

Stop. It wasn't you.

You've had a lot more... Experience, you know?

Maybe you can [Chuckles] maybe you can teach me.

How do you know how much experience I've had?


Before I met you, I was gonna wait till I got married.

You probably should've told me that.

Would that have changed things?

I don't know.

Tell me what you like.


Right now...

What I'd really like... is a beer.


And that remote.

I am such an idiot.

You are not an idiot.

Don't you be so hard on yourself.

I was actually getting into an honest, adult relationship, but... He just bailed.

Well, he's good at that. But you're gonna be fine.

And we're gonna get you a new producer.

I got to figure out how to get all that out with a new producer.

I mean, believe it or not, what we had was special.

I understand all that.

But what you need to know is, everything that he brought out in you was already there.

You can't let anybody else control who you are as an artist.

You have to own it.

Trust me on that.

And, most importantly, trust yourself.

So, can we keep recording?


And it's gonna be amazing.



I was gonna call you when I got off.

Yeah, I just wanted to let you know in person.

I got Edgehill to drop you from my deal.

I signed it last night.

And then I remembered what you said about Jeff not respecting me, and I realized that you would never respect me if I went back to Edgehill.

So I tore the contract up.



Jeff's opinion of me is never really gonna change.

And yours matters a whole lot more.

So, what are you gonna do?

What about the other offers?

I'll figure something out.

As far as I'm concerned, you are my best offer.

Can we try dinner again?

You asking me out?


I'm asking you to ask me.


[Sighing] Oh, man.


Well, was it fun?

[Sighs] A lot of it was, yeah. Ohh.

I got something for you.

A very special present.

A hat?


"Romain's Grain and Feed."


No gift shops... just truck stops.


[Chuckling] That is good.

Mm. Thank you.

Um, sorry I was distracted when we spoke.

My head was in my work.

Well, now it's in my hat.


You look like you could use some fun.


Oh! [Laughs]

So, we're gonna go after Painted Ponies and Evan Ryder.

I'll start making calls.

Be tough.

I don't want to lose anybody else to Big Machine.

Juliette: Hey.


How are ya?

Good. How are you?

Good. Do you have a second?


What's going on?

Do you respect me?

In what context?

Uh, as someone who has something to say and the guts to say it.

Well, I think that you have always been true to who you are... never pretended to be anybody else.

I'll take that as a yes.

Uh, and I greatly respect you.

Thank you.

You said to me at the Opry that what I did was very brave.

And I'm wondering if... You're brave enough to help me rebuild these bridges that I've burnt in Nashville.

That's a lot of bridges.

I mean, not all of them.

I can leave Jeff Fordham out there scratching his head.

Scratching something.


Listen, I need a label.

A label that'll let me be me.

Is there any chance that... That could be yours?

I think I might be able to help you with that.
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