02x15 - They Don't Make 'Em Like My Daddy Anymore

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x15 - They Don't Make 'Em Like My Daddy Anymore

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Nashville...

Have you worked as a backup singer before?

I can sing. I can really sing.

You've been given a voice, girl.

Just keep singing what you believe in. You're gonna be fine.

I also wanna thank my manager, for sticking by me all these years.

We're dropping you.

You're no longer an Edgehill artist.

Scarlett O'Connor, meet Liam McGuinnis.

Y'all have fun.

Did you try to m*rder the father of my children?

As far as I'm concerned, both my parents are dead.


Help me.


♪ I'm not under your spell ♪
♪ I'm not under your spell ♪
♪ I'm not under your spell ♪
♪ I'm not under your spe-e-ll ♪

[cellphone buzzing]

♪ ooh, ooh ♪
♪ ooh ♪

[buzzing continues]

[Buzzing stops]

Well? What do you think?

I think it's amazing.

[Chuckles] It's amazing!

Thank you.

Thought you were gonna hate it for some reason.

Why would I hate that? I love it.

It's... it's so... it's beautiful.

It's moving and... and raw and emotional.

You really... you dug deep for that one, girl.

And the mix... I love the mix.

It... it feels like it's right in my ear.

Thanks. Thanks.


You didn't doubt me, did you?

How could I ever doubt you?

Well, all right, I mean, y'all got everything under control here, so I'm just gonna go deal with a couple other things [Cellphone buzzing]

And... and leave you to it.

Thank you.

Okay. [Chuckles]

Great work.



Is everything okay?

Yeah. Why?

I heard your dad is out.

That must be a relief.

Let's just say I'm happy to be focusing on work right now.

If you need me, um, I'm here.

Honestly, what you're doing with Scarlett is the biggest help.

I appreciate it so much.

You know I've invested everything in that girl.


This album has to be great.

How are you and Luke?

We're good.

Oh. Just "good"?

Go work. Make it great.


♪ Oh, so don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ Grave just yet ♪
♪ No ♪
♪ Don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ No ♪
♪ Don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪


Uh, it's...

"Perfect" is the wrong word.

What is a word that's better than "perfect"?

I love it.

Are you k... I don't know how you did it, but it feels like you put my soul in there.

I'm glad you like it.


It's too bad nobody'll ever hear it.

Why not?

Well, 'cause Jeff Fordham dropped me, and no other label in this city will touch me, remember?

Yeah, but you have other people in your corner.

You don't count.

I'm gonna not take that personally.

And besides, I'm not talking about me.

I'm talking about Ken lnman.

Wait... Ken lnman, the New York Times music critic, Ken...

Is there another one that would be relevant to this conversation?

No. What'd he say?

Does this mean you're lifting your own media blackout?

Shut up. Tell me.

All right.

Apparently, Inman watched your induction performance on the Opry website.

You ready?

Check it out.

"Juliette Barnes is best known for spangled hot pants and, of course, her many tabloid appearances."

Just... it gets better. Keep going.

"But her brave, rebellious, and eye-opening performance of 'Don't put Dirt on my Grave Just Yet' at her induction into the Grand Ole Opry proves that Barnes has a deeper spring and is an artist with music worthy of serious consideration and respect."

The New York Times just called you a serious artist.

Yeah, it only took me trashing my career for this to happen, and it's great, but...

You do know that you're the only person in Nashville who reads the New York Times?

Every other paper is literally putting dirt on my grave.

Can you just bask in the glow of good news [sighs] For like two minutes?


But I can bask in you.

Deacon: Don't even worry about it.

Look, I totally understand, man. This is very last-minute.

Just got it from my booking agent myself.

I figured you'd be busy.

All right. All right. Thanks, Chuck.

[Cellphone beeps] [Sighs]

No luck?

I can't even get a damn drummer, let alone a whole band.

Thank you.

Hey, why don't you ask Scarlett?

Maybe her band could back you up.

Honey, those guys are pros.

They don't want to drive an hour to play some dinky little dive.

So why are you? You sold out the Bluebird last night.

You're playing there again tomorrow.

I'm just not in a position to be turning down gigs right now, you know?

I just... Need to find some like-minded suckers willing to play for warm beer and cold pizza.


Glenn: Juliette?

[Knock on door]

Who's that?


Does he always just show up without calling?

Everybody does.

I don't...

Juliette, why aren't you answering my...

Oh, my God! Excuse me.

I'm so sorry. I didn't know you two were...

Glenn! Why aren't you on vacation?!


I told you to! I didn't want to be disturbed!

I know, but this can't wait.

Look, there's a piece in the New York Times by Ken lnman.

I know. I know. Avery told me already.

Yeah, yeah, but you don't know that Howie V read it, and... and he saw the Opry website video.

He wants to meet you.

Like 12 Grammys and 17 VMAs super-producer Howie V?

Exactly. He's sending his jet for you.

It took off two hours ago, which you would know if you would have returned my calls, but you guys were... you know.

Come on! Get dressed! Get dressed.

We're going to L.A.

I'm sorry... we're going to L.A. the meeting's for you.

He just produced an amazing version of the song.

Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's all right. I got work.

Next time.


Send Howie V Avery's mix of the song, because if he thinks that Opry video was good, this is gonna blow his mind.




Oh, he's seen worse.

Rayna: So, we'll just update the website to say "Scarlett O'Connor is taking a break from the Luke Wheeler tour to record with legendary producer Liam McGuinnis, who also produced Rayna's most recent album."

I like that one.

Hey, Rayna?


Listen, I've been trying to reach you for hours.

I know. I'm sorry. I-I-I wanted to call you back.

I just... I wanted to have a quiet moment, and I just had a crazy morning.

What's going on?

[Exhales deeply]

I'm sorry, Rayna.

I don't... I don't know how to say this, but...

Lamar passed away this morning.


Yeah. He had a heart attack in my office.

I'm sorry.

It just... it happened so fast.

He came storming in, all worked up, accusing me of testifying against him.

I tried to explain, get him to calm down, and next thing I know, he's grabbing his chest, and he's on the ground, and I... you know, I shouted for help, but then by the time the paramedics got there, he was gone.

Does Tandy know?


I wanted to tell you first.

The police and the paramedics... they said that they would keep this under wraps until we can make an official statement.

Maddie: Dad?

What's wrong?

You see, your grandpa had a weak heart, and he never really recovered from his first heart attack.

It just doesn't make any sense.

We were right here with him, singing and laughing, like a minute ago.

I know, honey, but he'd been through a lot, and the stress was just too much for him.

[Voice breaking] He was so happy to be home with us.

He wasn't stressed.

Right, mom?

These things are just... Hard to understand.


We can be thankful that he got to spend one of his last days with the people that he loved.

[Voice breaking] Does this mean he's in heaven?

Yes, sweetheart.

He's, uh... He's with your grandma now.

It's not just about mixing the right ingredients.

You got to make sure that the spirits are guiding the reaction.

Hey, make sure that Sasha and Malia got those Rihanna tickets.

Woman: Okay.

And right now, girl, you are in the sweet spot.

The whole world's watching you, wondering who you're gonna dance with now that you broke up with country music.

Uh, well, in all fairness, country music kind of broke up with me.

Ah! Even better.

'Cause your rebound needs to be bigger and bolder.


Let those country folks cry into their boots because they didn't realize the absolute goddess in their midst.

[Chuckling] I don't know about "goddess."

No earthly creature could have written "don't put dirt on my grave just yet."

You have to have been reincarnated, what... a hundred times... to have enough pain and anger to tell that story.

Am I right? Am I right?

Thank you.


I actually co-wrote it with, uh, Avery Barkley.

He did the mix that we... you sent it to him?

Oh, yeah.

Did you hear it?

Yeah, yeah. I did. I did.

So, here's what I'm thinking... we get you in the studio.

I show you that bigger is definitely better... my treat.

My treat. What do you say?

Do you want to do something historic with me?

When do we start? [Chuckles]

♪ I'm old enough to know that I'm too young to know a thing ♪
♪ But I see what I see ♪
♪ And then you see everything I'll ever need ♪
♪ Well, I've met a lot of faces, and I know a lot of names ♪
♪ But every one I've come across has all been just the same ♪
♪ But that all changed ♪
♪ That all changed ♪
♪ Under the downtown neon lights ♪
♪ That's where you caught my eye ♪
♪ You got me all worked up ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ It's obvious we both know ♪
♪ This won't end tomorrow ♪
♪ Tonight ain't long enough ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ No, tonight ain't long enough ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ tonight ain't long enough ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪





Sorry to barge right in.

I just wanted to see what I was hearing.

That was k*ller.


I've been trying to reach both of you on the phone all day.

I can see why I couldn't.

Oh, we were just working out the kinks on a new song of mine.

Well, I didn't hear no kinks.

So, what's up?

You know what?

I'm supposed to be playing a couple songs at this place right outside of town tonight, and I was trying to get a band earlier.

At this point, I'd just settle for a guitar player to help me out.

Uh, either one of you able to, uh, do a gig for little to no money?


You don't have to pay me a dime.

I'd love to play a gig with you.

You serious?


Thank you.

Hey, I can play drums.

That'd be great, but I don't really have a bass player at this point, so...

Avery: I-I can find a bass player.

You sure?

Yeah. I mean, you got charts?

Yeah, I got charts. Yeah.

All right, yeah, we're good.

Hey, I'd be happy to sing backup if you think it would help.


Yeah, I mean, I do sing.

Well, yeah. It's just... it's a real gig.

You don't want me to?

Of course I do.

Hey, g*n, I heard that girl sing.

You're in.

I'll be right back.

Would you just let them know that, um, we've had a family emergency, and as soon as I come up for air again, I'll put it back on the books for sure.

I appreciate you.

Thank you. Thank you so much.


I was surprised you called.

I hadn't planned to.

I'm sorry.

I-I don't know what else to say.

I really, truly am sorry.

Daddy's dead.


He had another heart attack.

[Voice breaking] What?


No, no, no, no.

Yeah, he's gone.


I started the ball rolling on the funeral arrangements... made some calls, and, you know, I think we'll just do something real simple, private.

Nothing too grand.


Oh, please, Tandy.

He was a m*rder*r.

Isn't that what you said?



[Indistinct conversations]

[Camera shutters clicking]

Earlier today, Lamar Wyatt, my former father-in-law, suffered a massive heart attack in my office.

[Reporters gasp] Nashville's finest paramedics took every measure to revive him, but after being transferred to Vanderbilt Medical, he was pronounced dead at 11:55 A.M.

My daughters, Maddie and Daphne Conrad, have lost a loving grandfather.

Rayna Jaymes and her sister, Tandy Hampton, have lost a father, and the city has lost a towering figure, one of its leading patrons.

[Reporters shouting questions]

Mayor, what about the recent controversy regarding...

Lamar Wyatt and I... well, we had our differences over the years.

But I also wouldn't be where I am today without his guidance.

He'll be remembered as a pillar of Nashville society, and deservedly so.

May he rest in peace.

Thank you. [Reporters shouting questions]

One song down.


10 more to go.


You, uh, think we're actually gonna get this thing finished before you go off... Wherever it is you're going?

Tokyo... for two weeks.

And then off to lreland to record this new Celtic rock band.

Then Prague.

Yeah, we got to... we got to hurry it up around here.

[Chuckles] Okay, your life sounds kind of amazing.


It's a lot of work, a lot of travel, and not a lot of time for anything else.


Or anyone.

I guess that's the downside to it.

Yeah, well, this life can be cruel to relationships.

Mm-hmm. - It gets lonely sometimes.

Oh, come on, you're too cool to be lonely.

Don't you have a house on, like, three different continents or something?

Yep. And nobody's waiting for me in any of them.

H-how do you cope with that part?

Work more, play more, record more.

Not your own stuff, though.

Hasn't it been a while since you put anything out?

To be honest, I'm... I-I feel kind of stuck.

Spending so much time working on the other people's music...

I can't really wrap my head around my own.

Which I'm probably doing it on purpose, you know?

I'm trying to hide from my own music.

You know what I mean?

Yes. I do.


Should we get another round?

Yeah. Thanks.

[Knock on door]



That was a nice speech you gave about Lamar.

Fulfilling my mayoral duties.

And, you know, trying to be a good dad.


I-I know it won't bring Peggy back, but if I just keep letting all that ugliness in, I'm not gonna have anything left for my girls, so...

Well, that is incredibly healthy and mature.

Well, life's too short to hold on to resentment.

It's toxic. Isn't that what you told me?

I didn't know you were listening.

I was.

Look, I know I'm...

I'm not supposed to actually talk to you about this anymore, but thank you for being there for me when no one else was.

It means a lot.

Well, grief has a way of bubbling up when you least expect it.

Look, I... Better get back to work.

Thank you for stopping by.

Of course.

[Glenn whistles]

Everything we've been working towards.

Howie V: Okay, before we bring the baffles in, let's let you rehearse one, get a feel for it.

Juliette: Okay.

All right.

Hi, guys.

Allow me to escort you to your throne, your highness.

You ready to step into your future?

[Sighs] Let's hope so.


[Instruments tuning]

Hello? Hello, hello?

That sounds good.

["Don't Put Dirt on my Grave Just Yet" plays]

♪ I thought things couldn't get much worse ♪
♪ But guess what, they did ♪
♪ You hit my heart upside with a wrecking ball ♪
♪ Oh, but that's what I get ♪
♪ But I'm not going nowhere ♪
♪ I can live on my prayers ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm done playing nice, I'm done running for life ♪
♪ 'Cause you think that you got me scared ♪
♪ This time, it's goodbye, trouble ♪
♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪
♪ I get stronger with every step ♪
♪ Come hell, come high water ♪
♪ You push on me, I'm gonna push back harder ♪
♪ I got a whole lot more than a little bit left ♪
♪ Oh, so don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ Oh, don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Well, it's gonna take more ♪
♪ Gonna take more, gonna take more ♪
♪ To pull me under ♪
♪ Gonna take more, gonna take more ♪
♪ Gonna take more than that to pull me under ♪
♪ This time, it's goodbye, trouble ♪
♪ I feel the light at the end of this tunnel ♪

Yeah, most folks just kind of take what I can give them and not offer a lot in return.


Thanks for looking at my lyrics.

No, thank you for showing them to me.

I'm really... like, after this is done, you should lock yourself away and work on your own music.

I know. I should.

But then I'll miss working with you.


Well, luckily, we got a whole album to finish.

Mm. What are you doing?

I'm... I'm kissing you. But if you don't want me to...

I don't think it's a very good idea.

That's all.

I'm gonna get myself home.

Well, I thank y'all for being here.

Look, um, I thought we'd start off with "Like New."

Can you pass those out?

Uh, "Playin' Tricks." "You're the Kind of Trouble."

Zoey, you know all those choruses?


All right, don't be shy.

All right. [Feedback]

Hey, tonight, you're in for a real treat.

We were able to book this very, very special guest at the last minute tonight.

Put your hands together for the one and only, The Wild Feathers!

[Cheers and applause]

Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'm Deacon Claybourne. Um, I'm the 10:30 slot.

I'm supposed to be playing at 10:30.

Oh, you did have the 10:30 slot, but I had to rejigger the lineup once The Wild Feathers came in.

Well, you couldn't tell me that?

I'll have you guys on by midnight.

[Intro plays] Midnight?

Hey, nobody's gonna be here listening to music at midnight!

Sorry, man. Take it or leave it.

[The Wild Feathers' "Got it Wrong" plays]

Let's get the hell out of here.

They're pushing us all the way back to almost closing time 'cause they got these... Tail Feathers here tonight.

Wild Feathers.

You know what? Don't.

It's bad enough I dragged y'all all the way out here, but I draw the line at lack of respect.

Hey, don't cancel on account of us.

We don't care what time we go on.

You really want to play?


Hey, I'm doing my first gig with Deacon Claybourne.

Who gets to say that?

We're not leaving.

All right.

We stay, and we play.

♪ Don't believe what you hear ♪
♪ It's all right, baby ♪
♪ 'Cause I need you near ♪

Babe, I'm not letting you come back from Australia for this.

Because it's too far.

I'm fine. I promise you... I'm fine.

And there's nothing you can do here.

All right, yeah. I'll talk to you in a little bit.

Thanks, babe. Bye.


Thought you might be hungry.

Lasagna for you and the girls.

Looks like you got plenty of food, though.

Ohh, I'm so sorry, Ray.

I went through this with my mom.

I know you did.

It was rough.

You know, there's... there's just no way around it.

You lose a parent, you lose a part of yourself.

Yeah. You do. [Sighs]

I-I rescheduled your meetings.

I pushed back your press events, so you are free and clear until you are ready to dive back in.

All right, well, the funeral's just gonna be real simple... family and friends.

Of course, I'd love for you to come.

Yeah. Of course I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it.

You gonna do a song?

No. No.

There's not gonna be any singing.

[Indistinct conversations]

["Like New" plays]

♪ It'd take about a million midnights ♪
♪ And a good, long whiskey rain ♪
♪ It's gonna take a hurricane ♪
♪ Skies so blue ♪
♪ And I'll be just like new ♪
♪ It might take every inch of Texas ♪
♪ And the dark side of the moon ♪
♪ Gonna find a place I ain't missing you ♪
♪ And I'll be just like new ♪
♪ When the sun stops shining ♪
♪ When the liars quit lying ♪
♪ When I finally face the truth ♪
♪ I'll be pushing up roses ♪
♪ Gonna start getting over you ♪
♪ I'll be just like new ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[Cheers and applause] ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[Soft piano music plays]

[Glenn sighs]

That was Bucky.

Rayna's father died.

What? When?

Earlier today. Heart attack.

You're kidding me.

I'll text her, find out when the funeral is.

Oh, the plans are still up in the air, but it's gonna be small and private, anyway.

And besides, we're on Howie V time here, so...

There she is.


[Chuckles] [Clears throat]

So, I've been talking to my contacts back in Nashville, to let them know the two of you are gonna be working together.

Thank you, Val.

Uh, yeah, I've been talking to my friends, too.

I slipped a copy of the track that we laid down earlier to lnterscope, Sony, Warner... hyping up my next big thing.

That's amazing. Thank you.

Well, if we're gonna take over the world, we got to start thinking bigger than Nashville, right?

In fact, you should probably consider moving out here to L.A.


Y'all drive a little too much for my taste.

[Chuckles] [Chuckles]

Seems like the right move, though, you know?

New look, new home, new you.


I mean, all we got to do is strip that last little bit of country twang out of your voice, and we're golden.

The transformation will be complete.

Now, it's not a done deal yet, but I've been trying to get my good friend over at Rolling Stone to put you on the cover.

And he's dragging his feet saying yes, so I thought I'd throw a little photo sh**t of my own together tomorrow, try to convince him of the genius of the idea.

What do you say? Sound good?

To the cover of Rolling Stone.

To the cover of the Rolling Stone.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you very much.

We appreciate y'all hanging out for the midnight show.

We sure hope we get to play for you again sometime.

Take care.

[Cheering continues]

By "sometime," I hope you mean back here and often...

As a headliner. [Chuckles]

[Cellphone chimes]

Well, thanks, man. That'd be great.

Yeah, that would be great.

Um... Uh, I'm sorry.

There's been a death in the family.

Here, um... Can you take my guitar for me?


Thank you.

Yeah. Thank you.

[Cellphone buzzing]


I just got Maddie's text about Lamar.

Ray, I'm just...

I'm sorry.

How you doing?

Oh, you know, it sucks.

Not gonna lie.

Maddie sounded real teary on the phone.

I'm just an hour away.

I was at a gig, but I can get out of here real quick and get over to you if you want.

Oh, no. Don't do that.

Listen, I just got those girls down.

They've been crying all day.

I don't want to get them all stirred up again.

Okay. What can I do?

Honestly, nothing.

Listen, I know Teddy and I have been having our problems, but I just... I think I should be at that funeral.

Think I should be there for you and the girls.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

You're family.

Ray, I know you got other shoulders to cry on, but...

You know, I'm not crying. I'm fine.

You're not fine, okay?

I know you're not fine.

I'm fine.

I'll talk to you.

♪ Come hell, come high water ♪
♪ You push on me, I'm gonna push back harder ♪

[Howie V shouting indistinctly]

♪ I got a whole lot more than a little bit left ♪

That's it! Great! ♪ Oh, so don't put dirt... ♪

Yes, yes, yes! Beautiful, beautiful.

Fantastic. Okay, we got that.

Let's get some natural light in here.

Take five for touch-ups.

Thank you.

Here you go. [Sighs]

What do you think?

It's really... Interesting.

You don't like it?

Do you?

I... is it too weird?

I mean, it is a little out there, even for you.

But given your relationship with Rayna and what's going on with her, just...

Yeah. Yeah. I was worried about that. I'm not sure.

Look, I mean, if you're not comfortable, we can change things up.

I'll talk to Howie. We will work it out.

We're just getting going here. I'll talk to Howie.

Guys, thank you. That's enough. Thank you.

I mean, damn. [Chuckles]

This just might be my best work ever.

Let's get you back in there for round 2, huh?

Just... just hang on a second.


I'm overthinking it.

Are you?

It's just different.


It's good.

All right.

Well, let me know.

Howie V: All right, all right.

It's... it's a little extreme.

That's how we make history, right?

By making noise.

You know what? There is, um...

There's this great little coffee shop around the corner.

Maybe you could make a quick run for everyone?


I know that you said that you would take care of everything, but I stopped by daddy's and picked out a few of his things.

Good. The funeral director was just asking me about that.

Well, this is one of his favorites.

He wore it on special occasions, and he really loved this tie that the girls gave him last Christmas.


I think if I had it my way, we'd bury him in a pine box...

Nowhere near mom, so...

Trust me... I know exactly how you feel, given everything that you've learned about him in the last couple days, but... He was still our father.

Tandy, he basically behaved this way his entire life.

We just found out about the worst of it at the end.

I was mad at him, too.

I-I... for mom, for Peggy, for everything.

But I wanted him punished, not dead.

You can't tell me that you don't feel anything.

I feel plenty.

His being dead just doesn't change any of that.

Bury him in whatever the hell you want. I don't care.

Hey, you.

Scarlett: Hey.

I didn't even know anyone was here.

Oh, just... I was trying to catch up on some sleep.

Oh, I'll bet. You've been working such crazy hours.

Your Uncle said you're like ships passing in the night.

[Chuckles] Yeah. I know.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Have you seen Deacon? Where is he?

He's at the Bluebird, getting ready.

I have dinner with a client, but, um, I may swing by afterwards.

He's playing?

Yeah, he got his old Thursday slot back.

[Chuckling] He forgot to tell me.

Where'd you go? Why'd you leave?

I... Don't belong here.

What are you talking about?


It's been an incredible journey with you.

That county fair...

You had such a big voice for someone so young, remember?

Whoa. What's going on?

And I am so proud of how far you've come.

But... It's time for me to step away.

What are you talking about?

Listen, you are on the verge of doing something truly incredible here.

Howie V's gonna take you all the way.

I can't be the deadweight holding you back.

You are not deadweight. You're not quitting.


It's not happening.

I think that, despite all of our battles over the years, you never doubted that I had your best interests at heart.

And that's still true.

And that...

That will always be true.

But I got to get out of the way and let you go be a superstar.

So, um, Lamar's, uh, funeral is tomorrow, and if you're finished with Howie V, your jet's at the airport whenever you're ready to go.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Evening, everybody.

Um, as I'm sure you know, a dear member of our Bluebird family is tonight mourning the loss of her father.

If we could all just bow our heads a moment, send some prayers towards Rayna Jaymes and her daughters.

Thank you for that.

All right, before we kick this off, there's a few folks here that, uh, I wanted to thank.

Uh, Gunnar, Avery, Zoey... could y'all come up here a second?


Um, what's happening?

I'm not sure, but you might want to lose the apron.

Uh, this is the younger crowd that I've been hanging out with a little bit recently, and, uh, last night, along with the help of their, uh, very talented friends over here, they saved my butt.

Uh, but more than that, they reminded me what it is I love about making music.

It's not about the fame or being a big star or how bad your time slot is at the show.


It's about coming together and bringing people together and making that sweet, sweet sound.

I spoke with the guys here, and what we'd like to do is I'd like to take these instruments, turn them over to them, let them start off this night with one of theirs.

What do you think about that?

[Cheers and applause] Yep. All right.

Zoey: Wow.

Gunnar: Thanks, man.

♪ That all changed ♪
♪ Under the downtown neon lights ♪
♪ That's where you caught my eye ♪
♪ You got me all worked up ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ It's obvious we both know ♪
♪ This won't end tomorrow ♪
♪ Tonight ain't long enough ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪

They're great.

I think you mean he's great.

♪ Jukebox dies just in time ♪

And he is. Do yourself a favor. Don't lose that one.

♪ Last call, last song ♪
♪ Give me one more dance ♪
♪ One more dance ♪

Hey, how's Rayna?

I called her and left her a message, and I didn't hear back from her.

She's fronting like she's okay, but...

I'm worried.

Well, if my own personal experience can shed any light...

♪ Tonight ain't long enough ♪

You probably should be.

♪ I ain't leaving without your love ♪
♪ Don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪
♪ No ♪
♪ Don't put dirt on my grave just yet ♪


That is something else.

What do you think?

I mean, it's huge. It's epic.

You should be really happy.

Yeah, I would be if Glenn wasn't such a buzzkill about it.

Yeah, it's kind of weird how he just up and quit like that.

You want to talk about it?


I do want to talk about you up on the stage at the Bluebird.

You looked like you were having so much fun.

Well, I was in good company, you know?

Just playing with friends that get me and my music.

And... Makes all the difference.

Don't much like being hung up on.

I know.

I told you... I'm fine.

Well, you can cut that out right now.

This is too damn big to just shove down and deal with later, Rayna.

Talk to me.


No, I don't want tea.

I want you to talk, all right?

If anybody understands how complicated your relationship with Lamar was, it's me.

You don't.

I don't?


[Scoffs] Please. I was there.

You haven't been here in a long time.

Last time I saw my daddy, I told him... He was dead to me.

And I meant it.

Funny thing is, a few hours later, he was.

I'm sorry, Ray.

I don't know that I am.

Come on, now.

I found out he was involved in my mother's death.


Yeah. Drove her off the road.

[Sighing] Oh, my God.

And other... Horrible things I-I'm not even gonna... Tell you about.


Of course, Tandy knew the whole time.

Didn't bother to tell me.

The girls keep asking why aunt Tandy moved out.

Come from a family full of liars.


I'm just sorry, Ray.

And I know you're angry, but maybe you just got to leave a little room to think maybe they were just hiding some of that truth to protect you.

No, they were lying.

Sometimes, people do the wrong things for the right reasons.

They don't intend to harm you.

They just... they're trying to make the best of a bad situation.


Sometimes, people do that.

But not this time.

Hey, I got your text.

You okay?

No. No, I'm not.

[Breathes shakily]

I thought I could put it behind me, but...

That if I could just get justice somehow, that it would be all right.

Right, and then the... the case against Lamar was dropped.

Exactly. And I couldn't let him get away with it.

I had to make him pay.

What are you talking about?


Lamar came here to my office and confronted me again about, you know, being a star witness against him.

And I told him that it was Tandy...

That it was her who had betrayed him.

And I don't know if it was the shock that was too much, but the next thing I knew, he was grabbing his chest.

I'm sure you felt powerless.


I had all the power in that moment.

And I didn't do anything.

I just watched him die.

You just getting in?


Sorry I'm so late.

We need to talk.


I went over to Rayna's.

[Inhales deeply]


Yeah, she's just, you know, like, shut down and numb, 'cause she's so damn angry.

Maddie's a wreck.

I just feel like I should go to that memorial service tomorrow, like I should be there.

That's a good idea.

It's important to be there for people in need.

You were there for me.



Officiant: As we mourn the loss of Lamar Wyatt, a dear friend, loving father, beloved grandfather, may you find peace in the words of the Lord.

"Let not your heart be troubled, "for in my Father's house, there are many mansions.

And I go to prepare a place for you."

Take comfort in knowing Lamar has not gone, but gone ahead to rest for eternity in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Let us say our final goodbyes.

You can go on ahead.

Hey, guys.


Erika wants to see you before you start setting up.

Why? Am I in trouble because of last night?

Nope. He is.

What? What'd I do?

Well, now that everyone knows you sing like a young Diana Ross, your boyfriend here is gonna have to write you a bunch of songs to sing.

Hey, come on. You're no slouch in that department, either.

Yeah, I mean, Juliette Barnes was a regular old fangirl watching you up onstage.

Still not talking about it.

Damn it.

Last night was pretty cool, though.

No, I'd say more like "awesome."

I still can't believe I sang at the Bluebird.

Yes, you did.

Gunnar: You know, I was thinking...

Maybe the three of us could get together and... Do this again sometime.

What do you think?

What, you mean like a band?

Let's do it.

Yeah. You in?

What the hell?

I'm in.

[Cellphone chimes]



Did you sleep here?

Yes... last night, I did. Sorry.

I, uh...

[Chuckles] I'm just gonna go.

No, hold on.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

Hey, Scarlett, we're both adults.

Please don't make something out of the nothing that didn't even really happen.


Look, I-I, uh...

Went home to an empty house last night, so I thought I would go see my Uncle Deacon at the Bluebird.

He's got a spot there.

And he was there with this girl I used to be very good friends with for a really long time...


And my ex and also my other ex.

I get it.


So, Deacon's up there telling everybody how great they are and how much they've taught him about music, and, uh, I just didn't want to be there when he got home, so I came here to, uh... [Chuckles]

To worry about that nothing that didn't happen between us.

Are you worried that I would hold whatever didn't happen against you?


That that's gonna affect our work?

Without what we do here... our work...

I don't have anything else.

We're fine. We're... we're good.

I'm still in your corner.

I'm not going anywhere.

I-I-I don't think we should do this.

Probably not.

[Knock on door]


You're not quitting.

Juliette, wait. Hold on a second.

Did you really think that I'm gonna let you bail just when things are getting interesting?

Look, I don't want you thinking...

Marshall Evans, Jeff Fordham, Howie V...

They all want me to be somebody that I'm not.

You are the only person who has ever stood by my choice to be myself.

I saw the proofs from the photo sh**t.

You never, in a million years, would have made me do that.

You know who I am.

Yeah, but what about Howie V? I mean...

Ken lnman did not write an article about some song with an orchestra.

It's a big opportunity to pass up.

Avery's version of that song...

That is what I want the world to hear.

It is not that tween stuff that I hated.

It's got grit.

And besides, Howie V seemed a little eager to get me away from country music, and I'm sorry, but I am not willing to pull the stakes up yet.

And you shouldn't be, either.




[Wailing continues]

[Glass breaking]


It's got to stop.

[Sobbing] All the lying just has to stop!

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