02x07 - She's Got You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x07 - She's Got You

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

You're marrying her?

I hate this.

(Will) You want me to date Layla?

Why pass up the chance to deflect some of her shine onto you?

Is that easier to play than the guitar?

The way I play it, it is.

I'm glad you're here.

I was thinking of Scarlett being one of your opening acts.

Charlie Wentworth?

What are you implying?

He's a powerful, prominent, married man.

We're good friends.

(Man on radio) Good morning, Texas! Bobby Delmont here, KCUT 105.2, "Cutting edge country."

(Screaming) Well, today is the day, my friends.

Juliette Barnes' "Inside the dream" tour opens right here in Houston... two sold-out shows.

Juliette! But don't feel bad if you don't have tickets, because we're giving 'em away for free.

So stay tuned for your chance to win.

You know, I'm really excited about this tour because it's one of those rare times when the undercard might be even better than the main event.

Layla Grant is hot, hot, hot, and I just can't get enough of this song.

Here's Layla Grant with...

(Radio turns off) Looks like Santa Claus has a thing for Layla.


I can't believe Delmont hasn't been fired yet.

Or arrested.

I know what you said. I just wanna see it in writing.

What? You don't trust me?

I trust a contract even more.

Okay, then.

Well, why don't you just... come on over and get 'em?

Why am I starting to get the distinct impression you're interested in more than just paperwork?

I'll tell you what.

You have your agent send those papers over, then we can have a conversation about maybe getting together.

All right.


Should I even ask?

Oh, Luke. Listen, all I care about is getting Scarlett's papers signed and getting her on that tour bus.

I don't know.

Kinda sounded like maybe you wanna get on that bus.

You are ridiculous.


Liam's off in parts unknown.

Well, men are my last priority right now. God bless 'em.

I just need to get Scarlett on tour so she's not in Jeff's studio.

The minute she records something with him, it belongs to Edgehill.

Hey, honey.

Mom, Maddie does not wanna sing at dad's wedding reception, so she won't practice.

You know, it's okay. I'm gonna talk to her.


Why don't you go play outside for a little bit?

It's all right.




Poor Maddie. Still not thrilled about the wedding.

Please. Who is thrilled about this wedding?

Peggy Kenter's gonna be part of this family?

How did that happen?

Teddy couldn't keep it in his pants, that's how.

(Whispering) Shh! Because the girls still don't know that Peggy's pregnant.

(Lowered voice) They are gonna find out soon enough.

Not gonna find out today. Tch!


(Utensil clinks)

I didn't know you were...

I... I was just here 'cause, uh...

Uh... I'm... I'm really sorry a... about the milk.

I really thought you were staying at Megan's last night.

She's out of town doing depositions.

You know, I'm... I'm just gonna... I'm gonna go.


When'd you two get back together?

(Door opens)

(Yawns) I don't know that we're back together. We're just...

(Door closes)

Not "not together."

We're out of milk.

(Bowl clatters)



Ahh. Will should go on tour more often.

Mm. It's nice having the place to ourselves.

(Chuckles) But you know you live alone, right?

I mean, we could always go there.

No, Scarlett has a key to my place, and it might not be a very good idea.

Uh... yeah.

My best friend, your ex... could walk in any minute.

Yes, that is probably not the best way for her to find out we're together.

(Cell phone rings)

(Sighs) Damn it.


(Clears throat)

(Beep) Hello?

Gunnar. Jeff Fordham. Edgehill Records.

Yeah, we met at the stockholder showcase.

Yes, sir. (Clears throat) Uh, I remember.

Um... uh, what's... how's it going, dude?

Well, truthfully, buddy, I'd be doing a lot better if will Lexington was recording your song.

Uh, yeah. Y... you see, the thing is, um... with that, uh...

Any chance I could get you to sit down with me tomorrow?

Sure. Absolutely. That'd be great.

Good, good, good.

I will have my office set it up.


That was Jeff Fordham at Edgehill Records.

They're still after your song?

Yeah. Am I being stupid about this?

Gunnar, you wanna record that song.

There's nothing stupid about that.

Yeah, but what... what is the use of keeping it for myself if nobody outside of Nashville's gonna hear it?

Hey, maybe I could leverage it for a... for a record deal or getting myself on a tour, or anything.

Thank you for coming over so last minute.

Um... I have a little somethin' I wanted to share with you, and I wanted to tell you in person.

You are about to join Luke Wheeler's tour.

(Laughs) Are you excited?

I'm shocked. I didn't think it would actually happen.

It's happening.

They just messengered these contracts over here just this afternoon, and you're leaving tomorrow.


I know. I know it seems fast.

That's the way it goes a lot of times, but you're gonna be a pre-opener, so you'll just do three songs and get off.

I'm gonna send a couple of my band members with you, so until we get your band together, you'll be covered.

Thank you.

Do you think I'm ready for this?

We... we haven't even been in the studio.

I thought we would do that first, and I...

I do think you're ready.

This is an amazing opportunity for you, and Luke Wheeler is the biggest tour in the country right now.


Can't pass that up.

I... I know. I just...

Honestly, I just really wanna make you proud.

I am so proud to have you on my label.

And you are gonna k*ll it.

Mm-hmm. (Inhales deeply) Okay.


(Both laugh)

Bobby Delmont is way too important in this market.

I can't have him giving all my airtime to Layla.

Okay, don't worry about it. She's just a shiny new toy.

You're the superstar here. Delmont knows it.

Is he gonna be at the meet and greet?


Good. I'll talk to him then. He's a sucker for an exclusive.

Charlie Wentworth.

What in the world are you doing here?

Well, I had a business meeting here in Houston, and I saw in the papers that you were performing, so I thought I'd swing by and say hello.

(Indistinct conversations)

Glenn, right?

Yeah. Good to see you again, Mr. Wentworth.


Hey, would you like to see the show tonight?

I can send over some tickets.

And then maybe you and Olivia can join me for a late dinner?

Sorry. Can't. Olivia's on a girls' weekend in New York, and I have to fly to Dallas to speak at a T.E.D. conference.

Well, that's a bummer.

Well... uh... I'll let you two catch up.

Good to see you again.


Okay, I'm sorry. I know this is reckless.

I just really wanted to see you...

I invented "reckless."

(Grunts) Mmm.

We've gotta move fast. I've got a press thing in an hour.

You can blow it off.

No. You have no idea how important these big market radio guys are.

You want on the air, you have to play by their rules.

Um, hello? Media mogul. My company owns... 800...

(Kisses) radio stations. I think I know how things work.

Mm. (Breathing heavily)

But surely you're above all that.

You're a huge, huge star. They should be courting you.

(Both panting)

You're right. They should be.

It's about time they showed me some respect.

Exactly. Juliette Barnes is the new queen of country music.

She shouldn't have to bow down to anybody.

Oh, is that right?

I shouldn't have to bow down to anybody?

(Buckle clicking) Oh, I mean, you know, if Juliette Barnes wants to... bow down.

(Inhales sharply)

(Rayna) You girls ready?

Your dad's here! Come on down.

What time you gonna bring 'em back today?

Uh, around 3:00.

We just need to pick up their dresses and shoes, and then we're gonna grab lunch while we're out.


Um... little word of warning.

I don't think Maddie wants to sing at your reception.

What? When did that happen?

This morning. I talked to her about it, but she seems pretty determined.

And did she say why?

Not really, but you know...

(Lowered voice) Listen, she's upset about this wedding.


I think she sees it as you marrying the woman who broke up our marriage.

Oh, okay.

Maddie knows that's not what happened.

I don't want to get into this with you.

I'm just telling you...

I don't want to get into it either, but, Rayna, I'm getting married tomorrow in front of a lot of important people.

A show of support from the girls would be nice.

Oh, come on now. You're not worried about this 'cause it's gonna make you look bad in the press, are you?

That's not what I said.


The show of support is for Peggy.

I mean, it would mean a lot to her.

Oh, so it means a lot to Peggy, so you're gonna force our daughter to do something she doesn't wanna do?

Force our daughter?

Seems like it.

I get it.

Oh, you are ridiculous.

This is your way of turning the girls against Peggy.

No. Hey, this is not my fault. You got Peggy pregnant, you wanna run for congress, you're gonna marry her, fine.

That is your choice, but Maddie is not a little girl anymore, and she can make choices, too.

And if she doesn't wanna sing at your wedding, you have to respect that.

(Daphne) Hey, dad!

Hey. You look ready.

Ready! Yep.

Yes, you are. Ahh! How about your sister? She ready to go?

Um, I don't know. She said she didn't wanna come.

What? All right, let me talk to her.

I'll go talk to her. Be right back.


Do you wanna talk about it?

He's leaving us.

He's not, honey. He's your father.

He's always gonna be your father.

That's never gonna change.

How do you know that?

Talia's dad got remarried, and he's never around anymore.

The new wife's always gonna be more important.


What if they have kids of their own?

Is he gonna make time for me when I'm not even his daughter?



I wanna see Deacon.

This is big.

Deacon is her father.

It makes sense that she wants to connect with him.

Yeah. I don't know what he wants.

Does he wanna be a father right now?

Does he feel welcome?

Probably not.

Is that what you want?

I just wanna... protect myself... protect my family.

Wish I could just... put him off in a box somewhere and... not have to think about it anymore.

Because if Maddie has a relationship with him, then that means you have to have a relationship with him.

I'm gonna have to open that box.

(Juliette) ♪ stumble outta that red door ♪
♪ hop into a cab ♪


She is not that much taller than me.

(Under breath) You're late.

I'm the headliner. I'm allowed to be late.

Hi, guys. (Under breath) Where's Santa Claus?

(Glenn) He's here. Never misses a chance to rub elbows with the stars.

Mm, he never stops at the elbows, of course.


I am sick and tired of having to giggle like a teenager for that pig.

It's time he showed me a little respect.

(Sighs) I'm not gonna like what happens next, am I? Mm.

Oh, Juliette, you look amazing.

I mean, really, really good.

Uh, thank you, Mr. Delmont.

Please take your hands off of me.

What is your problem?

No problem. I'm just not 17 and desperate anymore.

Hey, guys, how are you?

(Man) Hey, Juliette! Good to see you.

Hi. Juliette. Nice to meet you.

Layla Grant? Bobby Delmont. KCUT.


How are you?

Yes, nice to meet you.

(Clears throat) Nice to meet you.

I hear that you have the most powerful microphone in all of Texas.

Well, I don't know about the most powerful, but it's certainly the biggest.

(Giggles) Mr. Delmont, you're making me blush.

Ah, I don't mean to make you blush.

(Knock on door)



Come on in.


How you doing?

(Door closes)

I'm good. You know, I've been...

(TV playing indistinctly)

Going to meetings, things.

(Turns off TV)

Oh. Well, I wasn't checking up on you or anything.

You okay?

Um... yeah.

Teddy's getting married tomorrow, so...

I heard.

And... you know Maddie's been having a hard time.

And, uh, she asked about you, and...

I think she really wants to see you.

I just wanna find out how you feel about that.

How do you feel about it?

It worries me.

I don't know if it's the right thing for her... for us.

You're worried about me.

It's okay.

I understand.

She's my daughter. I don't wanna hurt her.

It's a lot easier when I was Uncle Deacon, huh?


I'd teach her a chord, and she'd give me that big smile of hers.

Yeah, there was a lot that used to be easier.

I wanna do right by her, Ray. I wanna do this thing.

But I just...

I feel like I gotta bring something to the table.

I gotta be someone she can be proud of...

Yeah, I just need to know that she can count on you.

'Cause I'm not gonna open up that door if I think there's a chance you might close it on her.

So I'd like you to think about that.

Look, I know you want the girls to sing, but Maddie doesn't wanna do it.

I mean, I think this was all just happening too fast for her.

Maddie is going to be fine.

You know she wouldn't even come downstairs to talk to me?

So you wanna postpone? Is that what you're saying?

(Sighs) Yeah, it's... oh... I'm... what I...

(woman) Good morning, Mr. Mayor.

Hey, how you doing?

I don't know what I'm saying. All I know is that she is clearly not happy about this wedding.

Ah. (Scoffs) Teddy, she is a teenage girl, and her daddy is getting remarried.

I mean, of course she's gonna feel a little jealous.

But postponing? That sends the wrong message...

(Man) Morning, Mr. Mayor.

To Maddie, to your constituents.

My constituents?


Are you serious? We're talking about my daughter here.

Look, you're the one that wanted to run for Congress, okay?

(Sighs) Think about it.

A last minute cancellation suggests indecisiveness.

I didn't say anything about canceling.

Well... (Huffs) postponing would be even worse.

(Woman) Morning, sir.

You wanna walk your 6-month pregnant girlfriend down the aisle?

Or better yet, you wanna have a child out of wedlock?

Do any of those scenarios help your chances?

Listen to me.

I just want my daughter to be happy, that's all.

I know. I know you do, and... (Scoffs) believe me.

Maddie is going to be just fine.

(Man) Morning, sir.

As soon as the ceremony's over, she is gonna accept that we are together.

Things are gonna settle down, and then we get to be a real family... you and me and the girls and our baby.


(Knock on door) Come on in!

(Door closes)

Just sit down.


(Inhales deeply)

Listen, Deacon, a... about this mornin'...

I don't wanna talk about this morning...

Ever. Okay?

(Sighs) What am I doing here then?

You still play guitar?

Yeah. Every day.

Good. How would you like to come play guitar for me tomorrow night at an open mic?

You want me to... play guitar...

That's what I'm asking.

You know, like, every player in town.

Well, yeah, I do, but there's a good chance I'm gonna look like an idiot, and I would rather not do that in front of people I know and respect.

No offense.

Okay. But the Bluebird is gonna be filled with people that know you.

That's why I'm not doing it at the Bluebird.

I'm doing it at Shotgun Sally's, Murfreesboro.



Did you miss the part about me not wanting to look like an idiot?

Right, but I'm... but I'm just saying that if you're so sure that you're gonna look... like... stupid or whatever, then why not wait?

Maybe I need to do this right now, all right?

Is that all right with you? I'm just asking you will you play guitar for me? Yes or no?

♪ And I don't have a prayer ♪
♪ oh, but, honey, I don't even care ♪
♪ Feels like you've gone and put a spell on me ♪
♪ You shook my world apart and suddenly ♪
♪ I'm helpless, reckless ♪
♪ oh, baby, I lost my mind ♪
♪ can't deny your love is hypnotizing ♪

Ready to hit the town?

Actually, I was, uh, thinking maybe we could hit something else tonight. Come on.

I think you're forgetting that you and I are just a business arrangement.

How long are you gonna hold the Scarlett thing against me?

"That Scarlett thing" could have gotten her thrown off the label.

Hey, I've apologized over and over again.

Look, this is gonna be a long tour.

Sure would be a lot more fun if we were at least a little friendly.

♪ Reckless, so, baby, I ♪

Well, let's start with dinner.

I'll take what I can get.

♪ Your love is hypnotizing ♪


There you are. Great show tonight, both of y'all.

(Layla) Thank you.

Who's this handsome fella?


This is Craig Hale.

Craig, this is Layla Grant and Will Lexington... two of the brightest stars in the Edgehill universe.

Pleased to meet you.

Hey, you, too.

Brent's told me a lot about you.

♪ I'm helpless ♪

You guys wanna join us for dinner?

Uh, no, thanks. We already got plans, but, uh, it was nice meeting you.

Yeah, you, too.


(Brent) Bye, guys.

♪ Hypnotizing ♪

(Song ends)


Ah, thank you, Houston! I love y'all.

God bless you!

(Cheers and applause continue)

The press seats were practically empty.

How am I supposed to generate buzz when nobody from the media's at my concert?

They left after Layla's set. Delmont instigated it.

I couldn't stop them.

Son of a bitch!

Man, Santa's thumbs must be burning from typing so much.

"Leaving after Layla's set.

Can't be topped, so why not beat the traffic?"

"Did anyone stay for Juliette Barnes' set?

If so, why?"

"Wouldn't wanna be Juliette Barnes last night, having to take the stage after sly, sexy Layla Grant."

(Clears throat) Hey. Can you put that thing away?

Come have some breakfast.

This is your fault, you know that?

You were the one who told me to blow him off, and now I'm remembering why you give Santa what he wants.

Okay, stop.

Who is Santa?

And why are we calling him that?

Bobby Delmont at KCUT, and people in the business call him "Santa Claus" because young girls have to sit on his lap to get airplay.

You're kidding me.

You say that you know how this works?

You don't.

You have no idea what it's like being a girl in this business.

Everybody else holds the cards... the labels, the managers, the programmers.

And you just have to play nice and beg, and if you're pretty, sometimes you're asked to do more.

So you just smile and pretend that you don't hate everybody who's using you.

That... that is how it works, Charlie.

That is my life.

Look, I just want you to know, Jeff, I'm not trying to jerk you around here.

Good, 'cause I don't like to be jerked around.

So what's the problem?

Well, the... the truth is, I was, um, saving the song to, uh, release it myself.

I'm a... I'm a singer, and I'm not looking for a handout or anything like that, but if you like what you hear, maybe we can... we can work something out.

Like what, exactly?

Uh... I was thinking like a... like a record deal or maybe you can use your influence to help get me on a tour. I could, uh... I could be the opening-opening-opening act for Juliette.

I'm just looking for a break. (Clears throat) So... if you can help in any way, uh...

The song's yours.

(Piano playing light jazz)

Wow. You look beautiful.

Thank you.

(Sighs) Listen, honey, I... I know this is all going way too fast for you.

Maybe you think that I don't care about your feelings.

But believe me, I do.

I care very much about you.

But I care about Peggy, too.

Can you please just give her a chance?

I can try.

Let me help you with that.


You were my first girl. You know that.

You will always be my first girl.

Come here.

(Luke) Yeah, I bought this place a few years back after my divorce.

700 acres, about 3 times more than I wanted. (Laughs)

But this spot right here... this is why I bought the place.

I can see why.

(Gasps) Oh, this is beautiful.

Yeah, it is, isn't it?


Sometimes I can't believe I get to live here.

(Laughs) Luckiest bastard on the planet.

Well, I think you and I both know this doesn't have very much to do with luck.


So that's your house right there.


Now what's that over there?

Uh, stables. Well, one of 'em.

I got a large one set a ways back.

All right, I'm starting to get the impression you like horses.

What can I say? Grew up in Kentucky.

Horses are my passion.

You know, it was actually a horse that, uh, got me signed with Edgehill?

Yep, Jeff Fordham sent over the grandson of a derby winner.

Couldn't say no to that.

Yeah, that Jeff Fordham... he really knows how to get what he wants.

What, you don't like Jeff?

I don't like anybody right now. (Laughs)

Ha ha. Why not?

Oh. It's just... ind of a strange day.

My ex-husband is getting remarried today.

Probably right about now, actually.



Whew. Man.

Same thing happened to me last year.

Oh, yeah?


You, uh, like the new wife?

(Scoffs) You like the new husband?



You know, uh, having been through this myself, I could give you some advice.

What's that?

It's all about finding a coping mechanism.

Something that'll take your mind off it completely.

Mm. What you got in mind?

♪ When I was young ♪
♪ I was told ♪
♪ try to be just as good as gold ♪
♪ Fly right, child ♪
♪ walk that line ♪

Hey, Deacon, can I, uh...

♪ keep... ♪

Can I make a suggestion?


Why don't you try moving around a little bit?

You know? I mean, you're kinda a little... stiff.

Play it again.

One, two, three, four.

♪ When I was young ♪
♪ I was told ♪
♪ try to be just as good as gold ♪
♪ Try... ♪ That's stupid.

I wouldn't do that. I'm not...

You told me to do that.

No, I... I... I was just trying to say just be more natural.

What am I supposed to do then, huh?

Nothing natural about this, all right?

You're hugging onto a guitar. Me, I got arms flying around.

You've worked with the best in the business.

You know what it's supposed to look like. Just do that.

Just... play it. Go.

Faster. You're going too slow.

♪ When I was young ♪
♪ I was told ♪

(microphone stand squeaks)

(Stops playing)

Murfreesboro ain't far enough.

(Amplified voice) Whoo! Perfect.

Awesome, guys. That sounded great. Thank you.

This is beautiful. Hey, did you hear about Bobby Delmont?


Just got fired.

You're kidding me.


Maybe his bosses heard he was getting a little too cozy with one of his elves. (Chuckles)

I guess so.
(Elevator bell dings)



Missed you at dinner last night.

I doubt that.

Who was that guy? You pick him up off the street?

No. As a matter of fact, we've been dating in Nashville.

Thought it'd be nice to take a trip together.

Oh, so he's your boyfriend?

Why do you care?

No, I don't care. Pfft. I was just making conversation.

Yes, Craig is my boyfriend.

Unlike some people, I like my romantic relationships to actually mean something.

(Bell dings)

(Indistinct conversations)



(Both laughing)


I have not shot a g*n since I must have been 10 when my granddaddy tried to teach me how to sh**t skeet.

Well, you are a damn good shot.

(Laughs) Well...

I don't know if I'm gonna make a habit of it.

I'm not much of a g*n girl, but what else you got around here?

(Laughs) What else is there to do to take my mind off everything?

See? It's all about distraction.

(Sighs) Yeah. Yeah. This has been helpful.

Yeah. Uh, you know, it does get easier.

I mean, dealing with the ex and the in-law, and... co-parenting with a virtual stranger.

Oh, man. I can't even...

I don't even know what that looks like.

Oh, it's an adjustment, I'll tell you that.

Suddenly, because someone else says so, you gotta hand over the keys to your kids like it's no big deal.

That scares the hell out of me.

Yeah, of course it does. You want your kids to be safe and happy and loved.

Who could ever do that better than you?

(Bottle clanks)


Exactly, which is why... you gotta cut the rest of the world a little slack.

Otherwise, you will just go crazy.

You surprise me.

This whole place surprises me. (Chuckles)


Me being here surprises me.

I'm, uh, hoping maybe that's a good thing?

(The shouting matches) ♪ on to gallup ♪

(avery) I gotta ask, why Shotgun Sally's?

It's the first place I ever got the nerve to get up onstage.

It was an open mic night.

How'd it go?


How'd it go?

Good. You know? It was good. I played something I wrote.

I thought they'd kick me out. They didn't.

They listened. Good a place as any to start over.

Have you even set foot in the Bluebird since the accident?

You know, just for a cup of coffee?

You know, folks there still talk about you all the time.

They miss you.

They miss the Deacon they used to know... guitar hero, Rayna's side man. That guy's not around anymore.

So what, you're never going back?

You're just gonna avoid anyone who knew you before the accident?

That's, uh, that's a great plan.

Hey. You think I don't wanna go back, huh?

You think... you think I don't miss those people myself?

Okay, then. What's stopping you?

There's a look that people get when you disappoint them.

It's in their eyes, on their face, you know?

I'm just tired of that damn look.

(Slow-tempo jazz playing)

(Camera shutter clicking)

(Guests) Whoa! (Laughs)

Oh, careful. (Laughs)

There it is.

Yeah. Okay, are we ready?


Watch it now.

Watch it.



Dad looks so happy, doesn't he?


He does.

Come on.


Oh, wow. Thank you, everybody, so much for coming.

Really, it means a lot to have you all here, celebrating with us on this special day.

So thank you for being here.

(Amplified voice) Excuse me, everyone.

Hi. My name is Maddie Conrad, and this is my sister Daphne.

(Amplified voice) Hello.

In case you haven't heard, our dad just got married today.

(Laughter) I know you're supposed to write a speech or make a toast when someone gets married, but, um, since I'm not allowed to drink yet...

No, no. (Laughter)

And I'm not much of a talker, I thought maybe we'd do things a little differently.

Daddy... this one's for you.

(Guitar playing)

♪ I like the way I walk ♪
♪ I like to hear myself talk ♪

(Both, harmonizing) ♪ I like the sound ♪
♪ of the beat of my own drum ♪
♪ one is so much better when it's two ♪
♪ I'd rather share it with you ♪
♪ I'd rather share it with you ♪
♪ I'd rather share it with you ♪

Did you fire Bobby Delmont?

(Door slams) Sam, I'll call you back.

Aren't you supposed to be at your, um...

I looked it up, and KCUT is owned by a Wentworth subsidiary.

I'm gonna ask you one more time. Did you fire Bobby Delmont?

Yeah, I did. He's a lech and a tool, and you should be thanking me.

Thanking you? I do not need you to fight my battles for me!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was just trying to help.

If you wanna help me, then you will give Delmont back his job immediately.

(Door opens and slams)

I think I like this coping mechanism even better than that last one.


(Cell phone rings)


Hey, sweet girl.

I sang for dad.

You did?

Oh, I'm really proud of you.

Thanks, mom.

You all right?

Can you come pick me up?

You don't wanna go to Talia's, huh?

I'm not really much in the sleepover mood.

Can I just come home instead?

You sure can, honey. I'll be right there, okay?

Thanks, mom.

All right. I love you.

I love you, too.

Go. Kids come first.

(Man) ♪ my life is a scream, I'm livin' the dream ♪
♪ I'm havin' a ball ♪


This is gonna be good. All right.

(Indistinct conversations)

Are you kidding me?

(Man speaking indistinctly)

It's a comedy club.


When the hell did that happen?

It is open mic night.

I made popcorn. You wanna come downstairs?

We can have a little mother-daughter movie night.

Um... I'd really rather just read, if that's cool.

(Music playing in earbuds)

That's cool.

You mind if I listen?


(Deacon) ♪ I have a life that's good ♪

Mom, um... do you think that Deacon will ever look at me the way that dad looks at Daphne?

So many questions we don't know the answers to, huh?

We made some decisions a long time ago that are really impacting your life right now, and I am... so sorry... that it... has caused you even an ounce of pain.

But we're gonna make it right together.

I promise you.


Want some popcorn?

Yeah. (Chuckles)

Are you sure you don't wanna watch a movie?

Go downstairs, pick out whatever you want.


As long as it's not scary.

(Chuckles) Please.


I get scared.

(Laughs) I know.

(Sighs) You know what this is?

(Avery) Mm? It's a sign.

It's a... it's a change of ownership.

No, it's a sign, all right?

It's a sign that I shouldn't be doing this.

Come on.

(Cell phone rings)

Hold on.

Hey. Everything all right?

Well, yeah and no.

You and I have been doing a real good job keeping our distance and moving on with our lives, but we're just not gonna be able to do that.

We have a daughter together. (Sighs)

She's asking for you.

She wants her father.

What are y'all doing tonight?

(Sports game playing on TV)

(Crowd groans)

Aw, come on! Come on!

See, I told you.

(Man) No, no, no. It'll be fine. It'll be fine.

Look, you guys gotta have some faith in the team, all right?

Don't listen to him.

(Man) They gotta score something.

I'm happy you're here.

I missed you so much.

(Indistinct conversations)

Jeff knows the owner of this hotel...

(Man) Hell, no. Come on.

A bottle of wine, hot tub...

(Man) Oh, come on.

It's gonna be really fun and relaxing.

Oh, you two must not be from around here.

Hey, he's talking to you, Nancy.

(Game continues playing)

Hey. We're just here to have dinner.

So was I, until you two pervs came in here and made me lose my appetite.

(Craig) Let's just go.

No. We have every right to be here.

True, but we have every right not to want you here.

So why don't you pack up your little dresses and go on back to where you came from?

Just charge this to room 906 for me.


What, we got a couple of sissies over here? (Laughs)

Hey, princess, he's talking to you.

You know, if we keep asking for the same nights off of work, people are gonna start to talk.

Yeah? So? What are they gonna say?

That Zoey Dalton got herself the sexiest guy in town.


(Cell phone rings)



Oh! Ooh.

Sorry, sorry, sorry. (Clears throat)


I listened to your demo.

I think you've got potential.

Really? That's awesome.

Let me finish.

I said "potential," but you're not there yet.

Okay, so, um... you... you're not... you're not interested?

I didn't say that either.

Look, what I wanna do is I wanna hook you up with a mentor.

A mentor? What does that mean?

That means that I am gonna be sending you out on the road to write with an Edgehill artist.

Now by you joining this tour, you are gonna get a firsthand look at what it takes to make it at this label.

Then you can use what you've learned when I arrange to give you a prominent spot at the Music City Music Festival.

Performing at the festival?

Your own concert in front of the top executives from every label in town, including myself.

Now I would call that a break, wouldn't you?

Mr. Fordham, um...

I think you just scored yourself a song.


(Man whistles)

(Amplified voice) Thank you. Thank you.

We got a real special treat for you guys tonight.

About an hour ago, I got a call from a really good friend of ours and a damn good friend of the Bluebird.

He's been gone for quite a while.

We're all happier than hell that he's back.

Y'all make welcome the one and only Deacon Claybourne.


(Amplified voice) Thank y'all. Thank you very much.

All right, okay. All right. Look, look, stop.

Thank you very much.

I appreciate it. In fact...

I can't even tell you how much I appreciate it, but, uh, this place is like my home, and I know I've been gone from home for a while.

I got no good reason for that. I just... guess I've been a little scared. (Clears throat)

I want you to know that... even though I haven't been around, that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about this moment every single day.

(Woman) Bring it home, Deacon!

(Man shouts indistinctly)

Anyway, uh, I guess we should jump right on into this.

Uh, as you see, I don't have my guitar on me, which is a little unusual... (Chuckles)

But I do got a great guitarist who's been helping me out.

Avery Barkley, start this off for me.

(Cheers and applause)

♪ When I was young ♪
♪ I was told ♪
♪ try to be just as good as gold ♪
♪ Fly right, child ♪
♪ walk that line ♪
♪ keep it straight ♪
♪ and you'll be just fine ♪
♪ well, they didn't have to worry ♪
♪ About a thing I'd do ♪
♪ but you're the kind of trouble ♪
♪ I could get into ♪
♪ you're the kind of trouble I could get into ♪
♪ Yes, it's true ♪
♪ you're just the kind of trouble ♪
♪ I could get into ♪
♪ you're the kind of trouble I could get into ♪
♪ Whoa, you're the kind of trouble ♪
♪ I could get into ♪

(knock on door)

Come in!

Hmm. (Closes door)

Glenn said, uh, you wanted to see me?

I did. I thought you might be curious to know about a little private concert I did recently... for Charles and Olivia Wentworth?

Have you heard of them?

What am I talking about?

Of course you have. They own your radio station and most of the other stations in the country.

Yeah. The Wentworths... they love me.

They'd do just about anything for me... including firing you.

That's right. I had you fired.

But just to show there are no hard feelings, I also had you rehired.

So here's the deal.

If you so much as glance sideways at another girl, I will not only have you permanently fired...

I'll have Charles Wentworth use his influence to make sure you never work again.

Do we understand each other?



Oh! And one more thing.

From now on, I get twice as much airtime as Layla Grant.


Get out.

(Door closes)

(Speaking indistinctly)


"I'm not bothering you." Hey, whatever.

You just bump me?

No, you just ran into me, jackass.

What'd you call me?

Hey, whoa, whoa, guys. Come on.

I called you a jackass, jackass...

(Grunting) Uhh!



No, don't!



(Elevator bell dings)

Excuse me!

Hold the elevator! (Button clicks)


Well, hey.

How'd your set go?

Just fine.

I... I would've stayed and watched, but, um, this deejay came down from Dallas, and I promised him an exclusive interview.

You know, I did a few "exclusives" myself when I started out.

Hmm. I wanted airtime. I thought I didn't have a choice, but you do.

You don't have to deal with that crap.

Anybody treats you like a whore on my tour, you come tell me, okay?


Guess what? I'm not you.

You can go save someone else.

(Bell dings)

I guess "nice" just ain't my color.

Hey. I was just thinking about you.

How'd it go tonight?

It went really great.

And guess what? Rayna came.

Oh, no kiddin'?

Nope. She brought one of her kids, too.

(Gasps) Maddie's there with Deacon?

Yeah. He's, uh, talking to Erica right now, but I think he's gonna stay and have a bite with them.

Hey, how's the tour bus?

Uh, it's weird. They've got six bunks up the front, but they put me in this little bedroom at the back, and I mean, I fit in the glove compartment, and everybody else is stacked up like firewood.

I feel terrible about it.


You're successful. Enjoy it.

Is this really happening?

Like, am I actually doing this, or...

Yeah. You are.

So don't go getting all nervous about it.

I mean, you're on the hottest tour of the year.

(Door opens) You got Rayna Jaymes in your corner.

Trust me.

You got nothing to worry about.

How you doing? What's up?

(Knock on door)

(Sports game playing on TV)

(Hat thuds, door slams)

(Breathing heavily) About time, cowboy.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Lowered voice) Looks like his fans are finally starting to clear out a little bit.

What should I say?

Oh, honey. You can relax.

You've known Deacon your whole life.


He always liked me, right?

He always loved you.


Oh, hey, thank you. Appreciate that.

Sorry. I'm sorry. Can I join y'all?

Please do.



You were great up there.

Thank you. I was, uh...

I was pretty scared up there, starting off.

Um, I'm not comfortable, you know, singing without a guitar in my hands, you know?

Uh, I am the same way.

Are you serious?

I'm serious. I... I really am.

(Giggles) Maybe I got it from you.

Maybe so. Yeah.

Sorry. (Laughs)

You know, at least you got your mama's good looks.

All right. I'm gonna go get us another round of root beers.

And some chicken fingers?

All right. And some chicken fingers.

Get some fingers.

What happened to your glasses? You...

No, yeah. I got contacts.

Oh, is that so?

I think they make me look a little more grown-up.

You're definitely growing up fast.

Just not too fast, okay?

I just got here.

So you, uh... you...

(Continues indistinctly)

(Deacon and Maddie speaking indistinctly)

(Knock on door)

It's about time!


Olivia, hey.

I hope you don't mind me just dropping by like this.

No, no, no. Come in, please.

Did you come for the show?

(Door closes) Sadly, no. I got in too late.

Oh. Bummer.

Maybe we could spend the day together tomorrow.

I'm sure there's something exciting to do here.

Or some... one.

Yes. I know you're sleeping with my husband.

But what I don't understand... is why you're not sleeping with me.
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