02x06 - It Must Be You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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02x06 - It Must Be You

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

I'm not doing a comeback album.

You'll get my buyout paperwork next week.

That song is special.

I wrote it for you.

Come out on the road. You can be the music director.

I can't. It hurts too much being around music if I can't play it.

I always loved that one.

Him or the song?

I am happy to be here, that you and me are gonna do big things together.

You're under arrest for racketeering.

You have the right to talk to an attorney before you answer any questions.

(Glenn) The Wentworth family, huh?

Private one-night only concert.

Rayna, after surviving a near-fatal car accident, fighting your way back from the brink of death, how did it feel to learn about your father's arrest on the very day that you made, by all accounts, a triumphant return to the stage?

It was... completely shocking and upsetting.

Well, that's understandable.

These are serious charges... Extortion, racketeering.

Do any of these... allegations reconcile with the man who raised you?

I like to think that my father is an ethical man.

Uh, he always kept his business dealings very separate, and I also like to think that innocent till proven guilty means something, so...

Well, we all know it's been a difficult year for you, and your fans... they just wanna know how you're holding up.

I'm doing great. I-I really... I really am, and... and, you know, you go through something like that, and I know you know.


It gives you a new perspective, and I am just focusing on the things that are important to me... My girls, my music.

Yeah, you're a mom, a recording artist.

Yes, I-I have a new label... Highway 65 Records.

In fact, uh, my first artist is here with me today.

Scarlett o'Connor's right over there.

(Robin laughs) Mm-hmm.

Wait until you hear her sing.

Well, you are keeping mighty busy these days.


So it begs the question...

Do you have any time for romance?

No comment. (Laughs)

(Piano chords)

♪ When I was young ♪
♪ I was told ♪
♪ Try to be just as good as gold ♪
♪ Fly right, child ♪
♪ Walk that line ♪
♪ Keep it straight, and you'll be just fine ♪
♪ Well, they didn't have to worry ♪
♪ About a thing I do ♪
♪ But you're the kind of trouble ♪
♪ I could get into ♪

(Stops playing)

You have a really nice voice.

Said the tone-deaf lawyer.


(Sighs) Is that easier to play than the guitar?

(Mug clatters) The way I play it, it is.

What are you doing tomorrow?

(Sighs) Same thing I'm doing today. Why?

Because my firm is co-sponsoring the Belle Meade invitational polo match.

Oh. That sounds great, but I got a... root canal I was gonna schedule, so I'll probably do that.

Come on. Don't be a reverse snob.

(Laughs) Is that what I'm doing?



It's for work. I can't not go.

Ah, see that's the thing. I can not go, so I'm probably gonna... Not go.

Okay. Never mind. I'll ask somebody else.

Is there somebody else?

Do you care if there is?


Me neither.

(Bucky) You covered all the bases.

I think I might need some lessons from you. (Chuckles)

Honey, you're gonna do just fine.

And don't you let somebody like Jeff get under your skin.

He had no right to do that to you.

Besides, you're with me, not with him.

Thank you. That makes me feel a lot better.

Well, listen, you got your whole life ahead of you to figure it out, and I'm excited.

I'm more excited than ever. We're gonna get you out there, get you out in front of the Nashville tastemakers.

Yeah, and we got you booked as a featured performer tomorrow night at the Bluebird.

You know, we need to get people talking about you, get you reviewed.

Does that mean there'll be critics there?

Oh, yeah. We wanna kinda create some buzz, get you a fanbase before you even step into the studio.


The other thing we're working on...

We wanna get you booked as an opener for one of the big tours that's out there right now.

That'd be really great for you. (Cell phone buzzes)

It's Jeff again.


Okay, I gotta go.


Thank you so much for today. That was really cool.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Can't wait.

Okay. (Giggles)

(Bucky) See you.

What does he want?

He wants to know when he's gonna get your buyout offer. (Door opens)

(Inhales sharply)

(Door closes)


Guess my plans for that have changed a little bit since my father's assets have been frozen.

What should I tell him?

Tell him he'll get it when he gets it.

Are you having any luck with this tour?


I think that's really the way to go.

I called everybody I can think of.

I'm getting "nos" across the board.

Scarlett's still such an unknown quantity.

No one wants to take a chance, not even as a pre-opener.

Do you wanna hear the worst idea in the world?


Juliette Barnes.

(Laughs) Wow. You wanna go there?

Scarlett would learn a lot, and, you know, Juliette's got a sold-out tour, and she knows Scarlett.

(Glenn) The promoters want to add another night in Houston.

Oh, great. Tell them yes.

And this just arrived by messenger.

"You are cordially invited to the Belle Meade invitational polo match."


Society types don't usually like my kind.

It's probably a mistake.

No, no, no. This address is handwritten.

No mistake here.

I guess I've finally arrived.

You going?

If Nashville's old money wants to rub elbows with me...

Who am I to deny them?


(Footsteps depart)

What do you wear to a polo match?

(Amplified voice) And by capitalizing...

(Camera shutters clicking) On both superstars and up-and-coming talent, my new music city music festival will help position Nashville as one of America's premiere destination cities.


(Reporters shouting questions at once)

Your long time supporter, Lamar Wyatt... He's been charged with racketeering along with many other charges.

Do you have any knowledge of his alleged wrongdoing?

I'm really not at liberty to comment on an ongoing investigation, but I can say...

That the fund-raising for my campaign was absolutely by the book.

But he's your father-in-law. Surely...

Ex father-in-law.

And my first order of business as mayor was severing ties with him and Wyatt lndustries and focusing on the future of Nashville.

Speaking of the future, you haven't publicly commented about your upcoming wedding with Peggy Kenter.

Just a few months ago, you were denying any relationship with her.

What happened?

Well, thank you for asking about my happy personal news.

Ms. Kenter and I are going to be married next week in a private ceremony.

Uh, we've been longtime friends and colleagues.

We became involved well after my divorce.

And I hope that you show her the respect this city's first lady deserves.

Now, let's get back to questions about the music festival.

(Reporters resume shouting at once) Next.

(Music playing)

♪ Oh, baby ♪
♪ That's what ♪
♪ I do ♪
♪ That's what ♪
♪ I do ♪

(Song ends)

(Taps key)

It sounds great. (Chuckles)

It helps to have a multimillion dollar studio at your fingertips.

Yes, thank you, Juliette Barnes.

Who woulda thunk it, huh?

You and me...

What, making beautiful music together?


You know, you and Zoey work well together, too.

You know, we just all had a great time the other night, and her voice sounds great.


I was thinking of bringing her in on this one, too.

(Inhales sharply) Yeah, you know, I was...

I was thinking that was more a-a one-time thing. (Knock on door, door opens)

(Chuckles) You know, we barely know each other.

Oh! Hi, um...

(Dog barking in distance)

I must be early. I'm sorry.

Uh, no, we, uh...

We ran long.

(Door closes)

Yeah, I'm gonna, uh, get outta here.

(Chuckles) Um...

Thanks, man.

Uh, see ya.


(Door opens)

(Dog barking in distance, door closes)

That was weird and unexpected.

You know, don't worry. We only talked about you a little bit.

(Chuckles) Are you guys working on something together?

Yeah. Recorded a song.

I'm kinda gettin' into this whole producing thing.

(Sighs) What's going on?

You sounded kinda rattled on the phone.

Not much. Uh, except... (Chuckles)

Rayna's got me playing at the Bluebird tonight for a bunch of critics, and then she's talking about going on tour...

Pretty soon after that.

And there's a lot going on, and I don't wanna blow it.

And I thought if there was anybody I could talk to about it, it would be you.

I'm glad to be of service. (Chuckles)

Lamar Wyatt pleaded not guilty to charges of bribery, extortion, and racketeering in federal court today.

A bail hearing has not been scheduled as yet, but prosecutors maintain...

Thank you.

Mr. Wyatt poses a... (Turns TV off)


(Remote clatters)

And I asked him for a loan.

You know, I really...

I'd like to think he's innocent, but...

Why doesn't this surprise me?

I still can't stand the idea of him being in jail, though.

I know.

Aren't you glad you didn't take one dime from him?

Although I did tell Jeff Fordham to kiss my ass.

That was a little bit premature.

However, I am still leaving Edgehill, period.

So I just have to find funding somewhere else.

Well, the one thing I know about building a business is that you have to be passionate about what you're doing...

And you have to talk to the right people.

Okay, I wasn't gonna go to this... (Sets down mug)

Because of everything that happened to daddy, but today... Is the Belle Meade polo match.

Oh, honey. I have lived my entire life never having set foot on a polo field...

This is business.

Those are exactly the type of people who have disposable incomes that they can invest in the arts.

Those are the people you need to talk to.

Mnh... mnh-mnh.

You know you love big hat events.

(Jazz music playing, laughter)

(Horse whinnies)

(Indistinct conversations)

I hate these big hat events. Is it too late to go home?


(Woman) Rayna!


It's been much too long.

Yes, Myrna and Patty, great to see you both.

You, too.

Can we get a quick photo with the queen of country music?

Oh, sure.

Oh, Tandy, would you be a dear?

Oh! Love to.

She would love to.

All right, ladies... Ready?

Smile! (Camera shutter clicks)

There you go. Lovely!

(Man) Can I have your autograph, please?


Hi. How are you?

Rayna, we're gonna leave you to it.

Oh, okay. I have something I want to talk to y'all about.

So I'm gonna holler at you later, all right?



Thank you so much.


(Horse whinnies) Well, it's a good thing daddy's arrest hasn't affected your star appeal.

Well, most of these people know that we've been estranged for a long time.

(Man) Hey, Rayna.

Well, that's a good thing, because he's got a lot of friends and a lot of enemies...

And they're all here today.

Well, as long as some of them would like to get involved in the music business, 'cause otherwise what the hell else am I doing here?


Oh, hello!

Thank you.

Thank you.

(Horse whinnies) What the hell is she doing here?

(Juliette) Thank you.

Oh, my gosh! Juliette Barnes.

I'm Sunny Winston. (Chuckles)

I had no idea you were coming this year.

I managed to fit it in.

I'm a huge fan.

(Chuckles) Oh.

I just love that you're here.

And I love that you're here, too.


What a surprise.

You guys are friends?

That might just be the best thing ever. (Chuckles)

Oh, yeah, we go way back.

I sang at Charlie and Olivia's anniversary.

(Sunny) Of course you did.

"People" magazine voted "Charlivia" the world's most interesting couple.

Wow, well, they are interesting, indeed.

Very nice to meet you. (Chuckles)

(Lowered voice) What are you doing here?

(Lowered voice) The outfit doesn't give it away?

I'm playing.

I'm just glad that you made it.

You sent me the invite?

Of course.

What is wrong with you?

Oh, my gosh! Juliette!

You're here!




Oh! I did not expect to see either one of you here.

Well, I'm a good, supportive wife, here to cheer my husband on.

You know what? I don't know anyone here.

Come hang out. We are just...

(Chuckles) Gonna have so much fun together.


(Indistinct conversations, laughter)


(Indistinct conversations)

(Jazz music playing)

Thought you had a root canal.

I thought you were bringing somebody else.

(Chuckles) How do you know I didn't?

Well, I figured you figured I'd show.

Hope you don't mind going to dinner with some of the firm's partners after.

All right, but no snails or Sushi or any of that stuff.


(Speaking inaudibly)

Surprised to see her, that's all.

She usually hates this kind of thing.

Did I say anything?



No, you didn't.

(Horses galloping)

And Scarlett's about to go out on tour.

We're just really excited about it.

Uh, you know, I want to find the perfect partners to make Highway 65 the best label, you know?

It'd be fun to go out to dinner sometime.

We could chat about it.

Oh, Rayna, business just makes my head spin...

And not in a good way.



I think I need a refill.

Of course... Patty.

Hey Oh, hey!

How are you?

I've been trying to catch your eye for some time, but you got a lot of admirers.

Oh, yeah, well...

A lot of old acquaintances around here.

What are you doing here?

I would not have pegged you for the polo type.

Horses. I got two of 'em playing today.


But I'm new to the sport.

Must be old hat for you...

Fourth generation belle Meade and all.

(Chuckles) C.M.A. Special I saw a few years back.

Oh, is that right?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, well, this is where I'm from.

It's not exactly my world, if you know what I mean.


The country club set's sure gettin' their fill of music types today, huh?

They sure are.

(Indistinct conversations)

I ever tell you what happened with Dominic? (Sighs)

I know you burned your masters.

It's a small town.

Word travels fast.

(Chuckles) That was a rookie move.

Thought I knew better.

I guess I blew a lot of good things last year.

Maybe they weren't meant to be.

I just...

I just wasn't mature enough to handle what I had.

And if...

If I did get another chance, I'd do it differently.

What are you doing slingin' beer at the Bluebird?

Isn't Juliette going out on tour again soon?

Yeah, we're still friends.


To be honest, I think I'd rather be a barback and make my own music than...

Wear golden handcuffs, you know?


Quite a lovely city you've got here... Nashville.

I can't believe I've not been here before.

It is hard to believe, given your ownership of several local radio stations.

Yeah, they're all, uh, held under one of my media subgroups.

Though my C.O.O. Tells me these Nashville stations are top performers.

Well, then you may be interested in hearing about a music festival I'm putting together for the city.


Yeah, maybe we'll even jump on board with sponsors.

Now that would be fantastic.

What you could really use is someone to be the face of this thing...

Somebody like Juliette Barnes.

(Laughs) What are you gettin' me into now?

Juliette. Hi.


I think you'd be the perfect centerpiece for the mayor's music festival.

You know, that's a fantastic idea.

Maybe we can meet and, uh, discuss the possibilities.


Yes, uh, why don't you have your office contact my manager?

Consider it done. I'll be in touch.

Thank you.

Thanks. Bye.

(Inhales sharply) Having fun?

Oh, yes, spending the day with your wife is exactly what I wanted to do.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to make that awkward for you.

(Whispers) I just wanted to see you.

Here is not the place.

Yes, I would love to see your horse!

Oh, yeah... Yeah, just this way.

(Whispers) Don't touch me.

We can never do this again.

Right, so this is why you've canceled your shifts and haven't returned my calls.

I know this is awkward. I know it is.

But I didn't plan on sleeping with my ex's friend.

But I like you.

Look, Scarlett is my best friend, your ex-girlfriend, almost fiancée.

This is weird. It just is.

Plus I broke the stupid girl code.

(Scoffs) What... What is that?

The girl code, you know, thou shalt not sleep with or date your best friend's ex...


Unless they've moved on or gotten married or fled to China.


It's an unspoken rule that I broke, and now I feel like a super-slutty bad friend.

No, this... This is ridiculous.

We're adults, all right? I-I like you.

I'm not gonna throw that away because of some...

Some stupid code, you know?

It's not just a code, Gunnar. It's about friendship.

We made a huge mistake, and Scarlett can never find out.




I've been watching you sing since you were a little girl.


So... you gonna miss it?

Oh, well, I'll always be performing, but, um, I'm just excited about getting into business, starting a new label. We've got this wonderful girl that we're working with right now... Scarlett o' Connor.

We're about to send her out on tour as an opening act, really great.

And she's not kidding.

(Singsongy) Scarlett is amazing.

She is amazing.

Her performance at the Opry was incredible.


Bill, it's always good to see you.


I'm kind of surprised you're here.

Your father's arrest has certain implications to some of the people in this town.

Bill, we both know the sins of the father...

I mean, it's one thing for your sister to show up, but you should know better.

You were Lamar's C.F.O.

I left the company, Bill.

After 15 years of being his right-hand man...

That's interesting timing.

'Cause if anybody knows your dad's dirty little secrets, it's you.

I wouldn't count on any checkbooks opening up here today.

You know what, Bill?

You'll pardon us for not giving a damn about you or your checkbook.

But it has been so good seeing you.

Excuse me.

(Horse whinnies)

If I had known that those tickets were from you, I never would have come.


You just can't take "no" for an answer, can you?

No. Never valued that skill. I wanted to see you again.

Well, then I'll send you an autographed picture.

You... have the perfect life.

Born rich, plays polo, married to a beautiful, wonderful wife.

Our lives could not be more different.

Just go have some servant feed you some grapes and leave me alone.

Oh... that's a very stereotypical picture.

I'm sorry. Did I get something wrong?

Yeah, I don't like grapes.

This is just a joke to you.

You sent the car back.


In a world full of people trying to get something off me, you sent the car back.

I love that. (Scoffs)

No, you love that I'm not your wife.

I do, but that's because Olivia...

(Sighs) Let's just say that things aren't always as they seem.

(Whispers) Right.

(Horn blowing) Juliette...

According to Wikipedia, that horn means, the game's about to start.

(Man over P.A.) Ladies and gentlemen...

(Bell clanging) The teams are entering the polo field.

Let's give a warm welcome to River View and Golden...

Freakin'-Deacon Claybourne!

(Chuckles) Man.

(Chuckles) Luke-no-hands-on- the-Wheeler.

How are you doin', brother?

Doin' good, bud. You?

I'm good. I'm good, yeah.


What in the hell are you doing at a polo match in a monkey suit?


I could ask you the same damn thing.

Well, apparently, it's what rich people do, right?

You'd be the one to know that.

(Scoffs) You could have been.

God knows, you were the one with all the talent.

That's true.

Yeah. (Chuckles)

How you been? How are the kids?

They're good, uh, with my ex.


Yeah, I was sorry to hear about all that.

Oh, no.

It's all good. I'm heading out on tour again soon.

I was real glad to hear about you making it through that accident.

How's the hand? Healin' up okay?

Oh, yeah.

That's good. That's good. I got another good...

(Chuckles) Yeah.


So, um...

You and Rayna...

This is where you escaped to.

(Chuckles) Uh, yes, ma'am.


Hi. Megan Vannoy.

(Chuckles) Oh, Luke Wheeler.

I know. Nice to meet you. (Chuckles)

Nice to meet you.

She knows, she knows.

(Deacon) That's some game you got going on out here.

Have they started yet?

Ha ha.

Gosh, I think you had the right idea...

Avoiding these people for years.

(Rayna) I think I did, too.

And now even Teddy seems to be avoiding me.

Oh. Well, that make sense. He's the mayor.

(Scoffs) Yeah, and my ex-husband. (Sighs)

And about to marry the woman he had an affair with and then knocked up. So...


Oh, I swear, with all this...

Daddy, Jeff... I'm very grateful for you.

Thank you.

And all that business with Bill, you know, obviously, there's no truth to any of that, right?

No, of course not. Oh, please, not you, too.

I mean I... I... (Scoffs)

What, you don't trust me all of a sudden?

No. No, no, no. Don't get defensive now.

Come on. No, I'm not getting defensive. It's just I...

You know my life has changed a lot here, too. I-I...

(Chuckles) I didn't really even want to come here today.

I wanted to come and help you.

And I have no regrets, but I have really changed my life to be there for you and the girls.

I know you have.

I appreciate it so much.

Forget... forget I said anything. Come on. Let's just...

Let's do one more lap of this place and...

All right.

Get the hell outta here.

(Bell clanging)

(Indistinct conversations, laughter)

Not up for stomping divots?

God, maybe you're all crazy.

Do they know how absurd they look?

Absurd's never gotten in the way of tradition.

I do not... (Chuckles) Fit in with this crowd.

I think it's time for me to go.

Wait, Juliette.

(Jazz music playing)

I did inherit my money, but there's not been a day of my life I haven't worked.

Olivia and I got married because we were dating in college, and then after college, we were still dating.

And then eventually, it just seemed like the right step.

I play polo 'cause I like horses.

These people aren't my people any more than they are yours.

Right, so... Underneath it all, you're just plain simple folk, right?

Yeah, I am.

Stick around and I'll prove it.

(Video game noises)

(Chuckles) Come on.

Now you're gone.

What? (Scoffs)



This is insane. No, no, no, I'm gonna beat you.

(Grunts) Aah! Yes!

No! No! Ugh!

(Crashing sound)


You know what? That's it.

I won, I won, I won.

That's enough.

(Switch clicks) You're cranky 'cause I annihilated you.

What the hell? How'd you get so good?

I used to whup your butt back in college.

I play with Zoey every Sunday after church.



On the Lord's day, no less. Shame on you.



So you, uh, feeling better about tonight?

(Chuckles) Not really.

I-I've played the Bluebird before.

It's just not in front of a bunch of judgy critics.

Ah. You're gonna be great.

Sorry. I shouldn't go on about career stuff like that.

Hey, look, um...

(Bottle thuds)

I'm happy to hear about it.


I mean, I'm not where I hoped I'd be, but... I'm still tryin'.

I'm really proud of you.

I'm... (Chuckles) Really proud of you, too.

I mean, you've come into your own, and it's...




Did I just say that out loud?



(Deacon) So I get home that night, and I barely... I don't even make it into my bunk.

I just crawl to the back of the tour bus, and I don't wake up till, like, noon.

And it is bright out, and I look out the window, looking for, you know, mountains 'cause it's Denver.

But... I see cactus.


And I don't know why.

So I go to the front to ask everybody, and I don't know a damn person on the bus.

(Chuckles) I'm on the wrong damn tour bus. (Laughter)

It took me, like, all night.

Anyway, I'm, uh, gonna quit while I'm ahead.

I'll get you another drink.


Can I have a, uh, a champagne and a bourbon, please? Thank you.


(Indistinct conversations)



Uh, club soda and a sweet tea. (Glasses clatter)

A lot of surprising people here today, but I have to say you take the cake.

Well, right back at you. (Glasses clatter)



I heard you sang on stage.

I did.

That's good. Oh. Come here.

I don't think you two have had a chance to formally meet.

Rayna, this is Megan.


Nice to see you.

And you. I was glad to hear your daughter's okay.

Yes, she's much better, thank you.

(Man) And at the end of the final...

Thank you very much. Uh...

And river view has defeated golden oaks...

We'll see you, uh, later. Have a good day.

All right.

Y'all have fun.

(Megan) Thanks.

(Amplified voice) We'd like to start the ceremony by awarding the champions' cup to the winning team, captained by our esteemed guest, Charles Wentworth.


Charles, please join us on stage.



(Juliette) Oh.

I work for Charlie, but the beer's from me.

Thank you. I'm Juliette.

Yeah. We know. (Chuckles)


Does he always do this?

Every match. I don't even know why he keeps us around.

He likes to deal with the horses mainly himself.

Uh, uh, don't even think about it, boss.


Hand it over.

This? (Laughs)

Play something for our special guest.

(Laughs) I think you might know this one.

(Playing "Hypnotizing")

(Juliette) Ahh, ha ha.

Wow, you keep playing like that, I might have to steal you from Charlie.

♪ It must have hit me ♪
♪ When I wasn't lookin' ♪
♪ Woke up dizzy ♪
♪ I can't remember nothin' ♪

(Harmonizing) ♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ But those sweet blue eyes ♪
♪ I'm seeing flashbacks ♪
♪ Dancing in my mind ♪
♪ The way you kiss me ♪
♪ As sweet as summertime ♪
♪ And I, I don't stand a chance ♪

(Playing harmonica)

♪ Oh, 'cause, boy, I was ruined ♪
♪ The second you walked in the room ♪
♪ It's like you've gone and put a spell on me ♪
♪ You shook my world apart, and suddenly ♪
♪ I'm helpless, reckless ♪
♪ So, baby, I ♪
♪ Lost my mind and tonight your love is hypnotizing ♪
♪ Hypnotizing ♪

I'm glad you're here.

Me, too.

(Inhales deeply)

Did you change your perfume?

No, it's shampoo.


I wish you could stay.

Maybe I should get going.

No. No, that's not what I meant.

I-I mean, you should stay if you want to.

Are you working tonight?


All right.

Well, I should probably head out, but I'll see you there.




(Indistinct conversations)

(Laughs and speaks indistinctly)

(Laughter, indistinct conversations)

Oh. Hey, I didn't realize you were still here.




Charlie Wentworth?

We're good friends.

Okay. Cool.


What are you implying?

I'm not implying anything.

Listen... he's a powerful, prominent, married man.

Our industry is primarily driven by female fans.

A lot of times they don't take to that kind of thing too well, that's all.


You know, Glenn said that you wanted to know about Scarlett coming on tour with me, and after this conversation, I'm thinking the answer is "hell, no."


(Exhales deeply)

You know you don't perform for another four hours, right?

I slept with Avery.


We were talking business advice one minute, and the next, we were in bed.

Wow. How do you feel about that?

It's kinda stupid.

(Scoffs) No judgment here. I get it.

Heart wants what the heart wants.

I don't know if it's what my heart wants.

It did kinda feel like home, though.

(Exhales) Sure it didn't just happen because you're feeling overwhelmed?


Maybe not.

You're the one that insisted we come to Tennessee, and then you just disappeared!

Keep your voice down.

I didn't even wanna come here, Charlie.

I don't even know why we came to this stupid event.

'Cause it's a chance to meet some new people.

And for one second, maybe if you could just step out of your snotty world view... (Slap)

(Exhales deeply)

I don't care about these people.

I'm taking the jet. You can find your own way home.



It is so great to see you again.

Thank you so much for coming.

My pleasure.

She told you, didn't she?

She did.

Look, I know what you're probably thinking.

It's... it's a bad idea, especially since you know the entire history of our relationship.

It's not my business.

Well, it's not like I can make up for the past, but if we did get back together, it'd be different, you know?

I mean, I-I would be different.

So you wanna give it another shot with Scarlett.

Uh, uh, I-I don't know. Does she?


Thank you for coming to the match today...

And for enduring dinner.

Well, it was fun.

(Jacket thuds)

You know, it's funny. I used to think polo was just a bunch of rich guys riding around on horses, smacking a ball.

Turns out I was right. (Chuckles)

Well, at least you got to see your old pal Luke Wheeler.


And Rayna.

Good times.

Yeah, seemed like you pulled me away from her, like you're a little uncomfortable there.

Nope. (Object thuds)

And it's okay if you were.

I'm not threatened by her, Deacon.

I know the two of you have a past...

And a daughter.

It's okay.

It really doesn't bother you, does it?

As you would say...


You wanna spend the night?

Like I did last night?


(Max Gomez' "True Blue" playing)

♪ I'm writing to say ♪



Didn't know if you were working tonight or not.

Yeah, yeah, I am.

Big night for you, huh?

Well, I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Sure feels like a long time ago that you and I first sang here.

Yeah, it does.

I'm-a let you get to it, but don't worry.

I got you covered back there.


(Singsongy) Hey.

Hey. (Chuckles)

How you feel?



Hey, listen, honey, this is your night.

You have fun up there, all right?

Can I introduce you to some people?


Come on.

Brian Mansfield from "USA Today."



Cliff Jenkins from "Country Weekly."

How you doing?


Two of my favorite people.

This is the incomparable Scarlett o'Connor.

Oh, thank you so much for being here tonight.

It really is a pleasure to meet you.

Thanks for having us.

We're looking forward to your performance.

Can y'all excuse me for a sec? Hey.


You made it.


Thanks for comin'.

I'm glad you invited me.

Yeah. I'm happy to see you.

These are my people, see? Not those stuffy polo types.

Well, stuffy or not, it was really good to see you.

That was... An unexpected surprise.

It was. It was.


I can't wait for you to hear Scarlett sing.

She is incredible.

Can't wait.

You know these guys?

Yeah. Hey. Hey there. Good to see you.

I really need to talk to you.

Uh, I'm kinda busy right now. I-I can't.


Can I at least get, like, five minutes later on?

Uh... sure.



(Piano playing light jazz)

Here you are, sir.


Can I buy you a drink?

I can buy myself a drink, thank you.

(Glass clatters) Of course.


You don't need me or anything I have to offer.

I get it.

So why are you here?

I had fun with you today, with the grooms and the stableboys.


I saw you and Olivia.

Well, then you have a good glimpse of what my life's been like for the last five years.

Oh, am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

Poor little rich boy stuck in a loveless marriage.

Sad but true.

Mm-hmm, well, I've got a bucket of sad stories that could top that one, but I'm done sharing 'em.

I've been thinking about mayor Conrad's offer and the music festival.

I think we should work on it together.

It's the perfect situation, really.

You're a billionaire businessman.

I'm a star about to go on tour.

Six weeks of planning, and then we're done.


Well, seeing as my wife has just left town, and I have the penthouse to myself, why don't we have a little... (Card clatters)

Planning meeting right now?

(Music playing)

♪ I'm in heaven on solid ground ♪
♪ It makes my world spin round and round ♪
♪ I'm inside out ♪
♪ I'm upside down ♪
♪ Every time I fall in love ♪
♪ I lose my keys ♪
♪ I lose my cool ♪
♪ I never learn ♪
♪ It's like I'm back in school ♪
♪ I end up breaking all my rules ♪
♪ Every time I fall in love ♪
♪ I've been here before ♪
♪ I'll be here again ♪
♪ I tell myself ♪
♪ There's no one else ♪
♪ And then ♪
♪ I'm flying high with the birds and bees ♪
♪ But then they get ♪
♪ The best of me ♪
♪ How come it feels like it's meant to be ♪
♪ Every time I fall in love ♪
♪ I've been here before ♪
♪ I'll be here again ♪
♪ I tell myself ♪
♪ There's no one else ♪
♪ And then ♪

(closes locker door)

I changed my mind.


Everything I said this morning was wrong.

I take it all back.

Okay, so... What's that supposed to mean?

(Lowered voice) It means you should kiss me right now, you idiot.

♪ All dressed up for the wrecking ball ♪
♪ Every time I fall in love ♪
♪ Every time I fall ♪
♪ In love ♪

(Song ends)


(Scarlett gasps)

(Cheers and applause continue)

Thank you so much.

I really appreciate you all coming out here tonight.

So proud of you.

That was amazing.

I couldn't have done it without you.

This is Luke Wheeler.

Oh! (Laughs) So nice to meet you.

Scarlett o'Connor.

Great to meet you. Great job, Scarlett.

Thank you so much. Oh, my goodness.

Yeah, real nice. (Laughs)


What'd y'all think?

Thank you very much for being here.

It was lovely to meet you both. Thank you.

Just give me two seconds. (Mouths words)

Hey, that was something spectacular.

Thank you.

It was lightning in a bottle.

Aw. I'm really glad you were here.

Listen, I don't wanna keep you if you need to go and press the flesh or...

Oh, listen, uh, uh...

I'm not exactly sure what happened...

Between us just before.

Really? I was kinda hoping you might have some thoughts on that.

Well, maybe we don't have to figure it out just now.

It's not like I'm leaving for tour tomorrow.

Right. Guess we have some time then.

Little bit.

Sorry. (Laughs) Hi!

Thank you so much for coming. It was lovely to meet you all.

So what'd you think of Scarlett?

Well, she's a real special girl, and you're lucky to have her on your label.

Hell, she's really lucky to have you on her side.

Yeah, she is amazingly talented. (Chuckles)


This is me.

Yep. (Clears throat)

So I, um...

I was sort of thinkin' that I might ask you about... The possibility of Scarlett being one of your opening acts on the tour.


I know. It's last minute 'cause you're leaving soon...

Come here.

I was not expecting that. (Chuckles)

I was.

Anyway, I hope you don't think I brought you here for that or...

Look, I'm gonna say "yes"

'cause Scarlett is crazy talented.

Trust me, if she wasn't up to snuff, I wouldn't do it.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to seeing you out on the road.

Okay, then.


Thanks for comin'.

Thanks for askin'.

Good night.


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