01x15 - When You're Tired of Breaking Other Hearts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x15 - When You're Tired of Breaking Other Hearts

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Nashville"...

Rayna James wants to talk about signing us. Aah!

You said you wanted to start over clean.

You owe me a life's supposed to be mine.

What happened? It's Jason.

It's not your fault.

Mom, is any of this true about Deacon and Liam?

Not a word.

This producer out of Atlanta, I'm not sure it's what I should be doing.

What the hell happened?

Can you call her addiction counselor?

You really think you can help us? I do.

I'd like you to be my deputy mayor.

What do you say?

♪ I might stay up, drunk on wine ♪
♪ Hurtin' like hell, ugly cryin' ♪
♪ Black mascara tears ♪
♪ I might lock my door, sleep with my phone ♪
♪ Miss you bad for a month or so ♪
♪ But let me tell you something, my dear ♪


Come on. Are you kidding me?

That's every damn song I know, okay?

Get back... look...

I don't know what it is, okay?

I fed you. You peed all over the damn house, so I know it's not that.


Animal hospital.

Yeah. Y'all open now?

Yes, we are. Stop it.

Well, good. I need your next appointment.

Somebody gave me a defective dog.

Stop it.

Are you awake?


You want some breakfast?

No, I'm fine.

I don't see how you could be.

I'm gonna call Bucky dawes and reschedule the thing with Rayna and the record guy.

Why would you do that?

That's not something you should have to deal with today.

I told you, I'm fine.

I just got a couple of things I need to take care of.

If you need any help or...

Look, Scarlett, we slept together.

It doesn't mean...

It doesn't have to mean anything.

Your sweater.

Oh, thank you, honey.

You need to put your clothes on.

We need to leave for school in 15 minutes.

Will you tell Maddie?


Thank you, darling. Hello, Miss Daphne.

Morning, Mr. Bucky.

Now what am I gonna do with these?

Well, you asked for 'em.

I know. I've been through 30 of 'em.

Haven't had anybody we could start a new label with.

We're showcasing Scarlett and Gunnar today.

They're good. They're great.

But we need another great one, otherwise, Marshall's not gonna let us pull off this whole label, you know?

Are you okay? You seem a little...

Busy? You know I've been up since 4:00 A.M., running around in ten different directions.

Oh, man.

I feel like I'm in quicksand on one leg, blindfolded.

But, you know, nothing I can't handle.

Talked to our crisis management friend.

Ugh. Your crisis management friend.

Well, she thinks people wanna know the real story behind the divorce, the new label, the tour, the whole whirlwind.

Katie Couric wants you on her show this Friday.

I am not going and spilling my guts on Katie Couric.

Well, Karen thinks it would be a classy, exclusive way for you to address your fans' concerns and to tell it like it is, and your manager thinks so, too.

Can I find out what the questions are first?

Good morning, sunshine.

Hey, Maddie.

Can you excuse me for a moment, please?



I know today's a hard day, and it's a lot of change for all of us.

But I just... I don't think that's an excuse for you to be rude to anybody, especially not to Bucky or to me.

Can I go to the mall with Talia after school today?

No, because you've got homework, and 'cause your dad's taking over tonight... give me one good reason.

I just gave you two. But I'll give you two more, 'cause I'm the mother, and I said so.

You're such a bitch sometimes.

I beg your pardon.

No wonder dad left.


You are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Churchill said, "there's only one thing worse than fighting with allies, and that's fighting without them."

It's in that spirit that I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of my team.

He's been a friend of mine for 20 years and an advocate for this city his entire career...

Coleman Carlisle.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor.

I gotta admit, when the mayor first called me, I was hoping he was gonna tell me he decided to resign.

But seriously, mayor Teddy Conrad believes that this city's challenges require an all-hands-on-deck approach.

And although we may disagree on some things, we do agree on that, and it's in that spirit, sir, that I'm pleased to serve as your deputy mayor.

Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you.

Juliette. Marshall.

Thought by now maybe I'd be meeting a new manager.

Oh, well, I haven't found the need.

And besides, I think it's time for me to sit at the adult table, don't you?

So tell me about our launch plan.

Well, Lindsay and our marketing group have come up with a solid roll-out plan for next month's release.

We'll be doing Kimmel, "G.M.A.", radio, print, and we've booked several private, intimate fan club shows like the one this afternoon.

Those have always generated a lot of buzz.

And let me guess... with your usual boring web sites.

Basically, you're planning a traditional roll-out, which works for somebody like Rayna, but we're not exactly of the same generation.

It's exactly what we did successfully for your previous album.

Right. But this one is different.

And I'm different as an artist, and I want my fans to be excited about what I'm doing now.

Tell you what, Juliette.

How about you let us do what we know how to do, and you do what you know how to do?

Superstar Avery Barkley! My man.

Come meet my dream team.

I want them to feel you, look at you.

Catch your vibe.

We love the new tracks, Avery. Huge fans.

Oh, wow, you heard 'em already?

Haven't even finished mixing 'em, right?

Domino sent out roughs last week.

Yep, and I have some y'all ain't even hear yet.

You gon' flip out. I'm-a take you to another level, man.

Play it.

♪ I know I've seen an angel ♪
♪ I know it made me cry ♪
♪ So when I look in heaven, k*ller, k*ller, k*ller.

You sound k*ller.

You never heard yourself sound like that before.

No, I haven't.

Oh, yeah, and this ain't electronic.

This what I call innovation.

Oh, y'all know what I'm-a call this.

"East Nashville meets dubstep."

They're gonna love this in Europe. You know, I don't know if dubstep's the way to go with this particular song.

I think it is.

That man is infuriating.

He has no imagination, no vision.

He's a talking corporation, and that roll-out plan?

Well, the event today seems nice.

The venue's exclusive and intimate.

"Intimate" is code for "small."

What time is that show again?

04:00. Why?

Because it's not just for the fan club.

I just invited the world.

No, he's gonna settle in fine.

He just needs to get used to his surroundings.

You sure? 'Cause he was just, like, moaning and whining, just carrying on all night.

Yeah. It's called a puppy.

So have you thought about microchipping him?

I mean, isn't that what dog tags are for?

Old school. Nice. I like it.

Could you hold him for a sec? Sure.

So what would those dog tags say?

'Cause it's, uh, left blank here.

Uh, just got 'em the other day.

I barely decided to keep him, let alone name him.

You're kidding. Right?

I mean, how could you not keep...

This little mush face?

I'll probably keep him.

You think he, uh, would travel all right, like on the road?

Why? Are you a truck driver?

Uh... no. I'm a musician.

Oh. Yeah. Of course you are. Everyone here is.

So are you famous or something or...

Or something.

Ah, well, I apologize for not knowing.

I just, to be honest with you, don't really like country...

I kind of hate country music. Really?

Yeah. Pretty much. Oh. Oh.

Well, how do you know I play country music?

Huh? Bit of an assumption, isn't it?

The cowboy boots, flannel shirt.

If you are not country, you are lost, my friend.

Well, I could say the same thing about you.

I'm thinking... San Francisco by way of...


Oh, nailed it.

I've been here five weeks.

I haven't found any dim sum yet.

Tell you what. Why don't let me, uh, drop my anonymous dog off at home, and I'll take you out to lunch?

I know the area. I'll give you the nickel tour.

Detective. Gunnar Scott.

I wanna know if you're any closer to identifying who was involved in Jason's death.

Somebody from Texas or... well, from what we've gathered, it seems your brother was in a local drug deal gone bad.

Nah, nah, Jason didn't do dr*gs.

Well, maybe he sold them, then.

Either way, it was an altercation in an area of town we know has criminal activity.

It's known for it. We're working on it.

Well, like you are now?

Look... you seem like a nice enough kid.

So let me share something with you.

Right here... these are four files of innocent individuals who were m*rder*d.

Your brother, with all due respect, was a felon who had violated his parole.

Look, he was trying to get his life back on track.

I'm sorry for your loss.

But the fact is, if he were trying to get his life back together, I don't think he would have been at a bar like the last time around.

So I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving the house.

Okay, thanks.

Oh, and by the way, Maddie called today at lunch.

Oh, I bet she did. Well, look, she's upset.

She doesn't understand why we're going through with this divorce if we're gonna be taking turns at the house.

Well, she's also grounded.

For what?

For being rude to me and to Bucky.

Is that it? Yeah. You know, I just wanna make sure you can be here at 6:00 tonight.

Yeah. Uh-huh.

You're gonna be here at 6:00? Yeah.

Right. Right. I'll be there 6:00 P.M.

Okay, 'cause if you can't, I can do it.

I can take 'em to dinner. I'm here.

Look, this may come as a shock to you...

But I actually know what I'm doing with our daughters.

Now is there anything else?

Um... yeah.

With Peggy... you know, I know she's your new special...

Financial consultant to special projects.


Well, if you could keep your special project-ing out of the family home, I would really appreciate that.


Your first tour when you came to mobile...

I waited outside that entrance for you, and I saw you, and you looked so pretty, and everybody was out there hollering your name, and I was, too.

And you saw me, and I put my arms out to hug you, and you just walked right by me.

What are you ta... that is not true, okay?

You must have hallucinated that during one of your binges.

No, I was sober by then.

I mean, it was only a week or so, but...

I didn't see you. Yes, you are remember it wrong. You... no... don't... don't say that. It's dismissive and... and unfair, okay? Your mother's entitled to her own memories, and if you think she's mistaken, then say that.

She's mistaken. Juliette, I am not.

You know what? It... it feels like we've been talking about this for days, and all I'm hearing about are sad stories, most of which aren't even true. Hey... jolene, would you excuse us for a moment?

What are you, my third grade teacher?

You said you'd participate.

I am participating, and if you can't see that, then I need to seriously question your credentials.

I mean, what are your qualifications?

Are you a therapist?

Did you read some self-help book? What?

You know what qualifies me?

Having a hundred falls worse than any of your mom's, and from a hell of a lot higher, and I came out on the other side.

You're not the only survivor here.

That was, uh... some tour.

Well, thank you.

What can I say? I love the area.

I think we hit all the important spots.

You know, I don't do this.

Oh, me either.

No, I mean, I actually really don't do this, like, ever.


Hey, why don't we, uh, go get that lunch we were talking about?

No, it's fine. We don't have to do that... lunch.

I know we don't have to. I'm just saying I'd like to.

I'm hungry.

Except I can't.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

I just... I realized I gotta meet Juliette for a gig in, like, less than an hour.

No. You know what? It's fine.

It's a real thing. I mean, I... no, you know what? It's okay.

Um... I have an akita at 4:00.

Well, we could... I mean, a surgery on an akita at 4:00.

Do me a favor.

Name your dog.

What are you looking at?

Hi, Gunnar. Um, I thought we were gonna head into showcase together, but I-I guess I'll see you there, so, um, give me a call.

I am trying to hear your concerns, Avery, but frankly... frankly, you should be honored to defer to Dominic.

He has a great track record, years of experience. There is no... look, I respect the man. I do.

But what he played in there doesn't sound like anything I'd listen to, let alone perform.

You don't like it?

He didn't mean that.

Please understand. My music's all I got.

Well, correction... your music's all I got. You signed a contract.

Just give me a shot at remixing those tracks a little.

Maybe we can find some kind of happy medium.

Bro, I ain't trying to compromise.

Dominic, this isn't me.

You wanted success.

You sign onto the label, and I give it to you.

If I like it, that's what it is, and that's who you are.

Gentlemen. Sir, I tried to stop him, but... uh, it's all right.

Never thought I'd see this.

That was quite a press conference you two threw.

Was that supposed to send a message?

No. No. Just a pragmatic appointment.

Coleman's an experienced councilman.

He knows this city inside and out.

Yeah, one that has no intention of supporting my stadium, so the larger question becomes if you share in that philosophy or if you're a man of your word.

I'm building a stadium, just not on your land.

Excuse me?

We, uh, we're made aware of a parcel of land, uh... easier access, cheaper.

Better locale for the city.

That's what's important, right?

AAA Subway park.

They've expressed interest in the naming rights.

You need to have a seat, Teddy.

I'd like very much to remind both of you just who got you here.

Sorry to disturb you, sir, but your daughter Maddie's on the line.

Thank you.

Hi, honey. Everything okay?

Okay, so I know mom said I'm grounded, but she also said I have to do my homework.

And it's this group history project... right.

That I can only do at Talia's.

That's fine. Are her parents gonna be there?

Yes, dad, of course.

Okay. Just be home in time for dinner.

All right.

I told you it'd be easy. Come on.

AAA Aah! Juliette!

Hey, Gunnar, it's me... again.

Surprise. Um...

Can you just give me a call, tell me you're all right?

Or get here... would be good. Um...

Pick up your phone.

If I had a nickel for every time I've had to wait for a damn guitar player...

Whoa. You'd think you were the one auditioning.

I kind of am.

Rayna. Bucky.

Hey, Marshall. Marshall. Good to see you.

How are you? It's great to see you, too.

Good. Yeah. This is gonna be fun.

Yeah. I'm so excited for you to hear these kids, and I just think this'll be the start of something great.

Well, just bring me another Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes, and I'll be happy.

Or two Rayna Jaymes.


Do you wanna go see if... if they're here, and...

Yes. Yeah.

Great. Okay. Good.

Good, good. Okay, well...

Shall we? Sure. How's the... how's the family? How's...

Good. Good. Everything's good. Oh.

How y'all doin'?!

Isn't this awesome?!

This is way more than 50 people!

Yeah, but it's exciting! Is that what it is?!

♪ lt must have hit me when I wasn't lookin'♪
♪ Woke up dizzy ♪
♪ I can't remember nothin'♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ But those sweet blue eyes ♪
♪ I'm seeing flashbacks ♪
♪ Dancin' in my mind ♪
♪ The way you kissed me ♪
♪ As sweet as summertime ♪
♪ And I, I ♪
♪ Don't stand a chance ♪
♪ Oh, 'cause, boy, I was ruined ♪
♪ The second you walked in the room ♪
♪ lt feels like you've gone and put a spell on me ♪
♪ You shook my world apart and suddenly ♪
♪ I'm helpless, reckless, oh, baby ♪

Take it easy!

Just calm down! Aah!

Calm down! Hold this!

Excuse me!

Calm down! Stop! Don't push the stage! Hey! Hey!

Bo! We gotta get you out of here.

Excuse me! Excuse me! Maddie!

You okay, sweetie? Maddie, you all right?

Come on, sweetie. Get on up.


You okay?

Just don't tell my mom.

Xxx Look, Rayna, I don't know if these two characters aren't taking you seriously, or if you just made the wrong choice in selecting them, but I've got another meeting.

I gotta get going. Hey, Marshall...

Uh, guys, I'm afraid we're gonna have to make do with just one today.

Ms. Jaymes, Mr. Evans, I'm so terribly sorry.

I cannot imagine what has happened to Gunnar, but I'm sure he'll be here any second.

Well, I hope he's all right, but, Rayna, we're gonna have to do this another time.

Uh, Scarlett, how would you feel about playing one of your songs to kind of give us a taste?

If that would be okay with you, Marshall?

Yeah. Yeah. All right.

All right. Great. Great.

Thanks, Scarlett.

Just make yourself comfortable, and... great.

♪ I jumped in lookin' to make a wave ♪
♪ I was working what the good lord gave ♪
♪ Well, baby, here I go ♪
♪ You'll be prayin' for land while I'm rockin' the boat ♪
♪ I'm moving ♪
♪ Come and join in my parade ♪
♪ I've been waitin'♪
♪ And the time has come ♪
♪ You can turn on the flames ♪
♪ Like fireworks ♪
♪ sh**ting to the sky ♪
♪ I wanna color the dark ♪
♪ Like a diamond ♪
♪ Sitting on a ring ♪
♪ I'm just a girl ♪
♪ Every time ♪
♪ I'm lookin' for a place to shine ♪
♪ So take ten ♪

I gotta go.

♪ lf I'm a little too much to take ♪

I'm so sorry, y'all.

Please excuse me. I'm gonna have to run. So sorry, Scarlett.
Excuse me. Can you tell me where Maddie Conrad is?

Ms. Jaymes. I didn't... let me check for ya.

Rayna. How is she?

I-I don't know. I just got here. Right this way.

She was hit in the head, I guess. Hit in the head?

Yeah, what happened? I have no idea.

How can you not know what happened?

Hey, baby. Mom. Baby.

I got knocked.

She's fine.

I'm sorry.

Oh, we're just glad you're okay.

We're gonna take her for a C.T. just to rule out any concussion.

Can we go with her? It'll just take a minute.

Honey, we'll wait right here, all right?

Hey. How's she doing?

She's... she's gonna be fine.

Uh, I need to make a phone call. Excuse me.

He didn't even know where she was.

Yeah, well, I think you slipped out once or twice at her age.


Long as she's okay, right?

Yeah. Thank you. I'm really grateful.

All right, come on. She's like family.


Let me know how she's doing, all right? Yeah.

Okay. Oh.

For her.

Thank you.

What the hell happened? No, wait...

Any liability lies with the venue.

Hello? I understand, but...

Why were there so many people there?

All you had to do was handle the details of one little show.

Is somebody gonna answer the damn door?!

I can't do this, okay? I'm just an assistant.

My last job was at the mall.

Okay, your job is not that difficult.

Okay, I-I know. My mother is an addict, and she could do it.

Well, I can't, not by myself.

Oh. My assistant needs an assistant. Unbelievable.

Weren't you just here?

We have an afternoon session, too.

We've got yoga and then we've got therapy, and...

Not too late to join.

Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of handling a major crisis here, if you haven't noticed.

Oh, I noticed.

You're early.

Yeah, well, Dominic says on time is late.

Yes, he does.

I gotta grab some mics. Back in a bit.

All right.

What happened to you this afternoon?

Things came up.

You been drinkin' all day?

Guilty as charged.

I respect that you are grieving, and I know that you're blaming all this on yourself, and... you shouldn't, but you are treating me like absolute dirt, and I wish you would stop.

Well, I'm sorry if your feelings are hurt, but you have no idea what I'm going through.

Oh, you're right! I'm so stupid!

I should have canceled that thing today, but I didn't, and you could have just picked up the phone... seriously?

So I knew you were all right! Seriously?! Seriously?!

My brother cannot play music anymore, Scarlett.

Not... not for you, not for me, not for Rayna. That's 'cause he's dead, all right?

I know.

The police are gonna help us find out why.

They are not. They think he's just some piece of trash lying in an alley behind the last time around.

Whoever k*lled him is still out there!

I know. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You need to stop doing that.

I don't need your pity.

Can you shed some light on what she was doing at that Juliette Barnes show in the first place?

She told me that she was going over to Talia's to work on a history project with some of her friends and that Talia's parents were gonna be there.

But I told you she was grounded.

I understand that.

You know what? I'm gonna cancel this trip to New York.

I wanna be home with the girls this week.

Okay, look. Do whatever you want about your trip, but you're not coming to the house this week.

That's our agreement, and we're gonna stick to it. We need to.

I think these are extenuating circumstances, Teddy.

She needs her mom.

Frankly, she needs a parent who's gonna take care of her.

If memory serves, you missed your share of stitches and sprains over the years.

So I'm sorry, Rayna, but you don't get to run this one.

Hey. There she is. You all set?

All clear. She's good to go.

Hi, sweetie. How you feeling?

Tell your mom good-bye.

This is from Uncle Deacon.


I need to... stay and do some paperwork.

But, um, you call me anytime you want to, all right?

I'm gonna see you this weekend.


I love you.


Melee in the gulch... as reported earlier, singer Juliette Barnes sparked the frenzy with her tweet about a surprise show, which left six young people with minor injuries.

The injured, who range in age from 12 to 19... baby, that had to have been awful.

Can't we sue them for trying to blame this all on me?

They didn't exactly say that.

Well, they implied it.

Oh, great.

I've been meaning to call you.

Yeah, well, you didn't, you know, and I've just been at the E.R. with my child and a bunch of other kids who got hurt at your show.

Why is everybody trying to act like this is completely my fault?

Because it is completely your fault!

Man, girl, you don't take responsibility for anything!

I don't know what you're doin', but you hurt people around you all the time.

Wake up!


Tell you what.

Whole thing could have gone a lot more sideways than it did, we're just lucky.

Don't eat that. Don't eat that. Come on.

Man, that's... that's not a practical birthday gift, man.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Damn thing kept me up all night.

You know, you gotta get him sh*ts, and you gotta fix your place up...

I know what they need, Cole. I got his sh*ts.

I already took it to the vet.

You should see this vet, too. Pretty girl.

Don't sleep with her.


You already slept with her.

Just shut up, man.


I'm-a call you Mr. One-and-done.

What are you talking about, "one-and-done"?

I don't know. You just... seems like you're just trying to keep yourself available.

I don't know.

You sure you're not drinkin'?

That's the dumbest damn thing I've ever heard.

No, but here's my point... what's your point? My point is, when was the last time you got dressed up, made a reservation, picked a girl up at the door and... what, you mean, like, a date? Like a proper date, yeah.

A proper date? A proper date.

All right?

You ain't just hooked on booze and pills.

You strung out on Rayna Jaymes.

Maybe it's that whole damn family, huh?

God only knows why you'd partner up with the man that tried to destroy you.

Wanna talk about addiction, Cole?

Let's talk.

Where the hell have you been?

Your music ain't where it's supposed to be.

That's what I've been trying to tell you, but you didn't wanna listen.

I'm talking about the masters.

I burned 'em.

Tell me your boy's joking right now!

Do you have any idea how much Dominic has billed us in producing fees?

Here's $75k, the rest of my publishing advance, minus a bus ticket to Nashville.

Here are the keys to your car.

You think it's that easy?

And you.

Good luck with your next big thing.

It sure ain't me.

Boy! You dead in this business!

D.O.A.! Before you even started breathing!

I don't know, man. I feel more alive than I have in months.

I made over $50 million.

Man, that's even hard to imagine.

Yeah, it didn't seem real, not even then.

All of it gone in three years.

dr*gs, sex, cars.

I bought a painting once that cost me more than my dad made in his whole entire life.

You had an addiction to money, too?

Power. I...

I think because at the root of it in a sense of weakness.

I think the...

The root of my addiction is probably a feeling of, um...

You know, I've pretty much failed at everything I've ever done.

I know that what happened at Deacon's birthday party is my fault.

I know that.

But I... I keep telling myself stories and trying to... to take my mind off of it.

But it's the truth.

I know that.

Being able to admit that is the first step.

Get you a tissue.


I'm comin'!

What's the matter? It's Gunnar. He took off.

He's gone all wild about what happened to his brother.

I think he's gonna do something real stupid... oh, sweetie, that's just his pain talking.

No, no, no, he's saying the police aren't doing enough.

I think he's gonna try do it himself.

What'd he say?

He was talking about the bar Jason got k*lled at, and I know he's gonna be there.

What's the name of the bar?

Uh, the... last time around.

Damn it. All right, you stay here.

Like hell I'm staying here.


What are you doing here?! Go home!

Not without you. You go home!

Gunnar! You go in there, I am going in there with you!

Somebody in there knows exactly what's happened to Jason.

And the police will find them.

They won't! They think he's just another felon!

So what are you gonna do, Gunnar?

When you go in there, what you gonna do?

I don't know.

All right. Let's go.

No, you don't understand. Neither of you... I do understand!

I know what's it's like to lose someone like that, all right?

Difference between you and me is I was responsible.

My best friend Vince... I made him drive drunk.

He hit a tree. He's gone.

I know...

What you're feeling, man, 'cause I've felt it, and I hung on to it for years and years.

I wouldn't let it go, and it made me dark, and it made me lose anything I ever cared about.

Made me lose the only woman I ever loved.

There ain't nothing for you inside there, Gunnar.

Let it go, man.

It is some dark crap, and there's nothing there for you.

You wanna hang on to something?

Hang on her.

Come on.

What are you doing here? I... know it's your week.

I was just hoping to get a few moments with Maddie.

She's fine, Rayna. I know she's fine.

I know you're taking good care of her. Right.

I do, really.

You know, honestly, when we were in that hospital room today, I kept remembering back to that room that we were in when she was born.

It was just us, you know?

You and me and her and us.

She has two parents, and she needs us.

I wish you'd just let me talk to her.

Just do it for her, if not for me.



I'm sorry.

Sorry for blowing the showcase and...

For scaring you. I'll make it up to you.

N-no. It's...

Last night was a mistake.



I thought it was dad's week.

Just wanted to make sure you know I'm here for you, too.

And... I brought you something.

It's pretty banged up.

This is the first guitar I ever tried to play.

My mom gave it to me, and now it's yours.

Honey, I know you're hurtin'.

But the one thing you have to know through all this is that I love you, and your dad loves you.

And you have to always know that.

And I know you're gonna need an outlet for all you're going through.

So I thought maybe you could channel that through your music.

Thank you.

Oh, and, honey, you're probably grounded for life. Mm.

All right, folks, we got one final songwriter for you guys tonight.

Uh, please welcome to the stage Mr. Avery Barksdale.

Close enough.

♪ Let there be lonely ♪
♪ I'm ready to grieve ♪
♪ The love I've been holdin' onto ♪
♪ I've tried so hard ♪
♪ To keep sayin' you're mine ♪
♪ Now it's time ♪
♪ Now it's time ♪
♪ Let there be hurtin' ♪
♪ I'm cravin' the tears ♪
♪ That I've burned in my eyes for so long ♪
♪ I want to feel every drop of the pain ♪
♪ As I cry ♪
♪ As I cry ♪
♪ I'm gonna suffer ♪
♪ The aching I've earned ♪
♪ Mark this one down ♪
♪ As a lesson I've learned ♪
♪ 'Cause the only way out of here ♪
♪ It's the only way out of here ♪
♪ Let there be daggers ♪
♪ That tear through my skin ♪
♪ Down to my heart ♪
♪ Where the whole thing begins ♪

It wasn't pity.

♪ And I'll love again ♪

I don't think it was a mistake.

♪ Until then ♪
♪ Let there be lonely ♪
♪ I'm ready to grieve ♪
♪ The love I've been holding onto ♪
♪ I've tried so hard ♪
♪ To keep sayin' you're mine ♪
♪ Now it's time ♪
♪ Now it's time ♪

Thank you.

You've been reading a lot lately about my next guest.

Please welcome to our show... Ms. Rayna James.

Xx So great to see you. How are you, Rayna?

Oh, so great to be here.

Oh, so great to be here.

I'm wonderful. Thank you.

You look beautiful as always, and I know... and so do you.

You have been so busy. You've been working on a new album.

You've been on a-a major tour with Juliette Barnes.

Xx Are you having fun?

Are you completely exhausted?

Oh, it... it is a lot.

I mean, we've been really busy, but, boy, we've been having such a good time with this tour, and it's a great one, and, you know, since we're in New York, we're gonna be here next month, so y'all need to come check us out.

Probably have a lot of takers with that invitation.

All right, so meanwhile, you have been doing all of this in the midst of getting a divorce from your husband, Teddy Conrad.

That must be very stressful.

Well, you know, it is.

When it comes down to having something like that happen in your life, my experience is no different from anybody else's.

You know, the only difference for me is that I'm having to do it publicly.

Mama, you were right.

You were wearing a green sweater...

With polka dots... the one I got you for Christmas when I was 12.

I did see you, and I was embarrassed.

So I ignored you.

And I'm sorry.

Uh, I was thinking that I'm going back out on the road soon, and... you might consider coming with?

Both of you.

You could be her sober companion or traveling shrink, whatever.

Maybe mine, too.



Baby, where you goin'?


I wanna pay the medical bills for everybody who got hurt at my show.

Hey. Oh, hey.

Is everything okay with your... nameless dog?

Yeah, yeah, he's, uh...

He's doing good.

He's a puppy.

So, uh, oh, sue.

What? Uh, sue. I named him sue.

But he's a boy.

Named sue.

You know, like the song.


Wow, you really don't like country music, do you?

No, yeah, kinda hate it, remember?

Yeah. It's just beer and broken hearts, so...

You came all the way here just to tell me that you named your dog?

Yep. Nope.


Um, I just...

I wanted to ask you out on another date.

Not another... a date.

Like a real date. Proper date.

You know, like a dinner, movie.

We can go to a concert, anything you want.

Dog park.

What do you say?

I think I'd like that.

Yeah? Mm-hmm.




Scarlett? Yeah.

Bucky Dawes. Wanted to tell you how impressed Rayna was with your performance.


She'd like to sign you as a solo artist to her label.


We're gonna circle back to you with the details, but in the meantime, welcome to the family.

You just got yourself a record deal.
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