01x08 - Where He Leads Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x08 - Where He Leads Me

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on up here, pretty girl!

Previously on "Nashville"...

What's wrong?

I respect any woman too much to do that outside the confines of marriage.

Drop out the race, Teddy.

There is no affair.

You have till the weekend to decide.

After that, these get leaked to the press.

I'd like you to do a duet to help bolster the reputation of a fellow Edgehill artist.


I cannot believe we have to do this.

Well, let's just get it over with.

We'll never have to do it again.

This is gonna be huge.

That was a lot more fun than I thought it was gonna be.

Oh, yeah.

Wow. Unbelievable.

You guys could not top that if you tried.

Nah, it wasn't half bad.

Apart from the company.

We are gonna release that song as a live single.

Okay. Amazing.

I don't know what to say.

How about saying...

"Rayna, I'm so excited to release your new album"?

All right, it's a deal.

Whoo! Hey!

Juliette and I performed together, and, you know, everybody survived. You know? Yep.

Hey, Liam. Welcome to Edgehill-Republic.

Yep, to us. Thank you. Cheers.


Now don't let me stop the celebrating.

That was fantastic.

You were... you were great out there tonight.

Thanks, babe.

Oh, well, we'll get out of you guys' hair.

Rayna, again, fantastic.

Call you tomorrow. Okay, thanks, buck.

See you, buck.

Rayna, makes sure this one behaves himself, okay?

Ha! You get no promises from me on that.

Bye, love.

Bye, babe. Take care.

Thanks. See you later. Thanks for everything, Liam.


You good to go?

Uh, you want have a glass of champagne first?

Let's, uh, let's have some at home.

I'll go get the girls.


What kind of pictures?

Just sh*ts of us talking.

And... and there's one of me giving Peggy a hug.

I find it really hard to believe that anybody, especially Coleman, would try to leak photos of two people talking.

I mean, look, the fact is, I'm winning, and Coleman thinks that a fabricated affair is enough to make me drop out.

Is it fabricated?

Rayna, I did not have an affair.

Well, then what were you doing in a public park with Peggy Kenter?

Peggy shared something with me in confidence, okay?

Now the truth is, she and Robert are having some trouble.

She signed this prenup, and she's scared that he's gonna leave her.

So she came to you for accounting advice?

She just wanted to talk to someone without it being gossiped about later.

That's not happening for any of us, especially our children.

Yeah, I know, and that's the part that pisses me off the most.

I just don't understand why Coleman would do this.

I don't...

I mean, is winning this election so important?

Apparently so.

It says, "Juliette, here's to the next 25 years on our label", "your family at Edgehill-Republic.

Sincerely, Marshall Evans."

It's very nice. I mean, I love flowers.

But I don't want flowers. I want my tour back on, Glenn.

Hold on.

It's nobody.

I get it. I get this is a step in the right direction.

Hold on.

Hey, babe.

Hey, let me call you back.

Hey! What are you doing here?

Running my best splits in, like, two weeks.

You are good motivation.

What, you ran here?

Yeah. Why?

Because I like you. So does Nashville.

Oh, yeah, Glenn said he's been getting some calls from promoters. So...

Uh, my dad's pacing me. Gotta go.

Wait a second. He can wait for a minute.

Uh, I really... gotta go.

Oh, God. Are you serious?

How long you gonna keep up this whole "no sex until marriage" thing?

Till I'm...


Look, that's just how my parents raised me. Okay?


I'm gonna have to give 'em a piece of my mind about that.

You could meet 'em.

Uh, pace car's gettin' antsy.

So will you... meet 'em?

Yeah. When?

Church. Tomorrow.

Okay. Yeah.

I'll see you tomorrow.



You a little stressed out, Cy?


Deacon, Kelly. Kelly, Deacon.

Hey, Kelly.

Thanks, babe. How you doing, man?

Oh, yeah. I'm doing good.

I mean, I'm not doing this good, but....

You remember that dive hotel we used to play at in Franklin?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, the Lomax inn.

Long way from the Lomax to the hall of fame.

I must've got off the wrong bus somewhere.

How long y'all in town for?

Uh, we're here for a week.

Do some overdubs, and then, uh, off to Asia or Australia or...

Oh, no.

Ha ha ha! Freakin' Deacon!

The man, the myth.

Don't you call me a legend, Kent. I'm not dead yet.

Hey, brother, you and Rayna...

You k*lled it the other night at the Ryman.

I mean, we think you never sounded better.

Thank you.

Where is Dubbie?

Well, Dubbie's hanging up his strat, which is why...

We want you to hit the road with us when we head back out.


2-year contract.

And if everybody's still diggin' it, then...

Full member.

You could have your choice of any picker still livin'. Why me?

We figure you'd be a good person to bring on tour with us.

One year, huh?

Six months for me.

What, all of you?

A sober band. Who woulda thunk it?

Not me.

That explains the soda pop, though, huh?

Yeah, well, you know, everything happens for a reason.

Maybe you weren't supposed to come out with us until now.


Would like a little time to think about it, if that's all right.

Well, sleep on it, man.

I appreciate it.

What's keeping you tied down here in Nashville?

Scarlett "ring of fire" O'Connor.

You are making fun of me.

Oh, he's not. He's been talkin' about it all day.

Well, it was good, and it was worth talking about.

I'll see you upstairs. Okay.

You really were good, you know.

Thank you.

I didn't know you had it in you.

Neither did I.

Two sh*ts of Tequila... apparently I'm transformed.

Listen, I... I know this is a little crazy, but, um, I know a band that's looking for a female lead singer.

I think you'd be perfect.

Oh. Thank you. Um, but I-I'm not a performer.

Ooh, I disagree.

Well, I only just started getting used to songwriting.

I have to talk to Gunnar about th... this is Scott... the lead guitarist for the epic fails.

Doesn't hurt to call, right?

♪ He surrendered to the whiteness ♪
♪ Hot on his heels ♪
♪ Peace in the valley ♪
♪ A drowning boat ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Raise up your children ♪
♪ And watch them grow ♪
♪ Without peace ♪

He's the real deal.

Could be.

I'm shocked. I ain't gonna lie to you.


Word of the day... wow!


And how long y'all been together?

Since junior high.

J.T. and I started playing together in Ohio.

We rocked Black Sabbath at a seventh grade assembly.

Yeah. It was a catholic school, so we got suspended for a week. But...

The fact that y'all stuck together tell me a lot about y'all.

Let me holler at you real quick.

Yeah. Yeah, okay.

I love what you're doing... some incredible stuff. Thanks.

But I think we could dirty up the vocals just a little bit.


Why don't you come down to A.T.L. with me?

Yeah? Yeah, um...

I mean, I can... I can drive there, yeah.

Really? Drive, man?

I'm recession-proof. I got my own plane.

You d.? You in?

Yeah. Okay. You in?

Yeah, absolutely. A'ight. That's my man.

Let me walk you out.

All right, I'll see you there.

All right.

♪ There's no music ♪
♪ No confetti ♪
♪ Crowds don't cheer and ♪
♪ Bells don't ring ♪
♪ But you'll know it ♪

That's the third time that you've stopped.

Sorry. No, no, no. Just keep going. I'm fine.


Come on. What is it?

Hailey told me that she thinks I should...

Try out to be the lead singer of some band.

It's funny she would suggest that, knowing that we're supposed to be here writin' every day.

That's what I said.

Are you...

Really considering it?


I don't know. I mean, I had fun the other night.

But... mm.

I wanna keep doing this.


All right, well, where were we?

♪ ln a cold world ♪
♪ lt's a warm place ♪
♪ Where you know that you're supposed to be ♪
♪ A million moments ♪
♪ Full of sweet relief ♪
♪ When the right one comes along ♪


Could you excuse us for a minute, please? Sure.

And shut the door. Thank you so much.

Of course.

Rayna, look, I'm sorry, but Teddy and Lamar... they have just been lying about me for so long.

It's just... it's time I start telling the truth.

You're gonna drag my family through the mud?

I'm just playing the same games they started.

Well, you know good and well Teddy's not a cheater.

Yeah, well, I thought so, too...

But you tell me.

If that's not an affair, then what is it, then?

It's none of your damn business, is what it is.

I am so sorry.

I thought you said Donelson Pike. No. It's no worries.

My apologies.

Mom, dad, I'd like you to... wow! It's really you!

Guys, this is Juliette.

I have every single one of your songs.

You favorite's "drive-thru dreams."

I even tried to find those pink cowgirl boots you had in the video.

I loved those.

So this is Dana, your biggest fan.

Well, nice to meet you, Dana.

And those cowboy boots were definitely one-of-a-kind, for sure.

And it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Butler.

Lovely. Pleasure, Mr. Butler.

So I was, um, wondering, um...

Do you wanna sing with us in the choir today?

I asked our director Mrs. Malcolm, and she said okay.


Oh, she didn't come to work, honey.

I think we can find something we both know.

Coleman has an agenda.

Coleman's got pictures.

These do not prove anything.

Tandy, you know, at this point, you're with my husband more than I am.

Is he having an affair? No.

No. Of course not.

There is nothing going on between those two.

And who is gonna cheat with his sister-in-law around?

Because I would scratch his eyes out myself.

You remember what I told you when I set you guys up on that first date?

What, that he's the opposite of Deacon and daddy?


I said that he would make a good husband and a great father.

And he has.

It's gonna be okay.

Now I gotta go. We're gonna have a strategy meeting.

We are gonna settle all of this.

Wait a minute.

Who's "we"?



Peggy, what are you doing? You can't be here.

I have nowhere else to go.

Look, I don't know what to tell you, but you have to go now.

I told Robert that nothing happened!

He didn't believe me, and he's flying back from Hong Kong tonight.

Peggy, please. Just go home and tell him the truth.

He'll believe you.

You can't just leave me here.

You need to stop this, okay?

I'm sorry.


♪ My sword has long been buried ♪
♪ Piled on with dirt ♪
♪ Speak to me your promises ♪
♪ Resurrect your word ♪
♪ 'Cause I can't win this battle on my own ♪
♪ No, I can't win this battle on my own ♪
♪ I'll rise up and be your voice ♪
♪ I made my choice ♪
♪ This is my story ♪
♪ Your songs are stored inside my heart ♪
♪ So break me apart ♪
♪ lt's for your glory ♪
♪ I'll rise up and be your voice ♪
♪ I made my choice ♪
♪ This is my story ♪
♪ Your songs are stored inside my heart ♪
♪ So break me apart ♪
♪ lt's for your glory ♪
♪ Let it pour ♪
♪ Out of me ♪
♪ Let it pour ♪
♪ Out of me ♪
♪ Let it pour ♪
♪ Out of me ♪
♪ lt's for your glory ♪
♪ lt's for your glory ♪


What are you doing here?

That's your record deal champagne.

Dominic Wells wants to work with me, so I'm flying to Atlanta in the morning.

Well, congratulations, Avery.

Look, I know things are what they are, but we always said that this bottle was for when I made it.


I just wanted to say that we should've opened it when you got your deal.

So, uh... enjoy.

For both of us.

Thank you.

Good luck in Atlanta.


So what are you all doin' tonight?

Well, I gotta watch some film, and then dinner with the folks.

I always fix a big Sunday dinner when our Q.B. is in town.

Would you like to come, Juliette?


Yes! Absolutely, I'd love to come.

Are you sure? Yes.

Okay. I guess that's a "yes."

You could take that as a "yes."

The most he can do is float 'em out to the gossip sites and blogs.

Yeah, well, that's all he needs to do.

Mainstream media will jump on the bandwagon soon enough.


Y'all are having a meeting to talk about our family, and you didn't think to include me?

Rayna, you really shouldn't be...

Daddy, don't. She's not leavin'.

Rayna, this really isn't anything you should have to be dealing with.

We have this under control, Rayna.

You don't have it under control.

And you're right, this is not anything that I should have to be dealing with, but I do have to deal with it 'cause our children are gonna have to deal with it if salacious pictures of their father, whom they worship, come out.

You're absolutely right.

All right, look.

If these pictures do come out, I'll hold a press conference, and I'll tell the truth about them.


Well, I guess Coleman got tired of waitin'.

This is red velvet. You have to try it.

Did you tell Scarlett to join a band?

I.. Suggested she try out for one.

And why would you do that?

Because she's insanely talented.

If she's frontin' some band, it's not gonna be real easy to write.

You of all people know that that's not true.

Bands play at night, and you write during the day.

So you're making decisions about my partnership with Scarlett without asking me?

Um, that doesn't sound possessive and weird at all.

What's weird is that you're trying to separate Scarlett and me.

That's not what I was doing. Are you sure?


You don't think I saw the way you looked at her the other night, when you were so quick to come to her rescue?

What, in the bar? That guy was a jerk!

She was doing fine on her own.

I was being a friend.

You were staking a claim.

So this is because you're jealous?

I just...

Prefer that my boyfriend be more interested in me.

You know?

So there it is.

There what is?

The reason this whole me and you thing was never gonna work.

Come on. Hailey, wait.

It's over, Gunnar.

It's always been over.
Hi. Hey.

Hey, baby. Come in.

Wow. Hi. Hi.

These are for you.

Oh, thank you. Juliette, these are lovely.

Of course. Thank you.

And these are for you.

Goodness. Look what she gave me!

They're very sweet, but she can't accept them.

They must've cost a fortune.

No! No, no, no. Please, I insist.

I've never had a sister, so this is fun for me.

Thank you.

Of course.

Anything I can do to help. Please?

Another day, another dollar.

You're still wondering where I'm standing with that band thing, aren't you?

Am I that obvious?

Well, I-I sent 'em the demo.

I doubt anything's gonna happen with it, though.

Would you stop doin' that?

All they need to do is hear you sing, and they're gonna want you.

Doubt it.

When you were singing in the bar...

I couldn't take my eyes off you.

No one could.


Will you...

Please let me finish?

You're amazing.

You have more talent than... anybody that I know.

Somebody should tell you that every day.


I'm telling you.


I can't do that. I'm sorry.

I've wanted to do that since the day you walked in here.

You have a girlfriend.

No, I don't.

What? We broke up.

You can't just go around kissing people 'cause you feel like it.

Well, then... then when should you?


How's it goin'?


Uh, great. Um...

Is this where Peggy Kenter lives?


Look, look. Here she comes.

Oh, my goodness. What happened?

Lady across the street said Robert came home and found her.

Said she took pills.

Right here. Got it?

Peggy Kenter overdosed on sleeping pills.

She what?

Her husband came home and found her.

Otherwise, she would be dead.

Where'd you hear that? Her neighbor.

What do you mean, her neighbor?

I went over there.

People don't...

Just try to k*ll themselves...

For no reason.

So what happened?

You had an affair with her, right?


No, I didn't.

God, Rayna, this whole thing is becoming such a mess.


It was that damn Cumberland deal.

My finances were falling apart.

I was doing everything to keep the thing afloat.

Then Peggy came up with this idea, and like a fool, I listened to her.

She said that nobody could get hurt.

Nashville's own Ed Fitzgerald, everybody!

Awesome. Awesome.

Tonight, we have a very, very special treat.

Gunnar and Scarlett, the bluebird's very own...

Whatever song you want.

Uh, make sure you tip your waitresses. N-not now.

Have a great evening, guys. Well, I thought we could do one.

Well, hi.

Uh, tonight, I'm gonna play you a little song that me and my partner, uh, Scarlett are still working on...

I hope.

♪ There's no music ♪
♪ No confetti ♪
♪ Crowds don't cheer ♪
♪ And bells don't ring ♪
♪ But you'll know it ♪
♪ I can guarantee ♪
♪ When the right one comes along ♪
♪ Every single broken heart ♪
♪ Will lead you to the truth ♪
♪ You think you know ♪
♪ What you're looking for ♪
♪ Till what you're looking for finds you ♪
♪ ln a cold world ♪
♪ lt's a warm place ♪
♪ Where you know that you're supposed to be ♪
♪ A million moments ♪
♪ Full of sweet relief ♪
♪ When the right one comes along ♪
♪ All that changes ♪
♪ ls only everything ♪
♪ When the right one comes along ♪

Will you please just say something?

You stole money from a bank.

Which... which we paid back.

And then you and my father and my sister bribed an auditor.

Well, we did that to cover up the borrowing of the money.

These are crimes, Teddy.

I did it to protect our family.

You didn't do it to protect our family.

We never needed that money. You did it for yourself.

I trusted you.

And you still can.

I don't think so.

You don't have to do that. I need new boots.

Oh. No, it's the least I can do.

Thank you so much for having me.

Hmm. Well, you didn't give us much choice.

Pardon me?

We've worked hard to build Sean's bran and we won't see it tarnished just because he got himself tangled up in repairing yours.

Listen, Mrs. Butler, that may be how we met, but I genuinely care about your son, and it means a lot to me that you guys had me here tonight.

I've read about you. I've read about your mother.

You? This family?

Don't hold your breath, sweetie.


You're up early.

So Teddy told me everything, from Cumberland to today.

And you acted like you had no idea.

You asked me if he was having an affair, and I said that he wasn't.

He embezzled $2 million.

How long have you known?

I didn't find out till the beginning of the campaign.

Oh. Oh, well, that makes it okay.

No. No. It wasn't supposed to get this turned upside-down.

I was really trying to save you from this. It just happened.

It didn't happen. Y'all made this happen.

Was that all part of the plan?

"Oh, Rayna'll just believe whatever Tandy tells her"?

That's not true, and you know it.

I don't know anything at this point, except that my husband's a thief, I guess.

No. And you're just like daddy.

Y'all just deserve each other. I mean, we... no! That's not true. You... don't bother.

Hey. Hey.

I'm sorry just to, you know, drop by.

Nah, come on in. I was gonna call you this week.

So looks like the duet's up to number 15 on the charts.

Yeah. Guess you and Rayna are gonna have to do a whole album together now, right?

Oh. Very funny. No, thank you.

It did get me thinking, though, that it was so easy to write with you, and I think we should do it again.

Let's do it. Okay.

Although I might be out of town for a little while.

I just got an offer to play guitar for the Revel Kings.

The Revel Kings?

Are you kidding me? Oh, my God! That's amazing!

Deacon, you're gonna... you're gonna do it, right?

Maybe. I'm thinking about it.

You're thinking about it? Yeah.

Well, what is there to even think about?

I don't know. You know, lots of things.

It's a big tour, lot of dates. We'll see. Uh-huh.

Look, that's not why I'm here. Look.

It's from your mom.

Where'd you get that?

From rehab. I've been going around, checking on her, seeing if she's doing all right.

No. No, I don't want that.

You know, and I don't want you talking to her.

Juliette, look, honey, she's the only family you got in the whole world.

Uh, I... why is she sending you letters?

Because you won't answer her calls.

You know, I... she wants to make things right, you know?

She's... I think if you read the letter, you'll see.

I'll see what? Huh?

I'll be reminded that I had to eat dry pancake mix because all our money went up her nose?

Or that...

My first kiss was from one of her creepy boyfriends?

I know how important family is, Deacon, because I never had one.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

But she is, too.

Just leave. Please.

You know what, Deacon?

Maybe if you spent a little less time meddling and more time fixing your own problems, you would see what a fool you are for even having to think about that tour.

Can I talk to you a minute?

What about?

About stuff you can't take back even if you want to.

Who said anything about taking it back?

Scarlett, I don't... I don't regret kissing you.

Gunnar, I'm so confused.

Look, we, uh...

We should keep writing, uh, Jeanne's new songs, so... no, I know that Jeanne likes it when we write together, but our deals... are separate, and I just need a little bit of time at the moment.

I'm... just a mess. What?

Oh, come on.


Cool, fine, whatever.

Good luck with your new band.


Renaissance man.

How you like that vintage?

I have to admit, I could get used to this.

And I'm really serious, though, about working with you.

Thanks. It means a lot.

But like I said, serious about working with you.

Just you.

I don't... I don't understand.

I mean, uh, what about my band?

Come on, man. We'll build you up, and then you can get another set of guys.


But I've already... I've already picked.

I mean, J.T. and I go way back. You know that.

I ain't talkin' about going backwards.

I'm talking about going forwards, man. Come on.

Ah, ah. D-don't.

Don't k*ll your career before it starts.

After all these years, you can still jump that wall.

Thanks for calling.

I just wanna make sure you're okay.

Yeah, I am.

So it's true, then?

Sort of.

It's complicated.

Complicated. That's the last thing I ever thought he was.

Well, we still got two daughters who think he hung the moon.

Anything I can do?


How you doing? What's going on?

Well, just got asked to go on tour with the Revel Kings.

That's the real deal.

That's what they tell me.

Sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime.

They say that, too.

Yeah. You gonna do it?

I don't know. What do you think?

I think you gotta go off and see what's around the next bend.

I guess we both do.


Well, you know, I know those girls think that Teddy makes the world go round, but... they wouldn't even have a world without you.

What you're seeing in those pictures is nothing more than an old friend trying to help another navigate a tough patch.

Sadly, her accidental overdose, which followed this relentless, unwarranted media attention, was an outgrowth of that.

Now our thoughts... oh, my God.

And prayers are with Peggy Kenter...

Are with Peggy Kenter and her family, and we hope for a speedy recovery.

Would you... would you please excuse me?

You all know my lovely wife, Rayna James.

Good afternoon.

I apologize for my lateness.

I was, uh, picking up our daughters from school, you know, as parents do.

Teddy did that for us for years while I was out on tour, while he was juggling his career and his business.

He's a good father, and he's a good husband, and he's also a wonderful cook, thank goodness for me.

What he is not is a cheater.

I've been married to this man for 12 years.

I believe in his love for me.

I believe in his love for our children, and these pictures don't do anything other than show the desperation of some people who are trying to bring us down.

So I'm not gonna dignify 'em with any further comment.

Thank you.

Miss Jaymes, a question... thank you for doing this.

I did it for our daughters.

This way, please.

Good, good, good, good.

I'm glad you guys are sitting down.

So... how's the writing going?

A little slow. Real good.

Well, you're gonna need to crank it up, because we have officially received an offer to put one of your songs on hold.

Seriously? Mm-hmm.

Uh, what song?

"Fade lnto You." Yeah.

Oh, I-it's not a done deal yet, but it doesn't mean that this isn't your first big break, and something to be very excited about and, uh, something to...

Celebrate. Whoa.

I suggest a toast to both of you.

I knew it when I met ya.

I knew it when I heard your first song, and now I know it for sure.

Let us toast to successful partnerships.


"Goes numb," right? That's it, man. Hey, Cy.

Hey, good news, man. Deacon here already knows most of our songs.

Yeah, it helps that they all sound alike.

Oh, man, that's cold.

Yeah, that's very cold, man.

Well... what's it gonna be, man?

I guess I don't leave now, I'm never gonna.

Let's do it.

Yes! Yeah.

Well, all right.

There you go.

It's from vichy... the best water in France.

Hey, to sex, no dr*gs, and rock 'n' roll.

Hear, hear.

All right!

♪ Midnight angel ♪
♪ Blue-eyed baby ♪


I need a drink.

Yeah. It's been a rough one for you, I know.

Thanks for keeping our meeting.

Could I get a vodka soda, please? Thank you.

Now look, Rayna.

The fact is, people are loving the duet.

So it seems.

And we couldn't be more pleased with the way the single's performing.

It's shot both of you to the top of the charts.

Bucky and I just met with performance international.

They see a mutually beneficial opportunity sitting right in front of us, and I want you to know that the label fully supports it.

An arena tour.

You co-headlining with Juliette.

50/50 split, alternating who closes the show every night.

80 cities promoting each of your albums and the single.

And when would all that go down?

A.S.A.P., hopefully.

We want to strike while the song is hot.

It could really be beneficial to both of your careers, what do you think?

I'm not saying no.

♪ Oh ♪


♪ My lover ♪
♪ Oh, how I...♪

You are the most...

Beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Thank you.

♪ ls a rising sun ♪
♪ So why do I find you with another ♪
♪ Oh, my keeper ♪

I have something I wanna ask you.

♪ But to reach her ♪

All right.

♪ Every fool is a rising moon ♪


I had a...

A bit of a heart-to-heart with your mom last night, and I just started thinking about...

You and me and family.

♪ lf you read, read my note ♪
♪ lf you do ♪

I don't know how else to say this.

♪ lf you're wondering what's for real ♪
♪ lf you're willing to make a deal ♪
♪ Tell me how am I gonna steal back ♪

Will you marry me?

♪ Your heart ♪
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