01x02 - I Can't Help It (if I'm Still in Love with You)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Nashville". Aired: October 2012 to July 2018.*
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"Nashville" begins with a fading country music star coming into conflict with a rising teen star, then follows the lives of country music musicians.
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01x02 - I Can't Help It (if I'm Still in Love with You)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Nashville

Sometimes I wish I could just do everything all over again.

What would you change?



Rayna, I want you to meet Juliette Barnes.

My mama was one of your biggest fans.

She said she'd listen to you while I was still in her belly.

I wish the new record was performing better.

You've gotta find your place in the new market.

(Rayna) You are not seriously suggesting that I open for Juliette Barnes.

I need to know your decision.

Well, you can kiss my decision as it's walking out the door.

(Feedback whines)

Why don't you come take over for Buddy as my bandleader?

I can't do that to Rayna.

You and I could have a lot of fun on the road.

I'm-a run my own candidate for mayor.

He's a lousy father, but it doesn't change the color of his money.

We cannot be bought! You hear me?! Yeah?

I got an idea.


(Sugar & the Hi Lows' "See it For Yourself" playing)

♪ You're looking to the left and right ♪
♪ like you're living someone else's life ♪

(Horns honking)

Y'all are gonna be graduated from high school by the time we get through this traffic.

Not if we never get to school.

Well, you're going to school.

I got places to go. I gotta go see Uncle Watty.

(Horn honking) Come on, people!

No one can hear you, mom.

(Horn honks)

(Girls cheering)

What is going on up there?

It's Juliette Barnes.

Brianna just tweeted it. She's sh**ting a video.


Ah! Where in the world?!

(Whines) Mom, come on!

What are you doing?

She's, like, the most famous singer in the world.

♪ It does you no good if you run from me ♪
♪ there ain't no cheatin', schemin' my heart don't see ♪
♪ you left your troubles in my head, in my head ♪
♪ you left your secrets in my bed, in my bed ♪
♪ you're like the cover of a book that's been read, baby ♪
♪ I know what line is comin' next, comin' next ♪
♪ you can't hide from me ♪
♪ there ain't no tricks that you can try on me ♪
♪ I know your every move before you even breathe, baby ♪

(Girls screaming) ♪ thinking you know something I don't know ♪
♪ but my eyes, my eyes, my eyes ♪
♪ are like a telescope ♪

(Man) And... cut!

Awesome! Moving on! Fantastic.

(Whistle blows)

(Girls shouting indistinctly)


(Screaming indistinctly)

Two more setups, and then I never have to hear this song again.

What's wrong with you? She sounded great.

If you're a 12-year-old girl.

(Woman scoffs)

Do you all know each other?

Fire him. Now.

People think this is all I can do, make pop music for preteens.

What's happening with getting Deacon Claybourne on my tour?

Our people called his people.

All right, well, tell our people to get an answer.

I'm doing my part to snag him. You'd better be doing yours.

(Rayna) Okay, Bucky, give it to me straight.

Ticket sales are down, no singles from the new album charted, and telling Marshall Evans to kiss your ass for suggesting you tour with Juliette Barnes pretty much guarantees they'll be no further support for the record.

All right.

Where's the good news? Where's the idea?

Okay, I saw these two kids singing at the bluebird the other night.

I haven't seen that kind of chemistry since you and Deacon in the beginning.

So I'm thinking you should get back to what made you want to do this in the first place.

You and Deacon should go out on the road together... just the two of you.


Watty, that's a crazy idea. Mm.

Not really, no. If you can't afford a big tour and you are dead set against opening for Juliette Barnes...

Yes, I am.

Then this is a great solution.

Instead of half-filled areas, we book smaller venues.

Now you have a sold-out tour that actually makes money.

And you get to do something intimate, personal, music you actually care about again.

Remember those love songs you guys used to write?

That's 'cause we were in love.

That was a long time ago, Watty.

We'd just go on stage and pour our hearts out to each other.

I don't think we could pull that off now.

I can't imagine what Deacon would think of the idea. (Door closes)

Hey, you beat me.

Speak of the devil...

Sorry I'm late. Traffic.

(Chair scrapes floor) So...

What'd I miss?

You and Deacon on the road together...

Sleeping on the same tour bus?

That's the idea?

Well, you know, it's that tour we did together for years.

Mm-hmm, when you were dating.


Well, obviously, that part would be different.

Come on, babe.

This is important to me. I really need this.

You want me to say I'm comfortable when I'm not?

I didn't think it was about being comfortable.

I mean, I wasn't comfortable when you decided to run for mayor.

I wasn't comfortable when daddy stabbed Coleman in the back.

At least I'm coming to you to talk about it before I make the decision.

Baby, I'm up to my eyeballs.

I've got a debate with Coleman to prepare for.

There's a "meet the candidate" cocktail party on Wednesday.

I'd love it if you'd come with me.

Then there's this vulnerability study that our campaign consultants want both of us to do.

What's that?

They're just looking for anything past or present that Coleman can use to hurt the campaign.

Well, you know, I spent my entire career keeping my personal life private.

Look, it's standard operating procedure.

All candidates go through it. It's not that big of a deal.

I'm not a candidate. But it's important to me.

Can that just be enough?

You'd think.

(Switch clicks)

(The dirty guv'nahs' "baby we were young" playing)

♪ Young love... ♪

Hey. (Chuckles) Excuse me.

That was quite a performance the other night.

Thank you so much.

You looked like naturals up there on that stage.

And the song was somethin' else.

Well, it means a lot coming from you, Mr. White.

How long you been together?

Oh, no, no, no. (Laughs)

(Laughs) No, we're just friends.

Well, I mean, how long you been writing together?

(Chuckles) Not long.

No, I don't write songs. It's just that one little song.

(Laughs) My boyfriend writes, but I'm... I'm not a song... if you're not a songwriter, you'll do till one comes along.

Thank you.

I'll make you a deal.

You get three songs together.

I'll cut the demo for you myself.

How's that?

Uh... (Chuckles)

Oh! That's amazing, Mr. White.

Incredible. Thank you.

Good. Done then.

I'm so sorry. I have to get these out.

Hmm. You're gonna get where you're going, but you'll get there a hell of a lot faster with her.

♪ Baby, we were young ♪
♪ baby, we were young ♪

I left you a message. The reason why I called was to see if you wanna finish writin' that song.

Yeah. Sure. When?

Well, how about now?

I can't do it now. I got rehearsal with Rayna.

Hey. I thought I was late.



Deacon was just telling me about your little... tour.

Sounds like it could be fun.

Yeah. You know, it's just gonna be old school.

Some guitars and great songs.

It's just a show for people who love actual music.

Yeah, we should get to it and...

Yeah, let's just...

Well, if you change your mind about the tour, the offer stands.

And, hey, we gotta finish writin' that song.


I can't believe she just did that in front of me.

She's got about 500 Miles worth of nerve.

I'm just writin' a song.

Yeah, well, I know where that leads.

You and I used to write songs together, too. Remember?

Oh, I remember. (Chuckles)

(The Young's "Talking To Rose" playing)

Baby, you home?

(Earring clatters)

Yeah. Yeah, I got it.

Next time for sure then.

(Earring clatters)

All right. Thanks. Bye.

Hello. Something I need to talk to you about.


What happened? What's wrong?

That, uh, manager was supposed to come hear us play at The 5 Spot tomorrow night.

Totally bailed.

Baby, I'm so sorry.

Eh, whatever. (Sighs) It's his loss, right?

I mean, if it was easy to make it in this business, I guess everyone would be doing it.


I feel like we're so close.

You know? And the band...

We just we need a break, just one person to really get behind us.

I'm behind you.

What'd you want to talk to me about?

You know what? I forgot.




(Chuckles) How many times you gonna sing that damn chorus anyway, huh?

As many times as I damn well please.

Yes, ma'am.

And you're just gonna keep playing it.

It's my favorite part of the song.

Yes, ma'am.

Did they make you an official offer to... to do Juliette Barnes' tour?

(Sighs deeply)


Man, that is just so out of line.

Well, Ray, I'm not touring with her.

I'm touring with you.

See you tomorrow. Okay.

(Vehicle approaches)

Hey, Deacon, you ready to go write?

What, now?

Oh, come on.

Don't you have any adventure in your soul?

Come on.

(Truck door closes)

(Lindi Ortega's "Little Lie" playing)

♪ I told a little lie or two ♪
♪ when I spoke to you on the phone the other night ♪

You know, this is private property.


It's mine.

You get that for me?

Tammy Wynette owned this land.

(Truck door closes)

I'm gonna build a house here one day, have a place where I can go and just...

(Unlatches gate) Be myself.

Oh, yeah?

Who you trying to be the rest of the time?

Whoever my manager says will sell the most records.

Well... Nothin' wrong with that.

(Opens case) Nothin' wrong with wantin' more than that, either.

Are you kiddin' me?


1938 Martin 0042.

(Whispers) Wow.


Oh, my God.

(Plays chords)

(Whispers) Oh!


(Laughs) Oh, that is beautiful.

God. (Plays chord)

Tammy Wynette's land and this guitar?

I don't know who you're trying to impress, but if it's me, it's workin'.

(Both laugh)

Nah. It's for myself.

Don't be fooled by this shiny exterior.

I'm more than meets the eye.

Well, you ready to get to it?

That's what I was thinkin'.

(Chuckles) Mmm.

This is not how songs get written.

No, this is what songs get written about.

Mmm. Mmm.

Okay, hey. Hey.

We gotta get to work here.

Fine. Let's write.

You know, I just feel terrible that I wasn't able to show up at your announcement, as I said I would. I felt terrible about that.

You know that's not like me.

But it is like Lamar.

But can you shed any light on what is really going on here?

I mean, what is this about?

Lamar seems to think whatever's good for him is good for Nashville. - Mm-hmm.

And I just didn't think that this baseball stadium was the best place for the city to put all this money, and said so...


In a Metro council meeting.


So you crossed daddy, then he drags Teddy into it.

Yeah, but... Teddy's a grown man.

I know. I know.

After all these years, I certainly never imagined that our families would be caught up in some political rivalry.

(Chuckles) I mean, he's starting to treat me just like family.

And of all people, you should know how that goes.

So I hear there's a big old fund-raiser tonight for your husband.

Yes, there is.

You going?

Yes, I am.

Hey, Gunnar.

Hey! What's going on?

You, uh, you think any more about that Watty thing?

Oh, yes. Uh, it's definitely something to think about.

Yeah, well...

You wanna talk about it?


I mean, maybe me and you could hang out, like... outside of The Bluebird.

I mean, not... literally outside, but more kinda globally outside.

I get you. (Laughs)

I know you don't see yourself as a songwriter, per se, but if Watty does, it might be worth, you know... Kicking it around.

You got plans tomorrow night?

Uh, no. Uh, I'm not working.

I'm completely free.

Awesome. Well, Avery's got a gig at The 5 Spot.

You should come. Bring anyone you want.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah. I'll... I'll... I'll try and make it. (Chuckles)

(Indistinct conversations)

Excuse me.

There she is, my lovely wife.

I'm sorry, babe.

It's okay.

Thank you for coming.

Ah, I need to steal him away for a minute. Hello. - Let's just... sis, you look beautiful. Bye-bye.

Thank you.

Thank you. Okay.

(Teddy) - Excuse me.

(Women) - Hi.

Gosh, I can't get anywhere on time these days.

Same thing happened to me yesterday.

You know, I was stuck downtown for almost 45 minutes in traffic.

Some girl I've never even heard of shut down all of music circle.

Oh, that was Juliette Barnes. She was sh**ting her video.

Oh. I have to say, her music...

(Singsongy) is catchy.

I haven't met you. I'm Rayna.

Oh. Delia. We're all big fans.


You should put out another album.

It's out.


It just came out. Brand-new album. It's out.

Do they have it at Starbucks?


I think my husband... I've got to go.

Oh, goodness, but wonderful to... yeah. Yeah. Nice to meet you. We'll talk later. Yes. Really lovely.

Hi. Nice to see you.


(Clears throat) Hello, daddy.

So why would you ever go to the home of your husband's opponent?

Oh, you mean the home of the man who basically grew up with us?

'Cause I was trying to do the decent thing, 'cause our family owes Coleman an apology.

You owe Coleman an apology.

This whole thing you've gotten our family involved with is just ridiculous.


And what is this vulnerability study?

It's insurance that our past transgressions won't become our undoing.

I'm sorry you feel so threatened by it.


Maybe if you felt you had nothing to hide... oh, keep it up, daddy, 'cause, you know, I'm just gonna stop showing up.

Okay? I guess we'll just have to find a way to muddle through without you.

There must be somebody at this party I could enjoy talking to.


♪ just 'cause I ain't lived through ♪
♪ the same hand that was dealt to you ♪
♪ doesn't make me any less ♪
♪ or make any more of you ♪

(Both, harmonizing)

♪ I wouldn't trade my best day ♪
♪ so you could validate ♪
♪ all your fears ♪

That's right.

♪ And if I only had one shot ♪
♪ won't waste it on a shadow box ♪
♪ I stand right ♪
♪ I stand right here ♪

Okay, follow me. Try this. All right.

♪ And it's all talk, talk, talk ♪
♪ talking in the wind ♪
♪ it's only slows you down ♪
♪ if you start listening ♪
♪ and it's a whole lot ♪
♪ harder ♪

(Harmonizing) ♪ harder ♪
♪ to shine ♪
♪ than undermine ♪

And again.

♪ Than undermine ♪

All the way back.

♪ Sometimes good intentions ♪
♪ don't come across so well ♪



You're really good at this.

Well, it's not much of a compliment if you're that surprised.

You're right. I'm sorry.

You know, we could do a whole lot more of this if you'd just come on tour with me.

You know I can't. I'm going out with Rayna.


You guys are like an old married couple, I swear, except with all the hassle and none of the benefits.

You gotta focus on what's in the present and what your future holds.

(Clicks tongue)

(Pen clatters)


(Gate clatters)


Ah, Deacon...

Whoo! (Water splashes)


(Juliette giggling)

Are a dead man.


(Man) Your wife's on the road a lot.

Yeah. Yeah, it, uh, it gets lonely for me and the girls.

Ever have a girlfriend?

What? No.

Have you ever paid anyone to... wait. Are... are you kidding me?

Of course not.

Mr. Conrad, the more we know, the more we can protect you.

Let's talk about your real estate business.

That's an area where Coleman Carlisle is certainly gonna target.

In 2007, your investment group purchased a $75-million tract of land along the cumberland river.

That's correct.

Cumberland Plaza development.

And you served two terms on the board of the music city credit union, which had a substantial investment in that project.

Mm-hmm. It's not unusual.

But you resigned right before your cumberland deal fell apart.

My resignation from the credit union had nothing to do with the cumberland deal falling through, if that's what you're suggesting.

We're not suggesting anything. We're only asking.

Right. I'm sorry.

Go on.

(Avery) ♪ ...Enough I suppose ♪
♪ tried hard to drown ♪
♪ with a hum and a drum ♪
♪ in a petty drug slum mire ♪
♪ I tried bearing your sighs ♪
♪ and your sneers and your frown ♪
♪ I tried wearing your jewels and your heels and your crown ♪
♪ but it was nothing but a twist of barbed wire ♪
♪ it was nothing but a twist of barbed wire ♪ (Girls screaming)

♪ It was nothing but a twist of barbed wire ♪

(Song ends)

(Crowd cheering)

That was insane, like, insane.

He is so hot.

Dude, you rocked it.

Oh. That set was sick.

Yeah. Thanks for coming.

You were incredible out there.

Oh, my God. Wait. I know you. Yeah.

Hey, man. Nice set. And you.

Y'all played at the bluebird the other night.

Writers' night? Y'all were great.

I love when couples play together, so...

Oh. No, we're not.

No. No. No. He's not my boyfriend.

He is.

(Chuckles) Gunnar and I did one song together.

It's... it's nothing. That's all.

Scarlett, I didn't even know you were writing, let alone writing with Gunnar.

I mean...

(lnhales and exhales deeply)

Is that all that's going on?


You heard me.

Okay, look, it was an old poem.

He put it to music for me, and I felt so silly. I didn't know what to do.

I... and then the Watty thing happened, and I...

Watty thing?

Watty White?

What about him?


He offered to record our demo.

Look, baby, it is nothing. You know how these things go.

People record demos all the time, and nothing happens with 'em.

I didn't mean that.

That's true. It's fine.

But Watty White?

He discovered half this town, so take my word for it.

It's not nothing.

(Dawes' "if I wanted someone" playing)

I gotta go help J.T. Load up.



Coleman, how's Audrey?

She's pissed, Lamar.

She can't understand why you would do this to me, and neither can I.

Well, I thought I could trust you.

I was disappointed to learn otherwise.

Look, a difference of opinion is not the same as a loss of trust, and you know that.

Well, I have a difference of opinion with you on that.

See, I believe in growing this city, bringing it into the 21st century.

Clearly, you don't. Look, I've been with you ten years at your side.

I am well aware of what you believe.

You believe that you're never wrong, and if anybody offers any proof that there's a tiny chance you might be, they better watch their back.


You learned a lot under my tutelage, Cole.

But the takeaway message is this...

Don't mess with me.

No, the takeaway message is loyalty's a one-way street with you.

So you just know, whatever you give, you're gonna get back.

(Clicks tongue)

(Footsteps depart, door closes)

Ey got the bass player on this side.

Could be on this side. Whatever you feel more comfortable with.

Never doubted you. Not for a second.

Deacon Claybourne here?

(Speaks indistinctly) Over here.

How are you, sir?

Juliette Barnes asked me to deliver this to you.

(Clears throat)

Provenance and insurance papers are there in the case.

You'll want to get that on your policy for no less than $50,000 as soon as possible.

It's nice to meet you.

(Footsteps depart)


The hell...

Is that?

Sometimes a guitar is just a guitar.

Is it just a guitar?


Is it just a $50,000 guitar?

It's not a bribe for you to go do Juliette Barnes' tour?

I don't know what she's thinking, all right?

I don't know what you're thinking doing all this.

Doing what? While our tour is hanging by a thread.

She wanted to a write a song. We wrote a song. That's it.

I don't know what the big deal is. You don't know what the big deal is?

No. How about the big deal is we gotta do a show we haven't done in a decade and a half?

I know that. I need you here working on our tour and our song.

Hey, Ray, I'm here right now. I'm working right now. No, you're not. You're not.

Yes, I am. You're out swanning around with miss sparkly pants, and I'm here, trying to figure out if we can even do these songs without completely humiliating ourselves. What are you even talking about?

These songs? I play these songs.

All right, every third Thursday at the bluebird, I'm there, playing our songs. You'd know that if you'd ever been once in the last ten years.

Don't you dare try to act like I haven't been there for you!

You want to see what it looks like, me not being there for you?! What's it look like?

This is what it looks like!

(Door closes)

If I wanted to fight like this, I'd have a damn girlfriend!

Who does that?

Who gets a $50,000 guitar and doesn't even bother to say "thank you"?

You're in a mood.

And you're still here. Why?

Take a look at this. Walt just e-mailed your video.

The video? Yeah.

Now look, it's only a rough cut, but it's k*ller, man.

We can release this as a tease when the single goes up on iTunes. Ready?

Check it out.

♪ You can't hide from me ♪

I hate it.

Y... what are you talking about? It's great.


That is not great.

How is this supposed to help me get Deacon Claybourne in my band? Huh?

This is not... how is he ever supposed to take me seriously?

Look, don't worry about Deacon. Ugh.

Forget about Deacon. Worry about the... the teenage girls that are gonna eat this stuff up.

They're your meal ticket. Get out.

Juliette... no, seriously, get out.

♪ My head ♪ (Sighs)

♪ You must be ♪

(Video stops playing) Wow.

(Footsteps depart)

(Door closes)

(Keys jangle)



Let's get this over with.


Hello. How are y'all?

Rayna Jaymes.

Yes. Big fan.

(Rayna) Thank you.

♪ the first mile is always harder ♪
♪ when you're leaving what you know ♪
♪ won't blame you if you stay here ♪
♪ waving to me as I go ♪

So when you were just starting out, you dated Deacon Claybourne for 11 years?

It was a little more than dating.


At some point, you began to see your husband while you were still involved with Deacon?

It was more like entangled.

And y-yeah, Deacon had some personal problems, so I started to date Teddy.

At what point did you end your relationship with Deacon?

I didn't. He's still in my band.

We, you know, just sort of shifted gears, I guess.

If you mean when did I end my romantic relationship with him, I did that when he went into rehab.

♪ Always wish the best for you ♪
♪ thought that you would see me through my wildest dreams ♪
♪ yeah, the ones you thought I'd never meet ♪

He had a substance abuse issue.


If you'd have known him back then, you probably wouldn't say it so politely, but yes, he... let's just say, if he had not gone to rehab, he probably would not be with us today.

And your husband said you paid for his treatment?

I did.

♪ Still you would trade your best day ♪
♪ just to have your way ♪
♪ all these years ♪
♪ and if you only had one shot ♪
♪ maybe all this talk ♪
♪ would disappear ♪

And did you continue your romantic involvement with him during his time in rehab?


No. It became clear to me that Deacon was not...

And, you know, I was involved with Teddy, and we got married, so...

While Deacon was in rehab?


♪ And it's a whole lot harder to shine ♪
♪ than undermine ♪

♪ yeah, undermine ♪

And in the intervening years between then and now, has there... no, absolutely not.

You know, guys, I am so sorry. I am gonna have to stop.

It's just... so...

Excuse me if you will. Thank you.

♪ Sometimes good intentions ♪
♪ don't come across so well ♪

("I'll be there (lf you ever want me)" Playing)

♪ There ain't no ropes tight enough to bind me ♪
♪ look for me ♪
♪ honey, you will find me ♪
♪ any old time you're ready with your charm ♪
♪ I'll be there, ready and awaitin' ♪
♪ there won't be any hesitatin' ♪
♪ I'll be here if you ever want me in your arms ♪

(Both) ♪ so love me ♪
♪ if you're ever gonna love me ♪
♪ never have seen a road too rough to ride ♪
♪ there ain't no chains strong enough to hold me ♪
♪ there ain't no breeze big enough to slow me ♪
♪ I'll be there ♪
♪ if you ever want me by your side ♪

(Song ends)

(Scattered applause) Well, thank you very much. (Chuckles)


(Whispers) Hi.

I don't know too many guys who can pull off fringe.

You're really not one of 'em.


I have a feeling you didn't come here just to mock my outfit.

No, I want to talk to you.


I can't do this... this Watty thing.

I-I want to.

Believe me, there is a huge part of me that wants to, but I can't.

Because of Avery?

Because of me.

I moved out here to be with him, and I want my life with him, and I don't want to do anything that's gonna mess that up.

If doing something you're clearly born to do messes that up, then what kind of life is that anyway?

This is Watty White. He...

You think he drives around offering to produce people's demos every day?

He discovered Rayna Jaymes, and he wants to work with us.

There is no us without... you.

Look, forget me, all right, forget Avery.

What do you want?

I want to be more than a guy who runs the soundboard and plays at some two-bit motel.

You want to be more than a waitress and somebody's girlfriend, right?

And you really want to be with somebody who won't let you be who you are?

No, Avery will support me, whatever I do.

Well, then what's the problem?

There. I did it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's your career. I couldn't very well say no.

Well, you're right.

You're 100% right.

I didn't ask you about any of this, and I know that you're not on board, so... with your campaign, no.

With you being happy again?


Of course I am.

I know.

And it should be a two-way street.

Rayna, you've shown up, you've stood by me, and you've supported me through something I know that you are really not all that happy about.

And I want to do the same for you.

(Birds chirping)

I swear, I'm not stalking you.


I finished the song.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. It's just a little demo I made at my house, so don't let anybody hear it.

If you like it, I'd like to record it.

That's great.

How do you like that guitar?

I love that guitar.

But I can't keep it.

I want you to, 'cause I want you to play it on that track.

Look, you listen to it and tell me what you think.

What do you think?

I think...

I think something about you makes me want to grow up.

(Car door opens and closes)

(Engine starts)

So how far back did you gentlemen go?

We went all the day back to his kindergarten teacher, his college buddies, fraternity brothers.

The only area of real concern is around that cumberland Plaza deal.

He didn't seem 100% forthcoming on that.

(Tandy) That deal wiped him out.

I don't wonder why he doesn't like talking about it.

It did more than wipe him out.

It bankrupted a lot of good people.

So you think he's lying about something?

If I had to lay odds, I'd bet 5 to 1 there's something fishy in that whole mess.

If it's there, we'll catch it.

At least he had the good sense not to tell us.

That gives me hope for the boy.


I'm just saying, a mayor with secrets is easier to control.

(Shovels & rope's "hail hail" playing)

♪ Hail hail, rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ hail hail, rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ well, hail hail ♪
♪ rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ I loved you till you slit my throat ♪
♪ and swallowed me whole ♪
♪ now you're a bad, boy boy with a selfish little soul ♪
♪ rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ Gonna act like a preacher ♪
♪ and ride from town to town to town ♪

♪ I'm leaving town ♪
♪ cryin' won't make me stay ♪
♪ I'm leaving town ♪
♪ cryin' won't make me stay ♪

♪ baby, the more you cry ♪
♪ the further you drive me away ♪

(Song ends)


(Plays sting)

(Cheering continues)


How about these guys, huh? Thank you.

A little surprise.

I got a friend out there, uh, tonight in the audience... a really special and talented friend, and I'd like to ask her to come up here and... and do a number with us.

Uh, please put your hands together for miss Rayna Jaymes!


(Mouths word)


(Cheering continues)

(Rayna) Oh, my goodness.


It's great to be at the bluebird.

(Speaks indistinctly)


(Cheering continues)

(Speaks indistinctly)

All right.

This is actually a song that we, uh, first performed right here at the bluebird. Um...

Mm-hmm. That's right. It was about, um, what, 20 years ago? Oh, no.

That's, um, I-I was...

I was in preschool 20 years ago.


Well, we're gonna play it for you right now.

(Beats kick drum) Two. Three.


♪ Don't you try to tell me someone's waiting ♪
♪ they're not waiting ♪
♪ for you ♪
♪ oh, and don't you try to tell me ♪
♪ that you're wanted ♪
♪ that you're needed ♪
♪ 'cause it's not true ♪
♪ I know why you're lonely ♪
♪ it's time you knew it, too ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ like I do ♪

♪ why you always looking for the limelight? ♪
♪ ain't you satisfied with me? ♪
♪ for once, why don't you get down off your high heels? ♪
♪ you're no big deal ♪
♪ can't you see? ♪

(Both, harmonizing)

♪ I know why you're lonely ♪
♪ it's time you knew it, too ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ like I do ♪
♪ I'm all you got ♪
♪ I'm all you'll ever need ♪
♪ I'm all you'll ever ♪
♪ have ♪
♪ have ♪

Okay. Let's do it.

♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ no one will ever love you ♪
♪ like I do ♪
♪ like I do ♪
♪ like I do ♪

(Song ends)

(Cheers and applause)

(Cheering continues)

(Rayna) I wish we hadn't done that song.

Now what are we gonna do?


Everything okay?


I love you.
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