01x03 - Twerk

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Ray Donovan". Aired: June 30,2013 - February 2020.*
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Ray Donovan works for the powerful law firm Goldman & Drexler, representing the rich and famous. Donavon is a professional "fixer" for the rich and famous in LA, who can make anyone's problems disappear except those created by his own family.
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01x03 - Twerk

Post by bunniefuu »

Terry: He got out.

What are you talking about?

The old man made parole.

You go near my family, I'll f*cking k*ll you.

Why does he hate you so much?

I was a terrible father.

I've done my time, Abby.

I guess that's not enough for Ray.

Did he say how they got in the house?

It's your father, right?

What are we gonna do about him, Raymond?

Sean: How did he breach my security?

I need the tapes, Sean.

Avi: Who is that?

My brother.

Oh, there's someone in the car.

Avi: You're the boxer, right?

Yeah, that's me. What's up?


Bridget: Hey, how come they didn't have any kids?

Abby: Terry's got Parkinson's, honey.

Why didn't Bunchy have kids?

He got molested by a priest when they were little.

(g*n fires)

Ray: Check Boston homicide.

Lena: There was a priest k*lled in a church in south Boston.

♪ Ray Donovan 1x03 ♪


Original Air Date on July 14, 2013

(hip-hop music playing)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Abby: Five f*cking days, Ray?


What am I supposed to tell the kids when they ask why you're not home, huh?

You think you're punishing me, you're punishing your kids.

This is over Mickey, right?

'Cause I let the kids spend a few hours with their grandfather?

You know what, Ray? It was a good day.

The kids had a great time.

So did I.

He's an old man.

He just wants to... have some family in his life.

Will you talk to me?

Ezra's party's tonight.

I want to see you there.

Buy something nice.

You gonna treat me like a whore?

I am your f*cking wife.

You're not gonna talk to me, Ray? Huh?

Oh, just go back to your fancy apartment and pretend we don't exist, huh?


(hip-hop music playing)

♪ I'm so fresh, so yes, so fresh ♪
♪ That you can say I'm falling, falling... ♪


♪ I'm so fresh, so yes, so fresh ♪
♪ That you can say I'm falling, falling... ♪
♪ I'm so fresh, so yes, so fresh ♪
♪ That you can say I'm falling, falling... ♪

(one speaker dies)

(second speaker dies)


(music stops)


Whoa, what the f*ck?

Yo, R.K. gonna be buggin' about this.

Where's your father?

Dead, homes.

Lucky you.

Why aren't you in school?

Don't need no school.

I'm gonna be a f*cking millionaire.

Who the f*ck is you, and what the f*ck is you doing in my house?!

I'm Ray Donovan.

Who the f*ck are you?

Ray Donovan?

The Ray Donovan?

(laughing): Oh, shit, yo!

Deonte told me all about you, cuz. Yo!

It's m*therf*cking Ray Donovan in my m*therf*cking house.

Hell, yeah.

Hell, yeah, you the man.

Deonte talks too much.

No, no, no. Hold up, Ray. Yo, I got a job for you.

f*ck... you.

Man: Look, I want to buy the little homey here.

His mom's a crack ho, and she don't do nothing for the boy.

So I want to get him emancipated.

I'm not a social worker.

Yo, Ray, you should hear the kid.

Yo, he's tight. He can spit.

Yo, show the man.

♪ Vision this, me livin' the charmed life ♪
♪ It ain't no speculation, just need my liberation ♪
♪ Like the slaves, they make waves ♪
♪ Fight for their emancipation, k*ll the sl*ve lords ♪
♪ And make a sensation ♪



See, I told you.

Kid's like the black Justin Bieber.

So can you fix it, Ray?

I need to own the boy officially.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, chill.

Call Lee Drexler. He's a lawyer.

And keep the f*cking music down.

Word, Ray Donovan.


(quietly): Ah, shit.

I'm supposed to do your f*cking laundry?!

(engine starts)



You got no real porn.

I'm a sexual anorexic.

Uh-huh. Well, we'll take care of that.

A man's got needs.

(cell phone ringing)

This won't do.



Hey, Bunch. You dressed?

Yeah. Why?

What do you mean, why?

We're gonna see that lawyer today.

Uh, I don't know, Ray.

You don't know what?

Is that Ray?

Come on, Bunch.

You got to pick up your check today and... take care of that other thing we talked about.

You know how you start your mornings in prison?

Watching your cell mate take a shit.

Bunch, listen to me. I'm on my way to the gym.

I'll be there in an hour. Meet me downstairs.



That about your money?

Your money come through?

Looks like.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(woman moaning over speakers)

Man (panting): Yeah. Yeah.

Woman: Oh, my God.

(moaning over speakers continues)

(cell phone chimes)


Woman: f*ck me.

Oh... oh, right there, right there.

(cell phone chimes)


Woman: Did you get my text?

I told you, don't bother me at work.

I'm lonely.

Then get a cat.

(cell phone ringing)

What do you got?

Avi: I found him, Ray.

I set up a meet with him.

Don't know if he'll go for it.

He'll do it if the price is right.

How's Boston?

I'm freezing my balls off.

(chuckles) Thought the Lebanese cut 'em off when they had you in prison.

They grew back, Ray.

(line beeps)

I got another call.


Ezra: You need to get over here, Raymond.

We have a problem. A big problem.

I'm doing something with Bunch.

What's going on?

Feh! You know the rules.

We don't discuss business on the phone.


(grunts) Okay, from the waist, all right?

(hisses in pain)


Still hurting?

(strained): Yeah, a little.

Still hurting.

He's tough. He can handle a beating.

Just shut your mouth.

But throw some punches, son.

Let a few go, see how you feel.

Double. Cross.

Your mother hits harder than that.

Double. How is your mother, by the way?

She's all right.

Yeah. Double.

Sweet Claudette.

I miss her.

I could cry thinking about that sweet black ass of hers.

Cross. All right.

Can't punch, can't move, can't think.

Triple threat.

Don't let him hear you.

Terry: And again.

Double hook. Double hook.

Come on. Breathe!

Breathe. On the balls of your feet.

Find your distance. There.


I told you to meet me outside.

All right, bite down on that pain.

Okay. Let's see some real work in there. Come on.

Let's go.

I don't know, Ray.

Come on, Bunch.

We talked about this.

Come on! Show me something!

You know, you're a Donovan.

Come on. Throw some real punches!

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba! Come on!


Boom, boom! Let's go!

Hey, lighten up!

My boys don't lighten up.

You don't know f*ck about your boys.

A Donovan goes down, he comes back harder.

Now, put some steam in those punches.

15 seconds.

Come on! Let's go!




Back the f*ck off!

Ah, f*ck!

f*ck you!

f*cking arm froze up!

Terry: God. RAY: Come on, take this f*cking thing off.

I'm all right!

I'm calling that nurse.

You're not calling anybody.

The f*ck is wrong with you?

There's nothing wrong with him.

Did what he's supposed to do.

He's a boxer.


Hi there.

Um, I want to make a donation.

Oh, that's wonderful. Are you a member of St. Vincent's?

No. I don't go to church. I...

I mean, I should. I-I've been thinking about it lately, but...

I go to yoga.


These look expensive.

And practically new.

Armani? Zegna?

Father, you know Zegna?

(laughs) Well... (chuckles)

I do know they're worth a lot of money.

Are you sure you want to donate these?

Yeah, I do.

Thank you.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

(ship horn blows in distance)

You picked him up at Walpole?

Yeah. Drove him over to St. Mary's.

He didn't say a word the entire way.

He'd just, you know, look out the window.

He went inside?

Yeah, he was in there--

I don't know-- five minutes, tops.

Come out. I drove him over to a motel on Western Avenue.

You know he k*lled a priest.

Did you talk to the police?

What the f*ck business do I got talking to the cops about anything?


I could make it your business.

Nah. They might think that...

I knew what he was planning to do.

That-that would make me an accomplice.


Why should I take that kind of risk?

You know, you talk funny.

Where were you born?

You don't want to know.


It's okay.

The dr*gs will kick in any sec.

Did I do this to you?

That's all I want to know.

That last fight in Worcester-- pretty rough, you took a lot of punches.

Did I keep you in the game too long?

'Cause if I did, give me a g*n.

Blow my brains out right now.

It's all right, Mick.

I don't know.

Maybe I did this.

No one knows what causes it.

There's lots of factors.

Oh, all right, good.

Makes jerking off easier, right?

Can we have a minute alone?


I don't want to be a third wheel.

(Mickey sighs)

(door shuts)

Is he for real?

He's all right.

How's that?

Is that better?

I'm sorry about the mess.

Oh. (chuckles)

I've seen worse.



You know, I used to be a hooker before I was a nurse.


I'm kidding.


Someone's got to mean a lot, I guess, if you're gonna... wear her name on your body forever.

Unless you were drunk when you got it.

I wasn't drunk.

I'm feeling better.

What do I owe you?

Oh, nothing.

Your brother took care of it.

I'm not a charity case.

You're done here, right?


I'm done.


Yeah. Okay.

I'll see you then.

He okay?

He's hurting, but it'll ease up.

Your brother's a stubborn bastard.

He's a good guy, though.

The best.

Thanks for the cash.

I can use it.

No problem.

I moved the lawyer to this afternoon.

Why don't you come with me?

We can hang out till the appointment.

It's dirty money, Ray, you know?

The church is going broke with all these lawsuits.


Who put that crap in your head?

(door shuts)

Mickey: Ray Ray.

You hear this one?

There's the... there's the half nelson.

See? Like that.

There's the full nelson.

And there's the Father Nelson.


You think that's funny?

You take life too f*cking serious, Ray.

Smile and the world smiles with you.

Cry and you cry alone.

Speaking of priests... you k*lled the wrong one, Mick.

What are you talking about?

The priest that molested Bunchy?

They moved him out of that parish ten years ago.

(snorts, chuckles)

You k*lled his brother, you moron.

So what?

He didn't f*ck my boy, he f*cked someone else's.

Let's go.

(mumbling): Look...

I-I got my SNAP meeting.

Dad's... coming with me.

You know how many times I asked you to come with me, Ray?

I got to support my kid.

That's what fathers are for.

Ezra: It's a groundbreaking celebration!

I want little shovels!

Is that too much to ask?

Raymond, shut the door.

What's going on, Ezra?

The golem's arrived.


Listen, Ezra...

I think we should make an appointment with a doctor.

Are you sick?

Your father called three times.

You didn't talk to him, did you?

Do you think I'm crazy?

I thought we took care of him.

All right. Calm down.

I am taking care of it.


Better if you don't know.

(hip-hop music playing)

Take it out.

I'm gonna give you the best hand job of your life.

You know how long I've been trying to sign this guy?



Four DUIs last year.

Two months ago, he tried to go through L.A.X. with an U*i.

An U*i.

Three record companies are suing him.

The hours we can bill!

And his little protégé?

Gonna be the black Justin Bieber.


Oh, one problem.

We got to get total control, all parental rights.

So, Ray, you got to buy the kid.

We're buying kids now, Lee?

We've done worse.

(door shuts)

This is my legacy, Raymond.

My tribute to Ruth.

Your father's going to ruin it.

I became withdrawn.

I quit all my sports.

I was a, uh, 12-year-old with post-traumatic stress and they just didn't notice?

Bullshit. They noticed.

They were just too damn afraid to do anything about it.

Afraid of the priest, afraid of their... beloved holy Catholic Church, afraid of the f*cking Pope.

So they just let it happen.

(voice cracking): They just f*cking let it happen.

I'm sorry.


God bless you.

You was all abused?

All of you?

Ain't that something, huh?

We got to lighten things up around here.

Come on.


Bunch of sad sacks.

Okay. Here's one for you.

Guy comes home from work and finds that his girlfriend is packing to leave.

She's upset about something.

And he says, uh, "Honey, what's wrong?" And she says, "Today I found out you're a pedophile."

He says, "Pedophile?

Whoa, that's a big word for an eight-year-old."

(Mickey laughs)

(light chuckling)

Mickey: Yeah, you get it.




(chuckles) who's next?

Lena (over phone): Yo. Where you headed?


What's in Compton?

Someone's mother.

Hey, Lena, you know that, uh, rapper, my neighbor?

Yeah. Re-Kon.

I want you to check him out.

See if he's ever had sex with a minor.

Hurt a kid, anything like that.

You hear from Avi?

Yeah, he says the guy's playing games, but he'll probably do it for more money.

Tell him to do whatever it takes.

(line beeps)

I got another call.

Yeah, Terry, what's up?

How's the arm?

The arm's fine.

I'm gonna pay you back.

For what?

That nurse, the medicine.

Christ, Ter, you want to pay me back? Call her.

She likes you.

Man: Is there anger inside?


Inhale. Deeply.

Gather that anger, and when you exhale, just let it go.

(deep exhale)

Very good, very good.

Surrender to the ground.

Inhale again.

Gather that anger.

And when you exhale, just let it go.


Very good.


(mutters quietly)

Let it go.

Let it go, Abby.

Let it go.

Send those negative thoughts to the universe.

Don't forget to exhale.



Very good.

(inhales deeply)


There we go.

(whispers): I'm a terrible person.

No, no. This is about breathing. No talking, okay?

I'm spiteful.

It's not...

This is about letting go.

Just let go.

Good. Good.


(shuddering breath)

Oh, relax.

No, stay-stay down.

Stay down.

Stay down.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry...

No, no, no. Just relax.

You need to relax into the pose.

I... I have to go!


Shavasana, everybody.


When I woke up... I realized I'd been... orally r*ped.

Oh, boy.

I could use some oral r*pe right now.

(sniffs, sighs)

What the f*ck?!

Sir. Sir.

It's time for you to leave.

I couldn't agree with you more.

We're out of here, Bunch.

All right.

All right, all right, you stay.

This is your thing.

I got some... stuff to do.

And I'll catch up with you later.


What they done to you all, every last one of them should burn in hell, all right?

Keep in touch.

You can find me at Terry Donovan's Fite Club.

Come in there.

We'll put some gloves on you, toughen you up a little.

(door shuts)


How you doing today, Bunchy?

Not so good.


I'm sorry.

Big day for you, right?

You're picking up your check from the diocese.

Supposed to.

And, uh, how do you feel about that?

(cell phone ringing)

Hey, sweetheart.

Bridget: Hey, Daddy.

How was your day?

Okay. Kind of boring, actually.

How's yours?

Nothing special so far.

What's your brother up to?

Soccer practice.

(hip-hop music playing)

Daddy... when are you coming home?



Soon, sweetheart.

I love you.

Listen, honey, I got to go.

Love you.



You in the jean shorts.

Get your sweet ass over here.

You know I'm talking to you.

What's your name?

Bridget Donovan.


What's your name?

Marvin Gaye.

Marvin Gaye Washington.

Hey, you want to hear some sweet shit?


It's very nice to meet you, Marvin Gaye Washington.

Marvin Gaye... pause...

Washington. Got it.

Washington. That's right.

Woman: I'm just supposed to hand my kid over to someone?

'Cause he rich?


Not care what happen?

I know you care.

He kidnapped my boy.

I should get the law on him.

Maybe you should.

Get a lawyer.

Do something about it.

Get my boy back.

Marvin get his talent from me.

Tell him about 'Retha.

Woman: I sang backup for Aretha.

She was old then, but it was still Aretha.

Even wrote a little on one of her records.

Did studio stuff for Mary J. Blige, too.

I got paid good money for that.

You work?

How I'm supposed to work?

I been sick.

Real sick.

I'm just saying...

...asking someone to... give up their kid for money...

...even a lot of money...

I don't even know how something like that gets arranged.

Signature on a piece of paper.

When you're ready.

I'm deep in my addiction now.

How can I raise a child?

Excuse me.

Those suits...


I haven't priced these yet.

Are you interested?

Well, they're...

Actually, they're mine.

Well, somebody donated these this morning.

It was me. I brought them in this morning.

It was an accident.

I'll-I'll just take them back.

You can't do that.

Man: What's going on?

Well, uh...

Man: Oh.

Hello again. Uh, this woman wants to take these suits.

She says...

They're hers.

I was here this morning when she dropped them off.

When you left, I assumed you made a mistake.


They're yours.

Thank you, Father.

Thank you.


This is $2,000 or $3,000.

Get off.


How do you look up something?

You want to Google something?

Yeah, Google.

Well, what do you want to look up?

♪ He like it when I make this ass vibrate ♪
♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake ♪

I'm an ass man.

♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake ♪
♪ He like it when I twerk it ♪
Twerk it

You got a problem?

♪ He like it when I twerk it so I'm-a twerk it ♪
Twerk it
♪ I'm-a twerk it ♪
Twerk it
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna twerk it, I'm gonna make it pop ♪
♪ Bend this thing over ♪
♪ He like it when I make this ass vibrate ♪
♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake ♪
♪ He like it when I make this ass... ♪

Seven dollars for aluminum, ten for brass.

Brass? Brass?

Nothing's too good for Ruth.

They ought to be made from real gold.

Is that possible?

Not by 7:00.

Here, look at these...

Mr. Goldman?

Sean Walker on one.

Oh. I have to take this.

Hello, sweetheart.

Are you coming tonight?

(hip-hop music playing over speakerphone)

♪ He like it when I make this ass vibrate ♪
♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake ♪

Who is this?

♪ ...this ass vibrate ♪
♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake... ♪

What do you want from me?

♪ I'm-a twerk it, I'm-a twerk it ♪
Twerk it
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna twerk it...

♪ EZRA: Who is this?!

Brown boy from Compton, used to be coppin'.

Now I'm pimped out.

That's what it's about.

Re-Kon's sellin' my story, that's the glory.

I got a story.

Yeah, I got a story.

You like it? (giggles)

Yeah, I like it.

Badass, right? How do you come up with it?

That's my talent.

And what I see inspires me.

All the crazy f*ckers in my neighborhood?


Everyone got to be inspired by his life.

Well, my life's not inspiring; it's boring.

You buggin'.

Living here?

(door opens)

Hi, Mom.

This is Marvin from down the street.


Um, Bridg, you want to help me with this stuff?

I'll get it!

No, it's fine.

It's done.

(quietly): You think that's a good idea? What?

Inviting some strange kid into the house when nobody's home?

I was home.

You know what I mean.

He's a neighbor, and he's nice.

He lives in that house where they play all that music all the time.

Mom... he's nice.

Are you and Dad fighting?


He doesn't sleep here anymore.

He stays in his apartment... for business.

That's what he says.

Bridget, you give me a break.


Thank you.



Are you hungry?

Hell, yeah.

(Bridget chuckles)

Man: This is a check from the diocese for your settlement of $1.4 million.

And this is a durable power of attorney form.

It authorizes your brother to make decisions for you regarding your finances.

What's that mean?

It means I'm gonna help you.

Help me what?

You're in a slip, Bunch.

You think I can't take care of myself?

Do I have to sign that form to get the check?

No, it's... it's yours.


Bunch, wait.

Would you mind?


(door opens, closes)

What the f*ck are you doing?

You treat me like a kid.

You are a kid.

I'm f*cking 40 years old, Ray!

You can't handle $1.4 million.

How do you know?

When's the last time you had a job for more than a week?

I have issues!

I know you do.

That's why I'm trying to help.

Well, maybe I don't need your help no more.

'Cause of him? Huh?

(snorts) You think he's gonna look after you?


I'm gonna look after him.

f*ck, Bunch, what the f*ck are you talking about?

We owe him something.

We owe him nothing.

Did you beat up Daryll?


I had someone else do it.

You want to know why? Ask Mick.

He says you sent him to prison.


Did you?

Come on, Bunch.

Let's put this money somewhere safe.

Make sure you're all right.

He says you framed him.

Bunch, please.

Come on.

Let me help you.

I'm doing this for your own good, I swear.

(door opens)

(softly): "...Queequeg had handled so roughly, "was swept overboard;

"all hands were in a panic; and to attempt snatching at the boom to stay it, seemed madness."

The whale wins.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm the guy that got you out of prison.

I got myself out of prison.

You were supposed to do five more years.

What are you? FBI?

You know how many punks would have wanted to k*ll me in Walpole if they knew what I fed you people?

Practically shit myself every time I took a shower.

I gave you Sully's g*ng.

What the f*ck else do you want?

You didn't give us Sully.

He's still out there.

The guy's a f*cking Houdini.

What can I do?

Anyways... that's the past.

I got a new life now.

I know.

You've been busy.

What do you want?

I'll let you know.

This ain't enough.

More next time.


I'll be in touch.

Take care, Mick.

(exhales sharply)

(phone rings)

Hey, Avi, what's up? Are we on?

Yeah. He'll I.D. Mickey for 50 K.

Do it.

It's a lot of cash. Boss?

I need to know the minute it's done.

Okay, you got it.

Got another call.

Yeah, Lena, what's up?

Okay, Re-Kon's checked out.

Your meet's set.

I'll see you outside Ezra's party.


Bridget: Mom?


Uh, there's a limo downstairs.

A limo?

With a driver.

Daddy sent it for you.

(door closes)


♪ ♪

(hip-hop music playing)

♪ I've been gone for like 28 years and shit... ♪


Ray m*therf*cking Donovan, y'all!

The man of the hour!

(music stops)

Get rid of them.

Hey, ladies, step outside while I talk to Mr. Donovan.

All right.

So, what you think, Ray?

Think I'm gonna get the kid?

Got to sort some things out first.

What she want?

What I want.

You ever been a father before, Re-Kon?

(chuckles) Nah, man.

Keep my shit wrapped tight all the time.

Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, hold up, Ray.

Look... all right, what you want?

First, the kid goes to school.


You keep him away from dr*gs.

dr*gs, yeah, (chuckles) but not the reefer.

Artists can't create without the reefer, baby.



All right.

You make sure no one fucks around with him.

You understand me?

Oh, man.

I don't even get down in that type of scene.

You kidding me?

Yo, I love the kids.

Shit, I got my own foundation.

All right.

Drexler will call you.

I'm a father! Whoo!

Oh, man!

Thank you, Ray Donovan!

Whoo, man!

Whoa, hold up.

Yo, we straight, right?

Like, I mean, I ain't got to worry about her changing her mind?

She won't change her mind.

Hey, Ray, thank you, thank you.



Hey, how are you?

I'm okay.

Where's Ezra?

Praying at the shrine.

Excuse me.


Oyf farshemen zikh.

You all right?

Mickey called me.

You told me to trust you.

This is great, Ezra.

A real tribute to Ruth.

I'm literally moved to tears.

Ray, Hanukah with the crack mom?

Are we gonna make my new homey client happy?

Why don't you go get a drink, Lee?

I meant what I said, Ezra.

You can trust me.

I do.

You showed up.

Did I have any choice?

A f*cking limo? (chuckles)


Don't start. Come on.

You look nice.

Thank you.


Welcome! Welcome.

Tonight is a blessing.

Next week, we break ground for the Ruth Goldman Ovarian Cancer Center.

Paying tribute to Ruth.

She was a wonderful woman.

(chuckling): Yeah, wonderful.

I often felt that she was an angel.

Angel? Do you want to know about Ruth?

She was so giving, so generous.

Ruth the saint, Ruth the holy.

Deb, hi.

Ezra: She loved everyone.

Let's get some air.

She was no angel, believe me.

She was sleeping with her shrink for years.

There was nothing she wouldn't do for anyone.


I see this center as my legacy.

Ruth would want that.

A legacy... is important.

Especially when you've done terrible things.

Not to be spoken of.

There's a price to pay for the wrong that we do.

A terrible... price.

Baruch attah Adonai... eloheynu melekh haolam...

(Lee applauding)

Ve-al tashlet banu yetser hara... Thank you.

Thanks for your support.

What a great night.

(Deb sighs)

(Deb retching)

Oh, God.

Come here.

I made such a fool of myself.

No, it's all right.

Wipe your face.

(food sizzling, low indistinct conversations)

(bell dings twice)

(low conversations)

I just want to say I gave Ray the money.

Nobody pays for me--

I pay for myself.

Just want to make that clear.

Hello to you, too.


So, this is about the money?

I don't know.

It's what it is.

That's a nice shirt for a business transaction.

I'm a clean man.

This isn't how it's done.


Asking someone for a date.

This isn't how you do it.


(short laugh)

You like spaghetti?




(Ray sighs)

(phone rings)

Yeah, Avi?

Yeah, it's done.

Your father's getting sent back to prison.

They took his statement?

Yeah. They want him to come back in a couple of days, look at photos, but it's... happening.


No problem.



(door closes)

Come on out here, Bunch.

We got company. Come on.

Come on.

Right this way.

You lovely ladies, uh, know how to twerk?

Yeah, sure we do.

Of course.

Mickey: Let's see.

Whoa-ho-ho... Bunch?

This is my son, Bunchy.

Bunch. Hey, Bunch. Hi, Bunchy.

Show him a little twerk, Cinderella.

She's an artist who makes you the hardest.

(both laughing)

He'll warm up.

He'll warm up.

This is a gymnasium.

Infinite possibilities.



♪ Baby, I tried ♪
♪ About a thousand times ♪
♪ But it all went wrong ♪
♪ You couldn't empathize ♪
♪ Try to bridge the gap with me, baby ♪
♪ Try to mend the rift ♪
♪ But without your forgiveness, baby ♪
♪ I might as well just quit ♪
♪ But I just need time ♪
Baby, baby
♪ Can't seem to break from your touch ♪
♪ You got my breaking heart ♪
No one, no one
♪ No one is gonna love you as much ♪
♪ But I just need time ♪
Baby, baby
♪ Can't seem to break from your touch ♪
♪ You got my breaking heart ♪
No one, no one
♪ No one is gonna love you as much ♪

I'm still f*cking mad at you, Ray.

♪ Somewhere down the line ♪
♪ It all turned upside down ♪
♪ Tell me what went wrong, baby ♪
♪ Why'd you have to put me down? ♪
♪ Remember how you used to love me ♪
♪ How I was your queen ♪
♪ Now the scent of another fox got you ♪
♪ And sent you wandering ♪
♪ Yet I just need time ♪
Baby, baby
♪ Can't seem to break from your touch ♪
♪ You got my breaking heart ♪
No one, no one
♪ No one's gonna love you as much ♪
♪ Yet I just need time ♪
Baby, baby
♪ Can't seem to break from your touch ♪
♪ You got my breaking heart ♪
No one, no one

(moans loudly)

♪ No one's gonna... ♪

(muffled moaning)

♪ ♪

(door creaks open)




♪ ♪
♪ He like it when I make this ass vibrate ♪
♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake ♪
♪ He like it when I make this ass vibrate ♪
♪ Bend it over, make-make this thing shake ♪
♪ He like it when I twerk it ♪
Twerk it
♪ So I'm-a twerk it, I'm-a twerk it ♪
Twerk it, twerk it
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna twerk it, he like it when I twerk it ♪
♪ So I'm-a twerk it ♪
Twerk it, twerk it
♪ I'm-a twerk it, yeah, I'm gonna twerk it ♪
Twerk it
♪ I'm gonna make it pop ♪
♪ Bend this thing over ♪
♪ I can't even lie, I can't do this when I'm sober ♪
♪ I'm gonna make it bounce just like I told ya ♪
♪ You can't get a dance, n*gga, I don't even know ya ♪
♪ I hit the dance floor and shake it ♪
♪ Then the n*gg*s stare ♪
♪ A couple minutes, that the money going in the air ♪
♪ I shake this ass side to side, I shake it everywhere ♪
♪ I make it vibrate, got this ass going everywhere ♪
♪ He like it when I make this ass vibrate ♪
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