02x15 - A Tale of Two Dragons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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02x15 - A Tale of Two Dragons

Post by bunniefuu »

2x15 - A Tale of Two Dragons

Let's go, bud.

[Toothless roars]

[heroic music]





Wow, nice.

He's pretty good.

[horn blares]

[gasps] Screaming Death attack!

Wake up, girl, we gotta go.


Come on, Meatlug, wake up!


Uh, what's that horn for? Please tell me it's breakfast.

It's for the Screaming Death.

Whoa, that's way better!


Snotlout! What are you doing?

I'm sorry, did I scare your girly, little dragon?

Out of my way! I have to get to the great hall.

No, you don't. I have to get to the great hall.

You have to get to the armory.

Hiccup assigned me to the great hall yesterday.

You heard him.

Tell you what, whoever gets there first... me... gets to guard it.

Fine by me.

Ugh! Snotlout!


Ha ha! Astrid, I thought you liked cod.


Oh, no.

[dragon snarls]

[people screaming]

Oh, great. I can see my father's face already.

When you told me you'd be running a Screaming Death attack drill, I assumed you wouldn't actually try to destroy the entire village!

Technically, chief, it was just the great hall.

And I'll let you take it from here.

Dad, this was supposed to be a practice run, but it just got out of hand. I'm sorry.

Uh, "sorry" doesn't un-burn Silent Sven's chest hair.

No, it certainly does not, which brings me to your punishment.

Ugh. Mildew's cabbage field.

[sniffs] Hoo! Wow, this is revolting.

Actually, it's not that bad.

Yeah. Don't judge till you try it.

Mmm. [gags]

Okay, g*ng...

I'm fine.

My Dad wants this field cleared and ready for planting by the end of the week.

[grunts] Astrid, Snotlout, you two break down and clear out the big boulders on the far edge, while...

Actually, That sounds more like a man's job.

Hmm, you're right. Better give me Fishlegs instead.

Huh? Astrid, what do you see when you look over here?


Is that a serious question?

You see 5,000 pounds of boulder crushing splendor.


Just make sure you don't slow me down, boulder boy.

Ugh! Oh!



Hey, why do Barf and Belch get to have all the fun?

Everyone's always telling us to use our heads.

I was just thinking the exact same thing.

[all mumbling]

[growls] Now, now, now, Meatlug.

Those boulders are for catapulting, not for eating.

But they do look delicious, don't they?

You see, Toothless, it's all going perfect...

[snarls] Ohh.


What's wrong with you?

Don't say it.

I told you to stay out of my way.

This is Viking work.

Exactly. So what are you doing here?

Oh! Oh!

Oh, that's... that's productive. Toothless, plasma blast.

[both roaring]




Hookfang, stop! Heel!

Stormfly, calm down! [roars]

Whoa, bud, come on.

We're trying to break up the fight, not win it.

Hookfang! Calm down! Hookfang!

Stormfly! Stormfly!



[dragons roaring]

Guys, back your dragons away from each other.

I'm trying!

Well, try harder!

Okay, everyone to the rock pile!

What is wrong with your dumb dragon?


My dumb dragon?

Your flaming Snotmare was trying to barbecue us.


Snotmare? Snotmare!


I kind of like that.

You would.


Oh, yeah? I would, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, you would.

How about I call your dragon ugly?

I'll tell you who's ugly!

Toothless? [roars]

Thank you. Now, would somebody mind telling me what exactly was going on out there?

Simple, Hookfang and me were just trying to do our job when Stormfly went crazy and started sh**ting at us!

You have got to be kidding!

Hiccup, Stormfly and I were doing our job when this lunatic and his overgrown fire pit started torching us.

Oh, come on!

When have we ever started a fight just for the sake of starting a fight?

Let me rephrase that.

Never mind.

Do you two think you can work together? Yes or no?


Okay, that was weird.

Snotlout and Astrid trying to tear each other's heads off was weird?

No, their dragons, Hiccup.

As much as Astrid and Snotlout like to t*rture each other, Stormfly and Hookfang have always stayed out of it.


So, son, how are things going in the field?

Oh, Dad, it couldn't be going any better.

We're moving like a well-oiled catapult.

Really? Because word around the paddock is that Astrid and Snotlout are trying to turn the catapult on each other. Again.

[sheepish laugh]

Oh, that? A minor... uh, disagreement.

You know how they are.

[knocking at the door]

In fact, I'm sure they've already forgotten about it.

Let's hope.

Hiccup, I refuse to work with Snotlout.

Hey, Astrid! What a beautiful night. Let's talk outside.

Uh, didn't we talk this out?

You talked, we listened, as usual, but I'm not going to put Stormfly in danger by working with that mutton head, who can't even control his own dragon.

Uh, fine. Fine. I will deal with it tomorrow.

I promise.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

[sharpening axe]

[chuckles] So just academy business.

No big deal.

[knocking at the door]

Ah, let me grab that.

Hiccup, I refuse...

Oh, look, a full moon!

You are k*lling me.

Me? Astrid has totally lost control of her dragon!

She's probably distracted by my manly presence. Mm.

Are you insane?

Hookfang sees it.

Don't tell me you don't. [chuckles]

Never mind. Here's the deal...

Let me guess.

You don't want to work with Astrid tomorrow.

Exactly. Wasn't that easy, Hiccup?

Come on, Hookfang. Let's go think with our muscles.


Problem, son?

Uh, problem? What problem? No, no, everyone is happy, everything is great.

Good to hear.

Yep, yep, yep. Everything is right as rain.

If you say so.

I do. I say so.

Oh, fine, you win!

Snotlout and Astrid are driving me completely insane.

They're acting like mental cases.

I actually don't know who's worse, them or their dragons.

I mean, at least with the dragons, you can lock them in their pens until they behave!


Feel better?

Uh, a little.

All right, Hiccup, there's three ways to deal with Vikings who aren't getting along.

I'm all ears.

Option one: give them both axes, and you let them fight to the end.

That one seems a tad, uh, permanent.

What's option number two?

You give them both maces and let them fight to the end.

Do I even want to know what option three is?

Oh, it's quite devious and can have grisly repercussions.

Then again, it can go down like a treat.

Odds are about 50/50 either way.

I-I'm listening.

You trick them into working together.

Shh. Do you hear that?


Wait, it's coming from the other side of that hill.

Why, that little Hiccup.

Option three.

Ugh! I should have seen that coming.

Well, Stormfly and I are gonna prove we're not the problem by working with you.

[scoffs] Not as well as we're gonna work with you! Right, Hookfang?

[both snort]

I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seeing it with my own two eyes.

I guess my Dad was right.

Then again, I did put my own Hiccup spin on it.

That's what all great leaders do, Fishlegs, they take an idea, then they shape it.

[dragons snarling]

Uh, Hiccup?


Huh! [snarls]

Ah! [grunts]

Great leaders are also often proven wrong.

Astrid, Snotlout, Your dragons are out of control!

But I think I know why.

This is the day I've always feared would come.

Your dragons have picked up on your animosity to each other, and now, they are behaving the same way.

Is it my fault that me and Hookfang are so in sync?

But you have just given me an idea.

You both need to walk a mile in each other's shoes, or in this case, saddles.


What? What's perfect?

You two are going to swap dragons for the day.

Both: What?

That's right.

It's a girl dragon!

If you can learn to understand each other's dragons, then maybe you can learn to understand each other.

This does not work well with my manliness.

You can take the day off and just get to know your new best friend.

Hey, does that mean that if we start fighting that we get the day off too? 'Cause we will. Watch!


See? Just give us the day off! [dragons growling]

Nope. The three of us and Fishlegs are going to head out to the field and keep working.

My Dad wants it done in time for planting.

I want that day off!

Whoa! Wow, Stormfly! You are one fast dragon!

I mean, Hookfang is fast, but... [laughs] you are, like, crazy fast. [chuckles]

But fast doesn't mean anything if you can't stop!



[grunts] Okay, you can stop on a yak.

[laughing] Crazy.

Little help?

[dragon chuffs]

So Snotlout is always bragging about how much firepower you Nightmares have. Let's see what you got, big boy.

Wow! Incredibly dangerous, but cool.

Okay, you think you can bring the heat?

Well, let's see how you do it, Stormfly.

Whoa! I gotta say, that's pretty hot.

Okay, wingspan duly noted.

Not too much flaming. Tail looks good.


Wow! I didn't know you could do that!

Did you know you could do that?

I bet Snotlout doesn't know you can do that.

[laughing] Whoa! Whoa!

Okay, this is pretty fun! [laughs]

I could definitely get used to this.

Wow! Bull's-eye with a single shot?

Bet Astrid doesn't know how to do that. Let's do it again!

Aw, stop it. Now, you're just showing off.

Which is fine by me. I'm all about showing off.


So how was it?

Stormfly flies pretty good... you know, for a girl, and she does melt solid rock in, like, a half a second, which is cool.

She does indeed. And Astrid?

I guess Hookfang is pretty powerful. And he's easy to fly, which is good if you have a little talent.

Yeah, and I have a little talent.


Well, it sounds like you both have a better appreciation for each other's dragons.

Yeah, it's... it's okay. It's... it's nice.

So that means maybe tomorrow, you'll cut each other some slack?

Yeah, I guess.

Fine. Can we go now?


Baby steps, bud. Baby steps.

Okay, that should hold you over for a bit, but I need you to focus now. We're looking for clues.

Anything that will tell us why Hookfang and Stormfly are acting so crazy.

Nadder prints. Excellent. Everything seems to be fine here.

And here's the Nightmare's. Mm-hmm, still peaceful.

Ah, and here's where the trouble started.

But why here? Maybe it's something...

[gasps] Meatlug, dig! Keep going, girl!

Wait a second. I was right!

What are you doing here?

Nothing. Nothing.

What are you doing here?

Is that chicken? Stormfly's favourite?

Did you come here to feed my dragon?

[laughs] No. Maybe.


Well, what are you doing here? I smell something fishy.

Fine, maybe I brought Hookfang a little breakfast.

He loves breakfast! That was actually, well, nice of you.

Both: You like my dragon!

Don't tell anyone, okay?


[both gasp] Our dragons are gone!

We've done a lot uf dumb things in our life, but we have never lost a dragon. Not a whole one.

I am very disappointed in you, young lady.


Okay, okay. Uh, they can't be far.

We'll split up the island and...

Actually, Hiccup,

I might know where they are.

[both growling]


We need to break this up.

Who knows what they'll do to each other?

I'm open to ideas.

Drop me in!

Me too!

Fishlegs, how did you know they were gonna be here?

The more I thought about it, the more I wondered what made this situation different than any other.

It was the field.

We've been in a lot of fields.

No, no, no. Not like this one.

Dragon root.

Not dragon root!

That is terrible.

You don't actually know what dragon root is, do you?

Not even slightly. Not even the faintest.

I mean, I think I know what "dragon" means.

Dragon root is like dragon nip, only more powerful.

Dragons crave it, but instead of making them happy and calm...

[roars] it makes them...

Want to rip each other apart wing from wing?



Sounds good. Do they have it for people?

Well, we can't leave Astrid and Snotlout down there.

We have to help.

[both roar]

Stormfly, calm down! It's me! Everything is okay!

[growls] Hah! Unh.

[spits] They're ignoring us! How do we get their attention?

Well, I might have an idea, but it's stupid and reckless.

You had me at "stupid"!


Stormfly! [roars] If you're gonna attack him, you'll have to go through me. [roars]

Look, Hookfang, we both know you could totally kick Stormfly's tail...


But if you want to try, you have to go through me!

[both growling]

Astrid, Snotlout! What are they doing?

I'm not sure, but I think they might be acting like a team.



There's my girl.


[grunts softly]

Oh, you big knucklehead.

They did it! We have to get down there.

But none of us can get close to that root without our dragons going nuts.

That's not exactly true, Hiccup. Meatlug didn't go crazy.


Maybe Meatlug's rock diet makes her immune to the dragon root's effect.


What are you doing?

Both: They're out of control! [roaring]

You guys are too close to the dragon root!

Pull up!

Pull up? Are you crazy?

Yeah, this is awesome!

Hiccup, we're going for the root. Cover us!


Come on, girl. Lift with your legs!

This is scary, but in a good way!





[both grunt] I'm so sorry about this!

Both: We're not.

This is the best day ever!


Hurry, Fishlegs! [grunts]

She can't do it by herself!

Yeah! Incoming!

I think we better do something.

For once, I actually agree with you.

But if we get too close, our dragons will start fighting again.

I think I have an idea.

Is it stupid and reckless?

Maybe even a little bit crazy.

Loving it!

All right!


Whoa! Astrid, you are a sight for sore eyes.

Who you calling Astrid?


What? Where's...

Looking for me?

Astrid, what are you doing?

We switched dragons again.

It's the only way we can keep them from fighting each other.

He can sniff dragon root all day, but Hookfang would never attack Snotlout!

He respects him too much. [growls]

Do it, Hookfang. Wing blast!


Both: Yeah!

What was that?

You mean this?

It's still stuck!


I'm on it. Stormfly, single spine shot!




Good job, guys! Fishlegs, can you take it from here?

Dragon root, flying out.

You do realize what happened, right?

We totally kicked butt!

Exactly. And you did it together.

Astrid and Snotlout, working as a team?

Who would have thought?

[laughs] Not me.

I try not to think.

That was some fancy flying on my dragon.

You know how it is. Chicks dig me.

[chuckles] Yeah, that must be it.

[chuckles] Hookfang isn't always the easiest dragon to fly, Astrid.

I have to admit, I'm impressed.

So, uh, do you think I can have my dragon back now?

Thought you'd never ask.

Good to see you again, girl.

Oh, miss me? [laughs]

We can do something about the girl smell later.

So, Snotlout, can you teach me how to do that single spine attack?

I don't know if you can handle it.

Why don't you show me that wing clappy thingy first, and then I'll think about it.

[scoffs] How stupid do you think I am?

How stupid is there?

Option three. Not as exciting as one and two...

But sure does go down like a treat.

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