02x04 - Tunnel Vision

Episode transcripts for the TV show "DreamWorks Dragons". Aired: October 2010 to present.*
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1 - Riders of Berk
2 - Defenders of Berk
3-8 - Race to the Edge
9-10 -Rescue Riders
11-13 - Heroes of the Sky

Follows the life and adventures of Hiccup (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) and his friends on the Island of Berk.
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02x04 - Tunnel Vision

Post by bunniefuu »

2x04 - Tunnel Vision

Let's go, bud.

[Toothless roars]

[heroic music]





Wow, nice.

He's pretty good.

Cut him off! Make sure he doesn't escape!

I didn't think he could move that fast.

[rooster clucks]

Astrid?! He's headed your way!

On it! Stormfly, spine shot.

I won't do it, Stoick, and you can't make me.

None of you can make me!

Keep him surrounded!

A Viking is supposed to smell this way. It's a badge of honor.



[squeals, groans]


Hurry! We've gotta get that tub filled, so we can give Gobber his bath.

It's for your own good, Gobber.

Actually, it's for the good of the town.

Get in the tub.

Hookfang, toss him in the tub.



Every... single... time! Doesn't this get old for you?

I won't do it, Stoick.

Now, Astrid!

Ah! Ah!


Fishlegs! Soap and water.



You're gonna have to do better than that, son.

I can't, sir, the well... it's run dry.

[tense music]

We just dug that well two summers ago.

Water doesn't just disappear. There has to be a reason.

[sighs] We'll have to dig a new well.

And until it's done, we'll have to ration water.

Which means...

No more baths!

Always a silver lining. [retching]

Okay, we need to figure out a way to keep Berk supplied with water until a new well can be dug.

Ruff, Tuff, strap on the washtub and head to lars lake to fill it.

Okay, but that thing's pretty big. I mean, it's bigger than Ruff's butt.

It could take a while. A week or two. [grunts]

Well, I was assuming you would use your dragon.

Why would you think that?


Okay, moving on...

Astrid, Snotlout, head to the mountain streams, and fill as many canteens as you can.

Mountain streams. Romantic... Ow!

Fishlegs, Meatlug, you're going to help me figure out what happened inside that well.

Um, you may not know this, but Meatlug and I don't do well in tight spaces.


You know, Astrid, I've been thinking.

We talked about you thinking, Snotlout.

It's not good for anyone.

Who says we have to give this water away?

What are you talking about?

It's simple supply and demand.

Follow me here. The people of Berk are parched, desperate for fresh water. And who's got all the water, Astrid?

Snotlout, that's who. Ha ha! I'm gonna make a fortune.

You're gonna charge people for water.

That's the dumbest thing I ever heard!

Is it? Ha. Do whatever you want, Astrid.

Just don't ask me to cut you in later.

That's it, girl.

Just keep it steady.

Lower. Keep going.

Just a little more. Okay. Hold it right there.

The water level was way up here. And it's still wet.

[rock thumps]

Fishlegs, get me all the way down.

Are you sure?

It looks awfully dark and scary down there.


Okay! Take him down, girl.

[worried groan]


Whoa. [growls]

Whoa! [grunts] Fishlegs, wait!

Okay, uh... steady, Meatlug.


Hiccup. Oh, no.


Toothless? Hiccup?

[growl in distance]




[groans] Toothless, you okay?

Hiccup! Hiccup!

W-we're okay, Dad!

Can you fly back up?

No, it's too narrow.

Someone get me a rope. I'm coming down after you, son.

Dad, don't. Then all three of us will just be stuck down here.

Well, just stay right there until I can think of a way to bring you both up.

We're fine. The water had to go somewhere.

Besides, I have Toothless with me. We'll find another way out.

He makes an excellent point, sir.

The Night Fury has an uncanny ability to navigate... and this is clearly none of my business.

Wait. I-I think I found something.

It looks like a... a tunnel!

Well, just be careful down there, son.

We'll be standing by if you need us.

Okay, bud, what do you say we find out where this leads?

Okay, uh... this way.

I don't know about you, but I get the distinct feeling we are not alone down here.

Wow, these caverns run right under the town.


Dragon eggs.



Look at these.

That's the Outcast crest.

Toothless, light up the cave down that way.

[mysterious music]

Those are Whispering Death tunnels. [growls]

Yeah, not my favorite dragon either, bud.

And I don't even wanna know who made that.

That's it, keep the line moving. One bucket each.

Water, water, water, water, water, water!

Get your Snotlout's mountain fresh water here.

Ha! This is too easy.

Who's dumb now, Astrid? The guy with the big cart full of loot or the girl with the big mouth full of hot air?

You're taking advantage of innocent people.

Correction... innocent thirsty people?

This is not what Hiccup had in mind, Snotlout.

Yeah? Well, that's what makes him Hiccup and me Snotlout.

Ha, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Trust me.

Hey! You're cutting into my profits.

Oh, great.

Oh, and even greater. Toothless, would you mind?

[exciting music]



Let's get outta here, bud.


[growls] Aah!

That's one, two, three. [growls]


Aw, come on.

[all screech]

Uh... that's weird.

Where'd they go?


They're heading up! To the town!

We have to stop them, bud. [growls]

Water! Water, water, water, water!

Get your Snotlout's mountain fresh spring water here.




Stand back! [groans]


Hey! You break it, you bought it!

Okay, store's closed.

[blowing horn]


Hold this.

What do I do with it?

Keep blowing!

Quickly, everyone form a defensive line in the middle of town!

Hookfang, help! Hurry!


Aah! Ah!

[screams] Stormfly, spines!



Nice shot, girl. Impeccable timing as usual.



Aah! [groans]




Want something to chew on, do ya?

Dinner is served!



Odin's beard! Gobber, take care of the village.

I'm gonna see how our new friend matches up with Thornado.

Sorry, Gobber!


Ah! [screeches]


Where did these Whispering Deaths come from?

And why are they so much smaller?

They must be hatchlings.

Well, that's good news, right?

Actually, it's not. Newly hatched Whispering Deaths can be more deadly than adults.

They don't have control of their jaw muscles or their spines.

They're kind of like out of control saw blades.

Sounds about right.

Yeah, that's it, bud. Keep going. [growls]

Do these guys ever make a straight tunnel?

It's a good thing one of us can see in the dark.


We have to get in there, bud.

Stormfly, fire!


We can hit them better when they're above ground.

What are you two doing?

Whispering Deaths. I could watch them all day.

The way they rip through solid rock, it's glorious.

Uh, are you crying?


Maybe. Don't judge me!

[squeals] Uh, guys.


[screeches] Ah!

We need to flush it out, Snotlout.

Yeah, we do.

That's the one who took my water.

Toothless, cover me.



Let's shine a little light on the situation.

Oh, you don't like that, do ya?

Rule number one: Never forget a dragon's weakness.

Come on, Toothless. Let's get after 'em.

The Whispering Death tunnels drained our water supply.

Yeah, kinda figured that. We need to keep them in the sunlight.

That is why I have this.

It's working. We're driving them away from the village.

That's right! You better run.


I'm gonna miss those guys.

They were, like, dangerous but cool at the same time.

Kind of like me.

I don't think this is over yet. Not by a long shot.

Stop being so negative. Enjoy the moment, Hiccup!

Buy some water!



What... is... that?


Uh, so that's what I was afraid of.


Uh, suggestions, anyone?

[growls] Aah!

What is that thing?

Ah, Fishlegs?

Is that in the Book of Dragons?

[mumbling indistinctly] Fishlegs!

Is that thing in the Book of Dragons?

Uh, definitely not.

Are you sure?

Hiccup, I am certain I would have remembered an all-white, Boulder class, titan-wing Whispering Death with bright red eyes that bore a hole right through your very soul.

Toothless, plasma blast.


It's affecting our dragons.

I know. That scream is disorienting them.

Screaming Death. I love it!

Okay, maybe love is too strong a word.


Hiccup, what are we gonna do?

You guys focus on the Whispering Death.

I'll try to keep the Screaming Death busy.

Okay, have fun. See ya!

Remember your flight club training!

I knew we should've gone that day.


This way, kids!



Watch out, cart thru...

[growls] Aah!

Toothless, now!






Thanks, Dad!

I don't even want to know what that thing is, but we need to get it out of here.

Way ahead of you.

I'll try to lead it away from the village.

Let's split up. It can't follow us both.

I don't get it.

Oh, yeah. Good idea.

Ha ha. This is gonna be fun, Hookfang.

Stormfly, evasive maneuvers.


Now, Hookfang!


Oops. Hate it when that happens.

Slower, Meatlug. Wait for it. Wait for it.



Tail bludgeon.

Ahh, there's nothing more glorious than a well-placed tail bludgeon, is there, girl?

Okay, let's see how it likes this.

Just what I thought.

Look out!

Apparently, it doesn't mind.

It must not have that weakness.

Well, we better figure out what it does have, and quick.


What's happening?

The scream. It affects the dragons' flying.


Thornado, sonic blast!


Yeah, yeah.

I've got this.

You go help Hiccup.

Where is he?

Look for a giant, white, red-eyed beast.

That'll be your first clue.


What's the second clue?


It's actually "attracted to" the light.

I guess that can be a weakness too. Toothless, to the seastacks.

He's down there!

Need a little help?

More than a little.

It doesn't have the Whispering Death's weakness.

It goes after the sunlight.

So how do we beat it?

We give it what it wants. I'll keep it following me.

You guys get behind and hit it with everything you have.

Got it.




Barf, let him have it.

Not so tough after all, are ya?

H-he didn't mean that, sir, uh, uh, ma'am, whatever you are.




Let's see if we can use its size against it.

Yeah! Come on, Toothless!

A little higher.

Hold. Almost.


[dramatic music]



That's it. Keep coming.

Almost there, big guy.





Its wings are hurt. It can't fly.

Wow. Look at that.

[growls] Whoa, bud, whoa.

It's hurt. Let it go.


I found Outcast markings on a crate in those tunnels.

I think Alvin planted those eggs, knowing they would hatch and tear Berk apart.

He might not be riding dragons yet, Dad, but he is using them.

We'll deal with Alvin and his wild dragons later.

Right now, we have to fix our water problem.

You guys, look. The well's filling back up.

The Screaming Death's digging must have created a new channel for the water and redirected it back to our well.

Right. Well, I'll be going now.

Not so fast, Gobber.

No! [groans]

[cries] Oh, mercy.

Oh, the humanity.

Make sure you scrub behind his ears.

I think I saw a bird fly out of there.


There you are. We missed you at the scrub-down.

You should have seen what came out from between his toes.

I'm more concerned about what came out from under Berk.

What are you talking about? That thing's long gone.

I'm not so sure.

Whispering Death hatchlings are known to return to their birthplace and claim it as their own.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying I don't think we've seen the last of the Screaming Death.

[all screeching]


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