01x07 - The Shame Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Major Crimes". Aired: August 2012 to January 2018.*
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"Major Crimes" is a successor spin-off of "The Closer" in which Captain Sharon Raydor takes over as head of the LAPD's Major Crimes Division.
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01x07 - The Shame Game

Post by bunniefuu »

You got a pretty nice setup here Rusty.

You got your own room, a table, DVR.

It's not my room.

I wouldn't mind living here myself.

The lab found a familial match to the boy, Daniel Dunn, who I bet will test out as Rusty's biological father.

Do you want me to meet him, so, like... like I could leave here and live with him?

Meeting your biological father... it's entirely up to you.

Well, then, I don't want to.

I think I'm happy where I am.

[Sirens wailing in distance]

Ten years ago, at a party near here, a 14-year-old girl met a guy that she thought she could trust.

Instead, he r*ped her, gave her dr*gs, and sold her by the hour out of a motel room.

Two months later, when she tried to escape this same guy, he strangled her to death.

Her name was Shannon.

And she was my little sister.

Human trafficking makes forced prostitution sound like a bus trip.

It's not.

It's sl*very, women terrorized into selling their bodies.

At Shannon House, we rescue hundreds of girls each year, but we leave many more behind.

The anti-human-trafficking bill puts millions of dollars into programs that could have saved Shannon's life.

Derek helps train recruits for deployment.

If our soldiers use prostitutes overseas,
they often continue that practice when they return home.

To end sex trafficking, you also have to end the demand...

Buzz: Well, that's the victim on his website.

The army can't look the other way when soldiers pay women to have sex.

And here he is again, courtesy of Hollywood division.

[Camera shutter clicks] but why did they leave the victim to go to his upstairs bathroom?

Because a neighbor saw a young girl jump out of that second-story window and called it in to Hollywood, which is how patrol came to be there in the first place.

Flynn: Okay.

Officers arrived, found Derek Hansen m*rder*d, the bathroom door locked, so they opened it.

Hollywood figured the girl might have hurt herself in the fall, so they tracked her down to an E.R.

Treated and released to Sanchez, who's bringing her here now.

So far, she's not cooperating, but that's to be expected.

Because she's a suspect?

Because she's a hooker.

Tao: And this is her.

She goes by "Little Elena" online.

Girls this young are usually controlled by a pimp.

Flynn: Hollywood's treating it like your basic "pimp kills john" incident, so they wrapped the crime scene.

Provenza: That was before they found out the victim was a politically connected activist fighting to end sex trafficking of minors, and maybe... working with these young girls just a little more closely than he should have been.

Has the, uh, media gotten wind of this?

No, but the politically connected are already here, breathing down our necks.

That's why I suggested we keep working behind closed doors.

Is that the official crime report?

Yeah. Uh, here's what you need.

The victim was found sitting at his desk chair punched in the face, stabbed twice, throat cut, and, uh...

Oh, yeah. Look at these spatters, Mike.

Interesting, huh?

Hmm. This blood spurt landed on top of the desk after it was ransacked.

The pimp looked for the money first.

Or, in addition to being a child molester, our victim was a big slob.

More than that, we do not know because his computer and cellphone are missing.

So a public figure working with politicians and an outspoken activist against underage prostitution...

I guess that would allow him to contact minors without drawing the wrong kind of attention to himself, but do we have anything that suggests that he could have been trying to help the girl?

She locked herself into the bathroom, which is where she would have gone to call her pimp before rendering services.

Or text him for help.

Tao: This victim has multiple s*ab wounds.

That's rather pimp-esque.

If the girl gives up the guy who runs her, maybe we can make him for the m*rder.

Flynn: Good luck with that.

Most of these girls think their pimp's their boyfriend.

Did Elena have a cellphone when they picked her up?

No, no, no. At the first sign of trouble, the girls know to dump everything leading back to their pimps.

[Knock on door]



Pain in the ass.

Captain Raydor, Lieutenant Provenza.

This is State Senator Mac Austin and his Chief of Staff, John Jacob Felton.

They worked with our victim on a bill that would add funds to California police departments.

Derek wanted millions of extra dollars training law-enforcement agencies about human trafficking.


Yes. Millions.

Austin: Difficult to get committee approval on Derek's entire wish list, but by pairing up money for police departments with Shannon House, I hope to keep his foundation going.

Senator, the details of this m*rder have not yet even been released to the press.

How did you know about Derek's death?

There was no message, but I'm afraid his last call was to my cell.

The police didn't know it was my number, but when they checked it out, procedure may not have been followed exactly.

But, um, Derek and I were very close.

Professionally. Not personally.

Sanchez: Excuse me, ma'am, I've got the girl who calls herself Elena in interview room 1.

All right.

Would that be the young lady who jumped out of Derek's house?

She could be, but we don't want anyone to know she was at the crime scene, so keep that quiet.

We can't have special treatment here, so if you need to release that information...

No, no, no, no.

We don't want the m*rder*r to know that we have a witness.

Julio, is there anything else?

Well, uh, Elena only speaks Spanish.

So she might've heard a fight, but she probably didn't understand it.

And she insists she was locked in the bathroom the whole time, so she didn't see anything.

Did she mention her pimp?

No, ma'am, but Hollywood's bringing him over right now.

So the pimp's already under arrest, and the girl is cooperating?

Oh, not a chance, sir, but Elena's name came up on three F.I.S.

F... F.I.S?

Uh, yeah.

When a patrol officer talks to a suspicious type, he fills out a field interview card like these... F.I.S.

Let's see.

Elena was stopped on three separate occasions by the L.A.P.D.

And always in the company of her pimp, Charles Alvarez.

So Mr. Alvarez is currently on probation, but what's this little circle with the dot in the center?

Does that mean he's a target?

Provenza: Uh, no.

The circle with the dot in the center means that in the professional opinion of the officer conducting the interview, Mr. Alvarez was an assh*le.

Well, too bad that's not a crime, isn't it?

I'll be needing your professional opinion quite a lot over the next few days because if you discover that Derek had this girl in his house for the wrong reasons, well, the sooner I know that, the better, which is why I'd like to leave John here to monitor your progress.

Sir, you have a speech at 1100 hours that I think you should...

I've made speeches long before I met you, John.

This is more important.

If Chief Taylor has no objections...

No. No, John, of course. Observe.

Thank you.

And it was great to meet the L.A.P.D.'s best and brightest.



Which am I? The best or the brightest?

Hate being monitored this way.

Tao: Since we don't have his computer, should I get a warrant for the victim's e-mail?

Sharon: Yes. Thank you, Lieutenant.

Detective Sanchez, prepare the interview with Elena.

Lieutenant Flynn, let me know the minute that the young woman's pimp arrives.

And I'll need Buzz in electronics.

Excuse me.

Damn it!

Wow. Such language.

Shocking, I know.

It seems that the captain has suddenly become very frustrated with the system.

Well, boys, you're about to hear something that I thought would never come out of my mouth.

Mike, call the D.A.'s office.

Get Hobbs over here.

I think we might just need a snake wrangler to help us with all of our new political friends.

You can take this desk.

The detective who normally sits here is still recuperating from some injuries.

Oh, but are you gonna talk to the girl now?

Chief Taylor said something about my listening in.

Yes, Mr. Felton, we are about to interview Elena.

And I'd like to remind you of the confidential nature of a m*rder investigation.

Of course, Captain.

I only report to the Senator, and that's to keep him from being blindsided.

Oh, John Jacob. Did they find the girl yet?

The one from Derek's house?

Excuse me. Who are you?

Marisol Pena. I worked with Derek.

I've been worried that whoever k*lled him might have m*rder*d the girl, too.

I thought you only reported to the senator.

[Clears throat] I'm so sorry.

Uh, h... he felt Marisol might be able to help figure out what happened.

She's the executive director of Shannon House.

Oh, well, then perhaps you can tell me if it was normal for Derek to have an underage prost*tute in his own home.

I know how it must look to you, but Derek passed his card out to any young girl he thought was being trafficked.

I told him that one day, one of these pimps was gonna take him out.

[Voice breaking] I told him.

We already have the pimp in our custody.

Well, he'll assume that she turned him in.

The girl... she's not gonna talk to you.

Look, let me help you.

I walked the streets for 15 years.

There is a very narrow window of opportunity to gain this girl's trust.

Working with teenagers who have been sexually abused...

It's complicated, and the slightest mistake can drive them back out onto the street, where most of them die.

Derek was m*rder*d trying to save this girl's life.

Please. Let me help you.

P... please don't waste his sacrifice.

I will be mindful of your concerns, but first, you need to be mindful of mine.


[Speaking Spanish]

"This man... he was a friend of yours, wasn't he?"

[Speaking Spanish]

"He was m*rder*d yesterday."

"We know you jumped out his window."

"Maybe you k*lled him."

That's ridiculous. Shh!

"No, no, no. I didn't."

Ms. Pena, she needs to talk, and you need to keep quiet, please.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

"C. A."?

Charles Alvarez.

[Speaking Spanish]

"You make money for him, right?"

"He's your cousin."

Charles Alvarez has already asked for a public defender?

Hey, pimps know the drill.

He's not gonna say anything, his girl's not gonna say anything, and they'll both be back on the street by tomorrow morning.

Cynthia: Captain Raydor.

Just who I was looking for.

Cynthia. Good news.

Sharon Raydor, this is Daniel Dunn, Rusty's father.

Captain, it's nice to meet you.

And you... Mr. Dunn.

Call me Daniel.

[Clicks tongue]

Rusty was very clear, he did not want to meet his biological father.

I mean, the kid's just now settling down.

Foster care is, by definition, temporary.

As it is, officially, Rusty has a placement issue to which this man could be the answer.

At the moment, he's more of a question.

Yeah, like why'd he just show up now after 16 years?

Because you people gave us DNA results last week and told us to go look for him.

And once we found Mr. Dunn, we were legally obligated to notify him of Rusty's existence.

And in all 50 states, we would've had to try to reunite him with a parent or the nearest...

Hey. What's up?


Um, why aren't you in school?

Uh, faculty retreat.

They let us go right after mass.

Gotta love those Catholics, right?

[Chuckles nervously]

Am I in trouble again?

Oh, no, no, no. What do you need?

Uh, a soda?

Um, we have a sensitive family thing going on right now in the break room, so...

I'll bring you a soda in a minute.

Great. Okay.

Uh, bye, Cynthia.

Bye, Rusty.

Let me give you the headline here.

Unless he proves unfit, Mr.

Dunn has parental rights.

If he turns out to be Rusty's father.

Lieutenant, Mr. Dunn's DNA has already shown a connection...

No, no, no.

Mr. Dunn's brother's DNA has proven to be a near-match for Rusty.


I mean, what if there's another brother out there?


You are a person we shouldn't have to tell this to.

Families keep secrets.

Lieutenant, would you meet and greet our pimp?

And please ask Lieutenant Tao to bring me a kit.


Anyway, uh, real estate is maybe coming back, which is good because I've got a few properties in orange county that, uh, hopefully I can turn around for a nice chunk of change.

So, you know, good... good savings.

Good, uh, good prospects.

And how is your brother doing?

Well, he's in prison.

So, not great.

Have any other male siblings?

No, no. I have a sister. Does she count?

And did you all grow up near the Beck family?

Uh, well, um, Rusty's mother, uh, Sharon, you know, she was only around for the first half of my junior year of high school.

I forget what her dad did, but they moved away that winter.

So is it even possible you got her pregnant?

Oh, yeah.

It's, uh, it's very possible.


But I didn't know that.

So after she left town, you never heard from her again... a postcard or phone call saying you had a son?

No. No, no.

This... it's not something that I like to say, but, you know, Sharon was... very social.

I doubt she knew whose kid it was.

Look [Chuckles] why the third degree?

Is the kid in some kind of trouble?

Or is he in jail?


Rusty's staying at a private home, and he is a material witness in a m*rder trial, which makes him my professional concern.

I see.

Does he know about me?


And does he want to see me?

At the moment, no.

Oh. Okay. So how do we handle that?

Uh, well, I could try to persuade him to change his mind, but while I'm doing that, we should legally establish your parental rights.


I just need to take a quick swab inside your cheek, okay?


Okay. Um, does it hurt?

Not usually. No.

Say "ahh."


Just checking to see if you're human.

How did Mr. Alvarez violate his probation, exactly?

We found this folding knife in his pocket when we picked him up.

So, Charlie, tell me.

You know this guy?

Hey. Sit up straight and talk to me.

I'm tired.

Yeah? Why's that?

I work nights.

So I heard.

You stayed up late last night to m*rder Derek Hansen.


When? What's he...

Mr. Alvarez, don't talk. It's not that hard.

Lieutenant, you need probable cause to hold him on a m*rder.

[Chuckling] Oh, I've got more than cause.

I've got one of Charlie's girls.


What girls?

He's a funny guy, this one, huh?

Oh, yeah. I'm hilarious.

Turns out, this girl was at Derek Hansen's house last night when you beat him up and k*lled him.


Mr. Alvarez, show him your hands.

All right.

Hold there.

[Door opens]

How's it going?

You know how to work that thing?

Oh, yeah. I know how to work it.

What'd you do with Rusty's father?

He's in the break room, waiting for me to tell Rusty he's here.

Kid deserves to know.

It's not that simple.

Okay, so, Charlie, we've got a witness, an underage girl you've been selling in Hollywood.

And she's been telling us all about you.

Willis: How do we know you have a witness?

Come on. Is this whole thing a fabrication?

How do you think we found your idiot client in the first place, Willis?

The girl told us where to look.

And listen to me... you be careful about who you accuse of fabrication.

I don't make crap up... ever.

Hobbs: His public defender knows you need the girl to I.D. Alvarez as her pimp, or you have nothing but the probation violation to hold him with.
Lieutenant Flynn, I have an idea.

I was making progress with her. What are you doing?

We just have a quick follow-up.

Well, then, I'm going with her.

That's not allowed, ma'am.

Oops! Sorry. Wrong room.

Willis: What is this?

Alvarez: Hey, that's my cousin.

What's up, cuz?

Don't be mad, Chuckie.

Well, what do you know?

Somebody speaks English.

You're not telling the truth, and you're a k*ller.

Okay, sweetheart, you tell him what you told us.

Nothing! I told them nothing!

Sit down, assh*le.

You heard what he said. Sit down.

Tao: You saw Chuckie m*rder Derek.

No! I... I heard an argument! That's all!

I... I never said you were there, Chuckie. Never.

It's all good, baby girl.

It's all good.

You're dead!

I will k*ll you! You are dead!

It's over! You're done!

Now, that's what I call an identification.

Not to mention witness intimidation.

We have him for a year now... at least.

I'm coming for you, bitch!

Did the suspect just break our door?

Flynn:... What you did to the door?

I think he did.

Hold it there.

Hollywood had to open Derek's bathroom door because it was locked when they got there, correct?


And that's strange, because if Chuckie went upstairs to get his girl back, he would have busted that door down.

Like he did in the interview room.

And he would have been even more furious last night if he thought that Elena was there and was trying to run away from him.

[Knocking on glass]

I think the door tells us Chuckie was never there.

Lieutenant Provenza, please tell Dr. Morales I want to see Derek Hansen's body.

I'll do that, Captain.

But before we go, I think you have a notification to do.

What? You said it was up to me, that meeting my father was up to me.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Let me tell you what happened here.

And he's in the building right now?!

Just listen to me for a second.

Do you not see how screwed up this is, Sharon?

Let me explain this to you.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!!

Let me explain.

When DCFS found out about Daniel Dunn, they became legally obligated to tell him about you.

So... so that's why Cynthia was here.

Did she bring this guy with her?

Is... is he in the break room? He is, isn't he?

He is in the break room, and that is why you guys wouldn't let me in to get my soda, because I am the sensitive family problem you have.

Cynthia thought she was doing you a favor by bringing Mr. Dunn here.

No! You stop it, Sharon! She was doing a favor for you.

She was not doing a favor for me!

Great! The rules win!

Now you can get rid of me, and it's not your fault.

I am not trying to get...

Okay. That's enough. That's enough!

Now, you know that I am not friends with this woman, but if she wanted to get rid of you, she could have dumped you in a group home months ago.

It's all right, Lieutenant.

No, it's not all right.

It's not all right.

So this guy shows up, says he's your father, wants to see you.

Well, none of us like it.

But instead of whining about the situation, let's look at our options.

You talked to him?

And what did you think?


I'm gonna tell you the truth.

Um, I can't say that I liked him.

I don't know him.

[Voice breaking] And, uh, I can't be objective.

He made an effort to come and see you, and I think just... think about that.

Sharon, I'm sorry.

I know.

Sharon, I'm sorry.

I know. I know.

Hope you're proud of yourself.

Really classy, accusing her of wanting to get rid of you.

Dr. Morales: First s*ab goes straight through the heart... right atrium, fatal.

The second s*ab severed the renal artery.

Mm. Kidneys.

The blood supply to them, yes.

Then we have the throat s*ab.

Now, this blood spatter that hit the papers on the desk?

Very long and thin, suggesting it didn't fall from a great height, meaning Mr. Hansen was likely stabbed in the heart in position level with a desk, which makes perfect sense.

How so?

Um, let... let me get the right kind of chair.

[Clears throat]

I'm sorry... about Rusty, Captain, um... you've got a tough situation there, I guess.

I do.

[Inhales deeply]

I can't tell him I want him to stay, because what if his father turns out to be a terrific human being?

And, on the other hand, I can't push him to see Mr. Dunn.

It'd be like asking him to leave, and if he goes...

Rusty comes with certain challenges, and very frankly, I would like to be sure that this guy is up to the job.

And, also, why is Mr. Dunn hanging around our break room when I very clearly explained to him that Rusty didn't want to see him?

But I can't ask him these things.

Oh, no.

But Rusty is a material witness in a m*rder trial.

I think I should make sure that if he's going to be outside of our jurisdiction, he is available to testify.

That is our legal obligation.

Maybe Mr. Dunn should just go away, come back another day.


All right.

So the victim was seated during the entire attack.

And, before any of these wounds occurred, his neck was broken.

And because it's pretty important, I'd like to demonstrate how this happened.


For the record, I'm uncomfortable.

The k*ller snaps the neck, severing the spinal cord, interrupting signals to the brain.

Panic never sets in, so no struggle while the k*ller proceeds to s*ab, very methodically, here, then here, then stabs the throat.

Very little blood produced, since the heart is no longer pumping properly.

Every wound fatal.

So this was a professional hit?

Well, that's for you to decide, but whoever k*lled this man avoided all the muss of a frontal as*ault and was thorough enough to make sure the victim was dead several times over.

Sound like hand-to-hand combat to you, Lieutenant?

Maybe we should ask a soldier.

Hayes: If anyone in your deployment uses prostitutes overseas, if he sexually abuses his fellow female soldiers, then he could end up bringing those bad habits back home.

As officers, it's up to you to let your soldiers know that, one, you will investigate all incidents of sexual misconduct and report up the chain of command.

And two, you will ensure appropriate disciplinary action be taken by following up on all complaints.

And that's it for the day. Dismissed.

Excuse me. Lieutenant Angel Hayes?


Lieutenants Tao and Flynn, L.A.P.D.

Is this an okay time to ask you a few questions?

Absolutely. I hope I have answers.

Do you know a man named Derek Hansen?

Derek? Sure. He worked here.

We still use his material for our seminars. Why?

Was he good at his job?

Uh, maybe a little too good.

What do you mean?

Derek wanted to try out a whole new psych protocol on recruits, have us screen for sexual abusers.

But that kind of test takes years for the army to approve.

So when we told Derek no, he went over our heads.

To whom?

Secretary of the army.

Ooh. Yeah.

Not a good move.

Look, I'm an M.P.

I know you guys don't ask questions for fun.

What's going on?

When was the last time you saw or spoke to Derek?

He called and asked me to help him lobby a state senator to fund Shannon House.

By doing what?

Contacting some retired officer.

Asked me to look up the guy's service record so I'd know what to say.

And this was when?

Last week.

But Derek had some information wrong, so it took me a minute to figure it out.

Did you give him the record?

No. That's strictly confidential.

I just corrected Derek's mistake.

Then he said never mind the call and that he'd sort it out.

What kind of mistake we talking about?

Derek said this man retired as a captain, but he actually received an honorable discharge as a lieutenant.

Um, here it is.

Uh, does the name Lieutenant John Jacob Felton ring a bell?

Yes, ma'am. It does.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Dunn.

I'm Lieutenant Provenza.

We've, uh, got a lot going on around here today.

And the kid still hasn't made up his mind.

So, you sure you want to wait?


Yeah, if there's a chance that he'd be willing to sit with me for a minute, yeah, I'll wait.

Is there a rush?

Excuse me?

I'm just saying that Rusty is, well, he's a little "if, and, or" at the moment.

He's had a rough life.

His caseworker told me some of that.

I know that he's had problems.

And you're still pushing hard to meet with him.

I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.

It's a pretty big shock to find out that you have a kid.

I haven't told anybody.

To be honest, I'm engaged to be married in a few months, and if we've got to start out with a bigger family than we thought...

Wait. H... hold on a second. "A bigger family"?

Are you saying that your wife-to-be already has children?

Two girls... 3 and 5.

I see.


So before I break this news to her, I'd like to find out a little bit more about what I should say.

Explains a lot.


I'll see what I can do.

Taylor: You would think a State Senator's Chief of Staff would know better than to lie about his military record, but, my God, right on his résumé...

"John Jacob Felton, retired captain, U.S. Army."

That's what I call self-promotion.

Veterans take a very dim view of inflating rank, but for politicians, it's completely unacceptable, and Derek...

Derek was prepared to use this fraudulent résumé to blackmail Felton.

For what?

Tao: Here's the relevant e-mail correspondence between John Jacob Felton and Derek Hansen.

Felton writes to Derek, "there's a limit to what we can do this year.

The state budget deficit... "

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"Under these circumstances, you should consider getting half the usual funding for Shannon House a great victory."

"But the Senator wants to know you won't embarrass him over this compromise, which is the best we can do right now."

But Derek wasn't a compromiser.

He knew that Felton was ex-army, so he went to an officer that he thought might help him twist an arm.

Instead, she gave him something even better.

A fraudulent résumé that allowed Derek to thr*aten a Senator's Chief of Staff with exposure unless Derek got full funding for everything he wanted.

And thanks to me, Felton knows we have no evidence.

[Glasses clatter]

It's not all bad, chief.

As far as he knows, we're still pursuing the pimp.

He won't see us coming.

All right.

Let's talk about for a second because arresting Austin's chief of staff for m*rder without being able to prove it ruins the senator's career and doesn't help us, either.

And we have no physical evidence tying Felton to this crime.

Well, actually, we do. We have a witness.

We have Elena.

You mean the girl who said she didn't see anything.

She also said she didn't speak English, and then she did, so who knows what else we could get her to remember?

[Sighs deeply]

Tell me something, Elena.

And this is off the record.

When you were at our victim Derek's house last night, was he paying for your time?

Elena: No.

He handed out his card to a bunch of us at a diner one day, said he could help.


We laughed, like, "right. Help how?"

It couldn't change what we had done.

And our parents wouldn't want us back.

But I kept the card.

Uh, and I see these... these girls in uniforms from a school, laughing and eating frozen yogurt.

And I thought, "that used to be me."

So I snuck off, walked to Derek's house.

He was, uh, very nice.

Oh! Buzz, what happened?

I'm not sure. Maybe something got bumped.

Lieutenant, we're having technical difficulties.

Hold the interview.

I'll be right back.

You're doing great, Elena.

We're almost done, Elena.

I don't ever have to worry about Chuckie again?

No. We've got him.

The only thing that's left for us to do is to go over the rest of that little story we asked you to tell.

And it... it doesn't matter if I never saw anybody else in Derek's house?


The only thing that matters is this guy believes you when you lie.

Can you do that?


If I couldn't make men believe me when I lied, Chuckie would've dumped me a long time ago.

You know, John, since it seems like Derek died in the line of duty, maybe the Senator can use what happened here to good effect.

Rename the legislation for Derek.

Hell, might even make it easier to pass.

Well, to be honest, Chief, funding this bill has been an uphill battle, but I will say if you're able to use existing law to put away this pimp, it just might prove our present legal structure is better than we assume.

[Door opens]

All fixed now. Should be coming back online.

[Door closes]


Okay, so you were looking out the window, and you could see the street?


I was...

I was so afraid Chuckie might come and get me.

So tell me, Elena, did you see who came to Derek's house last night?

Yes. And I saw him go to his car after the fight.

And what kind of car was it?

Uh, a blue BMW.

Did you get a chance to see what he looked like?

Um, kind of tall. Big, burly, short hair... brownish-blond.

And he wore glasses.

And he and Derek fought?

[Cellphone vibrates]


Did Derek say a name?

John. I heard him say John.

Or Jacob. Maybe... maybe John Jacob?

You're not leaving, are you, John?

Uh, I'm, uh, I'm getting a call.

If it's the Senator, you may want to tell him I'm very close to making an arrest.

There some kind of problem?

We were hoping you could tell us, Captain.

Or is it Lieutenant?

Your résumé says one thing, your military record says another.

Hate to say it, John.

You're burly, you wear glasses, your hair is short, and you drove here today in a big blue BMW.



What are you... what is it you think you're doing?

I believe we're arresting you for the m*rder of Derek Hansen.

Before we go there, let me read you your rights.

Oh, I waive. Okay, I waive!

This is ridiculous!

I didn't k*ll Derek, okay?

Are you... are you serious?

Excuse me, Mr. Felton.

Do you carry a knife?

[Chuckles] On me? Of course not!

Then you brought one with you last night when you k*lled Derek Hansen.

Which means you planned the m*rder out, Lieutenant.

Congratulations, Mr. Felton, you've just been promoted to m*rder one.

You're gonna take the word of a teenage hooker against mine?

Come on, she probably k*lled Derek for molesting her.

I don't think she had the combat training to s*ab him twice, slit his throat, and break his neck.

But an ex-infantry officer could do that very well.

What happened, John?

Did you lose it?

Did Derek's blackmail attempt make you snap, go crazy?

Sanchez: DDA Hobbs, if you will...

Hobbs: I talked to my boss.

We'll call it m*rder two.

30 years. You will have a date for a parole hearing.


And how many people convicted of m*rder two have been out in the last 20 years?

Two, I think.

But that's just because of the current political atmosphere.

Times change.

I can either arrest you now... m*rder one with special circumstances and you can explain yourself in open court while a jury decides whether or not to put a needle in your arm... or I can call a lawyer, work with him on your statement of facts, and we can wrap this up today.

Bear in mind, we now have an eyewitness.

You can't scare me with m*rder one.

Nobody's being ex*cuted in this state anymore.

That's true, but as Chief Taylor says, times change.

Who knows what the political atmosphere will be like after your 10th year on death row.


You agree, in advance, to a second-degree m*rder conviction?

I do.

And can I give you my written statement?

Or do you need to hear me say how I k*lled the son of a bitch out loud?

Just be thorough. I don't want to miss a detail.

Taylor: I'll give the Senator an update.

He'll be relieved to know his activist friend was completely innocent.

And I can thank him for insisting on leaving the k*ller here with us this morning.

Saved us a little time.

One deal done.

And one to go.

I think it says something good about Daniel, that he waited around for 12 hours.

Yeah, well, I waited for 16 years.

And that's tough... but maybe not his fault.


What you do today is still your decision.

But when the DNA comes back...

Oh, I know.

I've been looking it up all day long on the Internet... that whole parental-rights thing.

If he takes this to court, we're screwed.

The law is on his side, so don't say we have choices.

We don't have choices... either of us.

We can choose how we react.

Yeah, but he won't like me, Sharon.

He'll find out everything about me, and I just...

I can't.

It makes me feel like I have to... to run away, t... to be somewhere else.

You can't get to somewhere else because the thing that you want to run away from, you take it with you.

Where you go, it goes.

So before you run away, why don't you give him a really good look in the eye?

I know I... I already said that I was sorry for... for saying that you wanted to get rid of me.

That was... that was terrible.

And I don't... I don't really think that.

I just... I feel like I don't belong here sometimes, which is weird because you have been nothing but good to me, Sharon.

And I know that.

I always know that.
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