03x22 - Category 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
Post Reply

03x22 - Category 5

Post by bunniefuu »

Chili is gonna be the new paramedic in charge in Ambulance 61.

I'm developing a new product for the adult beverage market, Chilleeze.

You've got something here, kid.

You do construction. Great.

You flirt with the girls, I don't give a damn, but don't come looking for me back there.

Do me a favor, Jack. Piss off.

Did you notice anything about Rice in that last fire?

He was running out when everyone else was running in.

You've been spreading rumors about Rice since the first day he set foot in this house.

Severide, look...

I hear it again, we're gonna have a problem.

Wow, look at that hustle.


First shift always leaves this thing a mess, so...

No, great. Glad you're here.

I wanted to talk to you.

Yeah, what's up?


Everything okay here?

Sure, yeah.

Can't tell you how grateful I am.

I mean, being back to work full time is a little tricky with Logan, but... hey, he's adjusted.

Hey, check this out.

He wrote a list of things he wants to do for his fifth birthday.

Regular stuff, you know, Navy pier, Lego store, but, uh... read what he wrote up top there.


"Go to Benihana with Uncle Kelly."

Yeah. [Chuckles]

He always talks about that time we took him there and the guys cooking in front of him.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Hey, Benihana it is.

All right.

I've always wanted to try that stuff.

Look at that color.

I can see why they call it nectar of the gods.

[Whispering] We gotta taste it, right?


Drinking on shift, Cruz? Great idea.

Not drinking. Tasting.

One drop. One drop each.

Well, then there's the issue of it not belonging to us.

Hey, better to ask forgiveness than permission, am I right?

Hey, is that Old Rumpelstiltskin 20?


Who brought that in?


It's for you, actually.

It's from Jack Nesbitt, says "many apologies."

That the strip club guy? What happened?

Difference of opinion.

I'm done with Stilettos.




That shower was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.


Who was in there with you?

[Laughs] The true love of my life.

Hot water.

None at home?

Oh, no, it got turned off.

I didn't pay my bill on time.

"Chilleeze" is soaking up all my funds.

Hey, if you're not a risk taker, you should get the hell out of business, right?

Um, hey, if you need to borrow some, it's...


[Laughs] No way. I got this.

So I look it up, and actually by law it turns out that bourbon has to be at least 51% corn.

Now, the rest of it can be rye or barley...

Hey, Otis, I need to change out a blade.

Sure, hang on.

Now, in wheated bourbons, wheat replaces the rye or the barley.

Severide: Hey, guys.

We just got a new shipment of airbags in.

Let's roll 'em out, give them a try. Come on.

[Metal clanking on table]


Oh, Lieutenant.

Sergeant Voight is on the phone for you.

What does he want?

Didn't say.

[Alarm rings, buzzer sounds]

Alarm voice: Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3.

Tell Voight to go f...

Ah! I got you.

[Sirens wailing]

My brother, he went over the edge.

He's not moving.

What's his name?


[Sirens wailing]

Casey: Justin?

Can you hear me, Justin?

Lot of blood.

He's non-responsive. How far is Squad?

Mile or two away.

I don't think we can wait, Chief.

Let us rope down there, use our rigging.

Do it.

Boden: Squad 3, hold off.

They want to go rope down to the victim.

Chief, we're gonna be there in no time.

Tell Casey to sit tight.

Negative, Squad.

He could be bleeding out. No time to wait.

81's got this one.

A rope rescue, and Truck has it?

You want me to head back to quarters?

No, screw that. Keep going.

Okay, slow. Nice and easy.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

He's breathing.

Left pupil's blown, possible back and neck injury.

Gash on his forehead.

Let's buckle him up.

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, Chief...

I told you to stand by, Squad.

We were a block away.

Okay, bring him up.

Pull her up.



Stop pulling!


Hey, we got it, we got it. Back off.

We're good!

Boden: Okay, bring him up!


He's up!


Set him on the guard rail.

I'll get him off the line.

[Indistinct chatter]


You need to stay back.

Dawson: Good job.

Pull up that other one.


All right, he has a head injury.

We need a trauma bypass.

Capp: What's with the attitude from Truck?

They got here first, got a little souped up.

I don't know.

I mean, the way lines are blurred between Truck and Squad around here, no one would guess that Squad 3 is one of the elite firefighting units in this whole city.

I mean, hell, those guys don't even respect the sanctity of the Squad table.

Okay, kiddo.

I'm here to captain this ship right to the sea of success.

Let's talk about next steps.

Okay, great.

I had a friend... he's an artist... he drew up some sketches for the "Chilleeze" logo.

This guy's an artist, like a real one?

Yeah, he can draw.

Sort of.

Chili, this is real amateur hour stuff, all right.

You need to have a proper mock-up.

You gotta hire a professional.

[Sighs] Yeah, I know.

I was just trying to save myself a couple thousand dollars.

Herrmann: You can't put a price on success.

Yeah, you're right.

Thanks, Captain.

Severide: Otis.

Hey, what's up?

Whatever your feelings about Scott Rice, he's not just a good friend of mine, he's a highly trained member of Rescue Squad.

You need to treat him with some respect.

You got it?

Yeah, got it.


That goes for everyone else on Truck.

And don't sit at the damn Squad table.

Anything you two want to tell me?

Okay. Let's go.


Rice's mask malfunctions once, and you decide he's a ducker.

Because I couldn't find anything wrong with his regulator.

Which begs the question, why are you snooping around his gear?

Look, it's not just the mask, Casey.

There's also the time he went back for his Denver bar.

Yeah, I almost forgot... the Denver bar... that clinches it.

Lieutenant, I don't think we're overreacting here.

What I do think is Severide is being blinded by his friendship with that guy.

You guys can't go around talking smack about a member of Severide's team and not expect him to tear you a new one!

I don't want to hear another word.

Got it?

We got it, Lieutenant.

Casey, Sergeant Voight wants to talk to you.

Not interested.

And tell him to stop calling.

He's not on the phone this time.

You got 30 seconds.


Your buddy over at the strip club, Jack Nesbitt, he's into some nasty business.

We need a man on the inside.

I think you could be that man.


I'm out of the Nesbitt business.

I'm not going back.


I'm sure as hell not in the Voight business.

Never will be.

Whatever I said, it was in jest.

We need to talk to you about Chili.

Did you know she's put every penny she's got into this "Chilleeze" idea?

Look, she respects you, so we were hoping...

Maybe instead of letting her put all her money into that new logo, you could get her to slow down.

"Slow down"?

You think that's the advice Mark Cuban gives his contestants on Shark t*nk?

I literally have no idea, but...

You think Sir Richard Branson says every morning, "oh, I better slow down"?

The answer is no.

He says, "how much faster can I go?"

Chili is not a billionaire, Herrmann.

And neither were those two before they struck gold.

Do you have any idea who Chili reminds me of?

A young Christopher Herrmann.

Herrmann: Big ideas, bright horizons.

The last thing I'm gonna do is stand in that kid's way.

[Phone rings]

[Sighs] Sorry, guys, one sec.

Hey, Antonio, can I hit you back in a few?

Of course, yeah. What's wrong?

[Knocks on door]

Everything okay?



I just got off the phone with Antonio.

He told me the guy, Nesbitt, who you used to work for, is... pretty bad news.


I talked to Voight about this.

I'm coming to you on behalf of Antonio, not Voight.


I know some of these clubs get shady with the books, but I didn't get close enough to...

They're trafficking girls, Matt.

Jack Nesbitt?

He works under a ring of guys who are smuggling in young women from Eastern Europe, and they funnel them into work at the club, force some into prostitution.

Damn it.

Antonio says that they're really slick.

CPD can't even get close enough to gather any intel.

But what they hear is that Nesbitt trusts you.


Antonio knows it's a big ask, especially considering your history with Voight.

But right now, you're their best shot.

I'm gonna say hook shot. Right here.


Cruz claps: Come on, Mouch.


Herrman: That's an "r" for Mouch.

Severide: Watch it.

Hey, you guys mind?


Doing drills over here.

Yeah, guys, there's serious men doing serious work over there.

Okay, Capp, watch... watch the victim's head.

Tony, you got his body weight.

Oh, how perfect is it that Rice is playing the dead weight right now?


Man, those guys are asking for it.

The hell with 'em.

They just don't like being low men on the totem pole.

I mean, you gotta give 'em some props though.

Squad, they train hard.

Every now and then, they do a badass rescue.

I just wish they weren't so cocky about it.



What's up, Captain?

I think I got an idea to get people excited about this Chilleeze thing.


I'm thinking crowd funding.

You mean like getting other people to chip in money?

Yeah, diversity in start-up money is always a good thing.


All right, look, all you gotta do is bring together a bunch of potential investors.

You ask them for small donations, then you just gotta figure out some simple reward system for incentive.

They get the payback when this thing goes big.

Which it will.

Okay, so, like, I'll send out mailers and do like a friends and family thing?

Well, how about you put out an appeal to your pals here at 51.

You could have a fundraiser at Molly's.

What, really?

Yeah, sure. I can help you put it together.


You've really got a gift for this stuff.

I know, I know.


You all better show up.

Hey, Chief.

Is everything okay?

It will be, I'm sure.

But everything is not okay now?

They're big boys. They'll figure it out.


I was asking about your new partner.

Of course.

Yeah, she's great.

It's a really good fit.

Thanks for asking.

What were you talking about?


[Alarm chimes, buzzes]

Over intercom: Ambulance 61, person down.

9633 North Cleveland Avenue.

[Sirens wailing]

Brett: Baptism, funeral, or...

Chili: Wedding.

Man's voice: Over here.

We were in the middle of the wedding when all of a sudden she dropped like a lead balloon.

This way.

Hurry up.

We can't tell if she's breathing.

Is she dead?

You gotta get her up.

We didn't even finish the vows.

Groomzilla, there's a very sick woman here.

Can you calm the hell down?

Can anyone describe the pastor's condition before she lost consciousness?

She looked a little confused.

Like, forgetting what she was going to say.

Dad, you were talking with her just before.

She said she had a headache so I gave her a couple aspirin.

Can I see what you gave her, sir?

Course, yeah.

Do you have high blood pressure, sir?

Yeah, I do. How'd you know that?

I think he gave her blood pressure medication.

Oh, my god.

Hypovolemic shock, it's consistent with the symptoms.

I'm going to get a line going.


All right, bolus is ready.

Got it.

Run it wide open.

Oh! Ohh!

I'm so sorry.


Thank god.

[Relieved sighs and murmurs]


Brett: All right, I'm sorry, guys, the wedding's still on hold.

We need to get the pastor to the hospital to get checked out.

It won't take long.

Pastor: Whatever you think is best.

Brett: Easy...

"Groomzilla." Good one.

Hey, you did that bride a favor.

Now she has a few days to reconsider.

[Chuckles] Amen.

You gonna run a load or you just here to keep an eye on me?


We both know what's going on.

What I know is that I'm the new guy, so I'm just hanging back and letting my lieutenant deal with this.

Once that's run its course, if we still got a problem, you and me are gonna take a walk.

We're gonna figure this out.

Connie said you wanted to see me, Chief.

Yeah, come on in.

Close the door.


What is going on in my firehouse?

Is there some kind of problem with Scott Rice?

The only person who's got a problem with Scott Rice is Otis.

And it's a total load.


It's not worth repeating.

I agree, and I've already talked to Otis about it.

Well, now you're talking to me.

What is the accusation?

There's a bogus claim that Rice ducked on a call.

If it was bogus why hasn't it been put to rest?

That's what I want to know.

Okay, the two of you.

Get this situation under control.


On it, Chief.

[Text alert chimes]

You gonna talk to your guys?

I will, yeah.

Right now I gotta go deal with Jack Nesbitt.

[Scoffs] Your... your side business is more important than this?

Actually, yeah... it is.

[Knock at door]

Sergeant, old friend of yours is here.

Thanks for coming.

You win.

What do you need from me?

How long you work for Nesbitt?

Little over a month, I guess.

Voight: Doing what?

Expanding his club.

You see anything shady in your time over there?

It's a strip club.

Antonio: These guys traffic Eastern European women against their will across the Canadian border through an Indian reservation.

They force them into work... it's a kind of indentured servitude.

Like dancing at Stilettos?

Yeah, if they're lucky.

Point is, Nesbitt's almost certainly involved in some capacity.

I mean maybe he's only laundering the g*ng's money through his club, but he could be in much deeper.

Look, Casey, these women are being held against their will.

Most of 'em have a sister or a mother back home who's under threat from the g*ng.

Look, I get the general concept. Just tell me how I can help.

All right, first step, go to Nesbitt and get your job back.

We'll figure it out from there.

[Hip hop music playing]

♪ ♪

Old Rumpelstiltskin 20.

Only the best, huh?


Two scotches, on the rocks.


Are you buying me a drink in my own place?

Listen, Jack.

If we don't get in each other's faces, I think we'll work together just fine.

Sounds more than fair.

You passed the integrity test, Matt.

An honest man is... hard to come by in this town.

Can't argue with that.

Welcome back.

Friday night, I'm hosting an event.

The investors want you there.

Can you make it?



Yeah, sure.


Show Matt a good time, will you?

Katya: Of course.

I knew you'd be back.

Really? I wasn't so sure.

What's this event on Friday?

Oh, it's just a little thing we do from time to time to show off the new girls.

I'm glad you're back, Matt.

You and me, we can look out for each other.

That sound okay?


Okay, so the SEC has a lot of really boring rules about what constitutes as an investment, for, um, a private business.

So, technically I can't really solicit investments, and you guys wouldn't be considered investors.

You'd be backers.

And, the good news is, is that backers get rewards.

[Chorus of "Yeahs"]

Yeah, do you wanna hear what the rewards are?

[Chorus of "Yeahs"]

Okay, so, for ten dollars or more you'll receive a six-pack of the inaugural round of Chilleeze champagne.

Capp: Wait, how many?

Hey guys, actually, you know what, could you maybe tighten up the ranks a little bit so I don't have to yell at you?

Yeah, come on up. Don't be shy.

We've got plenty of room up here.

Come on. Slide up.

[People shifting seats]

Otis: Oh, sorry, you know, this is a Truck table.

[Cruz laughs]

No Squad allowed. I'm sure you guys understand.

When did you get so mouthy?

You know what, I think it was right around the time I was accused of being a whiny gossip, when the fact of the matter is I'm right.

Rice is a ducker.



Hey, man, hey!

Chili: Hey, guys, come on!

Why don't you stand up, huh?

Brett: Guys!

Listen, mate, I told you once, you need to shut your mouth.

You don't get a second warning.

You keep sticking your head in the sand.

Rice was ducking...

Hey, hey, hey.

And no one on Squad gives a crap!

[People shouting]

Knock it off.

You know what, there's plenty of other places in this town to grab a drink.

Yeah, there are.

You better watch yourself, Otis.

Herrmann: Hey, enough with this sideshow.

All right, let's go, come on.

Back to the main event, man.

All right, so listen, Chili, you were saying about the rewards, and...

It's okay. Let's just forget it.

Nah, come on, are you sure?


It's fine. I'll just do it at the firehouse again sometime.

[Easel crashes]


Voight on phone: I'll be here early, so stop by the district on your way to work.

We can go over the details.

You out of your mind?

Did you really take a swing at Otis?

Tried to.

And I might try again.

You need to get your guys in line.

Maybe my guys aren't the problem.

The hell they're not.

Before your buddy Rice got here, Otis and Cruz were just as much family to you as Capp and Tony.

I know Rice. He's not a ducker.

You better be damn sure.

Yeah, and you better keep Truck on their side of the fence.

Oh, that's always a great move.

Drawing lines between Truck and Squad.

Like when you decided Squad doesn't vent right before Darden went up in flames.

Did you really just say that?

I'm just trying to make the point...

I got the point.

Loud and clear.

[Door opens and slams]

[Exhales heavily]

Yeah, all I'm saying is, you've made your point.

But now it is time to drop it.

What, pretend I didn't see what I saw?

Well, of course not. But the bottom line is, we all gotta live together.

What if it happens again?

Severide needs to take a hard look at Rice, instead of coming at me with his fists cocked.

Severide is just doing his job as Rice's lieutenant, standing up for his guy.

Yeah, well, who's gonna stand up for me?

Hey, I am. I got your back 100%.

We all have your back.

That's not in question.

[Clears throat]


Hey, Connie, what's up?

Chief Boden is looking for Otis.

You looking for me, Chief?

Yeah, come on in.

Close the door and have a seat.

What's up?

I hear you still have a problem with Scott Rice.

I think he's a danger to this firehouse. Yeah.

Chief, twice.

I saw him back out of a call when things got hairy.

So-called "equipment issues."

Both times.

Do you have any proof they weren't real issues?


It is a gut feeling.


Is there anything else going on with you that I need to be made aware of, Brian?

You fed up being stuck on elevator duty for the last seven years?

Tired of the grind of shift work?

Do you need to take a furlough?

No, sir, I...

I'm very happy here at 51.

Then I suggest you stop sh**ting off your mouth.

Lieutenant Severide is responsible for supervising the men under his command and I intend to let him do so.

Now, can you handle that...

Or not?

I can, sir.

Get back to work.



Oh, hey.

How you doing?



Hey, I'm ready for another one, just... Truck and friends only this time.

Maybe... we hold off on it a little while.

"Hold off"?

I know that you think I'm an overnight success, but the truth is, I took a lot of real big hits before I got Molly's up and running.

I lost my shirt more than a couple of times.

Are you abandoning ship, Captain?

I don't wanna see you hurt, that's all.


All right, I totally get it.

But just so you know, I'm all in on this thing, whether you're helping or not.

I admire your stick-to-itiveness, but...

I'm not giving up, Herrmann.

Hey, thanks for all your help.

Nobody supported me like that since my dad died.

This whole Chilleeze thing was his idea.

[Chuckles] You know the funny thing is, is you actually... you remind me of him.

It meant a lot.

You looking out.

Hey, um, Rice, I've been meaning to ask... are you still using that loaner or did you get your mask back from the shop?

Ah, no, got mine.

Jerry at Air-Mask said it was just a faulty gauge.

Fixed it up good as new.

Glad to hear it.

[Alarm chimes, buzzes]

Over intercom: Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61... car fire.

[Horns blaring and sirens wailing]


[Indistinct shouting]

Hey! This guy needs some help!

Anybody else in that vehicle?

It's just him.

Okay, Truck, help 51 and get a line on that fire.

You two, help with the victim, get a line from engine, bring her up.

Squad, stabilize that vehicle, turn that ambo around and back her up here.

Severide: Yeah, copy.

Mouch: Give the medics room to work, please.

Otis: Hey, come on, back up people, let's go.

Back it up, back it up.

[Truck beeping]

Miss, I need you to hop out. Everybody, stand on the side.

Because I said so.

Everybody back up, please, just back up!


[Indistinct shouting]

Capp, get the chocks!

Got it.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

[Dramatic music]

[Glass shatters]

One, two, three.

[Loud expl*si*n]

[Crowd exclaiming]

Boden: Get a line on that truck!

[Indistinct shouting]

Cruz: Let's move!



Look out! Truck's rolling!

Oh, god.

Boden: Everybody move, now!

Lift him!

[Dramatic music]



♪ ♪

[Indistinct shouting]

[Panting] Damn.



[Indistinct shouting]

Okay, let's get some water on it.

We were almost road-k*ll.

Yeah, thanks for letting us keep our guts on the inside.

♪ ♪

[Indistinct shouting]

Boden: Here comes the water!

[Poignant music]

♪ ♪

Hey, whatcha making?

Cheese toast, my specialty.

Little light on the cheese.

My kids say the same damn thing.


Hey, so I just hope you know, I ain't mad at ya.

I'm glad to hear it.

'Cause I been thinking about it again.


If you're gonna keep going, so am I.

You steer and I'll be your category five at your back.

But you gotta promise me one thing.


No more using your own money on Chilleeze.

All right, I spoke with Cindy about this.

We're gonna give you a personal, no-interest loan, from the Molly's fund.

That's how much I believe in this thing.

Wow, um...

I can't accept that.


You can and you will.

And here's what you can give me in return.

Nothing more than a chance to get in on the ground floor when this thing's up and running.

[Soft laughter]


You're the man.

You're a good kid.

Thank you.

Hey, how's uh, everything going with the case?

So far, so good.


Man, this sucks.

Just knowing that you're maybe in a... in a bad situation, and I had something to do with putting you there.

Gabby, don't worry.

I'm glad you came to me.

It's gonna be fine.

Well, Antonio knows that I will k*ll him if he lets anything bad happen to you, so...

Oh, yeah?


I can't help it.

[Sentimental music]

Just... swear to me you'll be careful?

Cross my heart.

♪ ♪

Hey, Rice. Hey, hold up a sec.

Hey, what's up?

I just want to make sure this doesn't go unsaid.

If you ever need to talk to me about anything, anything at all, you know you can, right?

Sure, yeah, I know.

Like what?


What's going on, Kelly?

It's my duty as your officer to check in, make sure you're all right.

You got a question, spit it out.


I need you to look me in the eye and tell me that your mask malfunctioned on that call.

That you weren't just bailing when things got tough.

[Dark music]

I swear to you, man to man, that my mask was not working.

Okay, good.

I had to ask.

Sure, yeah, no, I get it.

You're in a tough spot, trying to be my friend, as well as my lieutenant.

Let me make it easy on you.

From now on, you just worry about being my lieutenant.


[Clears throat]

♪ ♪

So it looks like a regular cell phone, right?

Except, inside, behind the battery, a listening device.

When you press the volume button all the way up, that's recording high-quality audio.

It's got a built-in microphone, totally self-contained, no wires.

So, I won't be asking you to shave your chest.

Go ahead, if you want, just don't do it on my account.

How do I turn on the screen?

Same as a regular phone.


Look, if you don't like it, you can go with the key fob, you tap that button twice, it starts recording.

Pretty, uh... unobtrusive.


Shouldn't it have a logo on it?

Ford or something? This looks pretty fake.

You're over-thinking this, Casey.

That's easy for you to say.

It's not your ass on the line.


I'll take the phone.

Just tell me what you need me to do.

All right.

We think Nesbitt's bringing in a new shipment of women and he's gonna try them out at this party.

We want you to engage Nesbitt and his friends, try to get him talking specifics about the operation.

Names of anyone involved, how the girls are smuggled in, how the money is laundered.

And how am I supposed to get these scumbags to talk to a contractor they barely know?

Well, you're close with a girl over there, right?

You could use her.

One thing I don't get.

There are hundreds of contractors in Chicago.

Why is Nesbitt so interested in me?

You probably make him feel comfortable.

You're a fellow firefighter, trustworthy.

Look, maybe he's using you as a front.

Yeah, or a patsy.

Anything's possible.

Look, you don't have to worry.

We got your back.

You better.

[Club music playing]

♪ ♪

Matt Casey.

♪ ♪

[Phone beeping]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

[Indistinct chatter]


How are ya?

Good, Matt. You?

Ahem. Yeah.


So, uh, what's going on?

Come on over, have a seat.

Come on. Please.

First things first.

What's this?

Sorry, Matt, I guess it's standard procedure.

[Suspenseful music]

[Clears throat]


Wait, let me see your phone.


What for?

Let me see it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪
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