01x22 - All Happy Families Are Alike

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x22 - All Happy Families Are Alike

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

You haven't, by chance, seen Officer Doughtery?


We were supposed to have dinner last night, and he didn't show.

No surprise, um, but I haven't seen him today.

Me, neither.

Barbara, we're doing this for you.


(Mrs. Kean screaming)

(g*nsh*t, Lennon grunts, Barbara gasps)

He's dead?

Yeah, he's dead.

It's gonna be okay.

Bruce, your father was a true stoic.

He kept his best self hidden.

Your father was a good man.

But even good men have secrets.

You have a hard head, James, just like your father.

Gotham is on a knife edge, but I won't let it fall apart without a fight.

Essen: Just got wind of three separate att*cks on Falcone businesses in different parts of town.

It's Maroni. We're in sh**ting w*r.

(water lapping gently, siren wails in distance)

(wood creaking)

(anchor splashes)


Good morning, child.

We ain't children, and... it ain't morning.

Oh, it will be soon.

A brand-new day.

(birds chirping)

Reporter (on tv): The g*ng w*r rages on here in Gotham.

No one knows what set this bloody turf w*r off, but it is commonly believed to be the result of the longtime power struggle between Salvatore Maroni and Carmine Falcone.

Longtime enemies, these men have often come to blows...


(TV news report continues, indistinctly)

Still looking for secrets, are we, sir?

Or just breaking stuff?


Alfred: I don't know.

Whole city's going doolally around us.

I mean, there's a bloody w*r on the streets... and you're in here worrying about your poor old dad.

Yes, I am.

If your father had a secret life...

Which I hasten to add, he didn't...

I'd know about it, wouldn't I?

A sober, diligent man he was.

Never out gallivanting.

Home every night, like clockwork, working, in this very room.

Yes, I remember.

I wasn't allowed to disturb him while he was working.

Nobody was.

Classical music... he would play for hours.

That's right.

Mom and I would read books or play board games until he was done.

I remember.

I tried to sneak in to see him, but the door was locked.

Was the door always locked, Alfred?

Yeah, well, I suppose so, when he was working.

Why, though?

Why lock the door?

That's what doors are for, isn't it?

It's in here.

It's in this room.

My father's secret, it's in this room.

I know it.

I know it!



(chickens clucking)

(workers chatting and shouting)

(boat's horn blows in distance)

(clucking continues)



Hello, young lady.

I like your style.

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)

Hey, put Falcone's guys in one cell, and Maroni's in another.

(indistinct, overlapping chatter)

Get in there!


(punches thudding, men grunting)

Man: Get him!

(grunting) Get in there!

(indistinct, overlapping chatter and shouting)

Man: Outside! (clamoring)

(clamor continues)

Officer Katz, right?

Yes, sir, Katz, Griffin.

Word of advice, Katz.

I'm a dead duck around here.

Brass are gonna fire me just as soon as this g*ng w*r cools off.

So don't salute me.

Makes you look like a rube.

Gordon: Hi.


Dr. Thompkins.


Thanks for coming to see me.

It's good to see you looking so well.

I am well.

Much better.


You are. This is your last checkup.

You are all healed physically.

But you need to get some trauma counseling.

Doc, I'm happy.

I am happy to be alive.

Which is why, Jim, I didn't want to leave without saying thank you properly.

Thank you for saving my life.

I was glad to do it.

Miss Kean... trauma counseling, like, yesterday.

I have several recommendations for you.

Really, Doc, I am fine.

You're not fine.

After what you've been through, nobody would be fine.

Fine. If you will be my counselor.

And we do it at my place.

No. I have some trauma training, but it's not my area of focus.

I like you.

Hey, I can talk to you.




Thank you.


All right, last warning to all of you!

Don't free that guy!

Hey, Jim, did you hear the news?

Don Falcone just got hit.



Falcone got hit 20 minutes ago.

Maroni's boys blew up his car.

He's dead?

No. He's at the hospital, but he'll be dead soon enough.


Listen, Essen said City Hall and the bigwigs okayed the hit.

They switched their support to Maroni.

Maroni? That hothead?

They think he can run this city?

(phone ringing)

Someone had to go.

This w*r has been bad for business.


(indistinct announcement over P.A.)





(baby crying in distance)

(man coughing)


(door squeaks open)

(door closes)

Good morning. Good morning.

Oh, Penguin, thank God.

Get me out of here.

Maroni's men will be here any minute.

Yes, I imagine so.

Mustn't stay long.

But... I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say good-bye to you in person.

It was me, old friend.

I did this to you.

I started the w*r.

From the day I met you, I was planning your end.

I'm sorry it has to be in this... squalid little corner, but... c'est la vie.


Nothing personal, I assure you, sir.

You have been a wise mentor and a good friend, but... business must come first.


I'm gonna take your place, old man.

And I'm gonna be the King of Gotham. (laughs)



You're going to burn in Hell.

I do worry about that.


But you first, old friend.

You first.

Nobody move!


Walk away!

Shut up.

You're both under arrest for attempted m*rder.

(Oswald groans)

Didn't you hear?

Falcone is out by official decree.

Everyone agreed.

I heard.

So, release me, Jim.

Get on the winning side.

Winning side, my ass.

Maroni's a fool. He can't replace me.

A thousand rivals will jump up to challenge him.

There'll be civil w*r.

If I die now, Gotham falls apart.

I agree, but can you turn things around?

Can you take back control?

Of course.

Two days at my safe house.

I need two days to make some moves, and I'll skin Maroni and those disloyal scum like rabbits.

Oswald: Wake up, Napoleon!

Maroni's louts are minutes away from coming here and cutting your throat, and the thing is, Jim, they aren't very fond of me, either, so, seriously, you need to uncuff me... Jim?!

(phone blips, beeps)

(line ringing)

Jim, where the hell'd you run off to?

Harv, I'm in the hospital with Falcone.

There's nobody here.

No kidding. What the hell are you doing there?

You gotta get out now.

They'll be coming back to finish him off.

Yeah. Any moment now.

Unless I get him out of here.

Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.

I could use some help.

No way. Are you nuts?

He's a bad man, but he's the best bad man we got.

If Falcone loses control, Maroni's too wild to run Gotham.

There'll be anarchy.

Yeah, probably, but Falcone already lost control.

And he'll get it back.

Listen, you're all twisted over what happened to Barbara.

You're not thinking straight.

Yeah. Maybe.

But I'm done in this town anyhow.

What do I have to lose?

Your life. Huh?

How 'bout your life?

(phone beeps off)

(phone snaps shut)

What the hell are you doing here?

I thought the fix was in with you guys.


Can you walk?

If I have to.

Let's get you out of here... I'll take you to your safe house.

Jim, my friend, you are making a terrible mistake.

I'm doing this for the city, not you.

You're the least worst option.

If I didn't think you could take back control, I'd let you die.

Just so we're clear.

We're clear.

You can't leave me here.

Maroni's men will k*ll me!


No. No, you-you arrested us.

We are in your custody.

That's true.

You owe me a favor, Jim.

You owe me!

Damn it.

Loeb (in distance): James Gordon!

Detective Gordon!

Don't k*ll 'em.

Morning, fellas.

What can I help you with?

Yes, Gordon.

As usual, wrong place, wrong time.

Go. Now.

Why? So these men can k*ll Carmine Falcone?

I have no knowledge of that.


That's an order.

You're a disgrace, Loeb.

I hope to see you behind bars very soon.

Or dead.



It's for losers...


He's all yours!


Get him!

Move, move, move, move.



(g*ns blasting)



Jim! Jim! Don't sh**t! It's me!

We gotta go... there are ambulances in the basement.

Where's your man?

Uh... about that.

We got to take Penguin and Gilzean, too.

Penguin and Gilzean? I arrested 'em for attempted m*rder. They're in my custody.

(groans) I don't even want to argue with you.

Come on! Let's go! Go!

Tommy... Tommy!

(engine revving, tires screeching)

Man: Boss! Boss! Look out!

(g*nf*re, b*ll*ts clanking and popping)

Get down!

(tires screeching)

Damn it.

What exactly are we looking for, Master Bruce?

When I find it, I'll know.

(engine squeaking, clanking)

(rumbling, squeaking)

(engine sputters, stops)

Nobody knows about this place, right? Nobody?

Nobody. Anybody who did is dead.

We'll be safe here.


What's up?

(door rattling)

I know, I know.

It's astonishing.

Sometimes I astonish myself.

I feel like, uh, this is all a dream, and I'm gonna wake up soon.

Barbara, you were abducted.

Your parents were k*lled in front of you.

Yeah. Yeah, that's real.

I'm talking about this. Now. This... this is the dream.

I'm gonna wake up and... he's still alive... and he's coming for me.

Mooney: I thought for sure you were dead.

Let me look at you.


Is it real... It's really you?

It's... it's me, Butch. I'm home.

My poor baby. What did they do to you?


Nothing good.

It's him, boss.

Don Maroni.

(chuckles softly)


Alive and well.

That's a long story.

We need to talk.

I have something you want.

(grunting, gasping)

They didn't find my knife.


So we're saved then.

It's in my sock.

If you get the chance, take some of them with us.

I'll try.

Hey, you.

Selina, what are you doing here?

Chillin'. How 'bout you?

Kind of jammed up.


That's too bad.

Oh... that's mime for "help us out here."


And totally blow the coolest gig ever just because we kinda, sorta know each other?



Hello, fellas.

Hmm. Carmine.


Nothing to share?

Well, I have a little something.

I just made a sweet deal with Maroni.

He just told me I could have all my territories back, and all I have to do in return... is give him Carmine's head.

Uh, Fish, I-I need to go lie down.


What did you do to that poor soul, you sadist?

I assure you...

You will die a slow, painful death on account of Butch.

You, too, Carmine.


We'll keep it simple.

And you?

We're cool.

Any questions?

How you gonna k*ll 'em?

I love this girl.

(Mooney cackling)

Barbara: Jason saw right through me.

He knew me instantly.

Like I was naked.

It was scary... but thrilling.

And... aren't... all the best guys a little scary?

I was way more scared of Jim Gordon the first date we went on.

So butch and... stern.

That type, they-they often have a bad temper.

Hmm. But Jim was a sweetie.

Never laid a finger on me.

It was kind of surprising.

Does he ever hit you?

Me? No. Why?

Wh-Why would he hit anyone?

Any woman?

You know.

Out of passion.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry.

Only I heard you and Jim were dating.


(laughs softly)

Y-Yes, we've been on a few dates.

I'm sorry, I didn't think that you knew.

If that makes you uncomfortable in any way...

(laughing): No. Don't be silly.

I, uh... I'm happy for you.

He's one of the good guys.

Yeah, he is.

Hey, you hungry?
Fish: So, there he is.

Maroni: Fish, you mysterious, crazy, gorgeous k*ller, you.

I love ya.


Come here. (grunts)

This... this is delicious.


You're hard to k*ll, old man.


Your people are second-rate.


Oswald: Miss Mooney, if I may, a brief word.

I know my life is forfeit.

I speak not for my sake, but yours.

(panting): Because... after all, I still love and respect you.

k*ll me if you must, but keep Falcone alive.

As soon as he's dead, Maroni has no use for you.

You are simply a threat. He will k*ll you.


You think?

Why would he need another boss in town?

Another rival?

That's where you're wrong, smart guy.

(A) She's not a rival, because she's not a boss.

She's an underboss.

An underboss takes orders.

I don't take orders.

Maroni: I know that.

We're cool.


I'm relaxed.

I don't think you are, babes.

Please don't call me babes.

Maroni: You see?

Not relaxed.

Babes? Really?

It's a term of endearment.

It means I like you.

Fine. I misspoke.

You're not an underboss and you're not a babe.

You tell me what you are.

What we are, Sal... are partners.

Maroni: Whatever you want.


I'm partner number one, and you're partner number two.

That's the deal, right?

I'm number one... and you are...?

Number two.

Maroni: There you go. Simple math.

One, two, babes. Oops.


That's the last time. I swear.


Can you feel the buzz in the air?

That's victory.



When this old man dies, a new day begins.

We will rule Gotham.

We are building a dynasty.

We will whip this town like a rented mule.

Right, babes?

(others chuckling)

(chuckling): Oh-ho, just... all right, relax.

I'm kidding you.


Guys, no, seriously.

Don't call her "babes."

Or "toots" or what have you.

It's a woman's lib thing.

I am relaxed.

(g*nf*re, shouting)

Gordon: Let's go!


Barbara, we've been circling around the subject, but haven't talked about what actually happened to you; wh-what was done to you.

Lee... you're a nice lady.

I could go there, but I'm not sure you want to go there with me.

Don't worry about me.

(helicopter flying over)

(sighs quietly)

Has Jim told you he loves you?


Fair is fair.

I'm telling you all my little secrets.

No, he hasn't.

But he will, though, won't he?

You can feel it coming?

I mean, come on, look at you.

You're gorgeous and smart... Of course he loves you.

Do you love him?


Tell me what happened.

(yelling and g*nf*re in distance)

If we can get to 7th Avenue without being spotted by Fisher's people, we're home free.

Then what?

We find a safe place, regroup.

Maroni's death is a lucky break for you.

Spoken like a true mafioso.

You're the least worst option, like you said.

Without you, the city falls apart.

Yes, I said that, and it might be true, but this has been a long day and I've had a long time to look at this world I've created.

I'm done with this business.

I'm out.

I've got a place down south I can go to.

I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

I know. I'm letting you down.

I'm letting the city down. I know.

(door slams)

Man: Hey, I heard something.

Man 2: Yeah, flash it this way.

Down here, down here!

Okay, plan B.

(men talking in distance)

Keep the light up.

So you got a place down south, huh?

Nice? On the water?


Any work for beat-up old cops?


How's that sound, Jim?

Beaches, sunshine, fishing...

Yeah, tempting.

Hello again.

Cat got your tongue?

(whispers): Yes!



Bless you.

Got to hand it to you, Fish.

You really know how to stop a show. I couldn't help myself, Harvey, the man vexed me.

Crazy move.

Possibly a good move, too. We'll see.

The b*ttlefield is in flux.

You could be looking at the new Queen of Gotham.

Congratulations, my dear.

I'm quitting, Fish.

I'm out.

Does this mean I don't have to k*ll you?

You're gonna retire someplace warm, lay back, read your little funny papers?

That was the thought.


Nice thought.



Oswald: Fish!


Please, no.


Where are you?!



(gasps, grunts)

(tires squealing, engine revving)

(sighs softly)

Then he left me.

For a long time.


And I slept.

I don't know for how long.

And then he woke me up.

(helicopter flying over) Road trip, he said.

We were halfway there when...

I realized... we were going to my parents' house.

Go on.

Well, then he tied them up to a chair... and, uh... he told me to talk to them... about my childhood issues.

So I did.

I... just... told them whatever came into my head.

And what came into your head?

You know... just stupid kid stuff, I guess, like, uh... my mom used to call me her little piggy when I was little.

They threw away my posters.

Never nurtured my self-esteem.

Just slowly... steadily... grinding away at my soul.

Trying to make me... disappear.

That's not kid stuff.

To be fair to them... they simply never understood me.

They have no clue who I am.

Even when I was k*lling them, they just gaped at me... like fools.

No understanding.


Jason Lennon k*lled your parents.

You didn't k*ll them.

Yes, I did.

I stabbed them... several times... and then I slit their throats.

I'd like to leave now, please.

You uncomfortable?

How about now?

(door opens)

(Barbara grunting, banging against door)

(phone beeping)


(elevator bell dings)

(dog whimpers quietly)


(growling, screaming)




She... She just... She just went crazy.

Told him that woman was trouble.

(groaning, panting)




(screams) Aah!




About time.

sh**t her, Butch.

Oh, really?

Do as I say, Butch. sh**t her.

What are you doing? Drop him.

(groaning in distress) My friend, remember your training.

I order you to sh**t her!



Don't listen to him. He did something to your mind.

I'm your girl.

Remember, I'm your girl.

k*ll her now!



Aah! Oh.


Fish: Butch...

Oh, my God, what did I do?

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry, I would never hurt you.

I love you, Fish.

It's okay.

It's not your fault. I love you too.

He messed with your mind.

It's not your fault.

I'm gonna be fine.

You know me.

Oswald: Aah! (groans)

(laughs slowly)

Good-bye, Fish.

It's all good.




(distant splash)

(thunder rumbles)

I'm the King of Gotham.


I'm the King of Gotham!

(thunder rumbles)

I'm the King of Gotham!


(footsteps approaching) Mr. Nygma.

Miss Kringle.

I just noticed something really weird.


This note Officer Dougherty left for me...

The first letter of every line spells out your name.

You see?

N, Y...


M, A.


How, that... How-How odd.

What-What a... What an amazing coincidence.


What else could it be?

So you know nothing about this?

I... Me? No.




(laughing quietly)

Dougherty: You're the guy that likes riddles.

Why are you laughing, you fool? It's not funny.

What a creep.

She'll keep digging.

Why did you have to leave a clue? Why?


What can she find? What can she prove?

Nothing. There's no body. Stop worrying.

But she looks so sad and angry.

I hate it when she looks at me that way.

Kringle: Menacing and weird.


Like it matters, like you stand a chance with her.

She knows how you feel about her and she treats you like dirt. Treats you like dirt.

I don't care, I still love her.

Oh, listen to yourself. Be a man!


You'll do better with that one if she's a little scared of you.

Stop talking like that.

Gordon: No riddles.

Essen: Formal complaints about you.

Just keeping it real.

What's black and white and red all over? Stop it!

Flass: I wouldn't quit your day job if I were you.


Kringle: He is... so weird.

(distorted): So... so...

(helicopter flying over, siren wailing)

Beautiful, huh?

I'm gonna miss this town.

You won't change your mind?

The town needs you.


Gotham needs a lawman now. Not a criminal like me.

A strong lawman.

You looking at me?

Someone needs to grab this city by the neck and shake it hard.

That's you, Jim.

I know it in my bones.

There's a lot of powerful men who would disagree with you on that.

Nice knife, huh?

That was your father's.

He gave it to me a long time ago.

A spur-of-the-moment birthday gift.

I said no.

Such a beautiful knife, and I have men with g*ns to protect me.

He said take it.

A knife is a good friend when you have no other.

You were that close.

At one time.

The point of the story, Jim...

Your father was the most honest man I ever met.

But he carried a knife.

Alfred: Enough searching, Master B.

There's nothing here.

Now, your father was a good man, a flawed man, like anyone else.

Doesn't mean he had a secret life.

My intuition's nearly always correct.

Yeah, well.

It's a common delusion, I find.

Arkham's full of men whose intuitions are always correct.

There are none so blind.

None so blind.

Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius!

What about him?

He was a Roman emperor.

Yes, well, I'm fully aware of that, Master Bruce.

And a stoic. I think I remember he was a stoic, like my father.

Lucius Fox called my father a stoic.

Lots of people are called stoic.

Basically means a hardnut. Doesn't say much.

Doesn't mean it's a bloody clue, does it?

It's a philosophy, Alfred. It's a way of life.

Maybe... Maybe that as well, I suppose, but...



What is it, do you think?

I don't know and I don't care, and don't you dare press that bloody button.

Why not? It could be a b*mb.

Alfred, that seems improbable.

It's a stereo.

(stone grinding)

(leathery wings fluttering)
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