01x25 - Pascal's Triangle Revisited

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Community". Aired: September 2009 to June 2015.*

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Jeff Winger is disbarred and suspended from his law firm when it is discovered that he lied about possessing his bachelor's degree. This leaves him with no choice but to enroll at Greendale Community College to earn a legitimate degree with an eclectic staff and student body.
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01x25 - Pascal's Triangle Revisited

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks for a great year.

You got it.

Mr. Winger!

I hope you will be seizing the day this summer.

Thanks, Professor Whitman.

And I hope you'll be seizing a more contemporary movie.

[Professor Whitman laughs]

Looking good, Leonard.

Stroke or tai chi?

Tai chi.

Keep it up.

And keep up whatever it is you're doing, Garrett.

It's called "chillaxing".


Hey... hey, what's up, Jeff? Hi.

Hello, good morning, howdy.


Wait, Jeff. ill walk with you.


I got class in, like, five hours, so...

All right, ill see you, babe.


I can't believe I made it through my first year of college.

I finally get to click send on so many "I told you so" emails.

Yeah, it's pretty great. Not much could ruin today.


Oh, sh**t. I forgot saying that summons him.

Will you two be attending tomorrow's, uh, transfer ceremony to send off all the students leaving for so-called real schools?

There's a formal dance afterward.

How many dances is this school gonna have?


If you come to all of them, you get one of these.

I assumed your whole posse would be coming to the dance, having heard the exciting news about Britta.

Banana rhino. [Laughter]

Banana Sam Elliott. [Troy laughs]

LeVar "Banana" Burton.

[Troy laughs, Britta chuckles]

Banana King Tut. [Troy laughs]

Here, give me that.

It's more like this.


B... banana penis.


Sure, you would've loved it if he did it.


What's happened to you and me, Troy?

Remember how hard we laughed When we first heard the term "teacher's aids"?


And then we found out a teacher did have aids.

So what's everybody doing this summer?

I'm taking the boys on a trip.

Money's tight, so I hope I can convince them for one more year that motels are tiny, little theme parks.

Yeah, I got to find a new place to live.

My dad wants me to leave the nest, so he feels less weird that his girlfriend is 20.

You could live in a pyramid.


Oh, wait.

Abed, your dorm room's got a bunk bed, right?


Um, everyone has to go to the transfer dance tomorrow.

I'm going.

My friend Gary's transferring.

Oh, good.


Thank God.

Hope he transfers to hell.

More importantly, our very own Britta Perry, it turns out, has been nominated for transfer queen.

Oh, that's nice!

What the hell is a transfer queen?

It's like prom queen. You wear a sash.

And there's a vote, and if you win, they put a crown on your head, and I am so jealous, Britta, I want to m*rder you. Aren't you excited?


How did I get nominated?

Don't let it upset you, Britta.

It's the last day of the semester.

Nothing can ruin that.


Amazing. He's like an evil genie.

Just spreading the news.

Some folks say "transfer formal" isn't really rolling off the tongue, so we're just gonna call it "The tr*nny dance"!

Much more Greendale.

What kind of community college has a prom?

Proms weren't even cool in high school.

It's that kind of crap that made me drop out in the first place.

You know, you don't actually have to lie on a sofa like it's a Woody Allen movie.

Thank you for telling me that in the last session, dumbass.

Now, look...

There are bugs on the windshield of your mind you may never be able to squeegee, like a certain birthday party attended by a rather enterprising transient in a dinosaur costume.

But there are other more recent streaks that you might yet be able to wipe clear, like your adolescent fear of being a so-called blow-up doll.

I really think this nomination may actually help that.

So you think id feel better about myself if I got all sexed up, went over there, and really tried to be crowned queen of the dingbats?



Guess you really get what you pay for with free therapy.

Ouch. That stung a little bit.




I'll save you some time.

He listens to you talk for a year, then recommends a makeover.

Well, don't wear as much lipstick as you did on Valentine's Day.

Your mouth looked like a coin purse.

Senor Chang...

Greendale's foremost, if only, Spanish teacher.

What can I do for you?

I am actually a student now.


But I was thinking, as a teacher and as my friend, um, if you could help me...

Cheat my way through school.

I have a counterproposal.

How about...

I point out to you that we've never actually been friends, then laugh at your very well-deserved misfortune?

Let's just try that a second.

[Clears throat]


No, Jorge, you k*lled it.

Are you going to Abed's kegger?


You probably don't want to talk to me.

Well, it's not junior high.

We're mature adults, Michelle. We can talk.

I think I handled our breakup poorly.

Before I respond to that, ill have to take a extra-strength vitamin duh.


We started getting serious, and I got scared, and it's possible I made a mistake.

Maybe we can talk about it sometime.

I miss you.


Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer.

Cool. [camera shutter clicks]

Dope kegger.



You know, I... I spend so much time here, I forget that we don't live together.

Then I think...

"What if we lived together?"

Here, I'm gonna check on the other keg.

Hey, Troy, you ever seen one of these?

It's called a beer bong.

You're not supposed to inhale, though.

I almost died outside.

Why does Abed hate me?

What, are you kidding? Look at him.

He probably hates America.

Hey, babe, babe.

Guess what.

Your boyfriend just got offered a spot on the number-one community-college hacky sack team in the nation.

Oh, my God! Sweetie!

Oh, my God.

I'm assuming that's huge.

Of course it's huge. Are you kidding me?

I mean, you know, I'm not into the fame and stuff, but I could be the next Yngwe Mackadangdang junior.

I know.

There's just one thing, mountain flower, and that's that the, uh... the school's in Delaware.

Thank you.

You know...

If you don't go to this dance tomorrow, we are not gonna see each other for months.

It's not a Jane Austen novel. We have cell phones.

What? Aah! Oh.

Oh, jeez, sorry.

What are you doing?

Well, you had hair I was gonna move.

You were gonna move my hair?

I don't know.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a guarded person, Britta?

Am I?


See? It's alarming, right?



Professor Slater, hi. What are you doing here?

Oh, you know, end of the year, randomly wandering.

Hi, Jeff.

Are you two...?

Both: No.

The two of you aren't...?

Both: No.

No, just friends.

Same here.

Good... for you.

Will I see you at the dance, Britta?

Kind of obligated, seeing as I'm nominated for queen, so...


I thought you were all into female empowerment.

What's more empowering than a woman in a crown?

[Both chuckle sarcastically]

[Shirley cheering]

Just did my first keg stand!

Ha ha!

Can't feel my legs.


♪ Dancing in your underwear, taking air conditioner repair ♪
♪ So you can get a job ♪
♪ Greendale's the way it goes ♪


Whoo! Ha ha!

Our original school song by the venerable Pierce Hawthorne.

He made that up. Hmm?

Everyone remember to vote before the coronation.

The nominees are identified with sashes that say "tr*nny Queen". [chuckles]

By the way, we do offer summer classes, which are a great way to, um...

Um, broaden your mind. Have fun.

[Microphone thuds]

Hi. You're here for me.

Guys! Guys...

Vaughn got recruited to a college in Delaware.

I'm gonna go with him for the summer.

Finally, a classic last-day-of-school plot twist.

He's gonna be the next Yngwe Mackadangdang junior.

It's a hacky sack guy.

Hey, you don't have to tell us who Ingmar Mackadingdong junior is.

Jeff, help me with some refreshments.

Please don't tell anyone until after I'm gone.

I'm not just going to Delaware for the summer.

I'm transferring with Vaughn.

What? When did you decide that?

I spent three months researching backpacks before I chose the one that I use now.

I don't want to be that person anymore.

I want to live in the moment.

Well, for your and Vaughn's sake, I hope it works out.

But on behalf of the rest of the group, I hope it's a catastrophe.

You better visit.


I can't believe nobody's taken this cookie.

Senor Chang...

Is there a word in Spanish for someone who used to pretend to be a professor, but was a teacher, but wasn't actually a teacher, and he's now a student?

Is there a word for that?

Oh, if it was in Spanish, you wouldn't know, would you?

Ah, bup, bup, bup.

Hit a professor, you'll get expelled.

I will find a loophole.

Oh, good luck with that.

[Whispering] Then ill k*ll you.


Dudley Moore.

Spray tan.

I'd go easy on that punch if I was you.

I've put in a little... hot person.

Hot people.

There are two of them coming this way.

Which one do you want?

Hi, Jeff.

Hi, Jeff.

Both: Oh. [chuckle sarcastically]

Britta, you look great.

Such a stunning improvement.

Thank you. God, you look gorgeous.

It must've taken all day.

Oh. [chuckles sarcastically]

Oh, Jeff, you've got a...

Oh. It's right there.

I do? What?


[All muttering]

Guys, guys...

Cleanest face ever.

Hey, am I okay?



You know, Troy, uh, our study group...

After all we've been through, we got to stick together.

You, me, and Jeff and rain man and big boobs and medium boobs and black boobs...

We're a family.

What's your point?

I've been looking at your situation, and id like to make an offer.


Am I black boobs?

Last call.
[Folk music]


Study over.

What are you doing?

Just giving things a finale vibe.

Well, how's this for a finale vibe?

Pierce asked me to move in with him... in his mansion.

More of a spin -off vibe, but you should do it.

I thought we were friends.

We are.

Best friends... That's why we shouldn't be roommates.

We'll end up fighting and putting a masking-tape line down the middle of our room.

We just won't get masking tape.

Troy, you should live with someone who you like, but whose friendship wouldn't be altered because of constant irritation... that's Pierce.

If you and I move in, we jump the shark.

That'll end it. Well, maybe you're ending it.

Oh, and for the record, there was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped over a shark, and it was the best one.

I think I'm winning.

Winning... tr*nny Queen.


So, uh, isn't it nice that Jeff and Slater are getting back together?


Aha! And psych!

But they will get back together if you don't stop competing with her and start communicating with Jeff.

She already has a head start.

They slept together.

Holy macaroni with pepper Jack.

When? Where?

During paintball in the study room with colonel mustard.

Does it matter?

Well, now it does matter.

Where... where in the study room?

On the couches.

We use those!

Oh, get over it.

I've seen you shake the Dean's hand.

Who knows where he's been?

Do you believe in soul mates?


Um, okay, now, don't be mad at me.

I didn't think that more than one person would answer the ad.

Yes, dream coming true.

You guys are leaving already?

Yeah, got to be in Delaware by tomorrow night.

First practice is Monday morning.

See you soon.

[Both muttering]

Have a good summer.

I'll see you in the fall, Annie.

[Annie chuckles]

We're gonna miss you.

Yeah, you're the one that didn't even want me in the study group.

Come on, that's not true.

Yeah, none of us did.

I say things others won't. That has value.



See ya.


[All bidding farewell]

Good evening, Michelle.

Or may I say, "meow-chelle"?

Who has your car keys?

They're in the taco meat.

Now, what say you and I blow this pop stand and head off for a spot of slap n' tickle?

[Whispering] I mean sex, in case the lingo hasn't made it to the States.

I think I'm probably leaving here with Jeff.

Really? I'm sorry, I just... just assumed that you two were done, since, uh... [clears throat]

Jeff and Britta did, uh, the Yankee Doodle.

Oh, don't tell me that didn't make it to the States.

It clearly originated here.

Okay, we finished tallying all 36 votes, so everyone get ready!

[Light applause] Yo, Goldilocks.

Drop the smirk.

I know about your grungy tumble, and I'm sure it was the highlight of your diary, but it was during a pit stop in something real.

You were the pit stop.

He used you to numb the pain of not getting with me.

Jeff needs a girl who doesn't just not wear underwear because oprah told her it would spice things up.

He needs a girl who doesn't wear underwear because she hasn't done laundry in three weeks.

He's been to flavor country now.

They should retire the table we did it on.


Miss Britta perry!

Oh, I'm sorry. I have to go.

I just won a contest for being hot.


[Gasps] Oh, wow.

This is a huge honor.

This may come as a surprise to you, but ive never actually won anything before.

Okay, well, you still haven't.

I'm just listing the nominees, so not a great time to get cocky.

Okay. Christine Hollinsworth!

[Light applause]

Britney Baker!

[Cheers and applause]

Mary Jones!


Amy Sm...

Jeff Einger, do not get back with Slater.

I love you.

Psst, psst, Britta.


Your lipstick looks better.

Hey, man.

How's it going?

Uh, don't sh**t the messenger, but everyone at this dance is kind of waiting for your reaction to all this.

Look, I'm trying to think, okay?

Yeah, that's cool. Take your time.

[Softly] Hey, how's it going? You look great.

[Normal voice] Very fatal attraction.



What's wrong with you?

I'm sick.

I don't know why.

Have you considered the 60-inch-diameter cookie you're eating?

[Scoffs] How can something that's delicious make me sick?

Unless too much of a good thing... is actually a bad thing.

My friendship with Abed is a giant cookie.

Look, I kind of got my own thing going on right now.

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

[Pensive music]

First of all...

I'm flattered.


Have you ever heard of... email?

You love me?

Do you love me?

I have something to say.


I love you.

[Scoffs] I wonder where she got that from.

I'm sorry. Do you have a patent on loving people?

Would you like a patent in getting your ass kicked?

[mumbles mockingly]

Okay, okay.

Can you stand over there?


And can you sit down... please?

[Pensive music]


Choose Britta.

Yeah, Team Britta.

Yeah, that's right.

Britta's lame.

Team Slater.

Team Slater.

Choose Britta.

Bring Conan back!

[All clamoring]


Ye... It's been a... a great year.

Can't hear you. No one can hear you.

Uh, hi, it's, um...

Oh, come on, who are you choosing?

[Pensive music]

I... I don't know.

Oh. [All booing]

[Blows raspberry]


Everybody sh... Everybody close their faces.

All right, he's got a lot on his mind.

Leave him alone.

Oka... I got it from here.

My name is Professor Ian Duncan, and I would like to rap for you.

Drop a beat.

[Hip-hop music]

Uh-oh, uh-oh.

♪ My name is Ian Duncan, and I'm here to say♪
♪ I'm going to rap to the beat in a rapping way ♪
♪ ive got a real big penis, and I drink lots of tea ♪

Oh, okay. Okay, okay.

No, no, no, you know what, Duncan?


That's enough.


You have a problem.

Oh, I have a problem?


Who is it here who has a dalmatian fetish?

Oh, ok... okay.

Well, that is a oversimplification, and you are suspended.

Oh, come on.

Oh, not a teacher anymore.

What's this?

A roll of quarters. Why?

Funny question. Oh, man!

Friends, help me, friends!

Help me!

He's on me! He's on me!

I'll do it. ill move in with you.

Fantastic, buddy!

Why don't you come over on Saturday?

My tailor will fit you for a uniform.

[Commotion continues]

Guys, let's break it up. Come on, let's not fight.

Let's not fight.

No, no!

I thought you left.

[Sighs] I couldn't go.

What happened?

I guess as we were driving away, I finally started living in the moment, and I realized that, in the moment, Greendale is where I belong.


What are you doing out here?

Oh, you know...

Britta and Slater told me they loved me.



What did you do?

I ran away.

I don't know. It's hard.

Slater makes me feel like I do when I write my new year's resolutions.

She makes me feel like the guy I want to be.

And Britta makes me feel like the guy I am three weeks after new year's, when I'm back to hitting my snooze button and screening my mom's phone calls... back to who I really am.


Do you try to evolve... or do you try to know what you are?

I don't know.

I wish I could live two lives.

One of me would go with Vaughn, and one of me could stay here.

Yeah, one of me could be back with Slater, and the other could try it with Britta.

And then we could all get together for some weird foursome.


[Indistinct chatter] Um, I guess I got to... got to deal with it.

Good luck.


[Inhales sharply] Um...

I'm glad you're staying.

[Cheerful music]

Oh, my God.

I'm finally popular enough to be in the yearbook.

What do you mean "video yearbook"?

Where do I sign?

Photo not available.

This better not be one of those take-your-top-off videos.

I don't believe in yearbooks.

I just want people to remember there's a guy in between these things.

[Chuckles] What a year.

Only two pregnancy scares.

I give this year a "D" for "delightful".

I can't believe I spent ten bucks on this.

I don't know any of these people.
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