01x08 - Phillip Goldstein

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Fresh Off the Boat". Aired February 2015 - February 2020.*
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"Fresh Off the Boat" is mostly told through the eyes of 11-year-old Eddie Huang, with the show initially set in 1995, when Eddie and his Taiwanese family move from Chinatown in Washington, D.C. to suburban Orlando, Florida to realize their 'American dream'. They discover things are very different from expected and hip-hop is used to help deal with the upheaval, struggle and culture clash.
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01x08 - Phillip Goldstein

Post by bunniefuu »

Eddie: Finding your way in a new school is always tough, especially when you don't have a crew of your own.

Dude, how great is sailing? [Chuckles]

Yo, I saw puffy wearing boat shoes the other day.

He looked tight.

Boat shoes are functional footwear with a purpose.

Obviously, you've never tried to raise the jib on wet teak.

[Scoffs] [Laughs]

Culturally, we didn't have anything in common, which is why it meant so much when I finally found someone I could identify with.


Did I tell you my dad knows L.L. Bean?

Leroy Leroy Bean.

Troy: I love L.L. Bean.

"Phillip Goldstein"

♪ fresh off the boat ♪
♪ I'm gettin' mine everywhere I go ♪
♪ if you don't know, homey, now you know ♪
♪ fresh off the boat ♪
♪ homey, you don't know where I come from ♪
♪ but I know where I'm goin' ♪
♪ I'm fresh off the boat ♪

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's roll this story back.

Mom, wake up!

Aah! Who died? Who died?

What? No.


I made you breakfast in bed.

What do you want?

Okay, just hear me out.

There's a Beastie Boys concert this weekend, and I w...


I am not letting you go to a rap concert.

Louis: What's wrong with a rap concert?

It's the music of the time.


Dad gets it!

Okay, Louis, I know you like to be good cop, but somebody has to wield the hammer in this family.

No, they don't. We could both be good cops.

Like that movie "Good Cops."

There's no such movie.

Yes, mom, they're rappers, but they're white rappers.


Eddie, we have been through this before, and the answer is always the same.

But they're sort of Asian.


But he's a doctor.


You're always talking about the year of the dog.

That's a stretch.


Eddie, I just don't understand you...

The music you listen to, the way you talk, your clothes.

[Sighs] Why can't you support something that I like for once?

Well, why can't you be a good Chinese boy like Evan and Emery?

They both study hard, play violin, wear button-up shirts properly, not like you, buttoning the top button and letting the rest flap out like a cape.

That's called being a "g," mom!

Why do you want to be a letter that's only worth two points in scrabble?!

"Q" is better!

I'm sure you all know why I gather you here.

Mitch has decided to take a lateral position at the Golden Saddle.

As far as I'm concerned, he no longer exists.

Has anyone seen my astronaut pen?


I never should have slept with you.

Okay, well, if anyone sees my pen in Nancy's purse, let me know.


I'm sorry. I... should I...

D-don't worry about it, Mitch.

Despite your betrayal, you were here when I opened this place, and I'll never forget that.


It's time to forget about Mitch.

I'm going to start setting up interviews for a new host.

Oh! I-I-I'd be interested in the job.

Come on.


[School bell rings]

Well, Eddie, I'm sure you're wondering why you're in here today.

If this is about the Clay sculpture I made...

No, Mrs. Uveda has an active imagination.

That's why she's the art teacher.

I've chosen you to be a "first day friend" for a new student...

Show them around the school, teach them the ropes.

But I've only been here for a few months.

More than enough time.

Plus, I think you and the new student, Phillip, might have some things in common.

Like what?

Let's just say I feel like you have mutual interests and experiences.

He's Chinese, isn't he?



Is he?

[Chuckling] Gosh, I'm not sure.

Let's just... let's...

[Intercom beeps]


Could you send in Phillip?

Shauna: Sure. Which one is he? There's a few kids out here.


You know...


I'm gonna need more than that.

W-what does he look like?


Phillip is here to meet Eddie Huang.


Um, Principal Hunter, if you could be more specific, I can get you what you need.

Here's an idea...

Just say the name Phillip, and whoever stands up, send him in.

Because that's probably Phillip.

I couldn't have been happier.

This was the first Chinese kid I'd met since moving from D.C.

Finally, I had a crew.

Yo, what's up, Phillip?

I'm Eddie.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Eddie.

Come on. I'll show you around.

Was that Phillip? [Sighs]

And I have no idea what happens in this room, either.

The sign on the door says "library."



Looks like someone's got a twin.

Looks like somebody's outnumbered.

Eddie: Anyways, I've been running my mouth for this whole time.

Where's your family from?



I was adopted by Jewish parents. My last name is Goldstein.

Oh, that's cool.

We both eat Chinese food on Christmas, and our parents are super pushy.


What kind of stuff are you into?

You like the Beastie Boys?

I prefer musicals.





"Hangin' with Mr. Cooper"?

Can't watch TV on Fridays because of Shabbat...

Hangin' with God.

Stinky tofu?

Gefilte fish.

Stinky tofu sounds repulsive.

We don't like each other, do we?

I find your company undesirable.

Look who's best friends!

This is gonna get my ex-wife back for sure.

[Camera shutter clicks]

After spending a day showing Phillip around, I figured my time was done and that would be that, but I was wrong.

Phillip, go over there and work with Eddie.

I feel like you two will have great chemistry together.


The pun g*n is set to laughs.

Okay, pair up with the person next to you for stretches.

Eddie, you pair up with Phillip.

But he's not even next to me!

Lucky for you, I have a soft spot for best friends.

Okay, let's open up those hammies!

I even told Principal Hunter about the whole thing feeling kind of r*cist.

In response to complaints of racism, I now commence the first meeting of the...

Pacific Rim Club.

You now have a safe haven to celebrate your unique culture.

I'm leaving you a box of watercolors and parchment if you choose to express yourself through monumental landscape painting.

Meat is m*rder!

Again, I don't know why you interviewed for this position, but thank you. We'll keep your résumé on file!

[Door opens]

Beg your pardon, sir. Name's Wyatt.

[Dramatic Western music plays] I noticed your "help wanted" sign.

Position still open?

Depends. You got any experience?


Well, startin' in '89, I spent two years on a cattle ranch in big sky country, gettin' to know every part of these delicious creatures.

After that, I did a four-year stint maître d-in' at spay-go.

Ah, who am I kiddin'?

I'm sorry for wastin' your time, mister.

Uh, wait!

You got the job. [Chuckles]


Well, golly.

[Laughing] All right.

I... don't have a hat.

That's my ride. Later, nerd.

Who is this?

Oh, he's nobody. Let's...

Another Chinese boy in school!

Hey, come on! Let's give you a ride home.

It's quite all right. I'm just waiting for the late bus.

Nonsense! Eddie, get in the back.

I appreciate the ride, Mrs. Huang.

Gives me more time to finish my homework before music lessons.

Oh, what instrument do you play?






How much?

Five times perfect in a row.

If I make a mistake on the fifth time, I start over.


[Sighs] Arranged the tables, sir.

Ah. Noticed a couple wobblers over there, so I balanced 'em out with some scrap wood.

And also, I hope you don't mind, I edited the sticker in the window to make it say "no boots, no shirt, no service."

Oh, uh, I was looking at the menus, and I noticed you moved the "daily specials" insert?

Yes, sir. Made it better.

I reckon having the specials on the left makes it the first thing a customer sees.

Oh. Little trick I learned at the Cuatro Seasons in Cabo.

This was a mess before.

[Laughs] It's... it's great.

Oh, welcome to Cattleman's Ranch.

What a beautiful family.

Oh. [Laughs] Thank you!

[Chuckles] This way.

And allow me.





And these specials look so good!


Eddie, will you sign this petition?

Mr. Hedgehog is running for mayor.

Evan and I are learning about the government in school this week.

Your Hedgehog is stupid.

You made a powerful enemy today.

Jessica: Eddie!

[Chuckling] I thought I heard you come home.

How was Phillip's day today?

Did you give him the snack I packed for him in your lunch?

I did. He hated it.

[Sighs] Too much ginger... I knew it.

Do we have to talk about this right now?

Oh, but there's so much to talk about.

Mrs. Goldstein called to thank me for giving Phillip a ride home yesterday.

A Chinese boy with Jewish parents...

The world is an amazing place.

Yeah, mom, everything about Phillip is amazing.

I get it.

Eddie, I am sorry that I keep talking about him.

I'm just excited for you to have a good Chinese boy to hang out with.

Now you two can look out for each other.

♪ Yeah ♪

That's true. Mm-hmm.

It's just a shame you won't let me go to the Beastie Boys concert.

Phillip is a big fan and needs someone to go with.

Phillip is going?


Well, that changes everything.

You can go.

Thanks, mom!

We can talk about it with him tonight.

Say what, now?

The Goldsteins invited us over for dinner.

Hospitality isn't dead.

What a family.

What a great family.

I call this one here the wedding ring.

[Applause] Man: Oh, yeah!

Always with the lasso.
Mitch: Hey, hey, Louis.

Mitch, what are you doing here?

Well, I was just out for an afternoon pedal, figured I'd pop in.

[Both chuckle] Well, you look good.

Thanks. You know, they're paying me more at the Golden Saddle.

Mm. So, picked up a ten-speed and, you know, just been hitting the open road.


You know, I've only been doing it for two days, but it has totally changed my body.


Y-you look good, too.

Oh, haircut. [Laughs]

Oh, yeah! Okay.

Started going to a black barbershop.

They have fun there, let me tell you.

[Laughs] Like, "oh, what the... " [Laughs]

And ta-da! There we go.

All right. [Applause]

Wow. Looks like the restaurant's been doing great since I left.

Oh, yeah. [Laughs]

Wyatt's been, uh...

Really great. [Sighs]

Oh. Oh! Oh!

I'm so, so sorry. I...

[Chuckles] don't. I-it's okay.

Honestly, I kind of miss that.

Things have been a little too perfect around here.

It's almost annoying.

I want to come back!

Come back!

Oh, thank God.

The Golden Saddle is so corporate.

They don't treat individuals like themselves.

It's all about the bottom line.

They drug test, don't they?


Put in your two weeks' notice, I'll fire Wyatt.

[Gasps] Really?

[Laughs] All right! Great!

[Breathes deeply]

[Applause] Wyatt: Thank you, guys.

Louis: Wyatt.

Yes, sir?

This is, uh, hard for me to say, but there's no way around it.

I love what you bring to Cattleman's Ranch.

You're doing a great job. No notes. [Laughs]

Thank you, sir. [Laughing] Okay.

Wow, that means a lot. Thank you.

All right, who wants to see the Texas skip?

Yeah! Yeah! I do!

[Cello playing]

Hey, how come you don't come by the restaurant anymore...

I know what you're doing.

I'm not going to fire Wyatt for you.

It's just that you're so naturally confrontational.

Thank you. But you always do this.

You always want to be the good cop, so you bring me in to wield the hammer.

Do your own dirty work.

But you're so good at getting us hotel upgrades.


An angel is among us.

Amazing, Phillip! Amazing.

I wanted Eddie to play the cello, but he wanted to play "the beatbox" instead.


Eddie, stop. Stop spitting into your hands.

Phillip's music is just so elegant.

I'm surprised he likes the Beastie...

Do I smell food?

Let's eat!

Thanks for turning off the stove for me, Jessica.

These shabbat dinners are a little tricky for us.

What's Shabbat?

Well, Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest.

We're prohibited from doing certain things from Friday night to Saturday night...

Turning electrical devices like the stove on and off, uh, handling money, putting flowers in water.

It kind of sounds like you're gremlins from the movie "Gremlins."

Emery! [Chuckles]

What happens if you get water on you?


Believe me, we'd love to let some of these rules slide, but our Phillip is just so strict with us.

Louis: [Chuckles] I know the feeling.

We got one in our house, too.

[Chuckles] [Chuckles]


I believe that if you're gonna do something, do it right.


Take it easy, mom.

You are so responsible, Phillip!

This is exactly why I feel so good about you two going to the Beastie Boys concert tomorrow night.

Absolutely, Mrs. Huang.

It's gonna be a great time!

[Toilet flushes]

Did you just go to the bathroom in the dark because of Shabbat?

Yeah. I Ray Charles'd it.

Why did you go along with my lie about the Beastie Boys concert?

Because I have a proposition for you.

I'll go to your silly rap show tomrow night if you bring me to a matinee performance of "Les Misérables" earlier that day.

Look at this...

A couple of buddies scheming about who knows what.

I love it. Don't tell me anything about it.

I'll be in the bathroom. [Laughs]

[Door closes]

I need you to take me to "Les Mis" because the rules of Shabbat forbid my parents from driving me and I can't handle money, so I can't buy tickets and a proper souvenir.

And how is that my problem?

It's not, but it's your only way to see the Beastie Boys.

[Sighs] Fine. You got yourself a deal.


For "Les Mis," you're gonna want to clean this up.

Okay, so, I have to fire this cowboy host at work, and I need your help.

We're gonna do a little role-play.

I'll be the boss, and you're the employee I'm firing, okay?


Evan, I called you in here today...

[Sighs] Hold on.

Your face is too cute. I can't fire that face.

Be more serious.

Well, that's even cuter. You're excused.

Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Emery, though I do value your work...

My butt fell off.


My butt fell off.

You can't fire me.

This is the only job I can do without a butt.

I got no butt.

Then I can't fire you.


Oh, gosh.

Mrs. Goldstein and I talked, and the plan is simple...

After the musical, you walk to the concert venue.

It's only 3 blocks away.

And make s...

Eddie: I know, I know.

Stick together, and look out for each other.

Okay, and here is some money for souvenirs and snacks.

Why are you giving it to Phillip?

Oh, honey, because I trust him more.

Actually, I can't handle any money today.


Eddie, could you grab that and put it in my pocket?

Careful not to confuse a pocket for a pleat.

They're pressed, and they're deep.

[Indistinct conversations]

God, I love the mezzanine.

[Opening music plays]

[Closing music plays]

Bravo! [Applause]


Thank God it's finally over.

It's intermission.


[Closing music plays]


I feel my life has peaked too early.

Eddie: [Sighs]

I'm going to the bathroom.

When I get back, I'm reaching in your pocket, paying for your dumb shirt, and we're going to the Beastie Boys.

They're doing "Follies" in the spring?

Um, yes, please.

It is great to be back, boss. [Chuckles]

[Chuckles] It is so great to have you back, Mitch.

[Both chuckle]

So, the first thing I need you to do is fire Wyatt.

[Chuckles] Y-you're joking.

I know why you think that... I am a jokester, but, no, seriously, you're gonna have to do it.


O-okay. Okay, yeah, I'll do it.

I mean...

Yeah. I can't wait to do it.

Great. [Both chuckle]

I leave at 5:30, so do it at 5:35.

I want to be on the highway when it's happening.


Adios, Wyatt.

[Indistinct conversations]


[Rock music plays]



How could you lose Phillip?!

You were supposed to look out for each other!

I don't know, mom! I'm sorry!

What if somebody took him?

Don't say that.

Who wouldn't want him? He's perfect.

Okay, we just have to tell the Goldsteins the truth, and so you know I'm going to put most of the blame on you, not because I want to, but for legal purposes.

[Doorbell rings]


Oh, thank God! [Sighs]

Hello, Mrs. Huang.


What are you doing here?!

Oh, well, I got to the front of the merchandise line, and you weren't back.

But then I realized it was nightfall...

Shabbat was over.

I thought that ended at midnight.

I'm a devout Jew, not Cinderella.

So, I bought this gorgeous shirt myself and caught the bus home.

You were supposed to go to the concert with me!

Yeah, I didn't want to do that.

You just left him?

Phillip, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Eddie gave up going to his concert to look for you, and you broke your promise to him!

You are very selfish.

You are not a good Chinese boy.

Eddie is.

Nice, mom.

Now drop the Mike and let's go.

Drop the Mike? Who is Mike?

Microphone, mom.

It means you were awesome.

Not gonna lie... what my mom did back there surprised me, but what she did next surprised me even more.

She took me to see the Beastie Boys the very next night in Tampa.

Whoo! [Cheers and applause]

Thank God that's finally over.

No, that was just the opening act.


That was awesome!

So, like I was saying, finding your bearings in a new school is always tough...

Troy: Obviously, you've never tried to raise the jib on wet teak.

[Scoffs] [Laughs]

Which is why it means so much when you finally find someone you identify with.

Can't keep me down, Goldstein.

You're a philistine, Huang.

But sometimes, the more meaningful way to connect with somebody isn't the most obvious one.

You saw the Beastie Boys, too?

Hell yeah, I did! It was ill!

I can't believe they opened with "egg man"!

[The Beastie Boys' "root down" plays]

I mean, crazy, right?

Oh, my God!

Check us out...

An Asian kid and a black kid bonding over music by white Jewish rappers.

America's crazy.

♪ I kick it root down, I put my root down ♪
♪ I kick it root down, I put my root down ♪
♪ so, how we gonna kick it? ♪
♪ gonna kick it root down ♪

Mitch: Hi. Welcome to Cattleman's Ranch.

May I get you a table or a booth?

Would you like me to lasso you a couple seats at the bar?


Lasso, please.


What's Wyatt still doing here?

I couldn't fire him.

Those dimples.

Look, it's okay.

We'll just be co-hosts.

Okay, well, then you two are splitting a salary.

Wyatt, you're fired!

You're fired, Wyatt! Wyatt!

Wait. Let me get on the highway.

I don't even have my keys out yet!
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