01x15 - Chapter Fifteen

Episode transcripts for the 2014 TV show "Jane The Virgin". Aired October 2014 - July 2019.*
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"Jane The Virgin" revolves around a devout young Latina woman, who must decide what to do after her doctor's error causes her to be artificially inseminated. Based on the Venezuelan telenova Juana La Virgen.
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01x15 - Chapter Fifteen

Post by bunniefuu »

Latin lover narrator: Let's have some fun: You'll recall Jane was accidentally artificially inseminated with Rafael's sample. And guess what? They fell in love. You know who wasn't happy about this? Jane's ex-fiancé, Michael.

We belong together.

Also unhappy: Rafael's ex-wife Petra.

But she was rebounding since she gained control of the Marbella Hotel.

From now on, I am the face of the Marbella.

Unfortunately, Petra had made a few enemies in the hotel, including Lachlan.

I warned you. And then you screwed me over again.

Latin lover narrator: Jane's mother had fallen in love with her father, international telenovela star Rogelio De La Vega. Sadly, he was fired from his telenovela. But he chose to stay in town for Xiomara, even though it meant working under his rival, Esteban. And Jane and Rafael just had a scary doctor's appointment.

An echogenic focus can be a marker for abnormalities in the fetus.

Latin lover narrator: So they got an amnio and we're now waiting for the results and I think they're due any minute. As a young girl, Jane Gloriana Villanueva loved asking questions.

What makes the sky blue?

Did Jesus have a last name?

What's the deal with the electoral college?

Turns out this whole electoral college thing is crazy.

We're not even actually voting for our president.

I know. We're voting for electors who are then pledged to a candidate.

What?! Then why'd you has?

Because you've voted in two elections.

It was time you understood the process.

Ha, ha.


What does love feel like?


Just curious.

How do you know for sure you're in love?

It sort of feels like...

Your heart is glowing, if that makes sense.

It doesn't.

Latin lover narrator: See, for Jane, every question had to have a clear answer.

Is there some sort of test you can run, to measure the amount of endorphins or something?

Latin lover narrator: But never did an answer mean more to Jane than the one she was waiting on today. And in this case, there was a very clear test.

All right. It's 9:01.

They said that we'd have the results by 9:00.

The doctors are getting into their offices, they're getting their coffee, they have to listen to their messages.


Yeah, you're right.

I'm just going to call anyway.

You know?

Hi, this is Jane Villanueva.

I'm calling to get the results from my amniocentesis.

Thank you.

They're gonna get Dr. Hillcroft.


Paging Dr. Hillcroft...

Oh, hi, Dr. Hillcroft, sorry, sorry.

I... hi, how are you?


Thank you so much, Dr. Hillcroft.

Of course. Thank you.

And I'm so sorry again.

Okay, bye.

The baby's healthy?


Thank God.


I love you.

I love you, too.

Latin lover narrator: It should be noted that if there were an endorphin test, these two would score through the roof.



Uh-huh. (Laughs)

So now that we know our baby's healthy...


It's time to unpin, right?

Latin lover narrator: I should explain...

Let's move in together.

Can we put a pin in that?

I've been thinking about this a lot.

And I really want to say yes, but I can't.

I just had this order, you know?

How my life would lay out.

Date, get engaged, get married, have a baby.

And, yes, the baby thing happened first...

But I don't want to just throw out the whole order.

Or-or... or rather, I want to, but I can't.

Despite the fact that it would make life much easier...

And despite the fact that I love you so much.

I get it.

Xiomara: Wow.

(Both gasping)


That was... incredible.

(Exhales) Thank you.

But I can't take all the credit.



Yeah. We talked about this.

Oh... yes, yes.

I'm sorry.

You were incredible, too.

(Chuckling): You're such a weirdo.

(Phone ringing)

It is the costumer from "Pasiòn Intergalàctica".


This is Rogelio De La Vega... or should I say Juan Rodrigo Castillo, Interplanetary Detective?

Yes, excellent.

I'll be there. And don't worry, I'm very easy to dress.

Everything looks good on me.

Except peach. I don't pop in peach.

Okay. Great.

Thank you.

They seem very excited to see me.

So... how do you feel about working under Esteban?


It's a great role. I mean, sure, it's not the lead, but my jurisdiction covers 147 planets in four different star systems.

So you're not putting on a show just for me?

No. I'm not.

I must go.

I'm late for a seaweed soak and sauna.

Care to join me?

Maybe another time.


I will be live-tweeting from the SPA... follow my feed.

Latin lover narrator: Oh, baby.

Michael: Jane.

Oh, hey.

Hi. So, listen... Oh, sorry.

Okay. See you later. Oh.

I just... I wanted to tell you something.

Um, I just saw Angelique Harper checking in.

What?! Here?!



Like, five minutes ago.

Oh, my God.

Really? Frontier lust?

You cannot judge it by its title.

Or by its cover.

Okay. Look at these two.

Is this... (Chuckles) Really how it's...

They're representing life on the Frontier?

How would you know what life on the frontier was like?

You weren't there.

Just admit the books are cheesy.

Angelique Harper is not cheesy, all right?

She writes beautiful, sweeping, romantic, epic love stories...


Why are you laughing?

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Angelique was here.

And to remind you that stalking is a crime.

Florida Penal Code section 784.

Don't worry, Detective. I'm gonna play it cool.

Angelique Harper is staying at the Marbella!

You like her?

I love her... love, love, love her! And she's staying here, at this very hotel... what are the odds?

I mean, we do host a lot of authors, so...

Rhetorical question.


She does have this private reading tonight.

Do you want to... ?


I'm definitely going.

And I'll ask her to read my first chapter.

You know, just for advice. And maybe I'll get discovered because she's so blown away by my writing. Or not.

But maybe.


But I hear she's pretty private.


Maybe don't accost her.

I would never. (Scoffs)

Okay, I would. I could.

But I promise I won't.

That's why I'm getting it out, here and now.

I'm gonna meet Angelique Harper.

That's gonna happen! Yes.

(Imitates whip cracking)

Look at me. Look at my feet.

They're doing them on their own.

Okay, I'm leaving.



Yeah! (Chuckling)

Oh. Hey.

Oh, uh, here.

(Humming happily)

Scott, come in.

How's life with Petra?

Soul-crushing, frankly.

I'm sorry to hear that.

And, look, she would k*ll me if she knew I was here, but, uh, I wanted to tell you...

Lachlan's been calling.

And I overheard Petra say that she's not returning his phone calls because she wanted to fire him in person.

Rafael: Petra.

Petra, hold on. You can't fire Lachlan. Just...

Look at his contract. If you fire him, he gets a million dollar buyout.

(Chuckles) Don't worry.

I know how to handle Lachlan.

Petra, hold on. Wait, you need me.

You can't run this hotel alone.

Watch me.

Jane: "She slammed the door and pushed her lover against the wall... "

Latin lover narrator: Inspired by Angelique's arrival, Jane threw herself into her writing with a renewed energy and passion. And when Jane's writing was flowing, it was as if she had been transformed into another person... a woman named... Juana.

(Lush, romantic orchestral music playing)

I'd like to tell you what she'd written, but I'm feeling a little self-conscious. I will say this: She writes it very well.

♪ ♪


Thank you all so much for coming.

I am very excited to be here.

Woman: We love you, Angelique!


I love you, too!

Now zip it. (Chuckles)

(Audience laughs)

So, tonight, I'd like to do a reading of a new novel I'm working on.

A sneak peek, if you will.

So, without further ado... "The night whistled with promise. Of music. Of romance. Of magic. At least, that's what Jane thought. As she sat in the crowd of the reading, Jane felt that she was on the cusp of something. Something that could change her life. And so without knowing why just yet, she stood up."

Stand up, Jane.

Latin love narrator: Stand, Jane! This is not a fantasy thing.


I'm serious! Get your butt up!

"Suddenly... Jane saw him approaching. Her one true love."

(Audience gasps)

What are you doing?

I'm proposing.


I know that romance novels are all about fate and destiny.

But I don't think there's ever been one written that could come anywhere close to our story.

If there were ever two people who were just destined to be together...

It's us.


Will you marry me?

Can we talk in private?

Latin lover narrator: So, just to recap: Rafael has just proposed to Jane in the most romantic way, in front of a hundred people. And Jane's response was... "Can we talk in private?"

I'm sorry.

I just didn't expect this.

Yeah, proposals are usually surprises.

I know that.

But there are usually discussions first.

Well, I mean, with all the hinting?

What "hinting"?

Latin lover narrator: Uh-oh. I think I know what's going on here.

When we talked about moving in?

You were hinting about getting engaged?

See, I recently watched a few episodes of a premium cable drama that touches on subjectivity.

I just have this order, you know?

Date, engaged...

Get married, then have a baby.

And just because this baby thing happened first, I don't want to throw out the whole order.

Or rather, I do.

I really, really want to.

Latin lover narrator: Yeah, guys hear what they want to hear.

(Sighs) Okay.

So I misinterpreted.

But it got me here.

And like I said in my proposal, it just feels meant to be.

Doesn't it?

Jane, life is short.

And we found each other.

So let's not waste time.

Marry me.

I told him I would think about it.

Think about what?

You've known each other for less than six months.

I know. It's too quick, right?

I mean, that-that's what I was thinking.

I know. I was thinking about that, too.

Really, ma?

Because they hardly know each other?

What do you mean what do I know?

I know a lot of stuff!

(Both speaking at once, in English and Spanish)



You look... the same.

And you wear money well, as always.

Well, let's get on with it.

We both know you wanted me back here, so you could fire me in person.

No, I'm not gonna fire you.

If I fire you, you get a payout.

I brought you back here to work.

Unless, of course, you'd like to quit.

(Bell dings)

Scott: Someone's in there.

Said you were expecting him?

Aaron, hello.

Look, this really isn't a great time.

I know, and I'm sorry to bother you.

I understand it's painful.

But I'm just looking for a little res...

Don't move!


You almost stepped on him.

On the spider?


I'm a Jain.

"A Jane"?

Latin lover narrator: What Jane? Our Jane?

Jainism... it's my faith.

It's an Indian religion rooted in nonviolence.

"Nonviolence" to-to bugs?

To all living creatures.

Wow. You're...

Really different than your brother.

Which is why we didn't speak for a long time.

Petra, look.

I know you were having an affair with him.

Please. I hold no judgment.

But I would like to hear more about his last days.

I don't even know where his remains are.

They're respectfully scattered.


Please, let's have a meal and talk about Roman.

For closure.

Rogelio: This is ridiculous.

I play hard-boiled Interplanetary Detective Castillo.

How is anyone going to take me seriously if I wear these ridiculous... ?!

I'm sorry.

Is there a problem?

Well, actually, there is.

You see, my costume is peach.

I don't pop in peach.

That was a creative decision.

I happen to pop against peach.

Jane: Found what?

Ma, you gotta be kidding.

Jane: "how to know if he's the one."

Ma, this thing is from the middle ages.

"Does he give you ample allowance?"

Xiomara: Mm-hmm.


"Does he... ?"

"does he eat what you serve him without complaint?"

Oh, my God, this is hilarious.

(Laughing): I told you. So stupid.

Oh... does he help you clean the cave?

Do you ride dinosaurs together?

Yes, he is.


He's incredibly kind.


(Groaning and panting)

Gym's closed.

Already worked out today... chest and arms.

I have a proposal for you.

Not interested.

You know the old saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?



I thought for sure Petra would screw up and fire me, send me off into the sunset with my golden parachute.

I assume you told her not to do it.

It's in my best interest that the Marbella succeed.

We can't afford to take a million-dollar hit.

Then use me.

I know this business better than anyone.

Frankly, the Marbella stands a much better chance under our leadership than under Petra's.

Petra has the controlling shares.

Yes... and I have this.

(Woman and man moaning passionately)

Camera work's a little sloppy, but you get the idea.

(Passionate moaning continues)

Turn-turn that off, man. What is wrong with you?

My point is, I thr*aten to release this... the Marbella Hotel has a board of conservatives who already doubt Petra's business savvy.

If this got out, not only would it be humiliating, but it would also discredit her completely.

What I'm proposing to you is that we use this to blackmail her into reinstating you.

And once you're in power...

We release it anyway, and get her off the board for good.

Latin lover narrator: It should be noted that one question kept running through Jane's mind. Two questions, actually.


Oh. Hi.

Sorry. This was your food truck originally, so, you should have custody of it.

It's okay.

Good, 'cause I was having a craving. (Laughs)

It's fine. It's fine.

Uh, Alex, another cubano.


Hey, Alex.

So this is why I haven't seen you! A baby!

Oh, yeah.

Now it's all making sense.

This is why the wedding was postponed.

Fiona, get over here!

Jane: Well, no, it's not exactly like that.

They're having a baby.

Jane: No, you...

Oh, my Goodness...

It's not really like that.

Hey, no, we're actually not. We're not...

(Overlapping chatter)

And so, it's like...

We're not having a baby!

I'm having a baby.

Um, I'm just... with somebody else.

I'll get those cubanos.

So, did you attack Angelique and give her your manuscript?

Not yet, and I take issue with "attack."

"as she watched him toss his cowboy hat on the floor and stride over, the feeling was overwhelming. She needed him."


"she needed him in a way she had never needed anything. She needed his hands on her body, his lips on her mouth"

Admit it. You're totally getting into this.

Oh, I am most definitely into this... (Laughs) But it is not because of the story.


Two cubanos.

(Both) Thank you.

Oh, here let me pay.

No, I got it.

It... no, it's...

I got it.

Thank you.

No problem.


Uh... oh... (Anxious laugh)

Okay, I'll see you soon.

Okay, see ya.
Latin lover narrator: Quite sad. Also sad... Xiomara, because she still hadn't gotten a visit from Aunt Flo.

Your door wasn't locked.

It shouldn't be unlocked.

Also sad... Rogelio, after playing second fiddle to Esteban all day.

Well, how'd it go?

Not that he'd let Xiomara know that.

In a word... magnificent.

Turns out I'm equally talented in outer space as I am here on Earth.

What's the matter?

(Scoffs) It's nothing.

Xiomara, I thought we're going to be honest about our feelings.

I'm a little late.

And I missed a pill or two this month.

And I'm worried I might be pregnant.


Is that all you have to say?

No. No.

While unexpected, it would be a blessing, Xiomara.


Is that how you feel?



You should have seen your face.

(Chuckles nervously)

Xiomara, are you serious?

(Laughing): Holy crap!

I was freaking out.

Freaking... thank...

Thank God, because this would have been a disaster.

I knew it!


I knew you didn't feel like it was a blessing.

I actually might be pregnant.


You were testing me?

I thought we were gonna be honest about our feelings.

Going to be honest?

You told me you were on the pill.

Were you trying to trap me?

Trap you? Are you serious?

You are free to walk out that door any time you want.

Good, then maybe I will.

Great, then maybe you should.

Maybe I will.

You already said that.

I'm repeating myself.

For emphasis.

Latin lover narrator: Meanwhile, across town, another test was about to be administered. Oh, man, it's hard not to get all Carrie Bradshaw. Anyway, observe Jane and Rafael... At the beach.

Thanks for meeting me.

I know you're busy today.

Eh, it's just all normal hotel craziness.

It can wait.

And you said you wanted to talk.


But not about the proposal.

I know, I got your text.

Just didn't want you coming and expecting...

That you had made a decision about whether or not you wanted to marry me?

I get it.

Still thinking.

Yeah, I've been thinking about a lot of things, actually.

I mean, like, what's my life gonna look like after the baby?

What's my plan?

And I really think I need to kind of take time off from everything else.

You know, and just focus on being a great mom.

And after a few years, I'll get back to writing and all that.

What do you think?

Of course, if that's what you want.


Hold on.


I was trying to be supportive, but that makes no sense to me.

You've been dreaming about becoming a writer since the day that I met you.

Why would you give that up?

I'm really glad you said that.

You passed the test.

The test?

Latin lover narrator: Oy.

Yeah, it was this quiz that my grandmother gave me.

She took it before she decided to marry my grandfather.

She thought it would help me out.

Well, look, I know that it's silly, but it's... you know, like, there's a lot of things I need to sort out.


So you, uh...

Anything else that I can answer for you?

Like a blood test or urinalysis or something?


You know, there's also a question about overreacting.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry... I'm hurt.

I want to marry you.

And I don't need a test to prove it.

(Sighs deeply)

I'm sorry. This is just not the way that I saw my proposal going.

We'll talk later. I'm gonna get back to work.

In that moment, Jane wanted to toss her fears aside and fling herself into his arms.


(Lush, romantic orchestral music playing)

My love...

You are all I need.

Of course I'll marry you.

Juana... you are the very air I breathe.

♪ ♪

But, alas, that was the stuff of romance novels...

And not real life at all.

Latin lover narrator: Petra told herself that there was no need to be nervous. After all, it was just dinner with her m*rder*d ex-lover's identical twin brother.

I took the liberty of ordering a few dishes.

Thank you.

It's vegan.

I really appreciate it.

(Chuckles) I'm, uh...

I'm just a bit hungry, so...

Oh. Are we supposed to pray or something first?

Uh, no.

I'm sorry, I don't eat root vegetables.

When tubers are uprooted, the whole plant dies, along with countless microorganisms.

But, please, you enjoy it.

No, seriously.

No judgment.

One of Jainisma's tenets.


Thank you for sitting with me, Petra.

It means a lot.

I know Roman was closer to you than anyone.


Our relationship, it, um...

Definitely wasn't perfect.



I'd imagine.

Since he wanted to marry you and you were already married.

Your brother was there for me at a time when I needed him.

I found myself falling for him.

But in the end, when Rafael agreed to give it another try, well...

I just loved him more.

Can I ask you a question?

Yes, of course.

I was going through some of Roman's belongings, and something is missing... a family heirloom.

Uh, my mother's necklace.

It's all I have of her and...

I have it.

Roman, uh, well, he gave it to me before he died.


I can get it to you.

Oh, you should've seen Rafael's face, Luca.

He was so crushed.

Well, yeah.

He poured his heart out, and you stomped all over it.

Not helping.


I'm about to.


Angelique Harper. Two o'clock.

(Quietly): Hand it over.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Latin lover narrator: Come on, Jane. You got this.

For the hundredth time, the answer is no!

Now you've put me in a foul mood.

Tell them that I'm not talking to them again until after my massage.


Petra: It's not a good time.

We need to talk.

Okay, what part of "silent partner" don't you understand?

I have your sex tape.

Hey, you're home.

Uh, quick question, do you remember when you bought those blue shoes?

Was it a Tuesday or a Wednesday?

I don't remember.

Think, though... you schedule everything... and I remember you brought them home around the time that I went to the movies with Slutty Crystal.

Mom, what's going on?


You have enough on your mind.

Okay, now you definitely have to tell me.

I'm late.

Late. For what?

My period is late.

But you're on the pill.

I forgot one.

Or two.


I know. I know. And I knew we should wait, but we got so caught up in the moment.

Caught up in the moment?

You're not 16.

It was an accident.


No, it wasn't.

Me standing here pregnant... that's an accident.

You were reckless. I mean, what's your plan?

Are we gonna be pregnant together?

Did you want to raise these babies like sisters?

No. Look, I didn't have a plan...

Yeah, I know.


I'm sorry. I...

I just thought...

I don't know.

I just thought that you would be more thoughtful if you thought about having another kid.

Because of...



(Petra moaning passionately)

Guys, put that away.

No way. It gets good at 3:48.

Rafael: What is that?

Tried to tell you. Hi, Rafael.

Hang on. (Clicks tongue)

Was that my ex-wife?

Uh, yes.

And where'd they get that?

I don't know. But...

It's everywhere.

I didn't release the tape. It must have been Lachlan.

I would never do something like that.

Petra: Lachlan didn't release the tape.

I did.

What?! But why?

Because as long as it existed, he could hold it over my head.

Now he has nothing.

I get that, but the Marbella board, they're a bunch of conservatives.


And I'm about to meet with them.

They're going to learn that my private files have been stolen.

They're going to be righteously outraged on my behalf and they're going to release this statement, condemning this violation of my privacy.

And what makes you think they're gonna sign this?

You'll help me convince them.

Because it will help the Marbella.

I think we should work together.

I would have fired Lachlan. And that would have cost us a million dollars.

When's the board meeting?

So I just found out...

I'm definitely not pregnant.


Look, I'm sorry I was harsh yesterday.

I was...


You were right.

And I've been thinking about what you said.

And maybe my missing a pill wasn't a complete accident.

It's just hard, you know?

'Cause being your mom.

Is the only thing I've been, like, successful at.

And now it's almost done.


Okay, first: No, it is not done.

But it's changing.

It's changing, definitely.

And maybe for the better.

Maybe it's time your life changes, too.

I mean, you don't want to live here forever, right?

In grandma's house?

No, I don't.


So then date Rogelio and see where it goes.

But... go slowly.

Take it step by step.

You're, like, annoyingly smart sometimes.

(Short chuckle)

Then why can't I answer this proposal?

Okay, I want to remind you about something, but I am afraid if I do, you're gonna think it's because I don't think you should marry Rafael, which is true, but that's not why I'm reminding you.

Of what?

The time you found Michael's list in the book.

(Phone rings)

(Groans) Can you turn off my phone, babe?

I'm-I'm doing a practice test... timed.





Xiomara: That night... the smile on your face... you were so happy.

Even though you'd only known each other a year, you didn't have any questions.

But it wasn't right.

That's not the point.

You know what it's like to be sure.

I'm sorry for testing you.

It's not right, but I just...

I think I was afraid of the answer I knew in my gut.

Which is...

I can't marry you.

Not yet.

A-and that look on your face... I mean, that's why I didn't want to admit it.

To myself, to you.

Because I was scared that if I turned down your proposal that would mean that something would...

Break between us.

That things would change.

And I don't want that, because I love you and I want to get to marriage.

I'm just not there yet.

Because you're not sure about me.

Because it's too fast.

You think that life is short. Well, for me, I think it's long.

And that there are steps you have to take first.

Yeah, I get that.

(Phone dings)

What's that?


It's stupid. I...

Planned on dropping off my chapter at Angelique's, once her massage was finished, because she'd be in a good mood.

Go. No.


I just need a second, okay?

To... to be alone, to lick my wounds.



But we're okay?


We will be.

Latin lover narrator: As she headed toward Angelique's room, Jane tried to put Rafael's disappointment out of her head.

Angelique: Come in.

Ms. Harper, hi, I, uh... right on time.

Thanks for pushing the massage an hour later.

Hey, you're Jane... from the proposal the other night, right?

Um, yeah, that-that's me.

Boy, that really went off the rails.

Let me guess... cute, rich, but dumb, right?

Oh, for the love...

Even my masseuse has a manuscript.

Oh, no, no.

I-I-I'm not...

You don't want me to read that?


Well... I-I do, but...

Let's see how the massage goes first, okay, honey?

Actually, Ms. Harper, I am...

Shh, shh.

I like a quiet massage.

(Whispers): Okay.

I like it deep.

The harder the better.

Mm, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, just like that.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, God, I hate these book tours.

I'm so glad I booked the extra half-hour.

I'm gonna need every one of these 90 minutes.


And I need you to really work my glutes.

What the hell is this?

We'd like you to double-check every dime spent in accounts receivable.

That is...

Unless you'd like to quit.

Esteban: And cut.

Nailed it. Again.

I came to tell you that...

I'm not pregnant.

Are you testing me?

No, I'm not.


And I'm sorry about that. It was stupid, and...

I'm relieved, too, because we aren't ready.

No. No, we're not.

But Rogelio, why don’t you tell me?

That your job under Esteban pretty much sucks.

Because I knew you'd feel bad that I stayed in Miami for you.

You're right, I do.

I don't want you to feel that way.

I'm glad I stayed.

You're worth it.

Xiomara, I-I care for you... a lot.

And I want to see where this goes.

Step by step.

Latin lover narrator: And maybe it was Rogelio's sweet words or Jane's scary ones...

I mean, you don't want to live here forever, right?

In grandma's house?

Latin lover narrator: But Xo looked at Ro and said something she'd never said before to a man:

Well... should we move in together?

Is that the next step?

Why not? Let's do it.


Grabbing another cubano...

Oh, my God, Michael, I just gave Angelique Harper a massage.


I went to go give her my chapters, she pushed back her appointment.

Michael, she stripped down butt-ass naked.

Latin lover narrator: And so they laughed, as old friends do. And how could Jane know that, at that very moment, Rafael would walk by. Dude, I swear, I swear, for, like 90 min... it was 90 whole minutes, and I cannot move my arms more than, like, this.

Past here.

And is she, is she gonna, is she gonna read is she gonna read your chapter?

I don't know. She fell asleep by the time I was done.

I snuck out.

Latin lover narrator: How could she know?

(Jane laughing)



Latin lover narrator: And how could Petra know the value of what she held in her hand?

Your mother's necklace.

Thank you. I...

I appreciate it.

Um, anyway, I-I should go.

Latin lover narrator: Like I said, how could she know?
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