08x15 - Eclipse of the Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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08x15 - Eclipse of the Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

Why am I the only one who has to give up everything?!

I have given up just as much in this relationship and you know it!

Peter: We can't go on like this.

Lou: No, we can't.

Peter and I have had terrible fights, but never anything like this.

I just wanna talk to him about it.

He says we'll talk when he gets back, but I don't think I can wait that long.

I think this is the type of conversation that you should have in person.

I need to go to Vancouver.

Tim: Shane writes, "you'll never believe this.

Mom's getting married, dot, dot, dot...

This Saturday - in capitals - exclamation mark!

Ty: I'm gonna visit my mom.

I wanna help her stay clean this time.

Amy: I still wanna come with you.

Ty: I want you to come too, but I gotta think about what's best for my mom.

(Insects buzz, car rumbles)

Limo driver: Excuse me, miss?

I'm sorry. Pardon me?

Limo driver: Where are we turning off?

Stay on the highway till we get to foothills pass,

then head east.

(Car rumbles)

'Kay, you ready?

Caleb: Let's see what this bad boy can do.

(Gate clanks open, horse whinnies)

Tim: That's it?!

C'mon. Seriously?

Bring him in, Bo.

There's not enough buck in that horse.

Jack: Looks like you got a live one there.

Tim: Pathetic.

Now that's a bit harsh.

Tim: Be good for a trail horse.

I need a gentle horse with a little buck.

Well, that's tough to find.

Tim: You're telling me.

Caleb: Look, I gotta get going.

I was supposed to meet Jesse an hour ago.

Tim: Yeah, we're done here anyway.

Jack: So how's Shane? You called him, right?

Yeah, we had a chat.

Jack: And?

Tim: And what?

Well, is he okay with Miranda's wedding or not?

Tim: I... I... was just reading into things.

(Tim grunts) He's fine.

Um, so I'm good.

Jack: You're not planning on doing something stupid are you?

Tim: What do you mean?

Jack: I don't know. Like driving to moose jaw and making a fool of yourself.

I said Shane's fine with it.

Yeah... What about you?

Amy: Okay...

Georgie: don't put that there.

What? Why?

Georgie: Because I need to keep the parts from the telescope separate from the parts on the mount.

Amy: Okay.

Georgie: It's hard enough setting this thing up.

(Door opens)

Georgie: They're here!

Katie: Aw. It's just G.G.

Jack: Oh, I'm so sorry to disappoint you.

Georgie: (Sighs) Lou and Peter should be back by now.

What's all this?

There's a lunar eclipse tomorrow night.

Georgie: Yeah, I borrowed a telescope from school.

Jack: Well, it looks pretty complicated.

Georgie: Yeah. Peter can help me set it up.

We're gonna watch it from the barn loft.

Amy: Hey, guys, a car just pulled in.

Georgie: They're home!

(Screen door opens, Amy giggles)

(Car door opens and shuts)

Lou: Oh my God!

I missed you guys!

Georgie: Hi, mom!

Come here! Look at you.

(Gasps) And you!

Have you been eating growing beans again?

Have you? Look at you.

Georgie: Uh, where-where's Peter?

Lou: Oh, honey, he had to stay in Vancouver.

What? He said he would be here. He promised.

Lou: I know. Something came up at work, okay?

I'm really sorry, Georgie.


Jack: Good to see you, Lou. Glad you're back.

Lou: So happy to see you. Yeah...

Eclipse of the Heart

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

You dreamer...

Lou: So is dad coming tonight?

Amy: No, he called to say he can't make it.

Jack: Oh, Tim's turning down a free meal?

What's going on there?

Amy: I don't know. Something about having to plan something for the next couple days.

Probably has to do with his rodeo school.

Jack: Hmm...

Oh, Lou, no offense to your stew, grandpa, but it's good to have you back.

Lou: Well, it is good to be back.

Not that Vancouver wasn't fun. It was... great.

You know we had walks on the seawall, picnics on the beach.

We even drove up to Whistler.

It was a nice vacation, but... this is home.

Georgie: What came up at Peter's work?

You know, I'm not too sure, honey, but it sounded... pretty important.

Well, will he be back for the eclipse tomorrow?

I don't think so, sweetie.

Well, then how am I supposed to set up my telescope?

Jack: I'll help you, Georgie.

Lou: There you go!

You know how to set up an equatorial mount?

Well, no, but how hard can it be?

Have you picked out a wedding venue?

Not yet.

Oh, Amy...

Ty and I have been really busy, okay?

Okay. Well, how about a wedding dress?

Amy: (Sighs) Lou: You do realize that your wedding is about a month away.

I know, I know. And Lisa has been on my case since you left.

Apparently not enough.

But it's good thing I am back to crack the whip.

Um, by the way, where's Ty?

Amy: He's visiting his mom.

Lou: What? How could he just leave at such an important time?

Lily's back in rehab, Lou.

Oh... I'm so sorry.

Um... well, you know what? I'm back now and I am gonna make your wedding... my first priority.

I'm gonna dig out my files so we can go over possible venues first thing in the morning.

I don't really wanna spend my whole day looking at pictures of other peoples' weddings.

Well, don't worry, we won't.

Because we're trying on wedding dresses after lunch.

Amy: (Laughs)

Hey, Lou...

Do you wanna tell me what's really going on?

With Peter - why he isn't here?

I told you, something came up at work.

So is he gonna keep traveling back and forth to Vancouver?

That's where his job is.

I know, but I thought that's the whole reason you went, so that you could talk about making changes.

Lou: Yeah, we talked, Amy.

We talked until we were blue in the face.


Lou: And I feel like we finally have a plan moving forward.

Amy: Well, that's great to hear. What exactly does that mean?

Katie: Mommy! I can't find my bunny.

I'll be right there, sweetie.

I should probably go get her in the bath.

(Diners chatter)

Waitress: Hi!

Tim: Hey! There's my girl.

Lou: Hey!

Amy: Your girls, actually.

Tim: Sorry, I just haven't seen this one for a while.

I was beginning to think you weren't coming back.

You were gonna trade your boots for birkenstocks.

Lou: Thank you for taking care of the diner for me while I was gone.

Tim: Well, I gotta be honest with you, honey.

It wasn't easy doing both, you know, with my new rodeo school.

Hey, I heard about that. That sounds right up your alley.

Tim: Yeah, I gotta tell you all about it, but...

I really have to run.

Lou: Okay. So what do you need to catch me up on here?

Tim: Nothing!

Oh, the sink, it's clogged.

Did you call a plumber?

Tim: That's a good idea.

Oh, and the uh... the walk-in freezer, it's on the fritz. The fan or something like that.

Lou: Since when?

Tim: A few days.

Lou: A few days?!

Tim: Yeah.

Uh... oh! And-and... We uh... we lost a server.

(Sighs) What did you do?

Tim: Apparently some people can't take constructive criticism.

Gotta run. (Kisses girls)

Tim: Bye-bye.

Lou: Nice to see you too, dad.

(Door clunks) This is... sticking.

Amy: Well, looks like you've got a few things to catch up on here.

Later. First... we need to find a place for you to get married.

(Amy's phone rings) I... should take this, Lou. It's Ty.

Go ahead.

(Phone beeps) Hey!

(Diners chatter)

Amy: Uh... no, I'm. I'm actually at the diner with Lou right now.

(Diners chatter, music plays in the background)

(Woman laughs, diners chatter)

Lou: Peter?

Why didn't you tell me you work for Bedford Oil?

Peter: We never talked about work. And, by the way, um...

I don't actually, technically, work for them.

Um... I own Bedford.

Lou: You own Bedford Oil.

Yeah. I guess that makes me the big bad wolf, right?

Lou: Peter, you are a very attractive man, okay?

Very... very attractive, but you stand for things that make my blood boil...

Peter: I just thought it would keep interesting, right? I mean...

Lou: It could never work.


(Receding footsteps, diner music fades in)

Amy: All right, I'm back on it.

Even Ty thinks I should start taking this wedding stuff seriously.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine. Um...

You know, you still haven't told me what decisions you and Peter made-

Nice try. You are not steering me off course here.

We need to make a short list of venues and start contacting them to ask about availability, okay?

I'm thinking the higher end hotels, Westgate Mansion, the polo club, obviously.

But first, we need to talk about the pros and cons of each one...

Starting with seating capacity 'cause I know you still don't know how many people are coming,

which is okay, but we do need to sort of narrow it down a little bit.

(Banging on trailer)

Tim: Get up! Hey!

(Bangs on door, door clicks open)

Sorry to wake you at the crack of ten.

What do you want?

I still need a horse for my school.

What does that have to do with me?

I want you to find it for me.

Yeah, I have a full plate with my so-called "silent" partner, so find your own horse.

Tim: No, no, no. (Door bangs open) I can't.

See, I'm going outta town. I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days.

Then I got full classes when I get back, so...

Caleb: Well, it sounds to me...

You're in a bit of a tight spot.

Yeah. Yeah, I know, it's gonna cost me. How much?

Well, it depends on...

How long it takes, how many horses I have to see, how far I have to go...

Tim: Okay, here's the deal. Two grand.

You can keep whatever you don't spend.

Caleb: Three.

Tim: Two.

Caleb: Twenty-five.

(Amused sigh) Two.

This isn't really how you're supposed to negotiate.

That's 'cause we're not negotiating, Caleb.

This is a take it or leave it sort of thing.

(Sighs) Fine, I'll do it.

Tim: Great.

See, that's how you negotiate.


Jack: Okay, I got that. What's next?

Georgie: Okay... now you need to take the counterweight, which is that.

Jack: Yup.

And you just slide it onto the counterweight shaft.

Okay. And you just need to make sure...

(weight thumps, Jack groans in pain)

That you tighten it!

Georgie: (Annoyed) Is it okay?

Jack: Yeah, it landed on my baby toe, it's fine. (Screen door opens)

Georgie: I meant the telescope.

(Screen door snaps shut)

Yes, the telescope is fine.

Lou: I just don't know how you can completely rule it out.

I mean, do you know how lucky we are that the polo club is even available at such short notice?

Amy: Lou, come on. Do you really think we wanna get married in some stuffy country club?

Stuffy? Look, the polo club was rated one of the top ten places to hold an event in alberta.

Amy: Okay, says who?

Lou: I don't remember. Look, Amy, let's just put a hold on it while we explore other options.

Lou, can I just take a break from all of this wedding stuff for a bit?

Yes. Look, I have some laundry to do, we'll get back at it over lunch.

Hi, you two.

Wow, looking good.

(Chuckles dryly)

It's going that well, is it?

Amy: We've made just about as much progress as it looks like you guys have.

Jack: (Chuckles dryly)

(Blanket rustles)

(Pats blanket)

(Birds chirp)

(Nervous sigh)


Lou Flemming, will you marry me?


Not gonna answer? Literally, you know, my legs are gonna go to sleep here.

Yes! Yes, I will marry you.

(Birds chirp outside)

(Screen door creaks open)

Amy: Caleb! Hello.

Caleb: I need you to do me a solid.

Amy: A solid?

Caleb: A favour.


Your dad asked me to find him a horse.

Amy: What kind of horse?

Caleb: It's for his rodeo school.

It's gotta be gentle, but a little bucky.

I figure you've come across a ton of those in your clinics.

Yeah, except I usually train them not to buck.

Surely there must be one or two that not even you could fix.

Amy: Um...

Actually, there was this one not too long ago that came a long way, but he's still a tough horse to ride.

Caleb: That's great. I mean, for us.

Would your client sell him?

I don't know. She's got young kids so he's definitely ideal for her.

Call her. Tell her to meet us at the rodeo grounds with the horse.

Amy: What, like now?

I don't have a lot of spare time.

Why are you finding this horse in the first place?

Shouldn't my dad be doing it?

He's out of town for a couple days.

Amy: Where is he?

Caleb: I don't know.

Jack: I bet I do.

He's driving to Moose Jaw.

Grandpa what is going on?

Miranda's getting married.

Amy: What? When?

Jack: Tonight.

Looks like your dad's gone to crash the wedding.

Amy: Well, why would he do that?

Jack: I don't know, but I'm gonna stop him before he gets there.

When did he leave?

Caleb: Not sure, but it couldn't have been that long.

Amy: He already has a good head start.

Ah, Tim's a creature of habit.

He always stops at that greasy spoon just off the saskatchewan border.

The Plowman's Special, that'll slow him down.

Good luck. (Door closes)

(Amy clucks her tongue, people chatter)

Caleb: You really think he'll buck? He seems pretty calm.

Amy: He gets pretty fired up when you mount him and I'm curious to see how he'll do with a flank strap.

(Caleb's phone rings, Caleb sighs heavily)

I gotta take this.

(Phone beeps on)

Hey, Jesse, what's up? Now? No, no.

I'm-I'm looking at a horse for Tim Fleming.

(Sighs) Okay. Yeah, I'll be right there.

Amy: What?

Caleb: I gotta go.

Amy: Caleb, we just got here. You can't take off.

I asked my client to bring her horse here at a moment's notice.

Caleb: Can you get started without me?


I'm sorry, Amy, Jesse needs my opinions on some thoroughbreds.

It shouldn't take long.

I'm supposed to be planning my wedding right now with Lou.

Caleb: Then you owe me for getting you out of it for an hour.

Amy: Just hurry up, okay.

Caleb: Thanks, Amy.

Lou: (Humming happily)

(Kisses Georgie, continues humming happily)

Georgie: What is up with you?

Believe it or not, I was able to put a hold on the polo club.

But I thought Amy said she didn't wanna have her wedding there.

Lou: Amy doesn't know what she wants.

Besides, at this late date,

it's amazing it's even available.

Well, it just doesn't sound like Ty and Amy's kind of place.

Have you ever even been there?

Georgie: Well no, but...

Lou: Okay, well... take a look... at this.

See how elegant it is?

If I hadn't snapped up that date
somebody else would have.

Is planning a wedding always this crazy?

(Snorts softly)

Peter: I want you to come with me.

Lou: To Dubai?

Peter: Yeah.

Lou: But we're not getting married until...

Like it's months away.

Well, I just think we have to move that up a little bit.

Uh... to when?

Mm... I dunno, now?

(Door slams shut) Lou?!

Come on, honey! I thought you understood!

Of course we have to move to Dubai.

Lou: don't talk to me!

(Sighs heavily)


I put a lot of work into this place.

I wonder what it'll be like when I'm not here to run it.

Look, honey, you don't have to...

Lou: No, I... I've thought about it and...

I can pull it together.

I'm determined to make it work.

You... are an amazing woman.

I know.

Georgie: The polo club's okay, I guess.

No, it's not.


Lou: It doesn't feel like Ty and Amy.

Georgie: Well, that's what I said.

Lou: You were right.

I'm not bringing my 'a' game here.

I can do better.

Somewhere out there is the perfect place to hold this wedding.

It's classy, but not stuffy; contemporary, but a hint of tradition.

You know, laid back but still has a pulse.

Maybe you should take a break, Lou.

Oh no, no, no. I am just getting started.

(Keyboard keys clack)

(Truck rumbles)

What the hell?


(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Door bangs shut)

Jack: How was lunch?

What the hell are you doing?

Jack: I came here to ask you that very same question.

I'm still worried about Shane, all right?

See, this is why I didn't tell you I was going because I knew you'd read into it.

Jack: Read into it how? Like maybe I'd think that the real reason you're going to Moose Jaw is so you can screw up Miranda's wedding?

Tim: (Huffs) That's not true.

Jack: Well, then what do you plan on saying to her then?

Tim: I don't-who-who says I'm saying anything?

Well, I have to say congratulations.

Well, that's a message you can deliver through Western Union.

Or I could send a text, like the rest of us in the twenty-first century.

But that's a little impersonal, don't you think?

You are not going to wish her a good life, anymore than you're going for Shane's sake.

Now you tell me, what's the real issue here?

The real issue here, Jack, is that I have a father-in-law who won't keep his nose outta my business.

Who I've had to deal with for 30-years...

30-years of BS!

(Truck doors open, Tim's door closes)

(Engine knocks, Jack blasts his horn)


It won't start.

(Truck door bangs shut)

(Tim's door bangs shut)


(Katie sighs)

Lou: (Giggles) Mommy's just trying to figure out what's the best plan for Amy and Ty's wedding, sweetie.

What's a plan, mommy?

(Door snaps shut)


Hey! There she is!

Whoa! Oh! You okay? Is the baby okay?

Lou: Absolutely.

Peter: I gotta make sure that I am here when it does happen.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'm not going back to Dubai.

I'm gonna stay here, make this home base.

You're gonna work from here?

Peter: Yeah.

'Til the end of the pregnancy anyway.

Just until the pregnancy's over?

Well, I... maybe I could stick around 'til we send 'im to college or something.
(Kissing and laughing)

A plan is something that you're supposed to see all the way through.

When's daddy gonna come home?

Lou: I don't know, sweetie...

I don't know.

(Birds chirp)

Jack: One more time.

(Engine knocks)

(Humming sound, ignition clicks)

Tim: No, no, it's dead.

Do you want me to have a look at that?

Jack: No. I know what it is.

(Hood clunks shut)

It's the starter, it's been giving me trouble lately.

I guess it bit the dust.

Tim: Okay, I'll-I'll call you a tow truck.

Just give me a lift back and I'll send someone out to get it.

Tim: I'm not going back to Heartland, you are.

Jack: Well, maybe I should come with you to the wedding.

Tim: (Laughs) The last time you talked to Miranda you convinced her to leave me.

Jack: Ah, see? See? I knew it! This is about you.

You are not going to Moose Jaw.

How're you gonna stop me, Jack?

I don't know.

(Struggling, horn honks as they struggle)

Tim: Hey! Hey! (Keys jingle)

Hey! Hey!

(Grunts) Hey! Give me! Hey!

(Door slams shut)

Are you...?

Are you freaking kidding me?!

Wha-? Why would you do that?!

(Wind blows, birds chirp)

Caleb: How'd it go?

Amy: Well, as far as I can tell, this horse seems pretty perfect for what my dad needs.

Caleb: You're a good boy.

How much do you think your client will sell him for?

I don't know, maybe a thousand?

Think they'll go for seven fifty?

The less I spend, the more I make, and I could really use the cash right now.

Amy: Is everything going all right with your business?

Uh... yeah, yeah. Well, uh...

Look, Jesse lives by the old saying, you gotta spend money to make money.

Those thoroughbreds we just looked at, fifty g's a head.

Amy: Whoa! Why would you need a horse like that?!

Caleb: To cater to a higher end customer.

Amy: And you're sure you have the cash to buy that kind of stock?

Well, Jesse's willing to lend it to me, but I'm already into him for the initial loan, plus the cost of boarding my horses.

Amy: I thought you were keeping them at Briar Ridge?

I am. He charges me full rate.

Amy: What?

Caleb: Says his mother would k*ll him if he went around giving the facilities out for free.

Lou: Okay, I think I've got it.

Found the perfect place?

Lou: An arena.

Georgie: An arena?

Lou: Yes!

If we did it up... like this.

Look at that. Isn't it gorgeous?

What's going on here? Why is this all packed up?

I'm taking it back to my teacher.

But the eclipse is tonight.

Well, it's too hard to set up.

Lou: Well, you can't just give up, Georgie.

Look, I'll-I'll help you do it, okay?

Georgie: No, it's okay, Lou, I don't feel like watching the eclipse anyways.

Lou: That is crazy, Georgie.

You have been talking about this for weeks. We can do this.

Georgie: Can you stop doing that?

Lou: Doing what?

Georgie: You're not listening to me.

I don't wanna watch the eclipse without Peter.

Just like how Amy doesn't want some big splashy arena wedding.

Lou: Georgie!

Georgie: 'Kay, well, I'm sorry, but it's true.

Sometimes you make decisions for people, even when they already told you it's not what they want.

(Stomps upstairs)

Auctioneer: Five twenty-five, now thirty!

I'm at the Hanley auction.

Oh, Peter, this house is so great!

Four thirty-five!

Peter: W-what? Lou?

What're you doing? Are you bidding?

Are you bidding right now? Are you crazy?!

Please, Peter, I want this house.

It's perfect. We can fix it up.

Peter: Fix it up?! Fix it up?! It's a tear-down!

I just wish you would at least talk to me before you made up your mind about something so important.

Oh... right.

Like the way you always talk to me before you make up your mind about things.

Don't do that. don't even...

Don't mention, uh, the house that you bought without talking to me first?

Or the specialist you sent Katie to just because some overrated private school says that she needed it? A school I didn't even think she needed...

Lou: No, no, no!

Peter: to go to in the first place.

Lou: That is not fair, okay?

I thought I was doing what was best for Katie.

Oh, and what about what was best for Georgie, how you thought that she should contact her aunt.

Lou: Stop it.

Peter: You remember her aunt, right?

The one that called child services on us.

Lou: Stop it!

Peter: And said that we were abusing our children?

Lou: Stop it! Just stop it!

Peter: Do you remember that?

(Sighs heavily, snaps laptop lid shut)

(Grass rustles)

Tim: Help me look. You're the idiot that threw them in here.

Jack: I said I was sorry. I don't know what came over me.

But we're never gonna find them.

I didn't even see where they landed.

Tim: Just help me look!

I'm gonna be late for the wedding.

Come on, Tim, don't you think this like an omen or something?

Tim: An omen?

Jack: Yeah.

Like maybe the universe is saying that you shouldn't be going to Miranda's wedding.

The universe didn't throw my keys in here.

You did!

Get over here and look.

Jack: All right.

(Truck rumbles)

Caleb: Thanks, Amy. See what your client says at seven-fifty, right?

I'll give it a shot.

Caleb, this partnership with Jesse, you're getting in pretty deep.

(Sighs) I'm a big boy, Amy.

Amy: I know. It's just...

There's no chance that you're still seeing Cassandra, right?

Caleb... Caleb!

Oh my God, are you crazy?

You're still hooking up with Jesse's girlfriend behind his back?

Well, we can't very well be out in the open.

Not now.

This is all gonna blow up in your face if he finds out.

He won't, he won't find out.

Look, I just want what you and Ty have.

Where the worst thing in my love life is trying to sort out wedding plans.

You're not gonna have that with Cassandra, especially not when she's with Jesse.

(Sighs) I know. It's complicated though.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

I'm not sure you're thinking with your heart right now.

Or your head for that matter.

Just be careful, okay?

(Door bangs shut, engine starts)

(Door opens and closes)

Amy: Hey.

Lou: Hey.

I'm sorry I took off earlier.

No. Uh... I'm the one who should apologize.

Amy: For what?

Lou: For pushing too hard and for trying to tell you what's right for your wedding.

No, Lou, you know that's not true.

It is true. I mean, can you believe I was actually considering this for your wedding venue? (Key clicks)

Amy: Hey, is that that...?

Lou: Yeah, Hillsdale Valley Arena.

I know, it's a stupid idea.

Amy: No... it's not.

I mean, I don't know that I would do it up quite like this,

but this is pretty cool.

Maybe I could even ride Spartan up to the altar.

Lou: So... you actually like this?

Yeah. It's the best idea yet.

You're not just saying this to get me off your case?

No, Lou.

I admit, I'm not really into this whole wedding prep stuff, but I love Ty, and I can't wait to marry him.

So I need you to keep doing your whole... obsessive Lou thing so this wedding will happen.

My whole obsessive Lou thing?

I mean that in a good way.


Come on, let's go look at wedding dresses and get this over with, huh?

That's the spirit.

(Dress rustles)

Amy: It's too... puffy.

Lou: Amy, I picked this one out because you said the last one was too fitted.

Amy: Well it was.

Lou: Right.

And the one before that was too "busy," and that one's too "Hollywood."

Well, I don't know, Lou. None of them look right.

How can you tell? You haven't tried anything on yet.

You know, at this rate, you are gonna be walking down the aisle in a pair of wranglers.

That's not a bad idea.

Okay, all right! Fine! I'll try one on.

Thank you.

Amy: Ungh!

Lou: Care-honey, careful.

(Sighs heavily, thumps lightly on couch)

(Sighs heavily, slaps thighs)

(Dress rustles)


Lou: I, Samantha Louise Flemming...

Peter: I, Peter Walter Morris, do take you...

To be my husband, my constant friend and... my one true love.

With this ring...

I thee wed.

(Guests clap and cheer) Minister: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris.

Lou: Okay.

Jack: Bye. (Light kiss)

(Sleigh bells jingle)

Lou and Peter: Bye! Bye!

(Guests cheer and shout)

Peter and Lou: Bye! Bye!

(Sleigh bells jingle)

(Exhales slowly)

(Dress skirt rustles)

Lou: (Gasps)

Amy: Oh, come on. It doesn't look that bad.

Lou and Amy: (Laugh)

You look beautiful.

I still think it's a little... puffy.

Lou: Okay, we'll keep looking.

But you have to help me here, Amy.

What... what is it that you want?

Amy: Honestly, Lou?

I just wanna find a dress that looks as good on me as yours did on you.

Lou? What's wrong?

(Sniffling) Um...

It's me and Peter. We um... (Crying)

What's going on?

It's over, Amy.

What're you talking about?

Peter and I, we've...

We've decided to separate.




(Lou sighs)

Lou: You weren't there! You never are!

Because I have a job, Lou! A real job!

Lou: And I don't?!

I'm just sitting around eating chocolates all day?!

Peter: That is not what...

Lou: Except - oh wait...

I don't have time to eat chocolates because I'm too busy raising our daughter... and Georgie!

And you're too busy going to some stupid meeting about an oil well in Venezuela or Trinidad to care about what is going on here!

Yeah, I'm too busy to care, Lou. Right.

So what the hell? I'll just pack my bags and head back to Vancouver. How's that?

Lou: You may as well. You know, it's your home away from home!

You must be used to it by now!

Peter: That's what this is all about, right?!

Lou: No!

Peter: I screwed up over there and you will never let it go.

That's why you won't move to Vancouver; that's why you're stuck here clinging to your life at Heartland.

Because you're terrified that Peter's gonna screw everything up again!

Lou: That is not true!

Peter: It is true!

(Door opens and shuts)

Sorry, I couldn't wait for you... in there.

What happened, Lou?

I don't know, Amy. Just more of the same.

It's like...

It's like our arguments are on this constant loop.

My life is here with the girls, his life... is wherever his work takes him.

How are we supposed to grow as a couple?

But you can... you can work out.

I mean, it can't really be over.

Lou: It is, Amy.

It probably has been for... some time now and...

It's like we've been living separate lives and chasing different dreams and...

It finally caught up to us.

Peter and I, we... we don't work anymore.

We're broken, Amy.

Amy: But you still love him.

Lou: Of course I do. Everywhere I look I'm reminded of our life together.

I... I don't know, Amy.

I'm so mixed up. (Crying)

Maybe we're making the biggest mistake of our lives...

Lou: (Sniffling)

(Light kiss, sobs)

(Grasses crunch underfoot)

Tim: I just wanted to make sure Miranda was happy.

Jack: Well, you expect me to believe that?

Tim: I don't know what you believe.

Jack: I think you wanted to measure up her new guy.

No, it's not that. I already know how great he is, so...

Young, and good looking, and successful...

That's what's been eating at you.

No. No, it's not him. It's me.

Why wasn't I good enough for her?

(Birds chirp, grasses rustle)

I mean, I laid it on the line, said I was willing to give us a chance, plain as day.

She just walked away.

Are you in love?

No. No, I barely speak to her.

I mean with Casey.

I don't know... I could be.

We laugh a lot, she's smart, and you've seen how she looks...

Yeah, she's not bad at keeping you in check either.

Yeah, she's got a talent for that.

Okay. (Claps hands lightly)

Now you know I don't like to give advice...

But I think you oughta focus on where you and Casey are headed, instead of rehashing where you and Miranda have already been.

(Birds chirp, breeze blows)

(Sucks on grass)

(Door bursts open)

Georgie: (Excitedly) He's back! Peter's back!

(Vehicle rumbles)

Georgie: Hi!

Peter: Hey, hey, hey!

Hey! (Groans dramatically)

Georgie: I-I can't believe you're here!

Lou said you were stuck in Vancouver!

Peter: How can I miss watching the eclipse with my favourite girls?!

(Baby cries)

Lou: Hi, you.

Honey, look at our baby. (Kiss)

Peter: There's only one charm on it, but lots of room for expansion, just like our family.

(Light kiss)

Lou: We don't want you to leave.

And, in fact, we would really love it if you would consider staying here with us and with Katie.

Peter: Now only if that's okay with you.

Lou: It has to be right for you.

Georgie: Woo-hoo! Okay, okay!

Peter: All right, hold it!

Georgie: I'll hold it, I'll hold it.

Peter: Okay, I'll reel it in.

Georgie: Okay.

Peter: Woo!

Georgie: Oh my God!

Katie: Mama, they caught a fish!

Lou: Yeah.

Georgie: (Laughing)

Georgie: Thanks for coming home, dad! This is gonna be amazing!

Peter: Ah! I told you I'd be here.

I brought home a telescope from school, but we couldn't set it up.

Peter: What is it? An equatorial mount?

Georgie: Yeah! Yeah.

Peter: Ah, no problem.

I've done tons of those. Let's do it!

Georgie: Okay!

Lou: Hi.

Peter: Hey. Hi.

(Light peck)

Georgie: Ah! Now we get to watch the eclipse, the whole family.

Oh, I'm so excited you're back. We're gonna have so much fun!

C'mon, Katie, let's go! Come on! (Laughing)

Peter: Sorry for just showing up like this.

I... I probably should've called here.

It's okay.

I've been... I've been thinking a lot about you, about us.

Yeah, me too.

Honey, are... Are we giving up too easy?

I keep asking myself that.

Lou: Maybe...

Maybe we should be fighting to make this work.

Peter: We've been fighting literally, you know, a lot, and it's...

It's just, it's taken its toll, Lou, you know.

And as much as it hurts, I think...

I think we're making the right decision.

So why did you come back?

Because I told Georgie I was gonna watch the eclipse with her.

I'm gonna be here for the kids, Lou.

That-that-that's not gonna change.

Everything is gonna change.

How are we gonna tell them?

Peter: I don't... I don't know.

But let's...

Let's not tell them tonight, okay?

Would that be all right? Let's just have one more night.

Caleb: So what do you wanna talk to me about?

Is this another lecture?

No. I wanted to say I'm sorry.

(Sighs heavily) That horse deal fell through?

No. I mean about Cassandra. I should've never pried.

It's just...

I am lucky to have what I have with Ty, and... I want you to be happy as well.

Then tell me your client's gonna sell that horse to Tim.

Well, I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm sure it'll all work out.

Caleb: I hope so. I really need the commission.

Did you and Jesse buy one of those expensive horses?

(Sighs) Two. We bought two.

(Diners chatter, music plays quietly)

(Grasses rustle underfoot)

(Keys jingle and thunk)

Jack: Well, will you look at that!

Oh... I found your keys right here.

(Keys clank)

Tim: No, give me the keys. I'm still ticked with you.

Spent a whole afternoon of my life... an afternoon I will never get back... looking around in grass.

Hey! You can still make the wedding if you leave now.

Nah. I think I'm gonna send a congratulations text.

That's a good call.

Well, I have you to thank for that decision.

You got me to see how Miranda sees it, you know?

What it would be like to have... somebody always following you around.


(Keys clank) Let's get you a tow.

Jack: Ah, you know, that truck's had a chance to cool down now, I think we oughta give it another shot.

Tim: I thought you said your starter bit the dust.

Jack: Oh yeah, but it's a finicky thing.

Tim: You and I both know that there's nothing wrong with your truck, Jack.

Jack: (Laughing)

Tim: You're unbelievable.

(Chuckling) Unbelievable.

(Approaching footsteps)

Lou: Hey.

Amy: Hey.

They finally get that telescope set up?

Lou: Yup. Peter is really good at that kind of thing.

Are you okay?

Lou: I'm pretty far from okay.

Amy: I told Ty what's going on...

We both think that, under the circumstances, it would be best to postpone the wedding.

Lou: No.

Look, I appreciate your concern, Amy, but I'm not gonna let you put your future on hold because of this, okay?

And besides, the whole family is gonna need something to look forward to.

Lou: (Sighs heavily)

Amy: You're sure?

Lou: If you really wanna help me get through this, then... help me to believe in love again.

Amy: Yeah.

Guess we should probably book that arena.

Lou: Yes, we will.

And it's gonna be perfect.

Peter: Yes, I think so...

Okay, let me just adjust it a bit more here.

Oh, there we go.

Georgie: Really?

Peter: Yeah! It's happening! It's happening!

Georgie: Oh my gosh!

Peter: Come on up, honey. Take a look!

Georgie: Here. Here.

Peter: Look.

You can see the moon. It looks like a big cookie being eaten by the sky.

Katie: Now I can't see anything.

Peter: Oh boy. Well, you're closing the wrong eye.

You gotta close the other eye.

(Laughing) This eye. There you go.

Peter: Whoa!

All: (Laughing)

♪ I'm sorry, there's only so much I can do ♪

(Fireworks pop, everyone laughs)

♪ I'll die for just another glimpse of you ♪

Peter: Here's to our future.

♪ 'Cause I can make you happy ♪

Peter: Lou, come here. You gotta come check this out.

Lou: Can I see? Let me take a peek.


That is really something, isn't it?

Peter: Right?

Georgie: Oh, it sure is.

Oh, that is so cool!

(Lou chuckles)

Here. Here, let me see.

That is amazing!

♪...come around, come around again ♪
♪ Won't you come around, come around, come around... ♪
♪ Again... ♪
♪ Ooh... ooh... ooh... ♪
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