03x15 - Nanda Parbat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderators: SageLexington, SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x15 - Nanda Parbat

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on "Arrow"...

Why didn't you tell me about Sara?

Every time I bring her up, you end up evading it.

You k*lled Sara.

And I don't want you to tell anyone about this, especially Laurel.

How could you have done this to me?

Please do not do this--

Just stop!

I will work with you to stop Ra's, but never again will I be your daughter.

Oliver Queen is still alive.

Somehow, Taer Al-Sahfer's k*ller still yet breathes.

Yes, I know.

He has returned to Starling City, apparently.

Why did you not tell me?

I had a right to know that justice has not been done!

Because Oliver Queen did not m*rder Taer Al-Sahfer.

Do you not believe his own confession because you doubt his motives or because you don't approve of my grief?

Sara was your beloved.

And you've never approved.

I knew Sara would leave us.

Leave you.

One way or the other.

I didn't approve of the love that I knew would end only in heartbreak.

Whether Queen k*lled Sara or not, he challenged you.

He defied you.

For that alone, he must die.

Season 3 Episode 15
Nanda Parbat
Original Air Date on February 25, 2015

[All grunting]

Coordinate your att*cks.

If you don't fight in unison, your numbers become my advantage.

[All grunting]

[Breathing heavily]

You both have a long way to go.

Particularly you, Oliver.

You've spent years preparing to bring a bow and arrow to a sword fight.

That's almost funny coming from you, considering you're the reason the League is targeting us.

John: Thea has the club closed for renovations.

I've reinforced all the entrances with A.R.G.U.S. tech.

We're secure.


My friends call me Dig.

You shouldn't even speak to me.

If the club is as secure as Dig says, perhaps you and Thea should relocate here.

We discussed that.

Thea wants to stay in the loft.

I have only been able to survive in Starling City because the League has no idea where in the city I am.

We are not leaving the loft.

You and your sister have the same stubbornness.

Clearly it comes from your mother's side of the family.

It's pretty amazing how much Malcolm taught you in such a short time.

Yeah. He's father of the year.

Your fighting style, it-- it reminds me a bit of Sara.

That's, um, probably because the same people taught Malcolm and her to fight.

I need to take a shower.


I was going to ask for a favor, but I'm...

Really more concerned about you at the moment, Oliver.

I'm fine.


You've been pushing it pretty hard with Malcolm Merlyn lately.

When's the last time you got a decent night's sleep?

I will sleep when this is over.

We recovered the Omega from Chien Na Wei.

We stole the Alpha from the Hong Kong military and gave it to Amanda Waller.

Look, no matter how many times you make me say it, it's not going to be any less true.

That's enough.

You're relieved.

Sorry. Waller's a little too thorough for her own good, and by "thorough," I think you know I mean paranoid.

Well, I've gotten used to it by now.

Where is she, anyway?

Well, the mop-up of the Alpha/Omega bioweapons problem has become a United States Army operation.

Ms. Waller's participation is concluded.

I'm sure that comes as a profound disappointment to you.

Oh, like you wouldn't believe.

I apologize for the invasiveness of your debrief.

And now that it's over, you're free to go.

The Yamashiros have been released, too.

They're returning to Japan.

You go with them, and from there, you can return to Starling or go wherever else on earth you wish.

Thank you, General Shrieve.

After what you did, son...

That's the least I could do.


This is hardcore.

When Dig said he was fortifying the club, I figured there'd just be a few extra locks and cameras.


Are you ok?

No. No, not really.

What's wrong?

Ollie told me that I can't tell anyone.

Whatever it is, you have to be able to talk about it with someone.

Someone who's not your brother.

I k*lled Sara.

It was Malcolm.


I know.

And none of you told me?

You know last year when I kind of went off the rails for a bit?


I was also under the influence of something.

And just like you, I k*lled someone.

A cop.


They didn't tell me, either.

And when--when I found out...

You wished that you didn't know.

Look, I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that the feeling ever goes away, but I can tell you that it gets easier, Thea.

You don't have to see that cop's family almost every single day.

I can't imagine that it's going to get any easier.


And I don't think that it should.

[Doorbell rings]

So he is alive.

There were doubts.

Do you have any idea what happens to the stock price of Palmer Technologies when Palmer goes missing for a week...


It's been a week?

I've been a little distracted.

I can't get the gauntlet module to interface with the helmet system.

I've been working the problem, but I can't--


Yeah, I imagined you'd say that, but this is the last step towards the suit becoming operational, and a little facial hair is a small price to pay--


This is a subsonic ionizer.

If you try to use it on quadband circuitry, it could result--

In a catalytic reaction that could destroy the entire building.



You need to get some sleep.

I will, once I've cracked the problem.

Or blow yourself up?

Whichever comes first.


When those men k*lled Anna, I promised myself I would never feel that helpless again.

So, can you even imagine how I felt when Brick's men took a portion of the city hostage?

Lousy. We all did.

But if you're punishing yourself--

I'm not--I'm not punishing myself.

I'm focused on the task at hand.

Too focused, clearly.

I'm sorry, but I've got a lot of work to do.

Hey, Dad. It's me. Again.

Listen, I know you're upset and you have every right to be, but it's been over a week, and now that you know the truth, neither of us should go through this alone, so, please call me back.

I love you.

[Hangs up phone]

Hey. What are you doing here?

Um, I--I need to talk to you.

Is everything all right?

No. It's about Sara.


Malcolm drugged me.

He gave me something that made me... susceptible to suggestion, and I--

Thea... what are you talking about?

I k*lled Sara.

I didn't know what I was doing, ok?

It wasn't me.

I'm so sorry, Laurel.

If Merlyn drugged you... then it wasn't your fault.

But how could you work with him?

How could you stand by his side?

Because of the threat of the League.

We have to work with him.

I don't have a choice.

Yes, you do.

What happened wasn't your fault, Thea, because it wasn't your decision.

If you want to make this right, what you do from now on... that is.

I can't remember Sara's smile.

It's weird, isn't it?

I mean, I know Sara used to smile and--and laugh, but when I close my eyes and I try and picture it, all I see is the way that I found her.

You know, sometimes, the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of one day finding her k*ller.

We will.

I promise.

How do you do that?

Do what?


Right to my face.

Thea told me, Oliver.

She told me everything.

How could you keep this from me?

After what you wanted to do to Lacroix and Merlyn?

Do you really need to ask me that question?

I'm not so consumed with vengeance that I blame Thea for Sara's death.

I blame Malcolm Merlyn.

I need him.

He m*rder*d my sister.

With the League targeting us, he is the only chance I have of saving mine.

This is how it has to be.

It's really amazing...

The way Merlyn always finds a way under your protection.

I'm sorry, Laurel.

You know, it's hard to remember a time...

When I was actually in love with you.

[Door opening]


I told you not to tell anyone.

I guess I'm just not as good at keeping secrets as you are.

Thea, I'm not gonna pretend that I understand all the different types of pain that you're in, but the threat, it is very real.

And the only way that we are gonna survive is by acting in unison.

Are you really quoting Malcolm Merlyn to me right now?

Yes. Because he, better than anyone, understands the danger the 3 of us are facing.

We're not in any danger.

Not anymore.

Not you or me.

But Malcolm--he's going to face justice.

Thea, what have you done?

You're clearly not League of Assassins.

They wouldn't be this sloppy.



That's right.

I forgot.

Oliver mentioned you were having some identity issues, though he didn't mention about your delusions of grandeur.


You k*lled my sister, you stupid son of a bitch!

[Both grunting]

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

Your sister's teacher was my teacher.

Did you think you could really dispatch me with a stick?


[Cocks g*n]

I suppose we're gonna see if being a k*ller runs in the family.


Step aside, Laurel.


This does not concern you.

We've come for Al Sa-Her.

[Malcolm grunting]

Nyssa: Uhh!


You swore to me that you didn't k*ll Sara.

I never believed you.


It is admirable of you to honor your sister, but you can rest now.

Sara's m*rder is avenged.

Where is she? Hey!

I told you Merlyn was off limits.

I know.

And then I realized that I didn't really give a damn.

This is why I keep secrets from you.

Because you let your emotions dictate your actions, and it is gonna get you k*lled.

Did you really think that you had a chance against Malcolm Merlyn?

Nyssa and the League kidnapped Merlyn.

I know.

Thea traded Merlyn for safety.

She was able to contact the League because they are in town on the hunt.

Merlyn has a video of Thea k*lling Sara.

First thing he's gonna do is show that to Ra's.

Then we're right back at square one.

That video was a bluff to make me challenge Ra's.

Merlyn loves Thea.

He would never just serve her up.

[Sigh] We have to get him back.


Yeah. I'm with her, because it just sounded like you wanted to rescue Malcolm Merlyn from the League.

My sister did this because she is angry.

Eventually, she will settle down and realize that she basically just k*lled her own father.

There's no coming back from that.

The guilt will just eat away at her until there is nothing left.


I'll start with the private airfields.

No. Oliver, Merlyn m*rder*d my sister and corrupted yours and now you want to save him?

I'm trying to save Thea's soul.

You're out of your mind.

And you don't need to be here.

I got something.

Unless it's a big, fat coincidence that the security cameras at Starling City Aviation just went dark.

I'll handle it.

I'm going home!

We hope you'll consider staying with us in Tokyo for a day or two before you leave for Starling City.

Don't pressure him, Tatsu.

He's been away from home a long time.

You can stay with us forever.

I like playing games with Oliver.

Well, maybe I can send my family's plane, and then you and you parents could vacation in America.

Your family owns a plane?

It's more of a jet.

I see it! I see it!

I see our boat!

I hate boats.


What is it?

Hell will be a paradise compared to what my father has in store for you, Al Sa-Her.

Malcolm: Only because of my Undertaking.

Your father doesn't care about Sara's death just as you know in your heart that your relationship with Sara has cost you any chance of taking your father's place.
[Tires screech]

Get him aboard.

I'll deal with this one.



Your sister told us Merlyn k*lled Sara.

Are you so lost you'd deprive me of my justice?

This isn't justice.

It's vengeance.

Vengeance is justice.

[Both grunting]


He's gone.

Malcolm Merlyn will never be seen again.

So, what's the play?

Trade her for Malcolm?

Ra's will not make that deal.

Even for his own daughter.

Laurel: What are you doing with her?

She's a source of information...

And leverage.

I need the room.

Laurel: You're gonna t*rture her to find out where Nanda Parbat is?

I need the room.

Everyone clear out.

Oliver, listen.

I know what you're doing and I know why you're doing it.

But you can't save Thea's soul at the cost of your own.

Laurel was right.

I need to know where Nanda Parbat is.

Was she also correct you intend to t*rture me for that information?

No. Because we know I won't have to.

You placed Sara's k*ller under your protection.

Your every action has been aimed towards the frustration of justice.

I will gladly tell you where to find my home...

Because you will die there.

It's like "Mission: Impossible" in here.

Yeah, that's the idea.

Make it impossible for the League to get the drop on us.

I thought Thea got us off their hit list.

Yeah, that was before we put Ra's Al Ghul's daughter in a box.

Taking prisoners now.

Isn't that crossing a line?

Actually, Oliver has an entire prison on Lian Yu.

Maybe I shouldn't have told you that.

Nanda Parbat is hidden beneath the Hindu Kush.

That was quick.

She wanted to tell me.

Thinks I'm gonna die there.

She's not the only one.

I understand facing Ra's when you were doing it for Thea, but--

I am doing it for Thea.

Look, I may not agree with it, but I understand what you're trying to say.

You don't want Thea to live with the guilt of getting her own father k*lled.

But how is her brother dying any better?

I don't plan on dying.

That's what you said the last time you went to go face Ra's, and how did that turn out for you?

Oliver, I'm about as angry with you right now than I've been with anyone in my life, but that doesn't mean I want you going on a su1c1de mission.

You're unusually quiet.


Guys, want to give us a minute?

So, Thea served up Merlyn.

You want to save her from regretting that decision.

Yeah, I get it.


But Oliver, I can't shake the feeling that there's something more at play here.

It's Thea.

Plain and simple.

Are you sure?

Right now, it's the only thing I am sure about.

[Keys clacking]


What the hell?


Did you get locked out of the Palmer Technologies server?

That's a shame.

You did this?

I just came from a friend of mine who has his head shoved so far up his colon that-- and I'm pretty sure this is true-- he's literally going to get himself k*lled.

Him, I can't do anything about.

You're a different story.

Great. Why don't you tell me the story while you unlock the A.T.O.M. subroutine directory?

You have two options, Ray.

Option one-- you can find a way to break through the encryption that I used to lock up your server, which, by my calculations, will take you roughly 6.25 hours.

Or you can use that time to eat a proper meal, take a shower, and get no less than 5 hours of sleep, at the completion of which I will give you the password.

I see.

It's your choice, but I highly recommend option two, because this whole situation has gone from endearingly eccentric to creepily not ok.

If I had the energy, I think I'd be getting angry right now, but instead... I'll just take option two.

That's a wise choice.

After your dinner and a shower, I am taking you straight to bed.

Putting you.


Why do I do that?

[John speaking baby talk]

I didn't hear you come in.

Why can something so small change the way you view the entire world?

What did Oliver say?

Did you ask him?

Oliver has other things on his mind.

Like what?

He's going to Nanda Parbat.

Cheating death once wasn't enough for him?

He's convinced he's doing the right thing.

Is he?

You going with him?

Oliver has to do what's right by his family.

I have to do what's right by mine.

That why you didn't go the last time?

Last time, I didn't go because Oliver wouldn't let me.

And when you thought he died, you blamed yourself.

Then I don't want to see you put yourself through that again.

I can't stop Oliver from going.

Then go with him.

You might have hung up the uniform, Johnnie, but you're still a soldier.

Standing down while your friend goes into battle just isn't in your DNA.

Just get there and back in one piece.

About that.

You think we could borrow the A.R.G.U.S. jet?

Thea: What the hell do you think that you're doing?

Roy told you?

Roy and Laurel.

They both think that you're out of your mind.

Me, I know it for sure.

I'm doing this for you.

If your father dies because of something that you've done, there's a piece of you that will go missing and you'll never be able to get it back.

That I can live with but not you dying because of me.

I am not gonna die, and the only reason that you think you can live with Malcolm's death is because you don't really know what it's like to take a life.

You're a good person, Thea.

Both of our parents are dead because of me.

And that guilt...

That's something that I have to live with.

I don't want that for you.

No, please.

Please just don't go.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

We got a Gulfstream spinning up at Starling City Aviation.

I can't ask you to come with me, Diggle.

You didn't ask me, Oliver.

Besides, you don't own a jet anymore.

Ra's: In 1854, I encountered an illusionist in Vienna, and he was dazzling, magnificent, powerful, and then nearly half a century later, I stumbled upon this man again.

He was withered, broken, dying.

You see, a magician can cheat many things except one.


I was your horseman.

Let me hunt for you once more.

Allow me to prove to you my reborn loyalty.

Al Sa-Her, face your death with honor.

Or at least dignity.

Please don't do this.

There is a price you must pay for your crimes that can only be measured in agony and blood, but know I will take no pleasure in this.

Take him away.


No! No! No!

[Shower running]

Shut... Up.

Is this an actual Van Go--ohh!

It's a Vermeer actually.

I rotate the paintings out here with my collection at Starling Museum.

Yeah. I'm really into the Dutch Masters this month for some reason.

You're very attractive.

I mean, they're.

You were right.


Food was delicious, the shower was amazing.

Thank you for insisting on it.

Well, a deal's a deal.

Password's inside.

You didn't have to blackmail me.

I trust your judgment.

In fact, I pretty much depend on it.

Well, that would make you the only one.

You know, I can be as obsessive and stubborn as the next billionaire, but I do know the value of somebody calling me on it, telling me when the emperor has no clothes.

Speaking of.


Right. Uh...

You know what?

Sometimes, I forget that we work together.

When I'm with you, just you.

I don't think about work or the mission or...

I'm sorry.

I'm not.

There it is.

Nanda Parbat.

Centuries old, never taken by force.

Then why are we doing this, Oliver?

[Cocks g*n]

I mean, why are we really doing this?

The League will have sentries patrolling the area.

If they spot us, we cannot let them get away.

Surprise is our only advantage.

I'd say they've spotted us.

What's your count?

6 on the south side, probably another 4 on the east.

I don't want to go out like Butch and Sundance, so what's the plan?

sh**t straighter than they do.

Cover me.

[Arrows whooshing]

If he gets to the fortress before we do, we're dead.

He won't.


[Speaking Japanese]

One sn*per on the roof.


They're A.R.G.U.S.

They work for Waller.


General Shrieve said she wasn't involved anymore.

Maybe that decision didn't sit well with her.

We can't stay here!

Delivery truck.

That sn*per will take us out before we get there.

Toss me your g*n.

I'll cover you.

Thank me later.

Give me your g*n.

Maseo: Go!

I am the prisoner, yet you look the more tortured.

By now, Al Sa-Her is in the presence of my father.

His last hours will be spent in agony, begging for death.

That doesn't please you.

I thought it would.

Having Merlyn to hate, it's...

It's like a piece of Sara that I can still hold on to, but once he's gone...

So is another part of her.

She would want to be avenged.

Can you remember the sound of Sara's laugh?

When Sara was first brought before my father, the moment he weighed her apprenticeship or her execution, she bore witness to a demonstration of his power, one that inspired terror in all who had come before, but Sara...


It was so innocent, so genuine.

That was the moment I fell in love with her, I think.

All I knew, all I craved was to hear her laugh once more.

Thank you.

[Speaking Arabic]

This place is humongous.

How do we find Merlyn in all of this.

The nanites that I tagged him with 4 months ago, this can track them.



Oh, my God.

Oliver: Malcolm.

Help me get him down.



Trap. Trap.


Ra's: Mr. Queen, welcome to Nanda Parbat.

John: Oliver!


Yeah. I tried that already.

Nothing's happening.

We need to get out of here now.

Yeah. Save your strength.

I have a feeling we're gonna need it.

I'm not gonna let you die down here.

I don't think that's up to you.

I shouldn't have let you come.

Also not up to you, Oliver.

You don't understand.

I think I do.

You forget I know you sometimes better than you know yourself.

Maybe you could have told me I wasn't doing this for Thea before we left.

You are doing it for Thea...

But, yeah, you're right.

It's not just about her.

You know, every time I close my eyes, all that I can see, all that I can hear, feel is... just the fall.

I couldn't live like that, couldn't live knowing that, uh...

There was someone out there who beat me.

Yeah, that makes sense.

No. It's egotistical and insane.

So is putting on a mask and jumping off of rooftops, Oliver.

To do that, you have to be in a certain mindset.

Every soldier on the b*ttlefield, man, has to believe he's coming home.

Otherwise, he's paralyzed.

Ra's got in your head.

What was the favor you wanted to ask me?

I don't think now is the right time.

We're not dead yet.

Now might be the only time.

I always assumed if I ever got married again that Andy would be by my side.

When I lost my brother...

I never thought I'd get another one.

So pretending for a moment that we aren't two dead men chained to the floor...

How you feel about being my best man?

I feel pretty good about it.

[Loud thud]

[Door opens]

Oliver, it's time.


I counted at least 3 sh**t.

Let's move!

Tatsu: Maseo!


[Screaming continues]

Go! Get him out of here! Go!


Akio! Akio!



Really starting to wonder why I decided to come with you.

I told you I want to show you how I deal with the things that you're going through.


That's Michelle Vincent and her son Rory.

He's 4.

Roy, why are you stalking some random family?

They're not random.

That's them.

That's the police officer's family?

I give them cash, bring them groceries.

I even got Rory a Boba Fett for Christmas.

Don't worry.

They don't know it's me.

You're torturing yourself.

No. It helps actually.

It helps me with the guilt.

Look. I appreciate what you're doing here, showing me this, but the cop and Sara...

They're just not the same thing.

You weren't any more in control of yourself than--than I was.

I know, not when I k*lled Sara, but when I traded Malcolm to the League, when I let him into my life, I knew exactly who he was, what he was.

He taught me how to k*ll.

Maybe I am a k*ller.

Maybe that's the real me, and I deserve to be punished.

I don't believe that.

I just tried to have my father m*rder*d.

Can you please just take me home?

[Ray sighs]


I'm in no mood for conversation.

You'll want to hear this.

There's something that I need to tell you.

I can't live without you knowing.

The guilt is far worse than anything you could do to me.

I lied to you.

And you believed it... when I told you that Malcolm k*lled Sara.

He wanted her dead to put certain things in motion, but I am the one who fired those arrows into her chest, and when I made the deal to give up Malcolm, I promised you your vengeance.



So take it.

You tasted death, and you wanted more, but the truth is everyone and everything must come to an end, even for one such as me.

k*ll me, but spare John Diggle's life.

Let him go.

I will beg for it.

You have shown tremendous strength, fortitude, power.

No, Mr. Queen, I don't want to k*ll you.

I want you to take my place.

I want you to become the next Ra's al Ghul.
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