03x12 - Uprising

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x12 - Uprising

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Oliver Queen. After 5 years in hell, I have come home with only one goal, to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade. To them, I'm Oliver Queen. To the rest of Starling City, I am someone else, I am something else.

Previously on "Arrow"...


Don't waste your breath.

Your concern should be for your home and what has become of it in your absence.

Together, we are gonna take over the Glades.

All city servicemen, especially the police, evacuate.

We won't abandon an entire district.

If I even see a hint of a blue, your city yes men, they will be buried.

The mayor's gonna cave and cede control of the Glades.

So it's up to us to stop Brick.

It's not just Oliver's mission anymore.

It is ours.


Tatsu: Are you trying to k*ll yourself?

I have to get back.

You have to rest.

I suppose you planned to leave without telling me.

Well, I knew that you wouldn't approve.

You saved my life.

Thank you.

Maseo saved it.

I merely treated you, and you are going to undo all that work if you try to leave now.

I can't stay here any longer.

My sister, my city.

Will mourn your passing I'm sure.

If you are so concerned, just come with me.

You can make sure that I drink my penicillin tea.

Like Maseo, I've disappeared from the world.

I have no desire to return.

Oh. Tatsu.

Be well, Oliver.

[Wind blowing]

The Glades have been without a police presence for a week now.

Daniel Brickwell threatened every member of local government.

What else was Mayor Castle supposed to do?

This is worse than negotiating with t*rrorists.



Tax time.

Brick wants his cut.

Now give me all the cash in your register... or I'll make your head look like that TV.

I have another idea.

Looks like we got ourselves a real live superhero here.

You that red streak I've been hearing about on TV?

Wrong city.

Either way, I bet Brick will pay us a finder's fee.

Make the call.

Laurel: g*ns down!

Grant must be some teacher.

Laurel: Diner at 10th clear.

Diner's taken care of.

Why are these people calling 911?

Don't they know the police have pulled out of the Glades?

Because they're desperate and scared.

Multiple reports of looting at Western and Oxnard.

Got it.

On our way.


Woman: Someone's dying here.

What are we supposed to do?

You can't just ignore--

[ringing and vibrating]

It's Lance.

Good. Maybe the cavalry's coming.

Captain Lance?

You guys have been busy.

Just trying to keep things together.

Doesn't really feel like it's been working.

How can I help?

Can you?

I mean, I thought the mayor was pretty specific about Blues staying out of the Glades.

It doesn't mean I can't help out the hood squad off the books.

We call ourselves Team Arrow.

Well, actually, that's just me, but--

I just got everything we have on Brick from evidence lockup.

Ok. I'll send Arsenal over once the next brushfire's put out.

Arsenal? What, are you guys just pulling names out of a hat now?

Felicity, you might want to wrap it up.

We just got two more calls that came in.

Talk soon, Captain.

Man on radio: Then there was this red-hooded guy and a blond woman all in black.

[Swords clanging]

Change in pattern.

"Disrupt and revise" just like you said.

Hesitation is death.

I didn't hesitate.

I just--

I just didn't k*ll you.

And when the fight is real?

I'm not a k*ller.

Then you're gonna die.

The League of Assassins are called that for a reason.

Mercy is not part of their code.

I didn't sign up for any of this, the assassins league and no mercy.

All I asked for you to do was to teach me how to defend myself, to never let someone hurt me again.

And now you face people who want to k*ll you.

To prevent that, you must k*ll them first.

It may not be what you signed up for, but make no mistake-- it's what you face right now.

Thea, I know it's difficult.

I wasn't always a k*ller.

The first time, I have never been more frightened or remorseful.

Then why did you do it?

Because the man I k*lled m*rder*d my wife.

Hey. That's fine.

Put the prospectus on my desk.

We'll get into it tomorrow.

I need to get at least 3 hours' sleep, so good night.

Young Tommy: No, no, don't!

No, don't!


Hey, Tommy, buddy.

Ohh. Come here.

You're just having a nightmare. Oh!



I'm here now.

Don't worry.

I won't let anything bad ever happen to you.



I will always be here for you.

Hey. What--ohh!


Heh heh.

Heh heh!

Where's your mom?

I don't know.

Ingrid put me to sleep.

[Doorbell rings]

Is that mommy?

Probably, so you better go to sleep.

Otherwise, you're gonna get me in trouble!

Ha ha ha!

Captain Lance.


I'm not sure what you--

Look. I've seen you wearing a red hoodie, I've seen you sh**ting arrows at people.

You think I don't recognize you with a little extra leather and lace?

Well, I guess I won't be needing this anymore.

No. You'll be needing this. Here you go.

What's this?

Everything on Brickwell we could salvage from evidence storage.

May be something in there to help you guys figure out where he's holed up in the Glades.

Thanks. We'll get Felicity right on this.

Any word on our green-hooded friend?

Still unavailable.

And Sara? I mean, I hear the Canary come up every so often on the 911 calls.

I'll let her know you were looking for her.


You just watch her back, ok?


Roy: If I don't suture this, it's gonna scar, Laurel.

I'll just add it to my ever-growing collection.

My father give us anything to use to locate Brick?

I don't see how.

Some of this stuff goes back decades.

There is plenty of evidence against Brick, but there's nothing the police can make stick.

So this is what Brick has reduced us to-- grasping for straws.

[Radio chatter]

I don't know how you guys have done this for so long.

We had Oliver.

John: What are you doing?

Grasping at straws I'm pretty sure, but maybe there's something in Brick's M.O.

That would suggest a couple doors for us to kick down.

I mean, for you to kick down.


What was that?

Cross-reference with alderman Ford's m*rder and the evidence your father gave us.

The same g*n was used in a 20-year-old sh**ting.

The same g*n?

Either that's arrogance or stupidity.

In this case, definitely stupidity.

The victim from 20 years ago--

Rebecca Merlyn.

Daniel Brickwell k*lled Malcolm Merlyn's wife.

Season 3 Episode 12
Original Air Date on February 4, 2015


If you want to tell me "I told you so," how about you say it in person?

Just couldn't stay away from me, could you?


What changed your mind?

I've been to enough funerals.

So help me.

That isn't what I have been doing?

The man who Maseo serves, when he finds out that I'm alive, he is gonna come for me and my sister.

Ra's al Ghul.


Maseo spoke of him while you were recuperating.

He fights with swords, and he's good.

I seem to remember you being pretty good with a blade yourself.

Mastery of swords is more than mastery of technique.

To defeat this man, you must think like him, be like him.

You must fight in the ways he does.

Your only hope for such a teacher was Maseo.

Only the student has hope of defeating the master.

Sorry I'm late.

What's going on?

Is it the League?

No. This is personal.

Personal how?

I told you I k*lled the person who k*lled my Rebecca.

I recently learned I didn't.

I k*lled the wrong man.

The guilty party is still alive.

Everything I thought I believed in for the last 21 years is false.

My wife's death remains unavenged.

So let's go to the police or Laurel Lance, ok?

She's a friend, and she'll listen.

I swore that I would always protect her from harm, but I couldn't.

For years, I believed that justice had been done.

The Undertaking was for her.

I truly believed I could change the Glades and prevent what happened to my family from happening to anyone else.

It's all been a lie, but now I have the chance to set it right.

I don't understand.

I know, because you're not a k*ller, but I am.

Your dad told me that your mom's an angel now.

I don't want her to be an angel, Ollie.

I want her to go back to being my mom.


I'm so very sorry for your loss.

I have a friend in the police department.

He says that they have a person of interest in Rebecca's-- in the case.

They don't have enough evidence yet to convict him, but if it were me, I'd want to know.

So Brick k*lled Malcolm's wife.

What does that have to do with anything?

Felicity: It is just another reason for them to share bunk beds in hell, not that I generally believe in hell, but for them, I will make an exception.

John: Maybe we should get Merlyn to solve our Brick problem for us.

That's pretty dark.

Laurel, if you don't think things are dark, you haven't been paying attention.

Even if we did sic Merlyn on Brick, which I am not advocating, he would have just as much trouble finding Brick as we've had.

Brick's men have been busy.

They're cutting down cell towers and disconnecting traffic cams and staying out of satellite line of sight, like basically every way I know how to find somebody.

Roy: Well, if the cell towers were down, the how was Brick's crew communicating?

At the diner, his men, they were--

They were using walkies.

Do you think that you could--

I don't know--use those signals to locate Brick?

You haven't been down here that much.

If they're communicating via radio, they'll be on the FRS, somewhere between 462 and 467 megahertz.

If I send out a frequency burst, I should be able to triangulate their location.

I did not understand one word that you just said, but Oliver was certainly lucky to have you.


114 Grandview Plaza.

Felicity, that's the Glades precinct.

Well, it's not like the police are using it.

Great. We can add irony to the list of charges against Brick.

Let's gear up.

So why don't you explain it to me, boys?

We cleared the register from that diner on 10th.

No. The part where you had the red one stood in front of your shotgun and somehow he's still not dead.

Now you know the deal, boys.

You take me down first, you walk out alive.

Ok. I've cut the power.

There's a ventilation shaft 40 feet north of your current position.

It should drop you off in the east wing.

There are only two sentries there now.

Roy: Got it!

If you see anyone, k*ll them!

You want to get me?

Roy, are you there?

Laurel, can you hear me?

This is what we do when we get you in our sights!

(Modulated voice): Daniel Brickwell.

What the hell are you supposed to be?

We need to talk.

Somebody please tell me how this is happening again.

Daniel Brickwell.

It seems we have a common interest.

You know that Brickwell k*lled your wife.

Her name was Rebecca.

Since my death, maintaining my usual network of associates has become--heh-- shall we say, problematic, but the fact that you were able to locate Mr. Brickwell despite the fact that he has gone to ground demonstrates your group's capacity.

You followed us.

We led you right to him.

And I saved your lives in the bargain.

So why not continue our association?

You want us to team up with you?

I guess the question before you is whether your scorn for me outweighs your need to see Mr. Brickwell dealt with.

You mean k*lled.

You have your options.

Weigh them.

Cheers, guys!

Ha ha ha!

You stole my idea.

I was gonna lean here and wish my problems away.

That obvious, huh?

So what are your problems?

They're not problems exactly.

More like weighing options.

What about you?

Brick's tax collectors giving you trouble?

No. It's Malcolm, but it's probably the last thing you want to think about right now.

You'd be surprised.

He found out who m*rder*d his wife.

He's fixated on finding the guy and k*lling him.

Don't take this the wrong way, but isn't k*lling people exactly what Malcolm Merlyn does?

Yes, but he also protects people.

During the siege, he was the only one who made me a top priority.

He saved my life.

I didn't know.

Despite everything Malcolm was or is, it means something that he was there when I needed him the most.

Even after everything he's done, he cares about people.

Even all the terrifying things he's done it was because he thought that he was helping the Glades.

So what's on your mind?

Anything I can help you with?

Believe it or not, you already have.

Felicity: How can you even be arguing for this right now?

Because I am actually paying attention.

Brick has the Glades under siege.

He has the police running scared, he has us outnumbered and outgunned, and I am not saying let's give Malcolm a glass case of his own.

All I am saying is let's use him.

The same way that he wants to use us.

To point him like a loaded g*n at Brick.


Well, A, I'm not ok with that, and, B, even if I was, there has to be a better way to go about doing it than to get in bed with Malcolm Merlyn.

Roy: There isn't.

Oliver is gone, and there's only so much the 4 of us can do.

I just found this out, but the night of the siege, Malcolm saved Thea's life.

He didn't have an ulterior motive, he didn't have an agenda.

He just wanted to protect what he cared about.

He cares about this city.

He just went about it in a completely unimaginable way.

So just like Thea did the night of the siege, we need him.

I can't think of a world or a universe or a plane of existence where Oliver would agree to any of this.

Well, Oliver isn't here anymore, so we need to stop pretending like he is.

We need to make decisions of our own.

I genuinely have no idea how else we're supposed to stop Brick.

And I genuinely don't know how we live with ourselves if we go about doing it this way!

So how does this work?

Do we vote?

Has the jury reached a verdict?

It has.


I guess that means no then.

You were expecting something different, Merlyn?

That you'd have some measure of common sense? Yes.

Really thought we'd throw in with you?

After what you did to Thea, to Sara, to Oliver?

To save your precious city, yes.

Well, that's the thing.

Once we let the ends justify the means, that's just the first step.

Towards what?

Becoming you.

[Music playing]

Excuse me, excuse me.


I think I'm lost.

I suggest you run real fast before I swipe that nice watch of yours.

Do you enjoy robbing people?

I mean, it can't be for the money.

You can't steal enough wallets and watches to live on.

What the hell is wrong with you, man?


I just want to understand.

I want to know what drives a man to do what you do, to ruin other men's lives.

Want my watch?

Here. Take it because you've already taken everything from me.

You're not gonna sh**t me.

I bet you've never even held a g*n before.



Go back to your rich neighborhood.

Is it safe?

Safer than a boat.

Your medicine.

Apply twice a day.



Why don't you come with me?

So I can watch you die at the hand of Maseo's master?

I do not intend to die.

There are many forms of death.

To defeat a man like this Ra's al Ghul, you must be willing not just to die but to live knowing what you had to sacrifice in order to beat him.

And what will that be?

I don't know.

That is what you will have to discover, but it will be whatever you hold most precious.

Thea: Going out?

How did you get in here?

I had a good teacher.

If you've come to tell me what a horrible person I am, I'm afraid you'll have to wait in a very long line.

Actually, I'm here to do the opposite.

Told Roy about that night at the train station, how you saved my life.

You're my daughter.

You protected me, risked your life for me just like my mother did.

Thea, I know you want to believe there's more to me than a k*ller, but the fact is, there's not.

That man died with his wife.


What happened to your face?

Is it all there?

Yeah. 50,000 in hundreds.

You went after Kendrick Weller.

Hey. What-- what did you do?

You k*lled him, and now you're running?

We can--we can cover this up.

I can't stay here.

I can't pretend to be something that I'm not.

Your son needs you, Malcolm.

Not like this.

k*lling him did nothing.

It didn't bring her back.

It didn't cleanse this anger.

I've heard about a place where anger can be forged into something else.


Tommy, hey.

What are you doing up?

Look. Go back to sleep.

I miss mommy.

Tommy, I have to go away for a little while.

You can't leave.

You said you'd always be there.

I know, but you have to be strong now.

I'm going somewhere where I can learn how to make sure that no one will ever hurt us again.

Come here.

Laurel: How'd Merlyn take it?

I think he just felt inconvenienced.

We made the right choice, right, by refusing Merlyn's help?

I don't know if we made the right choice, Laurel, but we definitely did the right thing.

Roy: And how many people are gonna die tonight because of it?

We made a decision, Roy.

I know, and I know that I was outvoted, but that doesn't change the fact that we're outmanned.

What if it doesn't?

Roy's right.

We need the support out there, but Merlyn--he's not the only person in town.

Who else is there?

The town.

Dispatcher: Emergency services are currently unavailable.


You've been busy.

Ted, I was--

I said you weren't ready.

Guess you weren't listening, or are you gonna tell me that masked blond that I seen on the news isn't you?

It's complicated.

I couldn't wait.

I didn't come here to argue with you.

What did you come here for?

That a Monte Cristo?

Those will k*ll you a lot quicker than being in this neighborhood.


Where the hell have you been?

I saw Sara last night.

Why didn't you tell me she was back?

We need to talk about that after.

After what?

Felicity: Feels like recess and we're about to fight the school bully.

Looks quiet.

For now.

You ready?

It's ok to say you're scared.

Ok. I'm scared.

Is what we're doing crazy?

I've learned it's better to ask that question when I'm not wearing a mask.

There's never been an armed occupation in history that wasn't overthrown by force.

An all-out as*ault on Brick.

That's the only way to end this.

Then let's end this one way or the other.

Let's go.

Ha ha ha!

My two favorite trick-or-treaters.

Well, look at that.

Didn't anybody tell you Halloween was 3 months ago?

Daniel Brickwell...

You have failed this city.

And you seem to have failed in your maths.

Can't you see there's a lot more of us than there is of you?

Sin: Guess again, Brick-head.

This little parade supposed to mean something?

I'll tell you what it means.

It means the population of the Glades is gonna plummet severely.

Get them!



And which costume are you supposed to be?


Is that all you got?

I've learned you can survive a b*llet but not one that's put through you head.

You're gonna be fine.


How many more of you masks are there?

It's ok.

It's good thing you fight better than you lie.


This is for Rebecca.


You don't even know her name, do you?

Is this the w*apon you used to m*rder my wife?

Everybody I dropped was with that piece.

She was a good person, decent, kind.

She ran the clinic right here in the Glades.

Brunette? Ha ha ha!

Yeah. Now I remember.

She was my first, my initiation into the Orchid Bay Butchers.

Heh heh heh.

You m*rder*d her because you wanted into a g*ng?


Because she was weak!

Because she was crying, begging me not to k*ll her, but you won't get that from me, so come on!

Finish it!

Oliver: Don't do it!

You are too late.

Drop the g*n.

No more death.

That's easy for you to say.

You just returned from the grave.

k*lling him won't balance the scales.

When you have k*lled 503 people, including your own son, you tend not to worry about scales, and don't tell me it won't stop the pain and it won't bring her back because you don't understand!

If I had taken care of him back then, it could all be different.

The League, the Undertaking, Tommy...

Every choice I have made since my wife died.

Then you make a different choice now for Thea.

Thea will never forgive me.

Start giving her reasons to.

Listen to me.

I'm telling you.

My guys say he's out of commission.

We can go back in.

[Cell phone vibrates]

I got to call you back.

There's something I got to go see.

Oliver: I've been gone, and I'm sorry, sorry for what the city has had to endure in my absence, but you did endure it, and the evidence of that struggle is lying at my feet.

You did not fail this city, and I promise I will not fail you by leaving it again.

I want every block turned upside down, inside out till each of Brick's dirtbags are lying on comfy cots in Iron Heights, all right?

Hey. Thanks, Captain.

You should see a doctor.

No health insurance, but thanks for bringing the cops back.

Words I never thought I'd say.

Cindy, right?

Sin. Yeah. I'm friends with your daughter Sara.

Yeah, yeah. I thought you looked familiar.

Haven't seen you in a while.

Well, I haven't seen Sara in a while.

Well, then you missed some major ass-kicking tonight.

That woman running around in black leather tonight, that wasn't Sara.

Well, sure it was.

Who else would it be?

Well, I don't know.

That's why I'm talking to you.

What do mean?

I've spoken to her.

Well, then you should know that wasn't your daughter.


You ok?

Yeah. Everything's fine.

I just wanted to see you.

I was worried.

But are you ok?

I am, in fact.

I didn't do it.

For me?

For me but because of you.

Oliver: Is my room still available?

Oh! Where have you been?

I've been so worried about you.

I was in Bludhaven.

Ran into an old friend of mine, things got--ahem-- interesting, and I actually spent the past few weeks in jail.

I thought you grew out of that.

So did I.


It's ok.

Good to see you again, Oliver.


I think I'm hallucinating, but thank you for being cool with this.

I-I'm gonna make some tea and try to keep things zen.


Thank you for not making this difficult for her.

I wasn't always like this, you know?

Before Rebecca died, I was a good father.

I remember.

k*lling changes you.

It takes away a piece of your soul, and you can never get it back again.

Oliver, I know I wasn't there for Tommy, but I see Thea as my chance for redemption.

You turned my sister into a k*ller, and then you put her in the crosshairs of one of the most dangerous men on the planet.

And you won't believe me, but I did so with a heavy heart and expecting a different outcome.

Ra's is going to come for me, and he will learn the truth about Sara eventually.

And then he will come for Thea and me.

That's why I have to k*ll him.

You couldn't before.

This time, I will have you to train me.

Only the student has hope of defeating the master.


I am Nyssa, heir to the demon.

I'm not here to fight you.

There's no other reason to be here.

Why shouldn't I k*ll you?

Al Sa-Her.

What does that mean?

The Magician.

Sorry that I didn't come by sooner.

Just wanted to check in on Thea.

It's ok.

I'm ok.

Merlyn told us you were k*lled.

I was close.

I'm sorry that I didn't reach out sooner.

I wasn't exactly in a... cell service area.

You kept the city together... saved the Glades.

Well done.

It's a gift from Malcolm Merlyn.

He went looking for you.

It's Ra's al Ghul's, right?


So what are we gonna do about him?

I mean, if he finds out about Thea--

Merlyn and I are working on that.


For a second there, it sounded like you said, "Merlyn."

I need to know how to defeat Ra's.

Merlyn has the knowledge.

Merlyn is a monster.

You're in this situation, Thea is in this situation because of him.


No. Just a few hours ago, I stood right here, and I swore that there was no way that you would ever agree to work with Malcolm Merlyn, not ever.

I guess I was wrong about everything.

I need some air.

I'm glad you're not dead.


"I need some air" really means "I don't want to talk right now."

I'm sorry.

For what?

Maybe you could be a little more specific.

For letting us believe you were dead for weeks or for abandoning every principle you claim to have by getting into bed with Malcolm Merlyn.


That's not why you're upset.

While you were gone for almost a month, I allowed myself to fantasize, to dream that maybe, just maybe Merlyn was wrong, that you were alive and that you would come back and that when you did you would be different, that almost dying would give you a new perspective on life, that you would just do things differently.

Things between us, you mean.

Before you left, the last thing you said to me... was that you loved me.

Now you're back, and the first thing you tell me is that you are working with the man who turned your sister, a woman you're supposed to love, into a k*ller, who k*lled a woman you used to love.

I don't want to be a woman that you love.
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