03x10 - Left Behind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*
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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x10 - Left Behind

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on "Arrow"...

Where's your mother?!

The white-haired woman!

She took her!

Deliver Sara's k*ller, or the citizens of Starling will see what the League of Assassins is capable of.

I will tell Ra's this was you, that Thea was under your control.

And he will still k*ll her.

She fired the arrows.

There's nothing that I won't do to protect you.

What does that mean?

I k*lled Sara.

By League law, I have the right to challenge you to a trial by combat.

You covet death that much?

[Car horns honking]

[Tires squealing]


Hey, I want air support now!

These bastards, they shot one of our own!

That cop was just asking for my license, man, you didn't have to sh**t him!

Get me closer!

[Tires squealing]

Come on!

Damn it!


It's him!

I thought he was green.

Roy: This bike is sick!

Felicity: Ok, not supposed to be having fun right now.


No, sorry is what you'll be when Oliver finds out you took out his motorcycle.

Roy: Ok, I've got him headed your way.

Aim for the engine block.

There's the green one.

This suit is too tight.

Felicity: If they make it to the tunnel, we're going to lose them.

You're not helping.

I thought he was supposed to be good!

Who the hell are you?

I'm more of a Glock kind of guy.

I didn't say anything.

Season 3 Episode 10
Left Behind
Original Air Date on January 21, 2015

One caught, one got away, but even Oliver bats .500 sometimes.

Any luck finding Oliver?

Not yet, but I have every reconnaissance satellite I could hack, which is a lot, looking for him.

So the second he steps outside, we'll know.

If he steps outside.

It's what we were all thinking.

I'm not. It's only been three days.

I have to head to my other office for a bit.

Ok, I know it's only been three days, but how much longer before we actually have to start worrying?

I expected this kind of blunder from Mr. Queen, but not from you.

You were too bold.

You should have checked with me before abducting that scientist.

We were just following the trail for Omega-- like you ordered us to!

I ordered you to be cautious.

That's how you protect yourself.

And your loved ones.

We need to assemble an extraction team to free my wife.

From where?

We don't know where Chien Na Wei is located, and we have more pressing concerns.

She has the Omega.

We find her, we find Tatsu, we get them both out of wherever they are.

If only it were that simple.

We've learned that the bio w*apon is actually comprised of two components.

The Omega she has is harmless without its counterpart, Alpha.

And where's that?

Currently in the possession of the Hong Kong military.

Oh, so it's safe.

Far from it.

The only way to secure the counterpart Alpha is to destroy it.

And by the time we do, my wife will be dead.

Alpha is being kept here, in a PLA military laboratory.

The two of you, with back-up, will break into the facility and recover the vial.

It's tagged with a GPS tracker, which you'll need to disable before extraction.

And what about Tatsu?

Stop ignoring me!

I'm not ignoring you, Mr. Yamashiro.

I'm merely focusing on the task at hand, which, at the moment, is not recovering your wife.


Ahh. All right.

This will be gauntlet pulse test, 37 Alpha.

Two second burst at 800 volts.

In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Oh, damn it!


Practice targets.

Clowns always freaked me out as a kid.

Well, you're showing them who's boss now.

Well, I would be, if I could figure out how to modulate the stress-energy tensor.

Hmm. Ray, I've been thinking.

About overclocking the magnetic coils?

Because I tried that.


About what you're doing.

And about me helping you do it.

Save the city, you mean?

Risk your life.

I know you think you're going to be safe inside that suit of armor.

I know there's like a gajillion movies that make it look easy.

Well, the Arrow and his partner go out there every night, without armor.

And... one night, hopefully very far off in the future, they're not going to come back.

I don't want that to happen to you.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Start small.

Just see if you can get the Nanite chip to function.

[Indistinct chatter]

Quentin: The cop he shot?

Father of three.

Doc says he may never walk again, and that's if he makes it.

'Cause right now, he's 50/50.

All right, Miss Lance, you're up.

The People versus Jermaine Fisher.

Mr. Fisher is charged with 41 counts of attempted m*rder, including 16 counts of attempted m*rder of a police officer.

So no bail is what you're saying?

Vigorously, Your Honor.

Just as the defendant vigorously moves to dismiss all charges.

Mr. Fisher's apprehension was not affected by the police, but rather by vigilantes.

The circumstances of Mr. Fisher's arrest are irrelevant.

Produce the Arrow as an eyewitness and we'll find out.

That won't be necessary.

We have the w*apon with Mr. Fisher's fingerprints all over it, Your Honor.

Motion to dismiss denied, bail denied.

Please remand Mr. Fisher into custody.

[Bangs gavel]

How did it go at A.R.G.U.S.?

Lyla tapped all of our worldwide contacts.

No sign of Oliver.

And no idea where he could be.

Well, he'll tell us when he gets back.

Until then, we should focus on keeping the lights on.

The two cop sh**t we took on last night; I've been trying to find the one that got away.

Jose Anton.

Anton is attached to a new crew working the Glades, the head of which is this gentleman.

I know that guy.

That's Danny Brickwell.

His street name's Brick.

But I thought he was in Iron Heights.

He was.

Until a week ago.

And then the case against him imploded.

By which I mean every single witness suffered some sort of fatal accident.

Three guesses as to who the police suspect in those cases.

Jermaine Fisher and the guy who got away last night.

Jose Anton.

So they k*ll witnesses in order to get Brick out of prison, and then sh**t a cop to do... what?

That's what we have to find out.

I'll hit the streets.

[Inhales, exhales]

You have that look you always get right before you tell Oliver something...


Yes, and this is about Oliver.

You think I'm in denial.

I think four days ago, Oliver challenged the world's greatest assassin to a duel.

He survived Lian Yu.

And Hong Kong, and God knows what else.

He defeated Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson.

You have to believe in him.

Oh, I do believe in him, Felicity.

It's just, I'm preparing myself for the possibility that things didn't go Oliver's way.

Not this time.

You need to prepare yourself, too.

[Sharp inhale] Please, Oliver, where are you?

[Wind blowing]

[Groaning, gasping]

Y'all best step off.

Brick is a friend of mine.

You're more than a friend, Anton.

You're like a brother.

Always had my back.

Always loyal.

Stand up.

So when they told me someone ignored my orders to lay low; when they told me one of my crew shot a cop...

I beat the man who said it was you.

I'm sorry.

Danny, that cop?

It was a mistake.

What we're planning here requires two things.

No mistakes, and the cops not knowing anything.

They still don't. Fisher's not going to say anything.

Was this side job his idea or yours?

It doesn't have to be like this.


I dropped my first body with that piece.

You know the deal; you take me down first, you walk out alive.


He actually tagged me.


All yours, boys.

Your attorney doesn't have your best interests at heart, Mr. Fisher.

Otherwise, you'd be walking out of here a free man.

Yeah, more like a dead man.

Do you think you scare me more than Brick does?

Think again.

You have a real nice day now.

No, he didn't flip.

He likes breathing too much.

[Both grunting]

When your opponent is the mountain, you must be the sea.

When he is the sea, you must be the mountain.


Switch your att*cks.

Never do the same move more than twice.

Otherwise, your opponent will learn to read you.

Something like that?

[Cell phone vibrates]

Well, I wouldn't recommend texting during a real fight.


I--I thought it might be Ollie.

He hasn't been home.

He hasn't returned any of my calls or texts.

I didn't realize his absence was weighing on you.

It's not weighing, it's worrying.

If you like, I could have some of my old associates look into Oliver's whereabouts.

Would you?

Of course.

He's family.

According to Laurel, Fisher's lawyer called Brick with the time and the place of the outgoing call.

Can you trace that call back to where Brick is?

At least where his phone is.

His burner phone, to be exact.

It's at a warehouse in the Glades.

We'll check it out.

I'll have to talk you in from Palmer Tech.

I'm crazy-late.

This is the only vulnerable entrance.

Because it's not actually an entrance.

Not until we make it one.

I'll sh**t out the glass.

You get in and find the Alpha.

We won't have much time once we breach.

Two minutes max before the alarms draw the police.

Head directly for the lab.

We'll be right behind you.

You ok?

Waller said when we get this done, she'll get Tatsu back.

She's lying.




On the move!

30 seconds.

John: Copy that.

I've got eyes on the target warehouse.

But no signs of life. Felicity, you seeing something I don't?

The warehouse doesn't have any security cameras, but someone disabled all the traffic cams on that block, which probably means you're in the right place.

Roy: You sure ditching the arrow suit was a good idea?

Only if I need to move or sh**t.

In position.

John: Clear.

Hey, I got something.

It's not big enough to be Brick.

Yeah, I know.

What's this?

[Sighs] They burned their burners.

Yeah, torching evidence, tying up loose ends.

Evidence of what?

I don't know.

These just look like numbers.

Found this.

What looks like some industrial blueprints.

Hmm. These numbers look completely random.

I can run a pattern recognition algorithm.



Malcolm: Could you put the g*n away?

They don't scare so much as annoy me.

I've only come here to talk.

Would it be possible to do that?

Talk about what?


I need to know...

Is he still alive?

He's alive.

Have you heard from him since he went off to face Ra's al Ghul?

He's alive.

If he were, I suspect you would have heard from him by now.

Unless Ra's took him prisoner.

The Demon's Head does not take prisoners.

What are you doing?

I'm running the pattern analysis on that list of numbers you guys found.

No, I mean, what's the point?

Malcolm Merlyn didn't tell us anything we don't already know.

Nothing has changed.

You're right, Felicity.

He didn't tell us anything new.

But he may have been right all the same.

I know you guys think I'm in denial.

But if there's one thing Oliver taught me--he taught us-- is that sometimes, all you can do is keep pushing forward.
All right.

I've got the M.E.'s report.

Did they ID the body?

Jose Anton.

Career criminal with ties to Danny Brickwell.

I think Brick severed those ties pretty thoroughly.

Is everything ok?

Where's Oliver?

He went to fight the head of the League of Assassins.


And we haven't heard from him since he left.

There's something else--

Malcolm Merlyn stopped by for a little chat.

He says Oliver's dead.

And you guys believe him?

Look, Laurel, Merlyn said--

There isn't one thing that Malcolm Merlyn can say that any of us should believe.

This isn't the first time that I've heard that Oliver was dead.

He's been back before.

He'll be back again.



I'm in.


Found it!


Hong Kong military?


Chien Na Wei's men.

Any luck?

The number pattern is consistent with cataloguing numerics.

What kind of catalog?

If I knew, I would be telling you.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

We really need to change the locks.

What do you want?

The League conducts matter of significance such as duels on grounds sacred to its beliefs.

I went there.

And found this.

It's Ra's' custom to leave behind the instrument of death as a memorial to honor the fallen.

Merlyn, did you see...

Oliver's body?

It fell into a ravine.

His remains were unrecoverable, I'm afraid.

Then how do we know that's Oliver's blood?

Because after I leave, you'll test it.

And after you confirm that it is his blood, you'll exhaust yourself with conspiracy theories as to how I planted it or how it's all a lie.

And after enough time passes, you'll be left with one inescapable truth-- that Oliver Queen is dead.

This is your fault.

Oliver went there because of you-- because of what you did to Thea.

You made her a target for the League so he would have to challenge Ra's just to save her.

You k*lled him.

You are right.

And I will live with that guilt for the rest of my days.

I am truly sorry.

I can see how much you loved him.

Save it, Merlyn.

You're enjoying this.

Miss Smoak is correct.

I orchestrated the matter to eliminate the death warrant Ra's placed on my head.

Oliver was that way.

His death means my own.



What's that?

The blood analysis on the scimitar.

It's Oliver's.

99.997% match.

If Merlyn's lying, he's being thorough about it.


Thanks for not saying "I told you so."

I got to go to work.

You really don't.

It's fine.

I'm glad we know now.

Run for the exit!

I'll cover you!

What about you?

You get the Alpha out of here!


Away from them! Go!

You had him.

Why didn't you take the shot?

We need to get out of here.


You know, it's weird.

I don't think I've ever actually seen you drink alone.

You ok?


I just got some bad news about a friend.

Anyone I know?

How are you doing?

Still freaking out, actually.

Worried about Ollie.

I was going to ask you a favor, but it doesn't seem like the right time.

Well, it depends.

What's the favor?

You and the Arrow, you're... you're close, right?

I mean, that's you I've been seeing on the news in the red hood?


Look, I haven't seen him, I haven't heard from him, he's not answering any of my phone calls.

I'm actually starting to get really worried.

So... I thought maybe the Arrow could look for Oliver?

I just thought maybe if you saw him, you could ask.

Thank you.

You're the best.

Look, I-- I better go check the stock room.

Thea just asked me to talk to the Arrow about finding Oliver.

And what'd you tell her?

What else? I lied.

Oliver didn't want Thea to know.

That was then.

But now, what's the point?

I keep asking myself the same question, Roy.

Then why do you keep going over the case evidence?

Because it helps me keep my mind off of Oliver.

Doing this without him while we're waiting for him to come back is one thing, but doing all this without him, without him?

That's a whole other situation.

What do you want me to tell you, Roy?

I can only see one inch in front of me and this is the only thing in front of me right now.

I keep looking at this file, and...

Something about it feels familiar.

Yeah. Felicity did say that Fisher and Anton were connected with Brick.

No, it's more than that.

I've seen this file somewhere...


What are the chances that's a coincidence?

There's only one way to find out.

What are you doing?

Bringing up the case numbers on the all guys we've put away over the past eight months.

Some of these are guys that we caught.

Yeah. And others were apprehended by the authorities.

There's a pattern here.

All these guys are awaiting trial for as*ault--as*ault with intent, m*rder, attempted m*rder.

Street enforcers.


But why would Brick have a list of these case numbers?

[Cell phone vibrates]

Ah, I'm sure you're wondering if I ever go home.

Unfortunately for my assistant, the answer's no.

Any luck with our Nanite problems?


Yeah, it's the transplex interface, isn't it?

I knew my designs were off.

It won't... work.

Yeah, well, you've only been at it for a day, so.

Not the chip.

Not your suit.

Your plan.

It won't work.

You--you make it sound like using an enhanced exoskeleton to fight crime and save the city is a loony tune idea.

It won't bring her back.


Your fiancée.

I know who she is.

She's not coming back.

When we lose... someone, when someone dies, they're gone.

Forever, and there is nothing-- there is nothing nothing that we can do that is going to bring them back.

So you have to stop.

You have to stop, because it's not what Anna would have wanted. It's--

You're upset. I can see that.

And if you want, we can talk about it.

But never tell me again what Anna would have wanted.

You don't get to do that.

I am sorry.

I shouldn't... be here right now.


[Cell phone vibrates]


John: We got something on Brick.

Roy: The blueprints we found?

They're schematics for the warehouse where the police store all the physical evidence on active cases.

And Brick has a list of case numbers.

We think he might be looking to steal or destroy evidence to get those cases thrown out of court.

Yeah. I'll call Lance, tell him.

A lot of these cases are on guys who were put away within the past eight months.

This is everything we've been doing since we took Slade down.

This is everything Oliver was working for.

I'll be right there.

Three minutes.

[Tires squealing]


Seal off every exit.

Give me a two block perimeter.

John, sh**t at your five.

I'm out!

Here, use mine.

So here's the deal-- you take me down, you walk out alive.

I don't fancy your chances, though.

[Siren in distance]

Smart man.

Nobody thinks about going for a head shot.

[Both grunting]

sh*ts fired! I need ESU and back-up here, now!


Where's Diggle?

I'm pinned down!



Any... last... words?

Or are my hands too tight around your neck?

I guess arrows work a little better on this guy than b*ll*ts.


You ok?

Yeah, I will be, after we find the son of a bitch.

Damn it!

Oh, my god, John!

It's ok, it's all right, I'm fine. I'm fine.


Got away. They put one guard in the hospital on the way out, but he's going to pull through.

If that door hadn't shut, we would have had him.

Just bad luck.

Unless it wasn't.

You were pinned down.

You both were. They were going to k*ll you!


You did that?

They had machine g*ns.

You had a bow and arrow.

You let him get away?

I saved your lives.

Felicity, it wasn't your call to make.

It wasn't my call to let Oliver go challenge Ra's al Ghul to a fight to the death, either!

Brick has who knows how much evidence, Felicity.

And it was either that or the two of you.

My friends being k*lled.

So I made my choice.

I chose not to let anyone else I care about die.

We've been in tough spots before and we've always managed to come out on the other side.


Oliver did.

But he's not here anymore, because he's dead.


The point is, if we're going to do this without Oliver, Felicity, we have to trust each other.

You don't get it.

There is no "this" without him.

It's done. I'm done.

[Wind blowing]

[Banging on door]

I'm sorry.

But I had no one else to turn to.

And he needs your help.

I was out of line.

And I'm sorry.

You want to tell me what had you so upset?

I lost a friend of mine.

He was more than a friend, actually.

He was...

[Exhales] I'm not sure what we were, but... he's gone.

I'm sorry.

And three months ago, another friend of mine died.

I'm 25 years old.

I'm over my quota where losing friends are concerned.

And you're a friend.

So if you want to go out there; if you want to commit su1c1de, I can't stop you.

But I don't have to help you.


Eight months to put them away...

Eight minutes to set them loose.

Laurel: I'm sorry.

I tried.

But without the evidence, the judge had to let them go.

He's not coming back.


I know you don't want to believe it, Laurel.

God knows I don't, but...

He's not coming back.

Are you?

Are you coming back?

I don't know.

For the first time since I met Oliver Queen...

I don't know what happens next.

I know it's silly, but I...

Still like to think of myself as Oliver's bodyguard.

I just couldn't protect him.

It's funny.

He was worried something would happen to me.

But I could have k*lled you!

Heh. It's cute that you think so.

Did you hear anything about Ollie?

I'm afraid not.

[Sighs] Then what are you doing here?

We're in danger, Thea.

We need to leave Starling City and never return.

Thank you all for coming.

But seeing as I'm the reason none of you are sitting in a prison cell right now, I figure it's the least you could do.

I know I'm the guy that made all the evidence against you go away, but as you can see, it didn't go too far.

You are all part of my crew now.

And if any of you have a problem with that, I can send a gift wrapped package to the D.A.

Together, not only will we make a lot of money, we will make history.

Together, we are going to take over the Glades.

You think Brick's crazy?

Take over a whole section of town?

I know he's crazy.

I don't know what he's got planned, but whatever it is, I'm in.

[Alarm shrieking]

Who the hell are you?

I'm the justice you can't run from.

Well done, Mr. Queen.

I'm glad to know my investment in you hasn't entirely been for naught.

Although I was disappointed to read Agent Pierson's after action report.

You let one of Chien Na Wei's men get away.

I hesitated.

It was a mistake.

It really was.

Now we have no one to interrogate.

You mean t*rture, right?

I saw you with that man.

You didn't hesitate.

You chose not to sh**t him.

I put the GPS from the vial in his pocket.

And now he is going to lead us right to Tatsu.

You're going to get her back, Maseo.

I promise.


What you've done, I will be forever in your debt.


Don't move.

You'll pull out the sutures.




Maseo: I asked her to come here...

So she could bring you back to life.
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