01x12 - The Abyss

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: New Orleans". Aired: September 2014 to present.*
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A spin-off of "NCIS" that is set in the Crescent City.
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01x12 - The Abyss

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: Human smuggling is a federal offense, Julio.

I am a fisherman.

Oh, well that explains why you dumped these guys in the water like they were chum.

We confiscated your boat.

It's really schmancy.

Where'd you get a boat like that, huh?

No, I'd like to know-- who's your supplier?

You got any names for me?

Tus cómplices en Los Estados Unidos. Nombres, por favor.

Your Spanish is incredible. Where did you learn?

Miss Tawney's AP Spanish class, Chaminade Julienne High School, Dayton, Ohio.

(Klaxon blaring)

Man: All hands, report to stations. Report to stations.

What do you got, Lieutenant?

I got an unidentified vessel off the starboard side refusing to respond.

Boarding team, prepare to intercept.

You toss me your jacket?

All right.


Special Agent Borin, what are you doing?

I've been on this boat two weeks, interrogating smugglers and drug runners.

A lot of chitchat and little action.

Girl's got to have some fun.

♪ ♪

U.S. Coast Guard, hands where I can see them!

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 1x12 ♪
"The Abyss"
Original Air Date on January 13, 2015

Nothing fun about m*rder.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪
♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Detective Simms?

It's Chris Lasalle from New Orleans.

Yeah, we talked last week about that individual.

(man speaks indistinctly over phone)

Yeah, his name popped at the Merrick hotel.

Of course you know it.

If you could check that out, you'd be doing me a solid.

Appreciate it.


You here all night?


Any luck?

Not sure, yet.

You getting somewhere on the search?


If something pans out, I'll let both of you know.


Till then...

CGIS has called in an assist.

Coast Guard, huh?

Does that mean...?

It most certainly does.

Pride, Lasalle, great to see you again.

Hey, Abigail.

Great to see you, too.

Well, Lasalle, how you been, man?

Agent Brody, CGIS Hi.

Special Agent Abigail Borin.

We had the most fun I've ever had on a joint-undercover op.

Yeah, a bar, hotel room, lot of sweaty hot bayou love.

Sounds like fun.

Borin: Not us.

Not between us.

Borin: Yeah, so... today, we found a research vessel.

Two dead grad students on board, let's go.

What's our angle?

Well, supposed to be a third person on board.

The missing twenty-something is Anna Huntley.

She's the daughter of Navy Admiral Adam Huntley.

The admiral been notified?

Yes. We told him that Anna may have gone overboard.

Pride: Search and rescue?

Borin: Looking for her now, running survival scenarios.

Not a ton of evidence so far, but we got this-- a paint transfer.

Looks fresh, so it could be from the k*ller's boat.

(camera shutter clicking)

We have two victims, first is Mark Post.

(camera shutter clicking)

Our second victim, Cindy Rutberg.

(camera shutter clicking)

The theory is-- robbery on the high seas.


Nah, more like floating home invaders.

Only sign of Anna so far is this broken computer with the initials A.H.

(camera shutter clicking)

Got something here.

Brody: Looks like a piece of wet suit.

Doesn't match either of our victims.

Could be Anna's.

She struggles with the thieves, maybe slips or pushed overboard.

It's unlikely she would have been taken hostage if we have two victims.

Maybe she jumped to get away from the thieves.

She's out there treading water somewhere.

Muscle fatigue and hypothermia, worst-case scenario, Anna could survive probably eight hours in the Gulf.

And the best?

Well, she had a wet suit on.

I've seen people make it 24, 48 hours, but that's a lot of time in the water.

A lot of time to find her.

One way or the other, we got to bring her home.

Talked to the crew's advisor, got their bios. a diver and oceanographer.

Cindy Rutberg, 27, from Maine, dual major, ecology and biology.

And then there was our admiral's daughter, Anna Huntley, 28, biologist and mother of toddler Jeremy.

What were they doing at sea?

Five-day tour, studying the effects of climate change.

Got the boat's equipment list.

Dive tanks, mini-ROV, sonar, GPS, even a zodiac-- all stolen.

Should we maybe think about the fact that Anna could be in on this?

Two dead bodies, no sign of her anywhere.

I got to tell you guys, I am not into your fancy coffee.

It took me a while to get used to the chicory, too.


Help yourself, Borin, we got two-day-old waffles in there, too, if you missed them.

Oh, sounds delicious, but just need better coffee.

That's my cup.

You're welcome.


Told Agent Borin she can work out of the conference room.

Run the search for Anna Huntley from there.

Uh, SAR-OPS came back with an alpha drift.

So I've been working on locales where Anna may be treading water.

Brody: Looks like half the Gulf, all the way to the Louisiana coastline.

Borin: Ten hours and counting to find her.

Pride, Admiral Huntley is on his way in.

Wants an update.

No pressure.

That other case, the missing person, just got a positive I.D.

Both: Go.

We got this.

Thank you.

Missing man was going by the name Richard Kimble.

Guess he was a frequent flyer at the squat you flagged.

I pulled him before my guys went in, did a sweep for dr*gs.

Man: I told you, idiots!

Didn't find nothing on him.

I appreciate it, Simms.


Man: I was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Third cell on the left.

Appreciate it.

Man: Oh, that's fine, you want to ignore me?

I'll go to the press!

Me and my friends here.

We'll have a little sit-down with Diane Sawyer.

Tell her what a crappy con you got going on here.

(buzzer sounds, door unlocks)

How you doing, baby brother?

Hey, “Rich Kimble,” really?

As in Dr. Richard Kimble?

All of a sudden, you're the Fugitive now?

Well, seemed kind of fitting.

I mean, I am being chased and all.

Yeah, I have searched every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse for you.

So, uh, Mama know you found me?

I'll call her when we get in the car, let's go.

Where we going?

New Orleans, home.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I do not think so.

Cade, for five years, we've been wondering if you were dead or alive.

Hey, lookee here, I'm alive.

Let's go.


Look, you got two options.

Either you leave with me or get thrown into the state-run prison psych facility.

So what'll it be?

New Orleans is awful beautiful this time of year.

Open up!

What's the latest on the search for my daughter?

We have our team out in full force looking for her.

What kind of pattern you running?

Parallel search, S-shaped pattern, sir.

But I got to be honest with you, it's a very large area.

Admiral: First, I get a call this morning from you guys tell that Anna is missing, and out of the blue, I get a call from the babysitter saying that she hasn't picked up Jeremy, yet.

I can command an entire carrier, no problem.

But this, a toddler...

I'm lost.

I just don't remember kids being this much work when Anna was this age.

But, then again, I wasn't around much.

You were busy serving your country.

Yeah, well, try telling that to a kid, right?

Come on, buddy, up we go, one, two, three.

There we are.

I was there maybe for holidays, graduations, her mother's funeral, but that distance... that distance created distance.

We are doing everything we can to find Anna, sir.

You need any of my contacts, any of my resources, you be sure to reach out.

Yeah, we will.

Wade: The g*n that k*lled Cindy was a nine-millimeter.

She was shot three times.

Once in the heart, which k*lled her.

The other two b*llet wounds are here-- one on the hand and her lower leg.

A hand and a leg?

Seems random.

Like the k*ller didn't know what they were doing.

And Mr. or Ms. Didn't Know What They Were Doing left a clue.

I found this in one of Cindy's b*llet wounds.

It's a metal of some sort.

Brody: From the k*ller's g*n?

Could be.

I'll have Sebastian process.

Hey, Sebastian.


One thing that's interesting is none of Mark's b*llet wounds k*lled him.

He died because of this: an indentation on the head which is consistent with the boat rail.

I also found something under the cuff of the wet suit.

Take a look.

What the hell are those?

I'm still trying to identify the species, but it's some sort of benthic worm.

Which, by the way, if I ever have a band, will be the name of said band. (chuckles)

Well, when Sebastian figures out where they came from, it could help you determine where the victims we ding.

Which will help us narrow down our search for Anna.

Mm-hmm. And in the meantime, I ran the paint traces through the Mass Spec.

Got a hit on this.

The visible white pat matched some cheapo lead-laden stuff, but inside it were traces of Radiant Red.

It's a particular formula that was created for this.

An Azimut Yacht Racer.

Now why would you paint over a beautiful boat like that?

Patton: A red Azimut was stolen five months back from a yacht club in Key West, Florida.

Thieves snuck in, turned the key and just left.

Owners took this before it was stolen.

Thieves painted over it with cheap white paint.

Pride: Surveillance?

Description of thieves?

Just a witness description of our perps to go off of.

Pride: “Kind of an older Brad Pitt mixed with some younger George Clooney. Late 40's, scar on his cheek, beard and a sexy tan. Seen fleeing with two young women in bikinis.”

You're kidding me.

What it says.

I got enough for FaceMatch.


Agent Borin...

Patton Plame, master digital forensic sketch artist.

Heard you're also a master hacker.

Can't believe everything you hear.

How you like me now?

You just rendered an image of every divorced rich man in the South.

Think you can do better?

No. No.

But I do have an idea.


Pride: How's Cade?

He's a mess, King.

Up or down?

He was up.

Angry, but up.

Just means the down's coming.

Got a 48-hour psych hold at Southern Louisiana Memorial.

Doctor's gonna run tests, get him back on track.

After that?

Honestly, I ain't got a clue.

Distract me, King.

What's going on here?

Speed dating.

Coast Guard style.

Muy Bonita.

Here, why don't you focus on the picture, Julio?

Have you seen this man?

Stole a schmancy boat, has two girlfriends.

We think he might have information about a missing girl.

I rub your backs and you rub mine.


Borin: Come on, Julio, cough it up.

His name is Clive... something.

He uses the women to lure boats.

Steals from them and sells to people like me.

Where does Rico Suave keep his boat?

The Empire Marina.

Keep the picture.

There's Clive.

Fastest BOLO in agency history.

World's dumbest criminal, too.

Let's go.

(speaking low, indistinctly)


Hands in the air.


Clive Roberts?

(Clive grunts, woman screams)




What's your hurry?

Ow! Let go!

Lasalle: Get your ass up.

What do we got?

It's all here.

Crew's wallets, Anna's backpack, and this.

Same type of g*n that was used on the victims.

You k*lled these two people and you threw her overboard.

Where is she?

No. Those two were already dead when we stole that stuff off their boat.

Look again. Look at her.

I haven't seen her in my life. Ever.

Get them out of here.

Borin: That's what they all say.

What do you think?

Looks good for it: all the stolen equipment, possible m*rder w*apon.

(phone ringing)




Patton: Pride, you know how you always say, “Go, learn things”?

Yeah. Well, I've been going through surveillance from the Empire dock, looking for Clive.

This was taken yesterday.

I have an estimated time of death from Dr. Wade.

That, plus the area where the boat was-- there's no way Clive had time to k*ll those people.

Pride: So Clive was telling the truth.

They didn't get there until after Mark and Cindy were dead.

Patton: Oh, but check this out.

I finally got something off of that video card from Anna's laptop.

Date-stamped the same day the boat went missing.

(man grunts)

Woman: Stop!

(man shouting)

Woman: Stop!

(shouts, grunting)

(man grunts)

Woman: No!

Woman: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, he's dead.

Wait, is that...?



I just got off with Search and Rescue.

Now, based on the coordinates where Clive said he robbed the boat, we've narrowed the search area for Anna down to here.

Does she have a record of any kind?

Lasalle: No arrests, no history of v*olence, and doesn't own a g*n.

We've got two dead bodies and a woman wielding a Beretta.

My guess is, from the look in her eyes, this is personal.

Lasalle: Picture only tells half the story, Brody.

She could be protecting herself from pirates or a sea monster, for all we know.

We need more Intel on those people who were on the boat with her.

How 'bout doubling back with the woman who gave us their bios?

Their advisor, Dr. Sandra Jones, oceanographer, scholar and known algae-hugger.

Borin, you're with me.

Lasalle, Brody-- stay here and keep digging.

Is there any news on Anna?

We're still looking for her.

But given the amount of time she's been in the Gulf, we may now be looking at a recovery, rather than a rescue.

I hope not, for her son's sake.

You knew Anna well?

She was one of my best students. Strong work ethic. Single mother balancing school and a child. It was difficult for her, but she was very dedicated.

Did Anna have any problems with anyone?

Do you know if she owned a g*n?

Did she ever seem impatient, or angry, or...?

Whoa, you-you don't think that she...

Pride: We're just gathering information.

If Anna had a g*n, or a temper, I didn't know of it.

What about her relationship with Mark and Cindy?

What was that like?

Look, you have to understand that the three of them spent a lot of time together on that boat.

I mean, doing very important work.

Climate change affects all of us.

We just chose to ignore it...

I'm sorry, Professor Jones, you were talking about the crew?

Yes. Um... yeah.

Um, a few months ago, I saw Mark and Cindy at dinner.

Friends can have dinner.

Friends don't kiss other friends on the lips.

Well, sometimes, after a few drinks...

What? I'm saying it happens.

Needless to say, I was surprised to see Mark with Cindy.

Why's that?

Well, I thought Anna and Mark were together.

I mean, he even wrote her a check when she got behind on her college tuition.

Friends with benefits.

Patton: I went through Anna's e-mails.

Tidal charts and salinity reports.

Just all science stuff.

Nothing to back up a jealous lover theory.

Brody: Got something.

Looks like she racked up some IOUs.

$80,000 in student loans and another ten grand in credit card debts.

Pride: So if Anna's our k*ller, that would mean she decided to stick up a couple of fellow grad students out in the middle of the ocean?

Something doesn't fit.

Well, if I could just put together more of her busted-up video card, maybe it would.

Right now, Anna's the only one who could tell us what really happened out there.

(phones chiming)

(Brody laughs)

“Sebastian Lund and The Benthic Worm. Live from Jefferson Parish Morgue.”

Borin: I'm in. Who's taking me to the show?

Thank you.

Oh, Agent Pride, you're here.

We are here.

Oh. Hello.

I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm really freakin' excited right now.

When I get this way, I tend to miss glaring social cues.

Like a gorgeous, imposing woman I don't know standing right in front of me.

I'm gonna stop talking.

CGIS Special Agent Abigail Borin.

Agent Borin, yes, of course.

Miss Sciuto in D.C. has told me all about you.

Love that Abby.

So, what do you got?

Oh, well, uh, take a look at the monitor while I slide this in here.

Borin: Hmm.


Yeah, that's a very astute observation.

They do look like microscopic alien life-forms that inhabited the universe by getting trapped in debris...

How the hell do you know that?

Are you a scientist?

You work for the government? (clears throat)

(whispers): Like, the government, government?

No, no, no. Just saw it on TV.




What are they?

Oh, uh, meiobenthos.

These beauties belong to the group Gastrotricha.

See, thing is, these little guys are only found in this area here; to see one on land is incredibly rare.

I mean, we should consider ourselves really lucky.

Like, we should go out and play the lottery.

So how does this connect to the case?

Loretta pulled it from Mark's wet suit.

Meaning he was in that area.

And Anna Huntley may be as well.

We're looking at a live feed from the UROV right now.

UROV Pilot: Approaching the target area now.

There's something over there.


Check your three o'clock, Lieutenant.

Looks like we could have something.

Pilot: Turning 30 degrees starboard.

Appears to be wreckage, not a body, ma'am.

No, it's not.

Those look like silver coins-- old silver coins.


And a motive for m*rder.

Ahoy, mateys!

Sebastian: Hop on board the S.S. Sebastian.

You got my message.

I did.

As well as some samples that Coast Guard Search and Rescue pulled from the site.

You guys may not have found Anna Huntley's body, but you did find authentic antique Spanish pesos.

Ooh, pesos.

Yeah. Carbon-dated the coins to the mid 1700s.

Pretty sure they came from a Spanish wreck called the El Cazador.

Boat was discovered in the '90s, not all the silver was.

But... none of that is important, come look at this.

See this, uh, discoloration here?

Borin: Mm-hmm.

Watch what happens when I drop some acid.

For... science.

The bubbles mean that there was real silver here.

How much is one of those pesos worth today?

About $500 a pop.

The government turned the area into a marine research preserve before anyone could figure out how many were really down there.

Makes you wonder what else they're keeping from us.

We should call Mulder and Scully.

Best villain: Tooms or Pusher?


Best episode: “Squeeze” or “Drive”?


Who are you?

Okay, so...

Anna steals the pesos...

...k*lled her friends and escaped on the dingy, or... she got in the way of someone who did.

The truth is out there, Pride.

We just haven't found it yet.

(phone ringing)


Yes, sir.


Admiral Huntley.

Says his daughter is alive.

And he has proof.

Borin: “I'm sorry. Don't let Jeremy hate me.

Make sure he has his Lamby".


A stuffed animal.

Jeremy sleeps with it.

I don't understand.

Where's my daughter?

Sir, I have my people running a trace.

And we're still searching for her, but based on these texts and the lack of cell reception at sea, I mean, we got to guess that she's on land.

And on the run.

Admiral Huntley, uh... we believe Anna may have had something to do with what happened on the RV Acadiana.

You think that... my daughter k*lled these people?

Why? Why would you say that?

She was having serious money problems.

Student loans, credit card debt.

Even Jeremy's preschool.

Any ideas where she'd go if she was in trouble?

Who she'd turn to for help?

No. No, she... she would never confide in me.

Even when she was pregnant with Jeremy, she didn't tell me.

When I did find out, I pushed her away.


Guy she was with was scum.

Would she try to contact him?


No, he left her high and dry.

And she said fine, I'll raise the kid on my own, I'll work, I'll put myself through school and by God, that's exactly what she did.

Course I wasn't there to keep tabs on her.

And now this.

Well, it looks like I screwed up with one kid and now I've been left to screw up another.

Oh, look at the truck.




I just followed up with the Coast Guard.

(chuckles) Oh, wow, your hands are sticky.

Okay, Coast Guard.

Yeah, no sign of Anna...


Oh, yeah. Sorry, uh, no sign of you-know-who D-E-A-D or A-L-I-V-E.

Cell phone?

Mm, tried, no signal.

It's been shut down. Nothing.

It's hard to believe she's the K-I-L-L-E-R.

Well, she does have M-O-T-I-V-E.

I don't think you have to spell that one.

(chuckles) I can't imagine anyone doing something that would (phone rings) cause them to run away from these cute cheeks.

Lasalle here.

I think you have very cute cheeks.


Okay, thanks.


You okay?

Yeah, my brother.

He's running again.

Don't do this.

Don't leave.

I have to.

See, there's things that you don't know.

Bad things.

They're gonna find me.

What do you mean?

Chris, unless I've committed a crime or I've threatened somebody, you can't keep me here.

We've sung this tune before, buddy.

Look, Cade, just stop.

Look, stay here and take your medication.


Medication's supposed to make you feel better.

These make it so I don't feel like myself.

I feel like some numb, stupid version of myself, Chris.

I'm sorry, buddy, I'm hitting the road.

Come on, wait a sec.

Look, you know where this goes from here.

You walk out that door and... and Mom goes into her own tailspin.

Doesn't eat, doesn't sleep.

And I go back to worrying about you.


Let's fix this.


You and me, all right?

Can I ask you a question?

If I had cancer... would you still be blaming me for being sick?

I ain't blaming you for being sick.

I'm just pissed off you ain't fighting like hell to get better.

(short laugh)

I'm not a fighter, Chris.

That's-That's you.

We both know that.

Hey, you don't need my troubles, anyway.

All right? I-I'll see you when I see you, Chris.

Texts Anna sent came from land, which explains why your people couldn't find her.

Maybe, but... you know my gut.

I-I just got a weird feeling about this one.

Maybe it's that Food Mart sludge you got in your hand.

More like mud, but it'll do the trick.


So we're saying Anna pulled up a bunch of treasure from the bottom of the ocean and then she k*lled her friends over it and then she's trying to sell it?

Too much crime for one person.

An accomplice?

No evidence showing that anybody else was involved in the m*rder.

How do you turn old money into new?


There are lots of ways to change antique money on the black market-- you can launder it, go to some underground collector, or use bitcoin.

How's it work?

Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange.

I dug into the Deep Web, I posed as a buyer and I found a guy selling pesos from the El Cazador site.

Got 100 of them.

Here's his Web site right here.

Brody: Steven Merris.

Booty Hauls salvage tour service.

“Ride my booty.” That's classy.

Any record of v*olence?

Really? “Ride my boot” not violent enough for you?

No record.

But a few months back he had a slip at the marina the RV Acadiana was docked.

What do you bet Merris and Anna made some kind of deal?


We have a few questions for you about the El Cazador.

That's in a marine preserve, off-limits.

My tours don't go there.

Then, uh... who's been fronting you the silver pesos?

This girl, Anna Huntley?

Never seen her before.

Hey, what are you, uh, what are you doing?

Exactly what it looks like I'm doing-- poking around.

I don't think this should take very long.

Borin: Hey, Pride.

That look familiar to you?

Same as Anna's boat.

Hey, Merris, you ever drop acid?


Antique silver pesos.

Wonder where you got these.

Borin: Okay, you take the boats, I'll cut him off.

Pride: Brody, secure the evidence!

Got him?

I got him.

Come on... Come here!

Pride: Get down... Come here!

Aah! I broke my ankle!

Yeah. I had him.

You did.

Thank you.

I need a doctor, I'm hurt.

Both: Shut up.

Those were a gift from a client.

Then why'd you run?

Come on, Merris.

We know you've been selling your booty on the Internet.

Did I really just say that?

You were illegally excavating El Cazador when the Acadiana waded up.

You'd finally found your Atlantis, worked too hard to let some punk grad students ruin it, so you k*lled them.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

You did.

Either on your own or with Anna Huntley's help.

This girl's been salvaging the Cazador?

I've been working my ass off for years trying to bring up those pesos.

Sometimes at night, Jelly fish stings, and in the heat.

Sounds awful.

Merris, go on.

I think this girl's my competition.

Last couple of days, she's been driving down the bitcoin price on the pesos.

Does she have a screen name?



I'll let Patton know.

(bicycle bell rings)

He tell you what kind of trouble?

No, Cade didn't say.

Could just be some story he made up in his head.

(sighs) If he would just stay put.

You can't fix him.

Yeah, I know.

But I can't do nothing.

You know that.

It's not me.

Best thing you can do is just be there... when he's ready.

What if he never is?

Then he never is.

Christopher, sometimes people just need to know that someone's willing to take a chance on them, no matter what.

Someone did that for me, once.

Hmm. Yes, they did.

(phone beeps)


Talk to me.

Meet SunkenTreasure14.

Brody: Anna.

If Merris is to be believed.

How come we couldn't find her before?

Well, her Deep Web storefront was being concealed by an Onion Router-- that's tech, not a food.

Good to know.

Patton: Anyway, I got in.

I got chatty, I learned that she is selling antique Spanish Pesos.

I reached out to her, she agreed to an authentication meet in an hour.

Tell SunkenTreasure we'll meet her at the chess tables at Jackson Square.

We'll reserve a table for her.

Got it. Come on.

♪ ♪

(over radio): I got a lady in a gray hat, and red scarf, just like Patton said.

On your toes, everyone.

Lasalle: Headed your way, Borin.

Yeah, I see her.

It's not Anna.

NCIS. Hands up.

Hands up.

Professor Jones.

Just needed to make some change, huh?

I-I, I don't know what you think I did.

“Think”? Try “know.”

You took Anna's cell phone, you texted Admiral Huntley.

Made it look like his daughter did all of this.

Th-Th-This wasn't supposed to happen.

It was just a stupid accident.

I spent my entire life working, researching, nothing to show for my work, no money.

Corporations, oil companies-- they make billions trashing the environment, and I get nothing.

I proposed we split it, they refused.

Mark threatened to throw it overboard. The... the... the...

She has a child!

Do you understand that?

A little boy.

Did you even think about that?!

Look, I panicked. I panicked, okay?

And I-I went for the safety g*n, and then... then, Mark lunged for it, and it... and it went off.

And he lun... he fell back, and he hit his head, and then, Cindy was screaming, and then... and then... and then, Anna got the g*n, and then, I got it back.

And then, I...

And then, you shot her, and then, you shot all of them.


For her family... can you tell us where we can find her body?

Pride: They found her body a quarter-mile from the El Cazador site.

She was lying just below the surface, tucked in a reef.

Search and Rescue pulled her up from there.

Doc Wade said Anna died of a single g*nsh*t wound-- a through-and-through, she called it.

But there's something else.

Dr. Wade found metal from the zipper of Anna's wet suit inside one of Cindy's b*llet wounds.

I don't understand.

It means that Anna must have jumped in front of Cindy when Professor Jones fired at her.

Admiral... your daughter died trying to protect her friend.

She was always braver than me.

When I found out she was pregnant with Jeremy, I, um... fought like hell for her... not to have him.

Now... thank God she did.

I'm sure you'll do her memory proud, Admiral.

Damn right.

I'm going to care for Jeremy, and I'm gonna be there for him, like I never was for her.

Thank you. Excuse me.


Anna (on video): It's perfect out here.

But don't worry at all...

Come to Grandpa.

Mommy's coming home soon, okay?

And one day, we are gonna sail across the ocean, Jeremy, just you and me.

Mama loves you so much, baby.

I'll see you soon, okay?

Borin: You got a good crew, Pride.

Hope I didn't push too many buttons.


It's what you do. It gets the job done.

(laughs) You're a good agent with good instincts.


Sure I can't get you a cab?

And miss a walk through the corridor? Not a chance.

Next time, we're getting a bourbon.

Or a Sazerac.


Even better.

♪ I was fresh out of the service ♪
♪ It was back in '82 ♪
♪ I raised some Cain when I come back to town... ♪

You know, before I changed my name to Rich Kimble...

I was going with Cade Caulfield there for a while.

As in Holden?

You know the first time J.D. Salinger wrote about Holden Caulfield was in a short story?

Two-word title.

“I'm Crazy.”

I'm, uh...

I'm sorry about earlier, Chris.

What you said back at the hospital about all the bad things-- was that even real?

Wish it wasn't.

Oh, we'll figure it out.


Till then, we got 'Bama hoops on tonight.

Gonna put a whooping on LSU.

Got some beers in the fridge and some steaks, too.

I can go for that.

Roll tide.

♪ Swing low and carry me home. ♪
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