01x07 - Behold a Pale Rider

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Banshee". Aired January 11, 2013 to May 20, 2016.*
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A ruthless Ukrainian gangster hunts his former top thieves: a woman living in the small Pennsylvania town of Banshee under a fake identity, married to the District Attorney, and her former partner, a recently-paroled master thief who assumes the identity of the town's new sheriff.
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01x07 - Behold a Pale Rider

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Banshee...

We could do a bank, do diamonds.

Do you have any idea what it takes to crack a truck like that?

No, none at all. That's why you're here.

You're still the same reckless thrill junkie you were 15 years ago.

You're not so different.

I'm not out there risking everything for the thrill.

I wasn't the one driving the getaway car.

Here to savor the moment.

Enjoy it, Mr. Mayor.

Because a moment is all you'll get.

You have no right to bring her in here.

Mom, I'm not in trouble.

If you want to see or speak to my daughter, you ask me first.

I want him.

I can't do that..

If you could, you would be free.

They don't like to see a black man with a badge.

Hey, it's okay, guys. His wife is white.

I'm ready... to bring him to you.

She will bring him.

( screaming )

( thunder crashes )

( screams )

I'm ready to bring him to you.



( music playing )

♪ Banshee 1x07 ♪
Behold a Pale Rider
Original Air Date on February 22, 2013

( saw buzzing )

Mr. Proctor.

Hello, Kai.

Hold the work. Clear the room.

( buzzer sounds )

I'll call you guys later.

Would you excuse us, Burton?

Last time you spoke to me, we were pulling yams in your father's field.

You barely even had that beard yet.

I've come to talk to you about Rebecca.

How is your daughter?

There's no need to pretend.

I know that she talks to you.

She defies every other rule, so why not that one?

I wouldn't have come if I didn't think-- she is my daughter and I love her.

But she is getting lost.

What happened to you has saddened me.

I don't want to lose her.

I understand.

She trusts you.

And because of that, maybe she would listen to you.

Maybe she would.


I still pray for you, Kai.

And they were carrots, not yams.

( water running )

Don't you got to get going?


I don't think a few kids in Saturday detention will be too crushed if I'm a little late.


What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm just distracted.

You've been distracted for the last year, Dan.

Yeah, well, there's a lot going on at work.

Well, what about what's going on here?

Or not going on, actually.

Well, I'm just a little bit stressed out.

Okay. I've got to go to work.

Lucas: Four casino guards, two drivers, and another in the back.

Job: I've studied the photos and the schematics.

And it's like I said, we ain't getting into that truck once it's closed.

Well, we can't take 'em in that loading bay, if that's what you're thinking.

We'd be dead inside a minute.

You got a better idea?

Yeah, anything but that.

Can we please set you up with a computer and Quicken or some shit?

Looking at you is like watching the History Channel.

You of all people should know that computers are not secure.

Yeah, there's a million hackers in China just dying to get their hands on your financials.

These aren't rent-a-cops.

This is Longshadow's hand-vetted security team.

They'll die for him.

Well, what then?

( phone buzzes )

We need a friend in the truck.

Lord, I was afraid you were gonna say that.


I'll be there.

Oh, for f*ck's sake, I know it was her.

I can hear your heart beating from here.

She says she has a fence for the stones.

Just like that? f*cking spectacular.

After 15 years she just suddenly found someone.

That's what she said, Job.

There is no fence, man. You know it.

Maybe not.

Then why are you going?

Because it's her.

She is not her anymore.

And whoever she is, she's gonna get you k*lled.

We'll see.

There is p*ssy-whipped and then there is that hopeless m*therf*cker.

( machine clicks )

Oh, for f*ck's sake.


Just like old times.

Don't get too attached. This is just unfinished business.

We got no shortage of that, right?

Where'd you find these guys?

I started putting out feelers when you came to town.

A guy in Jersey came through.

You trust him?

If I trusted him, you wouldn't be coming along.

God, you were always better at this than me.

( gasps )


I'm sorry.

Ana, what are you doing?

What I have to do.

Oh, f*ck.

I'm sorry.


( engine starts )

Well, honey, is there a particular brand you want?

Well, how about whichever one gives us a yes, huh?

All right, baby. Bye.

( register rings )

( chuckles )

f*ck my shit.

Don't f*cking move!

Okay. Just calm down.

Shut the f*ck up, cop!

Keep your hands up, m*therf*cker.

( g*nsh*t )

No! Jesus!

Lance, was that f*cking necessary?

He reached for something.

Please, let me help him.

Get on your f*cking knees.

Get on your f*cking knees!

Please, no.

( g*nsh*t )

f*ck me.

Finish him!

Finish him! Let's go!

f*ck me.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me.

Surely goodness, mercy, and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Alma, I've got a robbery in progress.

sh*ts fired and a civilian down in the drugstore.

Stop! Hey! Step away from that car!

( g*nf*re )

You should've finished him in the store, you p*ssy.

It was a highly charged situation.

And what do you call this?

k*lling a cop has ramifications.

Jesus! f*ck!

( tires squeal )

( crashes )

( g*nf*re )

Sir, are you all right?

Okay, look, stay here. I'll call an ambulance.

Alma, they're on foot heading towards the Oak Street parking garage.

( siren blaring )

( panting )

Brock, they just crossed Oak Street.

Repeat, they just crossed Oak.

( panting )

That fucker is still coming.

( lawn mower humming )

Suspects heading towards Banshee High School gymnasium.

I said stop!


Come here!

No! No!

( screams )

Let her go now!

( g*nsh*t )

Ow, f*ck!

( sobbing ) No!

Do you have any idea what kind of shitshow you just started?

One of these days we're gonna find you a functioning set of balls.

Oh, great. Good old BHS.

Shit, more cops.

( sirens blaring )

Help him up!

They ain't gonna come in.

Not when we have us a hostage.

Girl: Mrs. Kendall?

What the f*ck is this?

It's detention.

Get down here now!

Get down from there! Get up! Move your ass!

Get over here!


( groans )

Well, this is new.

I must have gotten the dosage wrong.

You shouldn't have woken up yet.

You called him?

I gave you every chance to leave. I begged you.

I didn't want to leave.

I would tell you to think about what you're doing, but I'm guessing you already have.

I'm protecting my family.

You really think he won't come after you?

That's the deal.

He's gonna t*rture me to find you.

And you're not gonna tell him.

I'm gonna sing my f*cking lungs out.



I'll catch up to you.

( TV playing )

Anything else?

Yeah, one of them is named Lance.

This place was like church to me.

We were 1983 state champs.

I started at point guard.

You know how many points I averaged a game, Future Horse?

20 points.


Lance: g*dd*mn nice.

Get down. Get down.

Any movement in the front?

No, all the doors are chained up except this one.

Okay, that'll help us.

Let me see this.


All the doors are padlocked shut.

There's no f*cking way out of here.

Lance, can we focus?

Can you get off my d*ck?

We've got to get the f*ck out of here.

Oh, I forgot. You hate this place, don't you?

Hey, look what she's got.

Hey, hey, hey!

What, are you filming us? Feisty, huh?

Leave her alone. They're just kids.

But you're not, are you?

You called Hood, right?

Hood's off today.

He's out of town on personal business.

Brock, he's the sheriff.

All right, fine.

Alma, get me the sheriff.

Alma: I've been trying him. No answer.

Why am I not surprised?

I just say we go in.

No, we wait.

They've already k*lled one person. We're not rushing in.

All right, listen, keep me here, but let the students go.

Get all their f*cking phones.

Give me your phones. Let's go. Give me your phones!

Siobhan, do another perimeter check, all right?

Check every window.

Any movement in any room, you radio in, all right?

She all right?

She's still coming around.

Oh, shit.

( grunts )

( phone ringing )

Hey! How we doing?

They got f*cking TV cameras set up out there.

This shit's getting out of control.

Time to talk.

Talk to who?

You're on this, huh?

I got the call from Harrisburg. I was the closest man.

I'm working at scrambling a SWAT team from Philly.

All right.

Where's Hood?

He's out of town on personal business.

We're trying to reach him, but I can handle this.

Alma: Brock.

Go for Lotus.

I've got Janie Kendall, the mayor's wife, on the line.

She's with the gunmen.

Put her through.

Janie, this is Brock Lotus. You okay?


Tell him it's simple.

He says to tell you it's simple.

We want a car and an easy way out.

They want a car with a way out. ( gasps )

We want it within an hour.

They want it within an hour.

Or bad things will happen in here.

Or bad things will happen.

Janie, is everyone all right in there?

Just tell him to get the f*cking car.

Who's with you?

Janie: Get the f*cking car.

A gangster named Kassin k*lled my father.

I heard soon after that he'd left Ukraine and gone to Kunda.

I went there, but I couldn't find him.

Then a few years later, I was in Yalta on business.

I turned the corner and there was Kassin carrying a bottle of wine.

( laughs )

We saw each other at the same moment.

It was like two old friends running into each other.

I gutted him like a fish right there in the street.

That night I drank his wine with my dinner.

Reporter: We break from the regular program and go live to Banshee, Pennsylvania.


We're here outside Banshee High School in Banshee, Pennsylvania.

So far what we have to report is that a pair of armed gunmen have taken hostages here in the school's gymnasium after fleeing a robbery gone wrong.

We know at least one person has been k*lled at this time.

One hostage posted a video on her Facebook page and we have that footage.

The police confirm that they have been in contact with the gunmen, but are releasing no information regarding the identity of the men...

We are close, no?

Just 15 miles.

These are all the Lances that Alma could find in our system.

Lance McManus, Lance Hershler,

Lance Mangan.

Him. Mangan.

Jesus, I remember him.

He was a point guard back in the day.

A golden boy.

Yeah, not anymore.

He shot that cashier like it was target practice.

Brock! Brock!

What's going on?

All right, listen, listen.

I talked to Janie. She's okay.

All right? Gordon, hey.

Deva's inside. She had detention.

We know.

Where's the sheriff?

What do we know? What steps are you taking, Brock?

Gordon, come on. Dan, please.

Just stay back. Stay back behind the barrier.

For your own safety, all right?

Come on, Carrie, pick up.

( phone ringing )

( breathing heavily )


Wait, what?

What the f*ck are you doing?

Are you f*cking with her?


Yes, you are. You're f*cking with her.

Instead of trying to get us out of here, you're acting like a f*cking assh*le.

f*ck you.

Why'd you have to sh**t that g*dd*mn cashier?

He was reaching for something.

I said I was sorry.

Yeah, well, are you sorry for all of this shit, huh?

Because that's on you, too.

You know, you don't f*cking think shit through.

( grunts )

Can we focus here?

( sighs )

The police confirm that they have been in contact with the gunmen, but are releasing no information regarding the identity of the men or the nature of the contact.
( straining )

( wood cracking )

( muffled shouting )

( wood cracking )

( muffled shouting )

( wood cracking )

Don't worry.

( pounding on door )



Oh, f*cking spectacular.

How did you find me?

I have a tracker on your phone.

Come on!

( yelling )



Enough of this bullshit, man.

We've got to get the f*ck out of here.

Get the f*ck out of my way.


You don't need to look at this.

You don't need-- f*ck!

Just don't f*ck with me. Don't look.

( sobbing ) Please.

No, please.

Please don't. They'll give you what you want.

I know they will.

So will you.

You bastard! Bastard!

( shrieking )

( sobbing )

Don't. Don't!

( phone ringing )


Brock: Car's here for you now.

I'll call you back.

Come on. We'll pick this up later.

( spits )

Hey, hey. I've been trying-- hey, hey, hey!

Listen to me. Listen to me.

Deva's in there?

They're doing everything they can.

( phone rings )

Brock: Yeah?

Listen up.

No, you listen.

You're Lance Mangan. I remember you.

Who the f*ck are you?

Brock Lotus. I was a year behind you in school.

Yeah, well, I don't remember you.

Well, I remember you were all-state.

You started at point guard. You called smart plays.

See if you can call a smart play now.

All right? Your car is here.

You want it moved up there by the door, I'm gonna need something from you.

Let's get the kids out of there.

I'll send out four kids.

Then you move the car to the door.

All right, it's a deal.

You four in the front, you're leaving.

One, two, three, four. Get up.

Nathan, bring them to the door.

Let's go. Come on, move.

I said four. Future Horse stays right here.

She's coming with me. I'm not leaving without her.

It's okay, Beaty, go.


( groans )

Nathan: What the f*ck?

Run! Run!

Get back here! Get back down!

Watch them!

Sit down!

No! No!

Wait a minute, teacher.

Brock, can you please give us an update?

I'd like one, too.

What's going on? You going in?

Brock: No. I just negotiated the release of four of the kids.

Great. Where are they?


Xavier: Hood, these men are willing to k*ll.

You go in there g*ns blazing, you're gonna have a handful of dead children.

Who said anything about g*ns blazing?

You can't walk in there-- ah!

Don't touch me.

We follow him in, right?

I'm not following him anywhere. He's insane.

We stay to protocol. We wait out here.

( door closes )

What the f*ck?

I'm unarmed.

Don't f*cking move.

I came in here to help you work this out.

f*ck you.

You're in some deep shit here, man.

Lance, get back here!

Where's Lance?


Future Horse.

( siren whoops )

You're not gonna walk out of this.

They won't let you go.

They have to. We have hostages.

That doesn't matter anymore.

That's gone. You k*lled a man.

I didn't k*ll anyone!

It was f*cking Lance.

I believe you.

Lance k*lled him. What's your name?

You don't need to know my f*cking name.

Boy: It's Nathan.

Shut the f*ck up!

Hey, hey, hey, Nathan.

Back the f*ck up.

I can help you.


Get the f*ck back here! Back up!

Lance can't help you. I can.

Oh, my God! Come on!


Don't f*cking move.

I will f*cking k*ll you.

I don't think so.

Yes, I will.

No, not you.

Yes, I will.

Not you, man.

I will f*cking k*ll you.

You're no k*ller, Nathan.

Yes, I am.

It's Lance.


Lance-- he's the k*ller.

No, I am a f*cking k*ller.

( g*nshots )

( screams )

sh*ts fired. We're going in.

All of you up. Out, now.

Hold your fire!

It's the students.

Get clear!

Stay down. Come on. Come on.

( crowd applauding )

Where's Deva?

I don't know.

Where's my daughter?

She's inside.

Go forward!


It's okay.

Let's-- let's go home, okay?

( sobbing )

( groans )

( screams )

Get up, Future Horse.

Nathan, I got 'em. Nathan.

( Deva whimpering )

Nathan. Oh, no, no, no.


( Deva screams )

Oh, f*ck.

( shouts )

Let her go, Lance.

Drop your f*cking g*n.

Not gonna happen.

SWAT: Stand down, Sheriff.

I'll f*cking k*ll her!

Let the girl go.

I'll f*cking blow her head off!

Drop that f*cking g*n now.

SWAT: Drop your w*apon!

Get down the f*cking stairs right now!

Drop your w*apon.

Drop your f*cking g*ns!

Get back!

Stand down.

Drop your g*n! Drop it!

Put it on the ground now!

( g*nshots )

( sobbing )

Sheriff. Are you injured?

Uh, no.

Good, then you can tell me...

Lucas: I defused the situation.

I did what I had to do.

You just endangered the lives of eight innocent people.

Listen, I'll give you everything you need, I promise, in my report.

Welcome to my world.

( tires squeal )

Meg: Hey.

Alma told me I'd find you here.

That guy, the cashier, he just woke up today and went to work.

He really had no idea that--

Hey, you are an excellent cop and an excellent man.

If there was something you could have done, you would have done it.

I'm pregnant.

( laughs )

( exhales )

The police have confirmed that the two gunmen were both k*lled inside the school, that the location is secure, and that all eight of the former hostages are alive and being attended by medical professionals.

The gunmen were involved in a botched robbery at a drugstore earlier today.

A local police deputy intervened and pursued them here to the high school, at which point the gunmen took eight hostages.

So now you want to tell me who the hell put the cuffs on you?

Long story.




I thought I'd find you here.

Still patching yourself up, I see.

I'll survive.

You did good work today, Sheriff.

This town owes you a real debt.

( drink pouring )

It seems I'm in your debt as well.

The DA formally dropped all charges today.

Apparently the key piece of evidence disappeared.

Hmm, and a key witness.

This is the first I've heard about that.

Well, congratulations.

You're a free man.

You know, generally, Banshee is a pretty quiet town.

But after you arrived, it's been one thing after another.

It's almost as if you brought it all with you.

"And behold a pale rider, and his name that sat upon him was Death.

And hell followed with him."

Revelations 6:8.

Yeah, I've never had much patience for people who quote scripture.

This is God's country.

You'd better acquire the taste for it.

You have a good night, Sugar.


You, too, Kai.

Are you ever gonna tell me that story?

Come on, you and Proctor.

What would we be without our secrets?

Are you gonna sh**t me?

( sighs ) I'm sorry.

( grunts )

( breathing heavily )

I'm so, so sorry.


( g*n drops )

( both moaning )

Made them all myself.

Strawberry, pecan, and this one's called triple chocolate.

The dark one.

You're not from around here, I can tell you that much.

Everyone passes through here at some point.

And I would have remembered you.

So, that accent, where are you from?

I'd rather talk about where I am.

♪ Prison stones, blood and bones ♪
♪ Every price that I pay ♪
♪ Need your bills, so you set your sails ♪
♪ For the sun to become everything ♪
♪ But the fire, it burns ♪
♪ And all you learned ♪
♪ Is nothing keeps you away ♪
♪ From the one ♪
♪ That you really love ♪
♪ That you really love ♪
♪ That you really love. ♪
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